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Oppressions toward Muslims Worldwide

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    malayloveislam's Avatar Full Member
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    Oppressions toward Muslims Worldwide

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    Since media seems can't cover small issues about Muslims being victimized, we can share them with Muslim brothers, sisters and friends world wide here in conjunction with Xinjiang tragedy.

    We can see what Communists had done to SEAn Muslims and how Muslims have to "hold the cross on their back in order to defend their faith" which is the faith of the prophets despite of oppressions from others the same as what happened in Xinjiang and elsewhere.

    You can tell what happened to your country too as many people can't see what had happened in their country whether the country is a majority Muslim country, absorbed into other country like Xinjiang, colonized in the modern era like Palestine or etc.

    Monday, November 26, 2007

    Muslims story in Cambodia

    "The armies with black uniform with a piece of black cloth tied on their head rushing into the city of Phnom Penh, the capital of Cambodia in April 17th, 1975. They are those who were called as Khmer Rouge or Red Khmer by the king Sihanouk of Cambodia. Khmer Rouge or Anggar Padevat (Revolutioner Organization) had chase out the inhabitants of Phnom Penh and emptied the city 3 months before it was subdued. At that time Cambodia was under the rule of Lon Nol.

    Among the brutal chiefs of Khmer Rouge is Pol Pot and his followers. Now they are still alive and in trials in the court for what they had done. It is estimated that almost 3 million Cambodians were murdered by Khmer Rouge. Pol Pot had executed ethnic cleansing campaign where the religious teachers and intellects were seized and shooting dead Buddhist monks and Muslim realigious leaders together with their family. They were also prohibited from keeping religious kitaab and Quran in their houses. Other than that, Muslims were prohibited from praying, fasting, and the execution of Hajj too had stopped between 1975 - 1979.

    In the beginning, Muslims in Cambodia were about 400, 000, but in 1975, the total Muslims population had decreased to 350, 000 because some of them had died in the Khmer Rouge rebellion. Half of them survived and migrated to the border without returning back.

    “I with my 50 other helpless family members sneaked out to Thailand border to seek refuge. Many of us too had been victims of hidden bombs, died, or losing their feet. Some were detained and brought back to Cambodia before being slained. We are among those who survived and managed to get through the border and it is just 15 of us. Upon passing the border we feel like we are alive from the death..." said Mad Li who had also migrated to other country. I had resently met him in his own house in Cambodian Village in Selangor.

    "We just walked till we reached Bangkok. When some Muslim Thais know that we are Muslims, we suddenly received helps. We were given shelters and sufficient food every day. I want to pay them back for what their kindness but they refused to accept it! They advised us to move further South for our safety where there are many Muslims there. We agreed and they provided us Bus ticket to reach there. I really insist to pay them but they still refuse it..."

    Mat Li further said, "Once we reached Southern Thai, we met many Muslim brothers. Some of them suggested us to cross the border to Malaysia as the country had majority Muslim population. There, Muhajirins are welcomed and that's true. Finally we reached Kelantan state in Malaysia's East Coast and Cambodian Muslim Villages were established in few states in the country. Among the first groups migrated like myself is Ismail Sasakul, a Cambodian who had once been Hong Kong film star."

    After 1970, Cambodia received the visits of Russian and Vietnamese advisors who replaced the administration through Hun Sen. However at that time, the war is still running. Fire arms being brought into Cambodia from China, Russia, and the US supplied to Cambodians and the citizens are killing each other. The misunderstanding only stops when a peace treaty was signed in 1991 among the fighting groups.

    The UN too had monitored the security of Cambodia till the first election was organized in 1993. At that time, the citizens including Muslims had gained back their freedom to live their life. Through Cambodian Muslim Organization, Cambodian government had executed few programs for Cambodian Muslims' welfare aborad. Cambodian Muslim community too had the opportunity to develop Cambodia beside contributing good ideas for their country. In 1997, three parliament members from among Muslims were chosen and there is about 200 masjids in Cambodia.

    Majority of Muslims in Cambodia are from ethnic Champa or Chams which is about 95% of Muslim population. The state of Kompong Cham is among the biggest area with Muslim population comprising 35% of Cambodians since 1975 and 30, 000 of the Muslims can be seen in Phnom Penh. Other than that, the villages with Muslim majority population is Cambodia are the village Cheram Chemerai, the village Pok Bahau near Phnom Penh, the village Pok Serah, the village Pok An, and the village Pok Cerah.

    I had been there around the year 2000 where I delivered my speech in Malay in Perik Aji (Parit Haji) in Kompong Cham. After that, I met few elders and I heard many interesting stories. Among them are about the courage of Cham Muslims who live in the village Koh Pohl in defending their Islamic Creed.

    The village was said as the first village arise in defending their faith from the brutality of Khmer Rouge. The village Koh Pohl means the island burnt to the ground. It was named like that due to that the houses of the villagers were burnt down during the war. The story was told by the assistant of Imam, Muhammad Doth Arif.

    “In the evening of 12 Ramadhan 1975, a group of 20 Khmer Rouge soldiers with a chief called the villagers to assemble in the Masjid. In the assembly the people were forced to abide to 5 rules.

    1. Colllecting Quranic texts in a place and burning them to ashes.
    2. Women were forced to cut their long usually tied hair short.
    3. They should only marrying non-Muslim Khmers.
    4. No fasting.
    5. They must rear swines and consume the swine for themselves.

    After the chief soldeir finished his speech, a kid around 6 years old rushed to the front and slapped the face of the Khmer Rouge chief due to his sensitivity toward swine issue. The matter had raised the spirit of villagers to leave the assembly. After that, they rose to fight the Khmer Rouge soldiers with solely sharp bamboos and parangs.

    In the 9th day of the riot, Khmer Rouge attacked the village and shooting them but nobody was injured. After two days holding in their village, the villagers return back the attack. The shooting then happened and 48 villagers died. Finally the village was subdued and some of them managed to seek refuge in Vietnam. Later, Khmer Rouge had followed up with the brutality to the whole Cambodian Muslims.

    Many of them died defending their faith toward G-d and martyred.

    translated from

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    Re: Oppressions toward Muslims Worldwide

    Chin Peng and Communist Brutality (Malaysian Peninsula)

    KUALA LUMPUR, June 7 -- Perhaps, not many Malaysians can remember or relate to the hardships of the emergency years between 1948 and 1960, which is considered a black episode in the country.

    Thousands of civilians and security members, especially Muslim Malays, died at the hands of the communist terrorists, in the most cruel and merciless way, like being slashed, burnt, shot, hung or buried alive in their self-dug graves.

    These incidents, which are almost forgotten, are being spoken and discussed again - all because the former Communist Party of Malaya (CPM) secretary-general Chin Peng wants to return to Malaysia.

    Recently, when Penang Gerakan chairman Datuk Teng Hock Nan requested that the government allows Chin Peng to return to the country, many people felt that it would only reopen old wounds.

    The excuse given by Teng that Chin Peng was now old and no longer a threat to the country, could not be accepted by victims and families who lost their loved ones during the war against the communists.

    Should Chin Peng be allowed to return to Malaysia and what is the motive of those who want him back in the country when the High Court had already rejected his application?

    Some four years ago, a political party tried to exploit the country's history by saying that it was due to objections from the CPM that Malaysia was granted its independence by the British.

    This was considered an attempt to proclaim Chin Peng as the country's independent warrior, despite him been responsible for the death of thousands of people.

    The fact remains that the CPM had nothing to do with efforts to free the Malay states from the colonials as clarified by Prof Emeritus Tan Sri Datuk Dr Khoo Kay Kim, who said that the CPM, formed in 1930, was part of an international communist operation, especially by the Russian Communist, to spread its ideology.

    "They did not want to free this country from the British, but wanted to make the Malay States part of the world communist order," he added.

    He said the communist ideology rejected the concept of nationhood, as well as political border and capitalism.

    Based on these facts, the communist party led by Chin Peng had intended to turn the country into a communist republic.

    According to historical facts, the CPM formed the Malayan People's Anti-Japanese Army (MPAJA) and had cooperated with the British to fight against the Japanese when Japan invaded the Malay States from Feb 13, 1942, until Aug 15, 1945, which was during the Second World War.

    The British also provided weapons, training, financial aid, logistics and medical supplies to MPAJA, also known as Bintang Tiga (Three Stars), which was joined mostly by Chinese because of their hatred for the Japanese invasion of China.

    Bintang Tiga ruled the Malay States for 14 days after the Japanese defeat on Aug 16, 1945, until the British returned in early September. It was during this period that many civilians were tortured, raped and killed by the communist.

    Most of the victims were Malays, who were accused of helping the Japanese and the British. The reason being that during the Japanese Occupation, the majority of the personnel in the Japanese Police, or the Jookidam, were Malays.

    "After the British returned, the Malays rose and fought against the communist, only that they didn't understand that they were fighting the communist, not the Chinese," said Prof Khoo.

    It was due to this misconception that led to racial clashes in several places, among them in Batu Pahat, Johor, and Sungai Manik, Perak, between September 1945 and April 1946.

    On Oct 17, 1945, the Parti Kebangsaan Melayu Malaya (PKMM) was formed by Moktaruddin Lasso in Ipoh, Perak, to garner support from the Malays and to indoctrinate the communist ideology among the Malays.

    At that time, the CPM was seen as having control over PKMM through leaders like Rashid Maidin, Abdullah C.D, Arshad Ashaari and Mokhtaruddin.

    The formation of the Federal Malay States on Feb 1, 1948, was a blow to the communist party in its attempt to turn the country into a communist republic.

    Prior to that, the British formed the Malayan Union and placed the Malay States and the Straits Settlements, including Singapore, under the rule of governor Sir Edward Gent.

    "After the formation of the Federated Malay States, which restored the power of the Malay Rulers, the communist surrendered.

    "The CPM was disappointed that the British restored the power of the Malay Rulers," historian Prof Datuk Dr Ramlah Adam said.

    This led to various attacks and killings by the CPM, which then forced Gent to declare an emergency in the country. On July 23, 1948, the CPM was banned.

    Before the CPM was banned, Chin Peng took over the party leadership from secretary-general, Loi Tek, who disappeared with the party's savings in March 1947.

    It was during this period that the communist terrorists, led by Chin Peng, resorted to guerilla tactics by operating in forest areas and launched their attacks on police stations, villages, as well as killing civilians and security members.

    One of the attacks took place on Feb 23, 1950 at the Bukit Kepong police station, in Johor where 180 communist terrorists surrounded the police station, which was located on the Sungai Muar river banks. Seventeen security members were killed in the incident.

    In December 1955, the Baling Talks took place at the Sekolah Kebangsaan Tunku Putera in Baling, Kedah between the government, led by Tunku Abdul Rahman as the then Chief Minister of the Federation of Malaya, and Chin Peng, who wanted the government to allow the CPM to operate as a political party.

    However, Chin Peng's request was turned down, but the government offered amnesty for its members if the CPM were to disband.

    The communist terrorists continued to rebel until Malaya achieved its independence on Aug 31, 1957, and then withdrew into areas bordering Thailand.

    The resurgence of the CPM and the Communist Party of Northern Kalimantan occurred between 1968-1989 in their attempts to topple the Malaysian government.

    The attacks by the communists were centred in the town areas, including an incident at the Police Field Force (PFF) Central Brigade camp at Jalan Pekeliling (now Jalan Tun Razak) on Sept 3, 1975 which killed two police personnel and injured 10 others.

    Two notorious killings by the communists during the period were that of Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Abdul Rahman Hashim who was shot in Kuala Lumpur on June 7, 1974, and that of the Perak police chief Tan Sri Khoo Chong Kong in Ipoh on Nov 13, 1975.

    After 41 years of communist terrorism which claimed the lives of thousands of people, the CPM under Chin Peng finally laid down arms and the party was disbanded following the Haadyai Agreement which was signed on Dec 2, 1989 between the Malaysian and Thai governments and the CPM.

    Former Dewan Rakyat Speaker Tan Sri Michael Chen said Chin Peng had been given a chance to return, but he did not take it.

    "For some reasons, he didn't come back. His attempt (to come back) through legal process has failed," he said, referring to a Federal Court decision which dismissed Chin Peng's appeal because he did not furnish documents of his citizenship.

    Chen, who is also former MCA deputy president, said there was a possibility that the government, on humanitarian grounds, would consider allowing Chin Peng to return for purpose of visiting his father's grave in Malaysia.

    Until now, Chin Peng's intention to return still received much protest, especially from the ex-servicemen associations.

    "We do not want to reopen old wounds," said Ex-Policemen's Association of Malaysia (PBPM) president Ku Mohamad Khalid Tuan Ibrahim.

    What is definite is that the issue on Chin Peng should not be looked in terms of racial aspects or narrow politics because during the communist insurgency, everyone became victims of the communist terrorists regardless of their skin colour.

    Khoo, when asked whether Chin Peng should be allowed to return, said, "those who have the right to decide whether Chin Peng can return or not are relatives of those killed by the communists".

    Another question raised is whether Chin Peng's return would benefit the country.

    -- BERNAMA

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    Re: Oppressions toward Muslims Worldwide

    June 19, 2009 15:08 PM

    New Generation Insurgents Killing Teachers In Southern Thai

    By D. Arul Rajoo BANGKOK, June 19 (Bernama) -- A new generation of separatist insurgents is believed to be responsible for the killing 115 teachers and wounding more than 100 others in the restive Southern Thai over the past five years, the Human Rights Watch (HRW) said Friday.

    The insurgents, dubbed Patani Liberation Fighters or Pejuang Kemerdekaan Patani, are linked to the murder of five teachers in the south since the beginning of the new school term last month.They have also burned more than 200 schools in the same period.

    The New York-based HRW said separatist insurgents should immediately cease their attacks on teachers and asked Thai authorities to hold accountable those responsible, in a lawful manner and take measures to bolster security at schools.

    "In a sickening trend, separatist insurgents are increasingly attacking teachers, who they consider a symbol of government authority and Buddhist Thai culture. There is no excuse for such brutality," said Brad Adams, Asia director at HRW.

    Among those killed were an eight-month pregnant teacher in Ja Nae district of Narathiwat province.

    HRW said, after each attack, schools in affected areas were closed down for security reasons, adding that hundreds of teachers had requested transfers out of the region.

    The attacks on teachers not only violated international law prohibitions against targeting civilians, but also threatened children's basic right to education, it said.

    It said the government should take appropriate steps to ensure the safety of schools and teachers, but also expressed concern over vigilantism allegedly carried out by local security units in revenge for insurgent attacks on Buddhist Thai officials and civilians.

    Over the past five years, there have been many reported assassinations of imams and Muslim religious teachers (ustadz) and attacks on mosques and Muslim schools (pondok).

    HRW said, there have been no successful criminal investigations of these cases, leading many in the ethnic Malay Muslim population to conclude that the Thai government had been involved in a cover-up, making it clear to the perpetrators that they can act without fear of punishment.

    "Separatist insurgents claim that abuses by the security forces justify their attacks, but the Thai government should not allow its troops to adopt the same logic.

    "Any attempt to cover up the misconduct of security forces, or protect them from criminal responsibility, will further escalate a cycle of reprisal violence," said Adams, adding that it was time for the Thai government to deal with the root causes of the conflict.

    More than 3,500 people died since separatist groups resumed their armed campaign in January 2004 to seek independence for the three Muslim-majority provinces of Yala, Pattani and Narathiwat.

    -- BERNAMA
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    Re: Oppressions toward Muslims Worldwide

    Gunmen Kill 10 at Mosque in Southern Thailand

    Monday, June 08, 2009

    PATTANI, Thailand — Gunmen opened fire on a mosque in southern Thailand during evening prayers, killing at least 10 people and wounding another 19 in the violence-plagued region, police said.

    The attack Monday was one of the deadliest incidents since an Islamic separatist insurgency was launched in Thailand's three southernmost provinces in early 2004. More than 3,400 people have been killed in the violence, most victims of the insurgents.

    Five or six men shot automatic rifles into the mosque in Narathiwat province's Joh-I-Rong district on Monday, said police Lt. Col. Somjai Singkliang.

    However, the Web site of the newspaper The Nation cited Army spokesman Col. Parinya Chaidilok as saying there were only two attackers. The newspaper also reported that an 11th person had died en route to hospital.

    Among those who died at the mosque was the imam, or prayer leader, said Somjai, who added that most of the 19 people wounded in the attack were in serious condition.

    Narathiwat, Pattani and Yala provinces, where virtually all the violence has occurred, are the only Muslim-majority provinces in predominantly Buddhist Thailand. Southern Muslims have long complained of discrimination, especially in education and job opportunities.

    Last week two teachers, one eight months pregnant, were killed in the same province in an attack attributed to the insurgents. The deaths triggered intense anger among the area's Buddhist community.

    Security forces sometimes blame the insurgents for attacks on Muslim individuals and institutions, claiming they mean to stir up hatred to boost their cause and trigger sectarian strife.

    "They are trying to make it look like the attackers are the authorities, because Muslims would apparently not shoot inside a mosque. But it's impossible that it is the work of the military," The Nation quoted Army spokesman Parinya as saying about Monday's attack.

    Very rarely does any group claim responsibility for any attacks on either community.

    Earlier Monday in the same province, nine soldiers were wounded when the pickup truck in which they were traveling was ambushed, reported the state Thai News Agency.

    It said a remote-controlled roadside bomb destroyed the vehicle, and attackers then opened fire on the solders before fleeing.

    The attacks came on the same day Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva was on an official visit to Malaysia to hold talks about the insurgency and economic cooperation.

    Southern Thai Muslims are ethnic Malays, a background shared with most people just across the border in northern Malaysia, where there is sympathy for their plight.

    Insurgent attacks — which include drive-by shootings and bombings — are believed intended to frighten Buddhist residents into leaving the area. They also target Muslims whom the rebels believe have collaborated with the government, including soldiers, police, informants and civilians.

    The identity and precise goals of the insurgents have never been publicly declared. They pursue an ill-defined agenda that sometimes seems to call for a separate Islamic state.

    A massive government counterinsurgency effort has slowed the pace of attacks but has shown little sign of ending the violence. Abhisit announced in March that 4,000 more soldiers and other security personnel would be deployed to the region, supplementing more than 60,000 — including local part-time forces — already there.
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    Re: Oppressions toward Muslims Worldwide

    Perilous Plight

    May 26, 2009

    Burma’s Denial of Citizenship Rights to Rohingya

    Western Arakan State’s isolation and underdevelopment historically meant that few Rohingya were registered at birth, or had documentation proving any citizenship, and this problem persists. Their lack of citizenship continues today. The Rohingya are officially an alien and illegal community, not listed as one of the 135 recognized “ethnic nationalities” in Burma, and thus the majority of them are not entitled to national identity cards.

    Despite this, those who flee and are deported back to Burma are often imprisoned for leaving the country illegally. In their absence, their names are removed from Burma’s draconian household registration system that keeps track of people’s movements, and they are often handed stiff fines and jailed. This lack of legal status has provided cover to security forces to perpetrate routine abuses against them with impunity, particularly in western Burma, where the security forces are involved in pacification campaigns against the local population.

    The SPDC did not publicly comment during the recent arrival of Rohingya on the coastlines of Thailand, India and Indonesia. Eventually, the military government announced that the Rohingya were not Burmese citizens and so the event had nothing to do with Burma, creating the false impression that the tragedy involved only Bangladeshis. At the time of the ASEAN summit in February, the SPDC announced that any “Bengali” who could prove that they were born in Burma could return.[22] The announcement was disingenuous because it is Burmese authorities themselves who have routinely denied Rohingya the necessary documentation to demonstrate their citizenship.[23]

    Discrimination against the Rohingya, though far from universally endorsed, runs deep in Burma.[24] The SPDC’s denial of legal status to Rohingya has considerable public support among ethnic Arakanese and other Burmese, and among some opposition and exile groups. Many Rohingya groups are routinely excluded from multilateral exile movements and meetings.[25] Some Arakanese Buddhists, who have been neighbors of Rohingya for centuries, routinely deny that the Rohingya even exist, claiming instead that they are Bengalis residing in Burma.

    The legal limbo in which the Rohingya have long lived in Burma—and the view that they should not be treated as full members of society–are at times married to outright racism. South Asians are derogatorily referred to as kala (foreigner) in Burma, but the Rohingya often are viewed as beneath even this level of disdain. This was starkly in evidence recently in a February 2009 letter from the Burmese Consul-General in Hong Kong, Ye Myint Aung, to his fellow heads of mission:

    In reality, Rohingya are neither ‘Myanmar People’ nor Myanmar’s ethnic group. You will see in the photos that their complexion is ‘dark brown’. The complexion of Myanmar people is fair and soft, good looking as well… They are as ugly as ogres.

    Proclamations of the outsider status of the Rohingya also take the form of unsubstantiated assertions that the Rohingya are not loyal to Burma and pose a serious threat to Burma’s national security. While officials periodically raise such specters, history tells a different story.

    Since Burma’s independence, the majority of Rohingya have attempted to live quiet lives and enjoy the same rights as other Burmese citizens. While some Rohingya have taken up arms, they have never posed a serious threat to Burma’s territorial integrity. A short-lived Mujahid rebellion in the early 1950s in Arakan failed to attract widespread Rohingya support.

    Contemporary Rohingya armed resistance is small and militarily insignificant, as political and armed resistance groups are splintered and constantly bickering. Small numbers of Rohingya men who have reportedly traveled to the Middle East for terrorism training have evidently not returned with any jihadist designs. There has never been a Muslim-connected terrorism incident in Burma.

    Since the early 1990s, the militarization of western Burma has been dramatic, with a rise in the number of army battalions from 3 to 43, the biggest increase in the country.[28]The Burmese army uses the local population to maintain its presence, stealing food, appropriating land, and forcing civilians to build camps, excavate roads, and carry supplies.

    The military-buildup has occurred in parallel with the need to safeguard massive infrastructure projects. In December 2008, the Chinese energy company PetroChina signed a 30-year lease with the Burmese to buy natural gas off the coast of western Arakan State, in the Shwe Gas field; the consortium involves Indian, Thai, South Korean, Chinese and Burmese interests. The gas will be transported across Burma to Yunnan province in China by pipeline, with a second pipeline running beside it that will transport crude oil from the Middle East.

    Although the majority of Rohingya communities are northwest of these planned pipeline routes, the increased troop presence has adversely impacted their already dismal existence.

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    Re: Oppressions toward Muslims Worldwide

    format_quote Originally Posted by malayloveislam View Post

    Muslims story in Cambodia

    "The armies with black uniform with a piece of black cloth tied on their head rushing into the city of Phnom Penh, the capital of Cambodia in April 17th, 1975. They are those who were called as Khmer Rouge or Red Khmer by the king Sihanouk of Cambodia. Khmer Rouge or Anggar Padevat (Revolutioner Organization) had chase out the inhabitants of Phnom Penh and emptied the city 3 months before it was subdued. At that time Cambodia was under the rule of Lon Nol.

    Among the brutal chiefs of Khmer Rouge is Pol Pot and his followers. Now they are still alive and in trials in the court for what they had done. It is estimated that almost 3 million Cambodians were murdered by Khmer Rouge. Pol Pot had executed ethnic cleansing campaign where the religious teachers and intellects were seized and shooting dead Buddhist monks and Muslim realigious leaders together with their family. They were also prohibited from keeping religious kitaab and Quran in their houses. Other than that, Muslims were prohibited from praying, fasting, and the execution of Hajj too had stopped between 1975 - 1979.

    In the beginning, Muslims in Cambodia were about 400, 000, but in 1975, the total Muslims population had decreased to 350, 000 because some of them had died in the Khmer Rouge rebellion. Half of them survived and migrated to the border without returning back.

    “I with my 50 other helpless family members sneaked out to Thailand border to seek refuge. Many of us too had been victims of hidden bombs, died, or losing their feet. Some were detained and brought back to Cambodia before being slained. We are among those who survived and managed to get through the border and it is just 15 of us. Upon passing the border we feel like we are alive from the death..." said Mad Li who had also migrated to other country. I had resently met him in his own house in Cambodian Village in Selangor.

    "We just walked till we reached Bangkok. When some Muslim Thais know that we are Muslims, we suddenly received helps. We were given shelters and sufficient food every day. I want to pay them back for what their kindness but they refused to accept it! They advised us to move further South for our safety where there are many Muslims there. We agreed and they provided us Bus ticket to reach there. I really insist to pay them but they still refuse it..."

    Mat Li further said, "Once we reached Southern Thai, we met many Muslim brothers. Some of them suggested us to cross the border to Malaysia as the country had majority Muslim population. There, Muhajirins are welcomed and that's true. Finally we reached Kelantan state in Malaysia's East Coast and Cambodian Muslim Villages were established in few states in the country. Among the first groups migrated like myself is Ismail Sasakul, a Cambodian who had once been Hong Kong film star."

    After 1970, Cambodia received the visits of Russian and Vietnamese advisors who replaced the administration through Hun Sen. However at that time, the war is still running. Fire arms being brought into Cambodia from China, Russia, and the US supplied to Cambodians and the citizens are killing each other. The misunderstanding only stops when a peace treaty was signed in 1991 among the fighting groups.

    The UN too had monitored the security of Cambodia till the first election was organized in 1993. At that time, the citizens including Muslims had gained back their freedom to live their life. Through Cambodian Muslim Organization, Cambodian government had executed few programs for Cambodian Muslims' welfare aborad. Cambodian Muslim community too had the opportunity to develop Cambodia beside contributing good ideas for their country. In 1997, three parliament members from among Muslims were chosen and there is about 200 masjids in Cambodia.

    Majority of Muslims in Cambodia are from ethnic Champa or Chams which is about 95% of Muslim population. The state of Kompong Cham is among the biggest area with Muslim population comprising 35% of Cambodians since 1975 and 30, 000 of the Muslims can be seen in Phnom Penh. Other than that, the villages with Muslim majority population is Cambodia are the village Cheram Chemerai, the village Pok Bahau near Phnom Penh, the village Pok Serah, the village Pok An, and the village Pok Cerah.

    I had been there around the year 2000 where I delivered my speech in Malay in Perik Aji (Parit Haji) in Kompong Cham. After that, I met few elders and I heard many interesting stories. Among them are about the courage of Cham Muslims who live in the village Koh Pohl in defending their Islamic Creed.

    The village was said as the first village arise in defending their faith from the brutality of Khmer Rouge. The village Koh Pohl means the island burnt to the ground. It was named like that due to that the houses of the villagers were burnt down during the war. The story was told by the assistant of Imam, Muhammad Doth Arif.

    “In the evening of 12 Ramadhan 1975, a group of 20 Khmer Rouge soldiers with a chief called the villagers to assemble in the Masjid. In the assembly the people were forced to abide to 5 rules.

    1. Colllecting Quranic texts in a place and burning them to ashes.
    2. Women were forced to cut their long usually tied hair short.
    3. They should only marrying non-Muslim Khmers.
    4. No fasting.
    5. They must rear swines and consume the swine for themselves.

    After the chief soldeir finished his speech, a kid around 6 years old rushed to the front and slapped the face of the Khmer Rouge chief due to his sensitivity toward swine issue. The matter had raised the spirit of villagers to leave the assembly. After that, they rose to fight the Khmer Rouge soldiers with solely sharp bamboos and parangs.

    In the 9th day of the riot, Khmer Rouge attacked the village and shooting them but nobody was injured. After two days holding in their village, the villagers return back the attack. The shooting then happened and 48 villagers died. Finally the village was subdued and some of them managed to seek refuge in Vietnam. Later, Khmer Rouge had followed up with the brutality to the whole Cambodian Muslims.

    Many of them died defending their faith toward G-d and martyred.

    translated from

    There are many Cambodian Muslims living in my town Kulim. They operate 2 markets for clothes and are so popular during Ramadan... the locals call those markets as "Pasar Kemboja" (Cambodian Market)
    Oppressions toward Muslims Worldwide

    Assalamualaykum... I am back!!
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    Re: Oppressions toward Muslims Worldwide

    Bulgarian Muslims face oppression era-religious bans

    59152 - Oppressions toward Muslims Worldwide

    Muslims face oppression era-religious bans in Bulgaria that entered EU, pledging more freedoms and rights to its citizens.

    Thursday, 26 March 2009 17:06

    Muslims face oppression era-religious bans in Bulgaria that entered European Union on 1 January 2007, pledging more freedoms and rights to its citizens.

    Bulgaria's Socialist-led government approved a draft bill on Thursday banning Muslim headscarves from schools.

    The bill still needs approval from parliament.

    Bulgaria, where Muslims account for about 12 percent of the 7.6 million population and some 80 percent are Orthodox Christians, so far did not have such a ban.

    The office of the Muslim Chief Mufti in Bulgaria said the ban was wrong.

    "We express our disagreement and bitterness with this decision. It completely damages the rights as well as the responsibilities of Muslim women," Hussein Hafazov of the Chief Mufti office told Reuters.

    Last week, the government lunched an investigation into a local mayor and an Islamic studies teacher over Islam teaching.

    The Chief Mufti expressed concern over increasing community tensions.

    He said there had been arson attacks on mosques and other Muslim buildings and girls had already been forbidden from wearing the traditional Muslim headscarf in some schools.


    Bulgaria is the only European Union member where Muslims are a centuries-old community, mostly ethnic Turkish descendants of the Ottoman State's reach into Europe, they live beside Christians in a culture known as "komshuluk," or neighbourly relations.

    A assimilation drive launched by late communist dictator Todor Zhivkov to assimilate Muslims culminated with a campaign to force them to change their names to Bulgarian and the exodus of some 300,000 Muslims to neighbouring Turkey in 1989.

    According to Amnesty International, at least 100 Muslims died in his four-month campaign to force them to change their names to Bulgarian, which banned the Turkish language in public. It also banned the wearing of headscarves and other Islamic customs such as circumcision and funeral rights.

    When Bulgaria opened its border with Turkey in 1989, more than 300,000 Muslims left, although some later returned.

    Besides ethnic Turks, Bulgarian Muslims also include 300,000 Roma Gypsies and Pomaks -- Europeans who converted to Islam under the Ottomans.

    This ban comes in a time that all communist-era bans have been lifted in the country and the ethnic-Turkish MRF party has become a powerful political force, participating in the governments.

    "Halt to mosque construction"

    In a separate case, the Muslim community in the Bulgarian Black Sea city of Burgas said it would file a complaint with the EU institutions over a city council halt of a mosque construction according to Bulgarian media reports.

    Last week, the Burgas City Council voted against its own decision from December 2008, which allocated a plot in the Meden Rudnik ("Copper Mine") quarter for the construction of a new mosque.

    Anti-mosque move came from the GERB party, whose informal leader is the Sofia Mayor Boyko Borisov with the support of the extreme right and nationalist Ataka ("Attack") party.


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    Re: Oppressions toward Muslims Worldwide


    Does anyone have a theory about why Muslims are persecuted so much around the world?

    What could be the solution? We all have to get along somehow.

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    Re: Oppressions toward Muslims Worldwide

    format_quote Originally Posted by czgibson View Post

    Does anyone have a theory about why Muslims are persecuted so much around the world?

    What could be the solution? We all have to get along somehow.

    It is probably because as much of the world moves towards secularism and separation of church and state (after their bad experiences with the Pope and etc) and the growing notion that science somehow challenges religion is completely at odds with Islam.

    Our system of government and our moral code represent a direct clash with the interests of most of the major powers in the world. To top it all off, we are far more unified in culture, language, and action than people like the commies ever were. And look how afraid the world is of them.

    This is just speculation spawned from procrastination so....
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    Re: Oppressions toward Muslims Worldwide

    Jazaka Allah khyran for sharing these..

    Oppressions toward Muslims Worldwide

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    Re: Oppressions toward Muslims Worldwide

    format_quote Originally Posted by north_malaysian View Post
    There are many Cambodian Muslims living in my town Kulim. They operate 2 markets for clothes and are so popular during Ramadan... the locals call those markets as "Pasar Kemboja" (Cambodian Market)
    Interesting, I've been to Kulim several times but never came across the market. Maybe I can try visiting the market to have some glance about the fabrics from Cambodia. I guess that it will be lively there and in elsewhere during Ramadhan. Can't wait for the holy month
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    Re: Oppressions toward Muslims Worldwide

    format_quote Originally Posted by malayloveislam View Post
    Interesting, I've been to Kulim several times but never came across the market. Maybe I can try visiting the market to have some glance about the fabrics from Cambodia. I guess that it will be lively there and in elsewhere during Ramadhan. Can't wait for the holy month
    both Cambodian markets are in the town centre, the biggest one is on the opposite of CIMB Bank... and another one beside the parking lot near KFC... just ask the locals .. they'll show you.

    Luckily I have this pic:

    2773152240 cb4a57b065 1?v0 - Oppressions toward Muslims Worldwide

    The larger Cambodian Market is on the left side of this road, you just have to turn left at this road... the other Cambodian market is at the parking lot, and the parking lot is beside the AmBank building.
    Last edited by north_malaysian; 07-13-2009 at 07:31 AM.
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    Re: Oppressions toward Muslims Worldwide

    Jazakallah khayr for sharing... this thread should be open long time ago...huhu
    Oppressions toward Muslims Worldwide

    heart 1 - Oppressions toward Muslims Worldwide

    25:36 And the true servants of the Most Merciful are those who walk the earth with humility and when the ignorant address them, they respond with words of peace.
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    Re: Oppressions toward Muslims Worldwide

    format_quote Originally Posted by syilla View Post
    Jazakallah khayr for sharing... this thread should be open long time ago...huhu
    yeah.. we've been opressed since 1,400+ years ago started in Mecca..
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    Re: Oppressions toward Muslims Worldwide

    Our experience in Malaysia in conjunction with what had happened to our brothers in Xinjiang China.

    Saturday, December 20, 2008

    Memoir of the Bukit Kepong Event and Chin Peng's Brutality

    Saying that Chin Peng who is the leader of Malayan Communist Party leader as an independence figure is equal to saying that Pol Pot of Cambodia as an independence hero. Why is that so? Because he is the head of Communist Party in Malaya (former Malaysia) who had slaughtered Muslim Malays who are the natives in Malaya and other ethnics who weren't agree with his plan on subduing Malaya and establishing Malayan Communist Republic the same as what happened in Cambodia. But the event in Malaya happened earlier than in Cambodia.

    Malayan Communist Party is a classic effort of Chinese embracing Communism ideology in order to hijack Malaya which had been the homeland of Muslims from the natives for thousand of years. The efforts of certain parties to bring Chin Peng back to Malaysia as an Independence hero is viewed as an evil effort, insolent, and insulting native Muslims. Chin Peng is among the brutal leaders in Malayan Communist Party. He had massacred the family of security officers who are Muslims in Bukit Kepong. In the event of 23rd Feb 1950, while Chin Peng was a leader in the Communist Party, about 180 Communist-Terrorists or bandits complete with automatic fire-arms surrounding them, killing and burning them alive in their houses in Bukit Kepong.

    Bukit Kepong Incident was an armed encounter which took place on February 23, 1950 between the police and the Malayan Communists in pre-independence Malaya. This conflict took place in an area surrounding the Bukit Kepong police station in Bukit Kepong. The wooden station was located on the river banks of the Muar River, about 59km from Muar town, Johor. The incident started just before dawn with the Communists launching a guerilla assault on the police station. It ended in a bloody massacre with the aggressors killing almost all of the police officers stationed there. When they began the siege, the attackers strongly believed that they would be able to defeat the policemen and gained control of the police station within a short span of time. This is due to several factors in their favour: their arms and numerical superiority and the relative isolation of the station. The battle began at about 4:15 am. According to eyewitness accounts, there were about 200 Communists attacking, led by Muhammad Indera, a Malay Communist. Despite the odds, the policemen led by Allahyarham Sgt. Jamil Mohd Shah, refused to surrender, although numerous calls by the communists for them to lay down arms were made. Several officers were killed as the shooting continued and two wives of the defending officers took up arms when they discovered that their husbands fell in battle. [1] Desperate and alarmed at the defenders’ tenacity, the Communists captured one of the officers’ wives and threatened her at gunpoint to urge the policemen to surrender. The defenders replied that they would never surrender and continued fighting. Another wife of the officers and her daughter were also forced to do the same. Their refusal then resulted in their execution. In the final hours of the fierce battle, the Communists set fire to the officers’ barracks and station. Two women and their children were burnt to death in the married quarters. At that point only 3 policemen plus a village guard were still alive. They rushed out from the burning station, unable to withstand the heat. They then assaulted the Communists position, killing at least 3 of them. Only about five hours after the first shot was fired did the communists manage to break their defences and set the place ablaze. They then retreated into the jungle, leaving a trail of destruction and bloodshed. 14 policemen, 4 village guards, 3 auxiliary policemen, wife of Abu Bakar Daud (one of the surviving policemen) and three of their children were killed in the incident. The total number of deaths is 25. Those who survived the bloody encounter are 4 policemen and 9 family members including their wives and children.
    They had shot the people and burning them alive in their house. The corpses of the Muslim Malay security Officers who were brutally killed by the followers of Chin Peng had been founded everywhere at the place. Before burning the houses of the people, Chin Peng had seized the wives and the children of the security officers and oredering the officers who held in their forts to surrender. When they refused, the Communists killed their wives. In the end of the battle, the houses of the officers, their wives, and children were burnt alive. If anyone saying that Chin Peng is an Independence Hero, that might be his followers or his grandchildren. The real Independence Hero are those Security Officers' Family who had sacrificed their life to protect the village and the life of other villagers and later were killed by La3natulla Communist.

    Malayan Communist Party is among the effort of Chinese with Communism Ideology to hijack Malaya from the natives that had already been Muslims since 8th C if the History had been intertwined with Southern Thailand. Those Communist Chinese had been brought by British Imperial Power and they escaped the famine in China. After that, they had tried their luck to hijack Malaya through guerilla war fighting the British and if they succeed, Malaya wil surely being administrated under Communist Chinese administration. It should be understood that not all Chinese favoring Communism because in the same time Guomindang party too were hacing the war with Mao Tze Tung in order to gain influence in China. Guomindang party is the party of Chinese with nationalism view. They had good base in Taiwan which is now still being claimed by China. Alhamdulillah, with the courage of Muslims in facing the Chinese Communists, Malaya remain as the country of Muslims.

    Seeing that Muslim Malays really hate the Chinese with Communism ideology that they regard as Kafr, the Malayan Communist Party then tried using another tactic which is indoctrinating Malays as the party member. Some of them who were deceived are like Rashid Maidin, Dollah CD, and Shamsiah Fakeeh. Even that still can't deceive Muslims due to the influence of Pondok (Madrasah Institution). That had raised the enmity of Communists toward the ulamas and imams.

    Malayan Communist Party keep opposing the British and killing many Muslim Malays who were regarded as the assistants of British. Coincidently, British had recruited many Muslim Malays in security force to fight Communists. As for Muslim Malays, holding the guns to shoot Communists is an honor for them as they want to defend their faith, life, and their lands.

    When the war waged, Malayan Communist Party once again changing their tactic. They tried to be in favor with British in order to hijack Malaya from native Muslims. This is due to the changing in the pact between British-American with Russian Communist. Communist Terrorists received training and weapons supplies from British which later had been used to hijack Malaya after Japanese surrendered. Communists were not really in war with Japanese. Chinese Communists were just deceiving British to get modern weapon supplies. Japanese Imperialists too never assume them as a threat for their invasion which lasted for 3 years and 8 months.

    After the Japs moved out from Malaya, the Chinese Communist Terrorists raised out from the jungle and entering cities and villages. They killed and tortured natives who had been assumed as helping the British. This is the first time Muslim Malays seeing how their neighbor who worked as cleaners in the day suddenly changed to a general in Communist army. They killed the Ulamas and the Ulamas Revolt against Communism happened everywhere in Malaya. The famous revolt was leaded by Kiyahi Salleh (Imam Salleh) in Batu Pahat. Kiyahi Salleh and his followers had declared Jihad to drive the Laknatullah Communist out with only parangs and spears. Muslims Malays had a proverb to describe an evil person. It is "Three Stars" or Samsing. Three Stars is the badge of Malayan Communist Party (MPAJA).

    Communists were forced to enter jungle back when British came back in 1948 and emergency being declared. Many Muslims from Malay ethnics including women joined the security force in order to defend themselves from Communist attacks in the villages.

    Due to that Muslim Malays are not easy being deceived by Communists and the opposition that they had shown toward Communists, Chin Peng had to change his tactic again which is a peace treaty. Thus, the Peace Treaty Discussion in Baling happened but it failed to achieve any goal. Chin Peng once again entering the jungle and Malay Communists executed the plan to hijack Malaya from Muslims. In 1968, the Communist Terrorists combining themselves among each other and trying for the second time hijacking Malaya. They used brutal tactics to scared the people and security forces but Muslims still with the spirit in defending Islam.

    Once, a security force member being slaughtered after an ambush with knives like a cow being peeled its skin in Grik, Lenggong around 1974. They failed for the second time in the hijack plan. They have to run to Thailand and Betong which is an area in the border of Malaysia-Thai.

    Muslims of South Thai too helped by chasing them away from Betong. Finally Chin Peng had agreed to put down their weapon with high reward after a discussion. However, till now many of Chin Peng's followers in Malaysia and his grandchildren want him to return back to Malaysia (Malaya) to hijack it again. Insha-Allah, Muslims will always be blessed if we follow the path of G-d and they will never succeed forever.

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    Re: Oppressions toward Muslims Worldwide

    format_quote Originally Posted by north_malaysian View Post
    both Cambodian markets are in the town centre, the biggest one is on the opposite of CIMB Bank... and another one beside the parking lot near KFC... just ask the locals .. they'll show you.

    Luckily I have this pic:

    2773152240 cb4a57b065 1?v0 - Oppressions toward Muslims Worldwide

    The larger Cambodian Market is on the left side of this road, you just have to turn left at this road... the other Cambodian market is at the parking lot, and the parking lot is beside the AmBank building.
    Thanks, I haven't been to Kulim for quite some times. It is a nice place and I have many relatives living there. I think it is a good idea visiting relatives there for Silaturrahim . The picture looks nice, thanks I will certainly visit the market when I reached Kulim .
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    Re: Oppressions toward Muslims Worldwide

    The Killings, Brutality, and Raping of Muslims in Southern Thai

    patani4 1 - Oppressions toward Muslims Worldwide

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    Following is the first report based from the observation and information searching based from the brutal cases, that we had captured from Patani, Yala, and Narathiwat with the dates (7th April - 11th April 2009). Insha-Allah in the nearer time, brother Amir and I will finish a complete document through interviews and after visiting the victims family that we had done. Any suggestion and assistance to help Muslims of South Thai is welcomed.

    First notes: Killing, Brutality, Rape, Cases that Happened in Southern Thailand.

    Green birds flying,
    The wine rivers peacefully flowing,
    Angels are smiling,
    Yaqut and Marjan glowing and shining,
    The smell of perfumes filling the spaces,
    At the door of the paradise of Patani Darus Salam.

    Dato, Patani Darus Salam
    11th April 2009

    1st Case: Abdul Aziz Kongstian is a handicapped man aged 28 had received a bad luck in Southern Thai. His hand is handicapped and he was brutally shoot dead by the soldier in his village. The tragedy began when a group of soldiers entering the kindergarden called Masjid Nurul Taqwa Kindergarden during an annual sport activity. The reason why the soldier broke into the kindergarden is that they want to seize a male teacher who taught in the kindergarden as he was accused as a Terrorist. While the haywire is in the air and everybody was running, a sound of fire-arm being heard and scaring the villagers. After the incident a handicapped young man who is Abdul Aziz was founded behind the mosque died. The soldier side had made a statement that Abdul Aziz was shot dead because the soldiers saying that he tried to attack them, so they have to defend themselves. Abdul Aziz is a handicapped young man and his hand can't even hold anything was accused as holding a gun trying to shoot the soldiers in the distance of 5 meters. So, to defend themselves, Abdul Aziz was shoot dead in the distance of 5 metres.

    2nd Case: Imam Jaafar who was 56 years old was seized by the soldier in Camp 36th. He was tortured and badly hit in the soldier prison camp. This had made his ribs broken and he died in the camp. He was accused as a terrorist who stirs the bad situation in Southern Thailand.

    Case 3rd: Norhayati, a young Muslim girl aged 21 was raped in her house by 4 persons believed as soldiers. They raped her to her death. Her sister saw it with her own eyes. Her father and her brothers too were shot dead by those people. Post-Mortem done by the Central Government shown that she wasn't raped. They just reported that she just died an extraordinary death.

    The events are among 14 events that we can get to hear with our own ears and seen with the victims of the tyranny in Southern Thai. And the 14 events are among tiny little events from thousands of events that tragically happened in Southern Thai. Imams being shoot dead when walking out of the masjid, a family including a baby shoot dead, youngster shoot dead, and many other events of killings in Southern Thailand. They were killed with various reasons and nonsense slanders. In the same time, Islamic educational institution like pondok (madrasah) too were forced to be closed by Central Government. Masjid Institutions were heavily suppressed and the Imams were seized and tormented.

    From January of 2457 BE - October 2551 BE/ January 2005 - October 2008, there are about 3014 children lost their parents and 1605 being single mothers after their husbands died. While in 5 years, there are about 2950 people died due to the Southern Thai conflict. In the prison, the people seized were tortured as they are animals. One of the case of torture is about brother Rahayu. He is a friend of Imam Jaafar and he was found dead with severe injuries in the prison. His fingers were tusked with needles. The needles sized one inches too being tusked under his eye-lids. Other needles being tusked at his genital.

    May Allah gives us strength and preserverance to defend ourselves. Insha-Allah, other complete reports will follow.


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    Re: Oppressions toward Muslims Worldwide

    A Malaysian Muslim perspective about the tyranny on Muslim. I had translated his view into English so that we can see what had happened to Muslims in certain places.

    The death of Michael Jackson, Marwa, and Muslims in Xinjiang
    by Zaharuddin Abd Rahman

    It seems that the medias are so busy getting profits from the death of Michael Jackson (MJ). How is that not, that more than 2 billion people were attracted to attend the memorial ceremony in Los Angeles. The program too was watched by millions of Muslims who still in search of whether he is a Muslim or not while they can't see any clear signs of MJ becomes a Muslim.

    The stories of MJ death had grabbed media's huge coverage and still with magnetic power in attracting the readers and the fans to seek it worldwide. Media as usual competing with each other to find profit from the death and the life of some one. Recently, there is a new news revealed by MJ sister saying that he was murdered through a conspiracy among individuals around him.


    In the same time, we had been more than surprised and angry upon hearing the news about Marwa el-Sherbini who was a pharmacist being murdered in Germany. The hapless murderer whose name is Alex W. a jobless person and a supporter of pro-NAZI party originated from Russia founded guilty after he had insulted and talking obscene words to Dr. Marwa in front of the public last November. The hapless guy had yelled to her with words such as "Terrorist" and "Islamist *****" while they were in Dresden park. At that time, Marwa had asked the permission to place her child in the swing at the park, but the hapless narrow-minded racist refused for permission on public facilities and after that a quarreling happened.

    The hapless man then was dragged to the Court and he was fined with EU 780. However the hapless man had made an appeal that made him seeing Marwa again in the Court. With a kinfe in his hand, he attacked Marwa who was three month pregnant. She was stabbed 18 times in the Court in front of the Judge!

    The nonsense thing about this is that, how can the racist guy managed and was permitted to bring the knife into the Court??? How could he stabbed Marwa without being interrupted or any immediate help from the guards and people around her in the Court??? The husband of Marwa rushed to the front to help his wife but sadly he had forgotten that they are in the "battle field." The husband was shot dead while trying to help his wife, while the hapless guy being left alive. Police used cheap reason when saying that they had "mistook" him as the murderer. The Syeikh of al-Azhar, Syeikh Muhammad Tanthawy had urged Germany to punished the murderer with severe punishment but so far we are not clear how serious the Court acted on the murderer.

    It should be reasonable for Muslim student associations if they could be together with other Muslims in their places in sending memorandum to urge Germany punishing the racist murderer with severe sentence!

    Too bad that this news is not being spread widely and being closed by Western media especially BBC. No sounds at all about the news, while the Court in UAE which had sentenced two British for organizing Open Sex Party in the beach being spread widely and heavily criticized as the act of Court punishing them is an evil act.

    However, the story about a pregnant Muslim woman being stabbed in the Court in front of a Judge in a modern country is not taken seriously. This had brought me to an experience when I visited few districts in Germany. I didin't know that the real facet of the country is ugly. Specially to Russians where they are notorious with Brutal Racist Acts and others. To Malaysian and Muslim students in Germany, I urge you to take care of yoursleves and be careful wherever you are.


    Beside the news in Germany, we also have long sigh when reading the news about the massacring in Southern Thailand and the tyranny toward Muslims in Urumqi. All of the information should get the attention of the leaders in Muslim countries. Due to the bloody riots in Urumqi, the government of Turkey had trying to execute their responsibility where the President of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdogan openly criticizing China and also called for a boycott for the products from China. Turkey too had offered Visa to the leaders of Turkestan Muslim community in exile such as Rebiya Kadeer. We still waiting what is the act of the leaders in our countries???

    In the new event in Turkestan, it is estimated that around 1000 and 3000 protesters assembled in Citizen Square. They protested over the death of the workers in toys factory in Guangdong in a fight between Muslim Uighurs and Han ethnic las 25th June.

    The number of deaths in the fights between Han ethnic and Muslim Uighur increased to 184 people. According to bias BBC report, the Hans were killed more than Muslims and it is provoked with a report that half of those killed are women. While other sources said that the total death among Muslims had not been revealed.

    The bad situation changed little by little and sooner seems to be an ethnic cleansing act. The situation had forced Muslims to leave their area and fled the area to avoid from being hurt or killed. The Han ethnic marched on the road early this week while holding knives, axes, cutting meat knives, and other hand-made weapons to seek revenge on Uighurs in Uighurs province and area.

    It was reported that the journalists had witnessed the Han thugs attacking Uighurs in two separate attacks but Muslim Uighurs had claimed that many other attacks happened even with the presence of security force. Police and the army still influxing the city.


    Most of the Muslim Uighurs feel so dissappointed with the Government's treatment who always keeping the interest of Han ethnic as their priority. Han ethnic had controlled the economy of Turkestan and also having the opportunity to expand Han traditional culture. Beside that. masajid were ordered to be closed.

    Muslim in Turkestan are the natives and they are the majority people in Turkestan or Xinjiang, however they are treated as second class citizen in their own land. Not only religiously oppressed, they too were facing the assimilation and dominion of China on them. Most of the business being controlled by Han ethnic and the houses of Uighur were destroyed to give way to Han migration in Turkestan. Most of the job opportunities being given to Han ethnic. More sadly, the culture of Uighurs with Islamic influence seems to be neglected and they slowly became minority who lodged in their own land while the fact is in the opposite.

    Uighurs too claimed that a huge amount of Government principles are bias and not just to them in order to give places to Han ethnic influxing the region. This could bring them into dangerous situation where ethnic tense will happen and thus spreading crisis.

    Through humanity perspective, the oppression like this should not happen to anyone. The Uighurs and other Muslims only want justice and their rights being returned. However, their cries being neglected without any attention from the government of China. The authority of China only put the blame on Muslim Uighurs in every riot that happened. On the other hand they never gave any freedom to the natives of Turkestan. Uighur is oppressed from receiving the benefits from natural sources in their region such as petroleum, natural gas, and 121 kind of minerals while 148 kind of minerals being extracted by the government of China for their own benefit. Communist regime of China too had burned books written by local Muslim authors, harrassing mosques, and trying to espel Islam from the vast and rich reagion since cultural revolution.


    We should be more aware with few dark events and tyranny toward Muslims. The oppression over Muslims happened everywhere. We who live in in UK too feel the heat of Racism that had been practiced by some British. A Muslim newspaper in UK had reported that more than 50% of Muslim students in the school through out the country experienced harrasment and insulted by the people there with racist idioms showing hatred to Muslims.

    My child too had experienced that when we are in Wales and also in Leicester. The veil worn by my daughter had been the object of insult by a 5 years old boy. He called her a "chicken." The windows at my friends house too had been casted rocks by few school children, also the back window of my MPV Honda broken by the youths due to Racist attitude. Read about it for more info about Islamophobia in West.

    If racism is counted as logic in Western countries, but too bad it also happened in Arab countries who feel themsleves as superior than non-Arabs. Malaysian students who studied there in Jordan, Egypt, and other countries too experienced being ridiculed. Even some Ulamas from Arab countries too still clinging to racism. If that too happened in Muslim countries, I'm not surprised if it happened in non-Muslim countries too.

    We should abandon racism as it is not a good quality. Islam never prevent us from loving our lands and tribes, but the love toward Allah, Rasul, and the efforts on His path should be the priority. Allah (SWT) says in Surah at-Taubah verse 24:

    Meaning: "If your fathers, children, brothers, wives, family members, wealthy that you gained, business that you afraid of loss, and the houses which are the places to live are the things that you love, the love toward Allah and His Rasul, and the Efforts on His path should you bring forth, and wait to the Judgment of Allah and when He brings His decision!" And Allah never gives His guidance to the Fasik.

    Finally, let us pray to G-d that those who were sacrificed in Turkestan (Xinjiang) and Marwa being granted forgiveness and rewarded with good rewards by Allah SWT. Also to the Muslims around the world who are oppressed since our prophet time till today.
    Last edited by malayloveislam; 07-13-2009 at 02:16 PM.
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    Re: Oppressions toward Muslims Worldwide

    Greetings and peace be with you czgibson;
    Does anyone have a theory about why Muslims are persecuted so much around the world?

    What could be the solution? We all have to get along somehow.

    If we only seek justice for people who are the same as us then justice does not seem to be served. If we are truthfully concerned about genocide and we feel horrified by human suffering and death on a large scale, then maybe we should look at poverty.

    Thirty thousand people die needlessly every day from grinding poverty and preventable diseases. These people are from all walks of life, Muslim, atheist, Christians, Hindu, they are just desperately poor people.

    About a billion people live on less than a dollar a day.

    Justice seems served in a far greater way when we search for solutions for people who are different to us.

    In the spirit of praying for justice for all people

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    You will never look into the eyes of anyone who does not matter to God.
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    Re: Oppressions toward Muslims Worldwide

    Officials to Probe Alleged Mass Killings

    posted: 12 HOURS 20 MINUTES AGO
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    filed under: Political News

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    WASHINGTON (July 12) - President Barack Obama has ordered his national security team to investigate reports that U.S. allies were responsible for the deaths of as many as 2,000 Taliban prisoners of war during the opening days of the war in Afghanistan.
    Obama told CNN in an interview that aired Sunday that he doesn't know what how the U.S.-allied Northern Alliance behaved in November 2001, but he wants a full accounting before deciding how to move forward.
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    "I think that, you know, there are responsibilities that all nations have even in war," Obama said during an interview at the end of a six-day trip to Russia, Italy and Ghana.
    "And if it appears that our conduct in some way supported violations of the laws of war, then I think that, you know, we have to know about that."
    The president's comments seem to reverse officials' statements from Friday, when they said they had no grounds to investigate the 2001 deaths of Taliban prisoners of war who human rights groups allege were killed by U.S.-backed forces.
    Reacting to the interview, Physicians for Human Rights hailed Obama's decision.
    "President Obama is right to say that U.S. and Afghan violations of the laws of war must be investigated," said Nathaniel Raymond, a Physicians for Human Rights researcher. "If the Obama administration finds that criminal wrongdoing occurred in this case, those responsible — whether American or Afghan officials — must be prosecuted."
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    Afghan presidential candidate Abdullah Abdullah prays after eating breakfast with local men in an orchard in the Kashem Valley during a campaign trip in Afghanistan s Badakhshan province July 12, 2009. Picture taken July 12, 2009. The August 20 presidential poll, the second in Afghanistan s short history as a democracy, is seen as a crucial test for both Washington and Kabul, with violence in Afghanistan at its worst since the Taliban was ousted in 2001. REUTERS/Tim Wimborne (AFGHANISTAN POLITICS ELECTIONS)

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    But Obama's direction — discussed as he toured a former slave castle on Ghana's coast — does not guarantee action.
    "We'll probably make a decision in terms of how to approach it once we have all the facts gathered up," Obama said.
    The mass deaths were brought up anew Friday in a report by The New York Times. It quoted government and human rights officials accusing the Bush administration of failing to investigate the executions of hundreds, and perhaps thousands, of prisoners.
    U.S. officials said Friday they did not have legal grounds to investigate the deaths because only foreigners were involved and the alleged killings occurred in a foreign country.
    The Times pointed to U.S. military and CIA ties to Afghan Gen. Abdul Rashid Dostum, accused by human rights groups of ordering the killings. The newspaper said the Defense Department and FBI never fully investigated the incident.
    The allegations date back to November 2001, when as many as 2,000 Taliban prisoners died in transit after surrendering during one of the regime's last stands, according to a State Department report from 2002.
    Witnesses have claimed that forces with the U.S.-allied Northern Alliance placed the prisoners in sealed cargo containers over the two-day voyage to Sheberghan Prison, suffocating them and then burying them en masse, using bulldozers to move the bodies, according to the State Department report. Some Northern Alliance soldiers have said that some of their troops opened fire on the containers, killing those within.
    Dostum, the Northern Alliance general who is accused of overseeing the atrocities, has previously denied the allegations. He was suspended from his military post last year on suspicion of threatening a political rival, but Afghan President Hamid Karzai recently rehired him.

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