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Behaviours after Umrah/Hajj

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    paradise88's Avatar Full Member
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    Behaviours after Umrah/Hajj

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    I just wanted to know and want to know peoples opinions and views on this:

    Alot of people go Hajj/Umrah to purify themselves, some go as part of the 5 pillers, some for holidays or for the fame of going. As harsh as that sounds there are people that go to the Holy City just to say I've been this many times yet are not a practising muslim.

    Anyway the point.. Is it more of a sin to come back from Umrah/Hajj and do things like not praying and having gf/bf? Or does it not matter?

    Personally I havent been inshallah i get to go when i am mentally and financially ready!
    Behaviours after Umrah/Hajj

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    Abdul Fattah's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Behaviours after Umrah/Hajj

    Selam aleykum,
    One sin doesn't reflect on another. People should do good things as much as they can and avoid sin as much as they can. Although I completely understand where you're coming from, this is a dangerous line of thinking. For example, if you invite a "muslim" to come with you to friday prayer, some will answer: no I can't go, because I haven't been praying my 5 daily prayer. As if going to juma would somehow make them a hypocrite then. The truth is that jumah is mandatory. And even if they have missed other mandatory things like the daily prayer, that still doesn't mean that they shouldn't go. The same goes for hajj, it is mandatory once for those who can afford it. So even if people have weak imaan, if they have the possibility to go, then they should. Being a hypocrite is not so much about what you do, but rather about why. And we can never know with certainty the intention of other people.

    And I don't know and Allah subhana wa ta'ala knows best
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    Yanal's Avatar
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    Re: Behaviours after Umrah/Hajj

    The significance of Hajj as a pillar of Islam is quite evident from the reward this act of worship brings to its performer. As has been reported from the Messenger of Allah, the person performing the Hajj is forgiven and purified as if he/she is a newborn baby. Although its importance and formalities are generally known and talked about, its essence, spirit, and impact on a performer's behavior and personality are not generally understood or remembered. The point we should ponder over is why Allah and His Messenger granted Hajj so much importance. What is the most significant aspect of this worship? Is it performance of certain rites and rituals, the special dress worn, and visitation of certain places that make it the most rewarding act of worship? Or, like other acts or worship in Islam, is it the changes that Hajj makes in the performer's personality, attitude, and outlook that are the essence of Hajj? The other point to reflect upon is what is so special about the Hajj that it is expected to produce some significant changes in the personality, attitude, and outlook of a person? Is there anything magical in the rites and rituals of the Hajj that produces the changes, or is it the constant conscious effort on the part of the performer to inculcate in himself/herself the spirit of those rites and rituals which brings about the desired changes? The reality is that unless a person performs every step of the Hajj immersed in and imbued with the spirit that each action represents, he/she will not fully realize the promised benefits of Hajj.
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    brotherubaid's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Behaviours after Umrah/Hajj

    I think one should go , n if one is like stuck in sinning and caught up in wrong things, a sincere Haj n Umrah with the right knowledge of the two holy sites , and islamic history n the seerah of the prophet n the companions, one can really benefit.

    One might come back with a lot of guidance, so dont wait untill ur mentally prepared , if ur financialy prepared , go , and repent sincerely , and when u come back keep repenting and asking forgiveness. You never know, Allah just might turn your heart away from all wrong .And guide u to What he loves. And I think that it is easy to leave something and to quit something if one truly starts to hate it , and how will this hate for wrong come about? When our hearts will truly love Allah and what Allah loves and we truly fall in love with Him Subnahau Wa Taala. Then for His love leaving some thing or abandoing it or turning away from something will become so easy , one will naturally find love in his heart for the good and good deeds and even good people , peole of sunnnah and people of knowledge and find hate and be disguisted by evil and wrong and those who join hands with satan n join his group by rebelling and going agaisnt Allah, Yes!! If you are doing wrong you are follwoing and obeying satan , and in obeying satan you have joined his team , there are two teams , two groups , One of Rehmaan and other of shaytaan , The rivarly started back when satan refused to prostate to Our father Adam , Coz of the hate and jealousy that he had for us , He hated us from DAY ONE!! he couldnt believe we were beter than him, He is our Biggest enemey , He is the Open enemy the sworn enemy , Why follwo him ?!,. Why please him? , Why let him win , Why increase the number of his team n followers by adding ourselfes in his team.

    We need to know and look at the big picture.

    Abu Saeed El-Khudari narrated that the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم said: "Iblis (Satan) said to his Lord: By Your Might and Majesty, I shall continue to beguile mankind as long as their souls dwell in them. So the Lord said to him: By My Might and Majesty, I shall continue to forgive them as long as they ask for My forgiveness." [Ahmed, Abu Ya'la, and El-Hakim and said: authentic]

    Why cant we see that by doing wrong who are we rebelling against? Who are we doing wrong? Actually whnever we do wrong we in no way are hurting Allah or doing him wrong , we are only hurting ourselves. Yes its true that there is this challange going on between Allah n Satan that Allah says my slaves will obey me n go to jannah n satan says no i will sweduce them and lure them away n turn them away n make them sin n take them to hell with me, so yes by doing wrong we are in a way Letting Allah down, Even though no one can defeat him or win against him , but look at it, what are we doing , who are we helping? Allah will not lose , even if most of the creation of Allah followed Satan Allah will still win this chalange , co He will just throw them in Hell. But what are we doing?

    N yes some peopel after Umrah go back to the same sinning and same things they used to do , there seems to be no change in their lives, Why?? may be coz they did not know what Umrah n haj truly is , LACK OF KNOWLEDGE , LACK OF KNOWLDGE , LACK OF KNOWLEDGE!!

    a PERSON WHO GOES FOR HAJJ N UMRAH N DOES NOT CHANGE, First may be he did not know or realize what he was going for and while he was there may be he truly didnt know what a GREAT BLESSING this was , he propbably di dnot make the most of this Great opurtunity blessed upon him by Allah,

    May be he did not even know what Hajj was , may be he did not know a lot about the life and times of the prophet n sahaba, coz these were their lands , they have history , way back to prophET iBRAHIM ALIHI SALAM and ismael , may be he did not know the story of ibraheem and the kaaba. May be he never read the life of the prophet Ibrahim and our nabi Muhamad n his companions.

    May be in hajj he did not know what an amazing day Arafa is, Those whoknow about arafa and its details an dthen are given the oppurtunity to stand on arafa and ask Allah for forgiveness an dmake duaas they dont just come back n sin again , coz they know what happens at arafah , Oh May Allah amke us all go to Hajj, Ameen n stand in Arafah.

    Its basically lack of knowledge n carelesness , we dont care and neither do we know , neither do we realise nor do we make ammends and changes.

    I dont know if it is more of a sin to sin aftre hajj n umrah but it really is sad and very unfortunate that Allah blesssed one with such a beautiful and one of the greatest oppurtunities and one did not make most of it and realise thi sgreat favor and came back to the same old.

    Like the scholars say that Allah is not just thanked with the tongue , its rather with our actions n out limbs that we thank Alah for his blessing.So its not just the tongue, we sshould thank Him with our actions and limbs by doing what he pleases and leaving what he dislikes.
    Get the knowledge , By Allah only if we knew how mercyful our lord is, How much he loves us , How forgiving he is we woudl love Him and do what we do for the sake of his Love and Attaining his love , Wallahi that is a beautiful life, spent in obedience.

    “Allaah says, ‘O son of Adam! As long as you call unto me and seek (forgiveness from) me, I will forgive you for all of the sins that you may commit and I do not care (how many they amount to). O son of Adam! If you come to me with what is almost as much as the earth (in volume) in sins, but you meet me without having associated any partner with Me in worship, I will give you the same amount of forgiveness.’

    “O My servants who have transgressed against themselves (by sinning), do not despair of the mercy of Allaah. Indeed, Allaah forgives all sins. Indeed, it is He who is the Forgiving, the Merciful. And return (in repentance) to your Lord and submit to Him before the punishment comes upon you; then you will not be helped.” (Az-Zumar: 53-54).

    I feel bad for those whose hearts have become so hard , notthing can melt them , ther are so many heart softhers, so many verses from the quran so many beautiful ahadith , See what the last person to eneter Jannah will get n the lastone to leave the fire ,

    If you were to commit so many sins that they filled up all between the sky and earth and then you were to ask for Allaah’s forgiveness, He would forgive you.

    “There was a servant who committed a sin and then said, ‘My Lord, I’ve sinned so forgive me.’ So his Lord replied, ‘Does My servant know he has a Lord who forgives sins and takes them to account? I’ve forgiven My servant.’ Then, a period of time passed as Allaah willed, and he sinned again. He said, ‘My Lord, I’ve committed another sin so forgive it.’ He said, ‘Does My servant know he has a Lord who forgives sins and takes them to account? I’ve forgiven My servant.’ Then, another period of time passed as Allaah willed, and he committed another sin. He said, ‘My Lord, I’ve sinned again so forgive it.’ He said, ‘Does My servant know that he has a Lord who forgives sins and takes them to account? I’ve forgiven My servant,’ for the third time (then adding), ‘So let him do as he pleases.’”

    Meaning: He will be forgiven as long as he continues in this state; whenever he sins, he simply (but sincerely) asks for forgiveness.

    Apparently, it’s understood that his asking for forgiveness is without insisting on or intending to commit the same sin again.

    On the day when Allaah will resurrect them all and inform them of what they did. Allaah had counted it, while they forgot it.
    [Soorah Al-Mujaadilah, 58:6]

    “I certainly know who’ll be the last to enter Paradise and the last to be brought out of the Fire. He’s a man who will be brought on the Day of Resurrection and it’ll be said, ‘Present to him his minor sins and take away his major ones. So, his minor sins will be placed before him.’ He will be asked, ‘On this day, did you do this and that, and on that day did you do this and that?’ He’ll reply, ‘Yes.’ He won’t be able to deny. He’ll be terrified that his major sins will also be presented to him. He will then be told, ‘For you, every place of a sin will be replaced with a good deed.’ The man will then say, ‘Oh my Lord, I even did other things (sins) I don’t see here!’”
    I (Abu Tharr) then saw Allaah’s Messenger () laughing so much that I could see his back molar teeth. [T.N]

    Lol this is Allah , n this is Insaan , human.

    There ar eother beauiful hadith with much detail of the LAST one to enter jannah n leave hell, so what about those before him?!!

    By Allah , when we truly know Allah , Know hsi beautiful names and atributes , knwo his mercy n his anger and punishment and his good pleasure , know what is ahead of us and truly believe in it , that we shall be made to stand in front on HIm, on a day that will turn the child Old. Its very hard for such a person to fall into sin , or commit a sin , so when goung or haj n umrah , ones intention should be that i will go , ask Allah for sincere repentence and ask forgiveness and come back and change my Ways, no matter how hard it is

    Like its is in the hdith

    who ever leaves something for the Sake of Allah , Allah wil replace it with something better.

    So whoever comntrolle dhis desires and lusts and his heart , and left any sort of sins and his past , and changed , Allah just might bless him with the sweetness of Firm Imaan and his guideance and good pleasure.

    What have we done for Allah , What have we left for him , How can we ever thank him.

    Whoever desires everlasting bliss, let him adhere firmly to the threshold of servitude.
    (Ibn al-Qayyim, al-Madaarij 1/531)

    Guidance is not attained except with knowledge and correct direction is not attained except with patience. (Majmoo-ul-Fataawaa, 10/40)

    In this world there is a Paradise, whoever does not enter it will not enter the Paradise of the Hereafter. (Ibn al-Qayyim, al-Qaabil, p.69)

    The one who is (truly) imprisoned is the one whose heart is imprisoned from Allaah and the captivated one is the one whose desires have enslaved him. (Ibn al-Qayyim, al-Qaabil, p,69)

    The more the servant loves his Master, the less he will love other objects and they will decrease in number. The less the servant loves his Master, the more he will love other objects and they will increase in number. (Majmoo-ul-Fataawaa, 1/94)

    Sins cause harm and repentance removes the cause. (Majmoo-ul-Fataawaa, 10/255)

    Bearing witness to Tawheed opens the door of good and repentance from sins closes the door to evil. (Majmoo-ul-Fataawaa, 10/256)

    Sins are like chains and locks preventing their perpetrator from roaming the vast garden of Tawheed and reaping the fruits of righteous actions. (Majmoo-ul-Fataawaa, 14/49)
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    Re: Behaviours after Umrah/Hajj

    Allâh chooses for Himself whom He wills, and guides unto Himself who turns to Him in repentance and in obedience Ash shura 13 Quran
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    Re: Behaviours after Umrah/Hajj

    Now if Allah gives the freedom to accept or reject His guidance as is absolutely clear from the above verses, how can He also say that whomever He guides no one can misguide and whomever He misguides no one can guide? Clearly, these are two contradictory statements and Allah is beyond contradiction (4:82). Furthermore, there is nothing in the Quran which will lead to doubt (2:2, 32:2). Therefore, this requires us to stop and seriously think and ponder. We cannot simply say "Allah knows best." Or we cannot say "The Ulema know best," and move on as we usually do in such cases. Doing this is akin to giving an architect a contract to build our house, and then not caring to check what the architect is building. Wouldn’t it be foolish to leave everything to him while we ourselves go on with our daily routine? Perhaps when the architect is done and we move into our house, much to our surprise, we might find he has built us something we did not want. But in the case of the afterlife, it would be a shame if we go to move into our house only to see that our beloved architects have built our houses in the hellfire. This is why we need to double-check our "architects of Islam." The Ulema or religious scholars, always remind the Muslim masses of their ignorance of Islam. Perhaps they do not want us to analyze what they are building for us. That is why Iqbal says that we have to check ourselves and ask our own hearts:
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    Abdul Fattah's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Behaviours after Umrah/Hajj

    Selam aleykum,
    These two verses are not contradicting brother. It becomes clear in:

    The same religion has He established for you as that which He enjoined on Noah - the which We have sent by inspiration to thee - and that which We enjoined on Abraham, Moses, and Jesus: Namely, that ye should remain steadfast in religion, and make no divisions therein: to those who worship other things than Allah, hard is the (way) to which thou callest them. Allah chooses to Himself those whom He pleases, and guides to Himself those who turn (to Him) (42:13)

    So the chronology is:
    1. A person pleases/displeases Allah subhana wa ta'ala because of his actions and choices.
    2. A person is guided/misguided because of that.
    3. Nobody can change that guidance/misguidance.
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    KeeKee's Avatar Limited Member
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    Re: Behaviours after Umrah/Hajj

    you have to go for Hajj once you have financial means not when you are mentally ready?

    you could be the worst sinner when you go for hajj, but the experience could change you as a person if Allah wills it, inshaAllah.
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  11. #9
    Abdul Fattah's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Behaviours after Umrah/Hajj

    Selam aleykum
    As far as I know, if you are financially ready, and have no excuses that keep you from performing hajj, then you should do it as it is an obligation. Even if you are not mentally ready. Of course in practice, the reality often is, that people who are not mentally ready and sin allot usually don't care allot about this obligation, since their imaan is low and miss a whole bunch of other obligations.
    But in theory, yeah they should go, and inshaAllah it will be a fresh start or them and bring them closer to Allah subhana wa ta'ala.
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    Re: Behaviours after Umrah/Hajj

    Moreover, performing Hajj has great merits and blessings. It paves the way toParadise. Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: "The performance of `Umrah is expiation for the sins committed between it and the previous ones. And the reward for Hajj mabroor(pilgrimage accepted by Allah) is nothing but Paradise." (Al-Bukhari)
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    paradise88's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Behaviours after Umrah/Hajj

    format_quote Originally Posted by KeeKee View Post
    you have to go for Hajj once you have financial means not when you are mentally ready?

    you could be the worst sinner when you go for hajj, but the experience could change you as a person if Allah wills it, inshaAllah.
    Ok people what i meant by mentally ready only i will understand and is personal. As for financial some people dont have halal earnings so does that mean they can go just cos they have the money?
    Behaviours after Umrah/Hajj

    We HaVe OnE LiFe; iT SoOn wiLL Be PaSt; WhaT wE dO FoR ALLAH iS aLL ThaT wiLL LasT
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