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Israeli forces attack aid Gaza aid flotilla, kill activists

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    Turkish aid ships set sail for Gaza (OP)

    Turkish aid ships set sail for Gaza

    A contingent of Turkish ships has set sail for the Gaza Strip in order to break the blockade of the region and deliver humanitarian aid to Gazans.

    The three cargo vessels left Istanbul on Saturday to join an international fleet organized by the human rights organization, Free Gaza Movement.

    The seaport was overwhelmed by thousands of well-wishers, who had come to show their support for the people of Gaza, Press TV correspondent Hassan Ghani reported.

    Before departing, the organizers from different countries, including: Greece, Ireland and Sweden, outlined their reasons for joining the project and warned Israel not to interfere with the humanitarian act.

    "Even if Israel stops us, if we have to swim, we will swim to Gaza," said Noorazman Shamsuddin, one of the organizers.

    The Israeli navy, which has prevented many ships from entering the coastal region, has told the aid vessels not to come to the Gaza Strip.

    The Free Gaza Movement is coordinating with numerous pro-Palestinian groups in the Freedom Flotilla project. The nine-vessel flotilla is set to cast anchor at the docks of Gaza on Thursday.

    The Freedom Flotilla convoy is carrying 5,000 tons of construction material, medical equipment, and school supplies, as well as around 600 people from 40 countries.

    Since 2007, the siege of Gaza has deprived 1.5 million Palestinians of fuel, food, and other basic necessities.


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    Re: Turkish aid ships set sail for Gaza

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    Myths and Realities about Israel

    Myth No. 1: About UN Partition Resolution

    The UN voted in 1947 to create the State of Israel in the land between the Jordan and the Mediterranean. Israel accepted the compromise while the Arabs rejected it.

    The 1947 UN resolution is a General Assembly resolution, not a Security Council resolution. The UN General Assembly can only make recommendations. Recommendations have no obligatory character. Member states are free to accept or reject them.
    Israel’s apologists are quick to say that Israel accepted this compromise. The Partition Plan granted 52% of Palestine to the Jews who were 30% of the population and owned no more than 6% of the land. This is a net gain on the part of Israel, not a compromise.
    Israel’s apologists are quick to claim that the Arabs started the 1948 war. Ben-Gurion himself in Rebirth and Destiny of Israel wrote: “Until the British left, no Jewish settlement, however remote, was entered or seized by the Arabs, while the Haganah, under severe and frequent attack, captured many Arab positions and liberated Tiberias and Haifa, Jaffa and Safad” (p. 530). Israel’s military activity started well before any attack by the Arab armies.
    Israel’s apologists are quick to accuse Jordan of occupying and annexing what is now called the West Bank. While not a single Arab soldier entered the area allotted to Israel in the UN resolution, Israel occupied and annexed areas in excess of what was allotted to it in the UN Partition Plan. These areas include, among other areas, the Arab cities of Nazareth, Jaffa, Acre, Lydda and Ramleh. Thus Israel expanded from 52% to 78%.
    Moreover, according to the UN Partition Plan, 49% of the population of the Jewish state was supposed to be Arabs. Through a war of ethnic cleansing this percentage was reduced to 12%. The ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians was the result of a deliberate master plan, code named Plan Dalet.
    In light of all the above, it is ludicrous to pretend that Israel accepted UN General Assembly Resolution 181 of 29 November 1947.

    Myth No. 2: About Annexation

    The military occupation of Palestinian territories has never been converted by Israel into an annexation.

    Immediately after the 1967 war, the Israeli government issued an order declaring that an area comprising the Old City of Jerusalem and some adjacent territory should be subject to the law, jurisdiction and administration of Israel. Thus Israel expanded municipal East Jerusalem from 6 km2 to 73 km2 of the West Bank. Furthermore, Jewish colonization of East Jerusalem went beyond the extended municipal boundaries to include what Israel calls Greater and Metropolitan Jerusalem comprising 330 km2 and 665 km2, respectively.
    The Annexation of the Old City of Jerusalem was carried out under the Law and Administration Ordinance (Amendment No. 11 of June 27, 1967). Not only did Israel annex East Jerusalem but it also feverishly worked toward the judaization of its population by expropriating Arab land to build Jewish settlements.
    As for the rest of the occupied territories, the real reason for not annexing them is the racist nature of the Zionist state. The only way for Israel to annex the occupied territories is by cleansing them of their indigenous inhabitants, following the pattern of 1948 (see Myth No. 1 above).
    Furthermore, on December 14, 1981, Israel officialy annexed the Golan Heights. The legislation, extending Israeli law to the area of the Golan Heights was adopted by the Knesset by a majority of 63 against 21.

    Myth No. 3: Jordan attacked first
    Israel in 1967 notified Jordan that it wished to maintain non-belligerent policy between the two states and that Jordan nevertheless attacked Israel.

    REALITY: “The pretence that Israel would not attack Jordan is belied by the secret decision adopted by the Israeli cabinet on June 4, 1967 (which was made public on June 4, 1972) to attack Egypt, Syria and Jordan on the following day” (Henry Cattan, Jerusalem, p.69).
    Also, Israel was well aware that Jordan signed on May 30, 1967 a defense pact with Egypt, allowing Egyptians to take command of the Jordanian army.

    Myth No. 4: Recognizing and making peace with Israel
    When Egypt recognized and made peace with Israel in 1979 the entire Sinai was returned to Egypt.

    REALITY: The purpose of such a statement is to give the impression that Israel is willing to withdraw from the land it occupied in exchange for peace. The return of the entire Sinai would be a proof of that. In this context, the name of Anwar Sadat is mentioned.
    Jimmy Carter’s memoirs: Keeping the Faith: Memoirs of a President shatters this impression. Menachem Begin did not want to withdraw from the entire Sinai. For Israel to come to it senses, it necessitated the pressures that only an American President could have applied.
    For Israel’s apologists to say that when the Palestinian Authority agreed to recognize and negotiate with Israel, Israel began to “transfer control of West Bank lands” is further evidence that Israel’s goal is not to achieve with the Palestinians a peace resembling the peace with Egypt, (the withdrawal from the entire occupied territories, similar to its withdrawal from the entire Sinai), but to establish another form of occupation.
    Israel's defenders claim that by mid-2000 more than 90% of the Arab population of the West Bank and more than 25% of its land were under complete Palestinian control. This only demonstrates what Israel is really after: an indigenous authority controlling its indigenous population, while Israel continues to build Jewish settlements in the remaining 75% of Palestinian land. The result of such policy is the establishment of numerous disconnected Palestinian enclaves (bantustans) in a sea of settlements rendering the free movement of the Palestinians difficult, if not impossible.

    Myth No. 5: Barak’s “unprecedented offer”
    Israel made an “unprecedented offer” consisting of giving back 95% of the West Bank and all of Gaza. Jerusalem itself would be partitioned into Israeli and Palestinians sectors.

    REALITY: The Jerusalem that is being referred to here is just the Old City of Jerusalem, not the entire East and West Jerusalems. Not only will Israel keep West Jerusalem but it also wants to partition East Jerusalem. The Palestinians, by the way, accepted to give Israel sovereignty over the Jewish holy places, something that the Israelis refused to give to the Palestinians. They rather talked about “religious sovereignty” over Haram al-Sahrif, and “autonomy” over the Christians and Muslims quarters.
    The 95% of the West Bank referred to is in fact 95% minus the expanded municipal boundaries of Jerusalem, that Israel has already annexed (see Myth No. 2 above), which makes Barak’s offer more like 85% of all the West Bank.
    Furthermore, the so-called Palestinian state that would have been created according to the “unprecedented offer” would have control neither over its natural resources nor over it air space (For more details see: Camp David mythology)

    Myth No. 6: Israel never target civilians
    Israel does not deliberately target civilians.

    How else can we qualify dropping a 2,000 pound bomb on an apartment building in a civilian neighborhood supposedly to kill one “terrorist leader”?
    Also, a Jan. 3, 2003 editorial in The Washington Post had this to say: “Israeli paramilitary forces have reportedly been operating something they call ‘the lottery,’ in which they detain Palestinians and order them to choose from pieces of paper labeled with punishments such as ‘broken leg’ and ‘smashed head.’ The practice was reported by an Israeli newspaper on Dec. 22, more than a week before Amran Abu Hamediye was beaten to death.” This is what a self-censorship press revealed. What is not being reported must be even worse.

    Myth No. 7: The “only democracy”
    Israel is the “only democracy” in the Middle East.

    REALITY: How many times have Israel’s apologists repeated this slogan? In fact, Israel is not a democracy by Western standards. Not a single Western democracy occupies another people’s land, rules another people and subjects them to all kinds of humiliations, torture and mistreatment. Israel indeed is a democracy, but a democracy by Zionist standards, just as South Africa, under the White minority rule, was a democracy by apartheid standards. It is true that Palestinians with Israeli citizenship have the right to vote in Israel. So are all the citizens of the Arab countries. This however doesn’t make them democracies. In Israel, there is no equality between Jews and non-Jews. In a Jewish state, Jews are more equal than non-Jews. It has always been that way and unless Israel becomes the country of all its citizens, it will lack the characteristics of a Western democracy.
    Israeli forces attack aid Gaza aid flotilla, kill activists

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    Re: Turkish aid ships set sail for Gaza

    To keep things easy to find please post any replies about the attack on the aid ship on this thread:

    Israeli forces attack aid Gaza aid flotilla, kill activists

    Also if you post a news story about be be certain to give the source.
    Israeli forces attack aid Gaza aid flotilla, kill activists

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    Re: Israeli forces attack aid Gaza aid flotilla, kill activists

    Anger in Turkey on Popular, Political Levels Over Israeli Masscre

    Turkey will call an emergency meeting of the UN Security Council over Israel's deadly raid on aid ships bound for the Gaza Strip, a Turkish diplomat told AFP Monday as above tens of thousands of people went out to Turkish streets condemning the Israeli inhumane act.

    Turkey also recalled its ambassador from Tel Aviv Monday, Deputy Prime Minister Bulent Arinc said. "Our ambassador to Israel has been recalled to Ankara," Arinc told a press conference. He said plans for three joint military exercises with Israel had been scrapped.

    Turkey's foreign ministry condemned the Israeli operation following the Israeli attack Gaza-bound aid ships in international waters saying it may lead to "irreparable consequences" in bilateral ties.

    "By targeting civilians, Israel has once again shown its disregard for human life and peaceful initiatives. We strongly condemn these inhumane practices of Israel," the Turkish foreign ministry said in a statement. "This deplorable incident, which took place in open seas and constitutes a fragrant breach of international law, may lead to irreparable consequences in our bilateral relations," it said. "Israel will have to bear the consequences of this behavior, which constitutes a violation of international law," it said.

    The Israeli envoy was summoned to the foreign ministry. Israeli ambassador Gabby Levy held a 20-minute meeting with a senior foreign ministry official and left the ministry without making a statement. He was told that "Turkey retains all its rights under international law concerning this assault," a Turkish diplomat, who asked not to be named, told AFP. "We are considering the actions that we may take under international law," he said. High-ranking Turkish source said that there's a possibility that the Israeli ambassador would be expelled.

    Turkey also asked for a detailed report on the fate of all people who were aboard the vessels, he said, adding that they included nationals from a total of 33 countries. Levy was also told that the Turkish passengers and the wounded should be repatriated to Turkey in the shortest possible time and the vessels released, he said.

    Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyeb Erdogan cancelled his trip to Chile over the Israeli crime and headed to Ankara to follow up the crisis. Also, Turkey's army chief cut short a visit to Egypt Monday after the deadly Israeli operation and a rocket attack on a navy base in southern Turkey, Anatolia news agency reported. General Ilker Basbug was expected to arrive in Ankara later in the day, the report said.

    Turkish vessels were part of an international flotilla carrying aid to the Gaza Strip, which Israeli forces stormed early Monday.


    Meanwhile, Tens of thousands gathered to protest in Turkey's biggest city Istanbul Monday following the deadly Israeli raid. Under the watch of police, at least 10,000 marched on the city's central Taksim square from the Israeli consulate.

    "**** Israel!", "A tooth for a tooth, an eye for an eye, revenge, revenge!" the protesters chanted, carrying Turkish and Palestinian flags, as they marched towards the square, an AFP photographer said. "Close down the Zionist embassy," read a banner carried by the crowd. Police closed all roads along the protesters' route to traffic as their numbers swelled.

    Passers-by expressed their support by applauding the protesters on their march, television reports said. The group had earlier protested outside the Israeli consulate, chanting anti-Israeli slogans, as police kept them from approaching the building.

    In a second demonstration, a crowd of about 500 people gathered outside the residence of Israeli ambassador Gabby Levy in Ankara, calling Israel a murderer and reciting prayers. "**** the Zionist murderers!", "Israel will drown in the blood of the martyrs!" chanted the protesters. Several demonstrators threw eggs and plastic bottles into the garden of the residency which is surrounded by a high wall before they were warned by police to cease their actions. A large banner reading "Tanks and stones will be your defeat" was hung at the entrance of the street facing the residency.

    Two TV networks reported earlier that Israeli warships attacked the six ships carrying pro-Palestinian activists and aid for blockaded Gaza, killing 19 and wounding dozens of people on board.

    A Turkish charity involved with the flotilla told AFP in Gaza that at least 15 people were killed in the Israeli navy raid, most of them Turkish nationals. "Fifteen people were killed in the raid, most of them Turkish nationals," said Mohammed Kaya, who heads the Gaza branch of the IHH, a Turkish charity involved with organizing the fleet of aid ships. "We were not expecting such an operation in international waters," Omer Faruk Korkmaz, an official of the IHH, said. "Israel has been caught red-handed and the international community will not forgive it." Korkmaz said the ship was being escorted to Haifa.

    Murat Mercan, a lawmaker from Erdogan's ruling party, said: "I was expecting an intervention. I was not expecting bloodshed, the use of arms and bullets." "Israel is engaged in activity that will extremely hurt its image," he said.

    SOURCE: http://www.almanar.com.lb/NewsSite/N...84&language=en
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    Re: Turkish aid ships set sail for Gaza

    format_quote Originally Posted by M.A.S.H. View Post
    Largely too blame for the situation is the current Palestinian government and the president Mahmoud Abbas who put all the emphasis on eastern Jerusalem construction and have called it the only obstacle to peace talks, disregarding the wellbeing of the brothers in Gaza. Palestinians are so internally divided to the Fattah Hamas conflict, they are causing more harm to eachother than Israel is to any of them.
    Israel has positively no interest in 'peace talks' as I stated before, if you have no understanding of the geo-political or socio-economic conditions of the area then you should shut your yap.
    You can go tinkle your pearls with like-minded oafs!
    Israeli forces attack aid Gaza aid flotilla, kill activists

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    Re: Israeli forces attack aid Gaza aid flotilla, kill activists

    what else can we expect from these corrupted jews. They killed all their prophets in the past, and they're ready to kill every one who just want to show the truth and offer mercy to poor people. They will always behave this way until their illegal state is destroyed.
    Israeli forces attack aid Gaza aid flotilla, kill activists

    "O you who believe! Fear ALLAH as He should be feared" [aal 'Imraan, 102]

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    Re: Israeli forces attack aid Gaza aid flotilla, kill activists

    Death to Israel!!! ALLAHU AKBAR!!!

    Israel has shown its true face! How can it and all the supporters of Israel out there still deny that they are the terrorists?! Onslaught of an aid ship! No more inhumane example has the world seen before this!

    I'll ask for death for all those who kill innocent beings of Allah whether it be Israel or even a Muslim country! Israel has crossed all limits!

    And those supporters of Israel out there, see it now with your own eyes what you've been supporting so far!

    Not only the Muslims but

    UN chief also is "SHOCKED" over Israeli raid on aid flotilla!

    The UN Security Council was to hold emergency talks Monday on the crisis triggered after Israeli navy commandos stormed a Gaza-bound aid flotilla, killing up to 19 people, a UN diplomat said.

    The talks would take place at 1:00 pm (1700 GMT), the diplomat said. The UN Security Council is currently chaired by Lebanon until 0400 GMT Tuesday and earlier Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri had called for an emergency session in the wake of the deadly Israeli raid.

    "Prime Minister Hariri has asked the Lebanese delegation at the UN to call for an emergency meeting over what happened today," a Lebanese official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said.

    Last edited by Masuma; 05-31-2010 at 03:58 PM.
    Israeli forces attack aid Gaza aid flotilla, kill activists

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    Re: Turkish aid ships set sail for Gaza

    The above are from Medhat creedi a Christian Arab
    whose son was harassed on more than occasion for his 'middle easterness' and accused of being an 'Islamist' .. at the time he dropped the bomb that he's christian, really shook his opponents for a while, but it is a really a wake up call for any christian from middle eastern origin or even Muslims who try their best to 'integrate' these racist pigs don't give a dam n unless it is something to further their Zionist or christofundie agenda ...
    They will go after your loved ones, your homelands, your jobs and your children and if you think you have a sense of community and leadership all but you have to do is advertise your Islamicness before the carpet bombs drop on you!

    7asbona Allah wa'ni3ma alwakeel, although I knew those going to the aid of the palis took upon themselves martyrdom and may Allah swt yataqabal the best of their deeds.. that is exactly what we all need to do, have no love for this world but have a love of Justice and a love of God!

    Israeli forces attack aid Gaza aid flotilla, kill activists

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  11. #108
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    Re: Israeli forces attack aid Gaza aid flotilla, kill activists

    @ brother ardianto:
    The video you posted, is it in Indonasian lang? Couldn't understand what is written at top...

    Jazakamullahu Kahir dear brother for it! May Allah reward you!
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    Re: Israeli forces attack aid Gaza aid flotilla, kill activists

    Hezbollah: World Should Reject Oppression, Cut Ties with Israel

    Hezbollah vehemently condemned on Monday the Israeli terrorist crime against activists on board the Gaza-bound “Freedom” flotilla that killed 19 unarmed activists and injured dozens others.

    In a statement, Hezbollah denounced the ‘horrible terrorist crime committed by the Zionist occupation forces against innocent civilians on a human mission to express solidarity with the Palestinians besieged in the Gaza strip.”

    The statement added that the crime was another proof of the “inherent evil in Zionists which targets all human beings regardless of their confession and race
    as long as they're ready to stand by righteousness in the face of the persistent Zionist terrorism against the Palestinians.”

    The Hezbollah statement underlined “this atrocious crime is the materialization of the inherent force of tyranny which has escalated in the past years due to the unlimited Western support to the Zionist scheme, and due to the wrong political bargaining of some Arab regimes.”

    Targeting civilians and inflicting losses among them is an old Israeli policy emanating from the fundamental ideology of its leaders who established the usurping entity, Hezbollah said. “This policy was present well before the establishment of the occupation entity in Palestine and interpreted itself on different occasions,” the statement added.

    Hezbollah stressed it believed that “this crime should constitute a turning point in dealing with the usurping entity at the level of all international powers. The party considers international institutions are in front of a historic test to prove its already shaken credibility. They are demanded that they do their obvious duty to face Zionist crimes the last but not least of which was the attack on activists representing 40 countries.”

    The statement also called on the whole world not to keep mum at Israel’s crimes and initiate concrete steps to reject oppression “by cutting all sorts of ties with the Zionist entity and holding Israel responsible for targeting innocent civilians on board the ships.”

    “Hezbollah believes that Arab and Islamic leaders are required to adopt the position of their peoples, because condemnations are no longer sufficient given the bloody scene imposed by Israel. They are also required to cut all ties with Israel with concrete strategic steps to break the siege on Gaza and the West Bank and to support the Palestinian people with every possible means that would help them free their land and put an end to the Zionist occupation nightmare.”

    Hezbollah offered deep condolences to the families of the victims, and paid special tribute to the Turkish people for standing by their Palestinian brothers with the support of the Turkish leadership that continues to reject Israel arrogance.”

    Source: http://www.almanar.com.lb/NewsSite/N...72&language=en
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    Re: Israeli forces attack aid Gaza aid flotilla, kill activists

    Raid on flotilla puts final nail in coffin of Turkish ties with Israel

    As details slowly emerge in the wake of Israel’s deadly attack on a flotilla of aid ships bound for the Gaza Strip, leaders from Turkey’s ruling and opposition parties raise their voices to condemn the action. It is the latest and worst incident in a long line of troublesome encounters over the last year and a half between the two NATO allies and some say this could be the final act. ‘Our relations will never be the same,’ says a member of the ruling AKP
    Israel’s deadly attack on a Palestinian aid convoy is likely to be the last straw in already fraught Turkish-Israeli relations, according to senior officials in Turkey’s ruling party.

    Though the identities of the killed civilians were still unknown late Monday when the Hürriyet Daily News & Economic Review went to print, it is believed that many of the dead are Turkish citizens.

    “Our relations with Israel will never be the same,” Hüseyin Çelik, spokesman of the Justice and Development Party, or AKP, told reporters Monday.

    The Israeli attack dealt a devastating blow to relations already strained by tensions over Israeli actions in Gaza in late 2008.

    Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s escalating rhetoric that targeted the Israeli government and his remarks that Israel’s alleged nuclear weapons capacity was comparable to Iran’s quest to develop such weapons was responsible for putting a strain on bilateral ties over the past year.

    On Monday, Turkey appeared to be taking the lead in gathering international support against the Israeli attack, with the government already pressing international organizations such as the Organization of the Islamic Conference, or OIC, the European Union and the Arab League to take action.

    “The worst possible scenario has happened,” said the head of the Turkish Center for International Relations and Strategic Analysis, or TÜRKSAM, Sinan Oğan.

    “Israel has made a suicide commando move, and has committed suicide internationally, he said. “The Turkish-Israeli relationship is now open to every different scenario.”

    He said, “The relationship between Turkey and Israel will face its biggest test in history, with the possibility of Turkey taking this issue to the European Union.”

    Hasan Köni, an international relations professor, said the incident would further strain Turkish-Israeli ties in comments to the private Habertürk channel on Monday.

    “Israel lost a lot. It’s a major mistake in the eyes of the West. This will strengthen Turkey’s hands,” Köni said, adding that it will be hard to repair Turkish-Israeli ties in the near future following Turkey’s decision to recall its ambassador for a second time in only a few months.

    In addition to the diplomatic recall, Turkey also canceled three joint military drills and sporting activities on Monday.

    Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu also called on the United Nations Security Council to convene an urgent meeting on the attack, which was declared “piracy” by Deputy Prime Minister Bülent Arınç. Erdoğan, meanwhile, cut short his Latin America tour and was expected to return home Tuesday.

    Three pillars of the strategy

    Turkey’s strategy against Israel will likely be based on three main dimensions, including political, legal and humanitarian aspects.

    Politically, Turkey plans to mobilize all international organizations to exert pressure on Tel Aviv to change its aggressive policies toward the Palestinians and remove the blockade on West Bank. Turkey is also likely to push for a global front to force Israel to punish those responsible for Monday’s attacks.

    On the legal front, Turkish diplomats have begun to explore avenues to determine whether it is possible to bring the attack before international courts.

    Lastly, Turkey will also use the attack to draw attention to the humanitarian situation of the Palestinian people. The visit of Mahmoud Abbas, president of Palestine, is seen within this context.

    Attack not to remain unanswered

    Crisis desks were established at the Turkish Prime Ministry and the Foreign Ministry on Monday morning. Speaking to reporters after an emergency meeting, Arınç said 400 of the Mavi Marmara’s 581 passengers were Turks.

    “I strongly condemn the use of force by Israeli military forces on an aid convoy composed of 32 countries, including Turkey,” he said. “This attack must not remain unanswered.”

    Arınç said the government was not involved in the organization of the flotilla, saying it was a pure civil society initiative.

    Early in the day, Israel’s ambassador to Ankara, Gabby Levy, was summoned to the Turkish Foreign Ministry. Deputy Undersecretary Ünal Çeviköz demanded Levy provide a detailed report about the outcome of the passengers of the boats, the Hürriyet Daily News has learned.

    Çeviköz said it was against international law to forcibly interfere with ships carrying humanitarian aid in international waters.

    “We want the return of the injured, and the cooperation needed to have them treated in Turkey. We expect the other passengers to be returned to their countries immediately,” he said. “We demand an end to this unlawful situation, and the release of the detained ships in international waters.”

    Meanwhile, while en route to the United States, Davutoğlu said, “Under all conditions, even if no one had been injured, this is still an act of piracy.”

    May Allaah(swt) make this tragedy become a victory for Palestine as the world sees first hand international reports of what Israel really is.
    Israeli forces attack aid Gaza aid flotilla, kill activists

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    Re: Israeli forces attack aid Gaza aid flotilla, kill activists

    Gaza ship raid "brings Israel close to its end": Ahmadinejad

    TEHRAN : Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said a deadly Israeli military raid Monday on a Gaza-bound aid ship was an "inhuman" act that brought Tehran's arch-foe "closer than ever to its end."

    "The inhuman action of the Zionist regime against the Palestinian people and preventing the humanitarian aid from reaching Gazans does not show this regime's strength, but is a sign of its weakness, and all this brings this sinister and fake regime closer than ever to its end," Ahmadinejad was quoted as saying by the official IRNA news agency.

    The hardliner, who has previously enraged the world for making remarks that Israel was "doomed to be wiped off the map," said Monday's attack was an "insult to human dignity."

    "Today, it is clearly evident that the Palestinian issue is not an Arab or Islamic one, but a world issue. Today, the reason for creating and imposing of the Zionist regime has become evident to all," he said.

    "The creation of this fake regime is not only to control the Middle East, but the whole world. Therefore, supporting Palestinian people is like supporting the peace and freedom of all nations."

    The animosity between Israel and Iran has worsened under Ahmadinejad who has even called the Holocaust as a "myth."

    Up to 19 people died when Israeli forces stormed the flotilla of aid-carrying ships bound for Gaza at dawn on Monday in international waters off the northern Israeli port city of Haifa, Israeli television reported.

    The bloody ending to the high-profile mission to deliver supplies to the besieged Gaza Strip plunged Israel into a diplomatic crisis and widespread protests against the Jewish state.

    Later in Tehran, about 100 people gathered outside the office of the United Nations and protested against the raid, chanting "Death to Israel!" and "This savage regime of Israel must be wiped out!"

    They also tore up pictures of US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, an AFP photographer said.

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    Re: Turkish aid ships set sail for Gaza

    Zionists can´t stop us. We will return and return untill Palestine is Free.

    All Palestine.

    Israeli forces attack aid Gaza aid flotilla, kill activists

    From Occupied Palestine:

    We have suffered too much for too long. We will not accept apartheid masked as peace. We will settle for no less than our freedom.

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    Re: Israeli forces attack aid Gaza aid flotilla, kill activists

    format_quote Originally Posted by An33za View Post
    @ brother ardianto:
    The video you posted, is it in Indonasian lang? Couldn't understand what is written at top...

    Jazakamullahu Kahir dear brother for it! May Allah reward you!
    The title is : Video of Israeli commando attack on ship Mavi Marmara.

    That video was posted by Malaysian.
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  18. #114
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    Re: Turkish aid ships set sail for Gaza

    Like the other families gathered at the İHH building trying to obtain news from their relatives on the ship, Akdeniz said she was shocked by the attacks and that she was worried and crying.

    “I did not expect that much cruelty. My husband even did not have a pocket knife on him,” she said. “It was a strict rule for all of them not to have anything that might be used as a weapon. But Israel was afraid of a few civilian people.”
    Israeli forces attack aid Gaza aid flotilla, kill activists

    33 43 1 - Israeli forces attack aid Gaza aid flotilla, kill activists
    He it is Who sends blessings on you, as do His angels, that He may bring you out from the depths of Darkness into Light: and He is Full of Mercy to the Believers. [Quran {33:43}]
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    Woodrow's Avatar Jewel of IB
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    Re: What You Can Do About The Flotilla Attack

    format_quote Originally Posted by piXie View Post
    What You Can Do About The Flotilla Attack


    Just 50 complaints can stop the BBC's biased reporting on the Israeli Army's attacks on the unarmed civilians in the Freedom Flotilla.

    Throughout this entire week when the Flotilla has been getting closer to Gaza, despite the numerous threats by the Israelis, the mainstream media (except the Guardian) in this country have given it barely any air time at all.

    Just three simple actions by you can ensure that the crimes being committed by Israel are reported accurately:

    1. Call the BBC on 0370-010-0222 (then choose 'Option 1' and then 'Option 3') to ask why they are being biased in their report when it is clear that the Freedom Flotilla has unarmed civilians and that the Israeli Army is the aggressor. Please include the following in your complaint:

    - Why do they not provide balanced coverage by giving peace activists equal air time to the Israeli spokesmen?

    - Why do they fail to question Israeli claims when Israel has previously been proven to have lied about attacks on peace activists such as Tom Hurndall?

    2. Write to your MP via www.writetothem.com demanding your MP condemn Israel for it's actions and call for sanctions against Israel.
    3. Tell all your family and friends to do the same

    There are also 2 demonstrations taking place in England today:

    London - 2pm outside 10 Downing Street (nearest station is Westminster)

    Manchester - 5pm outside BBC's office: New Broadcasting House, PO Box 27, Oxford Road, Manchester, M60 1SJ

    Some media outlets are trying to keep the story quiet - which just means we all have to work harder to let everyone know what is really happening.

    Read more: http://www.mpacuk.org/story/310510/a...#ixzz0pWJmvOdS


    Good advice and something we each can do
    Israeli forces attack aid Gaza aid flotilla, kill activists

    Herman 1 - Israeli forces attack aid Gaza aid flotilla, kill activists

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    Re: Israeli forces attack aid Gaza aid flotilla, kill activists

    Like the other families gathered at the İHH building trying to obtain news from their relatives on the ship, Akdeniz said she was shocked by the attacks and that she was worried and crying.

    “I did not expect that much cruelty. My husband even did not have a pocket knife on him,” she said. “It was a strict rule for all of them not to have anything that might be used as a weapon. But Israel was afraid of a few civilian people.”
    poor people, they knew IDF terrorists would find any excuse to massacre them, so they were specifically told not to carry anything that could be used a weapon
    Israeli forces attack aid Gaza aid flotilla, kill activists

    33 43 1 - Israeli forces attack aid Gaza aid flotilla, kill activists
    He it is Who sends blessings on you, as do His angels, that He may bring you out from the depths of Darkness into Light: and He is Full of Mercy to the Believers. [Quran {33:43}]
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    Re: Israeli forces attack aid Gaza aid flotilla, kill activists

    Video from Mavi Marmara before attacked by Israel. The first 27 seconds in this video was taken just few moments before Israeli attack.


    There are 12 Indonesian volunteers in Mavi Marmara. According to Ministry of Foreign Affair, three Indonesian are wounded. But there is a news from Al-Alam Iran (but need confirmation), one Indonesian is syahid.
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    Re: Israeli forces attack aid Gaza aid flotilla, kill activists

    Double post ....... again.
    Last edited by ardianto; 05-31-2010 at 04:15 PM. Reason: double post
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    Re: Israeli forces attack aid Gaza aid flotilla, kill activists

    Gaza flotilla deaths: the world reacts

    United Nations, Turkey, Greece, Arab and Muslim groups, EU, UK, USA, Algeria, Australia, Belgium, France, Germany, Iran, Italy, Lebanon,
    Netherlands, Palestinians, Spain and Sweden. All speak out, see what they said Here

    Israel has proved what they really are.
    Israeli forces attack aid Gaza aid flotilla, kill activists

    Three simple rules in life:

    1) If you do not go after what you want, you will never have it
    2) If you don't ask, the answer will always be no.
    3) If you do not step forward, you'll always be in the same place
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    Re: Israeli forces attack aid Gaza aid flotilla, kill activists

    @ brother aadil77:
    Israel just needs an excuse, nothing else! Even if you would have gone there empty handed, Israel would have given the excuse that "why you even carried your limbs; you can attack us with your hands and feet, so let us tear them apart from you!!! "
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