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From spy to president: The rise of Vladimir Putin

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    From spy to president: The rise of Vladimir Putin (OP)


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    Vladimir Putin has been ruling Russia since 1999. In that time he has shaped the country into an authoritarian and militaristic society. The Soviet Union dissolved into 15 new countries, including the new Russian Federation. In Putin’s eyes, Russia had just lost 2 million square miles of territory. But Putin’s regime has also developed and fostered the most effect cyber hacker army in the world and he’s used it to wreak havoc in the West. But the election of Donald Trump brings new hope for the Putin vision. Trump’s rhetoric has been notably soft on Russia. He could lift sanctions and weaken NATO, potentially freeing up space for Putin’s Russia to become a dominant power once again.

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    Re: From spy to president: The rise of Vladimir Putin

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    More comment and analysis.

    Troisième Guerre Mondiale

    A French analyst is one of the few quasi-mainstream thinkers who appears to understand the true scope of the current conflict.

    Emmanuel Todd was not at Davos. But it was the French anthropologist, historian, demographer and geopolitical analyst who ended up ruffling all the appropriate feathers across the collective West these past few days with a fascinating anthropological object: a reality-based interview. So here’s Todd’s concise Greatest Hits.

    A new World War is on: By “switching from a limited territorial war to a global economic clash, between the collective West on one side and Russia linked to China on the other side, this became a World War”.

    • The Kremlin, says Todd, made a mistake, calculating that a decomposed Ukraine society would collapse right away. Of course he does not get into detail on how Ukraine had been weaponized to the hilt by the NATO military alliance.
    • Todd is spot on when he stresses how Germany and France had become minor partners at NATO and were not aware of what was being plotted in Ukraine militarily: “They did not know that the Americans, British and Poles could allow Ukraine to fight an extended war. NATO’s fundamental axis now is Washington-
    • Todd’s major give away is a killer: “The resistance of Russia’s economy is leading the imperial American system to the precipice. Nobody had foreseen that the Russian economy would hold facing NATO’s ‘economic power’”.
    • Consequently, “monetary and financial American controls over the world may collapse, and with them the possibility for the US of financing for nothing their enormous trade deficit”.
    • “The fundamental dilemma of the American economy: it cannot face Chinese competition without importing a qualified Chinese work force.”
    • And that bring us, once again, to globalization, in a manner that Davos roundtables were incapable of understanding: “We have delocalized so much of our industrial activity that we don’t know whether our war production may be sustained”.
    Of course he wasn’t at Davos. Davos isn’t listening to anyone who is capable of seeing the situation with clear eyes. Todd is not even remotely wrong. But if he’s selling 100,000 books in Japan based on those entirely obvious conclusions, I should really consider finding myself a Japanese publisher.

    Anyhow, if you’re wondering why some of the more historically perspicacious intellectuals appear to be so wildly off-base with regards to their observations of the current situation, a recent conversation I had with one individual proved very illuminating. My impression is that it mostly comes down to the elder generation not being able yet to comprehend any sort of conflict between a) a regional war of the US and its allies against a single regional power, and, b) mutually assured nuclear destruction.

    As a general rule, they believe that the USA of 2022 is still, more or less, the USA of 1950, only with momentarily ascendant leftists and better ethnic food. They see the qualitative problems very well, but don’t recognize the scale of the quantitative and issues, which is why their analyses, and their solutions, tend to rely upon some sort of 1980s Reagan-style renaissance that isn’t even a possibility anymore.

    From centenarian clowns like Kissinger to twenty-something Republicans who read Victor Davis Hanson, all of the proposed “solutions” to the global war between Clown World and the other 80 percent of the planet led by the Sino-Russian alliance are comically irrelevant. Failing to understand either the nature or the scope of the conflict, it is their reliance upon their familiar axioms and the continuation of the current global infrastructure that is leading them astray.

    But very important structural things, have fundamentally changed, as I pointed out on Monday’s Darkstream following a highly unusual statement by the Saudi Finance Minister.

    Andy told me back in September 2022: “The dollar hegemony is right about ready to break when you realize that Saudi Arabia is about to join the BRIC nations. Do you think Biden is going to fly there to ask for more oil? He went there to beg them not to join BRIC.”

    “The dollar was made reserve currency only because of our protection of the Saudi kingdom,” Andy continued. He then noted astutely that Saudi Arabia had signed new protection agreements with Russia. “All of the Eastern European countries that have repatriated their gold. They’re all part of the EU but they all trade their own currency. They’re all going to break away from the Western system,” he added.

    And now it looks like Andy was right: it appears Saudi Arabia has just issued a death knell to the exclusivity of the petrodollar as we once knew it – the first of several dominoes that needs to fall before the U.S. is exposed financially as an emperor with no clothes.

    Saudi Arabia Just Killed The Petrodollar, 18 January 2023
    It may be worth noting here that my original prediction of 2033 for the end of the political entity known as the USA was predicated on the expected lifespan of the post-Bretton Woods dollar. I don’t recall anyone taking that timeframe very seriously at the time, but if it was an option, it would probably be considered in the money now.

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    Re: From spy to president: The rise of Vladimir Putin


    Another update.

    The Kremlin, says Todd, made a mistake, calculating that a decomposed Ukraine society would collapse right away. Of course he does not get into detail on how Ukraine had been weaponized to the hilt by the NATO military alliance.
    The attack and taking of Kyiv was meant to facilitate a quick victory (like the takeover Crimea). It didn't happen. Heres why.

    Last edited by سيف الله; 01-27-2023 at 04:02 PM.
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    Re: From spy to president: The rise of Vladimir Putin


    The situation is 'escalating'.

    Sending Ukraine our tanks could turn Europe into one big radioactive graveyard

    This was the moment at which we began the unstoppable descent into terrible danger which so many of us will bitterly regret in times to come.

    I won’t waste time here going over the question of who started the Ukraine war, or even why. Most people don’t want to know and refuse to think about it, or to look up the facts. They defame and abuse anyone who tries to tell them. So to hell with that. I’m bored with trying.

    The Government claims to be in favour of free debate in universities, so all the stage army of ‘Right-wing’ thinkers and scribblers whoop with admiration that we can now perhaps discuss the transgender issue. Well and good.

    But the Government and its tame thinkers are not in favour of free debate on crucial national policy, and nor is anyone else much.

    When the Defence Secretary announced that British tanks were going to Ukraine, not one MP raised any doubts or opposed the move. Not one. To read the record of the non-debate is like reading the proceedings of some Communist fake parliament, supine and brain-dead.

    The country where political freedom was born has decided not to bother being free any more.

    So it is left to me to tell you that it is an act of grave stupidity for the West to supply Ukraine with modern tanks. Unlike everyone else in the media and politics, I am not a military expert. But I know what tanks are for, and it is not defence.

    What we have just decided to do is to prolong and deepen the war. Maybe Ukraine’s new tanks will sweep all before them. Maybe they will bog down. Maybe they will try to take Crimea. Maybe they will soon be taking part in a Victory Parade in Red Square. I don’t know. But if they cross into what Russia regards as its own territory, then do not be surprised by anything which happens.

    Look, Vladimir Putin is obviously a sinister tyrant and, in my view, went off his head completely during the Covid panic (look at those huge tables he sits at). I think he is probably capable of authorising the use of battlefield nuclear weapons if cornered. But it could be worse. If he is overthrown in a midnight putsch, he will not be replaced by some jolly, liberal-minded chap. He will be replaced by someone who might view it as a positive pleasure to press the red button.

    So there is the real possibility that a large chunk of Europe might be turned into a radioactive graveyard and that American conventional retaliation for this (which will be furious and powerful) will take us a stage further into the world of horror, loss, flight, pestilence and poverty which always follows war. If this happens, maybe more people might want to find out why it began. Maybe not. I will help, if asked.

    But why is Britain in this affair? I know that a lot of voters in key states in America hate Russia because their forebears came from lands Moscow had oppressed. I know that some neo-conservative fanatics in Washington have long desired to dismantle Russia and ensure that it is never an important country again.

    I even understand their points of view. But they are at least 3,000 miles away and will not be personally affected by their own policy. By contrast we are not 3,000 miles away. And I have absolutely no idea how Britain will become safer, happier or more prosperous thanks to following this strategy. Rather the opposite.

    Two countries are in a furious grapple because their deep, hard and unalterable interests conflict.

    The sane and decent policy for any outside power is to help push them into a lasting compromise, as the world did to France and Germany after 1945. Instead, we send tanks. It is as if the fire brigade went about starting fires.


    Germany Declares War on Russia

    UPDATE: This isn’t an exaggeration. While it is an informal declaration of war, it is a material one by the relevant government minister that will be taken at face value by Russia, whether the moronic woman realizes it or not.

    I have said already in the last days, we have to do more on Ukraine. Yes, we have to do more on tanks. But the most important part, and the crucial part, is that we do it together and that we do not do the blame game in Europe, because we are fighting a war against Russia and not against each other.

    – Annalena Baerbock, Foreign Minister, Federal Republic of Germany, 25 January 2023
    The German politicians caved, presumably after being shown their blackmail files, and agreed to formally take part in the NATO war against Russia by sending German tanks to Ukraine. The Russians have made it very clear that a) they are not fooled and b) there will be consequences for Germany getting directly involved in the war in Ukraine.

    Russia branded the move a ‘blatant provocation’, with Moscow officials warning the new Nato supplies will ‘burn like all the rest’, while one raging Putin mouthpiece called for the German parliament to be destroyed.

    Around 30 M1 Abrams tanks will be sent from the US, while Berlin will initially supply 14 Leopard 2 tanks and permit other Nato nations to send their own. Russian storage facilities have around 10,200 tanks, while an estimated 3,300 have been deployed in Ukraine, with 1,640 destroyed.

    Volodymyr Zelensky’s officials hailed the move as a ‘punching fist’ for democracy, while Russia had warned it would cause a ‘global catastrophe’ and escalate the war beyond Ukraine’s borders.

    Today, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said: ‘I am certain that many experts understand the absurdity of this idea. The plan is disastrous in terms of technology,’ he said.

    ‘But above all, it overestimates the potential it will add to the Ukrainian army. These tanks burn just like all the others.’

    Yevgeny Satanovsky, president of the Moscow Institute of the Middle East, told Waldman-LINE channel that nuclear tipped missiles should be used on the centre of German democracy.

    He said: ‘German tanks with crosses on their armour will again march across Ukraine attacking Russian soldiers. I have a natural reaction to this – the Soviet Union bombed Berlin in 1941. And to me this is a signal that the Reichstag, or Bundestag, which now replaces the Reichstag, simply should not remain standing any longer. Flat, slightly radioactive, melted-down ground [will remain in its place].’

    Meanwhile Putin’s favourite propagandist Vladimir Solovyov also ranted over the tank move which he plainly sees as a significant blow to Putin while also being proof in Russian eyes that Germany has directly joined the war.

    ‘It’s time to send a clear, resolute message that we now consider Germany a direct party to the conflict, rekindling memories of WW2. German tanks appearing will definitely mean we consider German territory, military bases and other sites as legitimate targets. NATO wants to fight in this cunning way, pretending that it’s not fighting.’
    At this point, it’s fairly obvious that the Trotskyite Clown Worlders now ensconced in the USA are primarily waging war against Europeans by forcing Russians to kill them. The NATO-Russian war is something of a Xanatos Gambit; while Clown World hoped to use Ukraine and NATO to defeat Russia, their primary enemy, they’ll happily settle for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians, Poles, and Germans, all of whom they hate nearly as much as they hate the Russians.

    But while the Europeans haven’t figured this out yet because they’re all post-Christians steeped to their eyeballs in Clown World propaganda, the Russians, the Chinese, and most of all, the Arab world are very well aware of who is responsible. Which means that it may not just be government buildings in Germany that experience hypersonic missile attention when the Russians launch their offensive.

    As with how the Gamma male who hides behind redefinitions and contorted reasoning to disguise his attacks on others is educated by a punch in the face, it appears the Germans are soon going to be administered an important lesson in how word magic is no defense against material reality.

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    Re: From spy to president: The rise of Vladimir Putin

    If the world thinks that the native German Volk of Hitler's time were aggressive and dangerous enough to Europe, then the foreign Jewish "allied" powers that conquered Germany in WWII and who still rule Germany today make the native Volk look like pacifists by comparison. The tanks being sent into Ukraine to fight Russians today might still have the German Cross on the side but they may as well have the Star of David on them instead. The German Volk are now merely a slave race of the Jewish World Order.
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    Re: From spy to president: The rise of Vladimir Putin


    Oh oh

    US quietly shipping ammo to Ukraine from massive stockpile in Israel — report

    New York Times says 300,000 artillery shells to be sent to Kyiv’s forces from American supplies kept in Israel for emergency use

    The US military is quietly shipping hundreds of thousands of artillery shells to Ukraine from a massive stockpile in Israel, according to a Tuesday report. The ammunition supply is located in Israel for the US military to use in regional conflicts. The US has also given Israel permission to use some of the supplies in emergency situations, The New York Times reported, citing American and Israeli officials.

    The previous government approved of the move as Israel attempted to chart a course between maintaining ties with the US and Ukraine, and not antagonizing Russia. US officials first brought up the possibility of supplying Ukraine from the stockpile in Israel last year, sparking concerns in Jerusalem about how Russia would react, the report said.

    The US secretary of defense, Lloyd Austin, informed Benny Gantz, Israel’s defense minister at the time, that the US wanted to tap into the stockpile, an Israeli official said. Gantz discussed the request with the cabinet, which asked security officials to weigh in. The defense officials said Israel should accept the plan to head off any friction with Washington, and because the ammunition belonged to the US. Then-prime minister Yair Lapid approved the move after the talks with the cabinet and security officials, the report said.

    The US and Israel agreed to ship around 300,000 shells to Ukraine, Israeli and US officials told the Times. The existence of the stockpile had been previously acknowledged, although it was not widely known. The Times was the first to report it was being used to supply Ukraine. Israeli officials told the Times that Jerusalem had not altered its position against giving Ukraine lethal weapons, but was agreeing to the US using its own supplies.

    Israel has resisted providing weapons to Ukraine since the start of Russia’s invasion. One major reason for Israel’s hesitance appears to be its strategic need to maintain freedom of operations in Syria, where Russian forces largely control the airspace. The issue has strained ties between Jerusalem and Kyiv, as the Ukrainians have consistently pressed Israel to provide more defense aid. The Ukrainian ambassador on Tuesday again urged Israel to supply his country with missile defense systems in the wake of continued deadly Russian strikes.

    Israel has provided large amounts of humanitarian aid to Ukraine, as well as other types of assistance, and the new government under Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has said it intends to keep those supplies flowing. The US stockpile in Israel dates back to the Yom Kippur War in 1973. The US delivered weapons to beleaguered Israeli forces during the war, then set up storage facilities in Israel for use in a potential crisis.

    US tanks and armored personnel carriers were stowed in the Negev desert in case American forces in the Middle East needed them. Later on, in the 2000s, munitions for the different branches of the US military were kept in Israel in locations that were only open to the US personnel, the report said.


    Exiled chief rabbi says Jews should leave Russia while they can

    Exclusive: Pinchas Goldschmidt warns Jewish population will be made scapegoat for hardship caused by war

    Moscow’s exiled chief rabbi says Jews should leave Russia while they still can, before they are made scapegoats for the hardship caused by the war in Ukraine.

    “When we look back over Russian history, whenever the political system was in danger you saw the government trying to redirect the anger and discontent of the masses towards the Jewish community,” Pinchas Goldschmidt told the Guardian. “We saw this in tsarist times and at the end of the Stalinist regime.”

    “We’re seeing rising antisemitism while Russia is going back to a new kind of Soviet Union, and step by step the iron curtain is coming down again. This is why I believe the best option for Russian Jews is to leave,” he added.

    Goldschmidt resigned from his post and left Russia in July after refusing to back the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

    “Pressure was put on community leaders to support the war and I refused to do so. I resigned because to continue as chief rabbi of Moscow would be a problem for the community because of the repressive measures taken against dissidents,” he said.

    Russia’s Jews have been emigrating in their tens of thousands during the past 100 years, first to Europe and the Americas and more recently to Israel. According to the 1926 census there were 2,672,000 Jews in the then Soviet Union, 59% of them in Ukraine. Today only about 165,000 Jews remain in the Russian Federation out of a total population of 145 million.

    Goldschmidt said he believed that since the war began, 25% to 30% of those who remained had left or were planning to do so, although there were now few flights out of Moscow and the price of a flight to Tel Aviv had quadrupled to about $2,000 (£1,625).

    In July, Russia’s government shut down the Russian branch of the Jewish Agency, a non-profit organisation that promotes immigration to Israel.

    Overall, it is thought that about 200,000 Russians have fled Russia, an exodus that accelerated when conscription was introduced in September.

    “There’s a section of Russian society called the creacle, the creative class of business and cultural leaders, intellectuals and artists,” said Goldschmidt, “and I think it’s safe to say a great percentage of those people have left Russia, which is and will be very detrimental to Russian society.”

    He said a large part of the Jewish community in Ukraine had also left and were now refugees in Germany, Austria and Romania.

    Ukraine has a long history of antisemitism from pogroms at the end of the 19th century to facilitating Nazi massacres during the second world war. The most notorious of these was the murder of 33,000 Jews at Babi Yar in Kyiv in 1941.

    Given this history, Goldschmidt said it was remarkable that Volodymyr Zelenskiy, who made no secret of his Jewishness, was elected Ukraine’s president with more than 70% of the vote.

    That fact made a nonsense of Vladimir Putin’s claim that Ukraine was being governed by neo-Nazis, the rabbi said. “Show me another country that is in the grip of Nazis where the Jewish community is thriving.

    “However, I don’t know how Jewish the president [Zelenskiy] feels. He plays the Jewish card to ask Israel for help.”

    Last edited by سيف الله; 02-01-2023 at 03:28 AM.
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    Re: From spy to president: The rise of Vladimir Putin


    Another update. I don't think anybody outside this conflict are particularly enthusiastic about taking sides, they've got enough on their plate to deal with.

    No Part of It

    Croatia very sensibly wants no part of NATO’s war on Russia:

    Commenting on the German foreign minister’s declaration that Europe is “fighting a war against Russia,” Croatian President Zoran Milanovic said on Thursday that this was news to him, and wished Berlin better luck than in WWII. Croatia “should in no way help” Ukraine militarily, Milanovic said…

    “Now the German foreign minister says we must be united, because I quote, we are at war with Russia. I didn’t know that. Maybe Germany is at war with Russia, but then, good luck, maybe this time it turns out better than 70-odd years ago.”
    Neither, apparently, does France.

    Decisions by the US, Germany and several other countries to supply main battle tanks to Ukraine do not mean NATO is at war with Moscow, the French Foreign Ministry said on Wednesday. The comments from Quai d’Orsay come after a controversial speech by German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock in the European Parliament earlier this week. “We are not at war with Russia and none of our partners are,” ministry spokeswoman Anne-Claire Legendre said on Thursday, according to AFP. “The delivery of military equipment… does not constitute co-belligerence.”
    But while it takes two to tango, it only takes one to war. And Russia is now “at war with NATO and the West” thanks to the neocons’ successful escalation of the conflict in Ukraine.

    Russia is now at ‘war against NATO and the West’ and has taken the invasion of Ukraine to a ‘different stage’, a senior EU official has admitted, raising the terrifying spectre of a global conflict.
    The Asian and Arab nations have already taken Russia’s side. The African nations don’t really matter, but they will do so as well. I expect that more than a few European nations will follow suit once it becomes abundantly clear to even the most casual observer that NATO has zero chance of winning the war. And when I say zero, I mean ZERO. None whatsoever.

    Based on a comparison of the technological and industrial capacities, the United States and the UK have about the same chance of defeating the Sino-Russian alliance as Japan had of defeating the US/UK alliance in WWII. Which is just one reason why no American or European should lift a finger, let alone risk his life, for Clown World and its wicked disorder.


    Surrender Means Success

    The neocons are still practicing their insane word magic as they try to convince Russia to let them surrender Ukraine without openly admitting that they lost their proxy war on Russia.

    David Ignatius has been a career-long mouthpiece for the US State Department. He has just been called in by the current Secretary of State Antony Blinken to convey an urgent new message to President Vladimir Putin, the Security Council, and the General Staff in Moscow.

    For the first time since the special military operation began last year, the war party in Washington is offering terms of concession to Russia’s security objectives explicitly and directly, without the Ukrainians in the way.

    The terms Blinken has told Ignatius to print appeared in the January 25 edition of the Washington Post.

    The territorial concessions Blinken is tabling include Crimea, the Donbass, and the Zaporozhye, Kherson “land bridge that connects Crimea and Russia”. West of the Dnieper River, north around Kharkov, and south around Odessa and Nikolaev, Blinken has tabled for the first time US acceptance of “a demilitarized status” for the Ukraine. Also, US agreement to restrict the deployment of HIMARS, US and NATO infantry fighting vehicles, and the Abrams and Leopard tanks to a point in western Ukraine from which they can “manoeuvre…as a deterrent against future Russian attacks.”

    This is an offer for a tradeoff – partition through a demilitarized zone (DMZ) in the east of the Ukraine in exchange for a halt to the planned Russian offensive destroying the fortifications, rail hubs, troop cantonments, and airfields in the west, between the Polish and Romanian borders, Kiev and Lvov, and an outcome Blinken proposes for both sides to call “a just and durable peace that upholds Ukraine’s territorial integrity”.

    Also in the proposed Blinken deal there is the offer of a direct US-Russian agreement on “an eventual postwar military balance”; “no World War III”; and no Ukrainian membership of NATO with “security guarantees similar to NATO’s Article 5.”

    Blinken has also told the Washington Post to announce the US will respect “Putin’s tripwire for nuclear escalation”, and accept the Russian “reserve force includ[ing] strategic bombers, certain precision-guided weapons and, of course, tactical and strategic nuclear weapons.”
    Russia isn’t going to accept this offer or even use it as a point to begin negotiations, because they already tried negotiating with the West with the Minsk Accords of 2014 and 2015. But, as Angela Merkel and other Western leaders have publicly admitted, the agreements were a sham from the start, and were only intended to buy Ukraine more time to prepare its defenses.

    Various Russian leaders have stated that both the USA and Ukraine are “non-agreement capable” and they are absolutely correct to have reached that conclusion, as Clown World’s leading neocons are still making plans to win a war that was not only unwinnable from the start, but has already been lost.

    Because what they really need to prepare for is success, you see!

    Success. That’s the potential outcome that the United States, Ukraine, allied and partner governments, and private-sector actors must now prepare to confront. Ukraine’s counteroffensives, backed by expanded and accelerated US and allied support, continue to push Russian forces out of Ukrainian territory, although at a reduced rate. These hard-won successes, however, bring with them possible challenges that also must be addressed.

    In the short term, there are fresh threats from Moscow—attacks on electricity, water, and heat as winter approaches, sham annexations of occupied territories, mobilizations of new troops, reduced but persistent nuclear risk, and Russian prisoners to manage. Areas that Ukraine has liberated from Russian forces need immediate governance, cleanup, humanitarian assistance, and economic revival. Over the longer term, Ukraine will have to rebuild destroyed infrastructure; institute the economic and political reforms required for European Union (EU) membership; and be capable of ensuring its security.

    How exactly to meet these looming challenges while exploiting present and future opportunities?

    It is, of course, up to the Ukrainians to determine their priorities and their supporters to assist as much as possible, which is also consistent with US interests. But what’s urgently needed is a four-front, long-haul strategy for helping Ukraine win the war against Russia and the peace that follows—one built to withstand the dramatic developments that are sure to play out over the coming years, not just over the next weeks and months of this rapidly evolving conflict.

    Preparing for victory: A long-haul strategy to help Ukraine win the war against Russia—and secure the peace, Atlantic Council, November 30, 2022
    This isn’t quite Hitler in the bunker giving orders to nonexistent divisions levels of delusion, but they’re observably on their way. And, of course, the word magic failed. No deals. I find it particularly interesting that they went out of the way to mention Nuland’s name. I think they’re making it clear they know perfectly well who is calling the shots in Washington.

    The Russian Foreign Ministry has dismissed proposals issued this week in Washington by US Secretary of State Antony Blinken and his Under Secretary, Victoria Nuland. Ministry spokesman Maria Zakharova has confirmed that Russia’s military plan for the Ukraine will not be interrupted or delayed.

    Clown World’s desperation is observably increasing, as both China and Russia have gone largely silent. This leads me to suspect that both nations will make their next major moves in concert with each other. Exactly what those will be, we can only offer our best surmises, but it would not be surprising if both Ukraine and Taiwan are entirely lost to Clown World by the end of this year.

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    Re: From spy to president: The rise of Vladimir Putin

    Joomany (aka Germany) is entirely run by globalist Jews who conquered it in WWII. The pitiful Deutsche Volk have been reduced to mere loyal SLAVES that have been so mindwashed and assimilated by the OberJuden that they no longer even know how to revolt and fight back and tear the Juden down once and for all. Joomany therefore needs to be nuked off the face of the planet so that the Volk can be put out of their hopeless misery. You sometimes have to be cruel to be kind. The longer Joomany along with their buddies the Joo SA are not nuked the longer these two Satanic nations will continue to be a constant pest to the world.
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    Re: From spy to president: The rise of Vladimir Putin


    Another update

    The USA Attacked Germany

    Seymour Hersh delivers the damning evidence: the USA not only destroyed the Nord Stream pipelines, but it was a premeditated attack that was planned even before the beginning of the Russian Special Military Operation in the Donbas.

    Last June, the Navy divers, operating under the cover of a widely publicized mid-summer NATO exercise known as BALTOPS 22, planted the remotely triggered explosives that, three months later, destroyed three of the four Nord Stream pipelines, according to a source with direct knowledge of the operational planning.

    Two of the pipelines, which were known collectively as Nord Stream 1, had been providing Germany and much of Western Europe with cheap Russian natural gas for more than a decade. A second pair of pipelines, called Nord Stream 2, had been built but were not yet operational. Now, with Russian troops massing on the Ukrainian border and the bloodiest war in Europe since 1945 looming, President Joseph Biden saw the pipelines as a vehicle for Vladimir Putin to weaponize natural gas for his political and territorial ambitions.

    Asked for comment, Adrienne Watson, a White House spokesperson, said in an email, “This is false and complete fiction.” Tammy Thorp, a spokesperson for the Central Intelligence Agency, similarly wrote: “This claim is completely and utterly false.”

    Biden’s decision to sabotage the pipelines came after more than nine months of highly secret back and forth debate inside Washington’s national security community about how to best achieve that goal. For much of that time, the issue was not whether to do the mission, but how to get it done with no overt clue as to who was responsible.

    There was a vital bureaucratic reason for relying on the graduates of the center’s hardcore diving school in Panama City. The divers were Navy only, and not members of America’s Special Operations Command, whose covert operations must be reported to Congress and briefed in advance to the Senate and House leadership—the so-called Gang of Eight. The Biden Administration was doing everything possible to avoid leaks as the planning took place late in 2021 and into the first months of 2022…

    In December of 2021, two months before the first Russian tanks rolled into Ukraine, Jake Sullivan convened a meeting of a newly formed task force—men and women from the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the CIA, and the State and Treasury Departments—and asked for recommendations about how to respond to Putin’s impending invasion.

    It would be the first of a series of top-secret meetings, in a secure room on a top floor of the Old Executive Office Building, adjacent to the White House, that was also the home of the President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board (PFIAB). There was the usual back and forth chatter that eventually led to a crucial preliminary question: Would the recommendation forwarded by the group to the President be reversible—such as another layer of sanctions and currency restrictions—or irreversible—that is, kinetic actions, which could not be undone?

    What became clear to participants, according to the source with direct knowledge of the process, is that Sullivan intended for the group to come up with a plan for the destruction of the two Nord Stream pipelines—and that he was delivering on the desires of the President.

    Over the next several meetings, the participants debated options for an attack. The Navy proposed using a newly commissioned submarine to assault the pipeline directly. The Air Force discussed dropping bombs with delayed fuses that could be set off remotely. The CIA argued that whatever was done, it would have to be covert. Everyone involved understood the stakes. “This is not kiddie stuff,” the source said. If the attack were traceable to the United States, “It’s an act of war.”

    At the time, the CIA was directed by William Burns, a mild-mannered former ambassador to Russia who had served as deputy secretary of state in the Obama Administration. Burns quickly authorized an Agency working group whose ad hoc members included—by chance—someone who was familiar with the capabilities of the Navy’s deep-sea divers in Panama City. Over the next few weeks, members of the CIA’s working group began to craft a plan for a covert operation that would use deep-sea divers to trigger an explosion along the pipeline.
    If you’ve still got any vestige of belief that the USA are the good guys, this proof of the neocons in Washington ordering the US military to attack its own allies should suffice to destroy it. This isn’t even remotely a surprise; I assumed the US military was responsible for the destruction of the pipelines from the start. But even I am a little taken aback at how brazen and premeditated it was.

    It’s 100-percent certain that the pipelines were destroyed on the orders of the US government, and most likely, by US military forces.

    Vox Day, 29 September 2022
    It will be interesting to see how the European slave-governments attempt to spin away the fact that it is the USA, not Russia, that is quite literally engaging in acts of war against the European nations.


    Russia’s New Red Lines

    Russia is sending a very clear warning to the neoclowns. Not because they expect the evil morons to heed them, but to give the people of the West one last chance to stop following the wicked satanists down the pathway to Hell.

    As usual, Yevgeny Popov, State Duma member and host of “Sixty Minutes,” put a lot of video segments from Western television up on the screen, including a lengthy statement by Lieutenant General Ben Hodges, former commander of all U.S. forces in Europe from 2014 to 2017, on how the Ukrainians must be given long range precision missiles for them to attack Russian Crimea and also further into the Russian heartland. The interview from which this declaration was made does not yet appear in Google search, but from interviews posted in 2022 it is clear that Hodges is no madman, and his statements must, as Popov said, be taken with utmost seriousness.

    The context, of course, for the radical escalation now being discussed in the United States is the expectation of a massive Russian offensive to begin shortly as the anniversary of the Special Military Operation approaches. The imminent defeat of Ukrainian forces has focused minds in Washington.

    One of the regular panelists on “Sixty Minutes” then faced the cameras directly and said that Russia’s nuclear doctrine is under revision in light of these aggressive plans being aired in the United States, so that Russia is headed towards a policy of ‘preventive’ tactical nuclear strikes, similar to what the United States has. Moreover, if Ukraine targets Crimea and heartland Russia, then Russia will respond according to plans now being laid down. These plans foresee counter strikes against U.S military installations in Europe and in the Continental United States using hypersonic missiles. The panelist calls for this threat of counter strikes in Europe and the US to be made public and explicit, so that no one is in doubt about what to expect from the Kremlin.

    So here we are. The Russians are stripping away the fiction of a proxy war and revealing the co-belligerent status of the US and its NATO allies in preparation for a kinetic war with NATO.
    Meanwhile, the slaves of Clown World are still playing their magic word games and pretending that they are relevant in a military context. Colonel Markus Reisner, the military strategist of the Austrian Ministry of Defence, takes on the difficult task of explaining why NATO soldiers fighting in Ukraine under NATO command-and-control with NATO weapons against Russian forces do not mean that NATO is at war with Russia.

    If the military from Austria or NATO countries retired from service and became mercenaries, then they could no longer be considered representatives of the armies of their states. He explained that the serviceman takes off his uniform, signs a contract and goes to Ukraine – now he is not a soldier, for example, of the Austrian armed forces, but a contract mercenary. In his opinion, there are a large number of mercenaries on the territory of Ukraine and not soldiers of the alliance.
    Wanna bet? I’m pretty sure the Russians are perfectly capable of considering these newly-minted “mercenaries” to be not only representatives of the armies of their states, but representatives of Clown World as well. The idea that the various European states, led by the USA, are merely providing weapons and money for Ukraine to pay for and supply these retired US and European soldiers, who are now “mercenaries”, is the application of talmudism to military grand strategy.

    I expect it is going to be demonstrated, very soon, what a fundamental category error that will turn out to be.

    Last edited by سيف الله; 02-09-2023 at 12:55 PM.
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    Re: From spy to president: The rise of Vladimir Putin


    Another update. A more pro NATO perspective.


    After a year of hard fighting there are a rush of observers trying to make sense of the current balance of power in Ukraine. The focus in often on (often small) movements in the frontlines, casualties, or the performance of particular platforms and systems.

    Those things matter, but wars are not generally fought to take individual trenches or solely to inflict casualties. They are fought for strategic objectives.

    In this episode I dig into Russia's history of Empire, its modern strategic objectives, and try to assess whether or not the war in Ukraine represents a success or failure by Russia's own chosen metrics (as far as they can be determined). My suggestion is that in repeating a number of the mistakes previously made by leaders of the Russian Empire and Soviet Union, it can be argued that Putin has already condemned the Russian federation to a strategic reverse.

    What remains to be seen, is whether Ukraine can win a victory from Russia's defeat, or if it will be left to lose as well.

    From Putin himself.

    Address to the Assembly

    The President of Russia addresses the Federal Assembly. It does not appear to be a direct declaration of war or even an announcement of the launch of the anticipated military offensive. It’s wise to read the whole thing directly, as the Clown World media coverage of it is literally worse than useless, quoting the responses to the speech before the speech was even given or the transcript released.

    So far, only the very first part of the official English transcript has been released, but the whole thing will eventually be posted here by the Kremlin’s press agency.

    'This Presidential Address comes, as we all know, at a difficult, watershed period for our country. This is a time of radical, irreversible change in the entire world, of crucial historical events that will determine the future of our country and our people, a time when every one of us bears a colossal responsibility.

    One year ago, to protect the people in our historical lands, to ensure the security of our country and to eliminate the threat coming from the neo-Nazi regime that had taken hold in Ukraine after the 2014 coup, it was decided to begin the special military operation. Step by step, carefully and consistently we will deal with the tasks we have at hand.

    Since 2014, Donbass has been fighting for the right to live in their land and to speak their native tongue. It fought and never gave up amid the blockade, constant shelling and the Kiev regime’s overt hatred. It hoped and waited that Russia would come to help.

    In the meantime, as you know well, we were doing everything in our power to solve this problem by peaceful means, and patiently conducted talks on a peaceful solution to this devastating conflict.

    This appalling method of deception has been tried and tested many times before. They behaved just as shamelessly and duplicitously when destroying Yugoslavia, Iraq, Libya, and Syria. They will never be able to wash off this shame. The concepts of honour, trust, and decency are not for them.

    Over the long centuries of colonialism, diktat and hegemony, they got used to being allowed everything, got used to spitting on the whole world. It turned out that they treat people living in their own countries with the same disdain, like a master. After all, they cynically deceived them too, tricked them with tall stories about the search for peace, about adherence to the UN Security Council resolutions on Donbass. Indeed, the Western elites have become a symbol of total, unprincipled lies.

    We firmly defend our interests as well as our belief that in today’s world there should be no division into so-called civilised countries and all the rest and that there is a need for an honest partnership that rejects any exclusivity, especially an aggressive one.

    We were open and sincerely ready for a constructive dialogue with the West; we said and insisted that both Europe and the whole world needed an indivisible security system equal for all countries, and for many years we suggested that our partners discuss this idea together and work on its implementation. But in response, we received either an indistinct or hypocritical reaction, as far as words were concerned. But there were also actions: NATO’s expansion to our borders, the creation of new deployment areas for missile defence in Europe and Asia – they decided to take cover from us under an ‘umbrella’ – deployment of military contingents, and not just near Russia’s borders.

    I would like to stress –in fact, this is well-known – that no other country has so many military bases abroad as the United States. There are hundreds of them – I want to emphasise this – hundreds of bases all over the world; the planet is covered with them, and one look at the map is enough to see this.

    The whole world witnessed how they withdrew from fundamental agreements on weapons, including the treaty on intermediate and shorter-range missiles, unilaterally tearing up the fundamental agreements that maintain world peace. For some reason, they did it. They do not do anything without a reason, as we know.

    Finally, in December 2021, we officially submitted draft agreements on security guarantees to the USA and NATO. In essence, all key, fundamental points were rejected. After that it finally became clear that the go-ahead for the implementation of aggressive plans had been given and they were not going to stop.'

    Last edited by سيف الله; 02-22-2023 at 06:32 AM.
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    Re: From spy to president: The rise of Vladimir Putin


    Something a little different. Some Background history that helps understand how we got to this point.

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    Re: From spy to president: The rise of Vladimir Putin


    Amazing! When there is a will there is a way.

    ICC judges issue arrest warrant for Vladimir Putin over alleged war crimes

    Arrest warrants issued for Russian leader and his children’s rights commissioner for ‘unlawful deportation’ of Ukrainian children

    The international criminal court (ICC) in The Hague has issued an arrest warrant for Vladimir Putin for overseeing the abduction of Ukrainian children, sending Russia another significant step on the path to becoming a pariah state.

    In granting the request for warrants by the ICC prosecutor, a panel of judges agreed that there were “reasonable grounds” to believe Putin and his children’s rights commissioner, Maria Alekseyevna Lvova-Belova, bore responsibility for the “unlawful deportation” of Ukrainian children.

    The warrants are the first to be issued by the ICC for crimes committed in the Ukraine war, and it is one of the rare occasions when the court has issued a warrant for a sitting head of state, putting Putin in the company of the Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi and the Sudanese president Omar al-Bashir.

    Gaddafi was toppled and killed months after his warrant was announced. Bashir was also ousted and is currently in jail in Sudan, though he has yet to be transferred to The Hague. Putin is likely to evade justice in the near future: Russia does not recognise the court’s jurisdiction, and insisted on Friday it was not affected by the warrants. But the Russian leader will face limits on his freedom of travel to the ICC’s 123 member states, further deepening his isolation.

    In deciding to issue the warrants, the ICC pre-trial chamber of judges considered keeping the warrants secret but decided that making them public could “contribute to the prevention of the further commission of crimes”.

    It is unclear how many children have been taken from Ukraine by Russian forces. Last month, the Yale Humanitarian Research Lab published a report alleging that at least 6,000 children from Ukraine had been sent to Russian “re-education” camps in the past year. In a statement on Friday, the ICC prosecutor, Karim Khan, said: “Incidents identified by my office include the deportation of at least hundreds of children taken from orphanages and children’s care homes.”

    Khan said many of the children had been put up for adoption in Russia and that Putin had issued a decree expediting the conferral of Russian citizenship on the children, making them easier to adopt.

    “My office alleges that these acts, amongst others, demonstrate an intention to permanently remove these children from their own country,” Khan said. “We must ensure that those responsible for alleged crimes are held accountable and that children are returned to their families and communities … We cannot allow children to be treated as if they are the spoils of war.”

    “There are reasonable grounds to believe that Mr Putin bears individual criminal responsibility for the aforementioned crimes,” the ICC judges’ statement said, adding that he both committed the acts directly and failed to stop others from doing so.

    The Kremlin was defiant in the face of the ICC announcement.

    “The decisions of the international criminal court have no meaning for our country, including from a legal point of view,” the foreign ministry spokeswoman, Maria Zakharova, said on her Telegram channel. “Russia is not a party to the Rome statute of the international criminal court and bears no obligations under it.”

    Lvova-Belova told Russian media that the arrest warrant reflected “appreciation” for her work “to help the children of our country, that we don’t leave them in the war zone, that we take them out”.

    Ukraine’s president, Volodymyr Zelenskiy, estimated the number of deported children at far more than 16,000 and said the warrants represented “an historic decision which will lead to historic accountability.

    “It would have been impossible to enact such a criminal operation without the say-so of the man at the helm of the terrorist state,” Zelenskiy said.

    Wayne Jordash, a Kyiv-based international human rights lawyer and managing partner of Global Rights Compliance, said that the warrants for Putin and Lvova-Belova were likely to be the first of many.

    “More will come over the next few months. This has got to be a sort of warning shot across the bow,” Jordash said.

    The Russian leadership has been overt about its taking Ukrainian children to Russia and placing them in camps or putting them up for adoption by Russian families. On 16 February, Lvova-Belova appeared on television telling Putin about the programme and thanking him for being able to “adopt” a 15-year-old boy from Mariupol, the south-eastern Ukrainian city that was devastated and occupied by Russian forces.

    “Thanks to you, now I know what it’s like to be a mom of a Donbas child,” she told Putin.

    “There’s a clear case here against Putin,” Jordash said. So I think it’s good to see the prosecutor focusing on children’s rights. I think this is what international prosecutors have failed to do over the last 20 years, so this is a good focus, as it’s one of the worst crimes being committed.”

    The warrant for Putin’s arrest was welcomed by Josep Borrell, the EU foreign policy chief, who called it “the start of the process of accountability” and by the UK’s foreign secretary, James Cleverly, who said “those responsible for horrific war crimes in Ukraine must be brought to justice”.

    The US was more guarded in its response. Joe Biden said that Putin had clearly committed war crimes and the ICC’s decision was justified. But the US is not an ICC member, and the Pentagon has resisted cooperation with the ICC out of fear that US soldiers could potentially be pursued by the court.

    “There is no doubt that Russia is committing war crimes and atrocities in Ukraine, and we have been clear that those responsible must be held accountable,” Adrienne Watson, the national security council spokeswoman said. “The ICC prosecutor is an independent actor and makes his own prosecutorial decisions based on the evidence before him. We support accountability for perpetrators of war crimes.”

    Reed Brody, a veteran war crimes prosecutor and author of To Catch a Dictator, a book about the pursuit of Chadian leader, Hissène Habré, said the warrant “makes Putin’s world a smaller place”.

    “I don’t think we were expecting to see him travel to France or Ukraine anytime soon, but he’s got to be careful,” Brody said. “Obviously, these are crimes that never go away. They will hang over his head forever and making them go away is very hard. We’ve seen time and again that the wheels of international justice grind slowly, but they grind exceedingly fine.”


    Richly deserved judging by Putins horrendous record in power (Chechnya, Syria etc). Or more recently.

    Exaggerated but brother makes a good point.

    However the hard reality like Bush, Blair, Obama, Trump and co there's little chance he will be held accountable, not in this life.

    Checkmate, Putin

    The ICC has issued a warrant for the arrest of Vladimir Putin.

    The Pre-trial Chamber of the International Criminal Court (ICC) issued warrants on Friday for the arrest of Russian President Vladimir Putin and Maria Lvova-Belova, the presidential commissioner for children’s rights. The ICC alleged that Putin and Lvova-Belova engaged in the “unlawful deportation of population (children) and that of unlawful transfer of population (children) from occupied areas of Ukraine to the Russian Federation.”
    This is a perfect example of how Clown World’s inability to understand the difference between influence and power is leading directly to its destruction. Unless, of course, we’re entirely wrong about this. In which case, it’s terrible to think of how many lives could have been spared if only a judge had issued a warrant for the arrest of Adolf Hitler.

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    Re: From spy to president: The rise of Vladimir Putin




    Pakistan is sending Ukraine over 10,000 rockets for the Grad multiple-launch rocket systems, Podrobytsi reported on Sunday, referring to The Economic Times.

    Earlier this month, Pakistani officials approved the ammunition shipment from the Karachi Port. The rockets will go to Ukraine via the German port of Emden and then through Poland.

    Although Pakistan buys oil at reduced prices from Russia amid a deepening economic crisis, the Islamic Republic regularly supplies weapons to Ukraine through third countries.

    In January, Pakistan shipped 159 containers of ammunition meant for Ukraine from the Karachi Port to Gdansk Port in Poland. The shipment included 155 mm projectiles, M4A2 propelling bag charges, M82 primers and PDM fuses.

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    Re: From spy to president: The rise of Vladimir Putin

    I just can't work this one out at all. It's baffling that a relatively poor Asian country like Pakistan is prepared to ally with the Zionist World Order and spend all this money on some far flung White country like Ukraine. Is there actually some $$$$$$ in it for Pakistan in doing this, or is it merely a gesture to demonstrate that it's just another sycophantic Asian lap dog willing to please it's Western masters?
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    Re: From spy to president: The rise of Vladimir Putin


    Probably a bit of everything, Pakistan ruling classes have been on and off relationship with Western powers depending on the circumstances.

    Another update.

    US publishes new details of Russia-Iran military drone co-operation

    Tehran sending material for assembly of unmanned aircraft in Russian factory, says Washington

    The White House released new details of what it said was deepening co-operation between Russia and Iran on military drone production, including the supply route Tehran uses to send its unmanned aerial vehicles to the front lines in Ukraine and the site of a possible Russian factory to produce them.

    The information is part of a steady stream of declassified intelligence about military ties between Moscow and Tehran, as Washington seeks to increase pressure on Russian President Vladimir Putin over his war in Ukraine and starve him of military hardware.

    “The drones are built in Iran, shipped across the Caspian Sea, from Amirabad, Iran, to Makhachkala, Russia, and then used operationally by Russian forces against Ukraine,” said John Kirby, the US National Security Council spokesperson. “We are also concerned that Russia is working with Iran to produce Iranian UAVs from inside Russia.”

    The US released a satellite image of Russia’s Alabuga special economic zone, which it said showed where Moscow was likely to produce Iranian drones. Kirby said Washington had information indicating Russia was receiving materials from Iran to build the drone manufacturing site.

    “We are continuing to use all the tools at our disposal to expose and disrupt these activities including by sharing this with the public, and we are prepared to do more,” Kirby said.

    https3A2F2Fd6c748xw2pzm8cloudfrontnet2Fp 1 - From spy to president: The rise of Vladimir Putin

    The US on Friday announced a new government advisory to inform businesses and governments about the risks of Iran’s drone programme and the illicit ways Tehran obtains supplies for it. It previously blacklisted people and businesses it said were involved in transferring Iranian military equipment to Russia for use in Ukraine and has worked with European partners to impose restrictions to prevent electronic components found in Iranian drones ending up on the battlefield in Ukraine.

    Iranian-made drones have been an important part of Russia’s air campaign against Ukraine that was increased in October. The UAVs have been used to attack critical infrastructure and residential targets in Kyiv, with many of the attacks resulting in the deaths of Ukrainian civilians.

    Moscow last month further escalated its air attacks on the Ukrainian capital, launching dozens of the Shahed drones, along with cruise missiles and other rockets, in at least 18 bombardments in 31 days.

    Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said in one of his evening addresses last month that “about 1,160 Shaheds have been used against Ukraine” and that its air defences had “shot down almost 900 of these drones to date”.

    In an appeal to the leadership in Tehran and “every Iranian family”, Zelenskyy also asked “why do you want to be accomplices in Russian terror? . . . Why does Iran need such cynical murders, committed by Russia’s hands, yet with your weapons?”

    The US last year released satellite imagery and intelligence that it said indicated Iran sold hundreds of attack drones to Moscow. Last month, the White House warned Russia was looking to buy more attack drones from Iran after using up most of the 400 drones it had purchased from Tehran. Russia has received hundreds of one-way attack drones and drone production-related equipment from Iran as of May, Kirby said on Friday.

    President Joe Biden’s administration has also warned Iran is considering selling hundreds of ballistic missiles to Russia but such a deal has not come to pass.

    Dmitry Peskov, Putin’s spokesperson, last month said Russia and Iran had “adapted to US pressure extremely well” and would “continue to build a relationship based on mutual benefit and respect, taking each other’s interests and concerns into account”.

    He said Russia “never had illusions” that the US would stop pressing countries that “seek genuinely mutually beneficial co-operation”.

    Iran has denied taking sides in the Ukraine war or selling drones to Russia for use on the battlefield. But Iranian military commanders have expressed interest in boosting military ties with Moscow, particularly buying Russian-made Sukhoi fighter jets to reinvigorate its air force.

    Last edited by سيف الله; 06-11-2023 at 08:36 AM.
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    Re: From spy to president: The rise of Vladimir Putin

    I am worried about this war as NATO and the Zionist World Order (or as the westerners are now calling it "The International Rules Based Order") is very aggressive and a global warmonger that is hell bent on conquering Russia and the rest of the world. If the West does not back down a nuclear war is imminent. Russia has had a feud with Ukraine for years and CIA operatives have made things worse, just like other countries they manipulate and cause and fund civil wars.
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    Re: From spy to president: The rise of Vladimir Putin


    Im late with this, Ukraine has launched a offensive over a month ago. Ill post more about it from different perspectives, in meantime lets get the ball rolling.


    The Russians report the long-awaited Ukrainian offensive has finally begun.

    Ukrainian forces have attacked the Russian troops along five sections of the frontline in Donbass during their “large-scale offensive,” the Russian Defense Ministry said in the early hours of Monday. According to the MOD, the assault began on Sunday morning. “The enemy’s goal was to breach our defenses in what they assumed was the most vulnerable section of the frontline,” the ministry said in a statement carried by the Russian media.
    It will be interesting to see the shape of the Russian response. As I was discussing with William S. Lind the other day, the historical Russian response has been to launch a counteroffensive with far more forces than had been anticipated. That may not be possible anymore in the day of satellite flyovers, but it’s worth noting for the record.


    Turning the Tide!

    The long-awaited Ukrainian offensive has been launched and it is succeeding on every front, if the British media is to be believed.

    The battle the world has been waiting for: As Ukraine’s counter-offensive gets underway, a breakdown of what has been achieved so far, with Russia on the backfoot and Western weapons turning the tide.

    The long-awaited moment has arrived: Ukraine’s counter-attack, for which the country has been preparing since late last year, is now underway. Kyiv is saying nothing, but Ukrainian officials, Western analysts and Russian military bloggers all agree the attack began early this week with fighting ramping up across the frontline since then.

    Ukrainian officials say there will be no single thrust and the offensive is designed as a series of operations that will take months to play out. What we have seen over the last week is merely the opening gambit. But things are already starting to take shape.

    Ukraine is attacking on three fronts in the east, south-east, and south of the country: Bakhmut, which was captured by Russia last month; Velyka Novosilka & Novodonetsk, in Donetsk oblast; and Orikhiv, in neighbouring Zaporizhzhia.
    I just like to post these things for the record, so they aren’t buried in a few weeks if events don’t proceed in the way the media was first reporting them. I particularly enjoyed the self-congratulatory “Western weapons turning the tide”.

    I wonder how long it will be before the British media is desperately denying that any weapons or personnel were supplied to the Ukrainian forces or involved in the offensive?

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    Re: From spy to president: The rise of Vladimir Putin


    Fog of war is thick, Ill first give more pro Ukraine, pro NATO perspectives.


    Most observers (Western and Russian) seem to have expected Ukraine to go over onto the offensive sometime in the 2023 campaign season. Such a move was well telegraphed and a natural extension of Ukraine's stated objectives of taking back occupied territories from the Russian Federation.

    By mid-June, it was clear Ukraine had started an offensive effort, launching probing actions at multiple points along the front and finally showing some of the heavy Western equipment it had received over the last six months.

    Those initial attacks ran into the teeth of heavy Russian defences, and progress since then has been slower than the Ukrainian High Command may have hoped.

    Initially I had planned not to touch these developments for some time - but with the recent information environment extending the full range of takes from 'Ukraine has lost the war' to 'everything is according to plan' I thought it was worth making an effort to try and clearly interpret (as far as possible) the data as we have it now.



    Kings and Generals are providing among the best briefings I have ever witnessed. Having spent most of my military career in Military Intelligence, I get the impression you employ some highly capable former spooks in collating the information you acquire and editing it into your videos. Very well done.

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    Re: From spy to president: The rise of Vladimir Putin


    Share some perspectives from those who are skeptical of the offensive ability to gain tangible results and of course those who are pro Russians.

    Increasingly Mainstream western publications are questioning the efficacy of the offensive.

    ‘Obstacle Belts From Hell:’ Retired General on Ukraine’s Slow Counteroffensive | WSJ

    The recent turmoil in Russia in the wake of Wagner Group's mutiny led by Yevgeny Prigozhin could provide opportunity for Ukraine's battlefield troops in their counteroffensive, particularly near Bakhmut, Zaporizhzhia and Vuhledar, where the bulk of the fighting is happening.

    But why has there been little progress for Ukrainian soldiers breaking through the front lines?

    WSJ spoke to retired Brigadier Gen. Mark Kimmitt, who breaks down what’s happened so far with the Ukrainian counteroffensive.

    The rope and dope strategy employed by the Russians isn't new, as history has shown.

    Another example

    German army says Ukraine is wasting western training

    The counteroffensive against Russia is being hampered by the entrenched ways of Ukraine’s senior military, a leaked report says

    Germany’s armed forces have criticised the tactics adopted by the Ukrainian army in its counteroffensive against Russian positions and said that battle-hardened troops and officers were ignoring methods taught in western training, according to a leaked Bundeswehr paper.

    The Bild newspaper reported that it had obtained a confidential German army assessment of the Ukrainian assault that Kyiv has admitted is making slower progress than hoped.

    The Ukrainian forces were splitting their western-trained brigades into small units of just ten to 30 soldiers in some cases to attack an enemy position, which meant they weren’t putting their western training, superior weapons or large troop numbers to use, the report said.

    It said this was negating the advantages that Ukrainian troops had over Russian troops in terms of western training and firepower.

    Contacted by The Times, the German defence ministry said that it was preparing a statement on the Bild article that it would release later in the day.

    The leaked assessment said: “Some of the troop units are divided up in so many small sections that each troop unit does something, but a joint combat leadership is not recognisable.” That increased the risk of friendly fire and undermined Ukraine’s ability to “build up one’s own momentum or establish fire superiority”.

    The paper blamed a Ukrainian “operational doctrine” that it said was particularly entrenched in troops with combat experience and in officers, who weren’t internalising western tactics. The report said that in many cases soldiers with less military experience responded better to western training. “Combat experience” did not mean “that the soldier is a good leader in combat”.

    The Ukrainian soldiers trained in Germany, especially the young cadets, had understood “the operational principles of fire and movement” well. However, as soon as they returned to Ukraine they were being commanded by officers who did not operate according to Western procedures.

    The report said that Ukrainian commanders sometimes showed considerable deficiencies in leading and in the application of command processes, “which sometimes leads to wrong and dangerous decisions”.


    More reasons given.

    Seems Zelenskys 'friends' are tiring of his lack of success.

    US and UK call for more gratitude from Kyiv after Zelenskiy’s Nato complaint

    Comments come after Ukrainian leader complained his country had not been given firm timetable for joining alliance

    Britain’s defence secretary and the US national security adviser have suggested Ukraine ought to show more gratitude for the help it has received from the west, in response to Volodymyr Zelenskiy’s complaints that his country has not been issued a firm timetable or set of conditions for joining Nato.

    Their unscripted remarks – at two different events on the margins of the second day of the Nato summit in the Lithuanian capital, Vilnius – appeared to prompt a change of tack from the Ukrainian leader on Wednesday, who later said he was “grateful to all leaders of Nato countries” for their support and help.

    Ben Wallace, the UK defence secretary, said that “whether we like it or not, people want to see a bit of gratitude”, when asked about Zelenskiy’s frustration at not being presented with a formal invitation to join Nato, and he advised Ukraine that it might help if it took a different approach.

    Presenting his remarks as helpful advice, Wallace said Ukraine had a habit of treating allies, including the UK, as if they were an Amazon warehouse with lists of demands for weapons – and was not always careful to try to win over more sceptical politicians in the US Congress and elsewhere.


    “No One Is Discussing The Level Of Ukrainian Casualties” | Is The Counter Offensive Going Wrong?

    Is the Ukrainian counter offensive against the bedded in Russian defences failing? Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has admitted it is not going as well as he'd expected and while the fight stalls, the cemeteries on both sides are filling up.

    Peter Hitchens sits down with former military intelligence officer Philip Ingram to decipher how much progress the Ukrainians are making and whether the body count is encouraging either side to the negotiating table.

    The Last Stage of the Current Phase

    Russian President Vladimir Putin provides an update on the coming end to the Special Military Operation:

    Moscow ready for ‘any scenario’ with NATO

    Aside from the conflict with Ukraine, this month saw several non-fatal incidents in Syrian skies involving Russian aircraft and US drones, with both sides blaming each other for reckless behavior. Russia would like to avoid a direct armed confrontation with the West, but keeps the worst possible scenarios in mind, Putin said. “If someone wants it – and that’s not us – then we’re ready,” he stressed.

    Putin does not directly command operation in Ukraine

    According to the Russian leader, as commander-in-chief, he has been receiving regular reports about the situation of the front line and speaks with his top generals several times a day. Putin added that he can reach out to “special units” when needed. However, it would be “wrong” for the president to interfere with the military and start directly commanding the troops, he said.

    Kiev running out of conscripts

    The Ukrainian army is not only suffering heavy losses on the battlefield, but is struggling with manpower, Putin argued. He said that, while taking prisoners, Russian authorities discovered that Ukraine had “formed military units” made up of aircraft technicians. “What does it tell us? That their mobilization resources are depleting,” the Russian leader said. He previously noted that Kiev’s forces had lost dozens of pieces of Western armor, including German-made Leopard 2 tanks and US-supplied Bradley infantry fighting vehicles.
    Putin is clarifying what we’ve already been observing from multiple sources: the Kiev regime is done without direct intervention from NATO. No amount of additional equipment, armor, aircraft, ammunition, or mercenaries is going to change anything for the regime’s operational or strategic position; a meaningless shift of a few kilometers here or there on the tactical front is the most that can potentially be accomplished. Russia has won the war of attrition.

    So, NATO now faces a choice. Direct and open war with a Russian military that has completed its initial stage of mobilization and is prepared to engage its forces, the greater part of which are not even present on the European continent right now, or back down, admit that it has lost its proxy war, and attempt to negotiate a surrender to the Russians. Despite his bold words about ending Clown World, Putin has sent clear signals that he will accept the latter. So, the Special Military Operation will soon come to an end, but whether that end will be war or peace is yet to be learned.

    Interestingly enough, the most rabid hawks among the neoclowns are pushing for negotiation and peace with Russia. See: Edward Luttwalk. This is because they are anticipating direct war with China, and they do not want to find themselves committed to a two-front war that cannot be won. While this is superficially the correct position, it’s an excessively optimistic one because Russia and China are not going to be divided by factional funding and clever word games; both Xi and Putin are well aware of how the neoclowns have successfully divided and conquered one enemy after another since the end of World War II.

    The dumber sort of neoclowns, the sort who believe their own wordspells, are pushing for Poland to enter the war, because they know that Americans won’t support direct war with Russia but they aren’t prepared to give up when Russia is so close to running out of ammunition and Putin is about to be overthrown by a) rebel mercenaries, b) Russian democrats, or c) neurologically-enhanced cyberotters. The disastrous history of Polish democracy suggests this is possible, but given the way Putin has already stated that he’s open to giving Western Ukraine to Poland, I think it’s unlikely unless something gets sparked by Wagner in Belarus on the Polish border. There is a negotiated scenario where Poland, Belarus, and Russia all win, at the expensive of Kiev, and since the only NATO opinion that matters is that of the US neoclowns, I see the “divide-up-Western-Ukraine” as being a more likely outcome than a second NATO war by proxy with Poland playing the role of Ukraine.

    However, war, unlike the tango, doesn’t take two. No matter what the immediate outcome of the Special Military Operation turns out to be, any negotiated settlement is even less likely to hold for the intermediate term than the Treaty of Versailles. Once the US-China war begins, Russia is almost certainly going to set itself to completing the task of de-NATOing Europe and excising the neoclown influence from the continent.

    So, ironically, it might be better for Americans – though much worse for Europeans – if the neoclowns were to choose war with Russia and be comprehensively defeated even before the anticipated war with China, than opting for a short-term peace that will guarantee war on two fronts with two better-prepared and strategically-superior opponents.

    Last edited by سيف الله; 08-04-2023 at 09:19 AM.
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    Re: From spy to president: The rise of Vladimir Putin

    he came into power in 1999 and he gave the order to mercilessly bomb my city and it was in the autumn and the war extended around the entire state, I still remember as it was yesterday

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    Re: From spy to president: The rise of Vladimir Putin


    format_quote Originally Posted by space View Post
    he came into power in 1999 and he gave the order to mercilessly bomb my city and it was in the autumn and the war extended around the entire state, I still remember as it was yesterday

    Not offtopic brother VERY relevant.

    Chechnya? I was young but I remember vividly the first conflict, it was on the news a lot (in the UK) at that time.

    The second war and its sad outcome. (docu is a little biased but decent enough).

    Last edited by سيف الله; 08-06-2023 at 09:01 PM.
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