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It’s Time For The United States To Divorce Before Things Get Dangerous

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    It’s Time For The United States To Divorce Before Things Get Dangerous (OP)


    This is troubling. Is American society fracturing beyond what is sustainable?

    It’s Time For The United States To Divorce Before Things Get Dangerous

    Divorce is hard, but it’s easier than cutting the brake lines on your wife’s car. It is long past time for an amicable divorce of the United States of America. There is simply no common ground with the Left anymore. We are now the couple screaming at each other all night, every night as the kids hide in their room.

    We cannot come together, but we do not have to live like this. The history of the world is nations breaking up and redrawing their borders. If we want to avoid this political divide turning into a deadly one, we should do likewise.

    Stop clinging to the past and acknowledge where we are as a country, not where you want us to be, not where things were when your grandpa was storming the beaches of Normandy. Where we truly are.

    We are a nation hopelessly divided. We are more divided now than we have ever been in our history. And before you start screaming at me about the Civil War, keep in mind that bloody conflict was fought over one major issue. In those days, take ten families from New York and ten families from Alabama, put them all in a room, and you’d find they mostly had the same values (and bad accents).

    Now, fast-forward to today and do that same thing. Those families have virtually nothing in common. We as a nation have polarized and separated from each other.

    Anyone who thinks this is a radical idea has an extremely narrow view of history. If you don’t believe me, go try to book a plane ticket to Czechoslovakia, or look at a map of Europe from the year 1600, then look at one today. See any differences? Borders move. Countries split and change hands. They do this for a myriad of reasons. Ours would be a major cultural shift toward the left and half the country refusing to go along with tyranny.

    The rest here

    Last edited by سيف الله; 04-18-2018 at 08:09 PM.
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    Re: It’s Time For The United States To Divorce Before Things Get Dangerous

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    Congratulations on your successful divorce from your toxic spouse!
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    Re: It’s Time For The United States To Divorce Before Things Get Dangerous

    Last edited by Pure Purple; 07-01-2022 at 04:43 PM.
    It’s Time For The United States To Divorce Before Things Get Dangerous

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  5. #43
    سيف الله's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: It’s Time For The United States To Divorce Before Things Get Dangerous


    format_quote Originally Posted by Pure Purple View Post

    Great decision but I fail to understand why credit is given to Donald Trump? My poor understanding of politics and my poor english maybe that's why I fail to understand this.
    Can you explain in short ?
    As per my understanding goverment never act in interest of people's sentiment or right of unborn child or rights of women. They make decision based on what they feel right for their country even if it is wrong or to gain vote.
    Like China's one child policy was heavily influenced by west making their goverment believe if they won't control their population, they will be starved to death as they will not have enough food in future to feed their growing population.This is what I watched in one of the documentaries long ago.Women were forced to abort child even at advance stages like 8 months.Now they see consequnces but it's too late now.
    They never thought of right of women to have child at all.
    Now maybe west want more population to have more manpower as population is good for country or maybe now they want to curb immigration of people from other countries because they feel threaten that maybe one day they will have huge influence in usa than indigenous population .
    Im not from the US so Im no expert but I can give you a short video on how the supreme court works.

    Donald Trump was unexpectedly elected in 2016 so he now had the power to nominate supreme justices. He wanted to pay back the evangelicals prolife and his support base for helping him get elected and this is one way to do it. Nominate supreme justices who shared their values.

    You have to remember its not a blanket ban. Now states can decide whether to ban restrict abortions or not rather than being imposed on by federal government.

    Whats happening in the US is tremendous tussle for power and which direction the country will go, and it shows how divided the society is on key issues. Abortion being a prime example.

    On the one child policy its a crazy policy, when it comes to family formation there has to be an equilibrium. They are storing up so many problems for the future (hence the reason they have relaxed the policy now).
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    Re: It’s Time For The United States To Divorce Before Things Get Dangerous

    Hmm so basically president can nominate supreme court justice and there is no minimum educational qualification requirement for this.I mean educational qualification has nothing to do with person's ability to make judgment and decision but still here should some minimum criteria for this.
    I hope this decision won't affect in a wrong way like in indian. It's a crime to determine the gender of unborn baby to prevent female feoticide, dcotor may loose licence if he does so and family may be jailed yet people do here. Qualified doctor never tell the gender of baby so family go to some quack to determine gender and for abortion. Sometime woman may loose her life due to complications of abortion. Family don't go to any clinic for fear of being caught what they did.
    I hope this will not be a case there.
    Last edited by Pure Purple; 07-01-2022 at 06:29 AM.
    It’s Time For The United States To Divorce Before Things Get Dangerous

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    Re: It’s Time For The United States To Divorce Before Things Get Dangerous

    @Pure purple

    It's for Divorce pertaining to thread!

    I'm sorry that it came off a bit wrong without any bad intentions.
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    Re: It’s Time For The United States To Divorce Before Things Get Dangerous

    Sorry again

    How naive I am
    It’s Time For The United States To Divorce Before Things Get Dangerous

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  10. #47
    سيف الله's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: It’s Time For The United States To Divorce Before Things Get Dangerous


    Another update. A different perspective.

    It's time to stop pretending our century is about anything other than US Imperial Consolidation.

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  11. #48
    سيف الله's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: It’s Time For The United States To Divorce Before Things Get Dangerous


    More on the inter generational conflict thats brewing. And a prescient warning to those who wish to adopt 'liberal' ideologies and the inevitable consequences that ensue.

    The Apple Eaters

    This is part of what apparently is supposed to pass for a Boomer’s attempted defense of his generation on Gab:

    You don’t like other groups of people because you’ve been trained that way. You are a wage slave, because you were trained to be one. You are broke because you rely on monsters to provide for you. You are ignorant, because someone told you you’re way way way smarter than everyone else. You are weak, because you think that your potty mouth and ability to repeat memes makes you strong. You take your notions of “strength” from films about cartoon characters.

    Boomers were never trained to hate and disrespect our elders. They tried, but we didn’t buy it. We are the last generation to respect and honor our elders, and view them as the treasures that humanity has always valued them as. We were mind controlled, but not as badly as you are, and we know things and can tell you things. That’s why you’re trained to dismiss us at best, hate us at worst. Most go all in.

    Hating on old people is the hobby of the new and improved Non Boomer generations. It’s a known strategy for a strong society. Very smart, extremely cool, and adorably trendy!!
    I know, I know, I know. But the CEO of Based immediately addressed that.

    You guys were the first generation to be Mass mind controlled yet you think the hippy movement was organic and you still celebrate it. That was the CIA getting you to bite the apple of temptation which you all did universally. It’s astonishing how easy it was. They laugh about it.

    Didn’t grow up to hate your elders? You stuffed them in nursing homes and fought with your brothers and sisters over the inheritance. Almost universally. Destroying families. None of you people got along or let go of sibling grudges and are the number one reason families are so shattered. Do you remember big family gatherings? Birthday parties with your cousins? Graduation parties where the entire extended family would gather? I sure as ---- do, but that all stopped when the greatest generation (my grandparents) died off because you selfish, arrogant boomers couldn’t ----ing get along. Almost universally. You failed to pass ANYTHING on. Universally.

    Even with the internet you guys can’t see that you were psy oppd into oblivion. The things you guys blindly went along with is actually horrific. You still watch tv and are the only demographic that keeps COMCAST/NBC etc alive. You people still pay a lot of money every month to brainwash yourselves and you think my generation is crazy for not doing so. Talk about not having a leg to stand on? You people literally can’t stop watching tv.

    Nobody is “blaming” you necessarily for all these things but the fact you guys universally deny it and hate your own children for snapping out of the brainwashing is incredible. Your entire generation universally cheered at the flooding of our country with hostile invaders so you could have cheap labor, and economically replaced your own children for stonks. It’s long past time for you people to at least stfu and get out of our way so we can fix this hellish mess you guys created.

    Idgaf that you didn’t have the internet back then. Just look at people like Madeline Albright, Bush 1, Kissinger etc. How tf did you guys look at these people and hear their words and not see total evil? You guys went along with all of it and you think it’s a great American value to do so. Something very dark happened to your generation and it shows more and more everyday.
    Exactly. We understand why the Boomers became so awful, we understand that they were under assault from their teenage years on, we’re just not interested in listening to them anymore. It’s not just that we don’t want to listen to their constant attempts to excuse themselves and their inadvertent demolition of American society, we don’t want to hear them yammering on and on about anything.

    Boomer, it’s time to go. Or at the very least, be quiet and follow obediently. Your day is done. You changed the world. And now we have to fix it.

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    Re: It’s Time For The United States To Divorce Before Things Get Dangerous


    This is gloomy.

    USA: 1776 – 2032

    Financial analyst Martin Armstrong calculates an even earlier end to the political entity described as the United States of America as a result of all major elections being fraudulent and the collapse of the international dollar system:

    Bolsonaro’s defeat in Brazil is proof that all major elections are now being stolen, according to Armstrong, in a bid to eliminate any world leader who stands against the regime agenda.

    “This is a worldwide effort,” he said. “They had to get rid of Trump. The other one who stood in their way is Bolsonaro. Then there is Putin (Russia) and Xi Jinping (China). I think you are going to have historians look back at this 50 years from now, and they will call this period ‘The Climate Change Wars’… They are trying to take down as much oil energy capacity as possible.”

    Armstrong says his computer modeling is showing huge domestic unrest in the United States next year, and that conditions are ripe for “a rocket launch for volatility and civil unrest.”

    “The United States will not exist after 2032. After 2028 and 2029, we are going to have to redesign a government from scratch. America is being destroyed,” he explicitly warned.

    On the financial front, Armstrong asserts, “The whole monetary system as we know it is collapsing. That was what the bond crisis in the UK was about.”
    Just to forestall the inevitable question, I’ll stick by my 2033 estimate. But I do think it is informative to note that the perceptions of that 2004 prediction have gone from a) thinking that I’m totally insane to b) thinking that I’m pessimistic, but maybe onto something to c) thinking that I’m optimistic to d) professionals producing concrete estimates of an even earlier timeframe for the collapse.

    To paraphrase an old chestnut, the United States of America are no longer united, nor sovereign, nor American.

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    Re: It’s Time For The United States To Divorce Before Things Get Dangerous

    Asalaamu alaykum

    It's time for people to divorce the US and return to their own lands altogether. This is The Deliverance of The ALMIGHTY in these End of Days. My family and I have done this and are now living in The Favor of YAHUAH in Cairo.

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    Re: It’s Time For The United States To Divorce Before Things Get Dangerous

    We are all living in Amerika!
    It’s Time For The United States To Divorce Before Things Get Dangerous

    “Either seem as you are or be as you seem” Rumi
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  16. #52
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    Re: It’s Time For The United States To Divorce Before Things Get Dangerous

    The USA has got a very costly, time consuming and wasteful system. The place is falling apart. It would be better to have a dictatorship or emperor because their system is a farce anyway. As they are only concerned with big business and warmongering.
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  17. #53
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    Re: It’s Time For The United States To Divorce Before Things Get Dangerous


    The US has serious internal problems, but its becoming clearer who or what is causing these problems. Its tempting to naysay but I hope they can resolve their internal issues (for the sake of world stability if anything else).

    Another update

    The Only Effective Opposition

    Cosmonaut explains why it behooves members of the Sane World to support Elon Musk’s antics, even though he is obviously a ticket-taker and a card-carrying member of the Clown World elite.

    As discussed in an earlier post, Machiavellian political theory holds that the greatest extent of freedom and justice prevails when the elite is split. That is, when there is a genuine opposition.

    Throughout the Western world, official opposition parties have failed to fulfil this role. There has been no sustained, spirited and organized opposition to Woke, trans mania, Covid hysteria or creeping techno-tyranny – nor was there any effective opposition to the War on Terror from the left.

    A few local leaders may have resisted here and there, but overall the political parties that ought to have fought policy blunders instead tagged along behind, calling out ‘wait for me!’

    Nor has there been any major opposition from the rest of civil society. Large media outlets follow the regime line. Churches are quiet. Unions are tame. Civil rights organizations have mostly been coopted, Wikipedia has been silenced and big business (especially big tech) is going along with it all. Academia is leading the charge.

    And now, suddenly, there is opposition. One small part of Big Tech is openly facilitating the release of information that strongly contradicts the regime narrative. Its leader is openly rejecting the shibboleths expected of his class.

    Republicans look on, stunned, as a lone man outside the party does their job for them.

    It may be small, but it is effective in breaking the fugue of accepted opinion – a fugue that Trump’s lack of concrete action barely put a dent in, or perhaps strengthened through reaction to his elite-reviled but sadly ineffectual administration.

    The regime is embarrassed. Our rulers are mostly too ashamed to respond directly aside from occasional snark. The media ignores or obfuscates the story, as though they are afraid to touch it. Some of the worst offenders have gone strangely quiet. Their sanctimonious arrogance has taken a hit.

    This is what an Opposition looks like.
    Moreover, as Peter Turchin demonstrates, a revolution only succeeds with the support of a rebel faction of the elite. For example, both Putin and Xi were members of rebel factions within their respective Communist Party elites, but both leaders took their nations in radically different directions after attaining power. And many of the American Founding Fathers were state politicians and men of impressive wealth and influence.

    If Americans are fortunate, there will be other members of the US foreign elite besides Musk and Trump who understand that Clown World’s destination is Hell and are willing to disrupt its operations. For all his many flaws, and despite his dubious motivations, one must admit that Musk has done more to conclusively prove the illegitimacy and criminality of the current US regime than any genuine American or anyone to his right to date, and he has done it in a very short period of time.


    Predictions From the Tree of Woe

    Just one prediction for 2023, but it’s a grave one about the petrodollar, its fate, and the consequences therefrom:


    The petrodollar is the centerpiece of American hegemony. I predict that in 2023, at the latest 2024, that system will end. Its demise may be disguised by the mainstream and financial press, but it will be self-evident in the transactions themselves, and its aftershocks will be mighty.

    Now, the end of the petrodollar system has been a long time coming, of course. It’s been a major goal of America’s strategic competitors for years. In 2017, China and Russia created the petroyuan so that its partners could trade for oil without using dollars. However, the petroyuan did not unseat the petrodollar in the six intervening years. 80% of oil transactions remained in USD. Why?

    • Saudi Arabia, the linchpin of the petrodollar system, continued to insist on using dollars in its transactions.
    • The Chinese continued to be reliant on trade with the US to fuel their economy, and thus could not risk destroying the system that made the US dollar valuable.
    • The US has a proven track record of using military force to support the petrodollar, and with Donald Trump in charge— known to Chinese citizens as “Emperor

    Trump” for his vigorous policies — the Chinese were reluctant to “---- around and find out.”

    Now those conditions have changed.
    Read the whole thing there, keeping in mind that while timings are always uncertain, trends are often clear.

    Last edited by سيف الله; 12-30-2022 at 08:20 PM.
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  18. #54
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    Re: It’s Time For The United States To Divorce Before Things Get Dangerous

    Elon Musk is evil because he tortures monkeys to death in the name of science. He should be locked up and be tortured for his crimes.
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  20. #55
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    Re: It’s Time For The United States To Divorce Before Things Get Dangerous


    Another update.

    Capital Controls Come to America

    Remember when everyone believed that the USA was a free market economy that pushed for free trade all around the world because it was mutually beneficial? Yeah, those days are over now. This is additional evidence – not that any more was needed – that the free trade critics were correct all along.

    On Friday, the Wall Street Journal reported that Washington is planning to outlaw American investment in the high-tech sectors of rival economies, citing sources and reports from the US Treasury Department and Commerce Department relating to the proposed regulation.

    Sources close to the formulation of the new regulations said the restrictions will primarily be aimed against China and will likely focus on private and venture capital investments in the semiconductor, artificial intelligence, and quantum computing sectors

    The Wall Street Journal noted that the reports did not specifically name countries which will be affected by the new regulations, nor did they single out the specific economic sectors which were being identified as being of particular risk to US economic security. However the reports indicated that the regulations will seek to target sectors which might increase the military capabilities of nations that rival the United States.

    As one example, a report from the Treasury Department, noted that the new rules on foreign investment would focus on “preventing US capital and expertise from being exploited in ways that threaten our national security while not placing an undue burden on US investors and businesses.”

    The new regulations have reportedly been in the works for months, while the US Treasury Department sought to craft the rules so as to be strictly focused on national security issues, while not being arguably designed to foster unfair economic advantages.
    It will be interesting to see how a “rival economy” is defined. And it’s even more interesting to see decades of free trade propaganda abandoned overnight.

    On the grand historic level, however, this is another bad sign for the survival of the USA as a unitary political entity. Empires that are forced to engage in capital controls in order to prevent money from being invested elsewhere usually are not empires that survive very long.

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  21. #56
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    Re: It’s Time For The United States To Divorce Before Things Get Dangerous


    Another update

    Indonesia Leaves the Dollarzone

    The largest Muslim nation in the world has abandoned the US trade dollar:

    Indonesia is following the lead of the BRICS group in its policy of shifting away from the US dollar in trade and financial transactions, according to the country’s central bank.

    Jakarta has introduced transactions in the local currency to settle cross-border trades, the portal SINDOnews has reported, citing Bank of Indonesia Governor Perry Warjiyo.

    “Indonesia has initiated diversification of the use of currency in the form of LCT [local currency trading]. The direction is the same as the BRICS. In fact, Indonesia is more concrete,” Warjiyo said on Friday, addressing a press conference with the board of governors meeting.

    Indonesia has already implemented the practice with a number of countries, such as Thailand, Malaysia, China, and Japan, he added. It also plans to sign a cooperation agreement with South Korea regarding local currency trading in early May.

    Warjiyo’s statement comes as the BRICS economic bloc – comprising Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa – claims to be working on establishing a joint payment network to cut reliance on the Western financial system, and on the dollar in particular.
    In related news, India and Bangladesh have dropped the dollar for use in their bilateral trade.

    India and Bangladesh are moving away from using the US dollar in bilateral trade, the Bangladesh-based news website The Business Standard reported this week. According to the report, the two countries have reached a deal that will see a part of trade transactions carried out in their respective domestic currencies, the rupee and the taka.

    It’s fascinating to see that the imperial overstep by the United States was not an invasion like Syracuse or even the suppression of a potential military rival like the World Wars fought between England and Germany, but the weaponization of its financial hegemony.

    I always expected de-dollarization to follow both a) an economic crisis and b) a major military defeat, but instead, it appears to have proceeded both due to the very rational fears of countries observing how Russia was attacked economically via the global dollar system.

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    Re: It’s Time For The United States To Divorce Before Things Get Dangerous


    Another update.

    Et tu, Argentina?

    Argentina abandons the dollar in favor of the yuan for trade with China:

    Argentina will aim to pay for the bulk of its monthly imports from China in yuan rather than US dollars, Economy Minister Sergio Massa announced on Wednesday. Buenos Aires and Beijing signed a currency swap agreement last year, aimed at stemming the outflow of foreign currency from Argentina’s central bank.

    China is currently Argentina’s second largest trade partner after Brazil, and the second biggest destination for Argentinian exports. Argentina’s total imports from China was around $13.5bn in 2021, according to the United Nations database on international trade.

    Massa said that Buenos Aires will pay the equivalent of $1 billion in yuan for Chinese goods and services this month, with $790 million of monthly imports paid for in yuan each month thereafter. The currency swap agreement, expanded and finalized earlier this year, also allows Argentinian exporters to make settlements in yuan or dollars, to help balance the flows of foreign currencies in the central bank.
    Even the neoclown Robert Kagan warned of the potential consequences of the USA’s abuse of its privileged position in the neoliberal world order.

    The success of the order, however, also depended on the United States abiding by some basic rules. Chief among these was that it not exploit the system it dominated to gain lasting economic advantages at the expense of the other powers in the order. Put simply, it could not use its military dominance to win the economic competition against fellow members of the order, nor could it treat the economic competition as a zero-sum game and insist on always winning.

    The Jungle Grows Back, Robert Kagan, 2019
    The decision to weaponize the dollar in lieu of challenging Russia in a military context may prove to be one of the more catastrophic errors in the history of empires. Astute historians such as Victor Davis Hanson have been wondering exactly when, and where, the Imperial USA’s Syracuse moment of imperial overstretch would take place; in The Father of Us All, VDH argued that the Iraq War was not a serious candidate for the Moment.

    Athens’s disastrous 415 B.C. expedition against Sicily, the largest democracy in the Greek world, may not prefigure our war in Iraq. (A hypothetical parallel to democratic Athens’s preemptive attack on the neutral, distant, far larger, and equally democratic Syracuse in the midst of an ongoing though dormant war with Sparta would be America’s dropping its struggle with al-Qaeda to invade India).

    However, it increasingly appears that the attempt to control Russia using the leash of the dollar reserve system may have marked that long-anticipated Moment.

    Last edited by سيف الله; 04-27-2023 at 09:24 AM.
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    Re: It’s Time For The United States To Divorce Before Things Get Dangerous


    Another update

    Self-Immolation Redux

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    Say what you will about Ted Cruz, but his absolute determination to avoid being nominated for President by the Republican Party is admirable.

    Sen. Ted Cruz has joined the ranks of public figures condemning Uganda’s new anti-gay legislation, calling it “horrific” and “wrong.” The Texas Republican took to Twitter to condemn the law, which includes a death penalty for “aggravated homosexuality,” per Reuters.

    Cruz wrote: “This Uganda law is horrific & wrong. Any law criminalizing homosexuality or imposing the death penalty for ‘aggravated homosexuality’ is grotesque & an abomination. ALL civilized nations should join together in condemning this human rights abuse.”

    —Ted Cruz (@tedcruz) May 29, 2023
    This is the usual satanic inversion. The entire history of civilization is a written record of various nations forcibly keeping homosexuality and other forms of dyscivic societal decadence in check. It’s also absolutely no business of Ted Cruz or any other non-Ugandan how their society is ordered, especially when the society in which Cruz somehow finds himself a nominal leader is crumbling in every way and on the verge of complete collapse.

    The irony is that Uganda will probably still be around when the United States of America ceases to be a single political entity.


    Last edited by سيف الله; 06-03-2023 at 09:40 PM.
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    Re: It’s Time For The United States To Divorce Before Things Get Dangerous


    Eye opening.

    Incredible, and maybe even unprecedented, answer by Arnaud Montebourg - former French Minister of Economy - to the question "what method do the Americans use to wage economic warfare against us?"

    Here's the translation (by me):

    "They use military tools. First of all, they use all the listening and intelligence systems that they built on after 9/11. They don't listen to terrorists...well they certainly do and that's very good...but they listen to foreign companies that compete with theirs.

    So it's very simple, it became clear in 2014 when Snowden revealed that there were 75 million conversations and emails that had been exploited by the NSA on France, on French companies. When Pierucci - a man who should wear the Legion of Honor today because he defended France rather than its interests by agreeing to serve two unjustified years in prison in US jails in the Alstom affair... when Mr. Pierucci was taken into custody in Manhattan by the prosecutors they put under his nose 1 million emails. How did they get 1 million emails? By illegal eavesdropping. 1 million emails: it would have taken a lawyer 3 years to read through them… so he couldn't defend himself. So those are the military tools.

    Second, they have a tool called extraterritorial law. The Americans are using a form of law, which is an imperialist law, which consists in declaring themselves competent for matters which in no way concern them.

    Example: Alstom, a contract between Indonesia and a French company. They consider that there was an offense that was committed in this matter 10 years ago and they sue Alstom! The United States is not a victim, no American company was involved in this case. They declare themselves policeman of the world by undermining the sovereign interests. Therefore this is interference. They do it in ALL fields, and especially the economic field.

    For example ITAR. ITAR is interesting: the United States has set a list of 22,000 components on which it grants itself the right to authorize or not the export by a foreign power. Example: you buy a varnish to put on the wing of the Rafale [a French fighter plane] which is on the ITAR list because it is not produced in France but in the US or elsewhere... because of this single varnish they allow themselves the right to say: 'you have the right to export to such and such a country, but not to this one because it is an enemy of the United States of America'. Why should I care if he's an enemy of the United States of America? The enemies of my allies are not necessarily my enemies! Example: they banned the export of Rafales to Egypt because of ITAR. Is that so, and why? So our urgency should be to produce these 22,000 products in France... Or in Europe, in allied countries which are also victims of ITAR. This is a sovereign policy.

    I can also tell you about the American Patriot Act. 2001, September 11, what do they do? When a French company is bought by an American company, the American government has the unilateral power to request all the information on a company controlled by an American company. Absolutely all the information: patents, technologies, people, etc. Without any motivation and without judicial authorization, which means that these are illegal searches.

    This is why in the affair of the takeover of the valves which equip our nuclear submarines and power stations - the Segault valves which are manufactured in Mennecy, Essonne - I intervened by saying 'it is out of question that this business goes under American control' and it is now a company that is controlled by Canadians. Canadians do not have extraterritorial rights, it is not an issue to work with Canadians. But Americans are different because they are predators. This is the reason why I said 'it is out of the question that Segault, who equips our nuclear submarines, gives our information to a foreign power'. Because Canadians do not have the right to do so, if they do it is criminal. But for Americans it is the law to do so!"

    The host then asks him why we "never respond to the attacks we suffer?"

    He has a really powerful answer:

    "First, because there is a real, internalized weakness. And it also because it has a cost. When Jacques Chirac and Dominique de Villepin decided to use the resources they had as permanent members of the Security Council in 2003 on the attacks against Iraq by the United States of America, it cost us dearly.

    But I think we have to learn to be ourselves. Étienne de La Boétie wrote a very beautiful book on voluntary servitude. He does say that servitude is a matter of habit. We no longer realize that we have lost our liberty. We must find it again and accept the cost of this liberty."


    Last edited by سيف الله; 06-04-2023 at 06:13 PM.
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    Re: It’s Time For The United States To Divorce Before Things Get Dangerous


    Another update.


    Republican voters are tired of leaders who are happy to fund endless wars abroad but not the defense of their own borders at home. I discuss the necessity of learning to love the people of the American nation and prioritize them over the geopolitical goals of the Global American Empire.

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