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The Jewish Plan For The Middle East and Beyond

  1. #1
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    The Jewish Plan For The Middle East and Beyond (OP)


    Understand what the globalists have in store for the Middle East

    The Jewish Plan For The Middle East and Beyond

    Surely, what’s happening now in Iraq and Syria must serve as a final wakeup call that we have been led into a horrific situation in the Middle East by a powerful Lobby driven by the interests of one tribe and one tribe alone.

    Back in 1982, Oded Yinon an Israeli journalist formerly attached to the Israeli Foreign Ministry, published a document titled ‘A Strategy for Israel in the Nineteen Eighties.’This Israeli commentator suggested that for Israel to maintain its regional superiority, it must fragment its surrounding Arab states into smaller units. The document, later labelled as ‘Yinon Plan’, implied that Arabs and Muslims killing each other in endless sectarian wars was, in effect, Israel’s insurance policy.

    Of course, regardless of the Yinon Plan’s prophesies, one might still argue that this has nothing to do with Jewish lobbying, politics or institutions but is just one more Israeli strategic proposal except that it is impossible to ignore that the Neocon school of thought that pushed the English-speaking Empire into Iraq was largely a Jewish Diaspora, Zionist clan. It’s also no secret that the 2nd Gulf War was fought to serve Israeli interests - breaking into sectarian units what then seemed to be the last pocket of Arab resistance to Israel.

    Similarly, it is well established that when Tony Blair decided to launch that criminal war, Lord Levy was the chief fundraiser for his Government while, in the British media, Jewish Chronicle writers David Aaronovitch and Nick Cohen were busy beating the drums for war. And again, it was the exact same Jewish Lobby that was pushing for intervention in Syria, calling for the USA and NATO to fight alongside those same Jihadi forces that today threaten the last decade’s American ‘achievements’ in Iraq.

    Unfortunately, Yinon’s disciples are more common than you might expect. In France, it was the infamous Jewish ‘philosopher’ Bernard Henri Levy who boasted on TV that ‘as a Jew’ campaigning for NATO intervention, he liberated Libya.

    As we can see, a dedicated number of Jewish Zionist activists, commentators and intellectuals have worked relentlessly in many countries pushing for exactly the same cause – the breaking up of Arab and Muslim states into smaller, sectarian units.

    But is it just the Zionists who are engaging in such tactics? Not at all.

    In fact, the Jewish so-called Left serves the exact same cause, but instead of fragmenting Arabs and Muslims into Shia, Sunnis, Alawites and Kurds they strive to break them into sexually oriented identity groups (Lesbian, Queer, Gays, Heterosexual etc’)

    Recently I learned from Sarah Schulman, a NY Jewish Lesbian activist that in her search for funding for a young ‘Palestinian Queer’ USA tour, she was advised to approach George Soros’ Open Society institute. The following account may leave you flabbergasted, as it did me:

    “A former ACT UP staffer who worked for the Open Society Institute, George Soros’ foundation, suggested that I file an application there for funding for the tour. When I did so it turned out that the person on the other end had known me from when we both attended Hunter [College] High School in New York in the 1970s. He forwarded the application to the Institutes’s office in Amman, Jordan, and I had an amazing one-hour conversation with Hanan Rabani, its director of the Women’s and Gender program for the Middle East region. Hanan told me that this tour would give great visibility to autonomous queer organizations in the region. That it would inspire queer Arabs—especially in Egypt and Iran…for that reason, she said, funding for the tour should come from the Amman office” (Sarah Schulman -Israel/Palestine and the Queer International p. 108).

    The message is clear, The Open Society Institutes (OSI) wires Soros’s money to Jordan, Palestine and then back to the USA in order to “inspire queer Arabs in Egypt and Iran (sic).”

    What we see here is clear evidence of a blatant intervention by George Soros and his institute in an attempt to break Arabs and Muslims and shape their culture. So, while the right-wing Jewish Lobby pushes the Arabs into ethnic sectarian wars, their tribal counterparts within George Soros’s OSI institute, do exactly the same - attempt to break the Arab and Muslims by means of marginal and identity politics.

    It is no secret that, as far as recent developments in Iraq are concerned, America, Britain and the West are totally unprepared. So surely, the time is long overdue when we must identify the forces and ideologies within Western society that are pushing us into more and more global conflicts. And all we can hope for is that America, Britain and France may think twice before they spends trillions of their tax payers’ money in following the Yinon Plan to fight ruinous, foreign wars imposed upon them by The Lobby.

    Last edited by سيف الله; 05-03-2018 at 10:14 PM.
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    Re: The Jewish Plan For The Middle East and Beyond

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    More comment.

    Israel-UAE deal: Once more the Arab world falls into a trap

    Veteran Palestinian journalist Abdel Bari Atwan says the U.S. and Israel have once again sprung a trap for the Arab world to the detriment, once again, of the Palestinians.

    Israel’s former prime minister Shimon Peres once described the Oslo Accords as Israel’s “greatest invention.” The UAE-Israel agreement due to be formally signed next month can be seen as an equally great and duplicitous invention by its architect Jared Kushner and his mentor Benjamin Netanyahu.

    The former agreement, signed in the White House Rose Garden on September 13, 1993, sold the Palestinians the illusion that they would get an independent state on the 1967 borders, and that the Gaza Strip would be turned into the “Singapore of the Middle East.”

    The latest deal is designed to sell the Arabs an even more dangerous illusion: the creation of a Sunni Arab bloc led by Israel to confront Iran and Turkey and their regional leadership ambitions — with Abu Dhabi being turned under U.S. and Israeli auspices into the “Sparta” of the Arabian Peninsula, equipped with an arsenal of impressive and expensive weaponry featuring the ultra-sophisticated F-35 combat aircraft, the pride of the U.S. armaments industry.

    Paranoia about Iran and Turkey

    Israel and the U.S. did not single out the UAE for this role on a whim. They considered the choice carefully and waited for the right conditions and timing. Like other Gulf monarchies, especially Saudi Arabia and Bahrain, the UAE’s regime suffers from severe paranoia about Iran’s growing might and the threat Tehran could pose amid the rise of other regional powers like Turkey.

    Israeli and American planners exploited this weakness – just as they exploited the weakness of the PLO, besieged and bankrupt after the 1990 Iraqi invasion of Kuwait, to lure it into negotiations leading to the Oslo Accords.

    The trap was sprung and we all know what happened next. Twenty-seven years after signing the Oslo agreement, the PLO leadership is even more embattled and isolated than it was then. It did not obtain an independent state or even meaningful self-rule. What it ultimately got was a “Deal of the Century” providing for the annexation of 30% of the West Bank and the entire Jordan Valley along with Jerusalem and the expulsion of most of the Palestinian inhabitants to Jordan where the alternative homeland plan is to be located.

    Arab leaders no longer take phone calls from President Mahmoud Abbas. His private plane parked at Amman airport is gathering rust and dust, and is set to continue doing so until further notice.

    Emirati officials who claim the new peace agreement is underpinned by U.S. guarantees would do well to remember that such guarantees also accompanied the Oslo Accords. One of Yaser Arafat’s aides at the time, Bassam Abu-Sharif, recalled in a recent article being told by Peres that the late Palestinian leader was mistaken if he thought the agreement would result in the establishment of a Palestinian state, as no Israeli would consent to that. The most he could hope for was autonomy under Israeli sovereignty.

    Arafat later realised that Peres was right. His successor, Mahmoud Abbas, eventually realised that even autonomy was no longer attainable. He now sits in his office in Ramallah awaiting two possible outcomes: assassination, like his predecessor, or deportation to Jordan.

    Netanyahu has restated that he remains committed to annexation despite his supposed pledge to Abu Dhabi to halt it. One of his aides also confirmed that Israel has vetoed any delivery of any part of any F-35 to the UAE. This should not come as any surprise given the failure of the U.S. and Israel to live up to so many previous promises.

    Sunni-Shia tensions

    The strategy of Israel and the U.S. is based on on inflaming and deepening sectarian Sunni-Shia tensions in the Middle East. They see their peace agreement with the UAE as the spearhead of this plan.

    This is the single gravest threat facing the region at present. It reminds us of the Hussein-McMahon correspondence during the First World War which led to the Great Arab Revolt against the Ottoman Empire. That century-old game changer promised the Arabs much, but ended up with the Sykes-Picot agreement that placed them under British and French tutelage.

    History now seems to be repeating itself in various ways. Most Arab rulers are oblivious to this, either due to their ignorance of history or their inability to learn anything from it — even though some of them were educated at top Western universities and academies.

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  4. #202
    William Wallace's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: The Jewish Plan For The Middle East and Beyond

    format_quote Originally Posted by Junon View Post

    More comment.

    Israel-UAE deal: Once more the Arab world falls into a trap

    Veteran Palestinian journalist Abdel Bari Atwan says the U.S. and Israel have once again sprung a trap for the Arab world to the detriment, once again, of the Palestinians.

    Israel’s former prime minister Shimon Peres once described the Oslo Accords as Israel’s “greatest invention.” The UAE-Israel agreement due to be formally signed next month can be seen as an equally great and duplicitous invention by its architect Jared Kushner and his mentor Benjamin Netanyahu.

    The former agreement, signed in the White House Rose Garden on September 13, 1993, sold the Palestinians the illusion that they would get an independent state on the 1967 borders, and that the Gaza Strip would be turned into the “Singapore of the Middle East.”

    The latest deal is designed to sell the Arabs an even more dangerous illusion: the creation of a Sunni Arab bloc led by Israel to confront Iran and Turkey and their regional leadership ambitions — with Abu Dhabi being turned under U.S. and Israeli auspices into the “Sparta” of the Arabian Peninsula, equipped with an arsenal of impressive and expensive weaponry featuring the ultra-sophisticated F-35 combat aircraft, the pride of the U.S. armaments industry.

    Paranoia about Iran and Turkey

    Israel and the U.S. did not single out the UAE for this role on a whim. They considered the choice carefully and waited for the right conditions and timing. Like other Gulf monarchies, especially Saudi Arabia and Bahrain, the UAE’s regime suffers from severe paranoia about Iran’s growing might and the threat Tehran could pose amid the rise of other regional powers like Turkey.

    Israeli and American planners exploited this weakness – just as they exploited the weakness of the PLO, besieged and bankrupt after the 1990 Iraqi invasion of Kuwait, to lure it into negotiations leading to the Oslo Accords.

    The trap was sprung and we all know what happened next. Twenty-seven years after signing the Oslo agreement, the PLO leadership is even more embattled and isolated than it was then. It did not obtain an independent state or even meaningful self-rule. What it ultimately got was a “Deal of the Century” providing for the annexation of 30% of the West Bank and the entire Jordan Valley along with Jerusalem and the expulsion of most of the Palestinian inhabitants to Jordan where the alternative homeland plan is to be located.

    Arab leaders no longer take phone calls from President Mahmoud Abbas. His private plane parked at Amman airport is gathering rust and dust, and is set to continue doing so until further notice.

    Emirati officials who claim the new peace agreement is underpinned by U.S. guarantees would do well to remember that such guarantees also accompanied the Oslo Accords. One of Yaser Arafat’s aides at the time, Bassam Abu-Sharif, recalled in a recent article being told by Peres that the late Palestinian leader was mistaken if he thought the agreement would result in the establishment of a Palestinian state, as no Israeli would consent to that. The most he could hope for was autonomy under Israeli sovereignty.

    Arafat later realised that Peres was right. His successor, Mahmoud Abbas, eventually realised that even autonomy was no longer attainable. He now sits in his office in Ramallah awaiting two possible outcomes: assassination, like his predecessor, or deportation to Jordan.

    Netanyahu has restated that he remains committed to annexation despite his supposed pledge to Abu Dhabi to halt it. One of his aides also confirmed that Israel has vetoed any delivery of any part of any F-35 to the UAE. This should not come as any surprise given the failure of the U.S. and Israel to live up to so many previous promises.

    Sunni-Shia tensions

    The strategy of Israel and the U.S. is based on on inflaming and deepening sectarian Sunni-Shia tensions in the Middle East. They see their peace agreement with the UAE as the spearhead of this plan.

    This is the single gravest threat facing the region at present. It reminds us of the Hussein-McMahon correspondence during the First World War which led to the Great Arab Revolt against the Ottoman Empire. That century-old game changer promised the Arabs much, but ended up with the Sykes-Picot agreement that placed them under British and French tutelage.

    History now seems to be repeating itself in various ways. Most Arab rulers are oblivious to this, either due to their ignorance of history or their inability to learn anything from it — even though some of them were educated at top Western universities and academies.


    America under Trump heavily favored Israel but that was not the case with Obama.

    but my Palestinian friend Muhammad told me that both the Palestinian and Israeli government are very bad... For example interfaith marriages are outlawed in both Palestine and Israel.

    The Palestinian leader ship possibly takes bribes from the Israeli government.

    America though historically speaking has stood for what is right remember Israel was created in 1948 while the United States was born in 1776 a long time before Israel existed. There’s no comparison between the United States a free country and Israel a country with intolerant theocratic laws

    I and many other Americans disagree with the policies of Israel. America’s greatest allies have been France, Britain and more recently Germany and Japan.
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  5. #203
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    Re: The Jewish Plan For The Middle East and Beyond


    Sauds are busy selling out.

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  6. #204
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    Re: The Jewish Plan For The Middle East and Beyond


    Another update.

    More selling out.


    Good to know

    UAE: Israel war on Gaza will not affect ‘warm peace’ with Tel Aviv

    A prominent Emirati official said yesterday that the controversial normalisation deal with Israel will not be affected even if Tel Aviv launches a war on the Gaza Strip.

    In an interview with Israeli daily Yedioth Ahronoth, Ali Al-Nuaimi, chairman of the Defence, Interior and Foreign Affairs Committee at the UAE’s Federal Council, said that the “warm peace with Israel” can endure such crises as a “war on Gaza”.

    In the period between 2008 and 2014, Israel launched three massive offensives against the besieged enclave, causing the deaths of thousands of Palestinians along with unprecedented destruction in Gaza.

    Al-Nuaimi said he expected that the normalisation agreement between his country and Israel will be finalised this month.

    Al-Nuaimi added that UAE Crown Prince Mohammad Bin Zayed may soon visit Israel.

    He also confirmed that direct flights between the two countries will start after the signing of the agreement.

    The Emirati official said he expects Israel will remove its objection to the UAE buying US F-35 jets.

    Following last month’s announcement of the UAE-Israel normalisation deal, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that the deal does not include the sale of F-35s to the UAE.

    Al-Nuaimi, in the interview, accused the Palestinian leadership of being “stuck in the past” due to its stance towards Israel.

    Last edited by سيف الله; 09-10-2020 at 06:36 PM.
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  8. #205
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    Re: The Jewish Plan For The Middle East and Beyond


    Another update.


    Bahrain has become the second Arab Gulf nation in the span of a month to agree to normalise relations with Israel. For decades, most Arab states have boycotted Israel, insisting they'd only establish ties once the Palestinian conflict is resolved. The Bahrain deal comes after the United Arab Emirates signed a normalisation agreement with Israel last month. Natasha Hussain reports.

    Last edited by سيف الله; 09-14-2020 at 07:51 PM.
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  9. #206
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    Re: The Jewish Plan For The Middle East and Beyond


    Like to share.

    Twitter thread by

    Ibn Maghreb

    'Saudi Arabia...will facilitate a pathway to the so‐called ‘China model' or ‘Beijing consensus'. This combines autocratic rule with an embrace of free‐market capitalism, and increasingly, a focus on digital surveillance of the domestic population'

    Saudi Arabia is diversifying its economy by becoming a global technological hub. Driven by its ‘Vision 2030' initiative, it has embarked on the most ambitious and far‐reaching transformation plan in the Kingdom's history. At the core of this transformation are the investment and development of artificial intelligence (AI) and its integration into a new mega‐city, Neom. Currently under construction, Neom is seeking to integrate robotics and AI seamlessly into every aspect of citizens' lives in a bid to generate revenues from key economic sectors for the future.

    This transition from an economy based on hydrocarbons to AI is, however, more than economic. It is a bid to secure the survival of the House of Saud and meet the growing challenges of constructing a state around oil. Nevertheless, what happens in Neom may provide insights into how AI will impact the world beyond a cross‐roads built on sand.

    This is a great paper that gets to the heart of the implications around Neom - GCC push to normalise ties with Israel are linked to this next phase of GCC development moving away from hydrocarbon dependency to ensure regime survival. Neom's proposed location sits close to the Israeli town of Eilat and for it to become a regional hub for tourism, cybertech and AI it will have to involve Israeli interest. The plans to make this zone "judicially independent" again is a fig leaf for the creation of A hyper-capitalist's dream - a no man's land where there are no substantive attachments or conceptions of the sacred, the good life. Pure unadulterated technocratic rule that recognises only the considerations of capital. American based PR firms in the next year or so will be going into overdrive to make this project palatable to the masses which will conclude putting on a gnostic sheen on the enterprise via interfaith dress-ups.

    Expect the city to be branded as "Abraham's Promise" etc. I don't think incidentally that the combination of digital surveillance and capitalist design is necessarily the Beijing consensus - it is globally accepted by and large. This is significant for the region and provides context for the larger push towards normalization which in reality is Israeli integration into GCC (or vice versa perhaps?)

    Aecom awarded design contract for $500bn NEOM project

    Aecom wins a major design project for Saudi Arabia’s upcoming ‘city of the future’

    America’s largest design engineering firm, Aecom, has been appointed to handle the design and support of the “backbone infrastructure” for Saudi Arabia’s NEOM.

    Normalization is not about Iran - if you think that, you're a zombie from the mid 2000s.

    Containing Turkey is what occupies the GCC elite anyway.

    Last edited by سيف الله; 09-27-2020 at 08:40 AM.
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  10. #207
    sitarragul's Avatar Limited Member
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    Re: The Jewish Plan For The Middle East and Beyond

    World going to change no one have power stop this change because Jewish covers the all economic states and clutch the world in their hand.
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  11. #208
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    Re: The Jewish Plan For The Middle East and Beyond


    Another update.

    After Morocco which spineless Arab dictatorship will normalise with Israel next?

    Veteran Palestinian journalist Abdel Bari Atwan says Qatar and Saudi Arabia are the favourites to follow Morocco and other spineless, treacherous Arab dictatorships in normalising relations with Tel Aviv.

    The tweet by outgoing U.S. President Donald Trump revealing that the Moroccan and Israeli governments have agreed to normalise relations was no surprise.

    There were clear signs this was coming: the UAE and Jordan opening consulates in the Sahrawi city of Laayoune, and the visit by Trump’s son-in-law and senior advisor Jared Kushner to Rabat and the festive welcome he was accorded by Morocco’s King Mohammed VI.

    This deal between Israel and the Moroccan monarchy conforms to the land-for-peace formula — except that the land concerned is not Israeli-occupied Palestinian territory; it is the land of Western Sahara which Trump’s tweet recognised as being under full Moroccan sovereignty.

    The U.S. President also offered financial and development aid to Morocco, while Israel’s national carrier announced it was scheduling flights to Moroccan airports.

    More is doubtless to follow.

    Qatar and Saudi next?

    Trump wasn’t lying when he said that nine Arab states were standing in the normalisation line. He named them as the UAE, Bahrain, Sudan, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Oman, Morocco, Tunisia and Mauritania.

    The normalisation agreements duly followed, one after another. Don’t be surprised if normalisation with the Israeli occupation state ends up being a component of the Saudi-Qatari reconciliation Kushner has been brokering.

    He declared just moments after the Moroccan-Israeli deal was revealed that Saudi normalisation with Israel was “inevitable.” This despite senior Saudi royal Prince Turki al-Faisal’s fierce criticism of Israel at a forum in Bahrain which made headlines earlier this week. We will probably be told in due course that the former intelligence chief and ambassador to the U.S. and UK holds no official position and his views do not reflect those of Saudi Arabia.

    Israel’s Minister of Intelligence Eli Cohen had named Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Morocco as states that would establish relations with Israel as part of a regional entente initiated by Trump. Now that the Moroccans have done as they were told, will the Saudis and Qataris follow before Trump leaves the White House?

    Anti-Iran alliance

    Trump habitually lies about almost every aspect of domestic and foreign policy. The Washington Post has tracked thousands of false or misleading statements he has made since taking office.

    But experience has shown us that almost everything he says about the governments of the Middle East is spot-on accurate. This is because the majority of Arab regimes are so weak, compromised and spineless they are prepared to submit to American and Israeli dictates even under a lame-duck president – and they are expert at misleading and lying to their own peoples.

    It has become clear that the regimes in many Arab countries – monarchies and republics alike – hope to resolve their economic problems or security concerns (caused essentially by their corruption and domestic policy failures) by selling out the Palestinian cause and core Arab values.

    Although ironically, the financial rewards they seek consist of Arab money: either recycled to the U.S. from sovereign wealth funds via arms sales, or ordered to be paid directly as bribes for normalisation.

    In a nutshell, we are facing the rapid emergence of an Arab-Israeli alliance aimed at confronting the Iranian-led camp in the region. Just as Arab money bankrolls the normalisation agreements, it could end up paying for the coming war on Iran – even though it will be waged mainly on Arab territory and the U.S. bases located on it, with the lied-to Arab peoples its major casualty.

    New normalisation announcements, or reports of Israeli airlines, products or tourists appearing in this or that Arab state, no longer surprise us. Most Arab governments have lost any sense of shame when it comes to appeasing the U.S.

    But we are confident that before long these regimes will themselves be surprised by the price they are made to by their own peoples for their treachery and betrayal of the Palestinian cause.



    Last edited by سيف الله; 12-12-2020 at 08:57 PM.
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  12. #209
    ashraf__'s Avatar
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    Re: The Jewish Plan For The Middle East and Beyond

    the arabs be subjugated and let them feel whats its like! Have you seen how they treat the poor labors that come to work in their countries?
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  14. #210
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    Re: The Jewish Plan For The Middle East and Beyond


    More analysis.


    Two initiatives, the Tracks for Regional Peace and #Neom city, seek to

    physically connect #Israel to the Arab world, and in the process

    normalize those ties.

    More comment about normalisation.

    Protests but they have been suppressed.

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  15. #211
    16yroldMuslim's Avatar Limited Member
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    Re: The Jewish Plan For The Middle East and Beyond

    Oy vey 6 million died in the jewcost i was there bro this is anti semitic, not like the jews literally have plans to control the media, army and the entire world.
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  16. #212
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    Re: The Jewish Plan For The Middle East and Beyond


    Another update

    What a surprise from the UAE leadership.

    Amazing! At this rate when Bibi pays a visit to UAE, KSA or whoever else has sold out were going to get performances like this.

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  17. #213
    سيف الله's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: The Jewish Plan For The Middle East and Beyond


    Another update. More and more the mask comes off.

    How Arab evictions sparked the Israeli-Palestinian conflict

    Legal battle over settlers’ claims in East Jerusalem sparked protests that led to Gaza aerial barrage

    Nabil al-Kurd, a Palestinian, remembers the day Jewish settlers moved into his house, a modest one-storey home in Sheikh Jarrah, a mostly Arab neighbourhood in occupied East Jerusalem.

    Yaacov Fauci, a Jew from New York, arrived with a police guard on a sunny autumn day in 2009, threw out the furniture and moved into the tiny annexe Kurd had built for his son.

    “He didn’t even speak Hebrew back then,” said Kurd, 77. “He’d been promised the land, the house — and now he’s been here 12 years.”

    A decade of court battles later, Kurd and his unwelcome house guest are in the final stages of a plan hatched long ago by rightwing Israeli settlers: pick out Palestinian homes in East Jerusalem, evict the owners using property laws that favour Jews over Arabs and, one house at a time, turn entire neighbourhoods Jewish.

    With the Israeli Supreme Court due to decide last week if the settlers’ claim to the land was valid, the row over the evictions — which are illegal under international law because East Jerusalem is occupied territory — fused with already chaotic demonstrations at al-Aqsa mosque, a few minutes’ walk away in Jerusalem’s Old City. The mosque is in a compound in Jerusalem that is known to Jews as Temple Mount and which is sacred to both religions.

    After days of scuffles with young Muslim men over police barriers at the Old City’s Damascus Gate, Israeli police stormed the compound, injuring hundreds of Palestinian protesters. On May 10 Palestinian militant group Hamas fired rockets deep inside Israel. In a warning to the Jewish state before its first volley, Hamas, which controls the Gaza Strip, demanded the immediate withdrawal of Israeli police from Sheikh Jarrah and the mosque.

    Israel responded with air strikes on Gaza, which sparked unrest between Jews and Arab Israelis in mixed cities. It also triggered protests across the occupied West Bank. By Tuesday night, 217 Palestinians had been killed in the Gaza Strip, including 99 women and children, the Gaza ministry of health said.

    For now, Israel has delayed the proceedings that would have made Kurd, his family and dozens of his Arab neighbours homeless. But the battle over this narrow lane of modest homes is the Palestinian-Israel conflict writ small, a symbol of the vast tracts of Palestinian land confiscated by the Jewish state over decades of occupation.

    For rightwing Israelis, seeding Jewish neighbourhoods throughout East Jerusalem is a small part of the settlement enterprise that has seen 650,000 Jews move into the West Bank. Some 350,000 Palestinians live in East Jerusalem, encircled by about 200,000 Jewish settlers.

    Palestinians want East Jerusalem to be the capital of a future state but Israel wants Jerusalem as its undivided capital. The bigger the Jewish population, the less likely it is to be uprooted in any future peace settlement, said Arieh King, a deputy mayor of Jerusalem and a leader in the settler movement.

    “I want Jerusalem to be secured for ever as a Jewish city, and the only way to protect it from radical Muslims is by being more than them,” he said. “The heart of the Jewish nation is the Temple Mount — and the layers protecting the Mount will be the Jewish presence around it.”

    Palestinians were first housed in Arab districts in East Jerusalem by Jordan, which controlled that part of the divided city for 19 years after the birth of Israel in 1948. Since the Six Day war in 1967, Israeli law allows Jews who lost their land in 1948 to claim it back through the courts. The law only applies to Jews.

    “Today, this is the main organised way for the settlers to displace . . . Palestinians,” said Hagit Ofran, an expert on settlement activity at Peace Now, which advocates a two-state solution. “And it’s not a symbolic thing.”

    Peace Now estimates that at least 200 families in Arab neighbourhoods in East Jerusalem are facing evictions under the same law used in Kurd’s case. Another 20,000 Arab-owned homes in East Jerusalem face demolition under other laws, including for zoning and building permit violations, according to Peace Now.

    The battle over Kurd’s property maps the history of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Kurd and his family, refugees from Haifa in the north of Israel during the 1948 war, moved to this spot in 1956, he said.

    The land was originally bought by a Jewish trust in the 1870s when the Ottomans ruled Palestine. After the 1967 war, the trust tried to reclaim it from the Kurd family, eventually selling it to settlers, who have pursued the case through the courts. In 2009, a judge handed the keys of the annexe to the settlers.

    Last week, at the height of the tensions around the final eviction hearing, Kurd spotted a man taking rubbish out of his front garden and pointed to him. “There goes the thief,” he said.

    There, with a bin bag in his hand, stood Fauci, red-faced from days in the sun and a bit sheepish after a video of him in his pyjamas in his neighbour’s garden, saying, “If I didn’t steal it [ the property], someone else will”, went viral two weeks ago. (“I am getting a lot of flak for that,” Fauci admitted.)

    A religious student turned settler, Fauci has become the face of the dispute — he has been to the hospital twice, hit by rocks, but says he still enjoys living on the street. With the force of Israeli law behind him, he is sure he will one day have the rest of Kurd’s house.

    “This is the entire story of this country — when people lose multiple wars, they don’t get to set the conditions of surrender. You lost the war, you pay the price,” he said. “All of this needs to be Jewish — we don’t believe in East Jerusalem and west Jerusalem. Jews have a mitzvah [religious commandment] to settle everywhere in the land of Israel.”

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    More commentary.

    Al-Quds Al-Sharīf, Al-Aqsa, and the Ibn al-‘Alqamī of our Time

    Throughout Islamic history, treachery in the ummah has caused more damage than any external factor. A pertinent example here is that of the Caliphate in Baghdad. The Caliph Musta’ṣim (d. 656 AH) had appointed Muwayyad al-Dīn Muhammad bin al-‘Alqamī as the prime minister. Ibn al-‘Alqamī, who had secretly allied with the Mongols, led changes that resulted in a dwindled standing army, and soldiers’ allowances and promotions withheld. Islam and the Muslims had been reduced to a token, helpless status.

    When the Mongols descended, a devastation was wrought through the Islamic world the likes of which it had never experienced before. Tāj al-Dīn al-Subkī records that Hulagu received the Caliph in his tent whilst Ibn al-‘Alqamī arranged for the Islamic scholars and dignitaries to be in attendance to witness a purported agreement between the two. All were put to the sword.[1]

    Ibn al-‘Alqamī, along with other traitors, facilitated the destruction of the Islamic world.

    History such as this is worth recalling as we observe the replete violations taking place in and around Masjid Al-Aqsa, the destruction being wrought in Gaza, and the ethnic cleansing taking place in Sheikh Jarrah. At the time of writing, the death toll in the Gaza has risen to 248, including 66 children and 39 women. At least 1,948 people have been injured. The Zionist forces have violently attacked Masjid Al-Aqsa twice.

    Whilst much of the focus has been the Zionist entity and its juvenile belligerency, the question we wish to focus on here is, why do the Zionists feel so emboldened that it feels it can shred the hearts over 1.8 billion Muslim repeatedly, with impunity? Why has the already arrogant Zionist state bolstered its arrogance to the extent that it can mock the Muslims using verses of the Qur’ān?

    Of course, Israel has the backing of Western governments. US President Joe Biden’s administration has approved $735 million weapons sale to Israel, repeatedly blocked attempts to reach a ceasefire to prevent the killing of Palestinians, whilst making vacuous announcements to help fund redevelopment in Gaza. Meanwhile, the UK spinelessly and amorally remained silent when worshippers in Al-Aqsa were being attacked by Zionist forces and forced evictions of Palestinian families were taking place in Shaykh Jarrah, but remembered to play their broken record on loudspeaker to “condemn Hamas”, and profess the occupying forces illusory right to self-defence, when the Palestinians eventually responded with rocket fire.

    However, this has always been the case. The heightened, maniacal zeal with which Al-Aqsa is attacked twice – once triggering the set of events and then again after agreeing a ceasefire – points to other treacherous actors inside the Islamic world.

    To better understand what is happening in the Middle East – and indeed beyond this – one needs to understand the machinations that have taken place between the Arab rulers such as Mohammad bin Zayed (MBZ) of UAE, and the Zionist state over the past several years.


    In 2011, Mohammed Morsi became Egypt’s first democratically elected leader. Israel, UAE, Saudi Arabia, and Sisi were not happy with this development. For Israel, it was Morsi’s potential support for Hamas through the common thread of the Muslim Brotherhood. But the Muslim Brotherhood is something that, for obvious reasons, also did not sit well with the Arab leaders. MBZ had reportedly called US defence secretary Chuck Hagel and pointedly told him that the Muslim Brotherhood was “the most dangerous element afoot in the Middle East today,” backing the military takeover that occurred in 2013. UAE’s ambassador to the US, Yusuf Otaiba, posited UAE as the antidote to “extremism” and lobbied US officials to back the dictator Hosni Mubarak.

    The military takeover by Abdel-Fattah el-Sisi was brutal. In response to the ensuing protests against the coup, which saw the largest sit-in in Rabaa al-Adaweya Square in the northern Cairo district of Nasr City, Egyptian security forces systematically killed more than 1500 people over multiple mass killings.

    Sisi needed a PR fix. In 2014, it was reported that Tony Blair, who is close to MBZ and who shares his view on the Muslim Brotherhood as “extremists”, provided his expertise to polish Sisi’s image and reform the Egyptian economy under a plan that had been paid for by the UAE. Indeed, in this regard, the UAE formed a shadow government in Egypt, and continues to sustain it with billions of dollars of support.

    Three years later, Otaiba was selling both Sisi and Mohammed bin Salman (MBS) to Project for the New American Century signatory Elliot Abrams, again, as the solution to terrorism.

    The aligning interests on the Muslim Brotherhood were bolstered with long posited alignment on Iran. According to a 2009 Wikileaks cable from Israeli Foreign Ministry official Yacov Hadas to the Gulf States (including UAE), the “Gulf Arabs believe in Israel’s role because of their perception of Israel’s close relationship with the U.S. but also due to their sense that they can count on Israel against Iran”. Iran’s nuclear programme was required to centre the discussion when considering a trilateral US-Israel-GCC (Gulf Cooperation Council) partnership.

    Interestingly, according to the cable, it was suggested that the Palestine-Israel issue should not be the sole consideration: “it should not be the sum total of Israel’s relations with the Arab World.” This latter aspect is particularly relevant when we come to shine a light MBZ and Mohammed bin Salman’s (MBS) view of Palestine.

    Pertinent at this point is that the UAE was already engaged in “under the table” trade and security deals with Israel, including the implementation of an Israeli “internet of things”-based mass surveillance system in Abu Dhabi which was approved by MBZ. The diversification of interests governing relations with Israel was already happening under MBZ.

    Trump and Kushner

    With the ascendancy of Donald Trump as US President and the introduction of his son-in-law, Jared Kushner, what was occurring behind the scenes was formalised through what is now known as the “Abraham Accords” (discussed further below). Whilst much has been made by Trump as the man behind the wheeling and dealing, it appears Trump has been simply regurgitating MBZ’s view of the Middle East.

    According to Hubbard, MBZ had already spelled out his position to several American officials at his mansion in McLean, Viginia, in 2015.[2] Otaiba met with Kushner and “struck up a friendship that allowed Otaiba to pass along the Emirati view of the Middle East”. This view saw Iran and the Muslim Brotherhood as the key threats.[3]

    Kushner, it should be noted, is close (perhaps a little too close) to both Israel and the Netanyahus:

    “Kushner had little experience with the broader Middle East, but knew a lot about Israel. His relatives had donated to Jewish causes, and when he was young, his father had paid Benjamin Netanyahu tospeak in New Jersey a number of times. The long time Israeli prime minister was so close with the Kushners, in fact, that Jared once gave up his bedroom so Netanyahu could sleep in his bed.”

    By late 2015, MBZ had posited the “outside-in-plan” on Palestine to American diplomats: UAE, combined with a “new Saudi leadership” could bring the Palestinians around to some new agreement. This, as it turns, would become Trump’s “deal of the century”, which we will turn to later.

    Following closely to what Hadas had stated in the 2009 Wikileaks cable in terms of multiplying the planes of relations with Israel, UAE deepened its ties with Israel.

    In 2017, Otaiba’s hacked emails showed that UAE was growing its relationship with the pro-Israel, neoconservative think tank called the Foundation for Defense of Democracies (FDD). The FDD’s positions have “closely tracked those of the Likud party and its leader, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu—not just on the Iran deal, but on the conflict between the Israelis and the Palestinians and the desirability of a two-state solution.”

    The think tank has also been funded by Sheldon Adelson, a friend of Netanyahu, AIPAC financier, and someone who has organised the suppression of pro-Palestinian activism. The emails showed scheduled meetings between the FDD and UAE officials, including MBZ, to discuss UAE policies on Iran and associated policies including, “political, economic, military, intelligence, and cyber tools.”

    The Sell-Out of the Century

    MBZ’s outside-in-approach to Palestine emerged fully in January 2020, with the Trump administration touting their Middle East “peace plan” as the “deal of the century”. The deal, which only demonstrated Kushner’s Likudnik thinking, was roundly rejected as a farce.

    The disarmed “Palestinian state” consisted of separated enclaves connected by tunnels and bridges operated under Israeli oversight, with airspace and Palestinian border security controlled by the Zionists. This was to be conditional on Palestinians accepting Israel’s right to conduct “security operations” in purported Palestinian State territories. Meanwhile, 87% of the West Bank territory currently stolen by the Israelis would be annexed to the Zionist state and Palestinian communities living in Israel would be transferred into the Palestinian State territories. Palestinian refugees would have to abdicate their right of return.

    To cap off the stupidity, the plan further proposed that Jerusalem would be the undivided capital of Israel, and Palestinians could make up their own capital in the eastern part of Shuafat and Abu Dis, 1.6km east of the Old City of Jerusalem, and name it “Al-Quds”.

    This was no peace plan. This was religious, territorial, and cultural cleansing. To borrow David Fromkin’s book title, it was a “peace” to end all peace.

    And the UAE has been on the ground doing what it can to surreptitiously facilitate Kushner’s plan.

    In 2018, the veteran Palestinian negotiator Saeb Ereket said that the so-called “deal” was already being implemented. This seemed to be affirmed by a 2019 Al-Jazeera investigation. Jewish settlers are feverishly trying to buy their way into ethnic cleaning East Jerusalem, with staunch resistance from Palestinians. Al-Jazeera, however found that the UAE, with help from corrupt Palestinian Authority officials, was circumventing this Palestinian resistance by acting as a middleman to sell Palestinians homes to Jewish settlers.

    If this is not betrayal of the highest order, then nothing is.

    At this point, it is worth pointing out that Kushner’s proposal did not only receive full financial support and backing from MBZ. This support and backing also came from MBS.

    “Israelis are not killing Saudis”

    Anyone even remotely keeping an eye on developments in Saudi Arabia will know that MBS is not exactly divergent from what has been thus far outlined about MBZ. His modernisation programme closely imitates what MBZ is doing.

    This is not surprising at all given MBS is MBZ’s protégé, with the former absorbing the latter’s view of the Middle East.[5]

    In 2015, when MBZ had invited American officials to a lunch at his mansion in Virginia, he made it clear he was backing MBS against MBS’s cousin and then Saudi crown-prince, Mohammed bin Nayef. As Hubbard says, “MBZ was personally taking MBS under his wing as the future of Saudi Arabia”.[6]

    During 2015/6, when Otaiba was proposing the UAE view on the Middle East and the threat of the Muslim Brotherhood and Iran, he also promoted MBS “as the future of Saudi Arabia”, stating to Kushner that he was “incredibly impressive”.[7] MBZ flew into New York in December 2016 for talks with Kushner about the Israeli-Palestinian peace process. According to Hubbard, MBZ also put in a good word for MBS.

    Palestine, quite simply, is not on the list of concerns for MBS. If it is, then it is because he views the issue as a hindrance for his broader objectives. There is no “emotional attachment” with Palestine, here. According to Hubbard, Rob Malley, a senior White House official in the Obama administration said that MBS considered the Palestine issue an “annoying irritant—a problem to be overcome rather than a conflict to be fairly resolved.”[8]

    In contrast, for MBS, “Israel is not our enemy” because “Israelis are not killing Saudis”.[9] Rather, the Zionist entity is seen by MBS as an opportunity that can only be fully realised if there is some type of “peace plan” devised. Asked about how he viewed Israel in terms of interests in 2018, MBS stated quite bluntly:

    “Israel is a big economy compared to their size and it’s a growing economy, and of course there are a lot of interests we share with Israel and if there is peace, there would be a lot of interest between Israel and the Gulf Cooperation Council countries and countries like Egypt and Jordan.”

    “Peace”, would be vehicle for more open economic and security relationships with Israel, driving the Zionist stake deeper into the heart of Islam. And it seems the disgraceful “deal of the century” was the “peace” pitch.

    In 2019, it was reported by the Lebanese newspaper Al-Akhbar that MBS had explained the details of the Kushner “peace plan” to President Abbas and proceeded to offer him $10 billion over ten years to accept it.

    Abbas reportedly refused.

    Abraham Accords

    The 2020 Abraham Accords formalised the tight relationship that had been groomed by Israel and secretly delivered by MBZ. Soon after the Accord’s signing before the White House, it was ratified by the Zionist government.

    The Accord has been largely promoted as “normalisation” of relations, and in the words of UAE Foreign Minister Abdullah bin Zayed, a “Peace Accord”. However, for Muslims, the situation is an abnormal cover to further private interests and protect despotic rule, all at the treacherous expense of the Palestinians.

    When Abdullah bin Zayed gave his speech about the Accord, he gave his thanks to Netanyahu for “halting the annexation of the Palestinian territories”. This was used in an attempt to placate concerns that deals were being made whilst the Palestinian issue remained.

    Indeed, this was confirmed by Joel C. Rosenberg, the editor-in-chief of http://www.allarab.news. Rosenberg said MBZ had told him in 2018 that the “normalisation” with Israel was closer than expected and stopping the annexation was nothing but a reason “for presenting this agreement to the Arab people”.

    This is precisely why when Kushner was asked how long Israel would cease its annexations, he replied:

    “Somewhere between a long time and a short time. That’s what temporary means”.

    The US ambassador to Israel David Melech Friedman also further clarified that the issue “could be revisited”. From the outset then, this condition was a ruse to sell the abnormalisation of relations with Israel to the wider Muslim populace, whilst protecting Netanyahu’s reputation in the Zionist entity.

    The effects of the deal became manifest in the same year, with MBZ following Trump’s 2018 decision to withdraw all funding of UNRWA – the agency supporting Palestinian refugees who were displaced by Zionists during the 1948 war – and massively reducing its funding.

    The Israelis knew full well what such a deal would mean for them. Netanyahu boasted on Twitter saying, “This is the approach I have driven for years: making peace is possible without turning over territories, without dividing Jerusalem, without endangering our future.”

    The abnormalisation sends a message of Zionist impunity, which has only been demonstrated to maximum effect in recent weeks. At the same time, the Accord establishes a portal for Zionist influence into the rest of the Arab world and beyond.

    In all of this, the Palestinian position is drastically weakened, leaving the beleaguered Palestinians without any political leverage.

    MBS and Abnormalisation?

    Whilst other treacherous Arab states (Sudan, Oman, Bahrain, and Morocco) have allowed their countries to be prostituted to Israel’s agenda, MBS’s Saudi Arabia remains the exception. For the likes of Kushner (see video of Kushner, here), Saudi is the golden prize for Israel, as the country is the “custodian of the two holy sites”. Abnormalisation between Israel and Saudi, the theory appears to go, would mean broader acceptance across the Muslim world. But thus far, such a formal tie has not been forthcoming, mainly due to MBS’s fear of fatal backlash.

    The reality, however, is that MBS, like MBZ, has furtively fostered close ties with Israel.

    Security cooperation (and hiring Israeli hackers to spy on dissidents) with Israel, courtesy of MBZ, is already an open secret. However, this is not the only type of underhanded cooperation taking place.

    MBS’s Vision 2030 seeks to reduce economic dependency on oil through diversification, economic reform and the building of a tech hub city called Neom (Tabuk province, near Egypt/Israel). As part of these initiatives, Saudi has been working with Israelis through its private sector on “all kinds of cooperation on water, energy, ag-tech, foodtech”. As already outlined above, for MBS, these are just some of the interests he shares with the Zionist entity at the expense of the Palestinians.

    Diplomatic relations between Saudis and Israelis have also continued under the radar.

    In late 2020, the Israelis leaked information about a meeting between MBS and Netanyahu in Neom city, much to Saudi irritation. In the same year, MBS reportedly told Haim Saban that if he were to establish formal relations with Israel, he would be “killed by Iran, Qatar and my own people.” Whilst much of the reporting focused on this, the real question to be asked is why MBS was meeting someone like Saban in the first place.

    As covered elsewhere, Saban, whose sole focus is Israel, has funded the Tony Blair Faith Foundation (now renamed Tony Blair – Institute for Global Change), which advocates draconian, anti-Islam counter-extremism policies. In the past, Saban effectively argued for a suspension of civil liberties when he called for the profiling of Muslim immigrants (he later claimed he “misspoke”). He has also previously joined with Sheldon Adelson (financier of the neocon FDD think-tank courted by Otaiba in 2017) on pro-Israel causes. Adelson has declared that Palestinians are “an invented people.”

    Quite the individual to be having a banter with.

    Formal recognition or not, MBS is doing in private what MBZ is now doing in public.

    As a Foreign Policy article notes

    “Arab propagandists claim there is an inherent connection between so-called political correctness and a tendency to downplay ideologies that lead to terrorism—claims that are seized on by Western conservatives to legitimize their own arguments.”

    This chimes with the neocon playbook. Douglas Murray, for example, wrote over a decade and half ago:

    “Cowed by political correctness, Dutch reporters stated not that the groups were Islamists, but that they were “Moroccans” as if their nationality and not their religion was the nub of the matter.”[10]

    A response focussing on national identity was linked by Murray to political correctness, whilst focusing on the Islamic identity was the solution in the finest Clash of Civilisations tradition. What this narrative has enabled, of course, is a legitimisation of anti-Muslim discrimination through securitisation.

    However, consorting with neocons and promoting neocon narratives on Muslims is only the beginning.

    Whilst UAE’s fingerprints are all over the rejuvenation of Marine LePenn’s far-right party in France, MBS has been courting the far-right bloc of the European Parliament.

    In the UK context, it is worth recalling that the UAE was behind the 2015/6 Muslim Brotherhood “review” declaring them “extremists”. In 2016, it was also revealed that the UAE paid a London-based public relations firm connected to an associate of David Cameron millions of pounds to lead attacks in the UK against Qatar, the Muslim Brotherhood, and other opponents of the Gulf state. Those connected to the PR firm who were hell-bent on portraying the Brotherhood as “extremists”, were passing information to the discredited Islamophobic journalist, Andrew Gilligan, who duly churned them out into his propaganda articles.

    The image that comes into focus shows MBZ, and his ventriloquised props in the form of MBS et al, are not only granting Israel a pass at the expense of Al-Quds and Al-Aqsa, but also have a repressive hand in the constricting state of Muslims globally.

    The situation briefly sketched out above is bad enough, but it is certainly not the only attack vector against Muslim ummah emerging from MBZ.

    Despite MBS fronting the war in Yemen – a human catastrophe which has cost 233,000 lives, 3000 of which are children – it was MBZ who first sought to sell the war to Washington. MBZ’s hand has startlingly been behind Bashar Al-Assad’s brutal crackdown in Syria: in 2012, MBZ agreed to provide $3 million to the Syrian regime to recommence fighting in Idlib which was the subject of a ceasefire at the time. In 2020, it was reported that the UAE was not only financing the Syrian dictator but providing logistical support and training to the Syrian regime’s intelligence officers who are thought to be behind the torture and murder of more than 100,000 detainees.

    In the South Asian region, MBZ has been extending and deepening his tentacles of support to the supremacist Hindutva Modi government with pacts and oil deals – the same government that continues to subjugate the Muslims of Kashmir and fosters a climate in which Muslims are lynched on mere accusations of eating cow meat.

    The same seems to be happening with Sheikh Hasina’s Awami League government in Bangladesh. Earlier this year, Al-Jazeera’s Investigative Unit revealed that Bangladesh had purchased Israeli surveillance equipment in 2018, whilst Bangladeshi military intelligence officers were trained in Hungary by Israeli intelligence experts. Then, in 2019, reports surfaced that $10 billion worth of investment had been pledged by UAE investors to help fuel the economic growth of Bangladesh.

    The effect is the materialisation of what Fluer Hassan-Nahoum – Deputy Mayor of Jerusalem and co-founder of the of the UAE – Israel Business Council – stated when the Abraham Accords were announced in October 2020:

    “On the Israeli side… the UAE can be a gateway to the East…”

    Soon after this year’s destruction of Gaza, Bangladesh lifted the ban on travel to Israel.

    Concluding Remarks

    “Peace deals” are meant to establish some semblance of stability in the region. However, how can stability in a region be maintained when you covet and nurture a state that behaves likes a psychotic murderer hell-bent on destruction who has been handed a stash of high-powered weapons?

    Whether it is lobbing stun grenades and firing rubber bullets at worshippers inside the Al-Aqsa masjid, or dropping bombs onto one of the most densely populated pieces of land on earth. Israel, in every sense, is a terrorist state.

    But what if such a terrorist state now also appears to be growing its nuclear arsenal?

    According to the Guardian, the Zionist entity is expanding its Dimona nuclear facility in the Negev desert, where it has historically made the fissile material for its nuclear arsenal. Maintaining the trend of hypocrisy, there are zero demands by the West for Israel to open its nuclear programme for inspection by the International Atomic Energy Agency.

    This situation only adds to the threat posed to the Muslim world from whom Al-Quds is being stolen. Due to the conniving conspiracies of Mohammed Bin Zayed that have thus far only reinforced Israel, Palestine, Al-Aqsa, and Muslims generally are more vulnerable than they have ever been in recent history.

    UAE’s collusion with the US and the Zionist entity under the guise of “normalisation” has resulted in a chain of further “normalisations” by Bahrain, Sudan, Oman, and Morocco.

    Whilst the aims of these Arab states are materialistic, Israel has got what it has always pined for.

    As Gaza was being bombarded; as the Palestinians resisted their own ethnic cleansing in Sheikh Jarrah; as Al-Aqsa was being violated by Zionist gangs; as Palestinian children were being arrested; these Arab states remained muzzled. Au contraire, in what appeared to be a state-backed response according to the Guardian, the hashtag “Palestine is not my cause” circulated in the UAE, Bahrain and Kuwait during the attacks in Gaza.

    Yet the Sacred Sanctuary continues to be attacked post-ceasefire, underwriting the view that the Kushner “peace plan” is already being implemented on the ground.

    The duplicitous treachery reaches its pinnacle with MBZ’s latest hypocrisy-laden performance. The man who was co-conspiring to hand Al-Aqsa on a platter to the Zionists and eject the Palestinians from their own land, is now offering to play a role in peace efforts between Israel and the Palestinians. As Allah says,

    “When it is said to them, “Do not spread disorder on the earth”, they say, “We are only putting things right.” Beware, it is, in fact, they who spread disorder, but they are not aware of it.” (Al-Qur’ān, 2:12)

    However, there is a hidden wisdom in how the situation in Palestine has reached its zenith in the month of Ramadan, for nothing occurs without Divine Decree. These schemes are well within the Plan of Allah.

    Muslim globally are placing aside their squabbles aside and asserting their spiritual link to Masjid Al-Aqsa. A loud message is being sent to both the Zionists and their collaborators that Al-Quds is not just a piece of land that can be traded or colonised, but an embedded part of the hearts of over a billion Muslims.

    Those who have embarked on the Emirati ship will find it sinking at the first sight of a Palestinian Intifada (in shā’Allah). Until then, the Muslim world needs to know who is at the centre of the conspiracy to harm the Muslim world.

    The turmoil around Al-Aqsa has revealed the ropes that tie down a tent constituted of connected agendas and events. Palestinian men, women and children, and the broader ummah that is facing “counter-extremism” agendas and deformation of Islam projects that ultimately seek to separate the centrality Al-Quds from our hearts, are being led into this tent by the Ibn al-‘Alqamī of our time: Mohammed bin Zayed.

    Recent reports indicate a similar pattern occurring in Indonesia.

    Turning to the US and Europe, both MBZ and MBS have taken advantage of the neocon War on Terror language of “fighting terrorism” to fuel the “normalisation” of anti-Muslim policies in the West. This ultimately helps justify, or at least deflect their own domestic repression, murdering and torture.

    UAE, Saudi and Egypt all have made it their central strategic plank to blame “ideology” (be it Sunni or Shi’i) and promote deformation of Islam (as was the case with Sisi in 2015) much to the affection of the far right and warmongering US neoconservatives who posit Islam as the problem.


    Last edited by سيف الله; 05-31-2021 at 06:51 PM.
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    Re: The Jewish Plan For The Middle East and Beyond


    Another update.

    The Neocon War on Terror cannot be Understood without Israel

    The recent events in Palestine have brought attention to the brutal actions of Zionist entity against both the people in the form of ethnic cleansing and bombardment, and their religious sanctity through the violent incursions against Masjid Al-Aqsa.

    These events represent an epicentre for broader reverberations across the Islamic world, but not in the most apparent sense.

    Of course, the situation in Palestine continues to cause much pain to Muslims globally despite the treacherous schemes of the likes of Mohammed Bin Zayed (MBZ) and Mohammed Bin Salman (MBS). In contrast to the aims of their repressive agenda, these events have rekindled the fire in the hearts of Muslims for Al-Aqsa and Palestine, both young and old.

    However, the connected reverberations we are referring to, and upon which we wish to shed light upon, are ones which have been continually felt over the course of the past two decades through the War on Terror.

    From extensive, repressive counterterrorism and counter-extremism frameworks to the destructive interventions in the Middle East, North Africa and Asia, the War on Terror’s engagement with Muslims and the Islamic world has been marked by a spectrum of violent modes.

    The US is often seen as the initiator of this volatile shift in international relations. However, this is only a part of a complex picture that is intertwined with Muslims in more ways than one. And Israel’s role duly facilitated by neoconservatives, and consequently the Al-Quds Al-Sharif factor, are crucial.

    “A Clean Break” from Sanity

    To understand this picture, one needs to understand that the neoconservatives are staunchly pro-Israeli and have worked ardently to protect and project Zionist interests.

    In 1996, a group of prominent neoconservatives led by Richard Perle (who was caught by the FBI disclosing classified information to Israeli officials in October 1970) produced the policy paper titled “A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm” for the attention of then Israeli Likud party PM Benjamin Netanyahu. This document, as well as influencing the removal of Saddam Hussein, outlined the way in which the areas of Iran, Iraq, Palestine, Lebanon and Syria could be “remade” by specifically highlighting their “weapons of mass destruction”.

    In 1998, pressure was also put on the Clinton administration by neocons like Elliot Abrams, John Bolton, Douglas Feith, William Kristol, Bernard Lewis, Perle and Paul Wolfowitz, to oust Saddam Hussein. Many of these neocons had “close ties to pro-Israel groups like JINSA [Jewish Institute for National Security of America] or WINEP [The Washington Near East Policy – set up with support from AIPAC]”.[1]

    JINSA has included neocons such as Perle, Michael Ledeen, Muravchik, James Woolsey, Dick Cheney, John Bolton, and Douglas Feith. On elaborating upon the Zionist/neoconservative roots, Ryan notes,[2]

    “JINSA had been established “as a result of the lessons learned from the 1973 Yom Kippur War” in order to communicate with the national security establishment and the general public “to explain the role Israel can and does play in bolstering American interests, as well as the link between American defense policy and the security of Israel.” Here the cross-think-tank links and the key activists were particularly clear, with Cheney, Bolton, Feith, Ledeen, Muravchik, Woolsey, and Perle all affiliated to the organization. At age 23, Feith had helped draft JINSA’s charter in 1973.”
    WINEP was similarly born from pro-Israel interests facilitated by neoconservatives:

    “WINEP was established in 1985 by Martin Indyk, previously the Research Director at the leading pro-Israel lobby, the American-Israeli Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) and Barbi Weinberg, a former Vice President of AIPAC, and was closely aligned with AIPAC from its inception. (As of 2006, fourteen members of the 100-plus Board of Trustees had served on the AIPAC executive board and some were founders or Directors of pro-Israel Political Action Committees.) …
    “WINEP’s advisory board and list of scholars also included some neoconservatives… Woolsey, Perle, and Wolfowitz were all on the WINEP board. Muravchik and Pipes both served as Adjunct Scholars. Rubin became a WINEP Adjunct Scholar in 1999. (WINEP also included three others on the MEF [the Middle East Forum – a neoconservative group headed by Daniel Pipes] advisory board: Robert Satloff, Patrick Clawson, and Jonathan Schanzer)… WINEP was one of the first think tanks to call for regime change in Iraq in a 1996 report by a study group that included Bolton, Rodman, Dobriansky, Feith, and Zalamy Khalilzad.”[3]
    When the US had what the Project for New American Century (PNAC) neoconservatives would call a “new Pearl Harbor” in the form of 9/11, the picture presented of the Middle East to the US was an Israeli one. Israeli-US intelligence cooperation was at unprecedented levels. According to one Israeli general, “Israeli intelligence was a full partner to the picture presented by American and British intelligence regarding Iraq’s non‐conventional capabilities.”[4]

    The USA Today, reported in late 2002 that Israel was “secretly playing a key role in U.S. preparations for possible war with Iraq, helping to train soldiers and Marines for urban warfare, conducting clandestine surveillance missions in the western Iraqi desert and allowing the United States to place combat supplies in Israel”.

    Meanwhile, American neoconservatives were in full force to push the War on Terror and the invasion of Iraq. Indeed, within the US, “a small band of neoconservatives, many with close ties to Israel’s Likud Party” were the “driving force” behind the Iraq war. This band of pro-Israeli neoconservatives included Scooter Libby, Bernard Lewis, and Paul Wolfowitz.

    Wolfowitz who is “committed to Israel”, was described during the Bush era as the “the most hawkishly pro-Israel voice in the Administration”.[5] He had been an advocate of the Iraq war for decades. The Wolfowitz Doctrine was the informal name of the 1990s policy devised under then US Defense Secretary Wolfowitz by his deputy Libby, his aid Zalmay Khalilzad and with consultation with Perle, among others. The policy articulated an American imperialist unipolarity, and the doctrine of pre-emption, where threats are taken out before they emerge.


    With Wolfowitz taking up a key position in Bush administration, his doctrine became the Bush doctrine.

    The doctrine of pre-emption undergirded both the invasion of Iraq and the counter-terror policies that were being architected in parallel. And the engine driving the terrorism smokescreen, however tenuous, was fuelled by neoconservative Israel-cheerleaders right from the inceptive period:

    “On September 20, a group of prominent neoconservatives and their allies published another open letter, telling the President that “even if evidence does not link Iraq directly to the [9/11] attack, any strategy aiming at the eradication of terrorism and its sponsors must include a determined effort to remove Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq.The letter also reminded Bush that, “Israel has been and remains America’s staunchest ally against international terrorism.””[6]
    This threat of terrorism was hyped up at the expense of more cataclysmic threats.

    In 2004, a secret report produced by the Pentagon concluded that the “threat to global stability vastly eclipses that of terrorism”. This report was suppressed by US defence chiefs amongst whom at that time was the notorious neocon and advocate of the doctrine of pre-emption in the terrorism sphere, Paul Wolfowitz. Also present during that period was the US vice president and CEO of oil field services corporation Halliburton, Dick Cheney. He lobbied for the US to leave the Kyoto protocol, an international agreement linked to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, adopted in Kyoto, Japan, in December 1997.

    Despite these machinations becoming increasingly public from the very beginning of the War on Terror, the neoconservatives have continued to operate in the realm of “security”. In recent years, this has meant lobbying by neoconservative in a political landscape that has shifted, aligning Israel with the UAE.

    The “Arab Neocons”, Israel and counter-extremism

    In 2017, hacked emails showed that UAE was growing its relationship with the pro-Israel, neoconservative think tank called the Foundation for Defense of Democracies (FDD). FDD’s positions have followed those of the Likud party and its former leader, Netanyahu, “not just on the Iran deal, but on the conflict between the Israelis and the Palestinians and the desirability of a two-state solution.” This is hardly surprising given the think-tank “arose out of an organization committed to burnishing Israel’s reputation in the United States” and was originally set up in April 2001 by three major pro-Israel donors under the name EMET (Hebrew for “truth”).

    The FDD has been important in facilitating the neoconservative worldview in the Middle East through the “Arab neocon” MBZ. In 2017, hacked emails showed scheduled meetings between the FDD and UAE officials, including MBZ, to discuss UAE policies on Iran and associated policies including, “political, economic, military, intelligence, and cyber tools.”

    In the same, year, London-based Centre for Public Affairs revealed that the UAE spent around $5.3 million funding an anti-Qatar “UAE-AIPAC Conference” that aimed to prove “Qatar’s sponsorship of terrorism groups”. In addition to three pro-Israeli politicians, on the panel was Founder and Executive Director of the pro-Israeli neoconservative Henry Jackson Society (HJS – discussed further below), Alan Mendoza.

    MBZ has since forged the path for the signing of the Abraham Accords: Arab “normalisation” of relations with Israel at the expense of Al-Quds and the Al-Aqsa Masjid. This was publicly acknowledged as an achievement for Israel by Netanyahu, much to the disgrace of Arab leaders:
    “[The] Abraham Accords enabled us to get out of the equation of land for peace to peace for peace, and we did not give up a span.”
    The alignment between UAE and Israel, and neoconservatives extends to the policy of repression of any Islamic expression that professes a political slant.

    In 2014, it was reported that the UAE was enlisting the services of an American consulting firm, Camstoll Group, to attack Qatar for its support of the Muslim Brotherhood. The Camstoll Group consisted of neoconservatives, including notorious pro-Israeli neocon Islamophobe Steve Emerson, who used their contacts to pump anti-Qatar propaganda:
    “Their strategy was clear: target neocon/pro-Israel writers such as the Daily Beast‘s Eli Lake, Free Beacon‘s Alana Goodman, Iran-contra convict Elliott Abrams, The Washington Post‘s Jennifer Rubin, and American Enterprise Institute’s Michael Rubin – all eager to promote the Qatar-funds-terrorists line being pushed by Israel.”
    The focus of this attack has been ideological suppression through the counter-terror lingua franca.

    Indeed, the UAE has been at the forefront, alongside the UK, in globally promoting the ideology-centred Countering Violent Extremism (CVE) agenda through the Global Counterterrorism Forum on Countering Violent Extremism, Hedayah Center for CVE and the Sawab Centre. These hubs have been in turn influenced by the London-based, pro-Israeli, neoconservative Institute for Strategic Dialogue (ISD – we return to ISD further below).

    In 2016, the UAE endorsed the highly questionable UN Resolution to Prevent Violent Extremism. Again, focussing on ideology, Lana Nusseibeh, the UAE’s permanent representative to the UN, said that the initiative should be a blueprint for coordinating efforts to “combat extremism”.

    This was in synchrony with Israel’s more emphatic statements on the UN Resolution which, as we shall see further below, have been longstanding since the very inception of the War on Terror. Welcoming the UN Plan of Action, the Zionist entity stated:

    “…we must be clear – the real and most basic threat we face is the extremist ideology itself. Thus, if we truly want to defeat violent extremism and terrorism, we must attack radical extremist ideology at its source.”
    This was followed a year later by MBZ’s protégé in Saudi, MBS. In line with his Vision 2030 project to promote “moderate Islam”, MBS inaugurated The Global Center for Combatting Extremist Ideology (Etidal) in Riyadh alongside then US President Donald Trump, and Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi.

    The project was picked up by the HJS, with its researcher Najah Al-Otaibi, praising the Vision 2030 initiative as “important”, and calling on the UK to “deepen its ties” with the Saudis and Gulf state into civil society:

    “The Crown Prince’s ‘Vision 2030’ project is an important one for encouraging the development of a moderate Islamic narrative which integrates liberal values, challenging the origins of extremism in the region and removing the sources of its funding worldwide… If we are truly to counter extremism at its source, the UK should now increase its anti-terrorism co-operation with the Saudis and the GCC, going beyond intelligence sharing to creating joint initiatives with civil society and working with tech companies to counter jihadi recruitment online.”
    The “moderate Islam”/bad Islam dichotomy is a narrative that allows for invasive, precriminal state intervention whilst eschewing scrutiny of state actions and political factors in the assessment of political violence. This is, of course, convenient for the likes of MBS, MBZ, the US and Israel. Making Islam the problem shifts the attention away from tyranny, repression and occupation.

    Pertinently it is a view that has been floated by Israel from the very inception of the War on Terror.

    Precrime: the Israeli view through Neocons

    The precrime counter-terrorism approach which emerged in the wake of 9/11 rooted itself in a Clash of Civilisations thesis, de-emphasising political factors and focusing on ideology. This strategy was concordant with Israel’s “Huntingtonian” view of Muslims. Soon after the 9/11 attacks, former director general of the Mossad Shabtai Shavit, for example, said:

    “This is war, war against the Free World. For years we issued warnings and the Western states shrugged their shoulders. But what we always said about extremist Islam and the struggle against it has now been proved.”[7]
    What should be noted, however, is that before 9/11, the world was forcefully reacting to the IDF’s ethnic cleansing and brutal suppression of Palestinian protests in response to Ariel Sharon’s storming of Masjid al-Aqsa with more than 1,000 heavily armed police and soldiers in the year 2000. 9/11 provided the catalyst to divert attention from political injustice and concretise the “extremist Islam is the problem” narrative.

    It is not surprising to find, therefore, that those passionately advocating for pre-emptive, ideology-focused counter-terrorism policies in the UK have been, and continue to be, pro-Israeli neoconservatives.

    From the earlies period of the War on Terror, neoconservative think-tanks focused their resources on propounding this view.

    The Quilliam Foundation telos has been to downplay the Iraq war and focus on what was for them, “the politicization of Islam”.[8] The prominent British neoconservative and outspoken Zionist, Michael Gove, was a board member of the organisation, which disbanded earlier this year.

    Gove is a useful entry-point into the heavily interconnected neocon/pro-Israel world.

    The late George Weidenfeld is cited as the “inspiration” and idea for Gove’s book, Celsius 7/7, which regurgitates the Machinean Israeli worldview. Gove has called Weidenfeld a “man of great wisdom and humanity” who he is proud to call “a friend.”

    Weidenfeld had been the president of the Board of Trustees for the ISD, which promotes CVE. He also happened to be a Zionist who co-signed, alongside hard-line neocons, a petition which states that, “Israeli land concessions, will never bring peace”. The petition, published by the rabidly bigoted, anti-Muslim Gatestone Institute run by the chief financier of transatlantic Muslim-hate, Nina Rosenwald, also postures a supremacist assumption, stating that “only a cultural revolution in the Arab world can achieve [peace].”

    Amongst the list of editors Gove thanks “in particular”, is Daniel Finkelstein. Finkelstein is a senior Conservative peer who was the editor of the Times, as well as chairman of the right-wing, neoconservative London think-tank, Policy Exchange.

    Gove founded Policy Exchange in 2002 and has postured a securitised view of Islam and Muslims since.

    The think-tank is notorious for fabricating receipts to prove “extremist” material was being sold in masajid. The report, which used these fabricated receipts, was authored by anti-Islam Denis MacEoin who has been on record to state that he has very “negative feelings” about Islam.

    In 2008, the then chairman of Policy Exchange mooted the idea of a blacklist of Muslim organisations deemed extremist as a “possible approach to the question of Islam in Britain”.

    Pertinently, the think-tank, through its former research director Dean Godson, was strongly influential in the development of the PREVENT counter-extremism strategy. Godson is a neoconservative who called for the revival of Cold War era techniques in the War on Terror.[9]

    The transatlantic, neocon/pro-Israeli War on Terror network

    The American neoconservative influences and connections are also present in the Policy Exchange.

    During the 1980s Godson served as a Special Assistant to the US Secretary of the Navy, John Lehman. Lehman would go onto to become a signatory for the war-mongering neoconservative think-tank founded by William Kristol and Robert Kagan, PNAC.

    The American neocon and war-advocate David Frum has called Godson his “friend”. Frum is also the Chairman of the board of trustees for Policy Exchange. He was the speechwriter for Bush, the author of the infamous “Axis of Evil” claim in Bush’s 2002 State of Union address and co-author of the book An End to Evil: How to Win the War on Terror. Frum wrote this book with fellow neocon Perle.

    Many of the names of these American neoconservatives are also relevant to the HJS, a leading exponent of repressive War on Terror policies in the UK. Its international patrons include Kagan, Kristol, Muravchik, Perle, and Woolsey.

    According to a 2015 report by Spinwatch,
    “there has been a large overlap between funders of the HJS and other pro-Israel causes… [the] donors shared by the [HJS] and a number of prominent pro-Israel groups… includes all of HJS’s thirteen largest identified donors except for the City of London… All of these donors except for the Eranda Foundation contributed to the United Jewish Israel Appeal. All except the Eranda Foundation and foundations associated with the Kalms family donated to the Community Security Trust. The UK Friends of the Association for the Well-being of Israel’s Soldiers and the Jewish National Fund each received funding from six HJS donors, while four donors contributed to the Jerusalem Fund.”
    Pertinent here is that the Eranda Foundation, which has funded the HJS, has also funded the UK Friends of the City of David, the British-based branch of the Ir David Foundation, commonly known as Elad.

    Elad, one of Israel’s wealthiest nonprofits, is a Jewish settler organisation which works to “Judaise” occupied East Jerusalem. The fanatical group has been behind the recent ethnic cleansing taking place in Sheikh Jarrah and Silwan.

    Despite these foreign influences and connections, the HJS works parasitically within the corridors of power.

    In 2020, it was revealed by Declassified that the Home Office was financing the HJS to report on “UK connections to Islamist terrorism”. The HJS also funded the current Home Secretary Priti Patel’s trip to Washington DC to be a “delegate” at a forum organised by Israel lobby group AIPAC.

    These dubious moves in pursuit of Zionist interests are per form, especially when one considers how the HJS has driven a McCarthyist approach for the Government in relation to Muslims.

    In September 2015, we published a piece on a Number 10 press statement which announced the duty to stop “extremists” radicalising on campuses. In the release, they “named and shamed” universities and Muslim activists for allowing “extremists” on campus and being “extremists”, respectively. The Home Office-based Extremism Analysis Unit (EAU) was used to determine the list of “extremists”. We demonstrated that the government lifted chunks of its press release from a dubious report published by the Student Rights organisations, a project of the HJS. This was confirmed in the 2017 Salman Butt case in which the Home Office admitted it was uncritically relying on information provided by the HJS to smear Muslim activists and speakers.

    Recent reports have revealed other facets of the neocon-Israel nexus:

    • Gove, who became a director of the HJS in January 2017, was funded to visit “New York to receive an award at the anniversary of the Algemeiner Journal – a right-wing pro-Israel publication – and ‘attend events organised by the Henry Jackson Society’”. Later that year,
    • Gove also attended an event co-funded by AIPAC and the HJS.
    • At least two HJS employees have subsequently taken up positions in the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
    • Another investigative report showed that, whilst Patel and Gove were involved in HJS, HJS’s US directors have also been directors of charities which are not only supporting the IDF but are also funded by Israel’s Ministry of Defence.

    Gove, counter-extremism, and Palestine

    Given the above nexus, it is not surprising to find Gove’s statements and actions all favour Israel, whilst also hyping up the fear of “Islamist extremism”.

    In 2011, Gove intervened and shutdown school workshops celebrating Palestinian literature and human rights via his Department’s Prevention of Extremism Unit. This was found to be done at the behest of the pro-Israel lobby group Board of Deputies of Jews (BoD).

    (It is worth pointing out here that the BoD (along with Community Security Trust) submitted written evidence to the Home Affairs Select Committee on the “roots of violent radicalisation” in the same year. BoD promoted “preventative approaches” to “combatting radicalisation”, whilst claiming the “UK Muslim community” is the target for “many radicalising forces”.)

    In 2014, Gove commissioned former CTU head Peter Clarke to investigate the Muslim-demonising, hoax Trojan Horse affair. Published in 2014, Clarke, using the PREVENT definition of “extremism”, categorised an orthodox Jewish group – the Neturei Karta – as “extoling” extremist views because it was “anti-Israel”. It is worth pointing out that from 2008, Clarke was on the advisory council for Policy Exchange.

    In 2015, Gove was lauding proposals to suppress support of the BDS movement. In the following year, Gove followed Israel’s agenda to curb criticism of its actions by equated anti-Zionism with anti-Semitism, and called for the UK embassy to be moved from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

    In 2020, Gove again claimed “anti-Zionism has become the new antisemitism”, whilst calling on an “anti-extremism” group Mainstream UK to “continue its work”. Those who support Mainstream UK include Blairite Zionist MPs (including Joan Ryan who faked claims of antisemitism), the pro-Israeli neocon Eric Pickles, and the director of the Israel-Britain Alliance, and former vice-chair of the Labour Friends of Israel Michael McCann.

    There is an undeniable link between counter-extremism and the protection of Israel thanks to neoconservatives and Zionists in key political positions. As the PREVENT policy has developed, it has worked to suppress pro-Palestinian views.

    To date, no “anti-Palestine” views have been censured as “extremist”.

    Concluding Remarks

    The War on Terror was also coined the Global War on Terrorism.

    This is clearly misleading, as the focus has been much of the Muslim world.

    Though the Zionist entity repeatedly terrorises the Palestinians through its apartheid policies, indiscriminate slaughtering of women and children, and ethnically cleansing whatever slivers of land remain of the Occupied Palestinian Territories, Israel has remained outside the rhetoric of pre-emptive strikes, “shock and awe” action, “terrorism” and “extremism”.

    And this is for good reason.

    The War on Terror cannot be understood without factoring Israel and the lobbying done on its behalf by its neoconservative proxies in the US and UK. Through the neoconservatives who pined for an unending security paradigm and warring, Israel, and its agenda to “reshape” the Middle East through the War on Terror, continues to be delivered to the present day with a helping hand from MBZ and MBS.

    This only reinforces the reality that the chants of “terrorism”, and the infrastructures of repression that have been built on this noise, mask the sustained attack against Islam and Muslims through a process in which the major factors are Masjid al-Aqsa and Palestine.

    However, despite its intensity and devastation, which is now openly facilitated by treacherous Arab leaders, this attack is doomed to failure.

    “And they worked out their plot and whatever they plot is before Allah, even though their plot is such as would move the mountains.”
    Al-Qur’ān, 14:46

    Given twenty years of War on Terror policies, pointed questions must continue to be asked.

    How many British lives have been lost in wars that have done more to protect Israeli interests than British ones? How many laws have been passed, and policies advocated that have threatened the freedoms of all to please the Zionist lobby? Will there be a systematic government “independent review” into the interconnected neoconservatives, pro-Israel lobby groups, and MPs who act as conduits for Israeli interests in Britain? Should Britain be interfered with by a foreign influence via a small syndicate of neoconservatives?

    And what will happen if Britain acts against the interests of Israel?




    More analysis.

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  22. #217
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    Re: The Jewish Plan For The Middle East and Beyond

    brothers im so glad i am seeing all you being so awake to whats happening. i have some brothers who are very pious but so ignorant and could give their lives thinking saudi regime is in haq.its the total opposite.
    the jews got rid of all their oppositions in the arab world - egypt ,iraq (sadam hussein). lybia (gadafi) and they also trying to do that now with syria and iran. btw where was all this sectarian war before 2003? as far as i know , it never was on this big scale before.
    the :normalization with the gulf states only shows that those countries have submitted and their leaders either sold out or ignorant and not fearful of the true Lord of heavens and Earth, but without trying to little the arabs and wha tthey have done for islam - let me tell you what i think of them - arabs arent the true pride of islam or never will be.
    wallah i believe most of their leaders are very hypocrite. just remember the arab revolt and what big of a treason that was to the muslim otoman caliphate- and in ww2 when the fascist powers were fighting zionism on all sides - arabs did almost nothing. they slept.
    and what cam after their sleep? israel.

    now let them bear it!! i feel sad for the opressed - but wallahi nothing in this life happens without a reason.
    until mahdi comes. i dont expect things to get any better. and to be honest, now more than ever im trying to avoid these topics and focus solely on discipline of islam within myself - cause people seem to ignorant to understand these days. they following their traps like our prophet pbuh warned us long ago.
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    Re: The Jewish Plan For The Middle East and Beyond


    We have to be careful generalising many have suffered jail or worse for opposing this, I agree the current leadership on the whole has been weak and servile (contrast whether you like it or not with Iran which despite everything they have gone through has managed to follow and independent path) and Im sure many are against normalisation until there is a a proper peace when it comes to the Israel Palestine issue.

    Having said that the change in direction by the new generation of leaders is disturbing, they are willing to collaborate in undermining Muslim or Islamic groups in general.

    Have to remember other areas of the Muslim world arent that much better (Turkey, Pakistan licking the boots of China etc etc). So overall its currently a bleak situation.

    Its important to discipline yourself and focus on building yourself and improving your life but shouldnt completely turn off from these issues, its always good to be in the know.

    Another update, the betrayal continues.

    Saudi Arabia: Dozens of Palestinians and Jordanians sentenced after mass trial

    Those who received jail terms include the former Hamas representative in the kingdom Mohammed al-Khoudary and his son

    A Saudi court on Sunday issued various sentences against 69 Palestinian and Jordanian detainees, with some handed jail terms of up to 22 years, over alleged support for the Palestinian Hamas movement.

    Dozens of Palestinians have been detained and facing trial before a terrorism court since February 2019, including businesspeople, academics and students.

    Sources in the besieged Gaza Strip have previously told Middle East Eye that they believed the crackdown was linked to warming ties between Israel and Riyadh.

    An official Hamas source told MEE last year that the majority of the detainees were Hamas members who had resided in the Gulf country for decades, accusing Saudi Arabia of "targeting everyone who is linked with resistance" against the Israeli occupation.

    On Sunday, the Committee of Jordanian Detainees in Saudi Arabia, a Jordanian rights group, said sentences have been issued against 69 Jordanians and Palestinians, with some of them sentenced to 22 years in prison while others were acquitted.

    The sentences have not yet been made public. Detainees can appeal against the sentences after 40 days, according to the sister of Jordanian detainee Tarek Abbas.

    Hamas middleman sentenced

    The Saudi court sentenced the Hamas representative in Saudi Arabia, Mohammed al-Khoudary, to 15 years in prison, while his son, Hani, was sentenced to three years, according to Anadolu agency.

    The Turkish news agency quoted Abd al-Majid, Khoudary's brother, as saying that the sentence against him includes "clemency for half the term (seven-and-a-half years)".

    The 82-year-old Khoudary is a veteran Hamas leader who was responsible for managing the relationship with Saudi Arabia for two decades.

    Khoudary had long had a relationship with the Saudi royal family and security agencies and was the conduit for their indirect talks with Hamas before being detained in April 2019.

    Amnesty International has previously said that the Khoudarys had not been not allowed access to a lawyer while in detention.

    Saudi authorities have yet to comment on Sunday's verdicts.

    The verdicts were scheduled to be announced in October but were brought forward, a decision welcomed by Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh who expressed hope that it will include the release of all Palestinians held pending the case.

    He appealed to Saudi Arabia to release the detainees "based on the historical positions of the Kingdom and the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques in support of the Palestinian people and their just cause".

    Hamas was established in 1987 and is generally viewed in the Arab world as a legitimate resistance movement against Israel's occupation of Palestinians lands, although Israel and the United States consider it a terrorist group.

    A number of its founders and close associates have lived in the Gulf kingdom, where large donation campaigns were launched for the movement, some with official Saudi blessings.

    But the kingdom's relationship with the Gaza-based faction appears to have soured since the election of US president Donald Trump, a staunch supporter of Israel, and the emergence of Mohammed bin Salman as Saudi Arabia's crown prince.



    Egypt: Court upholds 'Hamas collaboration' charges against Brotherhood leaders

    Life sentences upheld against Mohamed Badie and other Brotherhood leaders over accusations of collaborating with the Palestinian group to destabilise Egypt

    An Egypt court has upheld jail sentences for several Muslim Brotherhood leaders on charges of "collaborating with Hamas", throwing out an appeal even as relations between the country and the Palestinian group have continued to improve in recent months.

    The Egyptian Court of Cassation on Wednesday rejected appeals by Mohamed Badie - the highest-ranking leader of the Brotherhood - his deputy Khairat El-Shater and others, upholding their life sentences over accusations of working with foreign organisations to destabilise national security and stability. The ruling is now final and cannot be appealed.

    Badie was sentenced to life imprisonment in several other cases in 2013.

    The cassation court added that the case against political leader Essam el-Erian had been terminated owing to his death in 2020.

    Seven defendants, including the Brotherhood's former international spokesperson, Gehad el-Haddad, were acquitted.

    The verdict against the Brotherhood leaders was issued by the Cairo Criminal Court in September 2019 after a retrial. The case was initiated in 2014, a year after former President Mohamed Morsi was overthrown by his successor Abdel Fattah el-Sisi in a military coup.

    Sisi has since overseen a crackdown on his opposition from across the political spectrum. The Brotherhood, the country's largest opposition group, has since been outlawed and its members and supporters either jailed or excluded from public life.

    In June, the cassation court upheld death sentences on 12 members of the Brotherhood, including two senior leaders of the group. Rights groups have warned that the death penalty could be carried out imminently.

    A tense relationship

    Egypt's relationship with Hamas has been tumultuous - though the Egyptian government has aided Israel in its blockade of the Gaza Strip since Hamas took control in 2007, it has also often acted as a mediator during times of conflict.

    Since Sisi took power in Egypt in 2013, he has pursued a generally harsh policy against Hamas, viewing them as allies of the Brotherhood.

    However, in recent years relations have begun to thaw, with Hamas collaborating with Egypt in tackling the Islamic State group's insurgency in the Sinai Peninsula. Egypt has also allowed diplomatic relations to resume.

    On 18 May, Sisi pledged $500m to help the reconstruction of the Gaza Strip in the wake of an Israeli assault on the enclave. Egyptian construction equipment began entering the strip in early June to help with the effort.

    Last edited by سيف الله; 08-09-2021 at 11:18 PM.
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    Re: The Jewish Plan For The Middle East and Beyond

    Can someone tell me how to be usnubscribed from this topic im not interested on it at all
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    Re: The Jewish Plan For The Middle East and Beyond


    Final update.

    UAE looking to do $1 trillion worth of business with Israel in next decade

    The United Arab Emirates wants to grow economic ties with Israel to more than $1 trillion over the next decade, Economy Minister Abdulla Bin Touq has said.

    Abu Dhabi has signed over 60 memorandums of understanding with Israel since normalising relations last year and is expecting an influx of trade in the next two years, Bin Touq told a conference.

    The UAE is looking to invest in sectors including defence, energy and food security.

    “We have $600 to $700 million dollars of bilateral trade happening, we have funds of billions of dollars that have been announced jointly between the two countries, we are moving into so many areas of economic opportunities,” he said. “We are looking to create over $1 trillion dollars of economic activity over the next decade.”

    Dorian Barak, an Israeli investor, told The Times of Israel that by the end of 2021 Israel and the UAE would have reached $1 billion in trade, including services and tourism.

    “About 40 Israeli companies have set up shop in UAE free-trade zones and over 200 companies have local representatives in the country in areas like agriculture, jewellery, food, retail,” Barak said, adding that he thinks that figure will grow to 500.

    The bigger story, he said, is that the UAE is a “launching pad” for Israeli businesses and this is where tremendous opportunities lie.” He added that ties with the UAE will be a “catalyst for trade with the wider Arab world” and beyond.

    Palestinian factions have called the UAE-Israel peace deal a “stab in the back.”


    Some honesty, how did this slip through the barrier.

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    By ILuvAllah in forum General
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    Last Post: 03-18-2012, 12:09 AM
  3. The Middle East war, who is heating it up?
    By User29123 in forum General
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    Last Post: 06-07-2011, 06:09 PM
  4. New Middle East????
    By IbnAbdulHakim in forum World Affairs
    Replies: 29
    Last Post: 08-09-2006, 06:19 AM
  5. Replies: 21
    Last Post: 03-17-2006, 05:53 PM

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