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The Black Hand and the Anarchist movement

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    I believe it would be relevant at this stage of global enlightenment and confusion for us to do some research into some of the tactics of the pioneers and perpetrators of the current political chaos we are witnessing almost everywhere on the planet.

    the best positive advice that can be given in such soul weakening confusion and doubt that can leave a person psychologically drained and physically inactive is to do our best to adhere to Allah and never to doubt in His control.

    here are a few police officers attempting to discredit a gathering of old aged pensioners and peaceful demonstrators who were raising awareness of their disapproval of the actions of politicians at the g20 in toronto CANADA:

    God knows how it would have unfolded had the provocateurs not been recognized as such by the union leaeder:

    the reactions of the police:


    notice the line of cops less than a hunfred yards away:

    notice the statements of the wiser members of the public:

    another from London

    notice the reaction from the british government:


    images19 zpsmwfzgxj0 2 - The Black Hand and the Anarchist movement

    images2 zpsdhg6i3vh 2 - The Black Hand and the Anarchist movement

    the red white and blue in it's colourful dichotomies:

    images4 zpsczntvjxy 2 - The Black Hand and the Anarchist movement

    images9 zpsup1gek7v 2 - The Black Hand and the Anarchist movement

    images6 zpsf0r8fivr 2 - The Black Hand and the Anarchist movement

    images7 zpsvvqv1f8m 2 - The Black Hand and the Anarchist movement

    images5 zpsxu8ecfmk 2 - The Black Hand and the Anarchist movement

    images29 zpslmagvnyq 2 - The Black Hand and the Anarchist movement

    images11 zpsaypwmbcn 2 - The Black Hand and the Anarchist movement

    images2 zpsqqureqrj 2 - The Black Hand and the Anarchist movement

    images14 zps8soypu34 2 - The Black Hand and the Anarchist movement

    images1 zpsggr2gfsu 2 - The Black Hand and the Anarchist movement

    images25 zpspavdkmnf 2 - The Black Hand and the Anarchist movement

    images12 zpsznvtsas6 2 - The Black Hand and the Anarchist movement

    images27 zpsqpwxzj4i 2 - The Black Hand and the Anarchist movement

    the following excerpt is from an informative book (i haven't finished reading it yet) which presents some detail into the killing of Archduke Franz Ferdinand shortly after the creation of the united states federal reseve bank (blank check bank as i prefer to call it) and the catalyzing factor used to instigate the embarking on a criminal effort to create new world order subject to the international banking system. Many people know that Ferdinand was embarking on a vision of something akin to "the united states" in europe and was very close to achieving that aim as his ailing predecessor was about to pass on the gaunlet.

    the link to the book can be found here:



    CRITERION BOOKS, INC. NEW YORK Copyright 1959, by Joachim Remak Library of Congress Catalogue Card No. 59-6557 Manufactured in the United States of America Designed by Sidney Feinberg

    .......The Emperor knew very well that times were changing, "He said/' Theodore Roosevelt recorded of an audience with him during the ex-President's world tour in 1910, "that he had been particularly interested in seeing me be- cause he was the last representative of the old system, whereas I embodied the new movement, the movement of the present and future, and that he had wished to see me so as to know how the prominent exponent of that movement thought and felt........

    skip to

    The Conspirators
    Bomb, Crucifix^ and Dagger:
    Narodna Odbrana and Ujedinjenje ill Smrt On October 8, 1908, two days after Austria's annexation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, a number of men met in Bel- grade to found a secret organization which they named the Narodna Odbrana "National Defense." Among those pres- ent or represented at the meeting were the Serbian Foreign Minister, Milovan Milovanovi<5, and a number of other ranking ministers, officials, and generals. General Bozo Jankosi of the Serbian Army, a kindly looking man with a flowing white beard, was elected president. The purpose of the Narodna Odbrana was to enlist and train partisans, for a possible war against Austria, to cany on anti-Austrian propaganda in Serbia and abroad, and to enlist reliable spies and saboteurs in the Austrian provin- ces Serbia meant to annex.

    The Narodna Odbrana's work was beautifully organized and it was effective. It soon had agents in every important Bosnian locality informants, 43 44 SARAJEVO propagandists, and relay men along an underground rail- way that was used to smuggle fugitives from Bosnia into Serbia, and propaganda material, weapons, and conspira- tors from Serbia into Bosnia. In the spring of 1909, the irritated Austrians pressed the Serbian government to put a stop to these activities. Serbia, having been deserted by Russia during the annexation cri- sis, stood very much alone at that time, and the Narodna Odbrana decided to transform itself into a primarily cul- tural organization that would concentrate on education and propaganda at home rather than on espionage and violence abroad.

    While the Narodna Odbrana never became the precise Serbian equivalent of a Rotary Club or a Great Books Semi- nar, it did in subsequent years largely abandon revolu- tionary action. It therefore became desirable to replace it with a new terrorist organization. The new group's charter members were ten Serbian partisan leaders and army of- ficers. Several had played a part in the Serbian revolution of 1903, when they had been among those who had forced their way into the royal palace, shot and killed King Alex- ander Obrenovi<5, Queen Draga, the queen's brothers, and a number of cabinet ministers, and proclaimed Peter Kara- georgevid the new king.

    On May 9, 1911, the ten finally adopted the written statutes for a secret organization which they christened Ujedinjenje Hi Smrt, "Union or Death," but which became better known as the "Black Hand/'

    Black Hand membership very soon stood at about 300, Many of the early joiners were veterans of the regicide of 1903. Most were army officers, but there also was a fair sprinkling of diplomats, lawyers, journalists, university pro- fessors, and others. By 1914, it is possible that membership was up to about 2,500. More would have joined had they The Conspirators 45 been admitted, but the Black Hand consistently chose to re- main an elite organization. This was particularly true of its operations outside Serbia, where absolute secrecy and loy- alty were essential. Total Black Hand membership in Bos- nia-Herzegovina, for example, may never have exceeded thirty.

    The professed aim of the Black Hand was the creation, by means of violence, of a Greater Serbia. "This organiza- tion," read the first two articles of its statutes, "was created in order to realize the national ideal, the unification of all Serbs. . . . This organization prefers terrorist action to cultural activities; it will therefore remain secret."

    To achieve its aim, the Black Hand used methods of or- ganization that combined the paraphernalia of Masonic ri- tual with the practical efficiency of a mail order catalogue.

    At the bottom of the organizational pyramid was a large number of compact groups of from three to five members each. Above them were several district committees; above these a single Central Committee at Belgrade. The top of the pyramid consisted of a ten-member, policy making Cen- tral Executive Committee. Members* names were known to a very few people only; in general, groups were referred to by Roman, and individual members by Arabic code nu- merals. In those Austrian and Turkish territories which the Black Hand meant to join to Serbia, and where it operated as well as in Serbia proper, the basic group was often larger, and had more freedom of action. "Major revolutionary action, however/' the statutes prescribed, "shall be made dependent upon the approval of the Central Committee in Belgrade/'

    Representatives from all of the "unredeemed territories" had a place in the Central Committee; the rep- 46 SARAJEVO resentative from Bosnia-Herzegovina was a Gadnovi<^, the panegyrist of 2eraji6

    Initiation of new members took place in a darkened room, lighted by a single candle. In the center of the room stood a table covered with a black cloth, on which were dis- played a dagger, a revolver, and a crucifix. After listening to a brief speech on the Black Hand's aims and rules, and on the dangers to which anyone joining it exposed himself, each candidate was asked i he was ready to swear the initiation oath. As he replied that he was, a cloaked, masked man a member of a higher group silently entered from an adjoin- ing room. In the presence of the masked man, the candidate then pronounced the following oath:
    I, ***, in joining the organization "Union or Death," swear by the Sun that warms me, by the Earth that nourishes me, before God, by the blood of my ancestors, on my honor and on my life, that I will from this moment until my death be faithful to the laws of this organization; and that I will always be ready to make any sacrifice for it. I swear before God, on my honor and on my life, that I will execute all missions and commands without question. I swear before God, on my honor and on my life, that I will take all the secrets of this organization into my grave with me. May God and my comrades in the organization be my judges if, knowingly or not, I should ever violate this oath. Afterwards the masked stranger shook hands with the novices and, still without uttering a word, left the room. Each new member then wrote out and signed a copy of the oath, which went to the Central Committee in Belgrade, and received his code number and the password or recogni- tion signal of the moment. The Conspirators 47

    The Black Hand's seal was in keeping with the spirit of the oath. The center showed a clenched fist holding an un- furled flag bearing a skull and crossbones. To the left of the flag were a dagger, a bomb, and a bottle of poison. Around it ran the legend Ujedinjenje Hi Smrt "Union or Death/'

    Communications between Central Committee and local groups were seldon put in writing, although sometimes a code advertisement might be placed in a reputable Belgrade daily read mostly by business people. Financing was by membership dues and by occasional collections among non- members. Discipline was maintained by having each mem- ber act as an informer "all members are obliged to ob- serve . . . the behavior of comrades known to them" and by threatening death to anyone who revealed Black Hand secrets.
    The organization's principal activities were the establish- ment of a school for guerillas and saboteurs, the appoint- ment of frontier officers, and political murders. It is im- possible to say precisely how many assassinations the Black Hand sponsored.

    Much information about the organization came to light at the trial of some of its leaders in 1917, but on this particular subject little has been revealed. It is prob- able, however, that the Black Hand was involved in an un- successful attempt to kill Emperor Franz Joseph in 1911, and it seems certain that in 1912 it aided in a Croat ter- rorist's gun plot against the governor of Croatia which missed the intended victim, but killed a bystander and a policeman.

    The guerilla academy was established in 191 1, in an out- of-the-way village near the ancient Orthodox bishopric of Ni5. Here students, the majority of whom came from Bos- nia and Herzegovina, received instruction in shooting, bomb-throwing, bridge-blowing, espionage, and related 48 SARAJEVO skills.
    Many o them had been recruited by the border officers, the most valuable single group of members, per- haps, of the Black Hand. By an arrangement between the Black Hand and the Ser- bian General Staff, there were appointed, as officers in charge of a half dozen crucial border stations facing Austria and Turkey, Black Hand members who, in addition to their more conventional duties, were entrusted with espionage and subversion.
    To the War Ministry, these frontier officers were responsible for co-ordinating espionage activities in those sections of Austrian and Turkish territory that lay across their respective posts.
    To the Black Hand, they were responsible for sponsoring and organizing revolutionary activities in the same areas, and for serving as links in the underground railway originally established by the Narodna Odbrana, and now taken over by the Black Hand. Other things which the Black Hand borrowed from the Narodna Odbrana were its prestige and name. The frontier officers did nothing to counteract the general assumption that the group they were secretly representing was the Narodna Odbrana, and with few exceptions enrolled their collaborators across the border in that organization rather than in the Black Hand. It all worked out to a neat bit of camouflage. Should an agent be caught, the Austrian police might possibly make him admit a connection with the Narodna Odbrana, but he would be unable to say anything about the Black Hand, since he was quite genuinely ignorant of its existence. The Austrians, who had found out a good deal about the activi- ties of the Narodna Odbrana, thus knew next to nothing about those of the Black Hand, and mistakenly continued to attribute most of the subversion in Bosnia to the older organization.

    i. Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria- Este with his wife, Sophie, Duchess oi Hohenberg, and their three children: Maximillian, Ernst, and Sophie. Franz Ferdinand
    3. Franz Joseph I, Emperor of Austria and Apostolic King of Hungary. A photo- graph taken in 1916, the year of the Em- peror's death at the age of 86.
    4. Nicola Pasic, Minister of Serbia Prime
    5. Colonel Dragutin Di- mitrijevic", called Apis (>. General Oskar Poti- orek, Governor of Bosnia and Herzegovina. 1 Photogrnphie du module d'une catte d ItSgilimatlon.
    7. A Black Hand document: "Identification (Original) The Central Executive Committee of the Organization Union or Death hereby delegates its member No, 1873 with organizing a local committee in Paris, France, in the spirit of the constitution and rules of procedure of the organization. Results to be reported to the Central Executive Committee through the familiar channels." On the rubber stamp, to the left of the clenched fist holding the flag with a skull and crossbones, note the bomb, the dagger, and the poison bottle. The in- scription around it reads: "Union or Death -Central Executive Committee."

    The Conspirators 49

    The Belgrade government was in a far better position to know, despite the secrecy that surrounded the Black Hand even in Serbia. At first, there was close cooperation between government and Black Hand. Black Hand members held important positions in army and civil service; the Crown Prince, Alexander, reportedly gave the new organization 26,000 dinars toward starting a newspaper, The Piemont; and members of the Black Hand's Central Executive Com- mittee took care to inform selected cabinet members of any major decisions they had taken. Later, relations cooled and even became hostile. Prince Alexander lost much of his en- thusiasm when, despite his cash contribution, the Black Hand refused him a position of leadership. More impor- tant, in 1914, the government, then headed by Nikola Pasi, engaged in a drawn-out, bitter power struggle with the Black Hand over the question of whether civilian or mili- tary control was to have priority in the territories Serbia had annexed during the Balkan Wars. Despite such friction, the government continued to be rather well informed about what went on in the Black Hand. One likely reason for this was that one of the or- ganization's more trusted members, a man named Milan Ciganovid he was to play a major role in the Sarajevo plot very probably was a personal agent of Pasi, and had joined the organization primarily to keep the Prime Min- ister informed of its doings. Apis Thirty-seven years of age in 1914, heavy-set and quite bald, with an elegantly upswept moustache and the pleas- antest of manners, Colonel Dragutin Dimitrijevi was the 50 SARAJEVO Chief of the Intelligence Department in the Serbian Gen- eral Staff, and the moving spirit behind the Black Hand. His background and education were the customary ones for the professional army officer: lycee in Belgrade, then, at eighteen, the Military Academy. He was a popular student and a brilliant one. He also displayed so much restless activity that his fellow-students at the lycee amicably nick- named him Apis the Bee a name that stuck to him for the remainder of his life. He graduated from the Military Academy with such an outstanding record that he went directly into the General Staff. Even in his youth, Apis was an ardent patriot. To help achieve Serbian greatness, he became a specialist in revolu- tion, conspiracy, and assassination. He was, quite possibly, the foremost European expert in regicide of his time. He acquired this skill by much experiment and experi- ence. His first effort was still quite clumsy and probably doomed to fail from the start.

    In 1901, a number of young Serbian officers undertook to remove the autocratic and un- popular King Alexander and his wife Draga, a woman with a dubious past. The plan Apis worked out called for doing the killing at the Queen's Birthday Ball. A few of the of- ficers were to seize Belgrade's two power plants and to shut off the electricity. The others were to attend the Ball, and at the moment the lights went off were to set fire to the curtains, sound a fire alarm, and poison the royal couple during the ensuing confusion. The poison was secured and successfully tested on a cat; everything else, however, went wrong. The power stations turned out to be so well guarded that the officers could not force their way in. Moreover, the king and queen failed to appear at the ball. His first setback apparently did not disconcert Apis too The Conspirators 51 badly, and in the course of pursuing the murder scheme he learned the value of binding conspirators together by fear as well as by common motive. In the winter of 1902, he drafted the following oath, which all the less cautious mem- bers of the group readily signed: Anticipating certain collapse of the state if the existing situation continues for even the shortest time, and blaming for this primarily the King and his paramour Draga Masin, we swear that we shall murder them and to that effect affix our signatures. In place of these dishonorable individuals, we shall bring to the Serbian throne Peter Karageorgevi, grandson of the Leader [a reference to Kara George, the leader of the first Serbian revolt against the Turks in 1804], and the legitimate son of Prince Alexander Karageorgevid. In the spring of 1903, amid indications that the police had discovered the plot, Apis, with the knowledge of one other officer only, destroyed the document. He did not tell anyone else what he had done, so that the other conspir- ators continued to feel endangered and thus firmly bound by an oath that in reality no longer existed. Later that year, in June, some of the group stormed the royal palace under cover of night, after much hectic search- ing found the king and queen, who had been hiding in an alcove behind a secret door of their bedroom, shot them and threw their naked and bloody bodies from the bed- room window into the garden below. In town, the remain- ing conspirators sought out and killed the others on their liquidation list. Early in the foray, Apis had thrown him- self at the palace guard, who opened fire and left him badly wounded. He eventually recovered, but three bullets left from the encounter were never removed from his body. The new dynasty was grateful to Apis, then a Captain, 52 SARAJEVO and to his fellow conspirators.
    Parliament thanked him for what he had done, calling him "the savior of the father- land." Promotions, however, did not come unusually fast for so outstanding an officer as Dimitrijevi^ was. One reason may have been that he was as critical of the new regime as he was unwilling to give up his secret position of power. Apis was held in great regard by his fellow-officers, and, having been appointed Professor of Tactics at the Military Academy, in addition to his general-staff duties, he exercised a profound influence over a large number of students as well. In the years that followed the coup of 1903, Apis, al- ways careful to keep to the background, became a leader in the fight for army reforms, against corruption in govern- ment, and for a Greater Serbia. "Although there was no- thing despotic about him, his suggestions and wishes were treated as commands/* a friend of his has written since, "One saw him nowhere, yet one knew that he was doing everything. . . . There was no minister of war who did not have the feeling of having another, invisible minister next to him." Trips to Germany and Russia taught Apis some new military ideas, and when the Balkan Wars of 1912 and 1913 broke out, the Serbian army's victories owed much to the strategy he had planned. He himself could take no active part in the fighting. Disguised as a simple partisan, he had, just before the beginning of the First Balkan War, made his way into Turkish territory and won over the most powerful of Albanian chieftains to the Serbian cause. He returned from this exploit gravely ill. For a while, his condition was critical. After a specialist was called in from Berlin and diagnosed his disease as Maltese fever, a rare and painful illness, he slowly improved, but he was still far too ill to lead any troops.

    In June, 1913, when he had quite recov- The Conspirators 53 ered, he was appointed head of Serbian Intelligence. One of his first acts was to organize a very superior espionage serv- ice in Austria-Hungary. His increasing military responsibilities did not cause Apis to abandon conspiracy and violence. Among other plots, he sent a young enthusiast to Vienna to try his hand at killing Emperor Franz Joseph in 1911, three years later agreed with a Bulgarian revolutionary group to the assas- sination of Ferdinand of Bulgaria, and during the World War formulated a plot against the King of Greece. Apis* principal instrument for the organization of polit- ical terror was the Black Hand. He had been charter mem- ber number six, and, although nominally he was never any- thing but one among ten on the Central Executive Com- mittee, he very soon became its true leader. Partly this was due to the high rate of attrition among the organization's leadership; of the ten charter members, three died in the Balkan Wars, and one left Belgrade to serve at the Serbian Legation in Athens. But to a much larger degree it was Apis* personal qualities which made him the Black Hand's life and soul. Personal magnetism, great intelligence, and utter discre- tion combined to make Apis a wonderful organizer of what- ever intrigue he happened to be pursuing at the moment. Brave, incorruptible, modest, vastly patriotic, and totally ruthless, he reminds one of a number of other leaders Eu- rope, and more recently the Middle East, have seen since the French Revolution. It is a line that begins with Robes- pierre and ends, for the time being, with Colonel Nassar. Apis* weakness aside from his conviction that patriotic aims left no room for moral scruples was that for all his immediate political skill, he knew little about the world 54 SARAJEVO outside Serbia, and that he had no real sense for what was politically feasible and what, in the long run, was not.

    Apis Plans A Murder

    The exact dates and circumstances of how Franz Ferdi- nand's murder was planned although not the motives, for those are very plain indeed have never been estab- lished with absolute certainty, and probably never will be. The plot's surviving participants have either kept silent or told stories widely at variance with one another, and a writ- ten confession left by Apis himself (which was suppressed by a succession of Belgrade governments until its release by Tito's in 1953) is plainly a mixture of truth and untruth. The following account, therefore, can claim no more than that it is based on the most likely among several stories and on the testimony of the more credible among the witnesses, and must remain open to some amount of doubt.
    Last edited by Abz2000; 10-29-2015 at 10:21 PM.
    The Black Hand and the Anarchist movement

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    Re: The Black Hand and the Anarchist movement

    now that we know a little about the black hand and it's relationship to Occult Masonry which in turn goes way back to the time of Solomon pbuh and the building of Al Aqsa Mosque, and it's influence on world politics after it's starting of the first world war, let's see if it only appeared in the early 20th century:

    images27 zpsqpwxzj4i 1 - The Black Hand and the Anarchist movement

    "Did I not wish the sultan well that the dagger which was struck in the hard ground would have been planted on your soft breast?"

    note: the articles below have been edited for the sake of brevity with best attempts to avoid cutting too much information, for more details, click on the links to the original articles.

    The*Italian*word "stiletto" comes from the*Latin*stilus, the thin pointed Roman writing instrument used to engrave wax or clay tablets in ancient times.
    The stiletto began to gain fame during the late*Middle Ages, when it was the secondary weapon of*knights.

    The stiletto was later adopted throughout Italy as the favored offensive thrusting knife (arma manesca) of the medieval assassin, so much so that it was invariably prohibited as a treacherous weapon (arma insidiosa) by the authorities of the day. The stiletto was preferred by assassins as it was silent, easily concealed inside a sleeve or jacket, and featured a blade capable of easily penetrating the heavy leather and fabric clothing of the day, while inflicting mortal wounds that tended to bleed less than those made by other types of knives.

    The stiletto followed the first wave of Italian immigration to the city of*New Orleans, Louisiana*during the mid-19th century, where the knife became a popular weapon of gamblers, gang members, and assorted assassins.
    The stiletto was involved in so many stabbings and murders in New Orleans that the city passed an ordinance in 1879 outlawing the sale or exhibition for sale of any stiletto within the city limits.

    Italian immigrants to America frequently purchased or made such knives for self-defense,*and the stiletto was used by anarchists as well as by members of various*Black Hand (a method of extortion) organizations to assassinate Italian-Americans and others who either opposed the*Black Hand*or ignored its demands for blackmail.
    The*Black Hand*even established schools for training its members in the use of the stiletto.


    Black Hand (extortion)

    "La Mano Nera" redirects here. For other uses, see*Black Hand (disambiguation).

    Black Hand*(Italian:*Mano Nera) was a type of*extortion*racket. It was a method of extortion, not a criminal organization as such, though*gangsters*of*Camorraand the*Mafia*practiced it. According to a newspaper report in the*New York Tribune*of June 1912, the Black Hand "...really exists only as a phrase.
    As an organization such a thing never existed out of the minds of the police. It is a catch phrase made famlliar through the newspapers, and the quick witted criminal of Latin extraction lost no time in using it as a nom de crime, which he wrote at the bottom of his blackmailing letters, sometimes - in fact, generally - adding fanciful decorations of his own, such as daggers dripping blood, revolvers spitting fire and bullets, crudely drawn skulls and crossbones and the inevitable sketch of a human hand."


    The roots of the Black Hand can be traced to the*Kingdom of Naples*as early as the 1750s.

    However, the term as normally used in English specifically refers to the organization established by Italian*immigrants*in the United States during the 1880s who, though fluent in their Southern Italian*regional dialects, had no access to*Standard Italian*or even a grammar school education. A minority of the immigrants formed criminal syndicates, living alongside each other. By 1900, Black Hand operations were firmly established in the Italian-American communities of major cities including*New York,*Philadelphia,*Chicago,*New Orleans,*Scranton,*San Francisco,Olean, NY*and*Detroit. In 1907, a Black Hand headquarters was discovered in Hillsville, Pennsylvania, a village located a few miles west of*New Castle, Pennsylvania.
    The Black Hand in Hillsville established a school designed to train members in the use of the*stiletto.
    Although more successful immigrants were usually targeted, possibly as many as 90% of Italian immigrants and workmen in New York and other communities were threatened with extortion.

    Typical Black Hand tactics involved sending a letter to a victim threatening bodily harm,*kidnapping,*arson, or*murder. The letter demanded a specified amount of money to be delivered to a specific place.

    It was decorated with threatening symbols like a smoking gun, hangman's noose, skull, or knife dripping with blood or piercing a human heart, and was in many instances, signed with a hand, "held up in the universal gesture of warning", imprinted or drawn in thick black ink.

    According to author/historian*Mike Dash, "it was this last feature that inspired a journalist writing for*The New York Herald*to refer to the communications as "Black Hand" letters—a name that stuck, and indeed, soon became synonymous with crime in Little Italy."

    The term "Black Hand" (in Italian:*Mano Nera, and in Sicilian:*Manu Niura) was readily adopted by the American press and generalized to the idea of an organized criminal conspiracy, which came to be known as "The Black Hand Society".

    The tenor*Enrico Caruso*received a Black Hand letter, on which a black hand and dagger were drawn, demanding $2,000. Caruso decided to pay, "and, when this fact became public knowledge, was rewarded for his capitulation with 'a stack of threatening letters a foot high,' including another from the same gang for $15,000."

    Realizing the extortionists would continue to demand money, he reported the incident to the police who, arranging for Caruso to drop off the money at a prearranged spot, arrested two Italian-American businessmen who retrieved the money.

    When law enforcement closed in, gangsters answered in their usual style—assassination.
    Victims include*New Orleans*police chief*David Hennessyand*NYPD*lieutenant*Joseph Petrosino.


    now let's see if traces of this organized group goes further back beyond the*Kingdom of Naples*as early as the 1750s
    (before the crusades)

    The*Assassins*(from*Arabic:*حشّاشين‎*Ḥashshāshīn) is the name used to refer to the*medieval*Nizari Ismailis, particularly those of*Persia*and*Syria.

    Often characterized as a secret order led by a mysterious "Old Man of the Mountain," the Nizari Ismailis were an*Islamic*sect that formed in the late 11th century from a split within*Ismailism, itself a branch of*Shia Islam. In time, the Nizaris began to pose a military threat to*Sunni*Seljuq*authority within the*Persian*territories by capturing and inhabiting several mountain fortresses under the leadership of*Hassan-i Sabbah, who is typically regarded as the founder of the Assassins.

    While "Assassins" typically refers to the entire medieval Nizari sect, in fact only a class of acolytes known as the*fidai*actually engaged in assassination work.

    Lacking their own army, the Nizari relied on these trained warriors to carry out espionage and assassinations, and over the course of 300 years successfully killed two caliphs, and many viziers, sultans and Crusader leaders......

    .....Long after their near-eradication at the hands of the*Mongol Empire, mentions of Assassins were preserved within European sources such as the writings of Marco Polo, where they are depicted as trained killers, responsible for the systematic elimination of opposing figures.
    Ever since, the word "assassin" has been used to describe a hired or professional killer, paving the way for the related term "assassination", which denotes any action involving murder of a high-profile target for political reasons.

    The origins of the Assassins can be traced back to just before the*First Crusade, around 1080. There has been great difficulty finding out much information about the origins of the Assassins because most early sources are written by enemies of the order, are based on legends, or both. Most sources dealing with the order's inner workings were destroyed with the capture of*Alamut, the Assassins' headquarters, by the*Mongols*in 1256.
    However, it is possible to trace the beginnings of the cult back to its first Grandmaster,*Hassan-i Sabbah(1050s–1124).

    A passionate devotee of Isma'ili beliefs, Hassan-i Sabbah was well-liked throughout*Cairo,*Syria*and most of the*Middle East*by other Isma'ili, which led to a number of people becoming his followers. Using his fame and popularity, Sabbah founded the Order of the Assassins.

    While his motives for founding this order are ultimately unknown, it was said to be all for his own political and personal gain and to also exact vengeance on his enemies.

    Because of the unrest in the Holy Land caused by the*Crusades, Hassan-i Sabbah found himself not only fighting for power with other Muslims, but also with the invading Christian forces.

    After creating the Order, Sabbah searched for a location that would be fit for a sturdy headquarters and decided on*the fortress*at*Alamut*in what is now northwestern*Iran. It is still disputed whether Sabbah built the fortress himself or if it was already built at the time of his arrival.

    In either case, Sabbah adapted the fortress to suit his needs not only for defense from hostile forces, but also for indoctrination of his followers. After laying claim to the fortress at Alamut, Sabbah began expanding his influence outwards to nearby towns and districts, using his agents to gain political favour and to intimidate the local populations.Spending most of his days at Alamut producing religious works and developing doctrines for his Order, Sabbah would never leave his fortress again in his lifetime. He had established a secret society of deadly assassins, which was built on a hierarchical structure.

    Below Sabbah, the Grand Headmaster of the Order, were those known as "Greater Propagandists", followed by the normal "Propagandists", the Rafiqs ("Companions"), and the Lasiqs ("Adherents"). It was the Lasiqs who were trained to become some of the most feared assassins, or as they were called, "Fida'i" (self-sacrificing agent), in the known world.

    It is, however, unknown how Hassan-i-Sabbah was able to get his "Fida'in" to perform with such fervent loyalty. One theory, possibly the best known but also the most criticized, comes from the reports of*Marco Polo*during his travels to the Orient. He recounts a story he heard, of the "Old Man of the Mountain" (Sabbah) who would drug his young followers with*hashish, lead them to a "paradise", and then claim that only he had the means to allow for their return. Perceiving that Sabbah was either a prophet or magician, his disciples, believing that only he could return them to "paradise", were fully committed to his cause and willing to carry out his every request.

    *However, this story is disputed[by whom?]*due to the fact that Sabbah died in 1124 and*Sinan, who is frequently known as the "Old Man of the Mountain", died in 1192, whereas Marco Polo was not born until around 1254.

    With his new weapons, Sabbah began to order assassinations, ranging from politicians to great generals.

    Assassins would rarely attack ordinary citizens though, and tended not to be hostile towards them.Although the "Fida'yin" were the lowest rank in Sabbah's order and were only used as expendable pawns to do the Grandmaster's bidding, much time and many resources were put into training them.
    The Assassins were generally young in age, giving them the physical strength and stamina which would be required to carry out these murders. However, physical prowess was not the only trait that was required to be a "Fida'i". To get to their targets, the Assassins had to be patient, cold, and calculating. They were generally intelligent and well-read because they were required to possess not only knowledge about their enemy, but his or her culture and their native language.
    They were trained by their masters to disguise themselves and sneak into enemy territory to perform the assassinations, instead of simply attacking their target outright.

    The first known usage of the term*hashishi*has been traced back to 1122 when the*Fatimid*caliph*al-Āmir*employed it in derogatory reference to the Syrian Nizaris.[Daftary 2]*Used figuratively, the term*hashishi*connoted meanings such as outcasts or rabble.[Daftary 3]*Without actually accusing the group of using the hashish drug, the*Caliph*used the term in a pejorative manner. This label was quickly adopted by anti-Ismaili historians and applied to the Ismailis of Syria and Persia. The spread of the term was further facilitated through military encounters between the Nizaris and the*Crusaders, whose chroniclers adopted the term and disseminated it across Europe.

    According to Lebanese writer*Amin Maalouf:
    Their contemporaries in the Muslim world would call them*hash-ishiyun, "hashish-smokers"; some orientalists thought that this was the origin of the word "assassin", which in many European languages was more terrifying yet*... The truth is different. According to texts that have come down to us from Alamut, Hassan-i Sabbah liked to call his disciples Asasiyun, meaning people who are faithful to the*Asās, meaning "foundation" of the faith. This is the word, misunderstood by foreign travellers, that seemed similar to "hashish".

    "They call him Shaykh-al-Hashishim. He is their Elder, and upon his command all of the men of the mountain come out or go in*... they are believers of the word of their elder and everyone everywhere fears them, because they even kill kings."

    —Benjamin of Tudela

    For about two centuries, the hashashin specialized in assassinating their religious and political enemies.[Wasserman 2]*These killings were often conducted in full view of the public and often in broad daylight, so as to instill terror in their foes. Assassinations were primarily carried out with a*dagger, which was sometimes tipped with*poison.

    Due to being immensely outnumbered in enemy territory, the hashashin tended to specialize in covert operations.
    Hashashin would often assimilate themselves in the towns and regions of their targets and, over time, stealthily insert themselves into strategic positions.

    They did not always kill their targets, however, preferring at times to try to threaten an enemy into submission. This could sometimes be accomplished with a dagger and a*threatening note*placed on an enemy's pillow.

    The assassin group was indeed feared enough so that these threats were sometimes taken seriously, as in the case when*Saladin, the Muslim Sultan of Egypt and Syria, made an alliance with the rebel sect in order to avoid more attempts on his life. One of these attempts involved the Assassins placing a poisoned cake on Saladin's chest as he slept, with a warning note to desist from his military exploits. In the heat of battle, under no circumstances did Assassins commit*suicide*unless it was absolutely necessary, preferring to be killed by their captors.

    Psychological warfare, and attacking the enemy's psyche was another often employed tactic of the hashashin, who would sometimes attempt to draw their opponents into submission rather than risk killing them.

    During the Seljuk invasion after the death of*Muhammad Tapar, a new Seljuk sultan emerged with the coronation of Tapar's son*Sanjar.
    When Sanjar rebuffed the hashashin ambassadors who were sent by Hassan for peace negotiations, Hassan sent his hashashin to the sultan.
    Sanjar woke up one morning with a dagger stuck in the ground beside his bed. Alarmed, he kept the matter a secret.
    A messenger from Hassan arrived and stated, "Did I not wish the sultan well that the dagger which was struck in the hard ground would have been planted on your soft breast".

    For the next several decades there ensued a ceasefire between the Nizaris and the Seljuk. Sanjar himself pensioned the hashashin on taxes collected from the lands they owned, gave them grants and licenses, and even allowed them to collect tolls from travelers......


    So we find, that a clandestine organized group leaving strong relative fingerprints through history and following an almost identical modus operandi has been popping up before and during major world events existing in the shadows of the followers of every major way of life dating at least to the time of Solomon pbuh.

    other articles of interest in relation to the topic:





    ---------- Post Merged at 03:51 AM ----------

    takes me back full circle to jfk's speech and my first ever youtube video:

    vice is not freedom.

    interesting to note that he was killed in a very similar fashion to franz ferdinand, very public.

    but were they also doing God's work as in playing the role of prosecutor? Allah knows best since His is the master planning.


    "Sicarius" redirects here. For other meanings of the word, see*Sicarius (disambiguation). For the*Haredi*gang named after the Sicarii, see*Sikrikim.

    Sicarii*(Latin*plural form of*Sicarius*"dagger-man"; in*Modern Hebrewrendered*siqariqim*סיקריקים) is a term applied, in the decades immediately preceding the*destruction of Jerusalem in 70 CE, to an extremist splinter group[1]*of the*Jewish*Zealots, who attempted to expel the*Romans*and their partisans from the*Roman province*of*Judea.

    The Sicarii carried*sicae, or small daggers, concealed in their cloaks, hence their name.
    At public gatherings, they pulled out these daggers to attack Romans or Roman sympathizers, blending into the crowd after the deed to escape detection.
    They were one of the earliest forms of an organized*assassination*society or*cloak and daggers, predating the Middle Eastern*assassins*and Japanese*ninjas by centuries.


    The Latin word*sicarii*translates to "dagger-wielders", from the root*secare*Latin for "to slice"; in Roman legal Latin it is the standard plural form of the term for a murderer, or for putting a murderer on trial (see e.g. the*Lex Cornelia de Sicariis et Veneficiis)*during that period of legal Latin.


    See also:*Siege of Jerusalem (AD 70)*and*Zealot Temple Siege

    Victims of the Sicarii included Jonathan the High Priest, although it is possible that his murder was orchestrated by the Roman governor*Antonius Felix.
    Some murders were met with severe retaliation by the Romans on the entire Jewish population of the country. On some occasions, the Sicarii could be bribed to spare their intended victims. Once,*Josephus*relates, after kidnapping the secretary of Eleazar, governor of the Temple precincts, they agreed to release him in exchange for the release of ten of their captured*assassins.
    At the beginning of the*First Jewish–Roman War, the Sicarii, and (possibly) Zealot helpers (Josephus differentiated between the two but did not explain the main differences in depth), gained access to Jerusalem and committed a series of atrocities in order to force the population to war.
    In one account, given in the*Talmud, they destroyed the city's food supply so that the people would be forced to fight against the Roman siege instead of negotiating peace.
    Their leaders, including*Menahem ben Yehuda*and*Eleazar ben Ya'ir, were important figures in the war, and the group fought in many battles against the Romans as soldiers. Together with a small group of followers, Menahem made his way to the fortress of*Masada, took over a Roman garrison and slaughtered all 700 soldiers there. He also trained them to conduct various guerrilla operations on Roman convoys and legions stationed around Judea.
    Josephus also wrote that the Sicarii raided nearby Jewish villages including*Ein Gedi, where they massacred 700 women and children.

    The Zealots, Sicarii and other prominent revolutionaries finally joined forces to attack and successfully liberate Jerusalem in 66 AD, where they took control of the Temple in Jerusalem, executing anyone who tried to usurp their power. The local populace grew tired of their control and launched as*series of sieges and raids*to remove the radical factions. The radicals eventually silenced the uprising and Jerusalem stayed in their hands for the duration of the war.[12]*The Romans finally came to take back the city, and they led counter-attacks and sieges to starve the rebels inside. The rebels held for a considerable amount of time, but the constant bickering and the lack of leadership led the groups to disintegrate.[11]*The war soon ended when the Romans finally took over and destroyed the whole city in 70 AD.Eleazar and his followers returned to Masada and continued their resistance to the Romans until 73 CE. The Romans eventually took the fortress and, according to Josephus, found that most of its defenders had committed suicide rather than surrender.
    *In Josephus'*The Jewish War*(vii), after the fall of the Temple in 70 CE, the*sicariibecame the dominant revolutionary Jewish party, scattered abroad. Josephus particularly associates them with the mass suicide at Masada in 73 CE and to the subsequent refusal "to submit to the taxation census when Cyrenius was sent to Judea to make one" (Josephus) as part of their religious and political scheme as resistance fighters.

    Judas Iscariot, one of the*Twelve Apostles*of Jesus according to the New Testament, was believed to be a sicarius.*This opinion is objected to by modern historians, mainly because Josephus in*The War of the Jews*(2:254–7) mentions the appearance of the Sicarii as a new phenomenon during the*procuratorships*of Felix (52–60 CE), having no apparent relation with the group called Sicarii by Romans at times of Quirinius.

    it's also possible that there were genuine revolutionary groups and also shadow subversive groups following the method described by frank kitsen in low intensity operations.
    ultimately Allah knows best.
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    Re: The Black Hand and the Anarchist movement

    A clandestine group in our midst
    In spite of repeated crackdowns by state authorities, the threat to institutional stability remains with fringe organisations such as the Freemasons

    Published: March 12, 2016 17:45
    By Tariq A. Al Maeena | Special to Gulf News

    There exists in parts of the Arab world an undisclosed number of individuals who belong to a highly clandestine organisation called the Freemasons. While they operate freely in some other parts of the world, this organisation has been banned in a number of Arab countries because of its dubious agendas.

    Freemasons claim to be one of the world’s oldest and largest non-religious, non-political, fraternal organisations with the present version of this body taking hold in England sometimes at the end of the 14th century. In the beginning, the informal group would regulate and grade the qualifications of the stonemasons as well as their dealings with the authorities and their clients. As they grew, they evolved. They recruited members through participation in a progression of secretively held ceremonies, which included a series of rituals following ancient forms and using the customs and tools of the stonemasons of yesteryears as their guide.

    In 1961, President Jamal Abdul Nasser violently abolished Freemasonry in Egypt. It was an organisation that had taken hold in the North African enclave by the early British settlers in the 18th century. But they did not disappear so easily. Samir Raafat, a well-known Egyptian, wrote: “On 4th April, 1964, the Masonic Temple on Alexandria’s Toussoun Street was shut down by order of the Ministry of Social Affairs. The reason given was ‘Associations with undeclared agendas, which were incompatible with rules covering non-profit organisations.’ Sufficiently disturbing evidence for the state to be concerned about, Freemasonry’s political goals would turn up the following year in Damascus when master spy Eli Cohen was apprehended. Having eluded Syrian intelligence for many years, posing as an Arab, it was discovered that Eli had been a Freemason in Egypt where he was born.”

    Despite the 1964 government decree, declaring the demise of Freemasonry in Egypt, some were not so convinced. Ahmad Abdullah’s 1985 book titled Freemasonry in Our Region suggested that Freemasonry was alive and well in the guise of Rotary Clubs and other like-minded associations. “Having accomplished their earlier mission to establish a Jewish state, Masonic conspirators now intend to undermine Islam using charity work and community outreach as their tools,” charged Abdullah in his opening chapter. The rest of the book went about defining and equating the ‘new Masonic cancer’ with Rotary and Lions organisations and with Jehovah’s Witness, Freedom Now, Solar Tradition, New Age and several other fringe outfits.

    In Iraq, Masonic lodges existed as early as 1919, when the first lodge was opened in Basra, and later on when the country was under British Mandate just after the First World War.

    However, the position changed in July 1958 following the Revolution. The licences permitting lodges were rescinded and later, laws were introduced banning any further meeting. This position was later reinforced under former Iraqi president Saddam Hussain, the death penalty was prescribed for those who promoted Zionist principles — including Freemasonry. With the fall of Saddam in 2003, a number of lodges have begun to meet at military bases within Iraq. These lodges primarily cater to British and American military units stationed in the country.

    With the discovery of oil in the Arabian Peninsula came the influx of companies to exploit the production of the natural resource in this area. The Bahrain Petroleum Company Ltd (Bapco) in Bahrain and the Standard Oil of California (Socal) in Saudi Arabia took firm hold in the 1930s in search of black gold. Workers began arriving and among them were Freemasons. Research suggests that during the early 1940s, the Freemasons in Bahrain formed themselves into a Masonic Club while those is Saudi Arabia did likewise and there were many informal functions that were attended by Freemasons and their partners. It was inevitable that in due course, a group of Freemasons would meet to explore the possibility of forming a lodge, both on the island and also in Saudi Arabia.

    They succeeded first in Bahrain and formed their own lodge. Membership went from strength to strength until at the end of March 1975 when the political climate towards Freemasonry was no longer conducive. The Bahraini Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs issued a prohibition notice on the practice of Freemasonry in all of Bahrain. This led the members into holding their meetings in secret.

    In Saudi Arabia, the American Canadian Grand Masonic Lodge was formed in 1962. It was followed by four others. All these lodges were formed to cater to foreigners in the country — mainly North American and British Masons in Saudi Arabia as part of the workforce exploring oil. However, today, following successive crackdowns by the Saudi police, none of these lodges are operational, except as secretive fraternal groups. There have been allegations that a global British aerospace company stationed in the capital has a sizeable membership that continues to practice their rituals today.

    In 1978, the Saudi Fiqh Academy, that releases Islamic edicts, formally outlawed the Masonic group, charging that “It is, in fact, in its hidden aims, against all religions, its intentions being the destruction of all of them in general, and Islam in the hearts of its adherents in particular. It concentrates on the recruitment of persons in positions of authority in finance, politics, community, science and any other position they can utilise in order to further their power in the community. Its aims are political and they have a hand — either open or hidden — in most political and military insurrections and major changes. For this reason, and many other detailed facts concerning the dangerous activities of the Masons, their evil deception and cunning designs, the Fiqh Academy has determined that the Masons are one of the most dangerous, destructive organisations to Islam and Muslims”.

    How significant are those words indeed! Beware of the perils within. The Masons will go at great lengths to promote their own interests even now.

    Tariq A. Al Maeena is a Saudi socio-political commentator. He lives in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. You can follow him on Twitter at www.twitter.com/@talmaeena

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    Re: The Black Hand and the Anarchist movement

    Aaahhhh the freemasons!

    We're all upto our necks with this one bro, we've lost many a youngsters to an absolute obsession with this conspiracy theory!

    No worries, as Islam can deal with anything!
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    Re: The Black Hand and the Anarchist movement

    Their obsession is not my problem, or fault, they can choose to take degrees on the issue if they so wish - so please avoid the dr watson's baby albert type generalisations.

    Conspiracy is one concept - of which Allah warns us repeatedly in the Quran, and which we read about in the stories of Quraishi leaders, and jewish criminals and munaafiqeen, and the effects of which we experience from our spiteful and deceitful infidel leaders more and more frequently as time passes and the hour draws nearer.

    The word theory, well, that's when somebody is theorising about possibilities - some of which may be founded in fact and others not.

    The use of the term as a label, when falsely attributed in a derogatory manner, is more an indication of concealed inability to argue in face of truth --than intelligent debate. Therfore, use your God given intelligence instead of coming across as a champion of the ignorantly dismissive and foolish ignorants and fools.
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    Re: The Black Hand and the Anarchist movement

    Thr freemasons are paving the way for their one eyed god and we all know who that is!
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    Re: The Black Hand and the Anarchist movement

    format_quote Originally Posted by Ahmed. View Post
    Thr freemasons are paving the way for their one eyed god and we all know who that is!
    There is no god but Almighty God Who has created and sustains the heavens and the earth, and Who causes the sun to rise from the east, and if He wills - from the west.

    The dollar bill is a fraud and the mountains of dollar bills are not sustenance, but rather mountains of debt which will not be honoured as covenanted, and with which some criminals loot the world's resources and the fruits of people's labour at will.
    The only thing which prevents them from flooding the world with this smoke (dukh) is the risk of uncontrolled hyper-inflation which will cause the people of the world to lose faith in it.

    The false god is the wink and a nod giving Anti-Christ and anti-God Deceiver that tells you that you don't trust in God if you reject the worthless fiat dollar scam by rationally claiming that physical gold and silver should be lawful currency.

    Were you winking as you typed?



    Be careful coz it might turn out to be a crowd endeavour made up of soul-selling individuals - the hellfire club type who have a covenant to death and are in agreement with hell.

    Ever heard of secular democracy? Knowest thou not that the seduced people of such a criminal enterprise are false gods who pretend to assume the mantle and authority of God and His exclusive right to rule above all?
    Wink Wink.

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