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It’s Time For The United States To Divorce Before Things Get Dangerous

  1. #1
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    It’s Time For The United States To Divorce Before Things Get Dangerous (OP)


    This is troubling. Is American society fracturing beyond what is sustainable?

    It’s Time For The United States To Divorce Before Things Get Dangerous

    Divorce is hard, but it’s easier than cutting the brake lines on your wife’s car. It is long past time for an amicable divorce of the United States of America. There is simply no common ground with the Left anymore. We are now the couple screaming at each other all night, every night as the kids hide in their room.

    We cannot come together, but we do not have to live like this. The history of the world is nations breaking up and redrawing their borders. If we want to avoid this political divide turning into a deadly one, we should do likewise.

    Stop clinging to the past and acknowledge where we are as a country, not where you want us to be, not where things were when your grandpa was storming the beaches of Normandy. Where we truly are.

    We are a nation hopelessly divided. We are more divided now than we have ever been in our history. And before you start screaming at me about the Civil War, keep in mind that bloody conflict was fought over one major issue. In those days, take ten families from New York and ten families from Alabama, put them all in a room, and you’d find they mostly had the same values (and bad accents).

    Now, fast-forward to today and do that same thing. Those families have virtually nothing in common. We as a nation have polarized and separated from each other.

    Anyone who thinks this is a radical idea has an extremely narrow view of history. If you don’t believe me, go try to book a plane ticket to Czechoslovakia, or look at a map of Europe from the year 1600, then look at one today. See any differences? Borders move. Countries split and change hands. They do this for a myriad of reasons. Ours would be a major cultural shift toward the left and half the country refusing to go along with tyranny.

    The rest here

    Last edited by سيف الله; 04-18-2018 at 08:09 PM.
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    Re: It’s Time For The United States To Divorce Before Things Get Dangerous

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    Trumps in trouble.


    Donald Trump wasted no time in branding his latest indictment on criminal charges as a "pathetic attempt" by the Biden family to weaponise justice in order to interfere with the 2024 Presidential election.

    He's now facing four new criminal counts, including one of conspiring to defraud the United States by preventing Congress from certifying Joe Biden's victory in 2020, and another of conspiring to deprive Americans of their right to vote and have that vote counted.

    A very different perspective.

    Caesar Didn’t Have That Problem

    image11 1 - It’s Time For The United States To Divorce Before Things Get Dangerous

    Back in the day, Gaius Julius Caesar was facing the prospect of being charged for fake crimes by his political enemies. He never had to face them because he crossed the Rubicon with a single legion.

    Actions have consequences. But a failure to act has consequences too. And those who don’t act when they have the chance shouldn’t whine about facing the inevitable consequences of their inaction.

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  4. #62
    سيف الله's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: It’s Time For The United States To Divorce Before Things Get Dangerous


    Another update.

    The Empire Enters the Doom Loop

    Ahnaf Habib, writing at The Tree of Woe, implicitly contends that that my decades-old prediction of the collapse of the USA as a singular political entity in 2033 is too optimistic:

    This is a Doom Loop. All signs presently indicate that The US has entered said Loop. The gravity of the moment we are in cannot be merely dismissed on a whim of ‘hope’.

    There was a time when the United States and its peoples could safely hide behind two Oceans, a robust economy, a homogenous society (ethnic, cultural and religious), technological prowess, etc. However, none of those are extant today.

    America had its chance. It had an opportunity to pursue Empire in some “benevolent” capacity. It had its shot at leading the rest of world in a manner that could have been dignified, measured and temperate. It had all of that and much more.

    But that is all in the past. What remains today is nothing more than “inertia”.

    Men; men more clever, wise, and capable than any of the sorry lot of soy-drinking fools who claim to be “men” today in CONUS and the European satrapies; such men have long passed on. With their passing, what they built can only endure for a bit more at most.

    Make no mistake: The Empire of Lies will not go down without a fight.

    There are however, too many “small brushfires” worldwide to extinguish. Ergo, “Death by a Thousand Cuts” is the name of the game. Defeat is only a matter of time.

    Doubts have already arisen in the Empire’s ability to secure World Trade.

    This is magnified by a loss of deterrence in West Asia, in spite of the multiple carrier battle groups sent to the region to dissuade regional players.

    The de facto blockade of the Bab-el-Mandeb strait by Yemen’s Ansarallah is shaping up to be the “Suez Moment” of American Empire: If the Hegemon cannot lift said blockade and guarantee the safety of global shipping, it is no longer a “Superpower.”
    The fate of America was sealed by two things. First, the Civil War that established the empire. Second, the notorious 1883 poem of Emma Lazarus, “The New Colossus”, that to all intents and purposes replaced the Constitution of the United States.

    The Republic belonged to Americans. The Empire belonged to those who adopted the foreign “Melting Pot” ideology that was introduced to denationalize the new empire and sever it from its British roots. Everything that has happened since, including the largest invasion in human history and the concomitant takeover by the same ethnic elite that ruled the Soviet Union, was a direct result of those two fatal events.

    This latest iteration of The Empire That Never Ended appears to be approaching its end. There is, I think, some comfort in the knowledge that there was essentially nothing that anyone living today could have done about the historical trajectory of the United States. But all empires inevitably come to an end, and it is eminently clear that the bells are tolling for the imperial USA. And while it may not seem to be the case, the collapse of the imperial USA may well turn out to be the best thing to happen for the American nation in decades, if not quite centuries.


    And more


    More legal woes for Donald Trump. His campaign spokesman has vowed to appeal against a decision by the Supreme Court of Colorado that the former President should be banned from standing in the state's primary election because of his involvement in the riot at the Capitol on the 6th of January 2021.

    But the controversial ruling won't come into force until after an appeal has been allowed, so Mr Trump's name will remain on the ballot for now.

    Last edited by سيف الله; 12-20-2023 at 10:46 PM.
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  5. #63
    effrem's Avatar Limited Member
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    Re: It’s Time For The United States To Divorce Before Things Get Dangerous

    It's already happening.

    There are mass-migrations of people leaving California and going to places like Florida or Texas and vice-versa.

    People don't like to live where they are hated.
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  6. #64
    Silas's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: It’s Time For The United States To Divorce Before Things Get Dangerous

    format_quote Originally Posted by سيف الله View Post

    Another update.

    The Empire Enters the Doom Loop

    Ahnaf Habib, writing at The Tree of Woe, implicitly contends that that my decades-old prediction of the collapse of the USA as a singular political entity in 2033 is too optimistic:

    The fate of America was sealed by two things. First, the Civil War that established the empire. Second, the notorious 1883 poem of Emma Lazarus, “The New Colossus”, that to all intents and purposes replaced the Constitution of the United States.

    The Republic belonged to Americans. The Empire belonged to those who adopted the foreign “Melting Pot” ideology that was introduced to denationalize the new empire and sever it from its British roots. Everything that has happened since, including the largest invasion in human history and the concomitant takeover by the same ethnic elite that ruled the Soviet Union, was a direct result of those two fatal events.

    This latest iteration of The Empire That Never Ended appears to be approaching its end. There is, I think, some comfort in the knowledge that there was essentially nothing that anyone living today could have done about the historical trajectory of the United States. But all empires inevitably come to an end, and it is eminently clear that the bells are tolling for the imperial USA. And while it may not seem to be the case, the collapse of the imperial USA may well turn out to be the best thing to happen for the American nation in decades, if not quite centuries.


    And more


    More legal woes for Donald Trump. His campaign spokesman has vowed to appeal against a decision by the Supreme Court of Colorado that the former President should be banned from standing in the state's primary election because of his involvement in the riot at the Capitol on the 6th of January 2021.

    But the controversial ruling won't come into force until after an appeal has been allowed, so Mr Trump's name will remain on the ballot for now.

    We are in interesting times for sure. As a guy who grew up in the states among lawyers (my father, uncle, etc.) and who studied some law in college, here is my take on this whole thing.

    The Colorado decision uses section 3 of the 14th amendment to argue that Trump should be banned from the ballot, because he engaged in "insurrection". The judges contend that section 3 is "self-executing" which means that it comes into force automatically.

    But the ruling is a bad one, based on faulty assumptions, and will be struck down by the US Supreme Court. Here are the reasons:

    1. The 14th amendment section 3 does NOT apply to the US president. The president is not named in that amendment, and an earlier version of the section did name the president and vice-president. It also said that *future rebellions* would be considered. All of that language was struck by the US Congress before the amendment was ratified.
    2. Article II section 4 of the US Constitution defines the grounds for presidential impeachment (not the 14th amendment), and Trump was exonerated by the Senate during his impeachment trial.
    3. Section 3 of the 14th is not "self-executing" --letters and essays from lawmakers during ratification state that the section should not be considered self-executing. A ruling in 1869 by a federal judge also said the section was not self-executing. Therefore, to disqualify Trump would be a violation of due process.

    After the Supreme Court strikes down the Colorado decision, I predict the following will happen:

    The Democratic governors in states that have barred Trump from the ballot will refuse to comply with the ruling. Governors Whitmer (Michigan) and Hobbs (Arizona) will declare that the powers of their office allow them to keep Trump off the ballot. Trump will then lose the general election.

    And we go into a very dangerous time, as riots and protests break out. The US government and its institutions will be under suspicion, and the courts will be considered corrupt.

    Some Republicans have even said they would consider kicking Biden off the ballot in retaliation to the Colorado ruling --which further escalates this whole situation.
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    Re: It’s Time For The United States To Divorce Before Things Get Dangerous


    Before anyone gets the wrong idea - I don't think anyone should be under ANY illusions about how Trump views Muslims.

    His simping for zios is beyond pathetic.

    Meanwhile the Democrats.

    More generally

    Having said that I have to agree that the political establishment is out to get him. He disrupted their gravy train and they want to punish him and any others who think they can alter the status quo.

    Another update. Looks like his nomination campaign has got of to a good start.


    Freezing cold with a larger population of pigs than people, rural Iowa can make or break a presidential campaign. And Donald Trump has taken a significant step towards becoming the Republican Party presidential candidate with a record win in the state's caucuses.

    He won 51 per cent of the vote, a remarkable comeback landslide. Florida governor Ron DeSantis got 21 per cent, and former ambassador to the UN Nikki Hayley wasn't far behind him on 19 per cent.

    One of the poorer performing candidates, Vivek Ramaswamy has announced that he is dropping out of the contest

    The Iowa race represents the first stage in the Republican selection process with the winner going on to face Joe Biden in November's presidential election.

    Last edited by سيف الله; 01-24-2024 at 08:37 PM.
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  9. #66
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    Re: It’s Time For The United States To Divorce Before Things Get Dangerous

    All American presidents are Zionists. Jewish plutocrats rule USA and the West in general. Candidates running for presidency are vetted by the oberJuden. Anyone who is not pro Jewish simply cannot be president. Trump implies that Biden is "anti-Semitic" but in reality Biden is as pro Jewish as Trump and constantly rubs shoulders with his many Jewish mates around the world including Zelensky.
    Trump is also wrong that "antisemitism" universally runs hand in glove with anti-Americanism. They don't actually. There are many patriotic White Nationalists in America who are FIERCELY anti-Semitic.
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  10. #67
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    Re: It’s Time For The United States To Divorce Before Things Get Dangerous


    Another update.

    The “Stop Biden” Drumbeat Begins

    Media Democrats are terrified that Joe Biden is going to run for re-election, and they’re already calling on him to step aside:

    What I admire most about President Biden is that in a polarized nation, he has governed from the center out, as he promised in his victory speech. With an unexpectedly steady hand, he passed some of the most important domestic legislation in recent decades. In foreign policy, he managed the delicate balance of helping Ukraine fight Russia without getting America itself into a war. In sum, he has been a successful and effective president.

    But I don’t think Biden and Vice President Harris should run for reelection. It’s painful to say that, given my admiration for much of what they have accomplished. But if he and Harris campaign together in 2024, I think Biden risks undoing his greatest achievement — which was stopping Trump.
    It’s really remarkable how the most popular President and biggest vote-winner in history inspires such a lack of confidence in those who are on his side. In fact, it tends to make one question if he was really that popular and if he really won all those votes in 2020.


    Biden’s Replacement

    It’s becoming rapidly apparent that Biden is unlikely to make it to the November election in sufficient shape to speak in public. AC suggests that the plan is to replace him with RFK Jr., due to the problems with getting any other Democrat on enough state ballots given the registration rules:

    RFK Jr. is the replacement for Biden, they will keep him in place until a replacement is impossible and then send him to hospice so all their voters will gravitate to RFK Jr. and hope he can steal enough centrists and Never Trumpers to win.

    The comment is just dead on. If they ran RFK as a democrat, we would all assume he is comped, and opposition would be high. Now they have set him up as the anti-Cabal candidate who democrats and the establishment, and the CIA, and Vaxxies, just hate with a passion, and who they do not want to win since they have opposed him so vociferously. And then Biden gets either dead or 25th-ed, and now Democrats cannot run anyone because all the deadlines ran out, and RFK is there, perfectly positioned. He is like a more charismatic Bernie Sanders to the leftists, and he is almost quasi-Trumpian to the anti-Cabal right, so our resistance is lower than to Biden or an establishment candidate. It even makes sense why Gavin Newsom chose not to run, as did all the other establishment candidates. They all knew the plan – maybe their only chance for survival – was RFK, and everyone will do whatever is needed to support the plan.
    I’m very dubious, mostly because it assumes that people who habitually break the election laws, including in the previous election, are going to make plans that are based upon the need to obey the candidate-registration laws. But it would explain both the way the elite media is gradually turning against Biden while going very, very soft on RFK Jr.

    Even so, I’d assume that RFK Jr. was a backup plan, at most. If they want Newsom on the ballot, they’ll put him on the ballot, one way or another. And the Republicans will cry, but they won’t actually do anything about it.

    As for the conservative obsession with Michelle Obama being a potential candidate… well, conservatives are retarded.


    Just one example of the mainstream turning on Biden.

    More comment.

    Biden has a long history for bootlicking for the Zios.


    "Were there not an Israel, the United States of America would have to invent an Israel."

    Here's a history of surprising statements US President Joe Biden has made about Zionism and Israel.

    And again for anyone who has any remaining illusions about Trump.

    More comment.

    Finish the Problem

    Donald Trump endorses the Gazacaust:

    Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump expressed his support for Israel’s war in Gaza Tuesday, in his most explicit comments yet on the fighting, as international pressure grows on the United States to rein in its ally.

    “Yes,” Trump responded, when asked during an interview on Fox News if he was “in Israel’s camp.”

    The interviewer then asked if the former president was “on board” with the way Israel was executing its offensive in Gaza.

    “You’ve got to finish the problem,” Trump responded.

    President Joe Biden, whom Trump is set to challenge for the White House in November, has come under increasing fire both internationally and from his own Democratic base over his backing for Israel as the death toll in Gaza soars and the specter of famine looms.

    The fighting began with an attack by Palestinian militant group Hamas on southern Israel on October 7, resulting in about 1,160 deaths, most of them civilians, according to an AFP tally based on official Israeli figures.

    Israel’s retaliatory offensive in the Gaza Strip has killed 30,534 people, mostly women and children, according to the health ministry in the Hamas-ruled territory.
    Well, at least he didn’t call for a final solution. It’s a healthy reminder that Americans will not be voting their way out of Clown World. They’re going to have to go through the whole decline-and-fall process. It’s informative that Trump views Palestinians living in Palestine as a problem, but doesn’t view hundreds of millions of foreigners living in the United States as one. And it’s even more informative to see that his position appears to be diametrically opposed to that being presented by China and Russia.

    It’s not that Trump wasn’t a good president. He was one of the better ones. But I wouldn’t hold out a whole lot of hope for his presidency, even if there is a legitimate election sans fraud.

    Last edited by سيف الله; 03-07-2024 at 10:19 PM.
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    Re: It’s Time For The United States To Divorce Before Things Get Dangerous


    Another update. Trumps in trouble.


    Krishnan Guru-Murthy: ‘He blamed President Biden, called the judge a 'tyrant' and described the trial as a 'scam'. Donald Trump says he'll appeal against his criminal conviction - declaring that he is ‘willing to do whatever I have to do to save my country.’

    It follows last night's verdict, when a New York jury found Mr Trump guilty on 34 counts of business fraud. Speaking just now, Mr Biden said it was ‘dangerous and irresponsible’ to suggest the trial was rigged.’

    More comment.

    Countdown to 2033

    In the aftermath of the fake Trump trial, Martin Armstrong’s computer system predicts the fall of the USA in 8.6 years:

    Our legal system is so corrupt and biased that the entire system should be scrapped and all judges simply fired. History is littered with corrupt judges like Merchan who always assume they are above the law like this ACTING judge and former prosecutor. In China, the historian Sima Qian provides us with a look at one of the most harsh bureaucrats of the Wudi reign, Du Zhou (? – 95BC), who argued that the old laws were then irrelevant and could be changed at the pleasure of the emperor. Zang Tang (? – 116BC) A judicial bureaucrat named Wno drafted the laws under Wudi regime and made treasonous thoughts (CONSPIRACY) punishable by death. When the regimes changed, he was eventually compelled to commit suicide as his view of the law led him to be the most hated among all of the ministers under Wudi regime.

    Yet Merchan is perhaps closer to the minister Chao Cuo (? – 154BC) who was under the previous emperor Ching-ti (Liu Ch’i)(157-141BC), Chao Cuo earned the hatred of other ministers after he introduced 30 new laws. The outrage was so intense, he was dragged out and executed in his judicial robes in the town marketplace. There was far greater resistance toward changing the laws in China than what we see in NYC today. These incidents of publicly executing ministers who tried to make the laws even harsher, were not unique, but became far more common in China compared to the West.

    Merchan has set in motion the decline and fall of the United States and curiously, it will be about 8.6 years from this even until we reach 2032. That was the time of judicial upheaval in China and it was just 8.6 years for the collapse of the Roman Monetary system from 260-268AD.

    What they have set in motion is the decline and fall of the United States. There will not be enough police in New York City to protect it from collapse. Institutions are selling New York state and city debt. It will never be paid.

    This may be another reason why the neocons have been successful in convincing the less-bloodthirsty clowns to pursue an unwinnable war against both Russia and China, while simultaneously supporting an Israeli war in the Middle East. In addition to time running out on the neocons’ ability to utilize a powerful foreign army for their own purposes, there is no way that the current US government can avoid the collapse of the global financial system it inherited from Great Britain and for which it provides the muscle required to keep the nations inside it.

    War has long been a way of erasing debts and those to whom the debts are owed. And as Armstrong observes, cities, states, and the Federal government itself are far too deep underwater to ever recover.

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  12. #69
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    Re: It’s Time For The United States To Divorce Before Things Get Dangerous


    Another update.

    Guilty on All Charges

    President Trump was found “guilty” on all 34 charges in one of the most absurd and obviously fake trials in history.
    A New York jury on Thursday found Donald Trump guilty on all 34 felony counts of falsifying business records — the first time a former U.S. president has been convicted of a crime.

    The jury reached its verdict in the historic case after 9.5 hours of deliberations, which began Wednesday.

    He’ll be sentenced on July 11, four days before the Republican National Convention. He faces penalties ranging from a fine to four years in prison on each count, although it’s expected he would be sentenced for the offenses concurrently, and not consecutively.
    Clown World at its finest. Meanwhile, the DOJ still can’t manage to find anything with which to charge Hunter Biden.


    Not quite. Trial drama continues, now Hunter Biden is in trouble.


    Hunter Biden has been found guilty of lying about his drug use in order to illegally buy a gun.

    It's the first time the son or daughter of a sitting US president has been convicted of a crime.

    The jury found him guilty on all three charges after a week-long trial and around three hours of deliberation, leaving him potentially facing up to 25 years in prison.

    More comment.

    It’s Always the Paperwork

    They got Capone on taxes. And of all the many crimes they could have gotten the massively corrupt Hunter Biden for, they got him for filling out a gun purchase form:

    US President Joe Biden’s son, Hunter, was found guilty by a Delaware jury on Tuesday. He faced three federal charges relating to possession of a firearm while addicted to drugs.

    Hunter Biden was accused of lying on a gun purchase form in 2018, falsely attesting that he was not a drug addict when, in fact, he was on crack cocaine at the time.

    Tuesday’s verdict means Biden is the first son of a sitting president to be convicted in federal court. He could receive up to 25 years in prison, although the sentence is widely expected to be far more lenient.
    Yes, one would expect the sentence to be lenient, if not entirely nonexistent. Frankly, I’m shocked that he was found guilty.

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  14. #70
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    Re: It’s Time For The United States To Divorce Before Things Get Dangerous


    Another update. The first presidential debates. The usual theatrics but no amount of spin can conceal how disastrous this was for Biden.


    According to the pollsters, it's the rematch voters don't want. But if Americans were hoping for reassurance from the first televised debate of the 2024 election between Joe Biden and Donald Trump, they didn't get it.

    A stumbling and often incoherent Joe Biden and an evasive Donald Trump discussed which of them was the worst President in history, and who had the best golf handicap. Senior Democrats have rallied round Mr Biden, but in private some are now asking a question many voters have been asking for months: is he up to the job?

    His puppetmasters have had enough and want him out.

    The Knives are Out

    Joe Biden #4 gave a historic performance in the presidential debate that even The Economist describes as “an unmitigated disaster”:

    The mission for Joe Biden in the presidential debate held in Atlanta on June 27th was clear: to prove his critics wrong, by showing that he was mentally fit and thereby reverse the polling deficit that makes Donald Trump the favourite to win the American election in 2024. Unfortunately, his performance was an unmitigated disaster—perhaps the worst of any presidential candidate in modern history. The president, who is 81 (and would be 86 by the end of a second term in office), stammered indecipherably, struggled to complete his lines of attack and proved his doubters completely correct. Although Mr Trump was in his typical form—meandering, mendacious, vindictive—he somehow appeared the more coherent and lucid of the pair. Mr Biden’s decision to seek re-election rather than standing aside for a younger standard-bearer now looks like a reckless endangerment of the democracy he claims to want to protect.

    Merely quoting Mr Biden’s rhetorical bumblings do not do them justice, but they do give a sense of the shambles. Consider one of his lines at the very start of the debate, the first indicator that the president was in poor form: “Making sure that we continue to strengthen our health-care system, making sure that we’re able to make every single, solitary person eligible for what I’ve been able to do with the…uh, covid…excuse me, dealing with everyone we had to do with… look, if we finally beat Medicare…” The moderator interrupted before further damage could be done, one of several coups de grâce graciously administered.
    I don’t see how the Democrats can seriously expect to field any of their five Joe Bidens as a candidate, although at least it would purport to demonstrate how many people will vote for a Democrat under any circumstance. That, of course, assumes that the elections are real, which we know they are not.

    So, the point of showing that Biden is incapacitated, and permitting the media to trumpet his incapacity now that the primaries are over is to put someone else in the office. Whether that is Trump or not remains to be seen.

    Of the various replacement candidates on offer, I think RFK is the most credible suggestion, Michelle Obama the least. I also think that Newsome was the original plan, but that is less viable since California has been imploding faster than anticipated.

    The lesson is this: once you take the ticket, no matter how high you rise, you will eventually be thrown from the high horse.


    Joe Must Go

    The New York Times reads from the script to shut down the Fake Biden administration:

    Mr. Biden has said that he is the candidate with the best chance of taking on this threat of tyranny and defeating it. His argument rests largely on the fact that he beat Mr. Trump in 2020. That is no longer a sufficient rationale for why Mr. Biden should be the Democratic nominee this year.

    At Thursday’s debate, the president needed to convince the American public that he was equal to the formidable demands of the office he is seeking to hold for another term. Voters, however, cannot be expected to ignore what was instead plain to see: Mr. Biden is not the man he was four years ago.

    The president appeared on Thursday night as the shadow of a great public servant. He struggled to explain what he would accomplish in a second term. He struggled to respond to Mr. Trump’s provocations. He struggled to hold Mr. Trump accountable for his lies, his failures and his chilling plans. More than once, he struggled to make it to the end of a sentence.

    Mr. Biden has been an admirable president. Under his leadership, the nation has prospered and begun to address a range of long-term challenges, and the wounds ripped open by Mr. Trump have begun to heal. But the greatest public service Mr. Biden can now perform is to announce that he will not continue to run for re-election.
    Isn’t it fascinating how Clown World will often come right out and tell you the truth, but do so in a way in which you naturally assume a less-insidious interpretation?

    Mr. Biden is not the man he was four years ago.

    They expect you to take it as a metaphor. But it isn’t. That’s the literal truth. That dotard on the stage was Biden #4. I doubt Biden #1 is even alive now.

    Anyhow, the signals are being sent out. And all the various schools of SJWs, liberals, and progressives will dutifully change their course in perfect formation now that the elite media are broadcasting the new Narrative.

    UPDATE: The Uniparty is in one accord on the matter.

    Joe Biden should be replaced as US president, having shown he is “not up to the task” during his debate with Donald Trump, House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) has said.


    Anyhow, the signals are being sent out. And all the various schools of SJWs, liberals, and progressives will dutifully change their course in perfect formation now that the elite media are broadcasting the new Narrative.
    Its same in the UK, after the debate the Guardian/Times etc immediately had a piece breathlessly speculating who will replace Biden, the liberal elite dont miss a beat.

    EDIT - Bidens been ditched


    After mounting pressure from Democrats following his debate performance, President Joe Biden has dropped out of the 2024 presidential race. WSJ’s Catherine Lucey explains how Biden lost his party’s support.

    0:00 Biden drops out of race
    0:36 How Democratic support for Biden unraveled
    3:55 Age concerns

    More comment.


    Wait until Biden finds out about this.


    Just let the poor guy retire it’s basically elder abuse at this point


    4 years of the media pretending he wasn't mentally unfit to serve...


    Guy announced it 15 minutes ago, and wsj managed to publish this lol


    Why did the Democrats let it go this far and allow it to come to this so late in the game despite so much ample warning? This is a party-wide disaster.


    The fact that he went this far, shows the state of American politics..


    truly shocking as to the fact that he was never in charge of the country anyway
    Last edited by سيف الله; 07-24-2024 at 04:17 PM.
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    Re: It’s Time For The United States To Divorce Before Things Get Dangerous


    Sure you all seen this.


    The former president and presumptive Republican nominee was showing off a chart of border crossing numbers during his last rally before the Republican National Convention opens Monday when bangs started ringing through the crowd. Trump could be seen reaching with his right hand toward his neck. There appeared to be blood on his face. He quickly ducked behind the riser as agents from his protective detail rushed the stage and screams were heard in the crowd of several thousand people. The bangs continued as agents tended to him on stage. The crowd cheered as he got back up and pumped his fist.


    Flanked by the secret service and circled by police officers, law enforcement was meant to keep Donald Trump safe at his rally in Butler Pennsylvania on 13 July.

    But somehow, 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks came within centimetres of assassinating him.

    Director of the Secret Service Kimberley Cheatle has told ABC News the shooting was ‘unacceptable’.

    Homeland Security called it a ‘security failure’.

    In this visual investigation, we’re going to show you, using footage from multiple angles and sources, what was happening while Trump was speaking and, second by second, when the threat to Donald Trump's life was first identified.

    Building a detailed picture of exactly how law enforcement reacted before and immediately after shots were fired.

    Naturally lead to a lot of speculation who or what is behind this.

    A Trump supporters reaction.

    Heads will roll.


    The head of the US Secret Service Kimberly Cheatle has stepped down after Donald Trump was shot at a rally earlier this month.

    Sky's David Blevins reports from Washington on this developing story.

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    Re: It’s Time For The United States To Divorce Before Things Get Dangerous


    Another update. A history of assassination attempts on prominent US political figures.

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    salamu alaikum, i think Biden and Trump are two sides of the same coin, so i think there's no need to make him look like a victim.
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