BP chief executive Tony Hayward has been told by an angry US Congressional panel his firm ignored dangers when drilling in the Gulf of Mexico.

House committee on energy and commerce chairman Henry Waxman said BP's "complacency" before the 20 April rig explosion had been "astonishing".

Asked about apparent shortcuts taken before the spill, Mr Hayward said it was too early to draw conclusions.

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"You're not taking responsibility, you're kicking the can down the road," he added.

Eleven people died in the Deepwater Horizon drill rig accident, which left a ruptured well spewing hundreds of thousands of barrels of oil into the Gulf of Mexico.
Tony Hayward, as expected, didn't respond very well to the questions asked of him. That said, I do feel somewhat sorry for him... he has become the most hated man in America. Nevertheless, he didn't loose a loved one out of the eleven that died on the oil rig, either.