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West training Syrian rebels in Jordan Exclusive: UK and French instructors involved

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    West training Syrian rebels in Jordan Exclusive: UK and French instructors involved (OP)


    Looks like Western powers are becoming more overt in their desire to manipulate the outcome of the Syrian conflict.

    UK and French instructors involved in US-led effort to strengthen secular elements in Syria's opposition, say sources

    Western training of Syrian rebels is under way in Jordan in an effort to strengthen secular elements in the opposition as a bulwark against Islamic extremism, and to begin building security forces to maintain order in the event of Bashar al-Assad's fall.

    Jordanian security sources say the training effort is led by the US, but involves British and French instructors. The UK Ministry of Defence denied any British soldiers were providing direct military training to the rebels, though a small number of personnel, including special forces teams, have been in the country training the Jordanian military.

    But the Guardian has been told that UK intelligence teams are giving the rebels logistical and other advice in some form.

    British officials have made it clear that they believe new EU rules have now given the UK the green light to start providing military training for rebel fighters with the aim of containing the spread of chaos and extremism in areas outside the Syrian regime's control. According to European and Jordanian sources the western training in Jordan has been going on since last year and is focused on senior Syrian army officers who defected.

    "As is normal, before any major decision is taken on this issue, the preparations are made so that when that decision is taken, everything is in place for it to go smoothly. That is what these groups [special forces] do. They go in in advance," a European diplomat said.

    A Jordanian source familiar with the training operations said: "It's the Americans, Brits and French with some of the Syrian generals who defected. But we're not talking about a huge operation."

    He added that there had so far been no "green light" for the rebel forces being trained to be sent into Syria. But they would be deployed if there were signs of a complete collapse of public services in the southern Syrian city of Daraa, which could trigger a million more Syrians seeking refuge in Jordan, which is reeling under the strain of accommodating the 320,000 who have already sought shelter there. The aim of sending western-trained rebels over the border would be to create a safe area for refugees on the Syrian side of the border, to prevent chaos and to provide a counterweight to al-Qaida-linked extremists who have become a powerful force in the north.

    British officials say new European guidelines on the Syrian arms embargo, formally adopted by the EU at the beginning of March, allow military training as long as the ultimate aim of that training is "the protection of civilians".

    Paris takes an identical view of the EU rules.

    Officials in Brussels say the language of the guidelines is less than clear-cut. "It's deliberately hazy," said one. "When it comes to technical assistance, what it means in practice depends on who you ask. The Brits and the French, for example, are much more forward-leaning than others. The principle is that the assistance should be for the protection of civilians, but as we saw in Libya, that can be interpreted in different ways."

    British officials argue that training of Syrian forces to fill the security vacuum as the Assad regime collapses would be help safeguard civilian lives. William Hague, the foreign minister, outlined the goals of such training on Wednesday.

    "Such technical assistance can include assistance, advice and training on how to maintain security in areas no longer controlled by the regime, on co-ordination between civilian and military councils, on how to protect civilians and minimise the risks to them, and how to maintain security during a transition," he told parliament. "We will now provide such assistance, advice and training."

    A Foreign Office spokesman said: "It's not the sort of thing we are going into too much detail on right now. We are big on the transition picture, because at some point Assad is going to fall, and the opposition are going to need help to provide governance in areas they control, and that of course includes security. But security doesn't just mean fighting, it also means basic law and order, and policing."

    The Pentagon said last October that a small group of US special forces and military planners had been to Jordan during the summer to help the country prepare for the possibility of Syrian use of chemical weapons and train selected rebel fighters.

    That planning cell, which was housed at the King Abdullah II Special Operations Training Centre in the north of the capital, Amman, has since been expanded to co-ordinate a more ambitious training programme. But Jordanian sources said the actual training was being carried out at more remote sites, with recent US reports saying it was being led by the CIA. For the first two years of the Syrian civil war, Jordan has sought to stay out of the fray, fearing a backlash from Damascus and an influx of extremists that would destabilise the precariously balanced kingdom.

    "What has happened of late is that there has been a tactical shift," said Julien Barnes-Dacey, a Middle East expert at the European Council on Foreign Relations thinktank. "Islamist forces have been gaining steam in the north and Jordan is keen to avoid that in the south. Having been very hands-off, they now see that they have to do something in the south."

    He added: "There is a feeling that Jordan simply can't handle a huge new influx of refugees so the idea would be to create a safe zone inside Syria. For them it's a no-win scenario. Everything they had been seeking to avoid has come to pass."

    For western and Saudi backers of the opposition, Jordan has become a preferable option through which to channel aid than Turkey. Ankara has been criticised for allowing extremist groups, such as the al-Nusra Front, become dominant on the northern front while it focused on what it sees as the growing threat of Kurdish secessionism.

    "The Americans now trust us more than the Turks, because with the Turks everything is about gaining leverage for action against the Kurds," said a Jordanian source familiar with official thinking in Amman.

    The US has announced an extra $60m (£40.2m) in direct aid to the rebels, including military rations and medical kits. Asked on Tuesday whether assistance included military training, the US state department spokesman Pat Ventrell replied: "I really don't have anything for you on that. Our policy has been non-lethal assistance."

    Earlier this week, the US secretary of state, John Kerry, said Washington was now confident that arms supplies to the rebels would not be diverted to extremists. "There is a very clear ability now in the Syrian opposition to make certain that what goes to the moderate, legitimate opposition is, in fact, getting to them, and the indication is that they are increasing their pressure as a result of that," he said.

    Syrian rebels have said that in the past few months there had been a relaxation of the previously strict US rules on what kinds of weapons were allowed across the border, and that portable anti-aircraft missiles had been released from Turkish warehouses where they had been impounded. Matt Schroeder, who tracks the spread of such weapons for the Federation of American Scientists, said the recent appearance of modern, sophisticated anti-aircraft missiles in the hands of such fragmented rebel groups was deeply troubling in view of their capacity to bring down civilian airlines.

    "This is a step above anything we've seen before in the hands of non-state actors," he said. "This is a new and unfortunate chapter in recent manpad [man-portable air-defence] proliferation."

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    Re: West training Syrian rebels in Jordan Exclusive: UK and French instructors invol

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    format_quote Originally Posted by Independent View Post
    I thought you wanted them to start helping the rebels?
    Oh dear .

    You really believe that Western powers want to 'help' the people of Syria achieve liberation. Given their past record can you perhaps understand why some may come to a rather different conclusion

    format_quote Originally Posted by شَادِنُ View Post
    Junon isn't a Sunni Muslim why would he want them to be helped?
    Wow, wow, wow, hold on there, I am most definitely a Sunni Muslim. (Hanafi school).

    For the record I am for the liberation of Syria, no lover of Assad given his horrendous record and want him and his inner circle to leave. So I’m not against armed resistance.

    Having said that given what happened in Iraq and Afghanistan I think efforts must be focused on trying to achieve a peace settlement that the Syrian people will want and will agree to.

    Asking help from Western powers is a dangerous game to play. It’s like making a Faustian Pact. Sure they will help you but they will demand a price.

    Are the Syrian people willing to pay that price?
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    Re: West training Syrian rebels in Jordan Exclusive: UK and French instructors invol

    format_quote Originally Posted by Junon View Post
    Wow, wow, wow, hold on there, I am most definitely a Sunni Muslim. (Hanafi school).

    format_quote Originally Posted by Junon View Post
    For the record I am for the liberation of Syria, no lover of Assad given his horrendous record and want him and his inner circle to leave. So I’m not against armed resistance.
    Glad to hear of it!

    format_quote Originally Posted by Junon View Post
    Having said that given what happened in Iraq and Afghanistan I think efforts must be focused on trying to achieve a peace settlement that the Syrian people will want and will agree to.
    كُتِبَ عَلَيْكُمُ الْقِتَالُ وَهُوَ كُرْهٌ لَكُمْ ۖ وَعَسَىٰ أَنْ تَكْرَهُوا شَيْئًا وَهُوَ خَيْرٌ لَكُمْ ۖ وَعَسَىٰ أَنْ تُحِبُّوا شَيْئًا وَهُوَ شَرٌّ لَكُمْ ۗ وَاللَّهُ يَعْلَمُ وَأَنْتُمْ لَا تَعْلَمُونَ {216}
    [Pickthal 2:216] Warfare is ordained for you, though it is hateful unto you; but it may happen that ye hate a thing which is good for you, and it may happen that ye love a thing which is bad for you. Allah knoweth, ye know not.

    format_quote Originally Posted by Junon View Post
    Asking help from Western powers is a dangerous game to play. It’s like making a Faustian Pact. Sure they will help you but they will demand a price.
    That's not something the free army has asked for and for that precise reason the U.S has put them on their extremist **** list!

    format_quote Originally Posted by Junon View Post
    Are the Syrian people willing to pay that price?
    they already are no?
    Al-Imran (The Family of Imran)[3:179]attention 3 - West training Syrian rebels in Jordan  Exclusive: UK and French instructors involved [RECITE] 3 179 1 - West training Syrian rebels in Jordan  Exclusive: UK and French instructors involved
    Ma kana Allahu liyathara almumineena AAala ma antum AAalayhi hatta yameeza alkhabeetha mina alttayyibi wama kana Allahu liyutliAAakum AAala alghaybi walakinna Allaha yajtabee min rusulihi man yashao faaminoo biAllahi warusulihi wain tuminoo watattaqoo falakum ajrun AAatheemun
    West training Syrian rebels in Jordan  Exclusive: UK and French instructors involved

    Text without context is pretext
    If your opponent is of choleric temperament, seek to irritate him 44845203 1 - West training Syrian rebels in Jordan  Exclusive: UK and French instructors involved

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    Re: West training Syrian rebels in Jordan Exclusive: UK and French instructors invol

    Oh those poor zionists must be sucking their thumbs now:

    In online video, Syrian rebels operating near Israeli border criticize
    Assad regime for not fighting Israel in recent decades • Israel: The
    ‘Somalization’ of Syria is a great concern • Red Cross told Israel:
    Syrian refugees refused aid from Jewish state.

    Syrian rebels
    operating in the region near the border with Israel threatened on Sunday
    to fight to regain the Golan Heights from Israel following the toppling
    of Syrian President Bashar Assad.

    In a video published online, a rebel fighter,
    filmed against the backdrop of the Golan Heights, said "we are in the
    occupied Golan Heights, which the traitor Hafez Assad sold to Israel 40
    years ago. These lands are blessed and the despicable Assad family
    promised to liberate them, but for 40 years the Syrian army did not fire
    a single bullet. We will open a military campaign against Israel. We
    will fire the bullets that Assad did not and we will liberate the

    The Israel-Syria border has been mostly quiet since 1974.

    A spokesman for the Foreign Ministry has
    voiced his concerns about the potential for radical Sunni elements to
    take power in a post-Assad Syria.

    "There is a great concern that uncontrolled
    elements at the service of extremist ideas will manage to take over
    smaller or bigger separate territories inside the Syrian borders,” Yigal
    Palmor told the Turkish Hürriyet Daily News in an interview in

    "The ‘Somalization’ of Syria is a great
    concern. We hope that this war ends as quickly as possible, with a
    central power emerging that will rule all Syria,” he said.

    "We don’t have any pretext to [militarily]
    intervene in what is going on in Syria. Nobody wants us to do that and
    we don’t want to do that. We stay on the sidelines, except where our
    vital security interests are threatened. We reserve our right to limited
    intervention," Palmor said.

    In the interview with the Turkish newspaper,
    Palmor revealed that Israel had coordinated with the Red Cross to send
    humanitarian aid into Syria, but Israel was told that the refugees
    refused to receive aid from Israel. Private aid organizations in Israel
    are already working with Jordan for human assistance to Syrian refugees,
    Palmor said, adding, "this shows that the Israeli public wants to help
    Syrians no matter what politics dictates."

    In July 2012, Israel Defense Forces Director
    of Military Intelligence Maj. Gen. Aviv Kochavi warned that global
    jihadists have moved into Syrian territory bordering the Golan Heights
    and could soon use the area to stage attacks on Israel. In a briefing to
    the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee, Kochavi said that
    Islamic terrorists have taken advantage of the chaos created by the
    Syrian civil war to approach the Golan area. Kochavi told lawmakers that
    a power vacuum has created a possible arena in the Golan Heights for
    anti-Israel operations, similar to what was happening in Egypt's Sinai
    region, where the government in Cairo is finding it hard to impose its
    authority on the desert peninsula.

    "The Golan area is liable to become an arena
    of operations against Israel in much the same way the Sinai is today,
    and that's a result of the increasing entrenchment of global jihad in
    Syria," he said.

    In Dec. 2012 a senior Israeli intelligence
    official told Channel 2 TV that global jihad groups have been preparing
    near the border with Israel, and are "stockpiling huge amounts of lethal
    weapons for a fight with Israel."

    "The main problem is not the local rebel
    groups but fighters coming from outside Syria. Hundreds of fighters have
    begun streaming into Syria from Jordan and Iraq. They come from
    countries like Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Libya, and many other countries.
    We're talking about very dangerous people with experience fighting the
    U.S. army in Iraq as well as fighting the regime in Libya. We estimate
    that there are between 3,000 to 4,000 rebel fighters belonging to
    radical Salafist groups who all belong under the al-Qaida umbrella," the
    official said.

    "We expect these rebels to stockpile a large
    amount of rockets, a situation which will return the northern Israeli
    communities into the line of fire. We assess that once the foreign
    rebels have finished fighting Assad's army they will all turn their
    attention to the border with Israel. There is no question about it. Once
    the Assad regime falls, we will start seeing incidents on our border. I
    assess that it will start with a trickle of incidents, like we see on
    the Egyptian border, and further down the line we'll start seeing the
    firing of anti-tank missiles at IDF vehicles, roadside bombs against
    patrols, and these are only the incidents I can reveal. I believe we
    will see much worse things," the official said.

    Meanwhile, the German Der Spiegel magazine
    reported on Sunday that the United States is secretly providing military
    training in Jordan to Syrian rebels. According to the report, some 200
    rebel fighters have already received training in recent months and there
    are future plans to train a total of 1,200 members of the Free Syrian
    Army at two camps in southern and eastern Jordan. The U.S. State
    Department declined to comment on the report.

    Arab media on Sunday reported fierce, ongoing
    battles between rebels and the Syrian military throughout the country.
    More than 150 people were reportedly killed over the past day.

    U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees Antonio
    Guterres warned on Sunday that there could be three million Syrian
    refugees by the end of 2013, if the violence in the country continues.

    According to reports on Al-Arabiya and
    Al-Jazeera, Free Syrian Army fighters captured a Syrian military aerial
    defense base in the Deir el-Zour region of northeastern Syria near the
    Iraqi border. Rebels flaunted a large cache of anti-aircraft missiles
    taken from the base and accused the Iraqi military of helping Assad's

    Also on Sunday, the deputy head of Hezbollah,
    Sheikh Naim Qassem, said in an interview with a Kuwaiti newspaper that
    the Assad regime has the situation under control in Syria and is close
    to subduing the rebels.

    Qassem denied reports that he was recently injured in a Syrian rebel ambush of a convoy travelling from Beirut to Damascus.

    Qassem also warned Israel not to attack Lebanon, saying,
    "the Israelis grossly violate Lebanese sovereignty and penetrate
    Lebanon via the air, sea and land. We reserve the right to respond to
    any Israeli action in Lebanon as we see fit."


    West training Syrian rebels in Jordan  Exclusive: UK and French instructors involved

    I will not calm down until I will put one cheek of a tyrant on the ground and the other under my feet, and for the poor and weak, I will put my cheek on the ground.
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    Re: West training Syrian rebels in Jordan Exclusive: UK and French instructors invol

    Drone strikes in Syria? CIA ‘boosting’ intelligence force to ‘size up’ Syrian extremists

    The CIA may be preparing for lethal drone strikes in Syria, as it is extending its intelligence-gathering on Islamic radicals in the country, US media has reported. At the same time, US officials are pressing for the supplying arms to rebels.
    “The CIA has stepped up secret contingency planning to protect the United States and its allies as the turmoil expands in Syria, including collecting intelligence on Islamic extremists for the first time for possible lethal drone strikes,” according to current and former US officials, reported in the LA Times.

    The agency’s counterterrorism center has recently transferred an unspecified number of targeting officers to the area. The center is notorious for its previous drone campaigns in Yemen and Pakistan.

    Targeting officers are responsible for the compilation of large packages of information on specific zones. Those working on Syria are currently based at the organization’s headquarters in Langley, Virginia, as not many US operatives have been deployed to the area.

    The increased focus on identifying threats in Syria carries the implication that the agency is preparing plans for counter-action – both violent and nonviolent – against potential militants, the Los Angeles Times reported.

    “If we do this, why don't we start droning people in Hezbollah?” a former CIA officer with experience in Iraq told the Los Angeles Times. “It opens the door for a lot of other things.”

    In a trend apparently countering the CIA’s alleged security efforts, a US lawmaker is set to propose a bill on Monday in support of providing arms and training to Syrian opposition forces, as well as economic backing. Should the arms be delivered, they could easily fall into the hands of the same militants they seek to suppress.

    Rep. Eliot Engel, the top Democrat on the House Foreign Affairs Committee, wrote a letter to his house colleagues seeking their support for a bill to provide arms and training to Syrian rebels, applying pressure to the Obama’s administration.

    "US training and arming of carefully vetted Syrian opposition forces offer many potential benefits, but two stand out above all: Bringing the humanitarian disaster to an end as soon as possible and helping ensure that the US has a constructive relationship with a successor government in Damascus,” said the letter obtained by AP.

    The idea is supported by officials from both parties – last month, Republican Sen. Marco Rubio suggested providing the Syrian opposition with ammunition, and Secretary of State John Kerry announced a package of ‘nonlethal assistance.'

    European media reported that the US, UK and France are already training rebels in Jordan, while Paris and London are both attempting to bring forward an EU meeting to lift the arms embargo on Syria. Planned for May, the two countries are pressing for it to take place before the end of March.

    If the union does not end the embargo, the two nations will still arm the Syrian rebels, France said.

    However, this course of action could come with its own problems: “Weapons are in high demand by all rebel factions and there is little means to effectively prevent arms from gravitating toward hardcore Al-Qaeda fighters,” political analyst Nile Bowie told RT.
    On Saturday, European Union foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton said the EU must think “very carefully” about lifting the arms embargo, as it could make a political settlement to the Syrian conflict more difficult.

    "Would putting weapons into the field make it more or less likely that others will do the same? What would be the response of Assad based on what we know about his response so far? Would it stop people being killed or would it kill people faster?" AP quoted her as saying.

    On Wednesday, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said that any arming of the opposition in Syria would be a violation of international law.

    On Friday, Syria witnessed the second anniversary of the uprising from which the conflict sprouted, with many saying they feared for the country’s future.

    The US Department of the Treasury has allowed the country’s citizens, companies and banks to transfer funds and provide services to the Syrian opposition. At the same time, all transactions with forces loyal to President Assad are prohibited.

    "The United States is committed to supporting the Syrian people's aspirations for a Syrian-led political transition to a democratic, inclusive, and peaceful Syria," the Treasury said in a statement on Friday. “The Syrian government has sacrificed all legitimacy in its violent attempts to cling to power."

    "Export, re-export, sell or supply, directly or indirectly" are now authorized to the National Coalition for Syrian Revolutionary and Opposition Forces, who are the “sole legitimate representative of the Syrian people,” the Treasury said.

    Washington officially recognized the Syrian opposition in December last year, having already provided the Coalition with nearly $500 million in non-military aid.


    West training Syrian rebels in Jordan  Exclusive: UK and French instructors involved

    I will not calm down until I will put one cheek of a tyrant on the ground and the other under my feet, and for the poor and weak, I will put my cheek on the ground.
    - Umar ibn khattab(Ra)
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    Re: West training Syrian rebels in Jordan Exclusive: UK and French instructors invol

    format_quote Originally Posted by Jedi_Mindset View Post
    Its a sign though, for what they are planning to do for syria. Just like what they did in yugoslavia, the dividing into pieces of states. The Yinon-plan going in full swing, syria will be divided just like iraq. Who is to blame? Us. our lack of support and unification.

    Ofcourse they would give the secular, more nationalist syrians power. they will prevent any islamic government at all cost, and i assure you they will succeed this time again, because its of our lack of support as we are busy complaining about mobile phones and neglecting our duties. I hope the best but...and i may get bad replies on my comments but i see how it is. M60's, m79's have already appeared in vids by the FSA. Most likely provided by the gulf states.

    when the west starts to control the main body of FSA in which they almost are succeeding to do it will be bad for the ones who want islamic shariah, justice.

    Remember this is just my view, i dont support Assad he is a secular dictator. I say how it is now, because i dont look into the future, because only Allah knows the future.
    Truly an inspiring post. Made my skin shiver! *shivers* I'm so flabbergasted. It's all our fault.
    West training Syrian rebels in Jordan  Exclusive: UK and French instructors involved

    I was looking at myself talking to myself and I realized this conversation...I was having with myself looking at myself was a conversation with myself that I needed to have with myself.
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