11813273 10153511481429561 7831464613725141815 n?oh0ee42ddbd27dbc53206c99e18307b2f9&ampoe5681B84F - Justice  indeed

THE REACTION OF A ZIONIST TERRORIST when Israeli courts sentenced him to just SIX MONTHS in jail for burning the entire family of Al-Dawabsha killing a 18-month baby and his father while mother and older son are hanging somewhere between life and death.

Just giving you a sense of the (in)justice you'll get living under a brutal occupation. Imagine how a peace deal would look like with them.

BTW, a Palestinian CHILD could get a two-year sentense for throwing rocks at an armoured Israeli military vehicle.

11201190 1020247741319344 8834357766258711964 n?ohc97c8fa0117a5565bb23d161d631f7c7&ampoe563F19E8&  gda  1446892516 3447c8aab8ae472b22e9cbb186431268 - Justice  indeed11811356 1020247747986010 7192707683923632049 n?ohfb8c5991d8e30d0a67748d60da039c9d&ampoe565B6BCE - Justice  indeed