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Oh Syria the victory is coming

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    Oh Syria the victory is coming

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    shiekh muhammad al arifi

    Oh Syria the victory is coming

    Allah made everyone different thats what makes them special,so no matter what ppl say just remember you're SPECIAL!!
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    Re: Oh Syria the victory is coming

    It is going to be a challenge to overthrow the Syrian government. They have the support of Iran and you can bet that Hezbollah will be throwing in their lot to keep the regime in place. You can bet the regime will not go down without a fight.
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    Re: Oh Syria the victory is coming

    There is great debate about whether or not the US and regional allies such as Saudi Arabia and Turkey should support the Syria uprising. The main reason to support the uprising is to cut off an ally to Iran, and therefore cut off support to Hezbollah which uses Syria as a supply line. The US needs to restore a regional balance between the Sunnis and Shiites after the war in Iraq has greatly increased Shiite power.

    On the other hand, there are fears that Jihadis such as Al Qaeda would gain traction in Syria and use it as a base to launch terrorist attacks within the Middle East. It would be complex to somehow support the uprising and roll back Iran`s influence, but at the same time purge all jihadi influence in the country.
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    Re: Oh Syria the victory is coming

    actually it's a lot more complicated than you try to make out alpharius,

    the people may have their problems with the assad government but that is not why the criminal zionists and the debauched u.s government are opposing him while pretending to support the people by showing their concerns.
    actually the u.s governement have killed millions over the past decade without the u.n bringing together a coalition to remove them from iraq which the u.n general annan himself publicly stated was illegal, and everyone knows about the war crimes of the zionists too and how much regard they have for international perception and human rights.

    Assad has been a thorn in the side of the zionists for a while now over the golan heights and support for hezbollah and strategic alliance with iran.
    they did not complain much when saudi arabia sent troops into bahrain to quell dissent but seem to be overflowing with love for the syrian people?
    actually they hate the syrian people more than they care to show, here's a little background on recent events:

    Syria continued to demand a full Israeli withdrawal to the June 4, 1967 borders, including a strip of land on the east shore of the Sea of Galilee that Syria captured during the 1948–49 Arab-Israeli War and occupied from 1949–67. Successive Israeli governments have considered an Israeli withdrawal from the Golan in return for normalization of relations with Syria, provided certain security concerns are met. Prior to 2000, Syrian president Hafez al-Assad rejected normalization with Israel.

    In late 2003, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad said he was ready to revive peace talks with Israel. Israel demanded Syria first disarm Hezbollah, which launched many attacks on northern Israeli towns and army posts from Lebanese territory, and cease to host militant Palestinian groups and their headquarters. Talks were not initiated.

    In June 2007, it was reported that Prime Minister Ehud Olmert had sent a secret message to Syrian President, Bashar Assad saying that Israel would concede the land in exchange for a comprehensive peace agreement and the severing of Syria's ties with Iran and militant groups in the region.[103] On the same day, former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced that the former Syrian President, Hafez Assad, had promised to let Israel retain Mount Hermon in any future agreement.
    (see how they would have made syria a sitting duck for a future attack, despite the golan being stolen syrian land in the first place?)

    In April 2008, Syrian media reported Turkey's Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan told President Bashar al-Assad that Israel would withdraw from the Golan Heights in return for peace.[105][106] Israeli leaders of communities in the Golan Heights held a special meeting and stated: "all construction and development projects in the Golan are going ahead as planned, propelled by the certainty that any attempt to harm Israeli sovereignty in the Golan will cause severe damage to state security and thus is doomed to fail". [107] That year, a plenary session of the United Nations General Assembly passed a resolution 161–1 in favour of a motion on the Golan Heights that reaffirmed Security Council resolution 497 and called on Israel to desist from "changing the physical character, demographic composition, institutional structure and legal status of the occupied Syrian Golan and, in particular, to desist from the establishment of settlements [and] from imposing Israeli citizenship and Israeli identity cards on the Syrian citizens in the occupied Syrian Golan and from its repressive measures against the population of the occupied Syrian Golan." Israel was the only nation to vote against the resolution.[108] Indirect talks broke down after the Gaza War began. Syria broke off the talks to protest Israeli military operations. Israel subsequently appealed to Turkey to resume mediation.[109]

    In March 2009, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad claimed in a newspaper interview that indirect talks had failed after Israel failed to make a commitment to withdraw from all of the Golan Heights. In an August 2009 speech during Army Day, he said that the return of the entire Golan Heights was "non-negotiable", and said that it would remain "fully Arab", and would be returned to Syria.[114]

    In June 2009, Israeli President Shimon Peres said that Syrian President Assad would have to negotiate without preconditions, and that Syria would not get any territorial concessions from Israel on a "silver platter" as long as it maintained ties with Iran and Hezbollah.[115] In response, Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Muallem demanded that Israel unconditionally cede the Golan Heights "on a silver platter" without any preconditions, adding that "it is our land," and blamed Israel for failing to commit to peace. Syrian President Assad claimed that there was "no real partner in Israel."


    so we can see that it is a lot more complicated than they make out and the u.s government is certainly not the upholder of human rights it makes itself out to be when it suits it's agenda, rather it is the biggest fomentor of violence across the globe and is also a parasite that sells arms and makes money off the blood of this planet.

    We may have our problems with Assad but we must not let that be a cause to allow the wolves to kill the country like they killed Iraq Afghanistan and Lybia,
    they know that if they are able to destabilize Syria, it will become another hollow puppet state even worse than it already is, and they'd like to install a total zionist puppet if possible.

    this is the video i liked myself, we need khilafah, not new u.s government enforced zionist controlled puppets in place of one despot who still refused to sell out to them totally:


    my dad used to tell us a proverb when we were little and it still has an effect on me,
    it goes like:
    a wise enemy is better than a treacherous friend.
    well it seems that Assad has become the wise enemy and the zionists and their hound-dog u.s government is trying to be the treacherous friend.

    i'm not saying we don't need to replace assad with Khilafah, i am however saying that these treacherous "friends" are fomenting violence around the globe in order to destabilize any country whose leader doesn't obey their every command.

    and guess wot?

    yup, erik prince the owner of xe (formerly blackwater) was welcomed in by uae to begin hiring and training mercenary groups who are to hire and train other mercenaries, also interestingly enough, he appeared there with the blessing of the u.s government as the arab spring began.

    ABU DHABI, United Arab Emirates — Late one night last November, a plane carrying dozens of Colombian men touched down in this glittering seaside capital. Whisked through customs by an Emirati intelligence officer, the group boarded an unmarked bus and drove roughly 20 miles to a windswept military complex in the desert sand.

    The army is based in Abu Dhabi, the capital of the United Arab Emirates, but will serve all the emirates.
    The Colombians had entered the United Arab Emirates posing as construction workers. In fact, they were soldiers for a secret American-led mercenary army being built by Erik Prince, the billionaire founder of Blackwater Worldwide, with $529 million from the oil-soaked sheikdom.

    Mr. Prince, who resettled here last year after his security business faced mounting legal problems in the United States, was hired by the crown prince of Abu Dhabi to put together an 800-member battalion of foreign troops for the U.A.E., according to former employees on the project, American officials and corporate documents obtained by The New York Times.

    The force is intended to conduct special operations missions inside and outside the country, defend oil pipelines and skyscrapers from terrorist attacks and put down internal revolts, the documents show. Such troops could be deployed if the Emirates faced unrest in their crowded labor camps or were challenged by pro-democracy protests like those sweeping the Arab world this year.

    there are reports coming out of syria, just as with libya of terrorist groups shooting at police, army AND protesters.
    i wonder who would be doing that?
    Last edited by Abz2000; 02-14-2012 at 02:28 PM.
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    Re: Oh Syria the victory is coming

    assalamalaykum ,,
    for sure it is more complicated than people imagine,,
    but its wrong to assume this is just another western backed revoulution being stirred up to provke another war...
    there are thousands of syrina people sick of thier regime,thousands being innicently killed and tortured not by cia agents but by governemnt forces..thats the reality
    its the governemnt luanching all out war,,,on homs and hama,,not the west

    so what do you think we should just sit by while sunni muslims Are massacared,,if the muslims dont want westenr intervention then let muslims,,act,,
    a number of shiekhs have already spoke for jihad in support of the syrian people

    why re people quicker to blame the west that to actually condemn the antiislamic regime which is perescuting its own people
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    Re: Oh Syria the victory is coming

    you are correct sis, i believe and see the regime committing atrocities, and that Muslims all over the globe are seeing the evil fruits of secularism.
    which is why i feel the time is ripe for the Muslims to unite.
    we can do this with the help of Allah, but getting another one of those western backed puppet governments is a joke.
    all they'd do is install a fake apologetic government that agrees to cut itself off from Hezbollah and Iran, and welcomes in western mercenaries so it doesn't even look like an occupation,
    One is a powerful Islamic group that is able to muster volunteers ready to die for their cause, and another has a vast well armed army to help protect it's borders.
    the only other way out of this is a pan-Islamic caliphate that absorbs all these qualities under one body and responds to the suffering of the believers as one body, and it's round the corner if we are willing to sacrifice and say HasbunAllahi wa ni'mal wakeel,
    it won't be easy and much suffering is ahead once this happens, but the ultimate triumph is for Allah and the believers.

    remember how they deceived people and occupied libya, and killed millions of our brothers and sisters in iraq after removing their own previous ally saddam?

    6000 USA Mercenaries have come to Mitiga Air Base 10km of Tripoli on Tuesday early morning 17th january 2012.

    They came from Malta where they have been waiting a few days to start operations to secretly invade and settle at "important" locations and fight against opposing Libyans. They install mobile camps around the refineries and libyan oil outlets.
    In order to have complete control over refineries and oil sources , they have brought their own foreign technicians.

    So the US and other foreign Corporations can plunder the oil of the Libyan People without being accountable to their owners or anything impacting them .

    It is another assault and armed robbery of the Libyans while the international media and Western hide these further Crimes or being silent to support.

    Approximately 3/4 of the libyan people do NOT support the NATO-Puppet NTC and NATO has killed and supported the killing of many more libyans than the previous Gaddafi government!
    Last edited by Abz2000; 02-16-2012 at 11:01 AM.
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    Re: Oh Syria the victory is coming

    Generally speaking, does the Muslim community support the overthrow of the current Syrian government?

    If the overthrow occurs, what kind of government do you see replacing the current regime? Who (person) would head the new state?

    (Of course, I could always consult the media, but I would rather hear it from people close and personal with the situation).
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    Re: Oh Syria the victory is coming

    format_quote Originally Posted by GodIsAll View Post
    Generally speaking, does the Muslim community support the overthrow of the current Syrian government?

    If the overthrow occurs, what kind of government do you see replacing the current regime? Who (person) would head the new state?

    (Of course, I could always consult the media, but I would rather hear it from people close and personal with the situation).

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  11. #9
    Hamza Asadullah's Avatar Moderator
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    Re: Oh Syria the victory is coming

    I hope this is a proper uprising for Islam and Muslims unlike the "uprising" of the Libyian people which has resulted in further secularism and chaos in the country. I dont support Asad at all and never have or will but the western backed syrian "rebels" are also adding to the civilian casualties to make it seem like Asad is committing atrocities. They are also the reason Asad is attacking these towns in the first place and the civilians are unfortunately collateral damage, so it is not fair to say that he is "targetting" civilians when he is clearly targetting the rebels. Which government is going to sit down and let rebels armed by the west take over towns and citys and kill government soldiers? They have purposely fh orced such a response. This is all carefully planned.

    I wish I could believe this is an "Islamic uprising just like I wished for the Libyan uprising but I doubt it looking at the rhetoric in the media and the fact that the weapons are mainly french and on top of that Syria is an extremely important strategic location and it is also a part of "zion". Since it is a supporter of Iran it also needs to be weakened and the current government taken out.

    I would also take certain "scholars" in Syria adding to western rhetoric with a pinch of salt as it seems their support has also been bought out by the west to change Muslim opinion and perspective regarding the so called "massacre" by Asad.

    May Allah protect the oppressed and innocent and grant victory to the true Muslims with the right intentions and give victory to Islam in Syria. Ameen
    Last edited by Hamza Asadullah; 03-01-2012 at 02:59 AM.
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    Re: Oh Syria the victory is coming

    heartbreaking video.. may help and victory come from Allah soon. Ameen

    it's quality not quantity that matters..

    The Muslim army was not more than 313-317 men, including 82-86 Muhajir (the Emigrants from Makkah) and the others were the Ansaar. They had only two horses and 70 camels to ride. Most of them did not even possess simple weapons to fight; some had swords but no bows and arrows, while others possessed spears but no swords. The army was not well equipped, nor well prepared for war. Moreover, the Muslims were old, sick, starving and weak. But pleased with the words and willingness of the Sahabah to fight the disbelievers and putting all trust in Allah, the Prophet (sallallahu alaihe wa-sallam) marched towards the wells of Badr.


    Because they thought that Muslims were few. They believed without doubts that they would defeat the Muslims, Allah said: "But whosoever puts his trust in Allah, then surely, Allah is All-Mighty, All-Wise." [Soorah al-Anfal (8): 49] [See Tafseer Ibn Katheer]


    He (sallallahu alaihe wa-sallam) stretched forth his hand and supplicated to Allah until his cloak fell off his shoulders. Abu Bakr (radhiallahu anhu) came up to him, picked his cloak, and put it back on his shoulders and said: "O Prophet of Allah! You have cried out enough to your Lord. He will surely fulfill what He has promised you." [Saheeh al-Bukharee and an-Nasa'ee]
    Immediately, Allah responded to the supplication and sent Angels for help, Allah says: "(Remember) when you sought help of your Lord and He answered you saying, 'I will help you with a thousand Angels each behind the other in succession." [Soorah al-Anfal (8): 9]


    "And you (O Muhammad (sallallahu alaihe wa-sallam)) threw not when you did throw but Allah threw." [Soorah al-Anfal (8): 17]



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    Re: Oh Syria the victory is coming

    format_quote Originally Posted by Hamza Asadullah View Post
    They are also the reason Asad is attacking these towns in the first place and the civilians are unfortunately collateral damage, so it is not fair to say that he is "targetting" civilians when he is clearly targetting the rebels.
    I beg to differ. Have you not been keeping tabs since the start? The Assad cronies have been targeted civilians left right and centre, it was only around 6 months after the start of the bloodshed did some of the 'rebels' speak out, so what happened before that? All the civilians being killed then, who was attacking Assad and his men? Nobody, and yet they were still targeting civilians.

    Your mentality is the exact thinking patterns Assad wants, he wants people to think that he can't just sit back and allow people to fight his men so inevitably he is going to fight back, so he is not targeting 'civilians' but rather the 'rebels'. Do you seriously think if the rebels did nothing then Assad would stop this killing? Keep dreaming..

    Women being raped, men and CHILDREN being tortured and you're telling me these pigs are not targeting civilians? Bite me.

    Rebels may make matters worse by forcing this taghuts' cronies to kill/rape/torture more, but they are in no way to be blamed for this, like you seem to make out.
    Last edited by Ghazalah; 03-01-2012 at 10:52 AM.
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    Re: Oh Syria the victory is coming

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    Re: Oh Syria the victory is coming


    how can you possibly say that people are adding to the casualties to make ASSAD look bad,,thats deeply insenstitive to those dying

    those who see thier loved ones dead on the street and cant even get to them,,
    those who cant get injured to hospital for fear of being taken away
    those who see their young child die in their arm
    this man is commtiing atrocities,,,,how much proof do we need

    he was killing them long before soldiers defected,,, and statred fighting back..he has long time beem masaccaring innocents,,,
    dont twist this and blame protestors for his actions

    he is totally to blame,,,he is wiping out anyone daresoppose him
    we have one year of proof,,,

    may Allah help the syrian people because it seems we muslims in this world are not prepared to help

    where are the muslim countries and arab countires

    tomorrow all will be fullof outrage if the west stepsin

    but we keep quiet while our borthers and sisters in slam are masaccared,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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  17. #14
    Hamza Asadullah's Avatar Moderator
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    Re: Oh Syria the victory is coming

    format_quote Originally Posted by Ghazalah View Post
    I beg to differ. Have you not been keeping tabs since the start? The Assad cronies have been targeted civilians left right and centre, it was only around 6 months after the start of the bloodshed did some of the 'rebels' speak out, so what happened before that? All the civilians being killed then, who was attacking Assad and his men? Nobody, and yet they were still targeting civilians.

    Your mentality is the exact thinking patterns Assad wants, he wants people to think that he can't just sit back and allow people to fight his men so inevitably he is going to fight back, so he is not targeting 'civilians' but rather the 'rebels'. Do you seriously think if the rebels did nothing then Assad would stop this killing? Keep dreaming..

    Women being raped, men and CHILDREN being tortured and you're telling me these pigs are not targeting civilians? Bite me.

    Rebels may make matters worse by forcing this taghuts' cronies to kill/rape/torture more, but they are in no way to be blamed for this, like you seem to make out.

    Sister all of what you have stated is mere emotional fallacy and clearly exactly the kind of image the zionist led media want to portray. Exactly the same happened when western armed rebels were fighting Libyan government troops. What resulted from that "uprising"? Shariah? No. All that resulted was destabilisation and further chaos and another American base. Exactly the same,as in Iraq and Afghanistan and where ever else the west decides to intervene. The same will result from this Syrian western intervention. Do you think the west will arm Syrian rebels for no reason? Just like they armed Libyan rebels "for no reason". There is always a reason why such things happen and it is certainly NOT to free the Syrian people just like the west claimed to free tge Afghanis, Iraqis and Libyans and all they have done is kill over a million people and left carnage, devastation, chaos and destabilisation.

    These "uprisings" are very well planned western interventions and the media is doing the rest by changing public opinion and perspective. This is a war, just like the west armed Libyan rebels to attack Libyan government troops and trying to take towns and citys. The same is also the case in Syria where they have armed Syrian rebels to attack government troops and try and take over towns and citys. It is not difficult to round up a few people who hate their government. Round them up, pay them and their families and arm them and you have an effective rebel fighting force.

    So if you think that the Syrian government have merely targetted civilians then you are clearly falling for zionist/western media rhetoric which is exactly the picture they wish to portray. The civilians are collateral damage in EVERY war. This is the unfortunate reality of war. It CANNOT be avoided. This is a civil war and the rebels have also killed and are still killing government troops and EVERY government will fight rebels who try and take over its towns and citys and try to kill its government troops. Do you think the case would be different under a Shariah? Do you think the Caliph would sit there and let rebels kill its troops and try and take over towns and citys?

    Homs is clearly another Bhengazhi. Where much of the western arms are coming through to from Turkey. There is NO doubt that in order for the zionists/west to achieve their agenda then they need to change public opinion and make it seem like the government are "out of control animals" in order totry and justify intervening by arming rebels and establishing a no fly zone.

    During the western bombing campaign in Libya they targetted and destroyed so many civilian targets, but it was ok was it because,they came in to "free" the Libyans. Yeah right. Would you be happy when they do the same in Syria? There is NO doubt that they will establish their bases in Syria just like they did in Libya. Is that victory for the people? Is destabilisation and chaos going to be victory for the Syrian people?

    Syria has been a strategic target of the zionists for a very long time and now their plan is well underway. So do not fall for such deception for this is far from an Islamic or people uprising. This is just another way of the zionist- western alliance to gain a stronger grip in the Middle East for they need to take Syria if they are to be successful against Iran and eventually Russia and then finally China sometime in the future. Russia and China know it to. Syria is also a part of Israelis dream od establishing zion.

    So we must wake up and see the bigger picture. This intervention is part of a wider master plan. What you see in the media is not the true facts but what they want us to believe and percieve.
    Last edited by Hamza Asadullah; 03-01-2012 at 06:31 PM.
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    Re: Oh Syria the victory is coming

    Of COURSE it's another Western plot, just like the Libyan Civil War was. But the USA can't or won't openly support the rebellion because there is no oil in Syria, and the US public is tired of long wars in the Muslim world.

    Russia and China don't care. They both have a history of human rights violations anyway, so it's no surprise that they would turn a blind eye to the actions of another dictator brutalizing his own people.

    The big winner here if Assad is eventually ousted will be Turkey. Turkey has envied the European nations for a long time, and with the Syrian regime gone, their own power and influence in the region will increase. Iran of course will be the big loser. With Assad gone, Iran's biggest ally is removed.
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    Re: Oh Syria the victory is coming

    Brother Hamza, I'm not arguing that there is a western mix in all of these uprising, there is no Khalifah, or Sharia at the end, that's a point I'm not disputing. But re-read you first point.

    format_quote Originally Posted by Hamza Asadullah View Post
    they are also the reason Asad is attacking these towns in the first place and the civilians are unfortunately collateral damage, so it is not fair to say that he is "targetting" civilians when he is clearly targetting the rebels.
    ^^That's what I disagree with. You obviously haven't been following matters from day one then, nor have you met people who have been in the midst of it all. More of an armchair view I'd say, inshAllah khayr, I'm not the one to argue and I don't see why we should be debating on this.

    May Allah swt hasten the day when Islam rules the world and the Muslims are reunited under one banner. Ameen.
    Last edited by Ghazalah; 03-01-2012 at 10:40 PM.
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    Re: Oh Syria the victory is coming

    ^^ ameen..
    Oh Syria the victory is coming

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  22. #18
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    Re: Oh Syria the victory is coming

    if there's no khilafah or shariah at the end, isn't it better under assad than under tel aviv?

    it's a known fact that they've wanted to take over the middle east and have been preparing for years,
    and couldn't do such a thing without losing the support of the american and british people who are sick and tired of all the security checks and "terror" alerts and bankruptcy.
    if there's no khilafah then y bother uprising?
    does it make any sense whatsoever?
    at least assad was protecting the borders and supporting armed mujahideen groups like hizbullah.
    something amerikkka wouldnt do, and would probably even start a sectarian war there like they did in iraq.

    where do you think it all stems from if not the zionist ngo's and eric prince's blackwater?
    you think there aren't cia and mercenary groups down there causing chaos?

    and talking of the arab league is laughable, it is uae that invited erik prince in to build and train mercenary forces to put down rebellions and deploy in the middle east and saudi arabia that sent its forces into Qatar to put down rebellions.
    and amerikkka that has on hundreds of occasions shot protesters in amerikkka and murdered millions in iraq and recently afghanistan.
    and britain that was about to deploy the army on the youth who were angry with the economic situation and murder of an innocent man at the hands of the police.

    wots the point of protesting in the first place then if its gonna be to invite these wolves in sheep's clothing to bomb their country and re-allocate their resources?

    if you don't see this leading to the final confrontation between iman and satanism,
    and the decadent us government and zionists attempting to do away with any possible opposition they may meet before that final conflict i really feel sorry for you.
    the plot has been unfolding for over a century with the occupation of sham (the british renaming it "palestine" after the biblical pagan phillistines who prophet david (pbuh) fought against, the holocaust and the installment of the Godless zionist regime with the "star of David" (pbuh) in order to deceive the people of the world and make them look like the fulfillment of scripture.
    that's what Dajjal means, deceiver, and the whole world is half fooled by this deception despite seeing the obvious.
    because if they had attacked us without installing a proxy fake "israel", most christians and jews would be muslim by the time they see armageddon unfolding.

    i even posted videos of armed mercenaries who had been shooting at civilians randomly being arrested by gaddafi troops.
    Last edited by Abz2000; 03-01-2012 at 11:05 PM.
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    Oh Syria the victory is coming

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  23. #19
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    Re: Oh Syria the victory is coming

    Things don't happen over night.. change is always gradual. The ummah didn't happen during the time of the prophet when he first received the message nor even the Quran itself revealed to the prophet in one day.

    In fact even though he had promised the Muslims pilgrimage in Makkah and the sahaba were angry that they were being halted by pagan kaffirs and had to make several concessions to them which stab at the very foundation of the khilafah and sovereignty of Muslims in prophet hood of Muhammad, he turned to the sahabas and said, that he promised they'd make pilgrimage but didn't say in which year.. and indeed victory was granted them and they did make pilgrimage!
    You don't get pregnant and have a child in a day.. however the wheels of change are in motion and there's no going back to those despotic regimes by Allah's will.
    If you're suggesting that tying children and women to tanks as he did today in the city of Homs so that the rebel army isn't able to protect and after 8000 civilian casualties because well he supports groups like hizbullah against Israel then I hope for your sake that you've a paradigm shift in priorities. Removal of despotic regime first and slowly the ummah will reunite, even if they try this so-called secular democracy under duress from the west they'll go back to Islam for it is the promise of Allah swt:

    “Rasul Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: ‘Prophethood will last among you for as long as Allah wills, then Allah will take it away. Then it will be (followed by) a Khilafah Rashida (rightly guided) on the pattern of the Prophethood. It will remain for as long as Allah wills, then Allah will take it away. Afterwards there will be a hereditary leadership which will remain for as long as Allah wills, then He will lift it if He wishes. Afterwards, there will be biting oppression, and it will last for as long as Allah wishes, then He will lift it if He wishes. Then there will be a Khilafah Rashida according to the ways of the Prophethood.’ Then he kept silent.” [Musnad Imam Ahmad]

    However if you're not living under their condition, which include such horrifying realities as one has never known literally the stuff of movies then don't be a part of the problem don't demand khilafah or else for people who have water the streets with their blood. Today Syrians as young as 5 were out on the streets with filthy buckets trying to collects snow for water as he on top of killing them, burning them alive has made just surviving impossible with no water, electricity etc..
    The least we can do is offer them our du3a not objurgate their efforts so openly.. besides that we don't know what is in their hearts to say that some of these movements are futile .. I hear them in Arabic saying 'malna ghyrak ya Allah'
    Oh Syria the victory is coming

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    Oh Syria the victory is coming

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