Water Crisis in Palestine

By Mohammed Yahia

Editor - IslamOnline.net

To listen to the interview, click here.

Amidst the ongoing conflict in Palestine, a water crisis is silently
unfolding in Gaza Strip and the West Bank.Millions of people are left
living well below the line of water starvation. To add to their
misery, their drinking water is contaminated by sea water and sewage.
The underground resources are being over-exploited and very soon none
may remain for the most densely populated area in the world.

Basima Bashir, a senior water engineer from Ramallah, Palestine,
joined IslamOnline.net for an interview to talk about the water
conditions in Gaza Strip and the West Bank. Bashir is a member of the
Palestinian Hydrology Group, a NGO working with local communities to
develop and protect water resources in Palestine.

To listen to the interview, click here.



Hamas inflicts first Israeli combat death this year

http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20070712/wl_nm/palestinians_israel_dc;_ylt=AudcYjdhXr31bxKSi0Oqmx z9xg8F

Olmert wants to meet Abbas ahead of releasing 250 Fatah fighters, probably to discuss a take over of Ghazzah by Fatah forces with the help of Israeli military. Israeli forces would attack with air power to destroy and kill as much as they can (under the guise of helping Fatah regain control) followed by tanks moving into Ghazzah secure the ground for Fatah thugs to take over.

Exiled Palestinian leader due to visit West Bank


I did not know that Nayef Hawatmeh was Born in 1938 to a Greek Orthodox family in Salt , Jordan ,