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What will women get in Paradise?

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    What will women get in Paradise? (OP)

    Here are some articles on the subject:
    Wa `alaykum as-salamu wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh.

    In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

    All praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger.

    Sister, first of all, we’d like to say that we are impressed by your question, which emanates from a thoughtful heart. May Allah Almighty help us all adhere to the principles of this true religion, Islam, and enable us to be among the dwellers of Paradise in the Hereafter, Ameen.

    Paradise is the abode of the believers in the Hereafter. Allah has prepared for His believing servants, males and females, in Paradise indescribable bliss which no eye has seen, no ear has heard of, and that has never ever crossed the minds of people, to the extent that even the person who has the least blessings in Paradise will think that he is the most blessed one.

    In more than one Qur’anic verse, Allah Most High, calls upon His servants to do their utmost in order to be favored with Paradise. For example, He says, (And vie one with another for forgiveness from your Lord, and for a Paradise as wide as are the heavens and the earth, prepared for those who ward off (evil). ) (Al `Imran 3: 133)

    As regards your question, we’d like to inform you that in Paradise believing men and women will be showered with blessings; there is no room for discrimination based on sex in Paradise. The life of women in Jannah will be as pleasant and happy as the life of men. Allah is not partial to any sex. He created both of them and He will take care of both of them according to their needs and desires. Let us all work to achieve the Jannah and then,in sha’ Allah, we will find there what will satisfy all of us fully.

    In his response to your question, Dr. Sano Koutoub Moustapha, professor of Fiqh and its Principles, International Islamic University, Malaysia, states:

    Thank-you so much for your very interesting comments and understanding of the issue of polygamy and the blessings given to men in Heaven.

    I congratulate you for your logical ability and critical way of looking at things. However, I shall also confirm to you the issue of polygamy, be it in this life or the hereafter, it should not be classified as a privilege but rather a solution as you correctly mentioned in your arguments.

    In other words, Islam does not open the door of polygamy for all men as it does not open it to women at all. As you may know well that each ruling or law has an exception and the exception is not the principle, therefore, we can not judge a law through its exceptions.

    In this regard, I shall remind you that rewarding a mujahid with many wives doesn’t mean betraying the female mujahid.

    It simply means there is a such reward for those mujahids who are looking for it. In other words, there is no compulsion upon all mujahids to accept or reject this reward. It is exactly the same thing as the polygamy in this life.

    It is meant for those who want it, not for every single mujahid. Yet every Muslim man and woman who is allowed to enter Heaven is given the opportunity to get whatever he or she wants as clearly stated in the Qur’an and many Hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). This means that those women who don’t want their husbands to have more could be granted this wish and desire. At the same time if the husbands of those women want to have more than them Allah is great and can satisfy each of them in the way He, the Almighty, wants.

    Therefore, a woman should not be frustrated for a privilege of polygamy offered to men. This is not, for sure, at the expense of woman. Heaven is meant for both men and women, both of them are equally entitled to get what they wish for.

    Certainly, there would be no clashes in their wishes, if any, the Almighty knows how to please each of them. Having said that, I shall inform you that the existing setup of humans in terms of desire, would be changed on the day of Judgment.

    In other words, both men and women would not be allowed to enter Heaven in their existing physical makeup. They will be in a better and greater form as stated by the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). Both of them would enjoy living together and having whatever they wish and like.

    Finally, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) describes Heaven as a place where there are many things which no eyes have ever seen, no ears have ever heard before and no heart has ever felt. Let us pray the Almighty to grant us this great and wonderful place. Let us work harder and harder to be in this place. It is only through our full submission to the will and the orders of Allah that we will one day be granted this place.

    Wa `alaykum As-Salamu wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh.

    In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

    All praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger.

    Sister, first of all, we’d like to say that we are impressed by your question, which emanates from a thoughtful heart. May Allah Almighty help us all adhere to the principles of this true religion, Islam, and enable us to be among the dwellers of Paradise in the Hereafter, Ameen!

    As regards your question, it should be clear that Paradise is the abode of happiness; all its dwellers, males or females, will be showered with Allah’s blessings and favors. There is no discrimination in this regard between men and women. It is righteousness and good deeds that elevates one’s rank in Jannah and exalts his/her position. In more than one Qur'anic verse, Allah, Most High, calls upon His servants to do their utmost in order to be favored with Paradise. For example, He says, (And vie one with another for forgiveness from your Lord, and for a Paradise as wide as are the heavens and the earth, prepared for those who ward off (evil). ) (Aal `Imran 3: 133)

    In this context, Dr. Muzammil H. Siddiqi, former President of the Islamic Society of North America, states:

    Jannah or Paradise is not for men alone. It is prepared for both, righteous men and righteous women. All the joys and blessings of Jannah are for both of them. Allah has mentioned in the Qur’an that He put both Adam and his wife Hawwa’ (Eve) in Jannah after creating them, and He told them to eat and enjoy everything (except the fruit of one tree). [See al-Baqarah 2: 35; al-A`raf 7: 19] Thus, all the trees, gardens and rivers of Jannah are made for both men and women and they both will enjoy them.

    All Believers, males and females, will enter the Jannah. Allah says, ( Gardens of perpetual bliss: they shall enter there, as well as the righteous among their fathers, their spouses, and their offspring) (ar-Ra`d 13: 23)

    Further, Allah says, (Indeed, the people of Paradise will be happily occupied. They and their wives shall be in shades, reclining on raised couches. There are for them fruits and there is for them all that they ask for…) (Ya-Sin 36: 55-57)

    In the Hereafter Allah will say to the Believers, (Enter the Garden, you and your wives, you will be made glad. There will be brought round for them trays of gold and goblets, and therein is all that the souls desire and eyes find sweet and you will stay there forever. This is the garden, which you are made to inherit because of what you used to do. Therein for you is fruit in plenty whence to eat. ) (Az-Zukhruf 43: 70-73)

    There are many other places in the Qur’an where it is mentioned that men and women both will find their reward and none will be deprived. [See: Aal `Imran 3: 195; An-Nisa’, 4: 124; An-Nahl 16: 97; Al-Ahzab 33: 35; Ghafir 40: 40]

    The life of women in Jannah will be as pleasant and happy as the life of men. Allah is not partial to any gender. He created both of them and He will take care of both of them according to their needs and desires. Let us all work to achieve the Jannah and then, in sha’ Allah, we will find there what will satisfy all of us fully.

    This verse clearly denotes that those women who do righteous deeds are rewarded with Paradise and given a high rank that is equal to the good deeds they have offered.
    Shedding more light on this issue, we'd like to cite the following fatwa issued by the outstanding Muslim scholar, Sheikh ibn Jibreen:

    There is no doubt that reward in the Hereafter encompasses both men and women. This is based on the following Qur'anic verses:

    ( Lo! I suffer not the work of any worker, male or female, to be lost) (Al `Imran 3: 195)

    (Whosoever works righteousness, whether male or female, while he (or she) is a true believer, We will give a good life. ) (An-Nahl 16: 97)

    (And whoever does righteous good deeds, being a male or a female, and is a true believer, such will enter Paradise. ) (An-Nisa 4: 124)

    (Verily, the Muslims, men and women, the believers, men and women... Allah has prepared for them forgiveness and a great reward. ) (Al-Ahzab 33: 35)

    Allah mentions them entering into Paradise together, saying:

    (They and their wives will be in pleasant shade. ) (Ya Sin 36: 56)

    (Enter Paradise, you and your wives, in happiness. ) (Az-Zukhruf 43: 70)

    Allah also mentions that He will recreate women in Paradise in the following verse:

    ( Lo! We have created them a (new) creation. And made them virgins… ) (Al-Waqi`ah 56: 35-36) That is, Allah will recreate the elderly women and make them virgins; the same will be done for old men, Allah will make them youth.

    It is also mentioned in the Hadith that the women of this worldly life have a superiority over Al-hur Al-`In due to the acts of worship and obedience that they performed in this world. Therefore, the believing women will enter Paradise just like the believing men. If a woman had a number of husbands, she, upon entering Paradise with them, would choose among them the one with the best character and behavior.

    Excerpted, with slight modifications, from: http://www.uh.edu/campus/msa/article....html#paradise

    Thus, rest assured dear sister that Allah never wrongs anyone, male or female, nor does He, Almighty, deprive any person of his/her work’s fruit.

    In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

    All thanks and praise are due to Allah and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger.

    Dear questioner, we would like to thank you for your good question and we implore Almighty Allah for His help in furnishing you with the best answer.

    In the very beginning, we would like to cite Ibn Kathir’s comment on the issue of men having Hoor Al-`Een. It reads:“ Almighty Allah tells us that He will provide the residents of Paradise with beautiful wives who have big and lustrous eyes and 'whom no man or Jinn before them has touched' and who are 'Like unto rubies and coral'”.

    In fact, Paradise is the abode of the believers in the Hereafter. Allah has prepared for His believing servants, males and females, in Paradise indescribable bliss that which no eye has seen, no ear has heard of and that has never ever crossed the minds of people, to the extent that even the person who has the least blessings in Paradise will think that he is the most blessed one.

    In more than one Qur'anic verse, Allah, Most High, calls upon His servants to do their utmost in order to be favored with Paradise. For example, He says, "And vie one with another for forgiveness from your Lord, and for a Paradise as wide as are the heavens and the earth, prepared for those who ward off (evil)." (Al `Imran: 133)

    All this indicates that in Paradise believing men and women will be showered with blessings; there is no room for discrimination based on gender in Paradise.

    Focusing more on this issue, Sheikh `Atiyyah Saqr, former Head of Al-Azhar Fatwa Committee, adds:

    [indent]“Here Allah mentions the Hoor Al`Een because in most cases men pursue women and not vice versa. As for women, Allah Almighty may marry them to any of the believers in Paradise, if they did not get married during worldly life, or He may compensate them by making them feel content with their position. It is also said that Allah may grant women some kind of beauty with which they will feel that they are better than the Hoor Al-`Een and that they are their mistress, so they will not love anyone other than their own husbands nor will they feel jealous of the Hoor Al-`Een.”

    Allah Almighty knows best.


    I am a firm believer in the Qur'an and Allah. Thank Allah my faith and trust in Him grows each day. My concern is this: the Qur'an mentions over and over the blessings of Heaven. It repeatedly mentions beautiful, pure maidens as a bounty of Heaven. People often say Islam is a male dominance religion.
    Why is there not mention of rewards for women?

    Praise be to Allah

    Since you believe in Allah and His Book, you must know that (": and not one will thy Lord treat with injustice"), Verse 49, Surat al-Kahf, or the Cave, and ("Allah is never unjust in the least degree: if there is any good done), He doubleth it, and gives from His Own Self a great reward") .

    Allah has meant this Law of Islam (Shari'ah) for both men and women. All address to men in the Quran is address to women, and all rules affecting men affect women as will unless evidence is established that one of them is .

    The evidence that women are included in Verses of the Quran in the male gender is a Hadith by ‘Ayishah who said that the Prophet (May peace and blessings be upon him) was asked about a man who sees traces of semen but does not remember having any dream of sexual nature. The Prophet (May peace and blessings be upon him) said: "Such man should perform the Ghusul (ritual ablution). He was also asked of a man who remembers a dream of sexual nature but sees no traces of semen. He said: "Such man does not have to perform the Ghusul (ritual ablution). Umm Salim said "A woman may have the same experience. Does she have to perform the Ghusul (ritual ablution)?" The Prophet (May peace and blessings be upon him) said: "Yes, there is no difference in this between man and woman." Narrated by Abu Dawud, at-Tirmizi 113 and others. The last .


    Um Salamah said: "O Messenger of Allah. I did not hear a Verse in the Quran regarding the Hijrah (migration with the Prophet ) of women." Then was revealed the Verse: ("And their Lord has accepted of them, and ,and fought and were slain – Verily I will blot out from them their inequities, and admit them into gardens with rivers flowing beneath; ... A reward from Allah, and from Allah is the best of rewards."), Verse 195, Surat .

    Ibn Kathir (May Allah have mercy on him) said the Verse ("fastajaba lahum rabbuhum") means Allah replied to their queries ... and the Verse ("anni la udi’u ‘amala ‘amilin minkum min thakarin aw untha") is an explanation of the reply meaning that good deeds will not be lost or ignored. All men and women will have the just reward for their deeds. The Verse ("ba’dukum min ba’d") means you will be treated equally with respect to .

    If any do deeds of righteousness, be they male or female, and have faith, they will enter heaven, and not the least injustice will be done to them.) .

    In explanation of this Verse, Ibn Kathir (May Allah have mercy on him) said the Verse shows Allah’s kindness, generosity and mercy in accepting the good deeds of all people, men and women, provided that they believe, in .

    Whoever works righteousness, man or woman, and has faith, verily, to him will we give a life that is good and pure, and we will bestow on such their reward according to the best of actions.), Verse 97, Surat an-Nahl, or the .

    ,and the Sunnah of His Prophet (May peace and blessings be upon him), be they men or women, if they believe in Allah and His Messenger (May peace and blessings be upon him), that He will make them live a good .

    He that makes evil will not be requited but by the like thereof; and he that makes a righteous deed – whether man or woman – And is a believer – Such will enter the garden (of bliss): therein will they have abundancewithout measure.) .


    Um ‘Umarah al-Ansariyyah said that she went to the Prophet (May peace and blessings be upon him) and said to Him: "I feel that everything is for men. Women are not mentioned as having anything. Then was revealed the Verse: (For Muslim men and women, for believing men and women etc) .

    In the collection of Hadiths of Imam Ahmad was narrated the Hadith that Um Salama (May Allah be pleased with her) said: "I said "O Messenger (May peace and blessings be upon him) of Allah. Why aren’t we mentioned in the Quran in an equal footing with men?" Then; I was surprised to hear Him call one day from the pulpit: "O people." As I was combing my hair at the moment, I wrapped it up and came close to the door and stood there listening to Him say: "Allah, Mighty and Sublime be He, revealed that (For Muslim men and women; for believing men and women; for devout men and women, for true men and women; for men and women who are patient and constant; for men and women who humble themselves; for men and women who give in charity; for men and women who fast; for men and women who guard their chastity; and for men and women who engage much in Allah’s remembrance for them has Allah prepared forgiveness and great reward.) .


    May Allah have blessing on Prophet Muhammad .


    According to the Qur’an when a man enters paradise, he will get hoor, i.e. beautiful maidens. What will a woman have when she enters paradise?


    1. Hoor mentioned in the Qur’an

    The word hoor occurs in the Qur’an in no less than four different places:

    (1)** In Surah Dukhan chapter 44, verse 54 s

    "Moreover, We shall join them to companions
    With beautiful, big and lustrous eyes."
    [Al-Qur’an 44:54]

    (2)** In Surah Al-Tur chapter 52 verse 20

    "...And We shall join them to companions, with beautiful,
    big and lustrous eyes."
    [Al-Qur’an 52:20]

    (3)* In Surah Rahman chapter 55 verse 72

    "Companions restrained (as to their glances), in goodly pavilions."
    [Al-Qur’an 55:72]

    (4)** In Surah Al-Waqiah chapter 56 verse 22

    "And (there will be) companions with beautiful, big and lustrous eyes."
    [Al-Qur’an 56:22]

    2. Hoor Translated as Beautiful Maidens

    Many translators of the Qur’an have translated the word hoor as ‘beautiful maidens’ especially in the Urdu translations. If hoor means ‘beautiful maidens’ or girls, then they are meant only for the men. Hence, what will the women get if they enter Paradise?

    3. Meaning of Hoor

    The word hoor is actually the plural of ahwar (applicable to man) and of haura (applicable to woman) and signifies a person having eyes characterized by hauar a special quality bestowed upon a good soul, male or female in paradise and it denotes the intense whiteness of the white part of the spiritual eye.

    The Qur’an describes in several other verses that in paradise you will have azwaj which mean a pair or spouse or companion which means you will have spouses or companions pure and holy (mutaharratun means pure, holy).

    "But give glad tidings to those who believe and work righteousness, that their portion is gardens, beneath which rivers flow. Every time they are fed with fruits therefrom, they say: "Why, this is what we were fed with before", for they are given things in similitude; and they have therein companions pure (and holy); and they abide therein (forever)".
    [Al-Qur’an 2:25]

    "But those who believe and do deeds of righteousness, We shall soon admit to Gardens, with rivers flowing beneath – their eternal home; therein shall they have companions pure and holy: we shall admit them to shades, cool and ever deepening". [Al-Qur’an 4:57]

    Therefore the word hoor has no specific gender. Mohammad Asad has translated the word hoor as spouse and Abdullah Yusuf Ali as companion. Therefore according to some scholars a man in paradise will have a hoor that is a beautiful maiden with beautiful big and lustrous eyes and a woman in paradise will get a man with beautiful big and lustrous eyes.
    4.**** Women will get something exceptional in Paradise

    Many scholars say that in context, the word hoor used in the Qur’an refers only to ladies since gents are addressed. A reply that would be accepted by all types of people would rather be the answer given in the Hadith when a similar question was posed that if a man gets a hoor, a beautiful Maiden in Paradise, then what will the women get? The reply was that the women will get that which the heart has not desired for, the ear hasn’t heard off and the eye hasn’t seen, indicating that even the women will get something exceptional in Paradise.

    This should be enough info to clear up misconceptions.

    What will women get in Paradise?

    The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:
    "Surely I was sent to perfect the qualities of righteous character" [Musnad Ahmad, Muwatta Mâlik]

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    Re: What will women get in Paradise?

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    format_quote Originally Posted by Muj4h1d4 View Post

    WOahhhhhhhhh hold it sister! Who said we will have to stay inside?!?! oh:

    All the desires n everything will be removd from our heart! n we can meet the prophets and martyrs n caliphs!!
    I dont think so...

    Qatada posted this on the other thread 'description of hoor al iyn' and in it it also says that much of this refers to women as 'hoor' is often taken to mean all females.

    6 – Allaah describes them as refraining from looking at anyone except their husbands (interpretation of the meaning):

    “Wherein both will be Qaasiraat‑ut‑Tarf [chaste females (wives) restraining their glances, desiring none except their husbands]”

    [al-Rahmaan 55:56]

    “Hoor (beautiful, fair females) guarded in pavilions”

    [al-Rahmaan 55:72]

    Ibn al-Qayyim said:

    Allaah describes them as being “guarded in pavilions”, i.e., they are prevented from making a display of themselves before anyone except their husbands. They are guarded for their husbands and they do not go out of their houses, and they restrain themselves for them and do not desire anyone else. And Allaah describes them as “Qaasiraat‑ut‑Tarf [chaste females (wives) restraining their glances”. This description is more complete than the first, for one of them restrains her gaze and focuses her love upon her husband, she is content with him and does not look beyond him at anyone else.
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    Re: What will women get in Paradise?

    yeh but i swear in another thread sum1 posted wiv reference 2 quran n hadith that we can see the prophets and sahabis n martyrs n talk 2 them...
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    Re: What will women get in Paradise?

    ^ of course you can Alhamdulillah may Allah grant us all their company, Ameen
    What will women get in Paradise?

    My tears testify that i have a heart
    yet i feel me and shaytan never part
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    Re: What will women get in Paradise?

    format_quote Originally Posted by Medina83 View Post
    I dont think so...

    Qatada posted this on the other thread 'description of hoor al iyn' and in it it also says that much of this refers to women as 'hoor' is often taken to mean all females.

    6 – Allaah describes them as refraining from looking at anyone except their husbands (interpretation of the meaning):

    “Wherein both will be Qaasiraat‑ut‑Tarf [chaste females (wives) restraining their glances, desiring none except their husbands]”

    [al-Rahmaan 55:56]

    “Hoor (beautiful, fair females) guarded in pavilions”

    [al-Rahmaan 55:72]

    Ibn al-Qayyim said:

    Allaah describes them as being “guarded in pavilions”, i.e., they are prevented from making a display of themselves before anyone except their husbands. They are guarded for their husbands and they do not go out of their houses, and they restrain themselves for them and do not desire anyone else. And Allaah describes them as “Qaasiraat‑ut‑Tarf [chaste females (wives) restraining their glances”. This description is more complete than the first, for one of them restrains her gaze and focuses her love upon her husband, she is content with him and does not look beyond him at anyone else.
    I believe the women of humanity will not be among the ranks or category of Al-Hoor al Heins... since these heavenly figures did not went through the test of human life... with prayers, fasting, ablution, charity and so on... Women will have a rank equal to Men... in a manner very unique and special for them... their ranks will provide peace, happiness and contentment that they would not be longing for anything less than that.

    Believeing women will be staying in mansions in paradise... gold, silk and perl adornements overflow their surroundings. While men will have Al-hurs al hein as their adornments.

    It is not appropriate for a woman to have 72 men to be her adornments... since... if a woman belongs to 1 husband... she is a pure believing woman... an epitome of faithfullness and fidelity and purity. But if a woman is owned or surrounded by many men... what would that make her? Allah, created all things, beings, seen or unseen with their unique and special attributes.... if we go against the original intent or design of their nature... then we are committing a deviation. This is the reason why Homosexuality and Lesbianism is the works of Shaytan... because the devil only wants man to deviate against his true nature. And the knowledge that Shaytan provides to the beliving women or men is to question, complain, rebel and cry this is unfair to Allah. And Allah knows best... the best for your true nature.

    Just one of my insights...

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    Re: What will women get in Paradise?

    Great information I was just wondering about this yesterday.

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    Re: What will women get in Paradise?

    format_quote Originally Posted by Medina83 View Post
    I dont understand why will women have to stay indoors in jannah?

    Isnt Jannah a place where all inhabitants cant commit sin so why do the women need to be 'guarded' and why do we have to stay inside???

    That was the view of Ibn ul Qayyim sister, and other scholars state otherwise alhamdulillah:

    This does not mean that they will never go out of their realms, rather they will have everything they desire of that which Allaah has prepared for the people of Paradise. And the same is said concerning the believing women of Paradise.

    Shaykh ‘Abd al-Rahmaan al-Sa’di (may Allaah have mercy on him) said:

    “Houris (beautiful, fair females) restrained in pavilions” [al-Rahmaan 55:72] means: kept in tents of pearl, always ready for their husbands. That does not mean that they do not go out in the gardens of Paradise, as the daughters of kings and others like them, such as girls kept in seclusion and those who are very shy usually do.

    Tafseer al-Sa’di (p. 831).

    In Paradise, there will be no evil looks or sickness of the heart such that a woman will be required to cover her face, and it is not the place for striving or commands or prohibitions, as ‘Ali (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: “Today is for striving with no reckoning and tomorrow is for reckoning with no striving.” Narrated by al-Bayhaqi in Shu’ab al-Eemaan (10614); narrated by al-Bukhaari in a mu’allaq report in Baab al-Aml wa Tooliha, in Kitaab al-Riqaaq.

    more info in depth:


    Does it mean we won't be able to meet our family members from this life??
    Does it mean we won't see our children?

    And those who believe and whose offspring follow them in Faith, to them shall We join their offspring, and We shall not decrease the reward of their deeds in anything. Every person is a pledge for that which he has earned.

    [Qur'an Tur 52: 21]

    Discussed further:

    Estaghfirullah but this is the one area as a revert i still really struggle with and i have to be honest i dont like the description because it doesnt seem fair.

    Estaghfirullah it really upsets me.

    May Allah increase you and us all in faith, and make us of those who He rewards with an endless reward in paradise. Remember that in paradise, the soul will have all that it desires.
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    Re: What will women get in Paradise?

    Thank you Qatada
    BarakaAllahu fik and may Allah subhana wa ta'ala grant you a peaceful Ramadan full of khair , iman and baraka

    This put my mind a bit at rest...

    Sometimes the posts without full explanation bring me back to the days when i felt islam was a man-oriented religion.

    Estaghfirullah for me
    and elhamdulillah for you

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    Re: What will women get in Paradise?

    I still can’t contemplate why a women has to share her husband with 70 other women
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    Re: What will women get in Paradise?

    “A man will go to one hundred virgins in one day – i.e., in Paradise.”

    what does it mean by the above hadeeth, does it mean he will have 1 hundred wifes each day and another 1 hunderd wifes the next day.
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    Re: What will women get in Paradise?

    format_quote Originally Posted by jihaadu nafs View Post
    “A man will go to one hundred virgins in one day – i.e., in Paradise.”

    what does it mean by the above hadeeth, does it mean he will have 1 hundred wifes each day and another 1 hunderd wifes the next day.
    Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullah

    Allahu A'lam, it could mean that he will see all 100 of his wives in one day, subhanAllaah the barakah in the time of jannah will be different, subhanAllaah time itself will be different, I WANT JANNAH!
    What will women get in Paradise?

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  15. #31
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    Re: What will women get in Paradise?

    sisters, i can understand where you're coming from, but think about it this way: who in jannah will ever be unsatisfied? :sunny:
    Last edited by Ummu Sufyaan; 11-16-2007 at 03:17 AM.
    What will women get in Paradise?

    ...desperate for husnul-khitaam...

    please make dua that Allah grants me a good end (to my life). please make dua that Allah guides me.

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  16. #32
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    Re: What will women get in Paradise?

    Everything!!!We will get everything in fact one thing we will be blessed with is that we will be 72 times more beautiful than Al-hur Al-een imagine that.Yeah i tried and couldn't.
    Just be steadfast and inshallah jannah awaits you and us.Oh yeah that was from ahadeeth sahih .Listen to The Hereafter By Anwar Al-Awlaki or read Al-jannah wal-Nar( english or arabic) by Shaykh Umar Al-Ashqar.It is by far the best book on jannah and nar.Unbelievable.In fact this man was a student of Albani(rahimallah) he has many other book on Aqeedah.Anwar uses his book for the hereafter series.
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    Re: What will women get in Paradise?

    format_quote Originally Posted by al-muslimah View Post
    Everything!!!We will get everything in fact one thing we will be blessed with is that we will be 72 times more beautiful than Al-hur Al-een imagine that.Yeah i tried and couldn't.
    Just be steadfast and inshallah jannah awaits you and us.Oh yeah that was from ahadeeth sahih .Listen to The Hereafter By Anwar Al-Awlaki or read Al-jannah wal-Nar( english or arabic) by Shaykh Umar Al-Ashqar.It is by far the best book on jannah and nar.Unbelievable.In fact this man was a student of Albani(rahimallah) he has many other book on Aqeedah.Anwar uses his book for the hereafter series.

    can i have the hadith, please. :sunny:
    What will women get in Paradise?

    ...desperate for husnul-khitaam...

    please make dua that Allah grants me a good end (to my life). please make dua that Allah guides me.

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    Re: What will women get in Paradise?

    Umme Salamah R.A narrates that she said to Rasûlullah SAW "O Rasûlullah, are the women of this world superior or the hûrs?" He replied, "The women of this world will have superiority over the hûrs just as the outer lining of a garment has superiority over the inner lining."

    Umme Salamah R.A then asked, "O Rasûlullah, what is the reason for this?" He answered, "Because they performed salâh, fasted, and worshipped [Allah]. Allah will put light on their faces and silk on their bodies. [The human women] will be fair in complexion and will wear green clothing and yellow jewelry. Their incense-burners will be made of pearls and their combs will be of gold. They will say, 'We are the women who will stay forever and we will never die. We are the women who will always remain in comfort and we will never undergo difficulty. We are the women who will stay and we will never leave. Listen, we are happy women and we will never become sad. Glad tidings to those men for whom we are and who are for us.'" (Tabrân&#238

    I am sorry I couldn't find the hadeeth but will continue inshallah.
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    Re: What will women get in Paradise?

    Thank you for this informative thread
    I think the problem for us now is that our mind is not able to understand how wonderful Jannah will be even if our husbands will have more than one wife. I also think now I didn't want to share my dear husband not even in Jannah but this are our feelings from here from this world. We will not be jealous in Jannah and what eases my mind is that Allah will satisfy the wishes of every single one of us no matter if man or woman.
    What will women get in Paradise?

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    Re: What will women get in Paradise?

    Assalamu 3alaykom,
    I was reading the posts and there was something that i did not understand: will the women in paradise have to stay inside? They can't go out? I mean can't they go anywhere they please like men and do whatever they want?
    I have another question: In heaven, will we be able to remember our family and friends and visit them?
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    Re: What will women get in Paradise?

    will the women in paradise have to stay inside? They can't go out? I mean can't they go anywhere they please like men and do whatever they want?
    They can.

    I have another question: In heaven, will we be able to remember our family and friends and visit them?
    Yep inshaaAllaah.

    And Allaah knows best.

    Assalamu Alaikum
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    Re: What will women get in Paradise?

    That's nice!!
    Well may Allah make us good muslims and grant us all heaven.
    wal sallamu 3alaykom
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    Re: What will women get in Paradise?

    ^Ameen on your dua! Insha'Allah!
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    Re: What will women get in Paradise?

    I have a quick question.

    Do women still give birth in paradise? Do married couples have children?
    What will women get in Paradise?

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