I cant upload the video as its full of swearing but if you dare, it's called "America is like the world's worst girlfriend"
Louis CK: "I feel like America is like the world's.... worst girlfriend....America is like a terrible girlfriend to the rest of the world because when someone hurts America...she remembers it FOREVER....but if she does anything bad it's like.."it...what?? what?? I didn't...I didn't.... do anything!!!"
World: America, why do you keep bombing all those people in Yemen and all those...
America: well cause NINE ELEVEN.....NINE ELEVEN....so shut up....jerks!!!
World: Okay, well, you killed like hundreds of thousands of people so I think that...
America: Yeah, I know but 9/11, so forget you!!! You don't understand!!!!
World: Yeah, but you're torturing people.....
America: Oh my gosh, it wasn't even torture, oh my gosh, stop being such a big baby...I didn't even do anything to him.....

I'm paraphrasing to avoid swearing...