This was a speech given by Sister Yasmin Mogahed in Egypt on June 4, 2012 and she posted this to her website for all to read.

An older lady was standing in line to vote in Egypt. And she was asked, “How long have you been waiting here in line to vote?” She replied, “For 30 years.”

Many people in this room have been standing in line waiting their entire lives to vote.

I’ve had the privilege, this week, of being in Egypt, and I’ve listened as every conversation gravitated towards politics. I’ve rode through the streets of Cairo and seen the once pictures of Mubarak replaced with countless posters of political candidates and messages. I’ve witnessed the fury of emotion for or against each political party.

But the question I’ve come here today to ask you, is: during this critical time in Egypt’s history—rather in our world’s history—do we really have the correct focus? My question is essentially a question about the nature of success—about where success comes from and how do we attain it. Does success really come from our heated political discussions, our countless posters and political messages, even from our activism itself? While we are told to take part in the asbaab, in the means, I want to ask you: where really is our heart facing? Where really are we placing our hope for the future of Egypt?

Perhaps, today, there is a widespread sentiment of disappointment—maybe even hopelessness, as fears grow that things aren’t working out the way we’d hoped. But you see, you only become hopeless when you placed your hope in the wrong things. Is my hope in Egypt placed in a particular party or political figure taking office? Is my hope in Egypt placed in a particular outcome from this election?

Where are you and I placing our hope? I ask you: from where does success come?
Read the rest here.