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The search for knowledge

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    Umm Yoosuf's Avatar Full Member
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    The search for knowledge

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    Assalaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatulaahi Wa Barakatuh,

    I got this from another forum, subhan Allah it's really benefical

    (1) 'Abdullaah ibn Mas'ood, may Allaah be pleased with him said:

    "Aspire to become a scholar or a student of knowledge, and do not aspire to become anything other than that."

    (2)'Awn ibn 'Abdillaah said: I said to 'Umar ibn 'Abdil 'Azeez(rahimahullah):

    "It was said (to me): If you are able to be a scholar, then be a scholar. And if you are not able to, then be a student of knowledge. And if you are not able to be a student of knowledge, then love them. And if you cannot love them, then do not hate them."

    So 'Umar said: "Subhaanallah! Allaah has indeed assisted this individual in a time of difficulty."

    (3) 'Abdullaah ibn Mas'ood, may Allaah be pleased with him, said: "O People, learn! Then whoever learns, must act upon it."

    (4) Zurr ibn Hubaish said: "I came to Safwaan bin 'Assaal Al-Muraadee, so he said: "What brought you here?" I replied: "The search for knowledge." So he said: "Verily, the angels spread their wings for the seeker of knowledge, out of contentment for what he seeks." (And this is a saying of the Prophet salallah 'alaihi wa sallam)

    (5) Ibn 'Abbaas, may Allaah be pleased with him, said: "Verily, every creature- even the fish in the sea- seeks forgiveness for the one who teaches the people (about the) good." (This saying is authentically attributed to the Prophet salallahu 'alaihi wa sallam)

    (6)The Prophet salallahu 'alaihi wa sallam said: "The virtue of knowledge is more beloved to me than the virtue of worship. And the best of your religious qualities in al-war' (piety)."

    (7) Imaam An-Nasaa'ee narrates in his Book of Knowledge a statement attributed to 'Eesa ibn Maryam, 'alaihis salaam, that he said:

    "Whoever learns, then knows, then acts- he is called someone great/grand ('Adheem) in the kingdom of the heavens."

    (8) 'Abdullaah ibn Mas'ood, may Allaah be pleased with him, said:

    "Learn, for indeed none of you knows when he will be needed by the people."

    (12) The Prophet salallahu 'alaihi wa sallam said: "Knowledge that is not spoken of is like a treasure that is not spent."

    (15) Masrooq, rahimahullah said: "It is sufficient knowledge for a man that he fears Allaah. And it is sufficient ignorance for a man that he is amazed with his own knowledge."

    (17) The Prophet salallahu 'alaihi wa sallam said: "No individual threads a path in which he seeks knowledge, except that Allaah facilitates for him a path to Paradise, due to it."

    (Related by Imaam An-Nasaa'ee in his Kitaabul 'Ilm (Book of Knowledge) in this particular order)
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    Re: The search for knowledge

    28) Ash-Sha'bee (one of the great Imaams of Islaam) said:

    "I never wrote black ink on white paper(i.e. he never recorded a single hadeeth by writing it down), nor did I ever hear a hadeeth from someone, then want him to repeat it to me (due to strong memory)."

    Look at the type of individual Allaah raised up to preserve and protect His Religion.

    (30) Mujaahid said concerning Allaah's Statement:

    "And He made me ('Eesa) blessed wherever I may be."

    "Meaning: One who teaches good."

    (33) Jareer ibn Hayyaan said:

    "A man travelled to Egypt just for this one hadeeth, and he did not stop his journey to settle down, until he returned back to his home. The hadeeth was: 'Whoever conceals the faults of his brother in this world, Allaah will conceal his fault on the Day of Ressurection.'

    (The man was 'Uqbah ibn 'Aamir)
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    Umm Yoosuf's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: The search for knowledge

    37) Ibraheem An-Nakha'ee (great Imaam of the Sunnah) said:

    "They (the Sahaabah) would hate that a man reveal what he had with him (of knowledge)."

    (38) Al- A'mash, rahimahullah said: "I never heard Ibraaheem (i.e. An-Nakha'ee) state his opinion for a matter, ever."

    (39) Sa'eed ibn Jubayr (the great student of Ibn 'Abbas) rahimahullah said concerning Allaah's Statement:

    "Those who are miserly and enjoin miserliness upon the people." (4:37)

    "This is with regard to knowledge."

    Those who don't seek or have knowledge and they enjoin this upon others.

    (45) 'Abdullah ibn Amr narrated that he heard the Messenger of Allaah, salallahu 'alaihi wa salam say:

    "Convey from me, even if it one ayah. And narrate from the stories of the Children of Isra'eel for there is no harm in that. And whoever tells a lie on me intentionally, then let him find his seat in the Hell-Fire."

    Shaykh Al Albaanee rahimahullah said:

    "This refers to a saying regardless of whether it comes from the Book or the Sunnah"
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    Umm Yoosuf's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: The search for knowledge

    (162) Abu Hurairah, May Allaah be pleased with him narrated: I heard the Messenger of Allaah, salallahu 'alaihi wa sallam say:

    "The example of one who acquires knowledge but does not narrate it is like the example of a man whom Allaah has given wealth but does not spend from it."

    Shaykh Al Albaanee in his authentication of Kitaabul 'Ilm graded it hasan.

    (142) The Prophet salallahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:

    "Whoever conceals knowledge from which benefit is derived will be harnessed by a bridle made from fire."

    Shaykh Al Albaanee mentioned it in his book Tahdheerus Saajid, and it was authenticated also by at-Tirmidhee, Ibn Hibbaan, Al Haakim and adh-Dhahabee.

    (157)'Abdullah ibn 'Ubayd (A trustworthy taabi'ee) said:

    "Knowledge is the main object of the believer. Everytime he obtains a part of it, he grasps onto it, and then seeks after another goal."

    Shaykh Al Albaanee graded it authentic in his checking of Kitaabul 'Ilm.

    (114)The Prophet salallahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:

    "Knowledge is achieved through studying and maturity is achieved through puberty. Whoever strives after (learning) good will be given it. And whoever avoids evil will be protected from it." (refer to As Saheehah by Shaykh Al Albaanee)

    (115) Abdullaah ibn Mas'ood radhiyallahu 'anhu said:

    "Indeed, no one is born a scholar. Rather, knowledge is only obtained through learning."

    Kitaabul 'Ilm...An Nasee'ee.
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    Umm Yoosuf's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: The search for knowledge

    A selected chapter from the classic treatise "Iqtidaa-ul-'Ilm-ul-'Amal" (Knowledge Mandates Action) by Al-Khateeb Al-Baghdaadee (D. 463H), may Allaah have mercy on him:

    [119] Abu Sa’eed Muhammad bin Moosaa bin Al-Fadl bin Shaadhaan As-Sayrafee informed us in Naisapur: Abul-‘Abbaas Muhammad bin Ya’qoob Al-Asam narrated to us: Al-‘Abbaas bin Al-Waleed bin Mazeed Al-Bayrootee informed us, saying: My father informed me: Al-Awzaa'ee narrated to us, saying:

    “I have been informed that it used to be said: ‘Woe to those who acquire (religious) knowledge for other than the sake of worship and to those who permit the unlawful due to doubtful arguments.”

    [120] Al-Hasan bin ‘Alee Al-Jawharee informed us: Muhammad bin Al-‘Abbaas Al-Kharraaz narrated to us: Yahyaa bin Muhammad bin Saa’id narrated to us: Al-Husayn bin Al-Hasan Al-Marwazee narrated to us, saying: Ibn Al-Mubaarak informed us, saying: Bakaar bin ‘Abdillaah informed us, saying: I heard Wahb bin Munabbih say:

    “Allaah, the Most High, said in His censure of the Rabbis (scholars) from amongst the Children of Israa’eel (i.e. Jews): ‘Will you learn for other than the sake of the Religion, and acquire knowledge for other than the sake of acting on it? Will you purchase the worldly life using deeds (meant) for the Hereafter? You wear the skins of sheep yet conceal (within yourselves) the souls of wolves. You quickly clean the filth that falls into your drinks yet you readily swallow the equivalent of mountains from the unlawful. You make the Religion burdensome upon the people like the weight of mountains, and you don’t assist them by even lifting up your pinky fingers. You prolong the prayer and whiten the garments. You illegally seize the wealth of the orphan and the widow. By My might, I swear that I will indeed strike you with a calamity in which the opinion of every opinionative person and the wisdom of every wise person (amongst you) will be led astray.’”

    [121] Al-Hasan bin Abee Bakr informed us, saying: ‘Uthmaan bin Ahmad Ad-Daqaaq informed us: Al-Hasan bin Salaam narrated to us: Abu Nu’aim narrated to us: Abul-Jaabiyah narrated to us: Al-Farraa’ narrated to us, saying: Ash-Sha’abee said:

    “Verily, we are not Fuqahaa (men of understanding). We merely listen to the Hadeeth and then narrate it (to others). Rather, the Fuqahaa are those who when they know something, act upon it.”

    [122] Al-Hasan bin Muhammad Al-Khallaal narrated to us: ‘Umar bin Ahmad, the Admonisher, narrated to us: ‘Abdullaah bin Muhammad bin Ziyaad narrated to us: Al-‘Abbaas bin Al-Waleed bin Mazeed narrated to us, saying: My father narrated to us, saying: I heard Al-Awzaa’ee say:

    “When Allaah desires evil for a people, He opens the door of argumentation for them and prevents them from (doing good) deeds.”

    [123] Abu ‘Abdillaah Al-Husayn bin Ja’far As-Salmaasee informed us, saying: Ahmad bin Ibraheem bin Shaadhaan informed us: Ahmad bin Muhammad bin ‘Abdil-Kareem Al-Wasaawasee narrated to us: ‘Abdullaah bin Khubaiq narrated to us, saying: I heard Ibraaheem Al-Bakaa say: I heard Ma’roof bin Fayrooz Al-Kurkhee say:

    When Allaah intends good for a servant, He opens for him the door of actions and closes for him the door of argumentation. And when Allaah intends evil for a servant, He opens for him the door of argumentation and closes for him the door of actions.”

    [124] Abul-Qaasim ‘Ubaydullaah bin ‘Umar bin Ahmad, the Admonisher, informed us, saying: My father narrated to me, saying: ‘Alee bin Muhammad Al-Misree narrated to us: Muhammad bin Zayd narrated to us that Ibn Suwayd said: Abu Nu’aim Al-Fadl bin Dukain narrated to us, saying: I entered into the presence of Zafar when he was at the point of death, so he raised his head up to me and said to me:

    O Abu Nu’aim, I wished that what we were upon (from seeking hadeeth) was instead tasbeeh (glorification of Allaah).”
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    Ibn Abi Ahmed's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: The search for knowledge

    Jazakillah Khayr for this thread...

    Jareer ibn Hayyaan said:

    "A man travelled to Egypt just for this one hadeeth, and he did not stop his journey to settle down, until he returned back to his home. The hadeeth was: 'Whoever conceals the faults of his brother in this world, Allaah will conceal his fault on the Day of Ressurection.'
    And look at us..sitting at home on our chairs accessing these ahadith while they traveled so far and so long and went through much hardship for just one! Allaah have mercy upon us!
    The search for knowledge

    Do not argue with your Lord on behalf of your soul, rather argue with your soul on behalf of your Lord.” - Dhul-Nun

    "It is the very pursuit of happiness that thwarts happiness." - Victor Frankl
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  9. #7
    Ummu Sufyaan's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: The search for knowledge

    subhanallah, they fought so hard.

    The search for knowledge

    ...desperate for husnul-khitaam...

    please make dua that Allah grants me a good end (to my life). please make dua that Allah guides me.

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