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Words of Wisdom - Shaykh al-Ṭarīfī

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    Words of Wisdom - Shaykh al-Ṭarīfī

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    السلام عليكم

    Words of Wisdom1

    "Do not turn around to look at how many followers are behind you, rather look in
    front of you to see how safe the path is..."

    By Shaykh `Abdul-`Azīz bin Marzūq al-Ṭarīfī 2.

    ¤ If love blinds the bad qualities of the one you love, then hatred blinds the good qualities of the one you hate.

    ¤ Scholars differing does not mean opening the door to freely choosing one of their opinions. The desire for something is not evidence proving its correctness, just as medicine is not recognized because of its taste. So be selective in finding a scholar for your religion just as you are selective in finding a doctor for your body.

    ¤ Divine punishment does not descend on nations due to the presence of corruption therein, as no nation is free of corruption. However, it descends due to a lack of reformers; and it descends even faster when they are fought against.

    ¤ Islām only increases, it does not decrease. The Sunnah of Allāh is that if one person apostates an entire people become Muslim in his place.

    O you who believe! Whoever from among you turns back from his religion, Allāh will bring forth in place of them a people whom He will love and they will love Him; humble towards the believers, stern towards the disbelievers, fighting in the Way of Allāh, and never afraid of the blame of the blamers.” [Sūrah Al-Mā’idah 5:54]

    ¤ Staying up the entire night for Qiyām al-Layl from ‘Ishā’ to Fajr is against the sunnah except during Ramaḍān, for the sunnah in Ramaḍān is to stay awake for it for the one capable.

    And to sleep in the day is better than to sleep at night during Ramaḍān for the
    worshipper specifically

    ¤ Remembrance of Allāh is from among the means of remaining steadfast during fitnahs and when the mujāhid faces his enemy:

    O you who believe! When you encounter [an enemy] force, stand firm and remember Allāh much so that you may be successful.
    [Sūrah Al-Anfāl 8:45]

    ¤ It is mustaḥabb to have dates for suḥūr. Many are negligent of this sunnah and think that having dates is sunnah for ifṭār only.

    The Prophet (ṣallallāhu `alayhi wa sallam) said: “What an excellent suḥūr of the believer dates are!” [Abū Dāwūd]

    ¤ Tarāwīḥ was not performed in congregation during the Khilāfah of Abū Bakr as he was preoccupied with Jihād against the apostates, and Jihād is more emphasized than Tarāwīḥ. It was ‘Umar who gathered the people to pray behind Ubay ibn Ka‘b, and he did not perform the Qunūt except in the second half of Ramaḍān.

    ¤ A man once said, “O Messenger of Allah, how much should I pardon a slave?” He (ṣallallāhu `alayhi wa-sallam) said, “seventy times a day.”

    This is with regards to pardoning the mistake of one’s slave, so how about pardoning one’s wife and children?

    ¤ Put up with your opponent [patiently] even if he is tough and rude, for there may come a day when he will recognize the truth that is with you.

    Many of those who battled and fought alongside the Prophet (ṣallallāhu `alayhi wa-sallam) were among those who previously used to accuse him of madness and magic.

    ¤ Allāh has legislated voluntary fasting for His believing slaves. Among them is fasting six days of Shawwāl.

    The Prophet (ṣallallāhu `alayhi wa-sallam) said, “Whoever fasts Ramaḍān and follows it with six days of Shawwāl it is as if he fasted the whole year.

    1. Adapted from (pdf) 'Words of Wisdom', Dar-ul Riwaayah.
    2. He is Abdul-`Azīz bin Marzūq al-Ṭarīfī. He was born on 7/12/1396 AH (7/9/1976 CE).

    Last edited by Caplets; 03-28-2020 at 09:37 PM.
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    Re: Words of Wisdom - Shaykh al-Ṭarīfī

    ¤ Allāh has legislated qiyām al-layl year-round and made it a sign of the righteous:

    Their sides forsake their beds.” [Sūrah As-Sajdah 32:16].

    So whoever has the strength to pray qiyām al-layl he should do so in the last part of the night, otherwise one should pray witr before going to sleep.

    ¤ Du`ā’ is the most apparent and easiest form of ‘Ubûdiyyah (enslavement). The Prophet (ṣallallāhu `alayhi wa-sallam) said, “Du`ā’ is worship3.”

    It is also impermissible to abandon it. The Prophet (ṣallallāhu `alayhi wa-sallam) said, “Whoever does not ask Allāh He becomes angry with him.”

    So the believer should accustom his heart and hands to supplicating to Allah.

    ¤ The West considers gay and lesbian marriages freedom and ḥalāl, and demand Muslims to respect womens' rights without identifying for them which of the two is the female so that they could give her her due right!

    ¤ The one who fears criticism the most is the hypocrite, because what he conceals
    within is far greater than what he makes apparent, and so he fears being exposed:

    And whenever a sūrah is revealed, they look at each other, saying, "Does anyone see you?" and then they dismiss themselves.” [Sūrah At-Tawbah 9:127]

    ¤ The Arabs of Jāhilīyah were better than the people of Jāhilīyah today with respect to religion, because the Jāhilīyah of the Arabs was due to blindly following their fore-fathers whereas the Jāhilīyah of today is due to blindly following the enemies, their argument being:

    Indeed, we found our fathers upon a religion, and we are, in their footsteps, following.” [Sūrah Az-Zukhruf 43:23]

    3. https://islamqa.info/en/answers/320772/duaa-is-worship

    Last edited by Caplets; 03-28-2020 at 11:02 PM.
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    Re: Words of Wisdom - Shaykh al-Ṭarīfī

    ¤ If a calamity befalls a nation and they seek aid and those capable of aiding let them down, Allāh will send His punishment on the most capable of those who let them down, and if he was previously a tyrant his share of punishment will be greater than others.

    ¤“If you do not aid the Prophet - Allāh has already aided him.” [Sūrah At-Tawbah 9:40]

    Allāh has ensured that He would stand up in support of His Prophet and aid him, however He has warned us that if we do not stand up in support of him He would punish the Ummah that failed him and replace them with others who would stand up for him.

    ¤“Do not worship Shayṭān - for indeed, he is to you a clear enemy.” [Sūrah Yā-Sīn 36:60]

    Worshiping Shayṭān means obeying ones hawā (whims), because Shayṭān never appears to the human being in his true image, rather he appears in the garment of
    hawā (whims).

    Have you seen the one who takes as his god his own desire?” [Sūrah Al Furqān 25:43]

    ¤ One of the most difficult fitnahs to deal with is when a person calls to the truth at a time when the people want it from him and they raise his status by it.

    Then they abandon him leaving him on his own.
    This is where the distinction is made between the one who desires the dunya and the
    one who desires the ākhirah.

    ¤ The freedom of man ends where the boundaries of Allāh begin.

    Last edited by Caplets; 03-28-2020 at 11:16 PM.
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    Re: Words of Wisdom - Shaykh al-Ṭarīfī

    ¤ Do not look at what you have of books and notebooks, rather look at what is in your heart. If your heart is humble and submissive before Allāh then you are from the people of knowledge, because fear is the fruit of this knowledge.

    It is only those who have knowledge among His slaves that fear Allāh.” [Sūrah Al-Fāṭir 35:28]

    ¤ The hypocrites become strong in the midst of the Ummah on two occasions:
    - when the foreign enemy becomes strong,
    - and when the Ummah busies itself with partial differences.

    This is why the hypocrites hate Jihād, because it disrupts both of the above.

    ¤ Allāh does not remove a calamity except through calamity, although He is capable of removing it without it. However, it is in order to distinguish between the ranks and to cleanse the souls:

    If Allah had willed, He could have taken vengeance upon them [without you], but
    [He ordered armed struggle] to test some of you by means of others.
    ” [Sūrah
    Muḥammad 47:4]

    ¤ The bitterness of this dunya is the sweetness of the ākhirah, and vise versa. This is why Jannah is surrounded by displeasures and the Hellfire is surrounded by pleasures. The intelligent one is he who bears patiently an hour of bitterness for an eternity of sweetness, and an hour of humiliation for an eternity of glory.

    ¤ The hud-hud’s fascination of the civilization of Saba’ did not veil him from seeing their disbelief. He said,

    I found a woman ruling over them, and she has been given all things that could be possessed by any ruler of the earth, and she has a great throne. I found her and her people worshipping the sun instead of Allāh, and Shayṭān has made their deeds fair-seeming to them, and has averted them from (Allāh’s) Way, so they have no guidance.” [Sūrah An-Naml 27:23-24]

    ¤ Gender harassment is not so evident in the West in spite of the fact that unveiling
    and free-mixing (of the genders) exists, because zina for them is permissible.

    They made the end goal obtainable and brought it near (for the people), and hence they had no need for the means (to achieve the end goal). The one whose sky
    provides rain will never steal water.

    ¤ We do not rejoice at the calamities that befall others, except if they are oppressors and tyrants. Furthermore, we believe in what Allāh has told us concerning the enemies who wage war against the Muslims:

    And a disaster will not cease to strike those who disbelieve because of their evil deeds, or it (the disaster) settles close to their homes, until the Promise of Allāh comes to pass. Certainly, Allāh does not fail in His Promise.” [Sūrah Ar-Ra'd 13:31]

    ¤ Sincerity in customary acts drives away riyā’ from acts of worship. Hence, whoever makes his sleep an act of worship, his qiyām will not be out of riyā’ (Showing Off).

    ¤ It is thought that punishment and affliction is by losing money and children only. However, the greatest type of punishment and affliction is that you see the truth, then Allāh makes you flee from it.
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    Re: Words of Wisdom - Shaykh al-Ṭarīfī

    ¤ To appoint a kāfir to rule over the Muslims is not valid by agreement of all the Islamic madh'habs. Hence, the appointment of a Christian president for the Syrian National Council is invalid and it is impermissible for any of the fighting contingents or others to give it any consideration.

    ¤ For the dā‘ī to confine himself to targhīb (encouragement) with the exclusion of tarhīb (warning) is contrary to the da‘wah of all the messengers:

    ¤ “Nothing is said to you [O Muḥammad] except what was already said to the messengers before you. Indeed, your Lord is the Possessor of forgiveness, and also the Possessor of painful punishment.” [Sūrah Fuṣṣilat 41:43]

    ¤ Comparing ones large amount of followers and wealth with that of others causes tyrannical arrogance:

    And he had fruit, so he said to his companion while he was conversing with him, ‘I am greater than you in wealth and mightier in (numbers of) men.’ And he entered his garden while in a state (of pride and disbelief) unjust to himself.” [Sūrah Al-Kahf 18:34-35]

    ¤ Materialistic deception is the nucleus of atheism:

    And he entered his garden while in a state (of pride and disbelief) unjust to himself. He said, ‘I do not think that this will ever perish. And I do not think the Hour will ever occur.’” [Sūrah Al-Kahf 18:35-36]

    ¤ Some souls adopt a wrong opinion not due to its strength, but because the soul has become defeated so it wants to climb on anything that will raise it.

    ¤ Memorization without comprehension is ignorance and self-conceit, and
    comprehension without memorization is a drawback and deficiency.

    ¤ Dividing people into disbeliever and believer is Allāh’s decree:

    It is He who created you, then some of you are disbelievers and some of you are believers.” [Sūrah At-Taghābun 64:2]

    Searching for a third terminology is tampering with the sharī‘ah just like searching for a third sex is tampering with nature.

    ¤ Allāh made the punishment of Ādam and Hawwā’ in Jannah the uncovering of their bodies:

    Then when they tasted of the tree, their private parts became apparent to them.” [Sūrah Al-A‘rāf 7:22]

    Allāh made it a punishment for a prophet and yet modern civilization takes it as

    ¤ Do not turn around to look at how many followers are behind you, rather look in
    front of you to see how safe the path is.

    ¤ The prohibition of attending the religious festivals of the mushrikūn is something that the scholars have unanimously agreed upon, such as Imāms Mālik, Abū Ḥanīfah, al-Shāfi‘ī and Aḥmad. Ibn al-Qayyim has sited this consensus in his book aḥkām ahl al-dhimmah, as well as others.

    ¤ It is not permissible to congratulate a Christian for the lie of the birth of a son of God, even if he congratulates you for the ‘Īd of Islām, because Allāh’s rulings are not exchangeable. You’re not allowed to glorify an idol simply because an idolator entered the masjid with you.
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    Re: Words of Wisdom - Shaykh al-Ṭarīfī

    ¤ An opinion is not true simply because of admiration and contentment of it:

    “Those whose efforts have been wasted in this life while they thought that they were acquiring good by their deeds
    .” [Sūrah al-Kahf 18: 104]

    Allāh has made rulings that could run contrary to the confined intellect.

    ¤ Whoever wants to distinguish between the truth and his hawā, let him put himself on a bridge between the dunya and the ākhira; looking at the dunya behind him unable to return to it, and looking at the ākhira in front of him receiving him.

    ¤ Allāh created man without seeking his permission. How then can one whose
    permission was not sought regarding his own self wish that his permission is sought in such issues as Allāh’s legislations, wisdoms and rulings?

    ¤ It is stated in the hadīth: “If you abandon jihād, Allāh would permit your humiliation and would not relieve you of it until you return to your religion.”

    This is the humiliation of the one who only abandons it, then how about the
    humiliation of the one who fights it and distorts it?

    ¤ The zakāt of knowledge is to proclaim it just as the zakāt of wealth is to spend it: “O Messenger! Proclaim that which has been revealed to you from your Lord, and if you do not, then you have not conveyed His message.” [Sūrah Al-Mā’idah 5:67]

    ¤ If you become admired by your good deed performed in public, then purify it by performing it in secret, for performing it in secret is a purification of it.

    ¤ The paganism of jāhiliyyah was one of idolatry, whereas the paganism of today is one of ideologies.

    ¤ Knowledge without action is a punishment, for the more one increases in knowledge and decreases in action he resembles Iblīs; whereas if he increases in knowledge and then increases in actions, then he resembles the prophets.

    ¤ It is often said, ‘Most people are on this.’

    However, the truth is not known by numbers, for every era has a majority who hold an opinion that differs from the opinion of another era. Hence, the truth is not something that changes in search of the majority?!

    ¤ The intellect is fair if it wasn’t for the deception of the nafs. This is why revelation came to protect the intellect from it.

    ¤ The most apparent of that which a hypocrite is known by in the Qur’ān are three:

    - Hating Jihād
    - Slacking in performing congregational prayer
    - Rarely remembering Allah.

    ¤ Īmān along with love of misguidance and admiration of its people cannot come together in the heart, for it is stated in the ḥadīth:
    Whoever strove against them with his heart was a believer, and beyond that there is no Īmān even to the extent of a mustard seed.

    ¤ What is apparent from the evidences is that the Muslim countries will be one country prior to the epic battle, for it is stated in the ḥadīth, ‘Syria was named the fusṭāṭ of the Muslims,’ i.e. the place of their assembly. This is evidence of the unity of the entire Ummah.

    ¤ If you are taking the path to Allah, do not take directions for it except from Him.

    ¤ Whoever reflects over the fall of nations, considering its various causes, finds that they all come back to one cause: the head not feeling the body, either being absent or missing in action, until the head of the state is detached from its body.
    Last edited by Caplets; 04-15-2020 at 11:05 PM.
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