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Panorama: The Battle for British Islam

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    Panorama: The Battle for British Islam (OP)


    Hope your all good in sha Allah


    Panorama-The Battle for British Islam

    As France tries to come to terms with the deaths of the 12 people murdered in the Islamist attack at the office of Charlie Hebdo magazine in Paris, Panorama investigates the battle for the hearts and minds of British Muslims. John Ware hears from Muslims facing an angry backlash for trying to promote a form of Islam which is in synch with British values. They believe that the way Islam has been practised here has more in common with extremist ideologies than some police officers, politicians or Muslim leaders have been prepared to admit.

    The concern that the documentary raises is how our faith Islaam doesn't coincide with British values and the urgency of Britain wanting to 'modernise' Islaam to make it more acceptable for the British public and society as a whole.

    I think whilst watching the documentary the below thread will also be useful as well in sha Allah.

    http://www.islamicboard.com/world-affairs/134324442-sheikh-awlaki-battle-hearts-minds.html?highlight=battle+hearts - Bookmark this article, print & Share in sha Allah.

    The documentary also advises that there is a group of Muslims who use the 'victim-hood' narrative to feed into the mentality of 'us & them' i.e. Muslims and the rest and this instills the mentality of jihad, war & hatred towards non-Muslims.

    Watching the documentary reminded me of brother Tarek Mehanna artwork (May Allah swa give him & his family peace and raise him with the believers Ameen)

    tarekmehannaaug11th2010zombiemuslim744x1 1 - Panorama: The Battle for British Islam
    Panorama: The Battle for British Islam

    Pain and hardships allow you to grow spiritually Alhamdulilah so smile when a so called calamity befalls upon you.
    Alhamdulilah Allah swt is the greatest.

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    Re: Panorama: The Battle for British Islam

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    format_quote Originally Posted by Pygoscelis View Post
    So Scimi, how do you suggest we respond to posts and voices such as Abz above, who want to push us and change our culture to suit them? Perhaps even by force? France is quite socially liberal. Nude beaches are common. Men kiss each other on the cheek as a greeting. Wine is part of the national identity. The French are not going to change all that just because some muslims want them to. What would you suggest the French say to Abz here and those like him? If they are not content to live and let live, what do we do?
    The response itself indicates the motive lol - especially seeing that i explained that i don't own Islam.
    God has decreed it just as He decreed how the sun, planets and moon revolve. i am a slave of the Creator just like all other beings that exist.

    It's like a user manual instructing how planet earth most successfully works, he didn't bother you much until you began colonizing and then abusing and commiting grave injustices against the populations and the prayers started going up.
    Please think carefully and understand that my purpose is not to kill you and send you to hell, nor is it to prioritize earth over paradise.
    I prefer a good life on earth and in eternity, and am offering you the way to find that lifeline too.
    And please be very careful when saying "we won't submit to God" as if speaking for all Canadians, British, Americans and French - or God knows who else. use the "phone a friend" lifeline and ask them what they think after they've understood it.

    Let the people read the Quran and make their decision, that way you won't be responsible for how their Creator judges them - nor will you be responsible for misleading or depriving them.

    I believe that it is not possible to force someone to believe something they don't or disbelieve something they do. It would be an Orwellian idea of the term belief.
    I do however believe that it is possible and urgently necessary to make people submit to the Laws of the Creator of all that exists in the universe as enshrined in the final and universal legislation - the Quran and Sunnah, in the social context.
    Sulaiman pbuh did such a thing successfully though it is less mentioned by the eager to please people above God scholars of our time.
    That way people dress modestly and decently in front of children, and conduct themselves in a respectable manner on public transport, nor do they exploit via usury etc amongs a multitude of other benefits.

    I tried hard for the "to each his own" option but it became apparent that some mischief makers just didn't want Muslims to have a peaceful state where Islam is practiced in it's entirety without let or hinder.
    If they were so eager, they could have taken the Yazeedis and stuff in.
    But maybe it's God's desire to guide us all since we're at a global stage in history.

    My job is to learn and inform you that time is short, that God has already prepared the dock - and that He does not the least bit of injustice. to His servants.

    Let us find success and fulfillment in this life and in eternity by sincerely trying to obey Him to the best of our abilities, and trying to establish that within ourselves, families and communities - genuine mistakes and slips are inevitable with Adam's children, and knowing such beforehand, He has made grace and forgiveness available in abundance.

    I assure you that the only other path is subjugation to falsehood peddling global usurers, a decadent and sorrowful life on this short earth where every God given right is stamped upon and every deed is scrutinized, permitted or forbidden by people like or worse than oneself, and a wretched eternity - unless God takes the matter into His hands fully.

    God's operating system is tuned for peak performance - though for some reason He has allowed room for trojans and malware in order to test us.
    Any other operating system is malware in and of itself, install it and you're ruined - Washington knows that.

    If you disagree, please describe a fully working model and i'll take a look, though i will not willingly disobey God. My chips are all in on that front coz i know that only God causes the sun and moon to rise and set, the planets to revolve in their orbits, and the food to grow. The pretenders just issue fraudulent iou's on the backs of the people and wield them like an illusory wand as a tool to leech them dry.

    Mankind is approaching a T-junction on God's earth, and He already knows the outcome and has told you He'll win, this time it's all-in, no bluff at all so think carefully and ponder deeply.

    Time is of the essence.
    Last edited by Abz2000; 01-20-2015 at 09:03 PM.
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    Re: Panorama: The Battle for British Islam

    format_quote Originally Posted by Abz2000 View Post
    It's like a user manual instructing how planet earth most successfully works, he didn't bother you much until you began colonizing and then abusing and commiting grave injustices against the populations and the prayers started going up.
    Wasn't me. If you want to place me in that era I would have been killed as a heretic or infidel and blasphemer, be it in in the Christian or the Muslim lands of that era.

    Please think carefully and understand that my purpose is not to kill you and send you to hell, nor is it to prioritize earth over paradise.
    Does that include homosexuals and apostates? You don't endorse the killing of such people? You don't think they "had it coming"? If so, then I have misjudged you and I am happy to have been wrong.

    I believe that it is not possible to force someone to believe something they don't or disbelieve something they do. It would be an Orwellian idea of the term belief.
    Glad we agree on that.

    I do however believe that it is possible and urgently necessary to make people submit to the Laws of the Creator of all that exists in the universe as enshrined in the final and universal legislation - the Quran and Sunnah, in the social context.
    Make them? Do you or do you not wish to force your views and make us conform to your rules? Can you co-exist with wine drinkers, nudists, homosexuals etc? Can you do your thing as they do theirs? If not, then don't come here. Simple.This is where we part ways.

    Let us find success and fulfillment in this life and in eternity by sincerely trying to obey Him to the best of our abilities
    You go ahead and do that. But know that non-muslims see your God as imaginary, and we have no interest in obeying or serving your imagination. And if you seek to make us do so, then we have a problem.
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    Re: Panorama: The Battle for British Islam

    Poor pygo, you keep telling me that they are my views, when i have made it clear that God has demanded that we submit to Him. Whether you will submit or not, i don't know, but i do hope - for your sake and mine, that you, i, and we people do submit.
    My duty is to make God's message reach you in the clearest terms possible and without ambiguity. And i would be deceiving and unjustly harming you if i pretended that it is ok to rebel against your Creator as long as you smiled at me and said that i was a "good" man.
    You would become a slave to other men anyway in this age of microchips, titanium and usury and then you'd accuse me of deceiving you on the day of judgement.

    Please understand that i am not here to drag you to hell, rather am doing my best to hold on to your belt (in a nice way, and not in the homosexual way obviously) so you don't fall in. I ask you for no reward, my reward is from Allah.

    By God Who is the highest and ultimate authority, I -a human being- am not allowed to be a public nudist or sodomite, and God has plenty of pure wine in the Kingdom of heaven.
    A human being is clearly distinct from other mammals so let's consider the difference when watching the discovery channel.

    It is essential that we submit to His Guidance and accept His Laws (and there is no god but He, the Creator of all that exists), and hope for His reward since He is the exalted in might and wisdom.
    There is so much that He has given us.

    And what an ignorant and non-sensical demand it would be pygo, if i were to suggest to you that you co-exist peacefully with people who walked nude (or nearly nude) onto the train before your 3 year old, or with those who f#%&*d their grandmothers and mothers and sisters and daughters (or grandfathers, or fathers or brothers or sons) through mutual consent, or bestialised dogs or cats or pigs or goats or monkeys etc, or those who sold heroin and crack in front of schools.
    Such acts are deemed illegal, haraam, unlawful, forbidden, by God just like the ones you suggested are.
    A lot of repentance is required of such people, and*i dont claim that i am an angel - i too have much to repent for..

    I prefer the option of repentance, since, if God were to remove from His earth those who are not willing to live and let people live under God's Laws and sincerely seeking His pleasure and guidance as legislated in Quran and Sunnah, (which is the ultimate and most worthy to be obeyed law in the universe which contains the earth that humans reside on) He'd make them leave the part of God's Kingdom where human interaction takes place -
    They'd have to die, then go to hell.
    And (if i am granted safety) i'd look at them on the day of judgement as people i'd failed to save, in the way a surgeon looks at his deceased patient whom he was attempting to resucitate.

    Again you seem to make an attempt to confuse me with the word, while neglecting the spirit.
    A part of my task here is to sincerely combine Word (kalimah) and Spirit (ruh) in True Speech (qawl al haqq).

    I have also previously explained to you that we don't just emptily suppose that God may or may not exist and that His word "may only possibly" be true and only possibly just and fair.
    But that He does Certainly exist, His word is certainly true, just and fair, and that He knows all that goes into the earth and all that comes out of it, that His wisdom is perfect, and that None has the right to be obeyed in disobedience to Him.

    Therefore using the word "obedience" in the deceptive attempt of projecting a similarity between obedience to God, and obedience to man in disobedience to God, carries with it the burden of shirk (implying that God has rivals or partners).
    Repent if you have knowingly done so in the past, and please avoid knowingly attempting to conjure such a false illusion.

    Once you understand what God is, i hope you will come to the realization that the guidance of God is itself the embodiment of the moral, and that obedience to Him is the practice of the moral, and that the Quran and Sunnah are the final and universal guidance for humankind and all that they utilize

    Peace be to those who submit to God and follow His Guidance.

    And they take in derogation of God, "gods" so that they might be helped!
    They are unable to help them: but they are to them an army present.

    Quran, Chapter 36, Verses 74-75

    We were falsely made to accept that Tellson's bank and temple bar had appeared to be the only reality in existence, despite the fact that there were so many signs and nagging thoughts telling us that something else, something more amazing and incomprehendable, something more awesome and magnificent was real, possibly more real than tellsons bank and temple bar - which we knew in our heart and mind to be perishable and transcient, but since we had a belly to feed in the present, and had to see tellson's bank every day, and were able to push the other thoughts to the back of our mind. We neglected the eternal and got stuck in the transcient, we stifled and suffocated our conscience and forced ourselves to imagine that the obvious truth was an imagination.

    I know the thought, i know it well.
    Like a compulsive drinker or drug user who knows that the sedating effects of strong drink and drugs will fade quickly, leaving only sighs and regrets, but the current absence of the future, and the blind and overwhelming urge to fulfill the present addictive lust drags him to a new depth.
    Like the store thief who entered through the back entrance calculating that the store guard will be at the front and sees an item he unlawfully covets and thinks about all the effort that will be required to purchase the easily concealable item, and the ability to ignore the camera staring directly at him, consoling, deceiving himself into imagining that the monitor operator is not observing, slowly picks up two items, then after a quick, shifty glance around him, pockets one, and with a visible display of nonchalance, returns the other to the shelf.

    But the reality he can't see, that he knows he's bound and subject to, eventually confronts him.

    When to him are rehearsed Our Signs, "Tales of the ancients", he cries!
    Soon shall We brand him on the snout!

    Quran, The Pen, Chapter 68, 15-16


    On the Day that Allah will raise them all up (again) and show them the Truth (and meaning) of their conduct.
    Allah has reckoned its (value), though they may have forgotten it, for Allah is Witness to all things.
    Quran, Chapter 58, Verse 6.
    Know, and be certain, that Allah is above all those things you see and don't see, those things that observe you and confront you every day, and those people who want to be your false "gods".

    On that awesome day, God will ask those of us who refused to submit to His guidance:

    "Did I not enjoin on you, O ye Children of Adam, that ye should not worship Satan; for that he was to you an enemy avowed?
    "And that ye should worship Me, (for that) this was the Straight Way?
    "But he did lead astray a great multitude of you. Did ye not, then, understand?

    Quran, Chapter 36, Verses 60-62
    What will you be thinking?
    Last edited by Abz2000; 01-22-2015 at 02:05 PM.
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    Re: Panorama: The Battle for British Islam


    Another update

    Cameron’s the one with the problem, not Muslims!

    Yesterday, 19/1/2015, the UK Government wrote a letter to Muslim leaders demanding they do more to counter ‘extremism’ and that Mosques and other institutions should push “British values”.

    As soon as Muslims voiced criticisms, Prime Minister David Cameron closed down the debate saying that anyone who disagreed “had a problem” – addressing Muslims as though they are his subjects, not citizens that Prime Ministers are ‘supposed’ to serve.

    This letter appears to target three things:

    Firstly, it fuels propaganda in the context of the Counter Terrorism and Security Bill currently before parliament. This letter and other statements sustain a false narrative that the more Islamic you are, the more of a threat you pose. This is the flawed logic upon which the UK’s entire anti-terror policy is built. It deflects attention from foreign policy and the persistent abuse of Islam on an industrial scale. Even former intelligence chief Eliza Manningham-Buller admitted that the Iraq war fuelled terror attacks.

    Secondly, it places responsibility for any acts of violence onto the Muslim community. That way the state washes its hands of any security failure, which is its responsibility. It washes its hands of having to address foreign policy or Islamophobic cartoons, placing any future blame on Muslims. Hence, reinforcing the idea of collective guilt in the aftermath of any attacks.

    Thirdly, it further forces the Muslim community to ‘convert’ to secular liberal values. Just as Ofsted says schools should push British values onto Muslim pupils, so too Eric Pickles, Communities Secretary tells Mosques to push “British values”.

    If Cameron and Pickles had bothered to listen, they would have heard serious criticisms of government policy raised by Muslims that are obvious to any observer.

    We call upon Muslim community leaders to reject this kind of imperialist approach.

    Imams are currently silenced from speaking about important issues for fear of being labelled “extremists” under the government’s “Prevent” strategy. Our plea to them is that they must address Islamic issues such as jihad, shariah and Khilafah in an honest, frank and wholly Islamic way to educate the Muslim community rather than leaving them no information, incomplete information or flawed information.

    They should ignore the approach by all political parties who want them to twist Islamic values and rules to suit secular liberal norms.

    They should convey the noble Islamic values to the community, which guide Muslims as to their relationship with the worldwide Ummah, their speaking truth to those in power, their positive relationship with their neighbours and others in society (be they Muslim or non-Muslim), and the Islamic method to bring change in the Muslim world.

    Failing to do so because of government bullying would be to fail our community – and leave us with a heavy account on Yawm al Qiyamah.

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    Re: Panorama: The Battle for British Islam


    Another update

    Hizb ut-Tahrir writes to UK Mosques following government’s attempt to pressurise Imams

    Dr Abdul Wahid, Chairman of the Executive Committee of Hizb ut-Tahrir Britain, will be writing to Imams and mosques across the UK this week. This follows the intimidatory letter issued by Eric Pickles on behalf of the government, in which he attempted to place responsibility – for acts of violence like those committed in Paris – on Islam and the entire Muslim community.

    In the letter, Dr Abdul Wahid asks Imams to resist the pressure to create a “British” or reformed Islam that is pleasing to the government, but which compromises the tenets of Islam itself. He asks Imams to play a crucial role in guiding the community and not succumb to the fear of being labelled “extremists” asking, “if those who have this sacred knowledge do not teach people, then who will?”

    He further states: “Muslims living in Britain have a choice similar to that Quraysh offered to Rasool Allah (salallahu alaihi wasallam). Either to adopt Cameron and Pickles’ values and stay silent at the munkar around us and they will be pleased and perhaps offer some token rewards, or to speak out clearly for the truth and values of Islam.”

    The letter is being sent to Imams across the UK ahead of this week’s Friday Jumuah prayers.

    In the name of Allah Ar Rahman Ar Raheem

    To Our Respected Brothers: Imams, Khateebs, Teachers and Members of Masjid Committees

    Assaalamu alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh

    Allah (SWT) says:

    يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا اتَّقُوا اللَّهَ وَقُولُوا قَوْلًا سَدِيدًا يُصْلِحْ لَكُمْ أَعْمَالَكُمْ
    وَيَغْفِرْ لَكُمْ ذُنُوبَكُمْ وَمَنْ يُطِعِ اللَّهَ وَرَسُولَهُ َقَدْ فَازَ فَوْزًا عَظِيمًا

    Believers! Fear Allah And speak words straight to the point. He will amend for you your deeds and forgive you your sins. And whoever obeys Allah and His Messenger has certainly achieved a great achievement [Al Ahzab: 33: 70-71]

    Eric Pickles MP recently wrote to mosques and community leaders to tell you about what he called ‘British Islam.’ He said “There is a need to lay out more clearly than ever before what being a British Muslim means today: proud of your faith and proud of your country.” He even claimed “British values are Muslim values.”

    As soon as people started to criticise the letter, Prime Minister David Cameron tried to silence them saying “anyone who has a problem with it, really has a problem.”

    We have all seen wars where Britain and its allies have killed thousands of Muslims. And we have seen laws they say are to counter ‘terrorism’ yet have been used to lock people up for writing poems or browsing websites.

    When these politicians tell Muslims that we must adopt British values in order to be ‘British Muslims’, it means that whenever Islam contradicts Cameron’s policies, Muslims in the UK will be expected to put aside the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (salallahu alaihi wa sallam) and instead submit to the will of these politicians.

    So, instead of complaining and campaigning in a legitimate way about British foreign and domestic policies which harm Muslims or oppose Islam, Muslims would be expected to support any wars or laws that harm people from the Ummah of Muhammad (salallahu alaihi wa sallam).

    In his letter, he said Muslims should choose ‘free speech’ as a fundamental value. This does not mean the speech to account a political ruler, which the Shari’ah established for us 1400 years ago. Rather, it means speech that allows writers and cartoonists to insult Allah (SWT) and our beloved Prophet Muhammad (salallahu alaihi wa sallam).

    This is their ‘free speech’ – to insult that which is sacred – but to silence Muslims from talking about Iraq, Palestine, Afghanistan and laws within the UK that target Muslims.

    Respected Brothers!

    I am aware that when Muslims teach people honestly about certain important matters in Islam – such as Shari’ah, Khilafah, Jihad or the relationships between men and women – people fear they might be called an ‘extremist’ under the government’s Prevent policy.

    But if those who have this sacred knowledge do not teach people, then who will?

    If they teach it as the government would like, they will misguide people, and will lie about the ahkam of Allah and the Sunnah of His Messenger (salallahu alaihi wa sallam).

    If you do not talk about these issues, Muslims (especially the young) will get no information and can be misguided by the internet or will simply think Islam does not have anything significant to say on these issues.

    The policies from this and the previous government, like Prevent, are silencing Muslims in our community from speaking about matters that the whole world is talking about. So for our respected Imams and teachers to be silent on this is dangerous, both in this world and the Akhira.

    Muslims living in Britain have a choice similar to what Quraysh offered to Rasool Allah (salallahu alaihi wassallam). We are told either to adopt Cameron and Pickles’ values and stay silent at the munkar around us and they will be pleased and perhaps offer some token rewards, or to speak out clearly for the truth and justice. Quraysh approached Abu Talib saying “we won’t go on tolerating this insulting of our gods and forefathers. Don’t let this fitnah stay between us. Silence your nephew!”

    As we all know the Messenger of Allah (salallahu alaihi wa sallam) replied “O my uncle! By Allah if they put the sun in my right hand and the moon in my left on condition that I abandon this course, until Allah has made me victorious, or I perish therein, I would not abandon it.”

    This example of the Messenger of Allah (salallahu alaihi wa sallam) is absolutely necessary for us today – not abandoning this Deen nor allowing it to be twisted and changed into something that he (salallahu alaihi wa sallam) will not recognise on the Day that is certainly coming.

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