Just as the exiled Iraqi Ahmed Chalabi of the Iraqi National Congress told the neocons in the US administration lies about Saddams so-called nuclear ambitions, so today we have exiled Iranian Muhammad Mohaddessin of the National Council of Resistance of Iran telling the International Atomic Energy Agency the same lies about Iran’s so-called nuclear ambitions.

A whole bunch of Israeli Members of the Knesset (MKs) are now running around Europe and Asia like headless chooks spreading the lies trying to drum up support for war against Iran. Problem is; no one’s listening. The neocons and the Israelis told the same lies before when getting the world to invade Iraq. The world is hardly going to fall for that again. It turned out that Iraq had no WMDs and certainly no nuclear program. Nonetheless, over a million people have died as a result of the lies and several millions more are now homeless and Iraq has been destroyed.

And now these same warmongering lunatics expect the world to fall for it all over again. How many more have to die just so that the right-wing Zionists of Israel can realise their dream of a Greater Israel at the expense of the Palestinian people?

The fact that no one is listening, however, is unlikely to stop the Israelis launching an attack on Iran sooner or later. The assured retaliation from Iran will then commit the US to pre-empting such retaliation by attacking Iran’s defences with massive bombing operations. While any attack against Iran is likely to be co-ordinated between Israel and the US, the US will ensure that it is Israel that strikes the first blow – then the US will join in.
