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PEW Poll Finds Zionism Much Less Common Among Jews Than Evangelicals

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    IAmZamzam's Avatar Full Member
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    PEW Poll Finds Zionism Much Less Common Among Jews Than Evangelicals

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    A recent Pew study found that in America the sort of people you’ll tend to find on the Christian Right are much, much likelier—about twice as likely, in fact—to be Zionists than Jews are. Of course a huge number of the people who call themselves “Jews” are doing so only because of the semantic ambiguity over the fact that the word can be meant in an ethnic *or* a religious sense, and therefore a lot of “Jews” are in fact actually nonreligious or even atheistic—but even when you account for this fact there is *still* a tremendous disproportion involved: religious Jews are close to 50/50 on the matter of whether Israel was originally given to the Jews by God: that is compared to a whopping 82% of evangelical Christians, a by far predominantly white group. The numbers for Jews are virtually identical when it comes to the matter of whether U.S. support for Israel is “about right”: with evangelicals, on the other hand, you’ve actually got more people saying that the U.S. government *isn’t supportive enough* than saying that.
    PEW Poll Finds Zionism Much Less Common Among Jews Than Evangelicals

    Peace be to any prophets I may have mentioned above. Praised and exalted be my Maker, if I have mentioned Him. (Come to think of it praise Him anyway.)
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    Ahmad H's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: PEW Poll Finds Zionism Much Less Common Among Jews Than Evangelicals

    These statistics aren't that surprising to me. Christians are very much involved in Israel, and Israel is connected with the West much more than any other Middle Eastern country. It's because of the Bible's emphasis on Israel, and the fact that it was all revealed in Israel.
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    Re: PEW Poll Finds Zionism Much Less Common Among Jews Than Evangelicals

    American Evangelical Christians are whacko. Not quite "blow yourself up" whacko, but whacko nevertheless. To identify one, ask yourself the following: Does he have a high sculptured hairdo that appears to be made of plastic? (often seen on Baptist preachers and members of Republican congress). Does he have difficulties saying "Jesus"? (Note: the use of Isa would be out of the question). An Evangelical will pronounce it as "Jay-sus" or, if he's feeling especially filled with the "Holy Ghost" it becomes a 3 syllable word. As in "Jay-sus-uh". Does he see Satan behind trees where trees don't even exist? If you perceive any of the preceding traits, you're probably dealing with an Evangelical Christian that could only be grown in the U.S.
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    IAmZamzam's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: PEW Poll Finds Zionism Much Less Common Among Jews Than Evangelicals

    Oh make no mistake of it: about three times as many acts of terrorism in the U.S. are committed by people with anti-abortion motives than by anyone who could by any stretch at all by tied to Islamism. Worldwide the group of people with the highest tendecy of "scapegoating", a trait "highly correlated with dogmatism, inflexibility of belief, and commitment to violence” is Catholics, while Muslims are one of the groups with the very lowest tendency. The references for this and much else are cited at my website: http://washmyheartwiththezamzam.tumblr.com/terrorism

    But everyone reading this must remember that the purpose of all of the information above is defense against stereotypes, not the spreading of them.
    PEW Poll Finds Zionism Much Less Common Among Jews Than Evangelicals

    Peace be to any prophets I may have mentioned above. Praised and exalted be my Maker, if I have mentioned Him. (Come to think of it praise Him anyway.)
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    Re: PEW Poll Finds Zionism Much Less Common Among Jews Than Evangelicals

    I am a Christian, but I must also state that I am tolerant of other religious beliefs, and I am committed to the right of people to have and practice whatever religious belief they so choose. Freedom of thought, conscience, belief and speech is fundamental to traditional European communities. I oppose religious intolerance, just as I oppose political tyranny and the suffocating encroachment of world government.
    Recently, I have been shocked and appalled by the unqualified support by some Christian televangelists for the most anti-Christian religion on the face of the earth, Judaism. They also support the corrupt, Jewish supremacist, anti-Christian Israeli state. I know that some of you reading this may respond by saying that Islam is really the most anti-Christian religion and that Judaism is a friendly faith. Many mistakenly think that Judaism is a sister religion to Christianity. The term “Judeo-Christian” has entered our modern lexicon to the point where no politician, George Bush on down, would dare even invoke the term “Christian heritage” without adding the prefix, “Judeo” to it. The term “Judeo-Christian” didn’t even come into existence until after the Second World War when Jews became supreme in their influence over major media.

    The truth is that there is no such thing as Judeo-Christianity. That would be like saying Satanic-Christianity. The religion now called Judaism did not even come formally into existence until six hundred years after Jesus Christ. It began with the codification of the Babylonian Talmud. In Judaism, the Talmud is the supreme scripture, not the Old Testament. Only Satanism can rival Judaism’s vicious hatred for Jesus Christ. The Talmud even claims that Jesus Christ is being punished in hell by “being boiled in hot semen!”

    When I first read this hateful Talmudic quote, I just couldn’t believe it. Maybe you don’t believe what I am saying right now, but read on and I will prove to you that this quotation is accurate and that Judaism is intrinsically and viciously anti-Christian. Judaism it the embodiment of the same Satanic tradition that Christ condemned when He referred to “the synagogue of Satan.” (Rev. 2-9) What I say here I can prove in the documented words of the most sacred texts of Judaism and in the clearly documented words of the highest authorities of Judaism itself, and even more importantly, in the scriptures of the New Testament.

    Interestingly enough, Islam is much closer to Christianity than Judaism. For instance, Judaism condemns the Virgin Mary as a prostitute and viciously condemns Jesus an evil sorcerer and a *******. The Talmud even claims Jesus was a sexual pervert who had intercourse relations with his donkey. In stark contrast, although Islam certainly does not share all the Christian views of Jesus Christ, it views Christ as a true prophet of God, virgin-born, and that God resurrected Jesus from the dead. Ironically, the chief religious book of Islam, the Qur’an, actually defends Jesus Christ from the obscene slanders made against Him in the Jewish Talmud.

    I know that I am shocking many of you who are hearing this for the first time. I am sure some of you are thinking that this cannot be true! I don’t blame you for thinking so because many of you have never been told of these facts by the Jewish-dominated media or by the televangelists.
    Now some Christians might think that these are simply old beliefs of the Jewish religion, and that Judaism might have softened its attitudes toward Jesus Christ and Christians. In actual fact, these are the formal policies of the Israeli state. In fact, In Jewish schools in Israel it is forbidden to even read from the New Testament gospels or even mention the name of Jesus Christ. It is even a criminal offense in Israel for a Christian to preach the salvation of Jesus Christ to a Jew. Israel so hates the Christian cross that they have specified that elementary schools use a “T” instead of a plus sign because it so resembles the hated Christian cross! The Israeli government has even supported public burnings of the New Testament!

    One of the Jews I have most respected, the man to whom I dedicated my book, Jewish Supremacism, is the late Dr. Israel Shahak. He was a holocaust survivor and professor at Hebrew University in Jerusalem. Professor Shahak reported that the Zionists publicly and ceremoniously burned hundreds of copies of the New Testament in Jerusalem on March 23, 1980. They were destroyed under the auspices of Yad Le’akhim, a Jewish religious organization subsidized by the Israeli Ministry of Religions.7 Here are some direct quotations from this courageous Jew, Professor Israel Shahak:

    Judaism is imbued with a very deep hatred toward Christianity combined with ignorance about it. This attitude was clearly aggravated by the Christian persecutions of Jews, but is largely independent of them. In fact, it dates from the time when Christianity was still weak and persecuted (not least by Jews), and it was shared by Jews who had never been persecuted by Christians or who were even helped by them…
    According to the Talmud, Jesus was executed by a proper rabbinical court for idolatry, inciting other Jews to idolatry, and contempt of rabbinical authority. All classical Jewish sources which mention his execution are quite happy to take responsibility for it; in the Talmudic account the Romans are not even mentioned. . .
    The very name Jesus was for Jews a symbol of all that is abominable, and this popular tradition still persists. The Gospels are equally detested, and they are not allowed to be quoted (let alone taught) even in modern Israeli schools.
    To think that this is the same anti-Christian, Israeli government that some Christian ministers want us to support with American tax dollars! Dr. Shahak also exposes the vicious hatred against Christians taught to Jewish Children in Israel:
    Jewish children are actually taught – passages such as that which commands every Jew, whenever passing near a cemetery, to utter a blessing if it is Jewish, but to curse the mothers of the dead if it is non-Jewish. . . it became customary to spit (usually three times) upon seeing a church or a crucifix …

    Imagine for a moment if Christians were taught that when they pass Jewish cemeteries they should “curse the mothers of the dead” and that they should spit three times when seeing a synagogue or a Star of David. Would not the media react to that kind of vicious hatred with outrage? Evangelical leaders such as Falwell would forcefully condemn Christians who would utter such vile curses against Jews, but why don’t they dare condemn the hatred of Jews who utter vile curses against Christians.

    Not only does Israel act against Christianity, so does every major organized Jewish group in the United States. The American Jewish Committee, the ADL (Anti-Defamation League of B’nai Brith) and a host of other Jewish organizations in America have been at the forefront destroying Christian traditions in the United States. They have led the fight, not only to ban simple prayers in school, but even to prohibit Christmas carols to be sung in schools or in any public facility. They have been the leaders of the movement for legalized abortion, something which every evangelical opposes. They have been at the forefront of the cultural war that Jewish Hollywood has waged against Christian tradition, belief and ethics.

    Jews also led early Bolshevism in Russia, which was the greatest suppressor and mass murderer of Christians in the history of the world. Millions of Christians were murdered by the Jewish Bolsheviks. And now, some evangelical leaders such as Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson are urging Christians to financially support Israel and the Jewish supremacist establishment around the world, by far the most powerful enemy of Jesus Christ on the planet.
    By supporting anti-Christian Israel, they are directly supporting the murder, torture and oppression of thousands of our fellow Christians in the Mideast. Falwell and Robertson have not informed their flocks that large numbers of Palestinians are Christians. For instance, in the birthplace of Jesus Christ, Bethlehem, Palestinian Christians have historically been a majority of the population, a figure that is dropping rapidly because of their abandonment by evangelicals like Falwell and Robertson.

    What kind of Christian chooses to support murderous anti-Christian extremist Jews rather then their own Christian brethren. It is no wonder that Christianity is losing ground in the Mideast, when major Christian leaders will support the killing of Palestinian Christians by anti-Christian, Israeli Jews. When Israel indiscriminately sends bombs and missiles and bullets into Palestinian neighborhoods, many of the children and adults murdered are in fact, Christians.
    Have not the Palestinian Christians and the Muslims suffered from the Jews, who have been and remain enemies of Christianity and Jesus Christ? Have they not been driven out? Tens of thousands of Palestinian Christians have been murdered, maimed and tortured: tens of thousands more have been driven out by Jewish terrorism from their homes, their businesses, their farms. The process goes on even as I speak these very words. Israeli murder and mayhem, curfews, suppression have the purpose of driving out the Palestinians who naturally want a decent life for themselves and their children in the land of their fathers. For evangelical Christians to support these atrocities against their own Christian brethren or indeed against people of any faith is the height of un-Christian immorality. And that brings me to another myth being promoted by the Jewish, anti-Christian media and parroted by the preachers who are subservient to the anti-Christ, Jewish supremacists.

    We constantly hear how the biggest enemy of Christianity and America are Muslims.

    The truth is that although Muslims do not share all Christian beliefs, Islam is far closer to Christianity than Judaism. I already quoted the obscene attacks made on Jesus Christ by the Jewish Talmud. How many American Christians even realize that the Holy Qur’an of Islam actually defends Jesus Christ and His mother Mary from the hateful slanders of Judaism? As I pointed out earlier, the Talmud claims that the Gospels lie about the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. The Talmud actually boasts that the Jews and not the Romans were the ones who actually nailed Jesus to the Cross. These Talmudic Jews hate Jesus so much that they want to take all the credit for his murder. Amazingly, the Islamic holy book, the Qur’an disputes this Jewish lie and actually defends the truth of the gospel.

    That they rejected faith and they uttered against Mary a grave false charge…
    That they said (in boast) “we killed Christ Jesus, the son of Mary, the messenger of Allah- but they killed him not, nor crucified him. But so it was made to appear to them, and those who differ therein are full of doubts…
    (Sura 4 AlNisa 153- 159)

    If you are an evangelical Christian, do you still need more proof of the anti-Christian evil of Israel? A perfect example can be found in one of the evil tactics that Israel uses to destroy Palestinian resistance. The French Press Agency (AFP), much like AP in the United States, of March 2, 2002, had a report on the Israeli occupation of Ramallah last year. I quote:
    In the recent Israeli occupation of the Palestinian town Ramallah, the army took over three of the four television stations. In control of the three stations, Al-Watan, Amway, and Al-Sharaq channels.
    The Israelis began broadcasting hard-core pornography into the Palestinian homes beginning about 3:30 pm in the first day of their occupation. The reaction of the devoutly religious Palestinians, both Christian and Muslim, to the Israeli pornography been pointed.

    Yes, the supposedly moral, upstanding nation of Israel that some Christian televangelist leaders support, is broadcasting hardcore pornography as part of their war to destroy the Palestinian people. Next time a Christian minister says we should support Israel; ask him if we should send our money to Israel so that it can broadcast hardcore pornography to Palestinian Christian and Muslim children.
    Most Americans and Europeans are Christians as I am; that’s why I have devoted this broadcast to discussing this critical issue. I also know that many listeners are not Christian and I know that I even have many Muslim listeners and indeed people of many different faiths all over the world. I hope this message has been enlightening to you as well as for Christians. For if Jewish power can so effectively corrupt Christian leaders to deny the founding principles of the Christian faith, a faith that even the Jews claim has historically been the most vigilant enemy of Judaism, they can certainly undermine any religious faith in the world. They have learned how to infiltrate, bribe and corrupt by their great power men who should be in service of both God and truth.
    PEW Poll Finds Zionism Much Less Common Among Jews Than Evangelicals

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