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Important questions about Sirat bridge

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    Nitro Zeus's Avatar
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    How to cross Sirat with a blink of an eye?

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    Assalamu alaikum,

    I'm trying to find on internet what kind if people can pass Sirat bridge with a blink of an eye and what deeds they have done to deserve this. But I could not find anywhere.

    Could you please tell me how to pass Sirat bridge with a blink of an eye safe and sound? Because, that is my dream and I want to fulfill it.
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    Questions about Sirat bridge

    Assalamu alaikum,

    Can someone please tell me what should I do so that I wont slip over Sirat when I will have to walk on it?

    And what are the ways I can gain light for Sirat bridge?

    How can I increase my speed for Sirat? Because, I want to cross the bridge with the speed of light, so how can I achieve this speed?
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  4. #3
    Islami.Mu'mina's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: How to cross Sirat with a blink of an eye?

    In Saheeh al-Bukhaari (7439) and Muslim (183) it is narrated from Abu Sa‘eed al-Khudri (may Allah be pleased with him) in a lengthy hadith: “……Then the bridge will be laid across Hell.’ We said, "O Messenger of Allah! What is the bridge?’ He said, ‘It is a slippery (bridge) on which there are clamps and (hooks like) thorns which are wide at one side and narrow at the other and have bent ends. A plant with such thorns is found in Najd and is called al-Sa'daan. Some of the believers will cross the bridge as quickly as the wink of an eye, some others as quick as lightning, a strong wind, or fast horses or she-camels. So some will be safe without any harm; some will be safe after receiving some scratches, and some will fall down into Hell (Fire). The last person will cross by being dragged (over the bridge).”

    It's amazing to see you being inspired to cross the bridge super fast mashaAllah. So the question is how would we be able to do this? The goal is to become a true believer. Start reminding yourself that this Dunya is temporary and short so that you hasten to start worshipping Allah even more.
    1) Slowly cut every major sin. Then after, if you think you are sinless, keep researching about everything you do, making sure that you cut every minor sin out too. Believe me, there are many sins that we do and we don't even know about!( So first major, then minor)
    2) Repent, of course we cannot be perfect when it comes to cutting out sins. But something important is that you always feel guilty after commiting sin. When you do commit a sin after a few times. Realize that it is getting too far. Make a plan. Somehow distract yourself from the sin/bad habit, fill yourself with good thoughts. Nowadays, we have so many convenient things to help us stop with certain sins (youtube, technology,ect.)… Did you know that it takes someone 40 days to remove a habit? The first few days will SUCK. Afterwards you'll feel great. Kind of like a detox
    3) MANNERS! MANNERS! MANNERS! Learn from the prophet SWT. Treat everyone nicely. If someone is abusing you, think about the good things that they have done. (Have you heard of the saying about a glass of water filled half way? Never think "The cup of water is half empty".. Think that the glass is half full. Meaning that you should think about what you have instead of what you don't!) BE THANKFUL
    4)If you want Allah to forgive you, then forgive everyone else! Make sure to look up the Islamic ways on treating others. Don't make fun of others, get rid of hate, ect…
    5)Dhikr!!! Always do dhikr. I'm talking about SINCERE dhikr that makes you contemplate about Allah. There are certain prescribed dhikr that gives us rewards(find in the ahadith). EVEN AS YOU ARE FALLING ASLEEP!!! I try to say La Ilaha Illa la as im sleeping each night. Even though I'm half asleep! Eventually when I accidently wake up, I get the instinct to say La Ilaha Illa la
    6) Now that you have read the 5 steps, this is very important. Just like step one ( I said research about everything you do "Is this haram... yada yada… ect.")… You do the same thing but instead.. You research about sunnah! The goal of us believers are to incorporate every single thing from the sahih hadiths into our lives. There are so many sunnah!!!! (Dhikr, certain verses to recite at certain times, sunnah prayer, nafle prayer, voluntary fasts ect.)
    8) Treat your parents super well. I remember a hadith on this as a form of repentance. VERY CRUCIAL
    9)NEVER EVER HAVE THIS MENTALITY. It's ok if I do these sins because it is minor! That is the mentality of the Shaytan and it is pulling us away from deen. We all sin, but we cannot just deny that we don't need to work on it. Its a different scenario if you are someone who is working on a sin and you keep repenting SINCERELY because its so hard and you always feel guilty. See the difference. Never think that it is ok to do certain sins.
    10) DUA!!!!
    11) Learn Arabic and to read the Quran. When you learn, I have heard you should read the whole Quran each month (abt 1 hr/ 1 juz each day)
    12) Memorize Quran and read ahadith
    14) During the last ten days of Ramadan, seclude yourself, stay in the masjid (overnight too). Pray qiyam with them. You will see how this really changes you
    Now, how do we get motivated to do these??
    Watch lectures. They are absolutely amazing
    Force yourself to SINCERELY contemplate about your love for Allah
    Force yourself to SINCERELY contemplate about the Hellfire.(yes it really is terrifying!)
    Read Qur'an with meaning. There are certain surahs that I find that have this amazing trigger on my emotions. It completely changes me. I use this as my trump card when my faith is low. Find your own
    Make a log and every day write in it. What you are thankful about. 5 things daily. DIFFERENT things. This forces you to think and changes your attitude
    Keep a positive attitude. Always say " I WILL do this"
    Ask Allah for guidance

    I pray for you and the rest of the ummah. You and I will never have enough knowledge on Islam and how to be the perfect Muslim. Therefore, leep seeking knowledge and never give up my brother in deen! INSHALLAH WE ALL MEET ONE DAY IN THE AFTERLIFE
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    Re: How to cross Sirat with a blink of an eye?

    Oh yes one more... Donate more than just Zakat. For as long as you have money, keep donating and buy your way to paradise.
    DOnate to building Masjids too
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    Nitro Zeus's Avatar
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    Re: How to cross Sirat with a blink of an eye?

    format_quote Originally Posted by Islami.mu’min View Post
    In Saheeh al-Bukhaari (7439) and Muslim (183) it is narrated from Abu Sa‘eed al-Khudri (may Allah be pleased with him) in a lengthy hadith: “……Then the bridge will be laid across Hell.’ We said, "O Messenger of Allah! What is the bridge?’ He said, ‘It is a slippery (bridge) on which there are clamps and (hooks like) thorns which are wide at one side and narrow at the other and have bent ends. A plant with such thorns is found in Najd and is called al-Sa'daan. Some of the believers will cross the bridge as quickly as the wink of an eye, some others as quick as lightning, a strong wind, or fast horses or she-camels. So some will be safe without any harm; some will be safe after receiving some scratches, and some will fall down into Hell (Fire). The last person will cross by being dragged (over the bridge).”

    It's amazing to see you being inspired to cross the bridge super fast mashaAllah. So the question is how would we be able to do this? The goal is to become a true believer. Start reminding yourself that this Dunya is temporary and short so that you hasten to start worshipping Allah even more.
    1) Slowly cut every major sin. Then after, if you think you are sinless, keep researching about everything you do, making sure that you cut every minor sin out too. Believe me, there are many sins that we do and we don't even know about!( So first major, then minor)
    2) Repent, of course we cannot be perfect when it comes to cutting out sins. But something important is that you always feel guilty after commiting sin. When you do commit a sin after a few times. Realize that it is getting too far. Make a plan. Somehow distract yourself from the sin/bad habit, fill yourself with good thoughts. Nowadays, we have so many convenient things to help us stop with certain sins (youtube, technology,ect.)… Did you know that it takes someone 40 days to remove a habit? The first few days will SUCK. Afterwards you'll feel great. Kind of like a detox
    3) MANNERS! MANNERS! MANNERS! Learn from the prophet SWT. Treat everyone nicely. If someone is abusing you, think about the good things that they have done. (Have you heard of the saying about a glass of water filled half way? Never think "The cup of water is half empty".. Think that the glass is half full. Meaning that you should think about what you have instead of what you don't!) BE THANKFUL
    4)If you want Allah to forgive you, then forgive everyone else! Make sure to look up the Islamic ways on treating others. Don't make fun of others, get rid of hate, ect…
    5)Dhikr!!! Always do dhikr. I'm talking about SINCERE dhikr that makes you contemplate about Allah. There are certain prescribed dhikr that gives us rewards(find in the ahadith). EVEN AS YOU ARE FALLING ASLEEP!!! I try to say La Ilaha Illa la as im sleeping each night. Even though I'm half asleep! Eventually when I accidently wake up, I get the instinct to say La Ilaha Illa la
    6) Now that you have read the 5 steps, this is very important. Just like step one ( I said research about everything you do "Is this haram... yada yada… ect.")… You do the same thing but instead.. You research about sunnah! The goal of us believers are to incorporate every single thing from the sahih hadiths into our lives. There are so many sunnah!!!! (Dhikr, certain verses to recite at certain times, sunnah prayer, nafle prayer, voluntary fasts ect.)
    8) Treat your parents super well. I remember a hadith on this as a form of repentance. VERY CRUCIAL
    9)NEVER EVER HAVE THIS MENTALITY. It's ok if I do these sins because it is minor! That is the mentality of the Shaytan and it is pulling us away from deen. We all sin, but we cannot just deny that we don't need to work on it. Its a different scenario if you are someone who is working on a sin and you keep repenting SINCERELY because its so hard and you always feel guilty. See the difference. Never think that it is ok to do certain sins.
    10) DUA!!!!
    11) Learn Arabic and to read the Quran. When you learn, I have heard you should read the whole Quran each month (abt 1 hr/ 1 juz each day)
    12) Memorize Quran and read ahadith
    14) During the last ten days of Ramadan, seclude yourself, stay in the masjid (overnight too). Pray qiyam with them. You will see how this really changes you
    Now, how do we get motivated to do these??
    Watch lectures. They are absolutely amazing
    Force yourself to SINCERELY contemplate about your love for Allah
    Force yourself to SINCERELY contemplate about the Hellfire.(yes it really is terrifying!)
    Read Qur'an with meaning. There are certain surahs that I find that have this amazing trigger on my emotions. It completely changes me. I use this as my trump card when my faith is low. Find your own
    Make a log and every day write in it. What you are thankful about. 5 things daily. DIFFERENT things. This forces you to think and changes your attitude
    Keep a positive attitude. Always say " I WILL do this"
    Ask Allah for guidance

    I pray for you and the rest of the ummah. You and I will never have enough knowledge on Islam and how to be the perfect Muslim. Therefore, leep seeking knowledge and never give up my brother in deen! INSHALLAH WE ALL MEET ONE DAY IN THE AFTERLIFE
    Mashaallah! Good answer, I will try to implement it.
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    Important questions about Sirat

    Assalamu alaikum,

    1. In what ways I can gain and increase light for Sirat?

    2. How can I make my light be bright?

    3. What are the things I should do so that I can cross Sirat bridge safe and sound and without slipping?

    4. What are the things I should do so that I find ease on crossing Sirat bridge?

    5. How can I remove difficulties while crossing Sirat bridge?
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    Islami.Mu'mina's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Important questions about Sirat bridge

    Walaykum assalam warahmitallahi wabarakatu.
    It all depends on what kind of Muslim you are. I don’t know whether they have tips that are EXACTLY for sirat. But if you want to increase and brighten your nur and safely cross sirat, increase your iman. Becoming a devout Muslim takes alot of work and devotion. You need to make sure you always think of Allah when it comes to every action you do in life. Don’t let others (ppl and shaytan) control you. Allah is your Lord. You are a slave of Allah and proudly think of this wherever you go.

    Basically, become a devoted and loyal Muslim. If you don’t know how, try to take the tips I gave you and get information from other scholars. Always stay inspired and oh gosh never get lazy please? That gets me alot lol.

    I also heard that people who make wudu have this nur that shines. Try to always be in wudu. If u die in wudu I think it’s really good. So if you become very devout, Allah will guide you across the sirat. InshaAllah we will realize how short our life is and that we can cross sirat.
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