If there’s law and justice in this world, Ehod Olmert, must be stood trial for “Crimes Against Humanity”. If no one must get away with his crime, this man has to be punished like every other criminal. Adolf Hitler, committed suicide. Saddam Huseyin, was executed by the US court. Slobodan Milosevic was found dead in his cell during the judgement process by the high court.
Olmert is not preferential. He mustn’t be let trick the world with Hamas tales. He has to be put before a court after this savagism. And at least doing this, is a debt of this pharisaical world to the humanity. If the others’ are humanity crimes, his is a thousand times of it. While Nazis, communists, socialists and fascists are being judged, are zionists exempt of it?..
Aside the general law, Israeli prime minister is breaking laws of war.
Babies are being murdered.
Children are being murdered.
Women are being murdered.
Parents are being murdered before the eyes of their children. Families are being deleted altogether. Houses are being demolished. Ambulances and schools are being bombed. Soldiers are throwing toy-grenades for children to pick. An apparent overforce is at hand. The numbers are always showing the death toll. And the numbers of the casualties are never being drawn attention.
And many other cruelties of theirs are also occuring before the whole world. Let’s say this so-called law, this so-called justice, cannot challenge George W. Bush. And what about Olmert? Can it not challenge him either? A system which judges whoever it can afford, could be refered as “law”? An adjudication which bases on it, could be referred as “justice”? Or is it in fact Olmert, who this modern law cannot cope with? For it is it this devilish, merciless, heartless and immoral?
Human rights courts and Hague Tribunal can close themselves down, if they aren’t going to work today. Alas for those courts and their pompous judges who saw these cruelties but never took action. Alas for those who encourage the savage with their helplessness, passivism, insensibility and misery.
For the US.
For the EU.
For the EHRC.
For Hague Tribunal.
For UN.
For the Security Council. For the Organisation of Islamic Conference, for the Arabic Union, for Arabic countries, for the NATO, for female associations, for environmentalists, for everyone who claim to be human, for Barack Obama who shook the all hopes with his melodic speeches.
While no live is never worthless, how can thousands of it end like this?
Where are you o’ Justice?
Which abyss have you fallen to?..