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I think i've ruiined my chances in jannah forever. :'(

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    Zobia's Avatar Full Member
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    I think i've ruiined my chances in jannah forever. :'(

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    Assalamu Alaikum

    So i suffer from waswas badly, i mean really badly. But recently alhamdulillah i've got better because now i'm able to tell what's from me and what isn't.
    A while ago i got a waswas from shayatn whilst watching TV and it happened so fast i didn't even register what it was in my mind; i knew what it was but i knew it was from shaytan and NOT me. It was about shirk so i know it wasnt me. BUT THEN because it came and went so fast , i couldnt remember what it was and so i was like ohh i dont remember what that was so i don't know if it was intentional or not. So i purposely thought of the waswas again, even though this waswas was about shirk my intention was not to commit shirk; my only intention was to remember what the waswas was so then i could judge to see if i had said this or if it was from shaytan.
    I have intentionally thought of waswas 2x in my life once as i descibed above and the second time was to show myself i disbelieved in such a thing. And NOW i feel like i'm doomed to spend etentiy in hell BECAUSE i thought of these waswas intentionally. Allah (SWT) only punishes us for what is intentional and i intended to think of these waswas YET I NEVER INTENDED TO DO SHIRK EVERRRRR !!!!! I JUST COULDN'T DO THAT !!!!!!!
    But now i just feel like thats it; my chance in Jannah is GONE ! I can't take the pain of this anymore. !!!
    Am i now accountable for thinking of waswas on purpose ?!
    Because they were about shirk and i thought of them on purpose NOT INTENDING TO DO SHIRK just so i could tell myself i disbelived in it and to help me remember what the thought was about so i could see if it was me or shaytan ?!
    I am in hellfire for eternity
    I just don't know if this is forgivable by Allah (SWT) !!
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    Re: I think i've ruiined my chances in jannah forever. :'(

    You did NOT commit shirk, insha' Allah. Whenever the waswas comes to you, you ignore it and say a'oodhu billahi min ash-shaytan ar-rajeem.

    Even if someone does commit shirk and repents before he dies from it and worships none but Allah, he will not be forever in hell.

    Try to watch Islamic programmes instead insha' Allah And ignore the evil thoughts, then remember Allah as your Carer, who understands all that is happening to you, then ask Him for help to fight these thoughts. He will help you, and make you stronger and make you a way out of this hardship.
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    Perseveranze's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: I think i've ruiined my chances in jannah forever. :'(

    "O son of Adam, as long as you call upon Me and put your hope in Me, I have forgiven you for what you have done and I do not mind. O son of Adam, if your sins were to reach the clouds of the sky and then you would seek My forgiveness, I would forgive you. O son of Adam, if you were to come to Me with sins that are close to filling the earth and then you would meet Me without ascribing any partners with Me, I would certainly bring to you forgiveness close to filling it."

    In this Hadithi Qudsi, Allah gives hope to mankind more than any other narration. It displays the quality and attribute of Allahs mercy. Indeed, He is ar-Rahman, the Most Compassionate, and ar-Raheem, the Most Merciful. In this Hadithi Qudsi, Allah tells man of the greatness of His forgiveness and mercy so that no one would despair due to the amount of sins he may have committed. This is supported by the following verse of the Holy Quran:

    Say: O My servants who have transgressed against their own souls, despair not of the mercy of Allah. Indeed, Allah forgives all sins. Truly, He is Most Forgiving, Most Merciful. (Surah az-Zumar 39:53)
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    Adem Al-Albani's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: I think i've ruiined my chances in jannah forever. :'(

    Stay away from the TV, Stay away from the TV, Stay away from the TV.

    As my Dad would say, The Shaytan box.

    The TV is full of things which opens the door and allows Shaytan to walk right in and fill up your mind with garbage.

    Protect yourself, and protect your family from the trials and fitnah of Shaytan and the fire.
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    Yassouid's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: I think i've ruiined my chances in jannah forever. :'(

    Minor shirk comes in three forms- shirk of the heart, tongue and limbs. I'm not sure you have committed any of these three.

    Always be fearful of Hell, but do not convince yourself that you have no chance of going to Jannah- this could be from Shaytan to trick you to stop performing good deeds and you're previous work went to waste.
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  8. #6
    IAmZamzam's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: I think i've ruiined my chances in jannah forever. :'(

    Nothing is unforgivable, zobia. Being repentant is enough. All the time, every time. The scriptures say this again and again. Nevertheless, it seems to me (though it's hard to tell as your OP was a bit vague and incoherent) that you think you have committed a sin just because some thoughts chanced to pop into your head. Thoughts are not sins, only intentions are. If you didn't actually want or try to engage in shirk, you have done nothing wrong. It's no use second-guessing yourself over whether you wanted to either: we have only so much control over what thoughts happen to arise in our minds.

    The one thing a believer never, ever, ever must do is despair of Allah's mercy. The Prophet (P) said that one part of God's mercy is allotted to this life and the other 69/70ths to the hereafter, and even the portion in this life is so ponderous that an animal watches where she steps for fear that she will accidentally injure her calfs.
    I think i've ruiined my chances in jannah forever. :'(

    Peace be to any prophets I may have mentioned above. Praised and exalted be my Maker, if I have mentioned Him. (Come to think of it praise Him anyway.)
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  9. #7
    gohar98's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: I think i've ruiined my chances in jannah forever. :'(

    format_quote Originally Posted by Zobia View Post
    Assalamu Alaikum

    So i suffer from waswas badly, i mean really badly. But recently alhamdulillah i've got better because now i'm able to tell what's from me and what isn't.
    A while ago i got a waswas from shayatn whilst watching TV and it happened so fast i didn't even register what it was in my mind; i knew what it was but i knew it was from shaytan and NOT me. It was about shirk so i know it wasnt me. BUT THEN because it came and went so fast , i couldnt remember what it was and so i was like ohh i dont remember what that was so i don't know if it was intentional or not. So i purposely thought of the waswas again, even though this waswas was about shirk my intention was not to commit shirk; my only intention was to remember what the waswas was so then i could judge to see if i had said this or if it was from shaytan.
    I have intentionally thought of waswas 2x in my life once as i descibed above and the second time was to show myself i disbelieved in such a thing. And NOW i feel like i'm doomed to spend etentiy in hell BECAUSE i thought of these waswas intentionally. Allah (SWT) only punishes us for what is intentional and i intended to think of these waswas YET I NEVER INTENDED TO DO SHIRK EVERRRRR !!!!! I JUST COULDN'T DO THAT !!!!!!!
    But now i just feel like thats it; my chance in Jannah is GONE ! I can't take the pain of this anymore. !!!
    Am i now accountable for thinking of waswas on purpose ?!
    Because they were about shirk and i thought of them on purpose NOT INTENDING TO DO SHIRK just so i could tell myself i disbelived in it and to help me remember what the thought was about so i could see if it was me or shaytan ?!
    I am in hellfire for eternity
    I just don't know if this is forgivable by Allah (SWT) !!
    Wait Wait Wait! You have not done shirk. You can still go to Jannat. I had same waswasas. I didn`t intend to do it. Stop worrying. Have faith in Allah.
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  10. #8
    Aishath's Avatar
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    Re: I think i've ruiined my chances in jannah forever. :'(

    Asalaamu alaykum Sister,

    Try to calm down sister. I know exactly how you feel because I go through such bad waswas myself and I still do although insha Allah, I think I might be getting better slowly. But what you described, let me assure you I have been there although most of the time I deal with thoughts of kufr but I have had thoughts of shirk as well.

    Insha Allah the answer I give you is correct but may Allah forgive me if I make any mistakes in assumptions whilst answering. Ameen.

    format_quote Originally Posted by Zobia View Post
    it happened so fast i didn't even register what it was in my mind
    First of all, I know exactly how this feels. It is an awful feeling when you sometimes get this overwhelmingly bad waswas and it just leaves you stricken and you wonder, how did THAT happen? In my case, I start wondering if it was intentional or not. As you have said, you knew it wasn't from you so that's a good step.

    I use a sort of checklist first of all to check with myself that the thought I got was waswas and this came about after the countless posts and threads I started on such issues. I ask myself the following questions:
    1. Did I believe that thought at all?
    2. Did I like that thought?
    3. Do I want it to go away?

    If the answers are No, No, Yes then I just try to ignore the thought as waswas. I know it's easier said than done and I have often done what you have described next; revisiting the scene (and often with thoughts of kufr )

    format_quote Originally Posted by Zobia View Post
    my only intention was to remember what the waswas was so then i could judge to see if i had said this or if it was from shaytan
    You have said it there yourself: Your intention was to remember what the waswas was, NOT to commit shirk. Sister, think of it this way. People often ask imams or learned people about a waswas they got to confirm that it was a waswas and not a sin. Especially in the beginning stages when you do get waswas, and you have not experienced it before and you wonder why in the world did you think this thought? You might not even know enough to call it waswas so you would say it out loud to learn about it. Just by rethinking it, I don't think it means you have committed a shirk. You have to have the full intention to commit shirk and most importantly YOU HAVE TO BELIEVE IT IN YOUR HEART in order for something to count as shirk or kufr. Just by you re-thinking a thought (especially to prove to yourself you don't believe in it) will not mean shirk.

    Ages ago, I posted a thread about kufr and here is part of a reply I got from Brother Hamza.

    'My sister firstly it is only shirk if you meant it from your heart and not just by your tongue. You were angry so said it out of anger by using your tongue and from what you stated it does'nt seem like you accepted it from your heart when you said those words but said it out of mere anger without even thinking about it.

    Secondly even if you meant it by heart if you feel remorseful which you clearly are and if you sincerely repent with the intention of never repeating such an act again which you also clearly have then inshallah you will be forgiven as Allah forgives any sin including shirk as long as one repented sincerely before death.'

    Have faith in your self and in your faith. You know you did not want to commit shirk and you didn't even say it out loud. You just merely reacted to waswas and insha Allah, that won't count as shirk as far as I know. Brother Hamza's reply to me backs it up too.

    format_quote Originally Posted by Zobia View Post
    I just don't know if this is forgivable by Allah (SWT) !!
    Don't ever despair of how great Allah (swt) mercy is. I know how you feel again. There have been times when I've thought that what I've done has been so bad that none of my deeds will ever get accepted. It is so clear that you feel remorseful about this thought you had. Just repent to Allah (swt). Insha Allah, you won't get punished for this but you can always repent though. From what I understand, shirk is unforgivable if someone dies believing in it and not repenting to Allah. You don't believe in it, and you can repent.

    I know you posted this thread awhile ago and I apologise for not having responded earlier. I only came across it and thought I would try and reply back because you have described things I have and still go through. I just wanted you to know that you are not alone in this and that shaythan keeps trying to spread his waswas. We need to try and ignore it as much as we can. Brother Hamza showed me a scholar response that having waswas is a sign of faith. Alhamdulillah, that is a beautiful thing to take away with us in that case (although getting waswas can still be so difficult to deal with). Shaythan wants you to feel like you have sinned so much that you can't ever even imagine being forgiven by Allah (swt) and that you might as well stop practicing. Don't let him win! Keep striving forward in your faith and have faith in Allah. Make Dua's to Allah (swt) to help you against waswas.

    Sister, take comfort in the fact that you are not alone when going through waswas. If you need to talk, PM me anytime. I might not be able to be of much help because I still have panic attacks when it comes to waswas. But insha Allah, I will try my best.

    May Allah help you. May Allah forgive me if I've made any mistakes in my response. Ameen.
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    Musalman's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: I think i've ruiined my chances in jannah forever. :'(

    format_quote Originally Posted by Yassouid View Post
    Minor shirk comes in three forms- shirk of the heart, tongue and limbs. I'm not sure you have committed any of these three.

    Always be fearful of Hell, but do not convince yourself that you have no chance of going to Jannah- this could be from Shaytan to trick you to stop performing good deeds and you're previous work went to waste.
    Can you tell about Minor shirk and that can it be forgiven?
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    Aishath's Avatar
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    Re: I think i've ruiined my chances in jannah forever. :'(

    format_quote Originally Posted by Musalman View Post
    Can you tell about Minor shirk and that can it be forgiven?
    Did you see the answer for this because I saw another thread where you commented I think?
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    Musalman's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: I think i've ruiined my chances in jannah forever. :'(

    Well yes! That`s the main reason and thanks sis for the reply.
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