Thousands of Muslims from across the country are set to attend the funeral of the Ameer of Tabligh Jamaat UK in Dewsbury later today.

Hafiz Saheb Patel of Dewsbury Markaz passed away yesterday at the age 92.

Originally from India, Hafiz Saheb Patel was the head of the Dewsbury Jamaat and Tableegh and came to Britain in the early 1960s.

Cllr Salim Mulla said thousands from Lancashire will be joining thousands from across the country at the funeral. He said: “It will be one of the biggest Muslim funerals in the UK.

“He was a great spiritual leader and wanted people to live together and hated friction between people.

“He did not believe in segregation between different faiths and preached tolerance. It is a great loss to the community.”

In response to his death, prominent British scholar Shaykh Abu Eesa Niamatullah wrote on his Facebook: “We have lost someone that would pray for us all, and you have to realise that those who do so properly, are few.

“May Allah have mercy upon Hafiz Patel, Ameer not just of Tabligh Jamaat but everyone’s da’wah in the UK. A giant of a man and loved equally. Sad news.

“No exaggeration, whenever I was in his presence I would be in awe. If there was ever a godfather character in the UK in a positive sense, Hafiz Patel would be that man. Super focused, super committed, super motivated, right until the very end. Relentless. And a man of Allah. That is how I will remember him, rahimahullah

“Tablighi Jamaat has lost its UK Ameer, but the Muslims of the UK have lost one of its leaders.”

The funeral is expected to take place at 4pm today.

You can read a detailed obituary on the life and achievements of Hafiz Saheb Patel on Islam21C.
