Muslims are arriving in Saudi Arabia from across the world, ahead of the Hajj pilgrimage. For them, the Hajj journey is a unique experience, as they believe it’s the chance of lifetime.

Muslims say the Hajj symbolizes their unity, providing them with the chance to tell the world that all human beings are equal.

All pilgrims who come to Saudi Arabia visit the holy city of Medina either before or after perfuming the hajj rituals in Mecca.

Madinat Al-Nabi - the city of the prophet - is located in the region of Hijaz, west of Saudi Arabia. Medina is the second holiest city, after Mecca, and is very significant for Muslims, as Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is laid to rest there. Pilgrims who visit the city try to trace the footprints of their prophet after his migration from Mecca to Medina. What attracts the pilgrims upon their arrival in Medina is Masjid an-Nabawi or the Prophet’s mosque.

Masjid an-Nabawi is one of the oldest and largest mosques in the world. One of the most notable features of the site is the Green Dome, which is built above the tomb of Prophet Muhammad.

Muslims regard the mosque as the second holiest site in Islam, after Masjid al-Haram in the holly city of Mecca.