Salaam alaikum Dear Brothers and Sisters,

RE: deadline fast approaching for survey - don't delay please!!

We are asking for your help as a part of a survey we are conducting regarding Muslim Attitudes in the West. The questions found on our survey describe what we are studying and why. Your response to this survey is totally anonymous so please answer as honestly as possible. Everyone is busy for sure but the survey will take literally no more than 5 -10 minutes of your time and is of great significance to us living here in the West, and the poll closes in just 4 days subhanAllah! A number of other organizations are studying these issues and making dangerous conclusions which affect every one of us living in the West and so it is critical that we gather our own data to protect ourselves and continue to forward the best image.

You may respond to the survey by clicking the following URL:

(If you cannot click the link above or it wraps to two lines, please copy and paste the URL in its entirety into your browser's address bar.)

or visit the website:

Briefly I will take a moment to tell you why this survey is so important to participate in ...

About 4-6 weeks ago a research group in the US, the Pew Research Institute released a study that made certain claims about Muslims in America that were viewed with great negativity in many media circles. Particularly they tried to extrapolate one of their figures to "prove" that over one million terrorists live in the US and that they are under the age of 25. The poll that I have arranged of course doesn't have the financial or institutional back-up to discredit the Pew report nor is that the main intention; yet our poll does show the public that we take these issues seriously enough to do some internal investigation and find ways to address the problem. Furthermore, from the responses received thus far there is a great deal of valuable information that can be used to benefit our community.

There have also been those who viewed the questions with a lot of skepticism and wondered why the focus on terrorism. As Muslims, we cannot live with our heads in the sand and ignore the issues around us. People around us in the West are very scared due to what they read and hear. This does concern us greatly since Allah has sent us to spread peace and with that security. The Prphet (saas) has commanded us with "bashiru wala tunafiru" - bring people closer and don't drive them away. I already know that the overwhelming majority of Muslims are those who are tolerant, peaceful and concerned about making this world better and safer. Yet, your neighbours don't know that and the public in general doesn't know that. So make your voice heard on these issues and remember that this is primarily an internal study meant to help give us direction.

Deadline: 30/07/2007

Please encourage people in your community, workplace, masjid/Islamic center and family to complete this survey before the end of the month. Everyone's opinion matters! We have had 100's of American participants, but unfortunately only around 50 UK participants, please help!!

If you have any questions, please email [email protected]. Thank you very much for all those who have already participated, and may Allah reward each and every one of you for your time and efforts. We look forward to hearing from you!

Was-salaam alaikum

Dr. Ali Shehata