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Paris Shooting

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    Re: Paris Shooting

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    Its unbelievable how the media goes on about freedom of speech whilst ignoring facts such as france banning pro palestinian protests, niqab and many other injustices against Islam. I mean what happened to freedom of speech there? SubhanAllah what a crazy world we live in.

    What the attackers did is wrong because in Islam if one person kills another it's as though he's slain the whole of humanity and if one saves someone life, it's as though they've saved the whole of humanity.

    The world should condemn these cartoonists for persistently mocking our beloved Prophet peace be upon him. This is not satire, this is out and out provacation and for every action there's a possibility of a reaction. Freedom of speech isn't a license to insult or ridicule when you please.
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    Re: Paris Shooting

    Peace be with you Abz,

    format_quote Originally Posted by Abz2000 View Post
    You know that it wasn't an attack but a sincere response to your advice, and that it was not like the abusive and slanderous cartoons, nor a blind attack in the guise of intellectual criticism similar to the comments of pro-zionists who pretend to criticize islam on a subject while being ignorant of / keeping*mum about the very same thing which is in the Bible.
    By "attack" I meant your response was polemical. Keep in mind the issue was that you felt the negative spotlight was still good for Islam, and my point was that it's obviously not. I'm not quite sure how Jesus and us "going off the track" falls into this discussion, nor the comments about pro-Zionists above. I'm not sure if this is just your style of writing but you come across very defensive and antagonistic, I'm not you're enemy here (at least I don't see you as an enemy!), we're just two people having a discussion.

    Ya tryina tempt me or wot ?
    Show me a denarius and see whose inscription is on it first.
    No, I'm just asking for your opinion, I'm not quite sure how this would be considered me trying to entrap you. Perhaps you could explain?

    First of i can't even pretend to be certain of whether it was another false flag aimed to achieve controversial policies - since even more complicated false flags are well documented - or a sincere effort in order to defend the truth.

    If it was a false flag the it was reprehensible and deceitful - an act of cowards unwilling to show their true colours.
    If it was a sincere act by people who were enraged at the abuses Muslims have to endure in france and the insults on the sacred honour of God's Messengers and triggered by the bombing of innocents in syria and elsewhere - Then suffice it to be said that i would rejoice at the repentance, and in the absence of repentance - punishment of any who would dare to portray my mother, wife or sister in a lewd fashion, drawing a mocking cartoon of your mother being pushed naked in a wheelchair is like an invitation to get clapped.
    And the Messengers of God are dearer to us than our own mothers and fathers.
    So you personally feel it was justified from an Islamic point of view. That's all I was asking.

    Ummm.... The surveys and stats are there for any who bother to research, along with the news reports and direct testimonies of multiple mosque leaders who described a phenominal increase in the weeks and months after.
    Yes, I am aware of the statistics and they don't reinforce your position, which is why I asked what your sources were. Your "sources" are anecdotal and don't constitute actual statistical analysis. Here is some information that is from actual statistical research:

    "Statistical data on conversion to and from Islam are scarce. What little information is available suggests that there is no substantial net gain or loss in the number of Muslims through conversion globally; the number of people who become Muslims through conversion seems to be roughly equal to the number of Muslims who leave the faith. As a result, this report does not include any estimated future rate of conversions as a direct factor in the projections of Muslim population growth."


    "The Pew Forum’s U.S. Religious Landscape Survey, conducted in 2007, found a similar pattern in the United States. In that survey, the number of respondents who described themselves as Muslim was roughly the same as the number who said they were raised as Muslims, and the portion of all U.S. adults who have converted either to or from Islam was less than three-tenths of 1 percent (>0.3%). Due to the relatively small number of Muslims in the nationally representative survey sample, however, it was not possible to calculate a precise retention rate for the Islamic faith in the U.S."

    Less than three-tenths of 1 percent (!!!), and even then the data is so small we can't make any reasonable conclusions about it.

    This is taken from: http://www.pewforum.org/2011/01/27/f...rs/#conversion

    You want some of the thousands out there?
    And here comes the anecdotal evidence...

    CNN NEWS : Million of Americans converted to ISLAM After 9/11 ...
    Ah, CNN *Headline* news, the evil pro-Zionist media mill! Let's take a look what they had to say...

    ...Ok, so they report two conversions, one woman was converting during the marriage ceremony and said she thought Islam was "peaceful" and didn't wear her hijab consistently, hmm, interesting. The other said she felt Islam gave her a better relationship wigh God because as a Christian she would pray to Jesus and say Hail Mary's. I guess some people prefer the Master-slave relationship over a loving God that treats his creation and adopted children.

    Do these two anecdotal cases mean there has been mass conversion due to 9/11 and studying Islam? Hardly. And the bigger question is, if CNN Headline News was aware of statistical data such as the Pew Forum research, why would they provoke the idea that Islam is gaining so many converts? In other words, why would the "pro-Zionist" Media apparently support Islam? I'm curious to know what sister Abz thinks, I'll withhold my hypothesis until later.

    Conversion To Islam One Result Of Post-9/11 Curiosity

    An article written by Omar Sacirbey. Hmm, wonder what religion he could be?

    I'm not sure whether you looked into any of these yourselves or whether you just pulled the first thing that came up in a google search, but the article begins talking about a convert who purchased a Quran after 9/11 and what to see if "her notions of Islam as a patriarchal and now seemingly violent religion, would be confirmed." I guess it's a good think she didn't talk to someone like you first Abz

    Even so, it's still anecdotal, but then it does attempt to pass at least one statistical statement, "Though exact numbers are difficult to tally, observers estimate that as many as 20,000 Americans convert to Islam annually." Not exactly a scientific statement! I did try to find what the source of this was, and I could only find an indirect reference to CAIR, an American Muslim lobbying and advocacy group, which has every bit of interest in making Muslims seem like a large and fast growing minority.

    Number of Muslims in the U.S. doubles since 9/11*
    MEGHAN NEAL2012, 3 May, 12:49 PM

    A new survey reveals the dramatically changing face of religion in America, with the number of Muslims in the U.S. soaring 67% in the decade since the 9/11 attacks.
    .... the burst of anti-Islam sentiment after the 9/11 attacks could have done more to grow the religion's presence in the U.S. than slow it. Those on the fence about converting to Islam may have decided to do so on principle."Persecution is sometimes good for a religious group — in the sense of being able to attract more followers, for some reason," Jones said. "Rarely is opposition a very effective tool in stopping the growth of a movement."....
    Even without going into the statistics, and assuming this is absolutely accurate, if the large increase population over the last decade is due to (1) migration and (2) higher birth rates it doesn't prove your point that 9/11 sprouted mass conversions.

    Peace to those who research sincerely, repent, accept all of God's Messengers and submit to God's Laws.
    And peace to you if you are sincere and repentant.

    As an aside, the fastest growing Islamic denomination is the Ahmadiyya sect! I wonder how many converts the Sufis capture? Doesn't say much if the converts are not even considered Muslim by other Muslims
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    Re: Paris Shooting

    Peace be with you Vision,

    format_quote Originally Posted by Vision View Post
    Its unbelievable how the media goes on about freedom of speech whilst ignoring facts such as france banning pro palestinian protests, niqab and many other injustices against Islam. I mean what happened to freedom of speech there? SubhanAllah what a crazy world we live in.
    What makes those things unjust in your opinion? I'm not trying to be sarcastic, it's a serious question. Because I sense that Muslims have a conditional understanding of justice. You wouldn't for example say it's unjust to prohibit a missionary from preaching in an Islamic nation, would you? Or to use a more concrete example, the fact that Christian workers in Saudi Arabia can't bear any religious items?
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    Re: Paris Shooting

    format_quote Originally Posted by Pygoscelis View Post
    Hi Junon

    I agree with you that Muslims should not apologize. It would make no sense to. Even if the guys who did this were Muslims, and say they did it in the name of Islam, you, and other Muslims, are not responsible for what happened. I do, however, think it is important for Muslims to stand up and say "These people were not muslims. Islam does not allow for this". That is the best way to deflate the anti-muslim sentiment that is being drummed up following events such as this one. On the other hand, remarks such as we have seen in this thread excusing the act of violence, or justifying it, as h-n and abz appear to be doing (and they can correct me if I am wrong) do the opposite.
    Dear Pygoscelis,

    We understand what your saying and yes there will be sentiments from our community that you might see being expressed and that is also because of Western Extremism in the shape of military attacks which is cause of the mess in the Middle East and its effect in the West.

    The airstrikes in Afghanistan and Iraq and Syria and Libya and Somalia and Mali have killed and continue to kill innocent men women and children. Shouldn't you be saying something about that and condemning it or do you justify them?

    I advise you to go to the root of the problem and not just keep analyzing things on the surface.

    In my language there is a saying that 'A Clap sound is made with 2 hands and not 1'...... the sound of terrorism is being caused by Western Extremism and Islamic Extremism.

    Lets not forget that as per Western Media reports, the 2 shooters got the inspiration to go to extremes after seeing the horrifying pictures of torture and abuse at Abu Ghraib.
    Last edited by syed_z; 01-13-2015 at 02:33 AM.
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    Re: Paris Shooting

    format_quote Originally Posted by czgibson View Post
    Would you like to condemn the killers in Paris at any point during this discussion? Or would you like to carry on getting worked up about my tiny personal campaign to encourage freedom of speech?
    Do you believe that I owe it to you to condemn wrong actions in front of you? If you don't see me condemning a wrong action would you conclude based on that that I support that wrong action? Do you ask everyone you meet "why haven't you condemned the killers?" ?

    format_quote Originally Posted by czgibson View Post
    Of course. Religions usually try to restrict ordinary people from interpreting scriptures as much as possible.
    It's called recognising your lack of knowledge and leaving the interpretations to those who are more knowledgable in the subject than you.

    format_quote Originally Posted by czgibson View Post
    I'm sorry to repeat myself, but that does not follow from my line of argument at all. The fact that I don't believe it either (as it is obviously untrue) seems hardly worth mentioning, when you persist in committing a straightforward formal fallacy. Read all about it:
    If you do not believe it, then why is it that you only mention the "extremists" being the against the mockery as if they are the majority? Perhaps it makes it easier for you to justify your position?

    format_quote Originally Posted by czgibson View Post
    Being offended from time to time is one of the prices we pay for living in a society with a free press. Anyone who is not comfortable with that should go and live somewhere else.
    As I mentioned, the issue is about the rationale behind your position. Intentionally offending people in the name of "free speech".

    format_quote Originally Posted by czgibson View Post
    What should we all do then? Sit tight and wait for the next attack?
    So your answer is to intentionally mock people who have nothing to do with extremism?

    format_quote Originally Posted by czgibson View Post
    Attacking people's ideas is acceptable in our society. Attacking people's race is not.
    This is what you said

    format_quote Originally Posted by czgibson View Post
    Spreading the cartoon images at the centre of this issue is one way of supporting free speech, but it's really more about showing extremists that we will not be bullied by people who use violence to express their beliefs.

    Supporters of free speech should encourage the free broadcast of all kinds of material, and that will likely include material that I, you or others may find offensive
    If a black man punches you for making images offensive to black people, then that would to you be a form of bullying against freedom of speech.

    This is your line of reasoning

    1. I believe in freedom of speech.
    2. Some people are killed by 2 people for practicing freedom of speech (mocking muslims).
    3. To show solidarity against people like these killers, I must therefore spread the images (mocking muslims) that these killers don't like.

    Interestingly, this line of reasoning works when it comes to muslims but when it comes to ethnicities suddenly it doesn't work?

    You're still attacking things that are part of people's identities.

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  9. #86
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    Re: Paris Shooting

    This thread is becoming a joke, you've got a bunch of trolls trying to push this love theme that isn't there while attacking everything that's true.
    My initial comment was removed by a brother because of it's ferocity but the member who read it and responded seems to pretend they didn't , yet continued with all the insignificant crap, so i rephrased it to try and make it fit the situation without bias.

    Re: Paris Shooting

    *Originally Posted by*Pygoscelis*I would normally agree, that such cartoons are in bad taste and should be discouraged. But, when violence is being used to threaten and bully the cartoonists, I find it even more important to hoist them up. It shows that we will not be intimidated. And, come on, these are cartoons. People need to grow a thicker skin.
    First of i'm not an infidel so i don't have pig skin.
    And second i don't pretend to know what actually happened and after the suspicious death of the police commissioner as he was writing his report on the night of the event, my suspicions are high.

    Will you infidel and liberal shills answer this question or what?

    would you accept it if you were a jew in 1940's germany and it was a picture of your mum stark naked being pushed in a wheelchair by german nazi?
    And if at first you protested and the next door neighbour or local councillor said he wouldn't be intimidated by you - an extremist - and made a thousand copies and a thousand more "members of the party" walked about with such a picture in public would you say he was just expressing free speech or being abusive and disgusting in an attempt get a reaction by driving you to fury and making you flip? or would you say, it's ok, they're just trying to pi*s me off and get a reaction with my mum's naked picture so i will just laugh and not go kamikazee.
    would you be able to look your mum in the face again?

    Last edited by Abz2000; 01-13-2015 at 04:46 AM.
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    Re: Paris Shooting

    format_quote Originally Posted by Hulk View Post
    Ahmed Merabet, the police officer gunned down in the Charlie Hebdo attack, was killed in an act of barbarity by “false Muslims” his brother said in a moving tribute on Saturday, where he also appealed for unity and tolerance.

    Speaking for a group of relatives gathered in Paris, Malek Merabet said the terrorists who ignored his brother’s plea for mercy as he lay wounded on the street may have shared his Algerian roots, but had nothing else in common.

    “My brother was Muslim and he was killed by two terrorists, by two false Muslims,” he said. “Islam is a religion of peace and love. As far as my brother’s death is concerned it was a waste. He was very proud of the name Ahmed Merabet, proud to represent the police and of defending the values of the Republic – liberty, equality, fraternity.

    Full article at here

    Jazak Allah Khayr bro Hulk for sharing that. The Muslim policeman and the Muslim worker from the supermarket have damaged to quite a big extent by the grace of Allah (swt) this stereotypical attitude of media towards Islam and Muslims. They planned but Allah (swt) also plans and takes care of the believers, there are believers from amongst the non Muslim Western people as well and this news will open their eyes.

    Just wanted to share the following with all Brothers and Sisters...

    I would like to share developments that I watched mainly on Euro News channel at home, that were taking place throughout Western Europe before this attack and all lead towards the same purpose and it seems is to curb Muslim immigration, and the reason underlying that seems to curb the spread of Islam which is by the grace of Allah (swt) spreading quite fast in Western EU or as the Far Rightist Movements of EU see as a threat to their existence.

    So I believe that it is not only about Western Christians and Secularists accepting Islam but that they by living side by side with Muslims will begin to have a soft corner for them and this might unite them thus defeating the ambitions of Far Rightist Movements throughout Western EU who are Anti Islam and Muslim.

    1. I observed that in the news updates leading to the Paris attack, there was a large gathering of Far Rightist Movement named PEGIDA in Germany protesting against the Muslim immigration and so called 'Islamization of the West' which gained an upper hand in proving to the rest of the EU that they were right. They have been protesting since a few months I believe before the Paris Attack and are gaining popularity and trying to win the majority vote in elections through its affiliate politcal party AFD in Germany.


    2. Secondly there were Mosques which were set on fire in Sweden, 3 mosques in one week just before the Paris attack had reported arson attacks and were set on fire which resulted in a gathering held in support of the Muslims led by the Swedish Culture Minister Alice Bah Kuhnke. The following article gives something very interesting info:

    The attacks followed the debates concerning immigration in Sweden. Far-right party Sweden Democrats got strong support in September elections calling for decreasing the number of immigrants, however, it did not enter the ruling coalition.


    These attacks in Sweden and the Far Right Party is debating on the Muslim immigration issue especially at a time when Syrian refugees are flocking to Sweden in large numbers. In 2014, Sweden took in its highest number of asylum seekers since 1992, when people fleeing the Balkan wars reached the Scandinavian country. A total of 81,300 people found refuge in the country last year – almost twice as many as in 2013. The refugees come mostly from Syria, which accounted for 30,600 asylum seekers in 2014.

    They are resorting to arson attacks and similar attacks in order to scare away the refugees and lets not forget that Anders Brievek, a far rightist terrorist of Norway, another Scandinavian country killed several Norwegians to express his racism against Muslim immigration.

    3. Thirdly, just 2 days before the Paris Attack a writer named Michel Houellebecq published a book called 'Soumission' (Submission in French) in which he depicts that the year is 2022 in France and elections are right around the corner and due to instability in France suddenly a Muslim man named Mohammed Ben Abbes has become the new ruler of France after defeating Marine Le Pen, the leader of the Far Right National Party that actually supports anti immigration laws and curb on the Muslim immigration in France.

    Right after the Paris attack Le Pen called Islam an 'Odious Ideology' and the French opinions as reported by the media was that:

    As the president of FN, Le Pen has vowed to drastically curb immigration if elected president. According to the latest opinion polls, if France were to hold its presidential election today, Le Pen would lead in the first round. The French presidential election is set to be held in April and May 2017.

    ......in short I just wanted to share what I had actually been observing since a couple of weeks before the Paris Attack that a campaign has been launched by Far Rightists Movements to curb Muslim immigrants from entering EU and the West in general as they fear that the liberal Leftists might start inclining towards Muslims and Islam which definitely is a threat to their existence and the Paris attack has actually done exactly what each of these movements wanted.

    Whats more interesting is that I was thinking that the shooters died while fighting with the police commandos at the warehouse declaring they prefer dieing rather than surrender, as reported by the media and then it is the same shooters who wear a mask while attacking Charlie Hebdo so no one recognizes them? Doesn't make any sense.
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    Re: Paris Shooting

    By Peter Allen In Paris


    07 Feb 2014,

    updated 18:11 07 Feb 2014

    Hollande at record low.

    Francois Hollande's approval rating has fallen below 20 per cent for the first time since he was elected in 2012, a new poll has revealed.
    The French President's rating has dropped three points to just 19 per cent - a new low in his popularity, according to the TNS Sofres opinion poll for Le Figaro Magazine.

    Meanwhile, a staggering 78 per cent of French voters have said they do not trust him.

    Last edited by Abz2000; 01-13-2015 at 05:04 AM.
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    Re: Paris Shooting

    On the subject of images and causing offence, can I know what impression you hoped to convey with your avatar? Did you ever entertain the possibility that some might find it provocative or offensive?
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    Re: Paris Shooting


    On the subject of images and causing offence, can I know what impression you hoped to convey with your avatar? Did you ever entertain the possibility that some might find it provocative or offensive?
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    Re: Paris Shooting

    Greetings and peace be with you all;

    If everyone was stable and sane, I would agree that we could live with all this offensive stuff being published. About a quarter of the population will suffer mental health problems, there are around four thousand suicides per million people, plus all the self harm, so everyone is not sane and stable, I would imagine these statistics would roughly apply to the Muslim population too.

    I am against all kinds of violence, whether by the pen or the sword, I believe in justice for all people, and the right to live in peace with our neighbours despite all our differences. If I want to live in peace with my neighbour, I have to help them find peace, that will not happen easily if I go out to offend him, that will just harm both of us.

    David Cameron has lost my vote, he spoke out against terrorism, but he seems to condone offending people with free speech by not speaking out against these cartoons too.

    In the spirit of praying for justice for all people

    Paris Shooting

    You will never look into the eyes of anyone who does not matter to God.
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    Re: Paris Shooting

    format_quote Originally Posted by czgibson View Post
    Why do you think I've moved the goalposts? I stand by what I've said.
    You disassociated yourself from the position, saying that that's just how the law is, implying that you didn't choose it to be that way. Okay, so you do support limitations on freedom of speech that you think there is a good reason for, but act indignant and outraged when Muslims want limitations you don't agree with. Good of you to be so upfront about your hypocrisy.

    format_quote Originally Posted by czgibson View Post
    Where have I denied that Muslims have a right to participate in the democratic process?
    You said that Muslims should accept the law as-is or leave the country. That is to deny them a say in what the law is to be. Funny how this take-it-as-it-is-or-leave-it attitude is something Muslims are singled out for whenever they protest against anything.
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    Re: Paris Shooting

    How it works:
    There is a goodly pattern for you in Abraham and those with him, when they told their folk:
    Lo! we are guiltless of you and all that ye worship beside Allah. We have done with you.
    And there hath arisen between us and you hostility and hate for ever until ye believe in Allah only
    - save that which Abraham promised his father (when he said): I will ask forgiveness for thee, though I own nothing for thee from Allah
    - Our Lord! In Thee we put our trust, and unto Thee we turn repentant, and unto Thee is the journeying.
    Quran 60:4

    Gonna give ceasar back his fake fiat notes and buy real goods inshaAllah.

    Careful, coz charlie might bite your fingers, then you won't all say you're charlie:


    Part 2

    Wa nasahtu lakum.
    Last edited by Abz2000; 01-13-2015 at 10:50 AM.
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  18. #94
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    Re: Paris Shooting

    format_quote Originally Posted by Abz2000 View Post
    How it works:
    And there hath arisen between us and you hostility and hate for ever until ye believe in Allah only
    This is the problem; you (and your like) are the problem for me and the other 99.99% of Muslims that are trying to convince the rest of the world that Islam is a religion of peace.

    I hope you are not living in Dar al Harb amongst the kaafir that would be hypocritical (9:68) and we know what happens to hypocrites don't we?
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    Re: Paris Shooting

    Peace be with you Peshpak,

    format_quote Originally Posted by Peshpak View Post
    This is the problem; you (and your like) are the problem for me and the other 99.99% of Muslims that are trying to convince the rest of the world that Islam is a religion of peace.

    I hope you are not living in Dar al Harb amongst the kaafir that would be hypocritical (9:68) and we know what happens to hypocrites don't we?
    I hope the mods will forgive me for thinking out-loud here, but it seems like Abz2000 is trying almost *too* hard to come across as extreme. There's a sense of phoniness around it all, and personally I would not be surprised if one day it was discovered that he or she were really an undercover Mosad agent: collecting data, cataloging names, and trying to give Islam a bad name at the same time.
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    Re: Paris Shooting

    Tweets from one of my fave Sheikhs https://twitter.com/shaykhabulhuda

    - No insult to Prophet Muhammad PBUH is worse than killing innocent people by his Name. He said, human life is more precious than the Ka'ba.

    - Insults to the Prophet of islam are not accepted by any Muslim and will not help eradicating terrorism.

    - Republishing the cartoons against Prophet Muhammad BPUH helps extremists recruit more & creates hatred & fanaticism.
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    Paris Shooting

    Ward the Pirate - Muslim Warrior of the Sea
    "Go tell the King of England, go tell him this from me,
    If he reign king of all the land, I will reign king at sea."

    The Great Dive
    Shaikh Abdul Hakim Murad aka Dr Tim Winters
    Bs53AicCAAACVpFsmall - Paris Shooting
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    Re: Paris Shooting

    Greetings Hulk,

    format_quote Originally Posted by Hulk View Post
    Do you believe that I owe it to you to condemn wrong actions in front of you?
    You don't owe it to me, but it's a simple matter of human decency when we're discussing the issue.

    If you don't see me condemning a wrong action would you conclude based on that that I support that wrong action?
    No. That would be affirming the consequent, your favourite fallacy.

    Do you ask everyone you meet "why haven't you condemned the killers?"
    No, it's not normally necessary. As soon as the issue is brought up, most people condemn the killers automatically.

    It's called recognising your lack of knowledge and leaving the interpretations to those who are more knowledgable in the subject than you.
    Islam claims to be a total and perfect system of life. I'm perfectly well-equipped to read its scriptures and make a judgment on whether to adopt it for my own life, thank you very much.

    If you do not believe it, then why is it that you only mention the "extremists" being the against the mockery as if they are the majority? Perhaps it makes it easier for you to justify your position?
    I'm not going to address this point again until you recognise the fallacy you persist in committing.

    As I mentioned, the issue is about the rationale behind your position. Intentionally offending people in the name of "free speech".

    So your answer is to intentionally mock people who have nothing to do with extremism?
    I have answered these points repeatedly. You are not indicating that you've either read or understood my replies.

    If a black man punches you for making images offensive to black people, then that would to you be a form of bullying against freedom of speech.
    No, you haven't understood the argument. That would be an attack in response to racism. I support free speech; I do not support racism.

    You're still attacking things that are part of people's identities.
    This is far from clear. Perhaps you'd like to explain what you mean.

    I must admit, this is getting pretty tiresome. I believe I have answered every salient point you've made. In return, you have missed most of what I've said (I'm not convinced you've understood much of it), and you are now increasingly resorting to repeating yourself.

    Here are a few points I think you have not yet answered:

    * Do you recognise the distinction between attacking people's ethnicity and attacking people's beliefs?

    * Do you recognise that being offended is part of the price we pay for living in a society with a free press?

    * How do you respond to my suggestion that people who do not approve of the tradition of free speech that exists in European countries should go and live somewhere else?

    Finally, I invite you to condemn the killers in Paris. You have had plenty of opportunities to do so, but for some reason you have chosen not to. Whether you decide to do it is up to you.

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    Re: Paris Shooting

    I think talk about the Muslim community condemning the paris shooting is a state of perspective. Many European countries have generations of Muslim nationals.

    Pairing this with constant attacks on religious integration within these countries.

    Surely the most sound thing to do would be the express solidarity with those Muslim nationals..

    To turn the tide and build bridges where the most expected thing to do is the knee jerk reaction of burning them.

    Such a statement or show of solidarity is not likely or expected it would seem...

    I can't understand why, seeing as religious integration has been a common subject in France of late.
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    Re: Paris Shooting

    format_quote Originally Posted by Sojourn View Post
    Peace be with you Peshpak,

    I hope the mods will forgive me for thinking out-loud here, but it seems like Abz2000 is trying almost *too* hard to come across as extreme. There's a sense of phoniness around it all, and personally I would not be surprised if one day it was discovered that he or she were really an undercover Mosad agent: collecting data, cataloging names, and trying to give Islam a bad name at the same time.
    I hope God will forgive me if i'm wrong in thinking out-loud here and i feel sure i'm not, but it seems you "soujourn" are a troll pretending to follow Christ, you want me to be dismayed at the cartoons mocking God's Messengers while at the same time timid and accept them. And that's
    Plain wrong.
    Basically interprets into you wanting to create losers in this world and in the hereafter.
    There's a sense of phoniness about you, i wouldn't be surprised if one day i found out you were a pharisee or saducee whre trying to get people to implicate themselves unnecessarily.
    Well now you know that i will speak when necessary.
    You can get an idea of me from the charlie videos above, i'm the one with the oyster chip at the train station in part one and holding charlie in the kitchen in part 2.
    Going through my video history may give you an understanding of how i changed and what changed my understanding - if you're so interested.
    Try not to predict me too much because you will most likely fail, focus on repenting and submitting to God and establishing the guidance of the Quran in yourself and family and community of humans - if indeed you live in such a community.
    If they harm you after that, then may God be the judge as to what will happen.

    format_quote Originally Posted by Peshpak View Post
    This is the problem; you (and your like) are the problem for me and the other 99.99% of Muslims that are trying to convince the rest of the world that Islam is a religion of peace.

    I hope you are not living in Dar al Harb amongst the kaafir that would be hypocritical (9:68) and we know what happens to hypocrites don't we?
    Islam is a religion of justice, i would take it that a child reading through the Quran and biography of the Prophet (pbuh) would know this.
    There's a time and a place.

    I moved out from the place where kufr was forced on me and injustice was whitewashed like a tomb with corruption and dead men's bones within. i am also observing the situation where i'm at now and evaluating. The kufr support for the current puppet is pretty obvious and the farcical elections and U.N handshakes speak volumes.
    Don't say i didn't leave you alone, i was 6000 miles away and i warned you and sincerely tried without pretences too - seems you don't like good advice.

    This is where i'm at now:



    He said: let my people go, but pharaoh's heart was hardened.

    Something for you to decipher:
    Remove the obstacle or the bannister's going to rot - time is of the essence.
    Last edited by Abz2000; 01-13-2015 at 04:08 PM.
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    Re: Paris Shooting

    format_quote Originally Posted by Abz2000 View Post
    I moved out from the place where kufr was forced on me and injustice was whitewashed like a tomb with corruption and dead men's bones within. i am also observing the situation where i'm at now and evaluating. The kufr support for the current puppet is pretty obvious and the farcical elections and U.N handshakes speak volumes. Don't say i didn't leave you alone, i was 6000 miles away and i warned you and sincerely tried without pretences too - seems you don't like good advice.
    Nice holiday vids, is that Noyabari Bangladesh or Noyabari Leicester; must be Leicester as there's no broadband in Noyabari Bangla, in fact there's no electricity!
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