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Syria, Gaza and the Criminalisation of Islam

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    Syria, Gaza and the Criminalisation of Islam (OP)


    Event: Syria, Gaza and the Criminalisation of Islam

    Recent events from the Middle East have placed the Muslim community in Britain in the public eye once more with their every word and action coming under microscopic scrutiny by the media and politicians. This is only the latest chapter in an ideological attack that has been ongoing for significantly longer.

    Whereas the attacks on Islamic concepts of war, political governance and the unity of Muslim lands are nothing new, they have now increased on an unprecedented scale in the wake of the rise of ISIS and its declaration of a Caliphate. The matter is not about supporting or opposing the version of a Caliphate as demonstrated by ISIS but rather the criminalisation of Islamic political thought and ideology. The concepts of jihad, shariah and khilafah are not the exclusive possession of ISIS but core Islamic doctrines subscribed to by almost one third's of the world's population. It is telling that the government's treatment of ISIS is similar to its treatment of Hamas, the Muslim Brotherhood, Hizb-ut Tahrir, and the Taliban, despite the enormous differences of belief and methodology between the groups.

    The Islamophobic nature of the criminalisation of those who believe in fighting in Syria against Assad is underlined by the lack of concern for British Jews who fight in the Israeli Occupation Forces, particularly at times where they are engaged in war crimes and other atrocities, such as the recent attack on Gaza.

    On the flips side, Muslims who wish to aid their brothers and sisters through the provision of humanitarian aid via aid convoys are having their homes raided, being harassed by the security services and are effectively being accused of engaging in terrorism. Charities are having their bank accounts closed without explanation and are coming under investigation by the Charity Commission simply for being involved in crisis zones like Gaza and Syria. Witch-hunts such as the Trojan Horse hoax and the mass hysteria over issues of the niqab, halal food and conservative Muslim values demonstrate that the criminalisation is spreading beyond Middle Eastern politics. Individuals and organisations within the Muslim community who have been speaking out against these policies are now under attack. They have had their organisation, business and bank accounts arbitrarily closed. Even their children's bank accounts have been closed. They are maligned in the media as terrorist sympathisers, extremists and jihadists. Some have even been imprisoned.

    The common element across all these cases is that those targeted cared for the oppressed and for those who are suffering. They have been criminalised because they cared.

    Join CAGE at this series of events around the country to unite the Muslim communities against this criminalisation of our faith, our beliefs, our mosques and organisations, and our leaders. The following regional events will take place with the large conference taking place on 20 September at the Waterlily in London.

    Sunday 14 September - 6pm

    Pakistani Community Centre, Park Hall, London Road, Reading RG1 2PA

    Jamal Harwood
    Dr Adnan Siddiqui
    Dr Uthman Lateef
    Anas al-Tikriti
    Taji Mustafa
    Wednesday 17 September - 7pm
    East Pearl Banqueting Centre, Longsight, Manchester
    Ibrahim Hewitt
    Abdullah Andalusi
    Jahangir Mohammed

    Friday 19 September - 6.30pm

    Muslim Student House (the Daar), Moseley, Birmingham

    Dr Uthman Lateef
    Ismail Adam Patel
    Abdullah Andalusi
    Dr Abdul Wahid
    Fahad Ansari


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    Re: Syria, Gaza and the Criminalisation of Islam

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    Another update, whats it like to live in a secular theocracy. The State must be worshiped as a God or else. . . .

    French think tank calls for 'halal tax' on Muslims

    A report entitled 'The Islamist Factory' has recommendations for Macron, who wants to redefine relations between Islam and the state

    France should impose a "halal tax" to pay for an association that would govern Muslims practicing in the country, a French think-tank has recommended in a report published on Monday.

    In its report "The Islamist Factory", the Institut Montaigne also proposes that instead of being instructed in mosques, the Arabic language should be learnt in more state schools, following a national curriculum.

    The recommendations come as President Emmanuel Macron has promised to redefine relations between Islam and the state and establish rules this autumn to ensure that the religion “will be practised everywhere in accordance with the laws of the republic”.

    The official rule is strict separation between religion and state, with the former considered a strictly private matter.

    The rule has been used to justify bans on the wearing of Muslim veils by public service employees as well as any wearing of fully concealing head-to-toe veils in public places.

    Macron has been under pressure after a wave of terrorist attacks since 2015, which have killed more than 230 people in France.

    In the report, Hakim El Karoui, a Franco-Tunisian consultant, writes that Salafis are “gaining ground” among Muslims practicing in France, particularly among young people and France should construct its own “Muslim religious discourse” to challenge the Salafi discourse.

    "France must equip itself with important means and networks to disseminate this counter-speech. Who can do it? Muslims,” he writes.

    Despite any reluctance they might have, Muslims in France and Europe “must mobilise... because the solution will come from them,” he writes.

    Karoui's report also suggests once again that the country should establish a national Muslim association through taxes collected from practicing Muslims, a measure that his institute has proposed before.

    “The idea is to create a neutral organisation, independent of the countries of origin, independent of those who hold the mosques today, to take a very small sum of money on every act of consumption and reinvest that money in theological work, because it's the mother of all the battles,” he writes.

    In a follow up interview with AFP, Karoui suggested that taxable acts could include going on pilgrimages and buying halal products.

    "Muslims have enriched themselves, contrary to what is believed, and they practice a lot," he told AFP. There is therefore "more and more money related to consumption: the pilgrimage, the halal, the gift".

    Since the 1980s, French politicians have repeatedly attempted to formulate a "French Islam", with the dual aim of managing the integration of immigrants and also defending against religiously-inspired violence.

    But these attempts have been met by criticism from Muslim leaders in the country, where 5.7 million Muslims make up the second largest religious community.

    "Everyone must stick to their role," Ahmet Ogras, president of the French Council of Muslim Faith, told Reuters earlier this year.

    "The Muslim faith is a religion and, as such, takes care of its own household affairs. The last thing you want is the state to act as guardian."

    The French Council of Muslim Faith was itself created by then-Interior Minister Nicolas Sarkozy in 2003. But according to a 2016 survey by Institut Montaigne, two-thirds of French Muslims interviewed didn't know what it was.


    Finally we have defined what extremism is!

    Last edited by سيف الله; 09-12-2018 at 06:26 PM.
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    Re: Syria, Gaza and the Criminalisation of Islam


    The pathetic Blair rears his ugly head again. Unsatisfied with his previous accomplishments in Iraq For the British political elite, the invasion of Iraq never happened, he wants to raise the stakes.

    Tony Blair: world's strategy for countering Islamist extremism flawed

    Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair will warn on Thursday that the threat from Islamist militants is growing and the current approach for tackling the threat will fail unless there is a global strategy to tackle the roots of extremism.

    Launching a new “Global Extremism Monitor” by his Institute for Global Change that tracks incidents of Islamist extremism, Blair will say that “security alone will never be enough” and governments need to focus more on prevention.

    In a report, his institute found there are 121 violent Islamist groups operating globally and they were responsible for more than 84,000 deaths in 2017, mainly in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia and Nigeria.

    Blair, Labour prime minister from 1997 to 2007, said the world spends hundreds of billions of dollars each year on new security at airports and counter-terrorism, but only a fraction of that amount on measures to tackle the underlying ideology.

    He instead calls for higher spending on education and development, investing in war-torn states and supporting Muslim leaders working to counter extremism.

    “Security measures will be vital. But security alone will never be enough. It will only slow the violence,” Blair said. “Unless there is a global will to meet the depth of the challenges, the ideology of Islamism will grow—and with it, the violence. It is time to act.”

    The former prime minister, who led Britain into the Iraq conflict in 2003, has admitted in the past that the invasion was partly responsible for the rise of Islamic State, which until last year controlled large areas in Syria and Iraq.

    Blair said Muslims were the main victims of Islamist extremism with two-thirds of all attacks aimed at civilians taking place in Muslim-majority countries.


    He is now focusing fire on Muslim organisations who challenge the narrative he's trying to paint.


    If Blair wants some real advice on how to begin stop 'terrorism'.

    noamchomskyterrorism 1 - Syria, Gaza and the Criminalisation of Islam

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    Last edited by سيف الله; 09-14-2018 at 08:53 PM.
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    Re: Syria, Gaza and the Criminalisation of Islam


    Another update on Tariq Ramadans situation.

    His niece visited him in prison.

    More bad news for Tariq Ramadan.

    Swiss open rape investigation against Tariq Ramadan

    Married father of four has rejected previous accusations in France, saying he is victim of a smear campaign

    Prosecutors in Geneva have opened a rape and sexual misconduct investigation against Islamic scholar Tariq Ramadan, who has been detained in France since February on separate rape charges, Swiss media reported on Sunday.

    The arrest of the influential academic - a regular on TV debates with more than two million Facebook followers - has rocked the French Muslim community. The married father of four has rejected the accusations, saying he is the victim of a smear campaign.

    The Tribune de Geneve newspaper cited justice ministry spokesman Henri Della Casa as saying that authorities had decided to open a formal criminal inquiry into allegations that Ramadan raped a woman in a Geneva hotel in 2008.

    "I confirm the opening of an inquiry," the paper quoted Della Casa as saying, a key step that indicated the authorities believed the allegations merit further investigation. The accuser lodged her complaint in April.

    "The prosecutors and Geneva police have worked quickly and worked well," Romain Jordan, the lawyer representing Ramadan's Swiss accuser, told AFP in an email.

    He described the decision to open a criminal inquiry as "a major advance" that "demonstrates the seriousness of the allegations made by our client".

    Ramadan, a Swiss citizen and Oxford University professor whose grandfather founded Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood movement, has not yet been interviewed by Swiss prosecutors.

    Jordan said that following the opening of a criminal case, Swiss investigators will now travel to France to hear Ramadan's side of the case.

    The 56-year-old scholar, a prominent and controversial figure within Islam, has previously denied any sexual relations with the two women in France, saying he met with each of them only once and in public places.

    Ramadan has written widely on the topic of European Muslims, often encouraging Muslims in the West to take pride in their identity as being European and Muslim and to adopt the culture of their respective countries without reservation, unless specific aspects clearly clash with the teachings of Islam.

    He is an author whose books include Islam and the Arab Awakening (2011) and What is a Western/Muslim Individual Today (2015).

    Last edited by سيف الله; 09-16-2018 at 10:05 PM.
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    Re: Syria, Gaza and the Criminalisation of Islam


    More responses to the pathetic Blairs next 'crusade'. A little turbocharged but the point is made.

    Tony Blair: Forced secularism through bombs and bullets but now speaks of challenging ideas

    Tony Blair’s most recent outburst has been to call for the ideas of “Islamist” groups to be challenged, naming Hizb ut-Tahrir among them.

    It is Ironic that he is the Prime Minister most remembered throughout the world for forcing his liberal democracy upon Iraq and Afghanistan with bombs and bullets, yet now he sits on his moral high chair talking about an intellectual challenge. Where was his intellectual discussion when millions marched against his invasion of Iraq? Where was it when he fabricated evidence and stood by the United States as they lied to the world trying to shore up support for their adventurism in the Middle East?

    We in Hizb ut-Tahrir welcome any intellectual challenge to our ideas. We further challenge Tony Blair to stand up to really debate his ideas. Fabrication, fear and fruitless wars can sum up Tony Blair’s notion of a debate in the past, but perhaps he is now ready to put those cowardly tactics to avoid scrutiny behind him. Perhaps he is now willing to truly debate whether the British State is in fact hostile, not only to Muslims, but to all ordinary peace-loving people in the world.

    If you ask any Muslim in Burma, Palestine, Iraq, Libya, Syria, or Afghanistan – whether the British State is hostile – the answer is a definite yes. It was Britain that created the Burmese state and excluded Muslims from any political authority, guaranteeing the kind of persecution that we all see there today. It was Britain that created the Zionist occupation, unjustly usurping the land from the Palestinians, and Britain today still supports that occupation, despite the heavy cost to life that the Palestinians suffer until today. Britain supported the Libyan dictator Gaddafi for decades, along with his contemporary Saddam in Iraq. Britain then sent their planes against Libya, as they do today in Syria. Britain and America invaded and occupied large parts of Afghanistan and Iraq, again leading to huge loss of life and oppression of the people.

    These are just a few of the more recent crimes against humanity that the British state has committed. It is not, therefore, strange or untrue that politically aware Muslims should expose publicly the hostility that Britain has shown and continues to show towards Muslims overseas.

    The irony is, while the ordinary people of the Muslim lands know the hostility of the British State all too well, the evil dictators who run those countries know nothing of it. The likes of Saudi crown prince Muhammad Bin Salman, whose hands are covered with the fresh blood of the Yemeni people, is an honoured guest in Britain. Ironically, it was Tony Blair himself who approached Gaddafi warmly. Even while former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak was imprisoning three British citizens after an unfair trial, myself among them, Tony Blair was holidaying in Egyptian Red Sea resorts as a guest of the dictator, who was soon thrown out by the Egyptian people.

    It is a bit rich that a war criminal and duplicitous liar such as Tony Blair should be calling for a robust challenge of the ideas that he calls Islamism. Not only did his government support the internment and violence against Muslims with peaceful political ideas that were opposed to his business interests, he also publicly called for Hizb ut-Tahrir to be banned in Britain.

    Ordinary British people need to know that when elite politicians of the Blair ilk talk of challenging ideas, they mean anything but intellectual debate. As they know very well that their own bankrupt secular ideas cannot stand up to any serious scrutiny, they can only hide behind securitisation and stigmatisation policies like Prevent which aim to prevent real intellectual discourse about Islam.


    The end goal

    Understanding how elites control.

    Last edited by سيف الله; 09-18-2018 at 11:50 PM.
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    Re: Syria, Gaza and the Criminalisation of Islam


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    Re: Syria, Gaza and the Criminalisation of Islam

    Last edited by سيف الله; 09-21-2018 at 01:27 AM.
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    Re: Syria, Gaza and the Criminalisation of Islam


    Another update

    Ukip proposes creation of Muslim-only prisons in interim manifesto

    Ukip has proposed Muslim-only prisons and special security screening for would-be migrants “from Islamic countries” in a new policy document.

    Published as the party’s annual conference began in Birmingham, it calls for the creation of jails “exclusively for” Muslims who “promote extremism or try to convert non-Islamic prisoners”.

    Other ambitions outlined in the so-called ”Interim Manifesto” include a ban on mosques receiving money from overseas and the abolition of the “hate crime” category.

    Party leader Gerard Batten, who has previously described Islam as a “death cult”, said the policies were intended to “make Ukip a populist party in the real meaning of the word”.

    The document claimed segregation in prisons was needed because non-Muslim inmates were frequently forced to convert to Islam “for their own protection” from Muslims gangs behind bars.

    Maajid Nawaz, chairman of counter-extremism Quilliam Foundation, described the policy as “the first step to Muslim concentration camps”.

    “What next, deportation of all Muslims from these ‘Muslim only jails’? The rest of us, civilised human beings, will resist you to the end,” he tweeted.

    Hope Not Hate said the policy demonstrated that “Ukip’s march further and further right continues”.

    “Their conference features extreme figures, their manifesto proposes racism and Islamophobia as policies, and their leader spouts vile hate about Muslims,” the anti-racism group added.

    The Independent has contacted Ukip for comment.

    Mr Batten has denied he is taking Ukip to the far right, after the party’s former leader Nigel Farage warned it faces “total and utter marginalisation” if it moves to the extremes of politics.

    But the Ukip children’s spokesman received a standing ovation from party members after claiming Muslim sex gangs were responsible for a “holocaust of our children” that authorities had refused to tackle.

    During a speech at the party conference, he suggested the practice of preying on “white English girls” could be traced right back “to Mohammed himself” and described the issue as “the biggest social crime and scandal in our country for 200 years”.

    Ukip’s manifesto claimed decades of sexual abuse of children had been covered up due to “political correctness and the fear of identifying the vast majority of the perpetrators as Muslims”.

    It called for “an independent national enquiry into local authorities and police forces’ historical failure to protect children from rape gangs”.

    Mr Batten, who took over the Ukip leadership from Henry Bolton in April, has repeatedly provoked anger with anti-Islam comments and has embraced far-right figurehead Tommy Robinson.

    The party is considering offering membership to the English Defence League founder, something Mr Batten said he “would personally approve of”.

    Speaking ahead of the conference, Mr Farage said he was “really upset” at the prospect of Robinson, whose real name is Stephen Yaxley Lennon, being admitted to the party.

    He said: “I’m completely opposed to it. I wrote very explicitly into the rules of the party when I first became leader: we did not want anybody in the party that had taints with organisations we deemed to be on the far-right of British politics.”

    He warned Ukip was ”in danger now, unless it changes direction very, very quickly, of total and utter marginalisation”.

    Mr Batten denied taking his party to the far right, telling Sky News: “For the last 25 years, myself and everyone else in Ukip has worked to restore our country’s former status as an independent democratic nation that is governed by our politicians, elected by us, sackable by us, in accordance with our traditional laws and customs and constitution.

    “If that makes you far right, I think whoever thinks that has got a very strange idea about what constitutes far right.”

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    Re: Syria, Gaza and the Criminalisation of Islam


    Another update

    Joint statement from CAGE and CJL: Exposing France and the UK’s Brutal Cold War Against Human Rights

    Last year, the Justice & Liberties For All Committee (CJL), CAGE UK, the Council on American Relations (CAIR) and Defend The Right To Protest, joined forces to launch the Transatlantic Coordination Against Racism and Repression.

    The initiative connects organisations in Europe and North America and allows for the emergence of a human rights and civil liberties collaboration that links campaigns, builds unity in strategy and facilitates the sharing of knowledge.

    The Coordination began its work in September 2017 with each organisation reporting on state repression against Muslims in the name of the so called war on terror. Each grouping exposed their respective governments on the same platform these governments use to lecture the world on the rights of minorities.

    This year, the Coordination Against Racism and Repression continued its international work with CAGE UK and the CJL joining forces with EMISCO at the OSCE’s annual summit on human rights.

    We can no longer afford to act in separate silos as our respective governments have proven time and again that the so called war on terror is a hot war against Muslims abroad and a cold war against Muslim citizens at home.

    The exceptional measures employed through maintaining a state of fear have primarily targeted Muslims and turned them into suspect communities through programmes like PREVENT in the UK, CVE (Countering Violent Extremism) in the US and the permanent state of emergency, ‘stop jihadism’ and counter-radicalisation programs in France.

    These exceptional policies practised on Muslims are then mainstreamed, eroding rule of law and reducing safeguards for all, whilst laying the groundwork for ever-more repressive measures.

    These “suspect communities” cannot be held responsible for the destruction of Iraq and Afghanistan, the support to brutal dictatorships across Africa and the Middle East, the extra judicial killings of people in Muslim-majority countries, the imprisonment-without-trial of innocents, the rendition program or the Guantanamo Bay camp, that have all led to violent Blowback. Those decisions were made by our respective governments and if political violence is to be stopped, we have to address these root causes rather than look for scapegoats.

    The CJL and CAGE UK have taken the stage to bring forward their respective programs of resistance against violations of human rights. We do so against the backdrop of rising right wing populism across Europe that is capitalising on the polarisation of western societies. We firmly believe that only a mobilised civil society can push for equity between citizens and keep governments in check.

    History teaches us that solidarity requires long standing efforts and we send a message to other activists to join forces with us and give reasons for our peoples to believe in a better future.


    ECHR ruling on surveillance is welcome but the growth of the British security apparatus still threatens us all

    CAGE supports the ruling of the European Court of Human Rights that the British government’s bulk surveillance of online communications revealed by Edward Snowden, violated privacy and failed to provide safeguards. However, we call for a closer examination of pending investigatory powers granted to the UK, and continue to call for the abolition of Schedule 7[1].

    The European Court has simply repeated what has always been known as a fundamental norm within privacy rights but nonetheless has been flouted by the UK authorities openly.

    Under the pretext of “fighting terrorism” and exploiting fear amongst the general public for their and their loved ones’ safety, the UK security state has expanded its powers astonishingly.

    We applaud the numerous organisations that pursued this case, including Big Brother Watch, Liberty and Privacy International. However, new powers will come into force soon in the UK under the Investigatory Powers Act, and the CTBS Bill seeks to grant extended powers to security services, in particular through new Schedule 7-type powers of detention and item seizure. This has happened despite warnings from several organisations that these powers extend police power disproportionately, violate rights and have created ‘suspect’ communities.

    Muhammad Rabbani, CAGE International Director, said:

    “Today’s ruling is an important and crucial corrective, and a stark warning to society of the dangers of a burgeoning and expansive body of national security powers. However, with the passing of the CTBS Bill to the House of Lords, it remains to be seen if this ruling has any effect on the intrusive and discriminatory Schedule 7 border stops that affect an average of more than 20 000 innocent people every year.”

    “Last year I was charged under Schedule 7 for not divulging the passwords to my devices despite citing client confidentiality, as I was protecting testimony from a client that provided evidence of torture by a number of US officials on US soil. I have never committed a crime. My case highlights how the UK surveillance state facilitates the criminalisation of those that seek to challenge oppression.”

    “It is clear from pending legislation that despite their best efforts to convince us otherwise, surveillance as it is practiced in the UK now – and especially at its ports – is not for safety: it is done for control, and at the expense of our privacy and our right to dissent. The UK government, if it really has the well-being of its citizens at heart, should take heed of this verdict by the ECHR, and act accordingly to restore trust in society.”

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    Re: Syria, Gaza and the Criminalisation of Islam


    Another update

    CAGE: Muslim families could lose kids because of political and religious views

    Advocacy group CAGE has said it has seen legal documents which prove that Muslim families could lose their children to the state because of their beliefs and political views.

    CAGE says it has seen documents from a number of cases dated from 2016 until today, where “the academically debunked” ERG22+ framework has been used to assess risk of children and parents in Prevent-related child removal cases.

    The framework identifies 22 “risk factors” for gauging whether individuals are vulnerable to engaging with terrorist groups or posing a security risk.

    The risk factors, which have become known as the Extremism Risk Guidance 22+, form the basis for the “vulnerability assessment framework” carried out under Channel, a strand of the Prevent programme that aims to identify and engage with people believed to be at risk of radicalisation.

    Referrals to Channel can come from teachers, social workers, healthcare workers and police. Each year, 1000s of people (mainly Muslims) are referred for assessment, including young children.

    CAGE says Prevent practitioners have been giving guidance to the government and the courts based on the ERG22+ methodology in order to assess future risk to children. This is despite government guidance conceding the limitation of the ERG22+, in that it is not based on verifiable science.

    CAGE says parents have faced questioning by social workers and Prevent officers employing the “highly subjective and unscientific” method of assessing radicalisation and extremism.

    CAGE produced a report in 2016 critiquing this framework, citing evidence that its very authors say the method cannot predict risk with any certainty. In addition, over 150 academics signed a joint statement raising doubts about its validity.

    In 2015 CAGE was accused of scaremongering when we said the Counter Terrorism Bill would lead to families facing the prospect of losing their children to the state based on their beliefs and political views. But it says the evidence it has seen demonstrates this is now a reality.

    CAGE research director, Asim Qureshi, said: “The simple fact is, the ERG22+ is being employed in the family courts, meaning that Prevent is seeking to remove children based on subjective and inaccurate perceptions of ideology and not on actual abuse.

    “This is clear evidence that Prevent is discriminatory and abusive, and is far from safeguarding as its pundits claim – in fact, such claims do far-reaching damage to the principle of safeguarding itself.

    “We cannot allow for a process to continue where families are being judged by a false science – our communities are not lab rats to be experimented on.”

    In 2015 the current “extremism tsar” Sara Khan gave testimony in Parliament in which she reserved her most trenchant criticism for advocacy group CAGE.

    She said: “We know CAGE have been going around the country delivering information to Muslim communities about the CTS Bill and it was widely reported in the media for example that Asim Qureshi from CAGE claimed the government would consider taking Muslim children away as young as seven if their children attended demonstrations by the Stop the War group.

    “They also argued, for example, that if you don’t consent as parents to de-radicalisation programmes the state would take your children away. Nazir Afzal, the former Chief Crown Prosecutor of the North West, even argued that this was fear-mongering of the very worst kind.”

    Last edited by سيف الله; 09-25-2018 at 11:13 PM.
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    Re: Syria, Gaza and the Criminalisation of Islam


    Another update

    Ghada’s father’s story: They took my teenage daughter and tried to remove Islam from her life

    I have eight children, who are all home-schooled. I am a qualified practitioner in natural medicine and I used to run a cycling club that was also affiliated to my local authority.

    In 2014, my one daughter was in contact with one of the ladies in Turkey and Syria without my permission. She (my daughter) wanted to study medicine abroad, so these women had got in touch with her on social media.

    TheyThe tried to convince her to go join IS. She said, no, I am sorry I can’t because I don’t want to come; I want to qualify as a doctor. They said to her: “Come here, you can study and qualify in four years.”

    So she left without my permission. The day she disappeared, she was gone from the house for more than an hour. My children are all close to me, we are always together, so when this happened I said to my wife: “Where is she?” She said she had gone to the library.

    But when we went to the library, she wasn’t there.

    We called the police. I told them my daughter had disappeared. They took the details and traced her. They brought her from the aeroplane. I went to get her at 12 o’clock at night, then I took her home.

    I said to the police: “I need your help.”

    They told me, “Thank you very much, we are so proud of you.”

    I thought that it was finished, that I had done the right thing and that the authorities would help us.

    Social workers turned on us

    I came back home and we spoke to my daughter. She explained what had happened and she realised she had made a big mistake. From then on, we helped her to concentrate on her exams, on her GCSEs. She did well; she got straight As. Then suddenly after three months, after I had asked them to help me, the social services turned around and they told me I was not fit to parent the children. I was shocked.

    I contacted the solicitor. I met with him, but the social worker created a big problem for me.

    They were very rude to me. After the Charlie Hebdo attacks, one of them, who works for PREVENT, asked me which one of my children applauded the attacks. It was very rude.

    They interviewed the children, including my son who was 7 at the time. They talked to him alone, which is totally unacceptable. They also interviewed my daughter by herself. My kids told me that they were desperate to get information about me and my wife.

    I had gone to Gaza with George Galloway. They were using this. Galloway doesn’t get into trouble, but as a Muslim, they were punishing me for taking aid to the Gaza people.

    They raided my home and said my medical equipment was bomb-making material

    Another three months later, they came back. This time they told me I had a big connection to IS. They thought I was planning to plant some bombs. Really, I got the solicitor again after this.

    But they came to our house and they took us to prison for a couple of hours. They separated us and put us in cells, for about 24-30 hours. My daughter was in tears because she was 14 years old.

    They interrogated my son, who was 15, with no lawyer present. He was asked about his relationship with us, whether we pray five times a day and other questions about our religious practice, and whether I punish them physically.

    They interviewed us for almost six hours each. They were filming and questioning us. They asked me all kinds of questions. They checked my computer and they found that we wanted to buy kitchen knives, and they said we were buying kitchen knives to kill members of Mi5.

    I said, “This is not making any sense.”

    As part of my business, I planned routes for cyclists. I did a route through Vauxhall, and my daughter also did this route. They said this was proof that she was planning an attack on Mi5. After the prison, they took us to the hotel, and they raided my home. They even took out the sink to look for bombs. They took my computers and all my equipment that I use for natural medicine.

    Among the bomb evidence they said they collected was my pressure cooker with a tube protruding out from it. This is a homemade distiller used to extract oils.

    They still have this equipment and my computer. The judge asked why they kept the hard drive for so long. They said it’s full of videos of “extremist” material. But the material was from my cycle routes.

    Even the photos from the trip to Gaza I put on CDs, pictures of destruction and civilian deaths, and they said this was “IS videos”, but they gave them back.

    They told me I was library of terrorism, that I am full of hate for democracy.

    “Why don’t you have a TV to integrate the children?”

    They raided the house twice, then they came back to take my daughter. They said they had good evidence that she was ready to kill the people in the street.

    During the proceedings, the court maintained that I guided the three Bethnal Green girls to go to Syria in my area. The case for the removal of my daughter took place in that context.

    You see, the bar for the state to prove its case was low. At that time, everything was crazy. They would rather make a mistake than take a risk. In this environment, it’s easy to take children away.

    We then found ourselves in court with the a judge I call, un-Justice Hayden. [laughs]

    One of the questions he asked me was; “Why don’t you have a TV? Why don’t you have a TV to integrate the children?”

    I didn’t have a TV because I didn’t have the money to buy one. They forced me to have TV, and even in the news, all the journalists were saying, thank goodness you have a TV; now you can integrate. My wife’s family is Christian, and they have no TV. But nothing is said about this.

    Anyway, the kids loved it. They watched Tom and Jerry day in and day out and we watched cricket. [laughs]

    But he also said some terrible things to me. He told me I was “faithless”. He told me I was like a “Jeykll and Hyde”, and accused me of lying all the time, and of secretly radicalising my children.

    I am not silly. I take responsibility for my children, and of the family. All my children are home-schooled and they all passed with As before all this happened.

    When we told the judge about their academic achievements, he was surprised. We even got a reward from the mayor of Tower Hamlets.

    The judge was very biased.

    In court, I found myself thinking that these people really hate Islam. They didn’t listen to anything I had to say. Even on my social media, I was writing against IS, but when the judge saw this, he just said: “You are a liar.”

    The media coverage also didn’t help. The newspapers were saying all these things and worse.

    My daughter’s story is what “deradicalising” looks like

    The judge decided that my daughter had to be taken into care. He took my daughter.

    My solicitor said that she should go to a Muslim family. They told me, no, the Muslim family will brainwash her again. So they put her with a non-Muslim family.

    When they took her, my daughter was crying. The lady that was going to foster her said to her: “Don’t worry; we have a nightclub around the corner, and you can go there, and you will be happy.”

    When they took her, I said to her: “You remember your religion.”

    I am telling you, based on my experience, they are wanting to pull the children out of Islam.

    Later that evening I was attacked on the street by a group of thugs. They said I had bombs in my bike tyres. I had bruises all over and especially on my neck. I reported it to the police, but even now, nothing has come of this. I believe the authorities instructed the attackers.

    When my daughter was with the foster family, she didn’t go to school as no school wanted to take her because of all the media around the case, and she didn’t do any exercise either.

    The case affected all my children, because after they reached GCSE and I tried to put them in a school, they told me the kids would brainwash other kids and they couldn’t go to school.

    They really isolated us. The local authority was really watching us closely all the time.

    When my children eventually did go to school, they failed the exams because they had missed out. The head teacher was very rude to us.

    This period was very difficult. When I went to visit my daughter, which they allowed me to do once a week, I saw they were smoking cigarettes and there was a smell of bacon cooking.

    As a family, we eat healthy food. We don’t eat processed food. When I saw her, she was pale and she was putting on weight. I asked her: “What kind of food are you eating?” She opened the fridge and it was all just processed food.

    She used to cry a lot.

    During these visits I was not allowed to speak Arabic to her. Someone would stand with us. Even when I went to the toilet, someone would go with me. I had to leave the toilet door open.

    I took her to the swimming pool once a week, just to get some exercise. She has asthma and she suffered very badly because she got such a poor diet and no exercise. She was so sick.

    Even the doctor, when he checked my daughter, he said there was no threat from us. He submitted this report. But when he sent this report to the social worker, they didn’t accept it.

    After a year, the social worker eventually admitted that they had made a mistake. The court records admitted that she felt isolated and desperately wished to return home. The judge was forced to say that it was the best thing for her to come back to us.

    When she came back, her character had changed. She was very different. Her clothing was different. The environment was very bad for her.

    But when she came back, the social worker made a big speech and they said, “She’s much better.” She said it like they had achieved their goal – she never read Quran, and she never associated with any Muslim person.

    But they admitted that she was in poor health. They offered me 200 pounds compensation.

    Unsure about this

    No income, no passport, no apology – but my daughter is back

    In my view, social workers are trying to take our children out of Islam, and they are doing it while making an income out of us.

    Really, I am fighting for my dignity and the dignity of my daughter and family, and they are fighting for their wages.

    After a very long process, and many reviews, eventually a final review by <insert name> Hassan led to the whole thing being closed at last. He said that we did not have any “extremist” beliefs.

    But it was too late. My daughter had been away for a year and it was very traumatic situation.

    Alhumdullillah, my daughter is better now. She is studying to be a doctor and she is reading and memorising Quran. When he heard this, the judge was so annoyed with me.

    I would say to Muslims: never trust a social worker. They use you for their wages and they tried their best with us. My case was finished, twice, but they tried always to stretch it. My case shouldn’t have gone on for more than six months, but they stretched it for two years.

    Any Muslims, I would say don’t trust social workers and don’t trust PREVENT.

    In the last meeting I had with the social worker, they told me, that I have now come back to my sanity, as if they had finished deprogramming me.

    My daughter is still in wardship of the court, but she is living with us. The social workers are still providing mentorship, so if she needs help and she can contact them.

    But I can’t get a job. Last time I was interviewed for a job, they called me and said: “We’re sorry; we can’t take you because there is pressure.”

    I said: “What pressure? From who?”

    They wouldn’t say.


    This is unusual perspective from the Sikh community.

    Last edited by سيف الله; 09-25-2018 at 11:15 PM.
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    Re: Syria, Gaza and the Criminalisation of Islam


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    I wonder are we heading towards this?

    Minority Report


    In a futuristic "precrime" judicial system in which killers are arrested and convicted before they commit murder, a dedicated police officer finds himself a fugitive from justice when precrime psychics accuse him of killing his partner in a murder he has yet to commit.

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    Re: Syria, Gaza and the Criminalisation of Islam


    format_quote Originally Posted by Junon View Post

    Ukip proposes creation of Muslim-only prisons in interim manifesto

    Maajid Nawaz, chairman of counter-extremism Quilliam Foundation, described the policy as “the first step to Muslim concentration camps”.

    “What next, deportation of all Muslims from these ‘Muslim only jails’? The rest of us, civilised human beings, will resist you to the end,” he tweeted.

    Note how the British establishment are trying to lift up that fraud Maajid Nawaz as some sort of Representative of Muslim opinion.

    Oh dear more bad news for Maajid.

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    Re: Syria, Gaza and the Criminalisation of Islam


    Another update.

    Short summary of what prevent is all about.


    "PREVENT is an Islamophobic policy that targets Muslim families and criminalises their identity." We will be publishing a report next week that will provide insight into the human experiences and trauma that has impacted families because of unnecessary state intervention.

    Where it could lead.

    Another encounter with the Prevent programme.

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    Re: Syria, Gaza and the Criminalisation of Islam


    Another update

    CAGE’s latest report has rattled the PREVENT lobby and they have activated their bullies

    This week, we released a report that featured the startling testimonies of several families who had been through the ordeal of PREVENT intervention in their lives. As CAGE have reported previously, the definitions used by PREVENT to evaluate “extremism” are flawed and inherently Islamophobic.

    These concerns are echoed in a video testimony by a woman, called sister Maryam (for the purposes of anonymity), who told the story of how she was raided in her birthing suite by armed counter-terrorism officers, who had moments earlier apprehended her ex-husband for a charge unrelated to terrorism.

    The raid led to a visit by social services who were accompanied by PREVENT officers. PREVENT became involved in their lives, and embarked on a relentless effort to remove her two children from her.

    Maryam was not wanted for any crime, yet she was violated in the most demeaning of manners just after she gave birth. This continued for two years and also included the employment of secret evidence, as PREVENT attempted to remove her children.

    Eventually, a leading judge ruled that she was a good mother and there was no cause for concern. This story, like others in our report, shatters the deception that PREVENT is a “safeguarding” tool.

    Many of our cases show that safeguarding practitioners such as social workers and doctors conclude that there are no safeguarding concerns, yet PREVENT officers continue to pursue families, and in doing so hijack and securitise the very principle of ‘safeguarding’ itself.

    PREVENT is desperately trying to divert attention away from its failings

    CAGE have always been a voice for the voiceless through communicating the human impact of War on Terror policies. We do this by allowing clients to tell their stories.

    This police raid is inexcusable and is indicative of the manner Muslims are treated by the state, who will all too quickly see them through the lens of ‘terrorism’ – even a newborn, who was only hours old, and his mother.

    However, PREVENT, and it’s accomplice media, is diverting attention away from these inexcusable actions and the important findings of our report through a number of tactics.

    The first of these was a social media message that may be in contempt of court since it breached the confidentiality of family proceedings by identifying one of the parties in care proceedings.

    The second tactic was a letter sent by the National Coordinator of PREVENT who suggested that the video would damage confidence in PREVENT and we should publish details of the “wider context” to this case.

    Not so coincidentally, the social media message as well as the details of the letter and “wider context” were passed onto a journalist at the Telegraph who accused CAGE of being misleading.

    These tactics betrayed their real motives – which is to silence Muslims critical of PREVENT.

    The PREVENT National Co-ordinator made it clear they believed that the testimony of this mother would “damage community confidence” in PREVENT.

    Instead of admitting the disproportionate conduct in the case the PREVENT lobby targeted a vulnerable mother and her two children, and CAGE, rather than their failing policy.

    It is clear that PREVENT would even go so far as leaking our client’s real name and putting her and her children at risk. It is a deplorable act from people who claim they ‘protect’ society.

    Our report is a devastating blow to PREVENT and they know it

    This diversion is happening because the stories and revelations in our report are evidence of the devastating effects of this toxic PREVENT policy on families.

    What is most concerning and what we want to reiterate, is that PREVENT uses academically flawed and scientifically dubious frameworks, which the state concedes is a working hypothesis, to decide if parents and/or children exhibit signs of “extremism”.

    This framework, known as the ERG22+ and the VAF, are employed to question even young children to gauge their beliefs, and possibly remove them from their parents.

    That the very notion of “safeguarding” is being used to cover up this abuse should be deeply concerning to all those genuinely concerned with the role of social services and the crucial principle that this key sector remains free from securitisation.

    There is no greater sign that it is time to scrap this disastrous policy once and for all.



    Her testimony

    'Transparency' and 'Prevent' are not two words that go well together. Cage is trying to change that.

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    Re: Syria, Gaza and the Criminalisation of Islam


    With Christianity defeated whats going to replace it? Ah the new religion of 'British values'.

    Lets see which direction British values are taking the education system in.

    Your Reeducation Camp Tax Dollars At Work

    The quimdoctrination has rapidly intensified of late. What’s next? Freak trannies reading pozzed children’s books to toddlers?

    It looks like shitlibs need a lesson in basic human biology:

    There are two sexes, male and female.

    There is no such thing as “gender”, except as a grammatical term.

    There is a male and female brain structure that affects our outlooks and preferences, and is responsible for our sex stereotyped behaviors. Our brains are biological and, along with our bodies, form our self-conception as man or woman. Our heart supplies blood to our brains and bodies; it isn’t the seat of “orientation”.

    Trannies are mentally ill lsmv rejects.

    A small minority of men are homosexual. A smaller minority of women are obligate lesbians. Likely the source of their miswired direction of desire is biological in nature.

    Homosexuality is not the biological, social, nor Darwinian equal of heterosexuality. A simple “equivalency swap” thought experiment shows this: if we were all homosexuals, the human species would go extinct.

    There is no such thing as social construction of sex. “Social construction” means we humans assign words to describe aspects of observable reality, so that we can effectively communicate with each other instead of speaking a language of one that no one else understands.

    On average, men are masculine and women are feminine. Some men are less masculine; some women are less feminine, but the average sex-based differential remains.

    Poopytalk won’t assuage the primal pain of raising a butch daughter or an effete son.

    Bestiality is “natural”. So is the rare case of hermaphroditism. That doesn’t mean either should be taught to children as a social norm of equal validity to normal heterosexual mating and biology.

    On that note, there really is a valid distinction between normal and abnormal.

    Hope This Hurts.

    Chateau Heartiste

    Muslim parents (or any sane parent) need to think seriously about homeschooling, public education isn't what it used to be.

    Even the ruling classes are getting uncomfortable with the implications.

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    Re: Syria, Gaza and the Criminalisation of Islam


    Another update.

    CAGE response to National PREVENT coordinator’s letter about our video

    On the 20th of September 2018 we received a letter from Nik Adams, the National Coordinator of Prevent, to inform us of his objections to a video which showed testimony from a client of ours. Mr Adam claimed the footage would “damage community confidence” in Prevent and requested that we take it down.

    We issued a full response to his claims, both to the press and on our website (which also explained why we refused to remove the video), and to Mr Adams himself. For complete transparency we’ve even attached the letter he sent to us below.

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    Re: Syria, Gaza and the Criminalisation of Islam


    Another update

    The pathetic Blair is having a tantrum.

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    Re: Syria, Gaza and the Criminalisation of Islam


    Another update

    Tony Blair’s Comments Represent an Attack on the Foundations of Democracy

    Last week, Tony Blair attacked several Muslim organisations, accusing them of promoting “extremist ideas”, orchestrating a “propaganda barrage” towards counter-terror strategies and attempting to present the Government as a “hostile force”. Putting aside the hypocrisy of Mr. Blair accusing others of propaganda, a former Prime Minister making comments which encourage the “combating” of such organisations in a “battle of ideas” is part of a wider pattern of shutting down Muslim voices in public debate.

    One of the targets of Mr. Blair’s comments was MEND (Muslim Engagement and Development), an organisation engaged in supporting Muslims to access societal opportunities. Crucially, this involves challenging Islamophobia – which we define as the “prejudice, aversion, hostility, or hatred towards Muslims which… has the purpose or effect of nullifying or impairing the recognition, enjoyment or exercise, on an equal footing, of human rights and fundamental freedoms”. Islamophobia represents a tool to exclude Muslims from the rights and freedoms of public life and it is within this framework that we should examine Mr. Blair’s comments.

    The implication that groups like MEND are “trying to drive a wedge between Muslim communities and the Government” is representative of a three-pronged attack:

    • on British Muslim and minority communities;
    • on Muslim groups attempting to engage critically with government counter-terror measures;
    • and on any individual who seeks to challenge injustice and inequality.

    Firstly, for British Muslims and minorities, such statements are highly inflammatory in language, stoking already significant levels of Islamophobia and incidences of racist violence. Secondly, for Muslim groups, it attempts to delineate certain topics – such as counter-terrorism – as unacceptable for Muslims to engage in, side-lining minorities from mainstream politics. And thirdly, it advances the problematic language of security, whereby the ill-defined label of “extremist” may be applied to anyone critical of power, virtually guaranteeing they will be tarnished without critical examination of their views or arguments. As well as grossly misrepresenting the work of MEND in supporting Muslims positively engage with society and politics, such attacks impact on Muslim communities and all British citizens.

    Firstly, Tony Blair’s choice of language in this attack – taking place in a political climate where Muslims face daily threats of violence and intimidation – is highly inflammatory. This risk of violence is frequently exacerbated by prominent politicians who attack Islamic identity-markers in public statements, campaigns, and policies.

    Indeed, record numbers of anti-Muslim attacks have been recorded since the divisive political rhetoric advanced during the Brexit campaign during 2016, with increasing attacks ‘not only on social media but also at congested places and in broad daylight, verbal and physical assault’. Women are especially targeted with acts of public violence as an increasingly muscular far-right, alarmist national media and isolationist government policies create an hostile and toxic environment for Muslims and minorities.

    With minority communities already under such scrutiny and public pressure, Mr. Blair’s attack on a public organisation attempting to positively engage Muslims in politics, media and society risks further casting them as a ‘suspect community’ and leaves them vulnerable to further violence.

    Secondly, Mr. Blair’s comments form a part of a sustained pattern of public demonisation of Muslim groups and other views that are critical of PREVENT, without actually debating the substance of the validity of those criticisms. As MEND itself has stated, it is a right of democracy to critically review government policies. By challenging this right, Mr. Blair strips Muslim communities of these rights to participate in mainstream conversations on issues affecting them.

    PREVENT has been roundly criticised by groups of all backgrounds, examples including three special rapporteurs to the UN, the NEU (formerly known as the NUT), the NUS, the former Independent Reviewer of Terrorism Legislation, Rights Watch UK, the Open Society Justice Initiative, the Joint Committee for Human Rights, and more than 140 academics, politicians and experts in one instance alone.

    PREVENT has been criticised as poor in its implementation and inadequate in its training, which has created a high level of ‘false positives’: PREVENT delivery officers received only 45-60 minutes of training to identify radicalisation, leading to 95% of CHANNEL referrals to date requiring no further action. Public officials have often reported Muslims to authorities due to personal understandings informed by stereotypical media representations, leading to the direct stigmatisation of religious practices.

    Meanwhile, a growing tranche of research has shown that UK approaches to counter-terrorism overtly and disproportionately targets Muslims, with roughly 1 in every 500 British Muslims were referred to PREVENT annually in recent years and Muslims being more than 110 times likely to be referred than those deemed at risk of ‘far-right extremism’.

    Despite academic criticism of CONTEST and the PREVENT programme as negatively impacting community relations, being poorly constructed and implemented, and failing even by its own standards (with 95% of de-radicalisation programmes deemed ineffective), Muslim groups critical of ‘pre-crime’ counter-terrorism approaches continue to face political demonisation and accusations of extremism.

    The ultimate consequence is the reinforcement of hostile conditions, limiting Muslims’ ability to engage in key political debates on issues central to their lived experience in Britain. This clearly attacks notions of community equality and further marginalises Muslim voices in mainstream debate.

    Finally, Mr. Blair’s use of the term ‘extremist’ is a tool of exclusion. By tarnishing those who question problematic ideas as extremist, he seeks to cast anyone who challenges existing powers as irrational and dangerous. Counter-terrorism has already been shown to perpetuate the idea that, according to one former Home Secretary, “the norms of prosecution and punishment no longer apply”, and by applying such notions against democratic actors, Mr. Blair risks the loss of civil liberties and the stifling of legitimate forms of dissent from all manner of groups. Such comments, therefore, further erode of the fragile democratic foundations of British society.

    Tackling inequalities is a noble and important task which requires the participation of all British society. It needs not only honest, critical, and self-reflective discussion, but representation and acceptance of the lived experiences of the many minority communities that make up this country. As MEND attests, “it is a fundamental right of democracy that citizens are able to critically review Government policies. For anyone to present academic and evidence-based debate as a “propaganda barrage” is disingenuous and a disservice to the tenets of democracy that Mr. Blair has a moral responsibility to uphold.”

    Instead of celebrating an organisation dedicated to embedding minority engagement at the heart of British society, Mr. Blair chooses to attack critical voices by suggesting they are ‘extremist’. In doing so, he attacks not only the country’s many Muslim organisations and communities but all those who seek to create positive change in an increasingly securitised and unequal Britain. Mr. Blair’s comments remind us all, therefore, that we have a responsibility to uphold the key tenets of democracy – and to challenge those who choose to disregard them.

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    Re: Syria, Gaza and the Criminalisation of Islam


    Another update, this is from Kazakhstan. This is also the legacy of the imposition of a communism.

    Last edited by سيف الله; 10-14-2018 at 06:04 PM.
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