format_quote Originally Posted by
I took it to be you were supporting "LGBTQ+" because of the context by which you framed it: "The West a “LGBTQQIP2SAA freak show “? Really ? You mean (the West) is the most prosperous and advanced civilisation in world history."
You are basically confessing that the "most prosperous and advance civilization in world history" is supporting "LGBTQ+" (which , yes, it IS). If LGBTQ+ is deviant and degenerate (which it is) then WHY would the "most prosperous and advance civilization in world history" SUPPORT IT, so much so that it wants to even shove it down non Western countries' throats too?
MANY people including Christians have pointed out that the employment of the term "Judeo-Christian" is one that is relatively recent, and that JEWS and traitorous Zionist-Christians more than anyone else like to employ it. However, so many genuine Christians loathe that expression and (understandably) see no reason why "Christian" isn't completely adequate enough in and of itself to describe the dominant Western culture that lasted around two millennia but is now in rapid decline and being replaced with the degenerate plague of liberalism and atheism. The old Christian moral foundations are simply being replaced with atheistic leftist ideologies and principles. An entirely new mindset has been created. You could argue that the modern Western world is "Judeo-Marxist", but it can hardly be even described as predominantly "Christian" anymore, let alone "Judeo-Christian". It never was "Judeo-Christian" and it probably never will either, given the massive decline in religion in general. You argue that Judaism is the foundation religion of Christianity, and you are correct, but by the same token Judaism is also the foundation religion of Islam. All these three monotheistic religions are known as the "Abrahamic" faiths. However, if you still insist on employing the expression "Judeo-Christian" then you might as well also say "Judeo-Islamic", as Judaism is also the base religion that Islam stems from. Many religions stem from others. Even Sikhism has borrowed many principles and tenets from Islam, and I read somewhere there are even pages from the Quran inside the Golden Temple.
You keep asking my nationality, however I regard the matter irrelevant to the discussion. It really makes no difference whether I'm from Australia or New Zealand. I loathe the modern status quo culture of both these countries simply because I despise liberalism and its incessant zealous pushing of feminism (aka misandry), anti-patriarchy, it's violation of paternal sovereignty, it's interfering and trespassing of the domestic household, and it's equally fanatical pushing of things such as miscegenation and LGBTQ+ in the MSM. I despise practically ALL of the leftist dominated new-found values, attitudes, moral precepts, ideological and political mindsets etc. This new toxic culture has become particularly noticeable post-WWII, and chronically so since the beginning of this century, but if we critically look even more deeper it's easy enough to see that the rot was already starting to set in as far back as the French Revolution when Jews conspired to destroy France with future plans of exacting regicide across the rest of Europe. Little more than a century later they destroyed Russia with the Bolshevik Revolution, then the final death knell for the European peoples was with the annihilation of Germany. After the fall of Hitler, the aftermath all opened the way for the Jews of the World to come in for the final kill and to complete their conquest of the West. The OberJuden have occupied and enslaved all of Europe ever since 1945.
You ask, why (if I loathe modern Western "civilization" so much) don't I choose to move to Muslim country. Well, those countries simply do not belong to me. They instead belong to the respective indigenous races which inhabit those lands. I belong in a Western country because I am racially Germanic. Too bad for me if I loathe the modern culture that has been foisted upon me. But it's just something I know I need to deal with and accept that I have to live with it.
Ok, I am safe enough to live in the West in general. But you imply that it is dangerous to live in many Muslim countries. That is correct, but the main reason for that is because of the many Zionist invasions of those lands. In the past, hard as it might be for you to believe, most Muslim countries were generally very safe and stable. But obviously war torn countries are never safe.
The new atheistic Cultural-Marxism that predominates in most Western countries HAVE displaced old Christian values and I shouldn't have to prove that to you. It is so plain to see it everywhere around us and I am FAR from the first white person to point this out. Many Christians themselves have pointed it out. It is obvious as day that the culture now is PROFOUNDLY different to the culture we had 200 years ago. The people of those times would be turning in their graves if they saw what the West has become now, and if any of them were still hypothetically alive today they would almost surely have desperately gathered their armies to destroy the monstrous scourge that has come to dominate our epoch. But if you need to be spoon fed, as a starting point, the United Nations and the EU are probably two of the most significant and obvious drivers behind this new tyrannical demonic New World Order. The UN and EU are conspiring entities of the antichrist. It would be accurate enough to say that not only have Christian values been replaced (or at best severely eroded), but even orthodox Jewish values are not really present in the West either. The "Jewish" values that predominate in the modern West are more specifically a globalist totalitarian Cultural-Marxist satanic cult.
I don't see myself as contradictory for being in support of not only "white nationalism" but also the nationalism of ANY race. It is only logical that Muslims should feel the same. I am not just a White Nationalist, I also support the nationalism of ANY race and their right to be in charge of their indigenous lands. Even in the Quran is stated that Allah divided humanity into races and nations. We were intended to preserve our various rich diversities. We were not meant to live in globalist "melting pots" to contaminate our bloodlines and destroy our races with miscegenation, and to therefore subsequently become devoid of all our identity and roots and become nationless zombified obedient clones walking the planet until doomsday. The races were intended by God to live separately, not necessarily to avoid all contact with each other but to nonetheless preserve our races and our nations and our great and fascinating diversity. So these are principles not just encountered in ethhno-nationalist ideology, they are also something found in most religions too.
That it is my strong belief many of the "Muslims" clambering to get to the West are not really actual Muslims at all but are instead cowards, betrayers, traitors, criminals and apostates doesn't mean that the Muslim world is "confused". Yes, you could say it is and always has had a certain amount of division, as in its religious sectarianism, but no more divided than Christian Europe was with the sectarianism between Catholics, Protestants and Russian/Greek Orthodox. The main divisions seen across the Muslim world today is more between genuine Muslims and atheists, blasphemers, heretics, apostates, Marxists, liberals and traitors, (many of whom are also on Zionist/Marxist/enemy payrolls), rather than division between the various Muslims sects.
"Human rights" as with expressions such as "international community" "global citizen" "democracy" etc are platitudes -so commonly employed by atheists and liberals. No matter what the UN globalist pinkos might want to think, there is simply no such thing as inherent "human rights" anyway.
If you dislike Islam so much then I kind of find it puzzling that you'd choose be part of an Islamic forum. It's kind of the same way that Jewish and Marxist trolls like to keep posting endless posts ridiculing the whole very purpose of Stormfront and Nordiciist sites, which is primarily about preserving ethno-states and racial hygiene. It's not like anyone is FORCING these trolls to embrace nationalistic and racialist principles! They instead come of their OWN volition only to cause nothing but trolling and disruption. It confounds me how they get a cheap thrill out of doing it. I hate leftists, globalists, feminists, etc, yet the LAST thing I have any interest in wasting my time doing is joining up at forums whose sole purpose to exist is actually to espouse the things they most definitely passionately believe in! LOL. Leftists, globalists, feminists etc are usually zealously committed to their beliefs and even hard-wired to thinking the way they do, so it's hardly likely that I would be able to just go there and magically "convert" them all to my way of thinking, right? See what I'm saying?
You don't believe that 9/11 was an inside job, well that's your right to draw that conclusion. Did you see how the twin towers went down though? It looked like a very well controlled explosives demolition. Normally a building, especially of that size would probably not collapse at all, and if it did would be more likely to teeter over, NOT pancake to the ground. That is only what you would see in a controlled demolition.. Furthermore, it was discovered that a group of Israelis were seen from a very far distance having a good laugh while watching it going on, almost as if they were celebrating it. In any case, no matter what you want to believe, there is no doubt that there was something VERY off with that historical event and the "official" version of what actually happened. I'm not entirely sure precisely what connection Al Queda had with the whole thing, but there is absolutely no evidence at all that the Taliban had anything to do with it!
It is not just Muslims who dislike "modern Western civilization", many NON Muslims despise it too. As for lifespans, in spite of many modernists arguing that "people died so young in olden times" I was nonetheless surprised to find that when I visited a number of 19th century cemeteries just how many people got to very ripe old ages! Yes I saw some graves of babies and very young children, but it at the same time struck me the large number of tombstones that showed that many of the deceased had reached their 80s, 90s and even quite a few centenarians! Modernity might have brought with it a few medical advantages, but at the same time the many poisons and toxins in the environment that get into our lungs, our food and water is significantly OFFSETTING those medical advances. It is no wonder at all why so many today are dying younger and younger of cancers and other new diseases. Vaccines have eliminated many diseases, yes, and in the past I would have trusted them, and I have taken them. But not anymore. The last time I took vaccines was for hepatitis and a few other jabs when I went travelling abroad. But I would never take any vaccines ever again, especially since I've come to realize who actually is in control of our Western governments and the diabolically malevolent force they truly are.