Hi Salaam/Hotept etc

I hate forums, forums are an excuse to discuss without doing anything. mayb i am wrong but most people are here because they have nada to do.

Take a look at the world and ask ourseleves what are we actually doing to make it different. Muslims go to there little Muslim forums and vent, Jews go to Jew forums and probably make one another feel better about occupying Israel and oppressing African Jews.

We need to start to work together and flush out the ills in our society we need to sign up to real programs which bring real results. Ask your self, what did i do to day, or yesterday

have a look at people doing the work

have a look at http://www.halaqah.com

representing something that will make a difference, do we support these people---NO!

do we write letters to the governments--NO
Do we stand up in public and say no to invasion---NO
Do we make a stand against the nasty things they say about our leaders and organizations like what they write about HT--NO

so why r we here? Why is this happening to us?

Because we have fallen from Gods favor, we are getting licks for the wrongs we have done.

* Our oppression of women, yes that right, Qu'ran gives womens rights we take them away,
* Our legacy of racism, we oppress African Muslims we dont let them marry our women
* We dont speak truth when we see oppression in Muslim Lands