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The Jewish Plan For The Middle East and Beyond

  1. #1
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    The Jewish Plan For The Middle East and Beyond (OP)


    Understand what the globalists have in store for the Middle East

    The Jewish Plan For The Middle East and Beyond

    Surely, what’s happening now in Iraq and Syria must serve as a final wakeup call that we have been led into a horrific situation in the Middle East by a powerful Lobby driven by the interests of one tribe and one tribe alone.

    Back in 1982, Oded Yinon an Israeli journalist formerly attached to the Israeli Foreign Ministry, published a document titled ‘A Strategy for Israel in the Nineteen Eighties.’This Israeli commentator suggested that for Israel to maintain its regional superiority, it must fragment its surrounding Arab states into smaller units. The document, later labelled as ‘Yinon Plan’, implied that Arabs and Muslims killing each other in endless sectarian wars was, in effect, Israel’s insurance policy.

    Of course, regardless of the Yinon Plan’s prophesies, one might still argue that this has nothing to do with Jewish lobbying, politics or institutions but is just one more Israeli strategic proposal except that it is impossible to ignore that the Neocon school of thought that pushed the English-speaking Empire into Iraq was largely a Jewish Diaspora, Zionist clan. It’s also no secret that the 2nd Gulf War was fought to serve Israeli interests - breaking into sectarian units what then seemed to be the last pocket of Arab resistance to Israel.

    Similarly, it is well established that when Tony Blair decided to launch that criminal war, Lord Levy was the chief fundraiser for his Government while, in the British media, Jewish Chronicle writers David Aaronovitch and Nick Cohen were busy beating the drums for war. And again, it was the exact same Jewish Lobby that was pushing for intervention in Syria, calling for the USA and NATO to fight alongside those same Jihadi forces that today threaten the last decade’s American ‘achievements’ in Iraq.

    Unfortunately, Yinon’s disciples are more common than you might expect. In France, it was the infamous Jewish ‘philosopher’ Bernard Henri Levy who boasted on TV that ‘as a Jew’ campaigning for NATO intervention, he liberated Libya.

    As we can see, a dedicated number of Jewish Zionist activists, commentators and intellectuals have worked relentlessly in many countries pushing for exactly the same cause – the breaking up of Arab and Muslim states into smaller, sectarian units.

    But is it just the Zionists who are engaging in such tactics? Not at all.

    In fact, the Jewish so-called Left serves the exact same cause, but instead of fragmenting Arabs and Muslims into Shia, Sunnis, Alawites and Kurds they strive to break them into sexually oriented identity groups (Lesbian, Queer, Gays, Heterosexual etc’)

    Recently I learned from Sarah Schulman, a NY Jewish Lesbian activist that in her search for funding for a young ‘Palestinian Queer’ USA tour, she was advised to approach George Soros’ Open Society institute. The following account may leave you flabbergasted, as it did me:

    “A former ACT UP staffer who worked for the Open Society Institute, George Soros’ foundation, suggested that I file an application there for funding for the tour. When I did so it turned out that the person on the other end had known me from when we both attended Hunter [College] High School in New York in the 1970s. He forwarded the application to the Institutes’s office in Amman, Jordan, and I had an amazing one-hour conversation with Hanan Rabani, its director of the Women’s and Gender program for the Middle East region. Hanan told me that this tour would give great visibility to autonomous queer organizations in the region. That it would inspire queer Arabs—especially in Egypt and Iran…for that reason, she said, funding for the tour should come from the Amman office” (Sarah Schulman -Israel/Palestine and the Queer International p. 108).

    The message is clear, The Open Society Institutes (OSI) wires Soros’s money to Jordan, Palestine and then back to the USA in order to “inspire queer Arabs in Egypt and Iran (sic).”

    What we see here is clear evidence of a blatant intervention by George Soros and his institute in an attempt to break Arabs and Muslims and shape their culture. So, while the right-wing Jewish Lobby pushes the Arabs into ethnic sectarian wars, their tribal counterparts within George Soros’s OSI institute, do exactly the same - attempt to break the Arab and Muslims by means of marginal and identity politics.

    It is no secret that, as far as recent developments in Iraq are concerned, America, Britain and the West are totally unprepared. So surely, the time is long overdue when we must identify the forces and ideologies within Western society that are pushing us into more and more global conflicts. And all we can hope for is that America, Britain and France may think twice before they spends trillions of their tax payers’ money in following the Yinon Plan to fight ruinous, foreign wars imposed upon them by The Lobby.

    Last edited by سيف الله; 05-03-2018 at 10:14 PM.
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    Re: The Jewish Plan For The Middle East and Beyond

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    In 2019, the Israeli #Zionist movement is pressuring US politicians to make it illegal for American citizens to boycott #Israel.

    They are pushing an anti-boycott bill known as HR 336. But in 1933, against the wishes of German Jews, Jews in America and the United Kingdom organized a global boycott of Germany. Just as Jews were justified in boycotting German goods over concerns about abuse of Jews in 1933, today we are justified in organizing the global #BDS boycott of Israel over its abuse of Palestinians. أخبار فلسطين

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    Re: The Jewish Plan For The Middle East and Beyond


    Like to share, good analysis of how anti-Semitism is weaponised.


    In a febrile, political and media age the proverbial lie travels halfway around the world while the truth is still putting on its shoes. Lying is one thing…but politicizing racism is something entirely different.

    The leader of the British Labour Party, Jeremy Corbyn has fought racism all of his political life yet throughout his tenure his party has been dogged by claims of antisemitism. But is there substance to all of these allegations? Host Ross Ashcroft travels to New York to meet the American political scientist and author Professor Norman Finkelstein to discuss antisemitism and the fundamental right to free speech.

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    Re: The Jewish Plan For The Middle East and Beyond


    This is a pattern of late. Sections of the American right are distancing themselves from their previous support of Israel.

    A historical rhyme

    It appears Americans will find themselves sympathizing with the Palestinian people sooner rather than later now that Florida and other states are occupied territory:

    What is, however, less known is that inside the US, the Neocons and their allies have been a prime force to dismantle the Bill of Rights, especially the First and Second Amendments.

    Today, I want to give a simple yet telling example of how this kind of stuff is quietly happening with very little opposition. And for that example, I will use the US state in which I am currently living, Florida.

    Check out this stunning sequence of events:

    On April 11th the FL House unanimously (114-0) passed a House Bill 741 which would define anti-Semitism as:

    “A certain perception of the Jewish people, which may be expressed as hatred toward Jewish people.”
    “Rhetorical and physical manifestations of anti-Semitism directed toward a person, his or her property, or toward Jewish community institutions or religious facilities.”

    The bill also provides many examples of “anti-Semitism,” including:

    Calling for, aiding, or justifying the killing or harming of Jews, often in the name of a radical ideology or an extremist view of religion.
    Accusing Jews as a people or the State of Israel of inventing or exaggerating the Holocaust.
    Accusing Jewish citizens of being more loyal to Israel, or the alleged priorities of Jews worldwide, than to the interest of their own nations.

    The bill also provides that examples of anti-Semitism related to Israel include:

    Applying a double standard to Israel by requiring behavior of Israel that is not expected or demanded of any other democratic nation, or focusing peace or human rights investigations only on Israel.
    Delegitimizing Israel by denying the Jewish people their right to self-determination and denying Israel the right to exist.

    On April 29th Governor DeSantis and the Florida Cabinet met in Jerusalem (not a joke!) to proclaim their support for “the Jewish state” (sic) and declare that DeSantis will be the most pro-Israel governor in “America” (sic). The fact that holding that meeting abroad is a violation of Florida law did not bother anybody (except The Florida First Amendment Foundation which filed a lawsuit against this outrage). Neither did the fact that Israel is the last openly and officially racist state on our planet. Sadly, Florida is hardly an exception, two dozen other states (including Texas) have passed similar laws.
    This is pure and unmitigated anti-American evil on display. It clearly demonstrates the way in which the Republican Party has been totally corrupted and is now incapable of defending either American interests or American rights. It is said that while history does not repeat, it does rhyme. And what we are seeing is an astonishing ur-repetition of the way in which the Roman empire offered refuge to poor, desperate Gothic refugees beleaguered by the Huns in 376 AD, only to see those refugees slaughter the emperor and sack Rome within 44 years.

    I wonder how many states will support identical laws banning a certain perception of Christians, which may be expressed as hatred toward Christianity? I also note that some of these examples of "anti-semitism" observably contradict some of the other examples provided.

    UPDATE: Lest you fail to grasp that this Florida law is a direct Neo-Palestinian attack on the First Amendment rights of Americans:
    A federal judge has temporarily blocked the enforcement of a state law that prohibits government agencies in Texas from doing business with contractors who are boycotting Israel. U.S. District Judge Robert Pitman issued an injunction Thursday against the law, saying it threatens to suppress unpopular ideas and manipulates “the public debate through coercion rather than persuasion.” "This the First Amendment does not allow," he wrote.
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    Re: The Jewish Plan For The Middle East and Beyond


    The mask comes off.

    UAE, Israel had secret relations for 20 years

    The Hebrew-language Israeli daily Maariv has revealed new details about the deep secret Israeli-Emirati relations which started about 20 years ago, Al-Khaleej Online reported yesterday.

    Citing former Haarets intelligence and strategic affairs correspondent Yossi Melman, Maariv said that these relations developed due to the nature of common interests between the two sides.

    The UAE has been developing its relations with Israel not as a state that has formal representation in the country, Melman said, stating that these relations are based on arms and intelligence IT deals worth billions of dollars sold by Israel to the UAE.

    He also noted that the countries’ common hostility towards the Muslim Brotherhood pushed Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi Mohammed Bin Zayed to build an alliance with Egyptian President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi and Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad Bin Salman.

    Melman revealed that the US President Donald Trump, who has good personal relations with Bin Zayed, allows Israel to sell military technology dependent on American technology to the UAE.

    The Israeli cyber company NSO sold software to Abu Dhabi, according to Melman, which enables the state to spy on the mobiles of its citizens, stressing that Tel Aviv knows about the violation of human rights in the UAE.

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    Re: The Jewish Plan For The Middle East and Beyond


    Another update.

    Israel renames Golan Heights town "Trump Heights" in honor of U.S. president

    The Trump name graces apartment towers, hotels and golf courses. Now it is the namesake of a tiny Israeli settlement in the Israel-controlled Golan Heights. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's Cabinet convened in this hamlet Sunday to inaugurate a new settlement named after Donald Trump in a gesture of appreciation for the U.S. president's recognition of Israeli sovereignty over the territory.

    The settlement isn't exactly new. Currently known as Bruchim, it is over 30 years old and has a population of 10 people.

    Israel is hoping the rebranded "Ramat Trump," Hebrew for "Trump Heights," will encourage a wave of residents to vastly expand it.

    "It's absolutely beautiful," said U.S. Ambassador David Friedman, who attended Sunday's ceremony. Noting that Mr. Trump celebrated his birthday Friday, he said: "I can't think of a more appropriate and a more beautiful birthday present."

    Israel captured the Golan Heights from Syria in the 1967 Mideast war and annexed it in 1981. Most of the international community considers the move illegal under international law.

    But during a visit to Washington by Netanyahu in March, just weeks before Israeli elections, Mr. Trump signed an executive order recognizing the strategic mountainous plateau as Israeli territory. The decision, the latest in a series of diplomatic moves benefiting Israel, was widely applauded in Israel.

    "Few things are more important to the security of the state of Israel than permanent sovereignty over the Golan Heights," Friedman said. "It is simply obvious, it is indisputable and beyond any reasonable debate."

    After the Cabinet decision, Netanyahu and Friedman unveiled a sign trimmed in gold with the name "Trump Heights" and adorned with U.S. and Israeli flags. the president retweeted photos Friedman posted of the event and thanked Netanyahu "and the State of Israel for this great honor!"

    Addressing the ceremony, Netanyahu called Mr. Trump a "great friend" of Israel and described the Golan, which overlooks northern Israel, as an important strategic asset.

    "The Golan Heights was and will always be an inseparable part of our country and homeland," he said.

    Developing Ramat Trump will not be easy. Ringed by high yellow grass and land mines, it is roughly 20 kilometers (12 miles) from the Syrian border and a half hour drive from the nearest Israeli town, Kiryat Shmona, a community of about 20,000 people near the Lebanese border.

    According to Israeli figures, almost 50,000 people live in the Golan, including about 22,000 Jewish Israelis and nearly 25,000 Arab Druze residents.

    While Israel has encouraged and promoted settlement in the Golan, its remote location, several hours from the economic center of Tel Aviv, has been an obstacle. The area is home to small agriculture and tourism sectors but otherwise has little industry.

    The eight-year Syrian civil war, which at times has resulted in spillover fire into the Golan, also could present an obstacle to luring new residents.

    Zvi Hauser, an opposition lawmaker who formerly served as Netanyahu's Cabinet secretary, called Sunday's ceremony a cheap PR stunt.

    "There's no funding, no planning, no location, and there's no real binding decision," he said.

    Ramat Trump joins a handful of Israeli places named after American presidents, including a village for Harry S. Truman, who first recognized the Jewish state, and George W. Bush Plaza, a square the size of a modest living room in central Jerusalem.

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    Re: The Jewish Plan For The Middle East and Beyond


    Another update, the mask continues to come off.


    The official slammed Palestinian leadership as “irresponsible” for not even considering the Deal of the Century, which will bring 60 billion USD to their people.

    “History and Allah brought a real opportunity,” a top-ranking Saudi diplomat told Israelis via an interview in Globes on Friday. “The blood conflict had lasted too long. Us Saudis and all Gulf States plus Egypt and Jordan realize that the age of going to war with Israel is over.”

    Pointing to “the advantages of normalizing relations,” he argued that “the whole Arab world could benefit from it,” Globes reported.

    The Saudi diplomat told Globes that “Israeli technology is very advanced and the Arab world, including those who hate you, looks at Israel in admiration due to this success and hopes to copy it.”

    He further stated that despite the understanding among Saudi people that the age of war with Israel needs to end, the kingdom has a deep commitment to the Palestinians.

    “Maybe it is hard for them to part with the character of the ever-suffering victim and they don’t believe they could survive without it,” he said, noting that if they accept the American peace plan they will be given “sums they never dreamed of.”

    The official slammed Palestinian leadership as “irresponsible” for not even considering the "Deal of the Century," which will bring $50 billion to their people, he said.

    Far from arguing the plan is based solely on money, the Saudi diplomat argued that it includes a “clear path leading to complete Palestinian independence” and added that “we are convinced that even the hard issues can be resolved when one has a full stomach and a relaxed life…they still don’t accept this.”

    The diplomat argued that one of the reasons for this refusal is the Palestinian perspective that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu may not be able to sell a peace deal to the Israelis and so they can wait until a leader who is more suitable to their needs might appear.

    “We think that when it’s time to decide every Israeli leader, Netanyahu as well, will take the path of peace as this is what most Israelis want,” the man said.

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    Re: The Jewish Plan For The Middle East and Beyond


    The mask continues to come off.

    Israel lauds Bahraini FM for friendly comments, hopes for closer ties

    Foreign Ministry invites Bahraini journalists to visit Israel, saying ‘direct contact is the key to peace,’ after Shaikh Khalid Al Khalifa’s first interviews with Israeli media

    Jerusalem on Thursday welcomed comments by Bahrain’s foreign minister to Israeli journalists expressing hopes for ties with Israel, and said it would invite Bahraini reporters to visit as a thank you.

    In interviews with The Times of Israel and with Israeli television channels on the sidelines of a US-led peace workshop in the Bahraini capital of Manama, Khalid bin Ahmed Al Khalifa said Israel was part of the Middle East and that he hoped for peace with the Jewish state.

    “We welcome Bahrain FM Shaikh Khalid Al Khalifa’s decision to openly share his views with the Israeli media,” the ministry said in a statement. “The positive comments that were expressed in the interview are very encouraging and offer hope for closer ties bilaterally & a peaceful future for our region.”

    Ministry spokesperson Emmanuel Nahshon told The Times of Israel that Jerusalem was issuing an official invitation to Bahraini journalists to visit Israel.

    “I’ll be overjoyed to host a delegation of Bahraini journalists and show them Israel,” Nahshon said. “Direct contact is the key to peace.”

    Khalifa firmly backed Israel’s right to exist Wednesday in a first-ever series of on the record interviews with Israeli outlets against the backdrop of the Peace to Prosperity workshop in Manama.

    “Israel is a country in the region… and it’s there to stay, of course,” he told ToI.

    “Who did we offer peace to [with] the [Arab] Peace Initiative? We offered it to a state named the State of Israel, in the region. We did not offer it to some faraway island or some faraway country,” Khalifa continued, referring to a Saudi-backed peace framework.

    “We offered it to Israel. So we do believe that Israel is a country to stay, and we want better relations with it, and we want peace with it.”


    Some reaction.

    Last edited by سيف الله; 06-29-2019 at 08:19 AM.
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    Re: The Jewish Plan For The Middle East and Beyond


    Another update.


    A crowd protesting Manama's hosting of the US-sponsored 'Peace for Prosperity' conference stormed Bahrain's embassy in Baghdad on Thursday. Several protesters can be seen trying to break into the embassy, alongside some attempting to remove the Bahraini flag from the top of the building.

    The brainchild of US President Donald Trump's son-in-law and senior advisor Jared Kushner, the two-day US-Bahrain Manama workshop was reportedly a part of Trump's 'Deal of the Century' on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

    No representatives from the Palestinian nor Israeli government attended the event. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Bahrain has condemned the attack, calling it "sabotage" and recalling its ambassador to Iraq for consultations.

    The mask continues to come off.

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    Re: The Jewish Plan For The Middle East and Beyond


    Another update

    Israel's ambassador to the UN bizarrely calls for a Palestinian 'surrender'

    The call for a 'suicide' of the Palestinian political and cultural ethos is just a call for a perpetual occupation.

    Telling someone they should commit suicide is one of the meaner tropes of online abusers. Rarely do such messages make it to the New York Times opinion page.

    Israel's Ambassador to the UN, Danny Danon, pulled off this obvious troll in the pages of the paper of record on Monday, calling on Palestinians to kill their own aspirations for nationhood in return for peace from Israel.

    However, unlike a dead body, there is no proof of national suicide that the Palestinians can offer Israel, dooming the ‘Deal of the Century’ (now, the ‘Opportunity of the Century’) to failure.

    “A national suicide of the Palestinians’ current political and cultural ethos is precisely what is needed for peace. The belief that the Jews have no right to the land and Israel is to be destroyed, which engenders a culture of hate and incitement, needs to end,” Danon writes in the piece entitled What’s Wrong With Palestinian Surrender?

    Danon is offering Palestinians a lingering death, which is what Israel has offered Palestinians under occupation for decades, requiring Palestinians constantly be able to prove they are not guilty of being Palestinian. They know that their status as guilty-until-proven-innocent will remain so in the eyes of Israelis, no matter how much cash the Gulf shells out.

    There is no way to bribe away racism, fear, and bigoted suspicion that comes under the Israeli system of apartheid.

    But that won’t stop Danon from trying. In the article, he continues: “Surrendering will create the opportunity to transform Palestinian society,” and lead to their “liberation,” he added.

    The article comes as the US, Israel and Gulf states huddle in Bahrain for a “workshop” on the Deal of the Century, presented by US President Donald Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, who talks about a vague peace plan with an unblinking impassivity. The Palestinian leadership has boycotted the “Peace to Prosperity” confab. No Israeli officials were in attendance, either.

    A far more animated figure than Kushner, Danon writes about Palestinians cleansing their "national identity" of the urge to pointlessly resist Israeli rule. It’s an obvious troll, but Danon’s article represents a serious misunderstanding of who is in control over Palestinian identity.

    Thanks to the occupation, Israel has helped shape Palestinian identity, too, just as Palestinians have shaped Israeli identity by its resistance to the occupation. The path to a lasting, humane peace depends not just on the decisions of powerful people in distant capitals, but more so on Israelis and Palestinians recognising commonalities between their societies, languages and religions. That is the kind of transformation that is necessary for lasting peace.

    Indeed, when it comes to Israelis and Palestinians, it is difficult to imagine a world with one side and not the other, as much as it is difficult to imagine a prison guard without a handcuffed prisoner. Their identities are intertwined, and their relationship defined by who is holding the keys to the handcuffs. Israel doesn't even know where the keys are anymore but can pretend to look for them. And that is what the Deal of the Century is: a surreal charade.

    But this is no mere petty theft. Palestinians remain shackled, and incapable of surviving without Israel spoonfeeding them outside aid.

    The Deal of the Century proposes a huge sum of aid, paid for by the Saudis, in return for Palestinians abandoning anything Israel considers as resistance. But this shows Danon’s misunderstanding of what Palestinians want. It’s not to feast while in handcuffs. They want the handcuffs off.

    That Danon doesn’t recognise that bodes poorly for the success of any peace process.

    In his piece, he asserts that Palestinians can follow the model of Egypt’s truce with Israel in 1979, which saw the United States launch an annual bounty of military and economic aid to Cairo. But that relationship was forged in the midst of the Cold War when Washington had a concrete reason to permanently secure Egypt’s patronage away from Moscow. But this analogy is not just irrelevant, given the unique historical circumstances, but also misleading, as the main benefactor from the plan would be Saudi Arabia and its regional ambitions, not the US.

    Securing the loyalty of another incarnation of Palestinian subcontractors to Israeli occupation would seem like a major diplomatic victory for Saudi Arabia. A Saudi dependency in the West Bank and Gaza would undermine Riyadh's rival Qatar, which has provided Palestinians with humanitarian aid, and Iran, which has provided Palestinian militant groups with money and weapons.

    Removing Iran and sidelining Qatar seems to be Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman’s grand plan, but it is one that would keep the Palestinians subservient to another state. Danon imagines this as liberation as it would make Palestinians the responsibility of another Arab state, a return to the pre-1967 norm when the West Bank was under Jordanian control and Gaza under Egyptian sovereignty.

    Although Danon refers to the United States as being the chief decision maker, Saudi, it seems, is the party with the disposable income. Indeed, Trump, has withdrawn all funding to the Palestinian Authority, destroying whatever meagre reputation his administration might have had as a peace broker.

    The whole plan amounts to Israel’s admission of the failure of occupation, and a desperate desire to return Palestinian enclaves back to other Arabs. But there is no way Saudi Arabia can control what Israel might consider a breach by Palestinians of the terms of an imaginary armistice, criteria that can change with the leadership in the Knesset. One of the characteristics of the occupation is its unpredictable application of oppression.

    If there is one thing the Oslo Accords taught Palestinians, it’s that Israeli promises do not transfer over between prime ministers. There are just some of the simpler complexities Kushner is not considering, as a novice at international diplomacy who shows no natural gift at it. He presents the Bahrain conference as a "workshop" because this is the kind of meaningless corporate jargon that Kushner thinks is inspiring.

    But detached, analytical indifference is not what Israelis and Palestinians need to make peace, although the Times subhead to the essay strongly suggests so: “Knowing when to give up is often the first step to making peace.”

    Danon himself might not have written that, but it conveys the most glaring flaw in his proposal for Palestinian capitulation. Forging peace between Palestinians and Israelis themselves requires a renewed passion for understanding and seeing the humanity in one another, a challenge that even prosperity can sometimes assist, but never achieve. That is the kind of transformation Israelis and Palestinians need to realise together. In peacebuilding as in war-making, neither side gets to give up.

    Last edited by سيف الله; 07-02-2019 at 11:41 PM.
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    Re: The Jewish Plan For The Middle East and Beyond


    More antisemitism.

    On the dangers of weaponising antisemitism.

    Last edited by سيف الله; 07-03-2019 at 06:57 PM.
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    Re: The Jewish Plan For The Middle East and Beyond


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    Re: The Jewish Plan For The Middle East and Beyond


    Another update

    Why The BBC acts as a Propaganda Outlet for Israel– An Insider View

    The BBC’s Panorama channel ‘investigation’ into Labour’s ‘anti-Semitism’ was so blatantly one sided its broadcast as ‘news’ demanded an explanation. In an attempt to grasp why the British national broadcaster fails to fulfil its core mission to report the news in as unbiased a manner as possible, I interviewed a former senior editor for the BBC. The editor, a 35 year veteran of the BBC, reveals the culture that has steered the BBC into its present position as a Zionist mouthpiece.

    In acting as a whistle blower, the former editor risks severe consequences. In Britain leading journalists have been locked behind bars and put under threat of extradition for reporting information whose truthfulness has not even been challenged.

    Sadly, this danger is heightened under the present toxic political atmosphere in Britain, as demonstrated by its purging of a major political party and its tolerance for abuse of its judicial system to deter and punish anyone who dares to question the Zionist narrative.

    Q: When did the BBC become openly biased?

    A: The BBC has always been biased towards Israel, and its bias has been well documented. The reasons for this bias have long been the subject of serious academic studies, the best known of which is Greg Philo’s and Mike Berry’s More Bad News from Israel. In fact, in 2006 an independent report commissioned by the BBC’s own governing body concluded that the BBC’s coverage of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict “does not consistently constitute a full and fair account of the conflict but rather, in important respects, presents an incomplete and in that sense misleading picture.”

    Q: Who and what drove this cultural and political direction within the corporation?

    A: There are a number of drivers behind this biased BBC culture. The most important is the fact that a small number of hardline Zionists occupy key positions at the top and middle levels of the corporation, as well as at the shop-floor level, by which I mean the people who select what to publish or broadcast on a daily basis and who provide editorial steer to journalists. This has been widely publicised and has been in the public domain for some time — see, for example, this http://tinyurl.com/ydhjzeek, these (a) http://tinyurl.com/y7mjtkc6, (b) http://tinyurl.com/y7k39vsh, and (c) http://tinyurl.com/y3x9nktl. Also see this http://tinyurl.com/y6ne4apn and this http://tinyurl.com/y7l88zwl.

    Q: What about political impartiality, supposedly a core BBC value?

    A: Unfortunately, there are many examples of such pro- Israel hype, some blatant and others who slant the news by use of emphasis and/or omission. For instance, there was Sarah Montague’s interview with Israel’s defence minister, Moshe Ya’alon, in March 2015, Head of Statistics’ Anthony Reuben’s reflection on fatalities in Gaza (http://tinyurl.com/ycc9p8d4), and the utilization of Gil Hoffman, an Israeli army reservist and chief political correspondent for the Jerusalem Post to write for the BBC News website (http://tinyurl.com/yanppk93) to mention but a few.

    Q: Does the broadcaster have the means or inclination to fix itself ?

    A: In my opinion, the chances of the BBC fixing itself is about zero. Apart from what I have said above, it is a cowardly, spineless organisation. Not only does it always pursue the path of least resistance by selecting to broadcast what is least likely to upset the Zionist lobby, but it is also deadly afraid of what the Daily Mail might say about its output. Very often, and by that I mean almost on a daily basis, one would hear senior managers ask at the morning agenda-setting editorial meetings, “What would the Daily Mail say about that?” Invariably, they would choose what is least likely to be picked up and criticised by the Daily Mail. Please remember, this is a public broadcaster that is funded by taxpayers (yes, the License Fee is a tax) and is supposed to “Educate, Inform and Entertain”, not propagandise on behalf of Israel.

    Q: Some of the so-called Labour ‘Whistleblowers’ were exposed by Al Jazeera as Israeli Lobby assets. Is it possible that the BBC was so bold as to interview these characters hoping that no one would notice or was it simply a matter of a clumsy decision making? Can the BBC match the journalistic dedication of organisations such as RT or Al Jazeera?

    A: There is no chance whatsoever that the BBC would do anything approximating Al Jazeera TV’s programme on Israeli infiltration of the Labour Party (http://tinyurl.com/yad6fslm). The BBC is institutionally pro-Zionist and institutionally spineless.

    Q: You worked in the corporation for 35 years, did you notice a deterioration in the quality of people hired? Was there a change in employees’ attitudes and their willingness to express themselves freely and critically?

    A: I worked for the BBC’s English-language outlets as an editor and senior editor for 35 years. Since the early 1990s there has been growing intolerance of criticism of editorial management decisions, even in internal forums which internal BBC propaganda claims are meant for staff to speak freely. This applies across the board on all matters. But certainly with regard to Israel and Zionism, any questioning of BBC impartiality would attract accusations of anti-Semitism and would certainly spell the end of one’s career, no matter how privately and confidentially such criticism is conveyed.

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    Re: The Jewish Plan For The Middle East and Beyond


    Another update. This wasn't meant to get out.

    This IS the question.

    Trump has his priorities straight.

    Last edited by سيف الله; 07-24-2019 at 11:09 AM.
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    Re: The Jewish Plan For The Middle East and Beyond


    Why the two state solution failed.

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    Re: The Jewish Plan For The Middle East and Beyond


    Another update

    Israel unveils details of railway connection to Saudi, UAE

    The Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs revealed details of a proposed railway project that will connect the port of Haifa to Saudi Arabia and the UAE.

    Unveiled in the UAE by Israeli Foreign Minister Yisrael Katz the project was introduced as being a way to “promote regional peace” and link the Mediterranean Sea to the Arabian Gulf to allow for increased trade and improve local economies.

    The initiative relies on the use of Israel as a land bridge, and Jordan as a regional transportation hub. A regional rail network will eventually also be open to passengers. “In the future, the network will also transport passengers between the United Kingdom, Europe and the Mediterranean to the east, and between the Gulf states, Saudi Arabia and Iraq to the west,” the ministry pointed out.

    The ministry claimed that this initiative “will create shorter, faster, cheaper and safer regional trade routes and will contribute to the strengthening of the Jordanian, Palestinian, Saudi, Gulf and even the Iraqi economies in the future.” It also pointed out that the currently existing infrastructure in Israel, Saudi Arabia, and the Gulf states will enable the implementation of “this initiative within a relatively short period”.

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    Re: The Jewish Plan For The Middle East and Beyond


    Another update

    Morocco politician: Kushner intimidating and blackmailing Rabat with Deal of the Century file

    A member of the Secretariat of the Justice and Development Party in Morocco, Abdelaziz Aftati, said: “the US is resorting to the policy of encouragement and intimidation and then blackmail in dealing with the file of the so-called Deal of the Century.”

    Commenting on the visit of the US president’s adviser and son-in-law Jared Kushner to Morocco, Aftati added that “Morocco’s positions concerning the Palestinian cause are firm and unchangeable,” pointing out that “some Arab countries take unclear positions towards the cause, while some other countries have declared their positions towards the US plan.”

    In this regard, Aftati said that “the US is adopting the policy of blackmail, especially that the Arab countries have so far non-unified positions on the cause.”

    The official stressed that Morocco will not be dragged behind the so-called “Deal of the Century,” and that matters need to be resolved on the ground.” He pointed out that the Palestinians insist on their rejection of any incomplete steps, but even push towards confrontation with the Israeli occupation, to liberate the Palestinian land.

    Moroccan newspaper Alyaoum24 said that the “US scheme” insists on the replacement of Palestinian rights with some economic benefits, prompting Washington to resort to Morocco.

    Jared Kushner made a Middle East tour last week, which included Israel, Jordan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Morocco.

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    Re: The Jewish Plan For The Middle East and Beyond


    Arab Zionism. They don't even bother to mask it anymore. Makes me nauseous

    Israel praises grand mufti of Saudi Arabia’s comments labelling Hamas a terrorist group

    AbdulAzizAlSheikh 1 - The Jewish Plan For The Middle East and Beyond

    An Israeli minister has welcomed comments by the Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia that the Palestinian resistance group Hamas is a terrorist organisation.

    Israeli Communications Minister Ayoub Kara wrote on his official Twitter account: “We congratulate Abdul Aziz Al-Sheikh, the Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia, as well as the head of Ulema (Islamic scholars) for his fatwa forbidding the fight against the Jews and forbidding to kill them.”

    Mr Kara also welcomed the grand mufti’s comments labelling the Palestinian resistance group Hamas a terrorist organisation.

    He added: “I invite the mufti to visit Israel; he will be welcomed with a high level of respect.”

    Last month, Abdul Aziz Al-Sheikh said during a live Q&A on television that fighting against Israel was inappropriate and that Hamas was a “terror organisation” in response to a question regarding July’s protests across occupied West Bank when Israel shut Masjid Al-Aqsa Mosque following a deadly shootout.

    The illegal Zionist entity of Israel occupied the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, during the 1967 Arab-Israeli War.

    It annexed the entire city in 1980, claiming it as the Jewish state’s “undivided and eternal capital” – a move never widely recognised by the international community, with exception to the U.S. most recently.

    International law perceives East Jerusalem and the West Bank as “occupied territories” and considers all Jewish settlement construction there as illegal.


    This is related, No doubt MBS approves.

    Last edited by سيف الله; 08-13-2019 at 07:49 PM.
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    Re: The Jewish Plan For The Middle East and Beyond


    Another update

    Saudi journalist: Palestinians are a scourge on the countries that host them

    A Saudi columnist has called Palestinians a scourge on the countries that host them.

    Mohammed Al Shaikh who writes for Al Jazirah newspaper posted a tweet on 9 August which he reposted yesterday to say: “Palestinians are a scourge on the countries that host them. Jordan hosted them and it was a black September, Lebanon suffered a civil war. Kuwait hosted them and they became soldiers for [former Iraqi President] Saddam [Hussein].”

    He went on to accuse Palestinians of using social media and other platforms to “insult” Saudi Arabia and its positions.

    “No one is able to deal with them except the Israeli Defence Forces,” he concluded.

    Al Shaikh is the latest Saudi to attack Palestinians. Earlier this month, activist Souad Al-Shammari appeared on Israeli TV and said “many Saudis” want to visit the occupation state.

    “Visiting Israel is probably the dream of many Saudis and those of the Gulf and Arab states alike.”

    Her appearance on Israeli TV has sparked further criticism of Saudi Arabia, which has been seen to be normalising relations with Tel Aviv in recent months.

    Last month, Saudi blogger Mohammed Saud toured occupied Jerusalem following an invitation from Tel Aviv. He met with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s son Yair and visited the Muslim holy site of Al-Aqsa Mosque however he was forced out of the area after he was insulted by Palestinian worshippers who called him a “traitor”.

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    Re: The Jewish Plan For The Middle East and Beyond


    Humour like this would now be considered a hate crime.

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    Re: The Jewish Plan For The Middle East and Beyond


    Like to share.


    Jewish academic and son of Holocaust survivors analyses the Labour Party anti-semitism scandal and its implications for the upcoming American elections

    Corbyn is buckling under the pressure.

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