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Satanic Mind Control

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    Abz Iz Back!!!
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    The final chapter of the Quran is very short, but seems to give us an insight into the final chapter of mankind's brief tenure on earth:
    with a critereon to see evil waswas for what it is - a satanic tool to misguide mankind.

    In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
    1. Say: I seek refuge with the Lord and Cherisher of Mankind,
    2. The King of Mankind,
    3. The God of Mankind,-
    4. From the evil of the Whisperer (of Evil), who withdraws (after his whisper),-
    5. Who whispers into the hearts of Mankind,-
    6. From among Jinns and among men.

    Quran Chapter 114

    Notice how we are told that the Satanic whisperer whispers evil into the HEARTS (not just ears) of mankind - a task that only the jinn were capable of until fairly recently,
    however in the final era of mankind's test of utilizing the gifts which Almighty God has put at our disposal to fulfill our task as vicegerent on earth,
    it seems the worshippers of Satan are confirming the final ayah of the final chapter to be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.
    .............FROM AMONG SPIRITS - AND MAN.

    Many of us are aware that Allah has created us from the base matter of the earth as sort of biological robots with the ability to make choices, into whom He has breathed a spirit from Himself, has chosen to lead, and given responsibility to run His kingdom on earth with justice and fairness and according to His laws.
    we are powered by millions of electrical circuits, capacitors and resistors and our intake of food is also converted to such bio-energy as to be able to power and sustain our earthly bodies.

    The "action potential" is the stereotypical voltage change that is used to propagate signals in the nervous system.
    220pxAction potentialsvg 1 - Satanic Mind Control magnify clip - Satanic Mind Control
    Action potential – Time dependence

    With the mechanisms described below, an incoming stimulus (of any sort) can lead to a change in the voltage potential of a nerve cell. Up to a certain threshold, that's all there is to it ("Failed initiations" in Fig. 4). But when the Threshold of voltage-gated ion channels is reached, it comes to a feed-back reaction that almost immediately completely opens the Na+-ion channels ("Depolarization" below): This reaches a point where the permeability for Na+ (which is in the resting state is about 1% of the permeability of K+) is 20\*larger than that of K+. Together, the voltage rises from about -60mV to about +50mV. At that point internal reactions start to close (and block) the Na+ channels, and open the K+ channels to restore the equilibrium state. During this "Refractory period" of about 1 m, no depolarization can elicit an action potential. Only when the resting state is reached can new action potentials be triggered.
    To simulate an action potential, we first have to define the different elements of the cell membrane, and how to describe them analytically.
    Mankind has inalienable human rights that are absolute and can not be debased, nor perverted.
    Human life can not be degraded to a 16 digit RFID chip number embedded under your skin under any circumstance.
    But what happens when unwitting, innocent persons are covertly chipped, after drugged or otherwise induced to unconsciousness in their homes after unforced break-ins?
    Not possible? This is being reported throughout communities in the U.S. and other nations - with growing hard evidence to prove it.

    Below are a series of patents approved in the U.S over the past few decades which are currently being used to harass people and destroy the quality of their lives and those of their families. Although they could have been used to bring hearing to the deaf and sight to the blind - they are being utilized by the fools among mankind who have somehow gained authority via deception, crime and sin to make the seeing blind and the hearing deaf - devoid of intellect and driven to despair and madness in defiance of right and reason.

    Publication number US5123899 A
    Publication type Grant
    Application number US 07/642,439
    Publication date Jun 23, 1992
    Filing date Jan 17, 1991
    Priority date Jan 17, 1991
    Fee status Lapsed
    Also published as US5289438
    Inventors James Gall
    Original Assignee James Gall
    Export Citation BiBTeX, EndNote, RefMan
    Method and system for altering consciousness

    US 5123899 A

    A system for altering the states of human consciousness involves the simultaneous application of multiple stimuli, preferable sounds, having differing frequencies and wave forms. The relationship between the frequencies of the several stimuli is exhibited by the equation

    f=frequency of one stimulus;
    g=frequency of the other stimuli of stimulus; and
    n=a positive or negative integer which is different for each other stimulus.

    TECHNICAL FIELD This invention is concerned with the application of stimuli to a human subject to induce different states of consciousness.

    BACKGROUND ART It is well accepted in scientific circles that there is a correlation between the electroencephalographic wave rhythms exhibited by the brain of a human and the state of consciousness of that being. Rhythms customarily found in the normal human adult when he is relaxed and his eyes closed have a pulse frequency in the seven-fourteen Hz. range and have come to be identified as "alpha" rhythms. Similarly, when a person is aroused and anxious, the rhythms exhibited fall in the 14-28 Hz. range and are known as "beta" rhythms. A normal person in sleep exhibits "delta" rhythms in the 1.75-3.5 Hz. ranqe.
    Other brain wave rhythms which have been identified by researchers as being associated with various normal and abnormal states of consciousness are: "theta", 3.5-7.0 Hz. and "gamma", 28-56 Hz. Research by the applicant has led to the identification and naming of three additional rhythms, namely: "omega", 0.875-1.75 Hz.; "epsilon", 56-112 Hz.; and "zeta", 112-224 Hz.
    Researchers have devised a variety of systems for stimulating the brain to exhibit specific brain wave rhythms and thereby alter the state of consciousness of the individual subject. Most of these efforts have been aimed at inducing an alpha, or relaxed, brain wave rhythm or a delta, or sleep, brain wave rhythm.

    Publication number US5159703 A
    Publication type Grant
    Application number US 07/458,339
    Publication date Oct 27, 1992
    Filing date Dec 28, 1989
    Priority date Dec 28, 1989
    Fee status Lapsed
    Inventors Oliver M. Lowery
    Original Assignee Lowery Oliver M
    Export Citation BiBTeX, EndNote, RefMan
    Silent subliminal presentation system
    US 5159703 A
    A silent communications system in which nonaural carriers, in the very low or very high audio frequency range or in the adjacent ultrasonic frequency spectrum, are amplitude or frequency modulated with the desired intelligence and propagated acoustically or vibrationally, for inducement into the brain, typically through the use of loudspeakers, earphones or piezoelectric transducers. The modulated carriers may be transmitted directly in real time or may be conveniently recorded and stored on mechanical, magnetic or optical media for delayed or repeated transmission to the listener.

    BACKGROUND--FIELD OF THE INVENTION This invention relates in general to electronic audio signal processing and, in particular, to subliminal presentation techniques.
    BACKGROUND--DESCRIPTION OF PRIOR ART Subliminal learning enjoys wide use today and subliminal tapes are being manufactured by a number of companies in the United States alone.
    Several decades of scientific study indicate that subliminal messages can influence a human's attitudes and behavior.
    Subliminal, in these discussions, can be defined as "below the threshold of audibility to the conscious mind."
    To be effective however, the subliminally transmitted information (called affirmations by those in the profession) must be presented to the listener's ear in such a fashion that they can be perceived and "decoded" by the listener's subconscious mind. We are referring to audio information in this discussion, however, information could be inputted into the subject's subconscious mind through any of the body's sensors, such as touch, smell, sight or hearing. As an example, early development work in the subliminal field utilized motion pictures and slide projections as the medium. Early research into visual and auditory subliminal stimulation effects is exemplified by U.S. Pat. Nos. 3,060,795 of Corrigan, et al. and 3,278,676 of Becker. U.S. Pat. No. 4,395,600 of Lundy and Tyler is representative of later developments in today's subliminal message techniques..........

    Accordingly, several objects and advantages of my invention are:
    (a) to provide a technique for producing a subliminal presentation which is inaudible to the listeners(s), yet is perceived and demodulated (decoded) by the ear for use by the subconscious mind.
    (b) to provide a technique for transmitting inaudible subliminal information to the listener(s) at a constant, high level of signal strength and on a clear band of frequencies.
    (c) to provide a technique for producing inaudible subliminal presentations to which music or other "foreground" programming may be added, if desired.
    Still further objects and advantages will become apparent from a consideration of the ensuing description and drawings.






    As the Supreme Court later noted, MKULTRA was: concerned with "the research and development of chemical, biological, and radiological materials capable of employment in clandestine operations to control human behavior."
    The program consisted of some 149 subprojects which the Agency contracted out to various universities, research foundations, and similar institutions.
    At least 80 institutions and 185 private researchers participated.
    Because the Agency funded MKULTRA indirectly, many of the participating individuals were unaware that they were dealing with the Agency.


    here are a couple of videos i have put together detailing the gradual implementation and pushed acceptance of these devices in our daily lives:



    and of course, a movie based on scientific and social conditioning researcher aldous huxley's predictions from over half a century ago:

    We know that from among the Jinn, the satans are Iblis and his allies from among the jinn who have taken on the task of misguiding mankind and jinn.

    The question that comes into my mind is - has the regime in Washington and it's allies taken on the task as Satans from among mankind to misguide and pervert mankind and jinn?

    2Q - Satanic Mind Control

    eye of "providence" on great seal of the united states.
    • Imam Ali was reported to have said:

    His (the deceiver's) right eye will be punctured, and his left eye would be raised to his forehead and will be sparkling like a star.
    Only the believers will be able to read the word ‘Kafir’ [disbeliever], inscribed in bold letters, on his forehead....
    ....he will call upon people in aloud voice, "O my friends come to me! I am your lord who has made your limbs and given you sustenance..

    9k - Satanic Mind Control
    seal of Prophet Muhammad pbuh
    (labelled as insignia of "alqaeda" enemies by washington).

    it's not just who you are, but what you do in the given circumstances that defines you,
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    Re: Satanic Mind Control

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    I read it! But had to re read it.. Great.

    I am still dismissive.

    After all I believe in an omnipotent, omnipresent god and all the things that go along with that..

    The rest is just a means to an end...

    Be afraid of breaking wudu and you might learn to stop farting..

    The bodies strange like that.. And yet.. Everybody farts..

    Depends what you make of it..

    Maybe you only break wind in bad company?

    Or maybe its bad manners to break wind in company..

    Its a funny old world depending on which side of the coin you live on.

    A still pond knows what causes the ripples.. Can't do a thing about it though.
    Last edited by M.I.A.; 03-09-2015 at 10:15 PM.

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    Re: Satanic Mind Control

    I have no idea what you just attempted to say here bro, can you be a little clearer please?

    Satanic Mind Control

    15noje9 1 - Satanic Mind Control

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    Re: Satanic Mind Control

    I'm not sure I want to.

    Make of it what you will, you did at least lol didn't you?

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    Re: Satanic Mind Control

    no i scratched my beard and swatted a fly instead... thing escaped, I wasn't fast enough.
    Satanic Mind Control

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    Re: Satanic Mind Control

    Could be worse, there's always ants.

    Imagines a white beard who does not catch the fly but waits for it to be caught...

    One day huh.

    ..or invest in a fly zapper

  9. #26
    Abz2000's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Satanic Mind Control

    I made one with ceramic disc capacitors that releases 20,000v from a 9v cell....
    ...Doesn't mean i enjoy being enslaved by a microchip, definitely an item ot to become dependent on- one day it might malfunction and you'll feel like your deeds were a mirage in a desert and Allah's wrath facing you.

    Last edited by Abz2000; 03-10-2015 at 08:14 AM.

  10. #27
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    Re: Satanic Mind Control

    The FDA is overseen by the Department of Health and Human Services, which, at the time of VeriChip's approval, was headed by Tommy Thompson.
    Two weeks after the device's approval took effect on Jan. 10, 2005, Thompson left his Cabinet post, and within five months was a board member of VeriChip Corp. and Applied Digital Solutions. He was compensated in cash and stock options.
    Thompson, until recently a candidate for the 2008 Republican presidential nomination, says he had no personal relationship with the company as the VeriChip was being evaluated, nor did he play any role in FDA's approval process of the RFID tag.
    "I didn't even know VeriChip before I stepped down from the Department of Health and Human Services," he said in a telephone interview.
    Also making no mention of the findings on animal tumors was a June report by the ethics committee of the American Medical Association, which touted the benefits of implantable RFID devices.
    Had committee members reviewed the literature on cancer in chipped animals?
    No, said Dr. Steven Stack, an AMA board member with knowledge of the committee's review.
    Was the AMA aware of the studies?
    No, he said.__

    _Published in veterinary and toxicology journals between 1996 and 2006, the studies found that lab mice and rats injected with microchips sometimes developed subcutaneous "sarcomas" _ malignant tumors, most of them encasing the implants.

    _ A 1998 study in Ridgefield, Conn., of 177 mice reported cancer incidence to be slightly higher than 10 percent _ a result the researchers described as "surprising."

    _ A 2006 study in France detected tumors in 4.1 percent of 1,260 microchipped mice. This was one of six studies in which the scientists did not set out to find microchip-induced cancer but noticed the growths incidentally. They were testing compounds on behalf of chemical and pharmaceutical companies; but they ruled out the compounds as the tumors' cause.
    Because researchers only noted the most obvious tumors, the French study said, "These incidences may therefore slightly underestimate the true occurrence" of cancer.

    _ In 1997, a study in Germany found cancers in 1 percent of 4,279 chipped mice. The tumors "are clearly due to the implanted microchips," the authors wrote.

    ..... Dr. Katherine Albrecht, a privacy advocate and RFID expert, asked shortly after VeriChip's approval what evidence the agency had reviewed.
    When FDA declined to provide information, she filed a Freedom of Information Act request.
    More than a year later, she received a letter stating there were no documents matching her request.

    "The public relies on the FDA to evaluate all the data and make sure the devices it approves are safe," she says, "but if they're not doing that, who's covering our backs?"

    Late last year, Albrecht unearthed at the Harvard medical library three studies noting cancerous tumors in some chipped mice and rats, plus a reference in another study to a chipped dog with a tumor. She forwarded them to the AP, which subsequently found three additional mice studies with similar findings, plus another report of a chipped dog with a tumor.

    Asked if it had taken these studies into account, the FDA said VeriChip documents were being kept confidential to protect trade secrets.

    After AP filed a FOIA request, the FDA made available for a phone interview Anthony Watson, who was in charge of the VeriChip approval process.
    "At the time we reviewed this, I don't remember seeing anything like that," he said of animal studies linking microchips to cancer. A literature search "didn't turn up anything that would be of concern."
    In general, Watson said, companies are expected to provide safety-and-effectiveness data during the approval process, "even if it's adverse information."

    ..... And what of former HHS secretary Thompson?

    When asked what role, if any, he played in VeriChip's approval, Thompson replied: "I had nothing to do with it. And if you look back at my record, you will find that there has never been any improprieties whatsoever."
    FDA's Watson said: "I have no recollection of him being involved in it at all." VeriChip Corp. declined comment.

    Thompson vigorously campaigned for electronic medical records and healthcare technology both as governor of Wisconsin and at HHS. While in President Bush's Cabinet, he formed a "medical innovation" task force that worked to partner FDA with companies developing medical information technologies.

    At a "Medical Innovation Summit" on Oct. 20, 2004, Lester Crawford, the FDA's acting commissioner, thanked the secretary for getting the agency "deeply involved in the use of new information technology to help prevent medication error." One notable example he cited: "the implantable chips and scanners of the VeriChip system our agency approved last week."

    After leaving the Cabinet and joining the company board, Thompson received options on 166,667 shares of VeriChip Corp. stock, and options on an additional 100,000 shares of stock from its parent company, Applied Digital Solutions, according to SEC records. He also received $40,000 in cash in 2005 and again in 2006, the filings show.

    The Project on Government Oversight called Thompson's actions "unacceptable" even though they did not violate what the independent watchdog group calls weak conflict-of-interest laws.

    "A decade ago, people would be embarrassed to cash in on their government connections. But now it's like the Wild West," said the group's executive director, Danielle Brian.

    Thompson is a partner at Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP, a Washington law firm that was paid $1.2 million for legal services it provided the chip maker in 2005 and 2006, according to SEC filings.He stepped down as a VeriChip Corp. director in March to seek the GOP presidential nomination, and records show that the company gave his campaign $7,400 before he bowed out of the race in August.

    In a TV interview while still on the board, Thompson was explaining the benefits _ and the ease _ of being chipped when an interviewer interrupted
    "I'm sorry, sir. Did you just say you would get one implanted in your arm?"
    "Absolutely," Thompson replied. "Without a doubt."
    "No concerns at all?"
    But to date, Thompson has yet to be chipped himself.


    Remove the obstacle or the bannister is going to rot.
    Time is of the essence.

    Obama Appoints Monsanto VP To Food Safety Czar

    Published on May 30, 2013

    Monsanto fox now in charge of food safety hen house

    Former Monsanto vice president for public policy Michael Taylor may be responsible for more … Yet he has recently been appointed by Obama to be the U.S. food safety czar.

    Watch video here: http://investmentwatchblog.com/obama-appoints-monsanto-vp-to-food-safety-czar/

    In 2009, in a classic revolving-door move, President Barack Obama appointed former Monsanto VP and head lobbyist Michael Taylor as Deputy Commissioner for the FDA — the board tasked with regulating Taylor’s own industry....

    .... While most Americans admit the existence of corruption in their government, details of how deep the corruption runs, and who is involved, continue to surface. It may benefit us all to simply keep our eyes open.

    But as most of us are by now fully aware, it's not compartmentalized to obama or bush or blair or cameron or even nixon. Because a vast majority have been made to dream, an American dream. (actually about to reveal itself as a nightmare.

    And MIA, i pray that you repent or that Allah judges you by your yardstick.
    I'm sure you wont mind the brain heamorrhage and nasal cavity infection, and the sick pornographic nightmares, along with the headaches and eye aches. Then you can take pride in yourself in being property of google.
    A real glasshole at tiberias with a naghaf in the neck.
    A true obedient soldier of the democratic republican free enslaved people of the international capitalist communist order, thy neural inspiration is my direct command, o obamanable usurous lord rothschild, can i have some free nectar hasanaat points every time i buy antibiotics for my stinking rotting brain?
    Of curse, just dutifully prostrate your forhead on the reader, remember to focus, or the signal interference from other neurons may cause a reduction in points.

    Last edited by Abz2000; 03-10-2015 at 10:33 AM.

  11. #28
    Abz2000's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Satanic Mind Control


    Geoffrey Grider*| May 29, 2014


    Free with obamacare lol.

    The Military Is Building Brain Chips to Treat*PTSD


    The Defense Department is developing a new, mood-predicting brain chip to treat PTSD in soldiers. By Patrick Tucker*

    How well can you predict your next mood swing?*How well can anyone? It’s an existential dilemma for many of us but for the military, the ability to treat anxiety, depression, memory loss and the symptoms associated with post-traumatic stress disorder has become one of the most important battles of the post-war*period.

    Now the Pentagon is developing a new, innovative brain chip to treat*PTSD*in soldiers and veterans that could bring sweeping new changes to the way depression and anxiety is treated for millions of*Americans.

    “There is really no comparison between the vast amount of data you can get from an invasive deep brain implant (i.e. you cut open the skull and put one of more wires deep inside) versus the smeared slow trickle of information you can get from an*EEG*cap outside the​ skull. Chronic fMRI gives much more data, but is practically impossible on any longer time scales (even hours) due to the cost of using the machine and the required immobility of the subject,” University of Arizona neuroscientist Charles Higgins told*Defense One.

    If the*DARPA*program is successful, it will yield new brain-monitoring capabilities that are exponentially cheaper smaller, more useful and that collect data when the patient is most likely to actually encounter traumatic stimuli, not just when he or she is in a lab-making data collection much easier and the data more*useful.
    "With existing technology, we can’t really record anxiety level inside the brain. We can potentially record adrenaline and cortisol levels in the bloodstream to measure anxiety.
    However, if a deep brain implant is to be used (as proposed in this project), it might be possible to monitor activity in the amygdala, and this would be a direct way of monitoring anxiety,” said*Higgins.

    I'm certain that many of us know by now that ios siri is a DARPA (defence advanced research projects agency) project funded by public money and then sold to apple,
    Many people understand the link between secretive research which is then outsourced to private corporarions, how copious amounts of free advertising is provided via news outlets and magazines, and how crowdsourcing data mining via private firms ensures confidentiality and assists in the gathering of free intelligence and information at low cost or even profit. The number of dialects and accents along with individual patterns that can be stored are exponetialy massive as compared to using paid lab volunteers.
    These actions can identify a person simply via voice and data patterns from their proximity to device users and triangulated geolocation - even if they don't use a device. So next time you use an anonymous payphone in the antarctic, be aware of the conversation patterns, voice, and receiver location information that bounce off satellites and through databases, that get sifted by analytics to throw up a full profile of you at "enemy of the state" headquarters depending on the flag code.
    A brave new world.
    Also know that Allah has been monitoring us from the beginning of time.

    And pursue not that of which thou hast no knowledge;
    for every act of hearing,
    or of seeing
    or of (feeling in) the heart
    will be enquired into (on the Day of Reckoning).
    Quran 17:36

    Dajjal is indeed a test.....

    And if they break their oaths after their treaty and defame your religion, then fight the leaders of disbelief, for indeed, there are no oaths [sacred] to them; [fight them that] they might cease.

    Would you not fight a people who broke their oaths and determined to expel the Messenger, and they had begun [the attack upon] you the first time? Do you fear them? But Allah has more right that you should fear Him, if you are [truly] believers.
    Quran 9:13

    Evil ba*tards.

    Last edited by Abz2000; 03-10-2015 at 12:06 PM.

  12. #29
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    Re: Satanic Mind Control

    format_quote Originally Posted by Abz2000 View Post
    I made one with ceramic disc capacitors that releases 20,000v from a 9v cell....
    ...Doesn't mean i enjoy being enslaved by a microchip, definitely an item ot to become dependent on- one day it might malfunction and you'll feel like your deeds were a mirage in a desert and Allah's wrath facing you.

    im in a room 12 hours a day.. its a learning experience.

    maybe you need to move to a load shedding area...

    format_quote Originally Posted by Abz2000 View Post
    Remove the obstacle or the bannister is going to rot.
    Time is of the essence.

    But as most of us are by now fully aware, it's not compartmentalized to obama or bush or blair or cameron or even nixon. Because a vast majority have been made to dream, an American dream. (actually about to reveal itself as a nightmare.

    And MIA, i pray that you repent or that Allah judges you by your yardstick.
    I'm sure you wont mind the brain heamorrhage and nasal cavity infection, and the sick pornographic nightmares, along with the headaches and eye aches. Then you can take pride in yourself in being property of google.
    A real glasshole at tiberias with a naghaf in the neck.
    A true obedient soldier of the democratic republican free enslaved people of the international capitalist communist order, thy neural inspiration is my direct command, o obamanable usurous lord rothschild, can i have some free nectar hasanaat points every time i buy antibiotics for my stinking rotting brain?
    Of curse, just dutifully prostrate your forhead on the reader, remember to focus, or the signal interference from other neurons may cause a reduction in points.

    ok abz2000 thats seriously annoying,

    you sign op for a religion with an omnipotent, omnipresent god..

    the planner, the sustainer, the protector and so many other attributes..

    and yet you want me to attribute the running of the world to satan?

    mate its all just flesh and bone.. it will rot eventually..

    i have nothing to repent from?

    i can tell you about the kid i tripped in school when i was 5.

    i can tell you people think i dont speak or am dumb, 8 years.

    ...maybe you might try it during ramadan.

    you want to tell me my sins without knowing my past, go ahead.

    or tell me of my illnesses before they occur.. already had it happen.

    i cant do anything about it, but i guess your gonna have to hit pretty hard to make me forget.

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  14. #30
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    Re: Satanic Mind Control

    format_quote Originally Posted by M.I.A. View Post

    After all I believe in an omnipotent, omnipresent god and all the things that go along with that..

    Its a funny old world depending on which side of the coin you live on.
    Rather ironic too, since it depends on which one you submit to - the deceiver or the Real One.


    Thing with the implants is - even stripping off wouldn't help.

    [Fir'aun (Pharaoh)] said: "Believe you in him [Musa (Moses)] before I give you permission? Verily! He is your chief who taught you magic. So I will surely cut off your hands and feet on opposite sides, and I will surely crucify you on the trunks of date-palms, and you shall surely know which of us [I (Fir'aun - Pharaoh) or the Lord of Musa (Moses) (Allah)] can give the severe and more lasting torment."
    Quran 20:7
    Last edited by Abz2000; 03-10-2015 at 12:30 PM.

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    Re: Satanic Mind Control


    I met a man named Abdul Shakeel maliq.

    He insisted i call him Shakeel maliq.

    So did the people who knew him.

    I met a doctor called Abdul rehman..

    The letter said Dr rehman.

    I find little difference between them, but there is a difference between a humbling experience and a humiliating one.

    ....but can't deny them for sure.

    Each one had authority over me.

    What do you get if you follow a shaitan?

    Unfortunately none can say, look at the place I have brought you to.

    ...maybe I'm just ungrateful.

    You can follow anyone you like. But I have yet to find a voice that's not a man.

    Only time will tell.

    But illness and health and all things in between are from Allah swt..

    Arnt they?

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    Re: Satanic Mind Control

    format_quote Originally Posted by M.I.A. View Post
    im in a room 12 hours a day.. its a learning experience.

    i can tell you people think i dont speak or am dumb, 8 years.
    I have a mug you may like... it has the quote from GitS "So what I thought I'd do was, pretend I was one of those deaf mutes" (the laughing man quote)

    I'm a social recluse, more than 12 hours per day in my padded cell, also pfft.

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    Re: Satanic Mind Control

    Well, this that much time to practice.. You could get good at anything.

    Although you have to watch out for those guys parked up with a vomit inducing ray across the road.

    Remembers rocky in Russia.

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    Re: Satanic Mind Control

    Woe me, for mine padded cell hath no windows
    thee doors, they lock with electro-magnetisms
    and thy light they do snatch by the 9th hour
    thus, mine eyes dim and i lighteth a candle
    it burneth for only a few hours more for I
    and mine madness, it settleth in
    the walls, I run to, smasheth the paddeth
    roam to the chome, look up, no dome
    this is the place I have come to know as home.

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    Re: Satanic Mind Control


    Well done.

    (Its a utube thing..not the threat of hell..ice cold should have said but then mfw would not be appropriate)
    Last edited by M.I.A.; 03-10-2015 at 07:51 PM.

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    Re: Satanic Mind Control

    we really need a facepalm smiley here
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  22. #37
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    Re: Satanic Mind Control

    Here is another demonstration:

    Sherali:** *
    On the day when ALLAH will raise them all together.
    And HE will inform them of what they did.
    ALLAH has kept account of it, while they have forgotten it.
    And ALLAH is Witness over all things.

    Khan:** *
    On the Day when Allah will resurrect them all together (i.e. the Day of Resurrection) and inform them of what they did.
    Allah has kept account of it, while they have forgotten it. And Allah is Witness over all things.

    Pickthal:** *
    On the day when Allah will raise them all together and inform them of what they did.
    Allah hath kept account of it while they forgot it. And Allah is Witness over all things.

    Rashad:** *
    The day will come when GOD will resurrect them all, then inform them of everything they had done.
    GOD has recorded everything, while they have forgotten it. GOD witnesses all things.

    Maulana:** *
    On the day when Allah will raise them all together, then inform them of what they did.
    Allah records it, while they forget it. And Allah is Witness over all things.

    Sarwar:** *
    On the day when everyone will be resurrected, God will tell them about their deeds which He has recorded in their entirety - while they themselves have forgotten them.
    God is the witness over all things.

    Shakir:** *
    On the day when Allah will raise them up all together, then inform them of what they did:
    Allah has recorded it while they have forgotten it; and Allah is a witness of all things.

    Yusufali:** * On the Day that Allah will raise them all up (again) and show them the Truth (and meaning) of their conduct.
    Allah has reckoned its (value), though they may have forgotten it, for Allah is Witness to all things.

    And [remember, O Muhammad], when you said to the one on whom Allah bestowed favor and you bestowed favor, "Keep your wife and fear Allah ," while you concealed within yourself that which Allah is to disclose. And you feared the people, while Allah has more right that you fear Him. So when Zayd had no longer any need for her, We married her to you in order that there not be upon the believers any discomfort concerning the wives of their adopted sons when they no longer have need of them. And ever is the command of Allah accomplished.

    7. There is a share for men and a share for women from what is left by parents and those nearest related, whether, the property be small or large - a legal share.

    8.*And when the relatives and the orphans and*Al-Masakin*(the poor) are present at the time of division, give them out of the property, and speak to them words of kindness and justice.

    9.*And let those (executors and guardians) have the same fear in their minds as they would have for their own, if they had left weak offspring behind. So let them fear Allah and speak right words.

    10.*Verily, those who unjustly eat up the property of orphans, they eat up only a fire into their bellies, and they will be burnt in the blazing Fire!

    Dopey Darren Girling, 38, didn't realise the tracker on his wrist as part of bail conditions was using GPS to record all his movements
    .He insisted it wasn't him riding a scooter at 41mph in a 30mph zone, but he was trapped by the tag.

    15.*Were We then weary with the first Creation, that they should be in confused doubt about a new Creation?
    16.*It was We Who created man, and We know what dark suggestions his soul makes to him: for We are nearer to him than (his) jugular vein.
    17.*Behold, two (guardian angels) appointed to learn (his doings) learn (and noted them), one sitting on the right and one on the left.
    18.*Not a word does he utter but there is a sentinel by him, ready (to note it).

    19.*And the stupor of death will bring Truth (before his eyes): "This was the thing which thou wast trying to escape!"
    20.*And the Trumpet shall be blown: that will be the Day whereof Warning (had been given).
    21.*And there will come forth every soul: with each will be an (angel) to drive, and an (angel) to bear witness.
    22.*(It will be said "Thou wast heedless of this; now have We removed thy veil, and sharp is thy sight this Day!"
    Next-Generation "Mid-Air Display" Technology Debuts
    Steve Kovsky*(Blog)*-*March 2, 2007 1:58 AM*

    IO2 Technology's Heliodisplay M3 projects a floating image onto an invisible particle cloud.

    Although the company has been careful to say very little about how its patented and patent-pending technology works, designer Chad Dyner has confirmed in interviews that the device works on the principal of projecting an image onto a cloud of microscopic particles, presumably water vapor, which is created using proprietary thermodynamic process.
    The effect is startlingly reminiscent of the floating hologram of Princess Lei from the movie Star Wars.

    The improvements introduced in the new M3 model are expected to make the projector more marketable for professional applications, such as teleconferencing and high-end displays in board rooms, product showrooms, museums and hotel or corporate lobbies.


    And We shall turn to whatever deeds they (disbelievers, polytheists, sinners, etc.) did, and We shall make such deeds as scattered floating particles of dust

    And We shall turn to the work they have done, so We shall render it as scattered motes.

    And We shall turn unto the work they did and make it scattered motes.

    We will look at all the works they have done, and render them null and void.

    We shall call their deeds into Our presence and scatter them into the air as dust (turn them devoid of all virtue).

    And We will proceed to what they have done of deeds, so We shall render them as scattered floating dust

    And WE shall turn to the work they did and WE shall scatter it into particles of dust.

    And We shall turn to whatever deeds they did (in this life), and We shall make such deeds as floating dust scattered about.

    Shakir: And most surely it is a knowledge of the hour, therefore have no doubt about it and follow me: this is the right path

    .Muhammad Sarwar: (Muhammad), tell them, "Jesus is a sign of the Hour of Doom. Have no doubt about it and follow me; this is the straight path.

    To think most of us thought 3d cinema was only an entertainment.

    We will show them Our Signs in the universe, and in their ownselves, until it becomes manifest to them that this (the Qur'an) is the truth.
    Is it not sufficient in regard to your Lord that He is a Witness over all things?

    We will soon show them Our signs in farthest regions and among their own people, until it is quite clear to them that it is the Truth.
    Is it not enough that thy Lord is a Witness over all things?

    We shall show them Our portents on the horizons and within themselves until it will be manifest unto them that it is the Truth.
    Doth not thy Lord suffice, since He is Witness over all things?

    36.*Recompense from thy Lord, a gift, (amply) sufficient,
    37.*(From) the Lord of the heavens and the earth, and all between, ((Allah)) Most Gracious: None shall have power to argue with Him.
    38.*The Day that the Spirit and the angels will stand forth in ranks, none shall speak except any who is permitted by ((Allah)) Most Gracious, and He will say what is right.
    39.*That Day will be the sure Reality: Therefore, whoso will, let him take a (straight) return to his Lord!
    40.*Verily, We have warned you of a Penalty near,
    the Day when man will see (the deeds) which his hands have sent forth,
    and the rejector of Allah will say, "Woe unto me!
    Would that I were dust!"
    Last edited by Abz2000; 03-11-2015 at 04:42 PM.

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    Re: Satanic Mind Control

    Yep, there is always a difference between what you did and what you think you did... And what actually happened.

    (The Moses AS story again)


    Puts the fear of god in me really. Most of the time it probably seems like its easier to not give anything a second thought.

    Zombie apocalypse.

    I'm kidding but only just, gods will.. Will be done.
    Last edited by M.I.A.; 03-11-2015 at 02:28 PM.

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    Re: Satanic Mind Control

    1.*Closer and closer to mankind comes their Reckoning: yet they heed not and they turn away.
    2.*Never comes (aught) to them of a renewed Message from their Lord, but they listen to it as in jest,
    -3.*Their hearts toying as with trifles.
    The wrong-doers conceal their private counsels, (saying), "Is this (one) more than a man like yourselves? Will ye go to witchcraft with your eyes open?"
    4.*Say: "My Lord knoweth (every) word (spoken) in the heavens and on earth: He is the One that heareth and knoweth (all things)."

    format_quote Originally Posted by M.I.A. View Post
    Yep, there is always a difference between what you did and what you think you did... And what actually happened.

    I'm kidding but only just, gods will.. Will be done.

    . 6:148,149 -
    Those who give partners (to Allah) will say:
    "If Allah had wished, we should not have given partners to Him nor would our fathers; nor should we have had any taboos."
    So did their ancestors argue falsely, until they tasted of Our wrath.
    Say: "Have ye any (certain) knowledge? If so, produce it before us. Ye follow nothing but conjecture: ye do nothing but lie."
    Say: "With Allah is the argument that reaches home:
    if it had been His will, He could indeed have guided you all."

    32:13 - If We had so willed, We could certainly have brought every soul its true guidance: but the Word from Me will come true,
    "I will fill Hell with Jinns and men all together."

    Verily We have tried them as We tried the People of the Garden, when they resolved to gather the fruits of the (garden) in the morning.
    18.*But made no reservation,
    19.*Then there came on the (garden) a visitation from thy Lord, (which swept away) all around, while they were asleep.
    20.*So the (garden) became, by the morning, like a dark and desolate spot, (whose fruit had been gathered).
    21.*As the morning broke, they called out, one to another,-
    22.*"Go ye to your tilth (betimes) in the morning, if ye would gather the fruits."
    23.*So they departed, conversing in secret low tones, (saying)-
    24.*"Let not a single indigent person break in upon you into the (garden) this day."
    25.*And they opened the morning, strong in an (unjust) resolve.
    26.*But when they saw the (garden), they said: "We have surely lost our way:
    27.*"Indeed we are shut out (of the fruits of our labour)!"
    28.*Said one of them, more just (than the rest): "Did I not say to you, 'Why not glorify ((Allah))?'"
    29.*They said: "Glory to our Lord! Verily we have been doing wrong!"
    30.*Then they turned, one against another, blaming
    31.*They said: "Alas for us! We have indeed transgressed!

    32.*"It may be that our Lord will give us in exchange a better (garden) than this: for we do turn to Him (in repentance)!"
    33.*Such is the Punishment (in this life); but greater is the Punishment in the Hereafter,- if only they knew!
    34.*Verily, for the Righteous, are Gardens of Delight, in the Presence of their Lord.
    35.*Shall We then treat the People of Faith like the People of Sin?
    36.*What is the matter with you? How judge ye?
    31.*The Unbelievers say: "We shall neither believe in this scripture nor in (any) that (came) before it."
    Couldst thou but see when the wrong-doers will be made to stand before their Lord, throwing back the word (of blame) on one another!
    Those who had been low will say to the "exalted" ones:
    "Had it not been for you, we should certainly have been believers!"
    32.*The "exalted" ones will say to those who had been low
    "Was it we who kept you back from Guidance after it reached you? Nay, rather, it was ye who transgressed.
    33.*Those who had been low will say to the "exalted" ones:
    "Nay! it was a plot (of yours) by day and by night: Behold! Ye (constantly) ordered us to be ungrateful to Allah and to attribute equals to Him!"

    They will declare (their) repentance when they see the Penalty: We shall put yokes on the necks of the Unbelievers: It would only be a requital for their (ill) Deeds.
    Quran sheba Ch 34, V 31-33
    Last edited by Abz2000; 03-11-2015 at 03:31 PM.

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    Re: Satanic Mind Control

    format_quote Originally Posted by Scimitar View Post
    I plan to read thru this thread in detail later, as I am currently busy with other things. However, I've briefly skimmed thru it and noticed the naysayers have expressed their disdain at bro Abz' findings.

    I ask, is this because the findings have been presented here, on IB?

    MK Ultra is not a lie - the US govt. have had to admit their "experiments" openly due to the 30 year secrets act... so the knowledge is "uncontested".

    Brother Abz opened his post with Surah an Naas, and in particular put attention on the "devilish whispers" (waswasa)...

    ...Like I said I want to expand on that more in sha Allah, but for the time being - watch this whole video - the latter half proves the information contained within to be true - you can even try the experiment yourself with your PC microphone.

    Hahaha wow, After watching this i really dont want to live any more. Lie, complete deception. I dont even know how and why some one thinks like that. How i wonder what you are? I did this experiment on Adobe Audition... I play it reverse and add different effects. So some how it may sound like what you are trying. But no way. You can not get this. Its a lie. Look scimi i have no personal issue with u. We never talk before. I dont even know you. And its not personal. But your hypothesis is not correct. its 100% wrong. Please delete this video and Find some Doctor. You have some serious hearing problems.

    look at clouds think its a bear. After 1 min you will agree that its a bear. But some other guy will might say no its a human face. Its all about our imagination what we think and what we focus. This audio file is never going to give u that results. I am not expert but i am using Adobe audition for more than 9 years and its impossible to hear "I wish there is no Allah" No way you can not justify this. Pardon if my words hurt ur feeling but you are wrong my friend.

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