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keep this locked in your head

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    keep this locked in your head (OP)

    Al-Hasan al-Basri said, "If you see a man competing with you with regard to this world then compete with him concerning the Hereafter."

    Wuhayb ibn al-Ward said, "If you are able to make sure that no one precedes you in hastening towards Allah then do so."

    Muhammad ibn Yusuf al-Asbahani said, "If a person hears of another person or knows of another person who is more obedient to Allah than him, then that should grieve him."

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    Re: keep this locked in your head

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    basically all I want to say is that being poor is not an excuse about not knowing about your religion, or an excuse of not having knowledge about it. there were people as poor as we cannot imagine, still they were the most pious people of the whole nation.
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  4. #22
    asadxyz's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: keep this locked in your head

    format_quote Originally Posted by vpb View Post
    bro i don't know if you are a muslim, but from your avatar it seems you are. and I don't want to make fitnah here, but can please be more kind, and not be sarcastic. be more kind to your brothers/sisters.

    Volume 1, Book 2, Number 9: Narrated 'Abdullah bin 'Amr:
    The Prophet said, "A Muslim is the one who avoids harming Muslims with his tongue and hands. And a Muhajir (emigrant) is the one who gives up (abandons) all what Allah has forbidden."

    Assalaamo Alaikum:
    First of all I apologize from my Core of heart if you are heart.I never meant this.My word of Fatwa was not ironical but just a friendly joke.If you felt I again say sorry.

    Now coming to the point seriously.

    From my point of view (You may disagree) ,there are two Qurans in this universe (you may startle from this statement).One Quran was the Holy Quran which was revealed on Our Holy Prophet (PBUH) in the form of words (Kalamullah) and the other "Quran" is this universe which is actually tafsir of the Holy Quran.The Knowledge of both is Fardh on any Muslim.
    My claim is not from my thought rather it is from my learning of the Holy Quran :

    إِنَّ فِي خَلْقِ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالأَرْضِ وَاخْتِلاَفِ اللَّيْلِ وَالنَّهَارِ لآيَاتٍ لِّأُوْلِي الألْبَابِ﴿3:190﴾ (3:190) Surely in the creation of the heavens and the earth, *134 and in the alternation of night and day, there are signs for men of understanding

    إِنَّ فِي خَلْقِ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالأَرْضِ وَاخْتِلاَفِ اللَّيْلِ وَالنَّهَارِ وَالْفُلْكِ الَّتِي تَجْرِي فِي الْبَحْرِ بِمَا يَنفَعُ النَّاسَ وَمَا أَنزَلَ اللّهُ مِنَ السَّمَاء مِن مَّاء فَأَحْيَا بِهِ الأرْضَ بَعْدَ مَوْتِهَا وَبَثَّ فِيهَا مِن كُلِّ دَآبَّةٍ وَتَصْرِيفِ الرِّيَاحِ وَالسَّحَابِ الْمُسَخِّرِ بَيْنَ السَّمَاء وَالأَرْضِ لآيَاتٍ لِّقَوْمٍ يَعْقِلُونَ﴿2:164﴾
    (2:164) (If they want a sign for the perception of this Reality) surety there are countless signs for those who use their common sense; *162 they can see alternation of the night and day, in the ships that sail the ocean laden with cargoes beneficial to mankind, and in the rain-water which Allah sends down from the sky and thereby gives life to the earth after its death and spreads over it all kinds of animate creatures, in the blowing of the winds and in the clouds which obediently wait for orders between the sky and the earth.

    Think ,the Holy Quran is pointing to what ??Not only this there is Order in the Holy Quran :
    قُلْ سِيرُوا فِي الْأَرْضِ فَانظُرُوا كَيْفَ بَدَأَ الْخَلْقَ ثُمَّ اللَّهُ يُنشِئُ النَّشْأَةَ الْآخِرَةَ إِنَّ اللَّهَ عَلَى كُلِّ شَيْءٍ قَدِيرٌ﴿29:20﴾
    (29:20) Say to them, "Go about in the earth and see how He has begun the creation; then Allah will recreate life: surely Allah has power over everything.

    Those who do not ponder on them ,the Holy Quran says:وَكَأَيِّن مِّن آيَةٍ فِي السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالأَرْضِ يَمُرُّونَ عَلَيْهَا وَهُمْ عَنْهَا مُعْرِضُونَ﴿12:105﴾
    (12:105) And *74 many are the Signs in the heavens and the earth; yet they pass by and pay no heed to them

    An important duty of Muminin

    إِنَّ فِي السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضِ لَآيَاتٍ لِّلْمُؤْمِنِينَ﴿45:[B]3﴾ [/B]
    (45:3) The fact is that there are countless Signs in the heavens and the earth for those who believe.

    Those who do not think on His Ayaat (Quranic and universal) will be answerable on the day of Judgement:

    وَلاَ تَقْفُ مَا لَيْسَ لَكَ بِهِ عِلْمٌ إِنَّ السَّمْعَ وَالْبَصَرَ وَالْفُؤَادَ كُلُّ أُولـئِكَ كَانَ عَنْهُ مَسْؤُولاً﴿17:36﴾ (17:36) (13).Do not follow that of which you have no knowledge for you shall be questioned for (the use) of your eyes, ears and minds.

    The Holy Quran condemns those who do not ponder
    وَلَقَدْ ذَرَأْنَا لِجَهَنَّمَ كَثِيرًا مِّنَ
    الْجِنِّ وَالإِنسِ لَهُمْ قُلُوبٌ لاَّ يَفْقَهُونَ بِهَا وَلَهُمْ أَعْيُنٌ لاَّ يُبْصِرُونَ بِهَا وَلَهُمْ آذَانٌ لاَّ يَسْمَعُونَ بِهَا أُوْلَـئِكَ كَالأَنْعَامِ بَلْ هُمْ أَضَلُّ أُوْلَـئِكَ هُمُ الْغَافِلُونَ﴿7:179﴾

    (7:179) And certainly We have created for Hell many of the jinn and mankind; *140 they have hearts with which they fail to understand; and they have eyes with which they fail to see; and they have cars with which they fail to hear. They are like cattle - indeed, even more astray. Such are utterly heedless.

    Also Look at this Aya
    وَأَعِدُّواْ لَهُم مَّا اسْتَطَعْتُم مِّن قُوَّةٍ وَمِن رِّبَاطِ الْخَيْلِ تُرْهِبُونَ بِهِ عَدْوَّ اللّهِ وَعَدُوَّكُمْ وَآخَرِينَ مِن دُونِهِمْ لاَ تَعْلَمُونَهُمُ اللّهُ يَعْلَمُهُمْ وَمَا تُنفِقُواْ مِن شَيْءٍ فِي سَبِيلِ اللّهِ يُوَفَّ إِلَيْكُمْ وَأَنتُمْ لاَ تُظْلَمُونَ﴿8:60﴾
    (8:60) Make ready for an encounter against them all the forces and well-readied horses you can muster *44 that you may overawe the enemies of Allah and your own enemies and others besides them of whom you are unaware but of whom Allah is aware. Whatever you may spend in the cause of Allah shall be fully repaid to you, and you shall not be wronged.

    The Holy Prophet (PBUH) explained this "Power = Quwwat" with these words:
    «أَلَا إِنَّ الْقُوَّةَ الرَّمْيُ أَلَا إِنَّ الْقُوَّةَ الرَّمْي»
    (Verily, Power is shooting! Power is shooting.)
    Muslim collected this Hadith.(Tafsir Ibne Kathir)

    You know what is meant "Ar-ramyu" = shooting ,throwing ,firing. In todays' language you can translate it into "guns ,missiles"
    How wonderful this Aya and the explanation given by the Holy Prophet (PBUH)

    These were just a few among many.If you think on these Ayas. you will see how important both knowledges are.
    Best of luck
    Last edited by asadxyz; 06-08-2007 at 08:19 AM.
    keep this locked in your head

    Who can be more irrational than those who say: Design is possible without a designer ??
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  5. #23
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    Re: keep this locked in your head

    do u think it's fardh for a person who can't afford to pay for a practical course (ie. flying a plane) ????
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  6. #24
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    Re: keep this locked in your head

    Its sad how we pursue money and worldly benefits and strive for them, but regarding this matter its people who forget about Tawhid, nothing happens without the will of Allah swt, whatever wealth is written for us we will get it one way or another, but to get that wealth in a haraam way which seems to be the easiest way for most people is wrong. Haraam money has no blessing and will never bring any good to anyone. The best wealth a person can have is a clean and sincere heart, a kind heart, a heart that is obedient to Allah swt, a heart that is fearful of Allah swt, a heart that is hopeful from Allah swt, a heart that is content with what one has from the blessing of Allah swt, a heart that is thankful to Allah swt, a heart that is full of remembrance of Allah swt, a heart that is full of repentace to Allah swt.

    First comes Islam then after worldly things, earning for the family and looking after ones wife and children is worship of Allah swt, earning and eating halaal is worship of Allah swt, being nice to people and being there for them in times of difficulty is worship of Allah swt, feeding someone is worship of Allah swt, visiting the sick is worship of Allah swt, paying zakah is worship of Allah swt, learning knowledge and propagating that knowledge is worship of Allah swt. If they are done for the sake of Allah swt, then our reward is with him.
    You do what and how much you can do according to your own status, Allah swt will reward according to His grand status.

    The problem with money is it can easily lead people astray, thats why its better to be content with what little or abundant people have instead of striving for more.

    Allah swt knows best.
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  8. #25
    asadxyz's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: keep this locked in your head

    Its sad how we pursue money and worldly benefits and strive for them, but regarding this matter its people who forget about Tawhid,
    I 100% agree while striving for worldy benefits we should not forget our religious duties.Worldly benefits must be earned by absolutely fair and honest means

    nothing happens without the will of Allah swt, whatever wealth is written for us we will get it one way or another,
    Here I disagree.God helps those who help theselves.This is law of nature.
    Struggle in a field and seek help of Almighty Allah by prayers.Sitting and doing nothing "you will not get anything" Rest assure.Even Birds have to go out for food.

    The best wealth a person can have is a clean and sincere heart, a kind heart, a heart that is obedient to Allah swt, a heart that is fearful of Allah swt, a heart that is hopeful from Allah swt, a heart that is content with what one has from the blessing of Allah swt, a heart that is thankful to Allah swt,
    a heart that is full of remembrance of Allah swt, a heart that is full of repentace to Allah swt.

    First comes Islam then after worldly things, earning for the family and looking after ones wife and children is worship of Allah swt, earning and eating halaal is worship of Allah swt, being nice to people and being there for them in times of difficulty is worship of Allah swt, feeding someone is worship of Allah swt, visiting the sick is worship of Allah swt, paying zakah is worship of Allah swt, learning knowledge and propagating that knowledge is worship of Allah swt. If they are done for the sake of Allah swt, then our reward is with him.
    You do what and how much you can do according to your own status, Allah swt will reward according to His grand status.

    The problem with money is it can easily lead people astray, thats why its better to be content with what little or abundant people have instead of striving for more.
    It totally depends on your faith and Eeman.The way you earn money and spend it.Wealth by itself is a reward of Almighty Allah.

    The Holy Quran says;
    ثُمَّ رَدَدْنَا لَكُمُ الْكَرَّةَ عَلَيْهِمْ وَأَمْدَدْنَاكُم بِأَمْوَالٍ وَبَنِينَ وَجَعَلْنَاكُمْ أَكْثَرَ نَفِيرًا﴿17:6﴾
    (17:6) Then after this We afforded you an opportunity to over-power them and helped you with abundance of riches and children and increased you far more in numbers than before
    يُرْسِلِ السَّمَاء عَلَيْكُم مِّدْرَارًا﴿71:11﴾
    (71:11) He will send abundant rains for you from heaven,

    وَيُمْدِدْكُمْ بِأَمْوَالٍ وَبَنِينَ وَيَجْعَل لَّكُمْ جَنَّاتٍ وَيَجْعَل لَّكُمْ أَنْهَارًا﴿71:12﴾
    (71:12) will help you with wealth and children, will create gardens for you, and provide flowing rivers for you.

    Prophet Solomon (PBUH)was given a lot of Wealth:

    فَلَمَّا جَاء سُلَيْمَانَ قَالَ أَتُمِدُّونَنِ بِمَالٍ فَمَا آتَانِيَ
    اللَّهُ خَيْرٌ مِّمَّا آتَاكُم بَلْ أَنتُم بِهَدِيَّتِكُمْ تَفْرَحُونَ﴿27:36﴾
    (27:36) When (the envoy of the queen) came to Solomon, the king said "Do you want to help me with wealth? What God has given me is much more than what He has given you *41 ' May you yourselves rejoice in your gift!

    The Holy Prophet(PBUH) was bestowed with Wealth:

    وَوَجَدَكَ عَائِلًا فَأَغْنَى﴿93:8﴾
    (93:8) and He found you poor, then He enriched you.

    The wealth is From Almighty Allah:

    وَآتُوهُم مِّن مَّالِ اللَّهِ الَّذِي آتَاكُمْ
    and give them something out of the means Allah has given you(24:33)

    Destitute is a Curse and sign of punishment

    وَمَنْ أَعْرَضَ عَن ذِكْرِي فَإِنَّ لَهُ مَعِيشَةً ضَنكًا وَنَحْشُرُهُ يَوْمَ الْقِيَامَةِ أَعْمَى﴿20:124﴾
    (20:124) and whoso will turn away from My Admonition, he shall have a wretched life *105 in the world, and We shall raise him up blind on the Day of Resurrection

    Best of luck
    keep this locked in your head

    Who can be more irrational than those who say: Design is possible without a designer ??
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  9. #26
    syilla's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: keep this locked in your head

    keep this locked in your head

    heart 1 - keep this locked in your head

    25:36 And the true servants of the Most Merciful are those who walk the earth with humility and when the ignorant address them, they respond with words of peace.
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  10. #27
    cute123's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: keep this locked in your head

    format_quote Originally Posted by - Qatada - View Post

    Al-Hasan al-Basri said, "If you see a man competing with you with regard to this world then compete with him concerning the Hereafter."

    Wuhayb ibn al-Ward said, "If you are able to make sure that no one precedes you in hastening towards Allah then do so."

    Muhammad ibn Yusuf al-Asbahani said, "If a person hears of another person or knows of another person who is more obedient to Allah than him, then that should grieve him."

    Good sayings bought forward! jazakallah khair
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  11. #28
    jouju's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: keep this locked in your head

    asadxyz....i would like you to clarify something please.
    Wat did u mean wen u said unfortunately ibn katheer is full of israeelyaat?
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  12. #29
    syilla's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: keep this locked in your head

    can anyone post the importance of knowledge in islam
    keep this locked in your head

    heart 1 - keep this locked in your head

    25:36 And the true servants of the Most Merciful are those who walk the earth with humility and when the ignorant address them, they respond with words of peace.
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