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You Have To Believe In Qadr...

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    chacha_jalebi's Avatar Full Member
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    You Have To Believe In Qadr...

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    As salaama alaykam toodlings

    QADR! If we understood what that word meant, i swear to Allah (swt) there wouldn’t be a sad soul in this world, many people go on these next thins like relaxation, puttin rubbish in the bath n layin in their like a weirdo, all to receive inner peace! Well why dnt we jus pick up the Quraan and read it and we will realise so much!

    QADR = Allah (Swt) decree, and it comes from the word Qadhaa – meanin decision, it sounds like a minor topic but when we understand it fully and implement it in our lifes then we wil actually realise how blessed we are, that like 1429 years ago, when islaam was revealed all this messages were there, and even the chavs hav clocked on wit sayins lik “whatever happens, appens deal with it

    So basically to cut the intro short, whatever happens, it was already written by Allah (swt) no matter what we do or try to do, that thing will happen because its written, our lifes are like a story and whatever is written has to happen, its the will of Allah (Swt) its his QADR, so for example, if we lose money, get sacked, crap grades erm get shot its all the will of Allah (Swt) no one can change it, and we should be happy with it, because look who is sortin out our lifes for us, our creator, who better to be in control of your affairs then Allah (Swt). Still not happy eh... read on

    Allah (Swt) says in surah al Hadid v 22

    “No calamity befalls on the earth or in yourselves but is inscribed in the Book of Decrees [Al-Lauh al-Mahfuz], before we bring it into existence. Verily, that is easy for Allah”

    So like i said, Allah (swt) is remindin us here, that anythin that happens to us, good or bad it was already written for us, like many times we think we gangstas n heavy cos we did somethin n d result was good, but really it was already meant for us, it was alredy written, thats why weneva somethin good happens RasoolAllah (saw) said praise Allah, so we always say Allah hu Akbar, Alhumdulilla, or sshukr Allah!! Because it was alredy written to happen, likewise when somethin bad happens, we think omg if i didn’t do this then this wudnt hav happen or if only this n that, NO NO NO, why regret? Shaytan wans you to regret so you, can be sad and like be deep in sorrows and regret, shaytan wans to pull you away from Allah (Swt), but we know Shaytan is our biggest enemy, he makes the evil look cool n good to us, so he deceives us and makes us feel like we should feel sad, but we shouldn’t WHY! BECAUSE WHATEVER HAPPENS ITS WRITTEN DOWN! We have to bare with patience the QADR written by Allah (swt) for us. Like look at Hadhrat Ayub (as) his wealth was taken, his kids died, he lost everytin, but he always said its the will of Allah (Swt) and il be patient, and we are nothin like Ayub (as) but Allah (Swt) still loves us and says to us so we can be reminded in

    surah al baqarah v 155,
    “Be sure we shall test you with something of fear and hunger, some loss in goods or lives or the fruits (of your toil), but give glad tidings to those who patiently persevere”

    So whatever happens we have to be patient with it thats the way to deal with it, but the most important lesson to remember is, it was meant to happen, like for example we all know we are gona meet Allah (swt) one day, and this meetin is the most important meetin of our life, and some of us dont stress about this meetin as much as we stress about stuff in this life, but what we need to rememba, like the meetin with Allah (swt) is certain and un avoidable, same way whatever happens to us in this life is unavoidable and its certain, and to like hit the nail on our heads, in surah al Tawbah v 51, Allah (swt) tells us to say

    Say: "Nothing will happen to us except what Allah has decreed for us: He is our protector": and on Allah let the Believers put their trust.

    Again Allah (Swt) says whatever happened or will happen it was his will, and he also comforts us by remindin us he is our protector! And he tells us to put our trust in him, for example can you imagine how confident a kid must feel when he knows his mum is protectin him, the same way Allah (swt) loves us 70 more times then our real mums, so we have to put trust in him and can you imagine his protection, jus imagine how heavy it feels knowin you got people carin for you in this world, but imagine how heavy it is to know that Allah (Swt) is your protector and he cares for you, we need to remember that and we will never be sad.

    Also we need to remember this life is temporarily, like when you go on a day out, do you really wana be all upset and in a mood? NO, same way treat this world as just a day out, have fun, dont let others spoil it for you, because remember this isn’t our home, our homes inshallah will be jannah! And no matter what your upset over it will soon go away, as is the case, like Allah (Swt) says in surah Ash Sharh v 6 “with every hardship their is relief”, like after every state of hunger, there is food, after every prison sentence their is a relief, after every illness there is a recovery, so we need to realise and remember why waste your time bein upset and stuff, because you know sooner or later the problem which was already written for you to happen, is gona go away soon so its jus a waste of time thinkin bout it and bein upset,

    And some people may still have doubts or think stuff they have done its their fault, well read this sayin of our butifull Abdullah ibn Umar (ra),he said narrated in the heavyy, imam ibn Abdul Wahhab’s (rahimullah), kitab at tawhid...

    Ibn `Umar (ra) said: "By Him in Whose Hand is the soul of Ibn `Umar, if anyone possessed gold as much as the mountain of Uhud and spent it in Allah's cause, Allah would not accept it from him unless he believed in Allah's Qadr." Then he used the hadiths of RasoolAllah (saw) which says Imaan is to believe in Allah, the Angels, the Revealed Books, the Messengers, the Day of Qiyamah AND AL QADR BOTH GOOD AND BAD OF IT”
    so to not believe that somethin wasn’t written for you, then you dont have pure imaan, because the hadiths say that real imaan is to believe in QADR, the good and bad.

    so to summarise, dont stress over jack, because it was already written for you, its kinda like you know its comin, so why stress and when any bad does happen be patient and have full belief in Allah (swt) as he says he is the protector of us! So rememba nothin was your fault or nothin was because of good luck, Allah (swt) did it for you as it had already been planned to happen, so never regret nothin the past shapes our future, think about today because your living it, dont think about the past because its gone, and you cant go back into it, and dont think to much bout the future because you cant go into it, and it hasn’t come, so live today because you dont know if you will be here tomorrow!

    So inshallah please remember good n bad is already written dont regret over the past and say stuff like oh if only i did this, NO WHATEVER YOU DID WITH IN POWER, CANT CHANGE THE WILL OF ALLAH (swt), and we know Allah (swt) always tests us to make us better muslims, how many times do we go through trials and we turn to islaam, thats because Allah (swt) says “when Allah (Swt) wants to do good to someone he inflicts them with tests” so if we ever felt sad and we turned to Allah (Swt) we have to stay on that path, because it was Allah (Swt) blessin us and makin bad happen to us, so we could be closer to him, so we have to grab the opportunity as soon as we can, if we neglect Allah (Swt) like call upon him when we need him, and other times we forget him, then remember one day he could neglect you,
    so basically remember dont be upset over the past, Allah (Swt) planned it for you and its all gone, think bout tomorrow which Allah (Swt) has also planend for you!!!, live each day like its last and make sure your prepared for when you stand in front of Allah (swt)

    Keep smiling.... its sunnah!!!!!
    Last edited by chacha_jalebi; 06-27-2008 at 02:09 PM.
    You Have To Believe In Qadr...


    "they ask you when will the help of Allah (swt) come! Certainly Allah (Swt) help is always near"

    Surah al Baqarah v214

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    Re: You Have To Believe In Qadr...

    You Have To Believe In Qadr...


    "they ask you when will the help of Allah (swt) come! Certainly Allah (Swt) help is always near"

    Surah al Baqarah v214

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  4. #3
    Güven's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: You Have To Believe In Qadr...

    SubhanAllah JazakAllahu Khair Brother For This Nice Post!!!!
    You Have To Believe In Qadr...

    And as for the one who fears standing in front of His Lord and restrains the soul from impure evil desires and lusts, verily, Paradise will be his abode [79:40-41]
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  5. #4
    TrueStranger's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: You Have To Believe In Qadr...

    Of course I believe in Qadr, right after I found myself in a situation which never crossed my mind.

    And the answer to my how and why questions was “QADR”

    You Have To Believe In Qadr...

    70:28 Lo! the doom of their Lord is that before which none can feel secure
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    chacha_jalebi's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: You Have To Believe In Qadr...

    format_quote Originally Posted by TrueStranger View Post

    Of course I believe in Qadr, right after I found myself in a situation which never crossed my mind.

    And the answer to my how and why questions was “QADR”


    but you see many people say and think nowadays like, if only i did this, or took this approach eeeeh eeeeh (meant to be the wrong answer noise they hav on game shows)

    everythin is written, like in a hadiths it says its already written who will go heaven and hell, our life is like a story, we have to play our part in the story, and thats it, like for example, you find perfectly normal people end up committin so much sins, and they think why why why, am i doin this sin, they know its wrong, yet they keep doin it, because it was written for them to do this sin, and Allah hu alim if they repent or if that sin is the reason for them to enter hell, so everythin is written for us, we shouldnt stress about the past or the future, just live the day man
    You Have To Believe In Qadr...


    "they ask you when will the help of Allah (swt) come! Certainly Allah (Swt) help is always near"

    Surah al Baqarah v214

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    Güven's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: You Have To Believe In Qadr...

    Just Chill like You Said And Btw Dua Can change The Qadr
    You Have To Believe In Qadr...

    And as for the one who fears standing in front of His Lord and restrains the soul from impure evil desires and lusts, verily, Paradise will be his abode [79:40-41]
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  9. #7
    TrueStranger's Avatar Full Member
    Karin Rika
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    Re: You Have To Believe In Qadr...

    format_quote Originally Posted by chacha_jalebi View Post

    but you see many people say and think nowadays like, if only i did this, or took this approach eeeeh eeeeh (meant to be the wrong answer noise they hav on game shows)

    everythin is written, like in a hadiths it says its already written who will go heaven and hell, our life is like a story, we have to play our part in the story, and thats it, like for example, you find perfectly normal people end up committin so much sins, and they think why why why, am i doin this sin, they know its wrong, yet they keep doin it, because it was written for them to do this sin, and Allah hu alim if they repent or if that sin is the reason for them to enter hell, so everythin is written for us, we shouldnt stress about the past or the future, just live the day man
    I stress mostly about my good deeds and bad deeds. For the good deeds, I have no idea if they will be accepted, and as for my bad deeds I have no idea if they will be forgiven.

    Nothing less or more is worth stressing about.

    You Have To Believe In Qadr...

    70:28 Lo! the doom of their Lord is that before which none can feel secure
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    chacha_jalebi's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: You Have To Believe In Qadr...

    You Have To Believe In Qadr...


    "they ask you when will the help of Allah (swt) come! Certainly Allah (Swt) help is always near"

    Surah al Baqarah v214

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  11. #9
    Re.TiReD's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: You Have To Believe In Qadr...


    Two bumps in one thread in such a short space of time?

    Lol kiddin akhee, great thread masha'Allah! But i'm surprised you didnt mention the saying about trusting in Allah and tying your camel.

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    chacha_jalebi's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: You Have To Believe In Qadr...

    ohh yeaah i porgoot that, but isnt that meant too do with tawakkul, anywhoo .....

    One Day RasoolAllah (sal Allah hu aleyhi wasalam) saw a Bedouin leaving his camel without tying it and he asked the Bedouin, "Why don't you tie down your camel?" The Bedouin answered, "I put my trust in Allah." The Prophet then said, "Tie your camel first, then put your trust in Allah" (At - Tirmidhi)

    so so so, this refers to ultimate tawakkul innay, and trust and reliance on Allah (Swt) and it shows that you shouldnt be superman and use your common sense, like you shouldnt say im gona close my eyes and cross a motorway, because i believe in Allah (Swt) you should open your eyes and cross from the right place and if you still get run over, then it was meant to happen and even if you didnt cross from the right place and got run over, it was meant to happen

    and back on my topic

    another hadiths
    RasoolAllah (saw) once said to Hadhrat Abdullah Ibn Abbas (Ra)....

    “O young man, I shall teach you some words [of advice] : Be mindful of Allah, and Allah will protect you. Be mindful of Allah, and you will find Him in front of you. If you (have need to) ask, ask of Allah; and if you seek help, seek help from Allah. Know that even if the Nation (or the whole community) were to gather together to benefit you with something, they would not benefit you with anything except that which Allah has already recorded for you, and that if they gather together to harm you with something, they would not be able to harm you with anything except that which Allah has already recorded against you. The pens have been lifted and the pages have dried.” (At-Tirmidhi)

    as it says no one can harm you or benefit you, except it was written for you!! and my favourite bit, the pens have been lifted and pages dried!! meanin its already written so dont be a depressed mandem be a happy one and remember this world is full of trials, because its not our home for ever, its just a time pass, test thin, the real home for us all inshallah will be jannah!!
    You Have To Believe In Qadr...


    "they ask you when will the help of Allah (swt) come! Certainly Allah (Swt) help is always near"

    Surah al Baqarah v214

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    Re: You Have To Believe In Qadr...


    Nah I was just thinking about Qadr, like you cant sit back and say....'Oh I aint guna revise for my exam coz its written whether or not ima pass' blah blah...so basically we have like, our parts to play aswell innay. Thats why I was thinking of that saying.

    Also yeah that hadeeth is top masha'Allah. Reminds me of a poem:

    The pens have been lifted and the pages have dried
    He could not change anything no matter how hard he tried...

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