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Answering the Israeli Debate

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    Answering the Israeli Debate

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    Answering the Israeli Debate

    How can Israel be blamed for this war, when it was Hezbollah who initiated it by kidnapping and killing our soldiers across the border into Israel?

    Since the withdrawal of Israeli soldiers from Southern Lebanon in May of 2000, there were ongoing issues between the Israelis and Hezbollah. For one, Shebaa farms were still occupied. Secondly, Israelis still held Lebanese prisoners in their jails and weren't prepared to release them. They shot dead the 15 year old shepherd Ibrahim Rhayyel last February in Lebanon [1] and have refused to give up maps of land mines they placed during their occupation of South Lebanon which have killed several children over the past six years. Lastly, the Israelis continued their invasions into Lebanese sovereign territory through fighter jets, navy vessels and armored carriers. What would Israel's reaction be if the Syrians flew at low altitude breaking the sound barrier initiating a loud sonic boom over Tel-Aviv, or if the Russians or Chinese did the same over Washington?

    The Lebanese government has taken these complaints of the Israeli 13,000+ incursions of Lebanese sovereign land, sea and air borders to the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) for which UNIFIL acknowledges and has documented these incursions itself. The UN however has been helpless to stop them, bringing into question the integrity and purpose of the UN. In fact, the UN doesn't have any realistic mandate over the Israelis since condemnations of the Israelis have been vetoed by the United States. Here is a list of United States abusing its veto power to shield the Israelis over forty times [2].

    If international diplomacy won't budge the Israelis, what other choices are there to receive justice? Hezbollah viewed its only option was to use Israeli soldiers as bargaining chips. It had worked in the past. The global community has been in shock at the Israelis response. The father of one of the captured Israeli soldiers made this comment "It will be ridiculous to think all this war happening now is because of my son. There were many...in the past there were many kidnaps before and captures and whatever and Israel didn't start the war because of this" [3].

    The Israelis, instead of choosing peaceful international diplomacy to release the captured soldiers like has happened in the past with prisoner exchanges, instead decided to put in effect a unilateral war plan it had developed. No military initiates a conflict overnight without a carefully crafted war plan strategy. Some reports have suggested the Israelis had been preparing for this campaign on Lebanon for over a year [4]. This vicious conflict could have been avoided if the Lebanese prisoners were released and Shebaa farms were returned to Lebanon.

    Why is Hezbollah attacking Israeli outposts in Shebaa farms? Shebaa farms are Syrian, and therefore Lebanon has no right over them.

    1. Syria says the Shebaa farms are Lebanese lands. Syrian officials may be asked this question at any time. No bets on whose claims Syria would defend.

    2. Any map of Lebanon (e.g. [5]) predating the current crisis clearly illustrates Shebaa within Lebanon.

    3. Shebaa inhabitants say they are Lebanese.

    4. The Lebanese government has submitted several maps and proofs of Shebaa farms being Lebanese to the UN for which the UN has not acted upon.

    5. For arguments sakes, we will presume the Israeli dispute that Shebaa farms are Syrian (although Syria affirms they belong to Lebanon). Being Syrian land, the Israelis shouldn't be there. If Israelis wanted peace, they should rightfully withdrawal in compliance with Resolutions 242 and 338.

    Our citizens in Northern Israel have been living with Katyushas flying over their heads. Israel has every right to defend itself against terrorists threatening its existence.

    Israeli citizens weren't being targeted before the current crisis. The number of rockets launched from Lebanon beyond the border line between the Israelis retreat in 2000 and the current re-occupation of Lebanon is negligible. Readers are asked to do their own research on this number. No Israeli town had been under fire until the Israelis began its relentless bombing of Beirut starting with the destruction of Beirut International Airport. Therefore, this argument persistently being heard by pro-Zionist advocates is annulled.

    Why do you blame Israel for the killing of civilians, when it is Hezbollah terrorists who hide behind civilians and put them in the firing lines? Our war is with Hezbollah, not with the Lebanese people.

    1. Unless Hezbollah had somehow elevated a missile launcher on top of the UNIFIL outpost, the Israeli military cannot use this justification unless of course it can prove that its laser guided bombs somehow steered off course.

    2. How is destroying Beirut International Airport weakening Hezbollah? Let alone the destruction of its civilian infrastructure including its power stations which other than cutting electricity to the whole nation caused the worst ecological disaster of the Mediterranean Sea due to the crude oil run-off from the destroyed plants. Dumping 13,600 metric tons of crude, the slick has so far covered two thirds of Lebanon's coastline crippling its fishing industry to a complete halt. The slick is expected to reach as far as the coasts of Cyprus and Turkey.

    3. No Hezbollah rocket launchers or Hezbollah deaths have been recorded after the Israelis committed the Qana Massacre II or the destruction of other civilian buildings. One would expect that Hezbollah soldiers would be pulled out of the rubble. On contrary, the survivors themselves have vouched that only civilians were in the area [6a] and that it wasn't in the nature of Hezbollah to put the civilians and towns the group was created to protect, under danger. The Israelis later admitted the Qana attack was a "mistake" [6b]. Further adding to their admitted "mistakes" is the civilian carnage in Bekaa Valley [6c], a far North-Eastern territory of Lebanon.

    4. Israeli PM Ehud Olmert - "If the soldiers are not returned, we will turn Lebanon's clock back 20 years." [7]

    5. Israeli Justice Minister Haim Ramon - "Everyone in southern Lebanon is a terrorist and is connected to Hizbollah." [8] (Note, Mr Ramon is the "justice" minister)

    6. Israeli Mayor of Haifa Yona Yahav - "I am in favour of smashing the entire infrastructure of Lebanon." [9]

    7. One Psyops (Psychological Operations) tactic used by the Israelis is this very accusation. They, for example, have released cockpit footage of trucks being moved into civilian buildings "after they launched rocket attacks", although the footage isn't showing the truck launching the rockets [10a]. Firstly, there is no way to verify the nature of truck shown in the footage. Secondly, [10b] describes how "Trucks, vans and cars have been a daily target for the Israeli military in its war with Hizbollah" as the example of the fruit truck hit in Bekaa Valley killing 40 civilians (refer to [6c]); [10c] describes "The Israeli attack in Ashrafiyeh, the Lebanese capital's principal Maronite Christian neighborhood, targeted a pair of well-drilling trucks and was carried out with what appeared to be precision missiles carrying small explosive charges."; [10d] shows Israeli warplane cockpit footage of a rocket launcher in action with no civilian infrastructure in the vicinity; [10e] describes how "what worried the Lebanese Red Cross was that the Israeli missiles had clearly pierced the very centre of the red cross painted on the roof of each vehicle. Did the pilots use the cross as their aiming point?"; [10f] is an example of western journalists on the front line describing "The "hiding among civilians" myth" and lastly but most peculiar is the embarrassing media release of Palestinian fighters posing for the camera in civilian areas being dubbed as Hezbollah soldiers [10g]. That same group of Palestinians was later interviewed on Dubai television.

    8. There have been reports of house-to-house [11] fighting on border villages, Maroun Al-Ras an example. When Israeli soldiers entered the abandoned village to take up posts there, Hezbollah soldiers fought to expel them. Israeli footage of house-to-house combat (for which the IDF itself took up positions) is then labelled as "hiding behind civilians".

    9. Hezbollah has never fired a rocket from Beirut, so why were Beirut's civilian suburbs demolished? You can see the before and after satellite images of the Southern suburbs of Beirut here [12].

    The Lebanese have said they don't want those terrorists controlling areas in Lebanon and controlling a state within a state which the terrorists have created, why doesn't Hezbollah submit to the Lebanese people's calls?

    Defying the interests of the Israelis, Arab leaders and the US administration, is the sudden spotlight being beamed on Hezbollah in that instantly the world is now, more than ever, studying Hezbollah's history. For the US to label the group as a terrorist organization, they had to associate them to some terrorist acts. These acts total to mainly four. Three taking place in the early eighties during the Lebanese civil war, and the forth in 1994 outside of Lebanon. They are:

    1. Attack on the U.S. embassy in Beirut in April of ‘83
    2. Attack on U.S. marines in Beirut in October of ‘83
    3. TWA 847 hijacking in Beirut in June of ‘85
    4. Argentina Synagogue bombing in July of ‘94

    Obviously Hezbollah has denied any association with these attacks. The difficulty is contradicting Hezbollah's claims. For one, the Argentineans to the distaste of the Israelis and the US have not come to any solid conclusions concerning the Synagogue attack [13] and with the current surge of anti US "imperial" sentiments flourishing across South America, it doesn't look like any new findings will come to light.

    Further adding to this complexity is that terrorist organizations adore claiming responsibility for their attacks to gain attention and cat-walk under the limelight, a common character assigned by academic circles to terrorist organizations. We see that constantly with Al-Qaeda and other terrorist groups scrambling to claim responsibility for their attacks. "In his September 2001 FRONTLINE interview, Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger said the US still lacks "actual knowledge of who did the bombing" of the Marine barracks. But it suspected Hezbollah, believed to be supported in part by Iran and Syria. Hezbollah denied its involvement." [14]

    The US has also had problems equating the marines attack as terrorism since the attack contradicts the Central Intelligence Agency's (CIA) official definition of terrorism [15] as marines were military personnel in the middle of a civil war. One can only assume the bombers viewed the embassy as the formulating centre for CIA covert operations that also provided intelligence to the Israelis. Being labeled as terrorist attacked doesn't go down too well with survivors and families of the CIA car bombing assassination attempt of Mohammed Hussein Fadlullah [16], that missed its target and killed instead eighty worshippers leaving Friday prayers from the local mosque. Little evidence has surfaced suggesting the Shia men who hijacked the TWA flight were working under Hezbollah. Four weak allegations are hurting the Israelis cause, particularly since current long sitting Hezbollah leader Hasan Nasrallah wasn't the leader of the group till after the mid-nineties, during which Hezbollah had undergone a complete transformation. Logic also articulates that not all Lebanese Shia men represent Hezbollah.

    But perhaps the most damaging to US and Israeli convictions, is the vindictive mentality of nation states, academics, religious leaders and various politicians. Many would argue, that the only accusation against Hezbollah for the past twenty years is that of the Argentinean Synagogue attack, and that with the power Hezbollah has demonstrated so-far fending off the Israelis, surely they have the logistical aptitude, sophistication and capacities to have wreaked global havoc similar in nature to that of Al-Qaeda, just once within the past two decades, but have chosen instead to limit their operations up to today against the Israeli military, and starting missile launches against Israeli towns only after the Israelis began their destruction of Lebanon. They deplored the New York, London and Madrid bombings as acts of terrorism bent on defacing the reputation of Islam and Muslims globally and called on free, public, open, transparent, unbiased and independent investigations to be held into the nature and real motivations behind these attacks.

    The argument being placed before the Bush administration concerning Hezbollah is, if Bush solemnly considers Hezbollah as a terrorist organization, and US strict policy is of no negotiations with terrorists, why is Rice and Bolton negotiating a cease-fire? Mr Bush had made a comment in a media release [17] "We view Hezbollah as a terrorist organization, and I would hope that Hezbollah would prove that they're not by laying down arms and not threatening peace." The question arising is, will Hezbollah suddenly lose its terrorist label if they were to disarm? I.e. since their arms are an apparent threat to the IDF, is this the reason they are listed as terrorists? Furthermore, major anti-terrorism player the EU has so far abstained from adding Hezbollah to its terrorist list [18a], and recently neither has Russia [18b], angering the US & Israelis partnership. It would seem the only reason Hezbollah hit that list was due to pressure from the pro-Israeli lobbyists needing reason to vindicate the organization. The practical realities however seem to contradict what's written in US foreign policy. At the back of their minds, no doubt the US and Israeli perceptions, whilst unpronounced, is that the character of Hezbollah can't be compared to terror groups such as Al-Qaeda due owing to the above stated facts.

    On the home front in Lebanon, Hezbollah reigns huge respect. With all its capacity, it has never attacked fellow Lebanese with the exception of the South Lebanese Army (SLA) which operated as an Israeli funded proxy during its occupation of Southern Lebanon. Hezbollah did however allow SLA folk who followed the retreating Israeli army in 2000 to return to Lebanon without fear of retribution. Upon their return they weren't harmed, although some SLA men were tried under Lebanon's legal system for treason and given two to ten year prison sentences.

    Created to protect the Shia community neglected by previous Lebanese governments, Hezbollah "had built an entire social welfare network for Lebanon's Shi'ite community, much like Hamas does in the Occupied Territories. Hezbollah provides and runs schools, clinics, orphanages, war widows aid centres and surprisingly high-tech hospitals" [19]. As a political party that holds several parliamentary seats, it has assisted Lebanese Security Intelligence in capturing Al-Qaeda terrorists [20] and Mossad cells operating within Lebanon [21]. Lebanon's president has throughout his term in office referred to Hezbollah as a resistance movement. Saad Hariri, son of the late assassinated former Prime Minister Rafiq Hariri has also passed on the message to President Chirac that he (Hariri) refused to place responsibility of the current conflict on Hezbollah [22]. Lebanon's President Emile Lahoud in his interview with Canada's CBC news [23] during the conflict explicated "a Lebanese poll claiming that Hezbollah has the support of 86 per cent of the country in its battle with Israel. He hailed Nasrallah for his campaign the past several years to fight for the rights of the southern Lebanese. "All Lebanese respect him and I respect him," Lahoud said".

    Hezbollah is a Syrian and Iranian proxy fighting their wars, shouldn't the Lebanese people be free from being used as a Syrian and Iranian pawns?

    If these views by the Israelis about Hezbollah being a Syrian and Iranian proxy, then why not take their disproportionate vengeance out on the Syrians and Iranians, since according to them they're the root of the problem?

    Syria and Iran support Lebanon's right for self determination, the freedom of Lebanese prisoners and the halt to provocative Israeli infiltration into Lebanon's sovereign territorial borders. Should these rights of the Lebanese be abandoned just because the Syrians and Iranian support Hezbollah?

    The pawn argument is too simplistic. One must take into account the history of Iranian influence in Lebanon. Shia doctrine stipulates the necessity of every practicing Muslim to perform "taqleed", i.e. the practice of following the religious verdicts of Islamically correct practices from a religious leader, similar in philosophy to the Pope in Catholicism. Only certain individuals have been deemed knowledgeable enough that the Shia common folk may follow, the most prominent individuals today being Ali Al-Sistani (Iranian), Ali Khamanai (Iranian) and Mohammed Hussein Fadlullah (Lebanese), all former students of the Najaf religious school. Most Lebanese perform "taqleed" of Iranian scholars. Politically, Iran's influence in Lebanon began around the time of the Islamic Iranian Revolution, with Ayatalloh Ruhullah Khomeini sending Revolutionary Guards to assist logistical support to Mousa Sadr and the Amal Movement. A Lebanese who spent many years in Iran, Mousa Sadr was seen as the father of the Shia struggle. Mousa Sadr's niece is married to former Iranian president Mohammad Khatami and as mentioned earlier, South Lebanon was the poorest region of the republic that had long been neglected by previous Lebanese governments and left to fend for itself in the face of PLO and Israeli invasions. Iranian support was widely welcomed.

    The people of South Lebanon have a proud history. Mainly made up of Shia Muslims, persecuted and driven out of the central Middle East immediately after the demise of the Prophet Mohammed, history is witness to their non-aggressive nature. Recent times chronicle their plight under Ottoman occupation, followed by the French, and then neglected by the first Lebanese governments to be the nation's poorest, driven as refugees by the PLO invasion in the late 1970's only to be followed by subsequent Israeli aggressions and occupations. The fight they have put up today against the Israelis has caught the world's attention. Perhaps one of the most fitting comparisons of their current resistance and firm defiance to the technologically sophisticated Goliath would be to the popular French comic strip Asterix, although they'd most likely tell you their magic potion is Husain and Karbala.

    Similarly, one must also look at the Western stereotype given to Iran and Syria. The psyche typecast beamed across Western media gives the mental association to these two countries as a hot bed of terrorists, vicious sadistic men and women running around beheading each other. In countries other than Western, such, at best ignorant, stereotype is non-existent.

    Further, this argument can be simply flipped with one question, are the Israelis a US proxy? The US is feeding the Israeli techno-juggernaut military with the laser guided bombs demolishing Lebanon; it's the US that's shielded the Israelis from UN condemnation effectively giving the green light to the Israelis to continue Lebanon's destruction and it's the US which sends 30% of its foreign aid budget to the six million well off Israelis (this doesn't include military grants) [24]. The extent and powerful influence of the Israeli lobby over the White House has been explained quite well in a Harvard University research study [25] and a recent Economist article [26].

    Israel wants peace, we won't be attacking Lebanon or Hezbollah if they disarmed.

    The Israelis would probably need to ask Hezbollah what the terms of disarmament are. I'd imagine any the following demands could be stipulated.

    1. Release of all Lebanese prisoners being held in Israeli jails.

    2. Withdrawal from Shebaa farms.

    3. Non-continuation of Israeli infiltration into Lebanon's territorial borders.

    4. Release of all Palestinian youth and women in Israeli prisons.

    5. Open up the Israelis nuclear activities to IAEA inspections. The Israelis unhindered all out aggression against an independent nation over two soldiers brings into question of what it would take for them to dispatch their nuclear arsenal. The whole region should be free of WMD.

    6. Compensation paid for the devastation of Lebanon's civilian infrastructure including highway arteries, bridges, buildings, towns, petrol stations, power plants, airports and compensation for the Mediterranean's oil slick clean up and economical affects due to the vital summer holidaying season disruption, and the discontinuation of military threats should the Lebanese pump its rivers to supply Lebanese farms (of which under International Law it's permitted to use half of the resource and allow the other half to flow freely) [27].

    7. Open way for the Israeli generals who gave the go ahead to the use of internationally banned Phosphorus and Cluster bombs [28] to be tried in The Hague including compensation and medical costs paid to the families affected by their use.

    8. Allow for a law suit to be initiated against Rice, Bolton, et al for shielding Israeli crimes through the UN and complicating negotiations for an immediate ceasefire giving the Israelis time to continue unloading their arsenal over Lebanon.

    9. Delivery of a list of names of Lebanese citizens who passed on messages to the Israelis and supplied information to help in their reconnaissance and intelligence gathering.

    10. An apology to the Lebanese people.



    [1] Naharnet Newsdesk (2006) "U.N., Lebanon Say Teenage Shepherd Killed by Israel Inside Lebanese Territory"

    [2] KryssTal (2006) "Use of the Veto on United Nations Resolutions by the USA"
    http://www.krysstal.com/democracy_whyusa03.html sourced from

    [3] The comments were aired on SBS World News Australia on the 19th of July 2006.
    Audio of the interview can be found here

    [4] San Francisco Chronical (2006) "Israel set war plan more than a year ago Strategy was put in motion as Hezbollah began gaining military strength in Lebanon"
    http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/articl...NG2QK396D1.DTL and

    World News Network (2006) "Engineered war"

    [5] Map can be viewed at

    [a] Telegraph UK (2006) "The children went to sleep believing they were safe. And then Israel targeted them as terrorists"

    [b] International Herald Tribune (2006) "Night of death and terror"

    [c] Reuters (2006) "Israeli bombardment kills 40 civilians in Lebanon"

    [7] Time Magazine (2006) "The Risks of Israel's Two-Front War"

    [8] Telegraph UK (2006) "You're all targets, Israel tells Lebanese in South"

    [9] Dateline SBS Australia; transcript of interview with Yona Yahav.

    [a] Youtube.com Upload "Hezbollah using civilians as shields"

    [b] Reuters (2006) "In Israel's sights, Lebanon truckers face death"

    [c] Washington Post (2006) "Deadliest Day Yet in Assault on Lebanon"

    [d] Youtube.com Upload "Israel bombs Katyusha rocket launcher"

    [e] Independent UK (2006) "Israeli missiles had clearly pierced the very centre of the red cross on the roof of each ambulance"

    A color picture of the Red Cross ambulance can be seen here:
    Sydney Morning Herald (2006) "Lebanon's pain seen in a mother's heartbreak"

    [f] Prothero, Mitch (2006) "The "hiding among civilians" myth"
    http://www.salon.com/news/feature/2006/07/28/hezbollah/ and

    Jonathan Cook (2006) "Israel, not Hizbullah, is putting civilians in danger on both sides of the border"

    [g] Sunday Herald Sun (2006) "Photos that damn Hezbollah"

    [11] Washington Post (2006) "Hezbollah Fighters Kill 9 Israeli Soldiers"

    [12] New York Times (2006) "Pummeling the Heart of Hezbollah"

    [13] Institute of Public Affairs (2003) "International Briefs: Argentina"

    [14] PBS Frontline (2001) "Terrorist Attacks on Americans, 1979-1988: The attacks, the groups, and the U.S. response"

    [15] Central Intelligence Agency (2006) "Terrorism FAQs: How do you define terrorism?"

    [16] PBS Frontline (2001) Interview with Jim Hougan.

    [17] White House (2005) "President and King Abdullah of Jordan Discuss Middle East Peace, Trade"

    [a] Reuters (2006) "EU-No intent yet to add Hizbollah to Terror List"

    [b] Guardian UK (2006) "Hezbollah not on Russia's Terrorist List"

    We find men such as Kofi Annan and Noam Chomsky sidelining the psychological stereotype attempted to be placed on the group, and having meetings with Hezbollah Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah.
    Picture of Hassan Nasrallah and Noam Chomsky in 2006

    Picture of Hassan Nasrallah and Kofi Annan in 2000

    [19] Dateline SBS Australia; transcript of Hezbollah Backgrounder

    [20] Daily Star Lebanon (2006) "Lebanese authorities arrest 13 Al-Qaeda suspects"

    [21] Daily Star Lebanon (2006) "Judiciary starts work on case of Mossad-linked terror group"

    [22] Nouvel Obs (2006) "Saad Hariri dénonce le "massacre" commis au Liban"

    [23] CBC News Canada "Lebanese president gives full backing to Hezbollah"

    [24] Washington Report on Middle East Affairs (2006) "U.S. Financial Aid To Israel: Figures, Facts, and Impact"

    [25] Harvard University Working Paper Number:RWP06-011 (2006) "The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy"

    [26] The Economist (2006) "To Israel with love: Why America gives Israel its unconditional support"

    [27] The main reason for its occupation of Lebanon's Shebaa farms is for the fresh water coming from Lebanon's mountains.
    This research paper discusses further the Litani River

    This paper discusses the large amounts of water flowing into Northern Palestine through Lebanon's Wazzani River and its importance at supplying Israelis with 15% of its fresh water and obtains about 5.3 billion cubic feet of water per year, including Lebanon's Hasbani River.

    Under International Law, Lebanon is allowed to pump 50% of the rivers resources, however "Prime Minister Ariel Sharon warned Lebanon on Tuesday not to divert water from the springs, telling Army Radio that he sees the attempt to do so as "a pretext for war.""

    [28] Use of Phosphorus Artillery
    South Carolina The State "Civilians bear fear, injuries, death, grief"
    http://www.thestate.com/mld/thestate...n/15114818.htm and

    Use of Cluster Artillery
    BBC UK "Israel urged to shun cluster bomb"

    Hope you all enjoyed, may Allah bless the Hezbollah and their struggle,

    Answering the Israeli Debate

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    Re: Answering the Israeli Debate

    Hope you all enjoyed, may Allah bless the Hezbollah and their struggle,

    Sorry to say, but AGAIN, I'll say it:

    The only way to peace is for Hezbollah and Hamas to completely disarm.

    I'm not suggesting for the total eradication of the guerilla groups, but Israel has a stronger foothold in the region, and its likely to stay that way.

    Hezbollah and Hamas can be infiltrated and destroyed, and their destruction will be a new sign of peace in Gaza and Southern Lebanon.
    Answering the Israeli Debate

    "This world is a blank price tag, and whatever value you put on it, is what its worth to you. I have made this world priceless and worthless, so therefore I have placed my value in the afterlife."

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    Kidman's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Answering the Israeli Debate

    format_quote Originally Posted by Dahir View Post
    Sorry to say, but AGAIN, I'll say it:

    The only way to peace is for Hezbollah and Hamas to completely disarm.

    I'm not suggesting for the total eradication of the guerilla groups, but Israel has a stronger foothold in the region, and its likely to stay that way.

    Hezbollah and Hamas can be infiltrated and destroyed, and their destruction will be a new sign of peace in Gaza and Southern Lebanon.
    Bull... if Hezbollah disarms, Israel will go and just take more, that's all that they are about, taking more. Why can't you see that, these Zions are evil. All they want to do is destroy Islam and destroy the middle east and take it for themselves. I can't believe you are supporting the zion terrorists and thinking that will help build peace.

    watch the movie, "peace, propaganda, and the promised land" to see what they have done to the palestinians!


    Last edited by Kidman; 08-08-2006 at 03:08 PM.
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    Re: Answering the Israeli Debate

    I hope everyone read this that has doubt about what Hezbollah did and why.

    Answering the Israeli Debate

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    מדינת ישׂראל's Avatar
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    Re: Answering the Israeli Debate

    UN Resolution 1559.

    Go read it.
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    Kidman's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Answering the Israeli Debate

    format_quote Originally Posted by מדינת ישׂראל View Post
    UN Resolution 1559.

    Go read it.
    MOHAMAD ISSA, Secretary-General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Emigrants of Lebanon, said that there were no militias in Lebanon. There was only the national Lebanese resistance, which appeared after the Israeli occupation and which would remain so long as Israel remained. The resistance force existed alongside the Lebanese national forces. Lebanon determined the presence and size of the force, depending on the country’s need. The authority of Lebanon extended to all parts of Lebanon except those areas occupied by Israel.

    He said that submitting the draft resolution confused two matters. The first was the distinguished relations linking Lebanon and Syria, which achieved their joint interests, particularly the interests of Lebanon. Friendly Syria had helped Lebanon to maintain stability and security within its borders. It had warded off radicalism and violence, fed by the violence exercised by Israel against the Palestinians. Secondly, the matter was purely internal, and related to the presidential elections to be held in Lebanon. Syrian troops came to Lebanon in accordance with legitimate requests. Their presence was guarded by an agreement concluded by two sovereign States. Those troops had been redeployed several times. They contributed to rebuffing the radical reactions emanating from repulsive Israeli actions.

    Hence, saying that Syria supported radical movements in Lebanon was not true. To the contrary, Syria supported the Lebanese national resistance, which desired to liberate the territories occupied by Israel. The draft resolution was talking about supporting free and just elections in Lebanon. He did not believe that that internal matter had ever been discussed in the Council relating to any MemberState. It was an internal matter, he stressed. The United Nations had not interfered in that matter with regard to any other State. There was no justification for the draft resolution, which constituted an interference in the internal affairs of a MemberState.

    In addition, it discussed bilateral relations between two friendly nations, neither of which had filed any complaint concerning those relations. He called for the withdrawal of the draft resolution.

    WANG GUANGYA (China) said that respect for the principles of sovereignty, independence, territorial integrity and non-interference in internal affairs constituted a centrepiece of China’s foreign policy and were principles of the United Nations. In adherence to those principles, he supported the safeguarding of the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of Lebanon. The draft resolution touched on the question of the presidential elections in Lebanon. Such questions fell within the internal affairs of Lebanon and should be decided by the Lebanese people themselves. China had abstained in the vote on the draft.

    ABDALLAH BAALI (Algeria) said that his country was staunchly committed to the sovereignty, unity and independence of Lebanon, as well as to respect for non-interference in its internal affairs, and had decided to abstain on the draft resolution for the following reasons. First, the situation in Lebanon did not appear to constitute a threat to international peace and security. Therefore, it was not of a nature to prompt an examination by and decision of the Council.

    Secondly, it was Israel, by its policies of occupation and aggression, and its repression of the Palestinians, which constituted an undeniable threat to international peace and security, he said. That should have required an urgent consideration and effective measures on the part of the Security Council. He had hoped to see the Council display towards Israel the same firmness shown today towards Lebanon, by demanding Israel’s withdrawal from Arab lands.

    Thirdly, the Council must not interfere in the internal affairs of States or in bilateral affairs between States. The Council’s consideration of an internal matter for Lebanon constituted a harmful precedent which must not be repeated, unless the Council was to be led into serious excesses, running counter to the United Nations Charter. Only a just, lasting and comprehensive settlement could bring about a definitive peace in the Middle East.

    LAURO L. BAJA, JR. (Philippines) said he had abstained because the resolution could not be justified as part of the role given to the Council in the collective security system under the Charter. There was a fine but clear boundary that marked the Council’s role, as embodied in Article 39. Resolution 1559 had crossed that line and had collided “head on” with the principle of non-interference.

    He said he had understood the promotion of Lebanon’s enhanced territorial sovereignty and integrity, but no matter how noble its motives, the resolution placed the Council in a situation of acting in a manner which it sought to avoid in the first place, namely, not to interfere in the internal affairs of a country. The amendments tabled by Russia would have moved the resolution out of a distinct Lebanese internal affairs context. As a founding member of the Organization, he had felt a special duty to defend the Charter and its principles.
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    Re: Answering the Israeli Debate

    format_quote Originally Posted by מדינת ישׂראל View Post
    UN Resolution 1559.

    Go read it.

    UN resolutions against Israel from 1955-1991 http://www.action-for-un-renewal.org...esolutions.htm

    Go read it.
    Answering the Israeli Debate

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    Re: Answering the Israeli Debate

    format_quote Originally Posted by scentsofjannah View Post
    UN resolutions against Israel from 1955-1991 http://www.action-for-un-renewal.org...esolutions.htm

    Go read it.
    LOL... exactly
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    Re: Answering the Israeli Debate

    format_quote Originally Posted by Dahir View Post
    Sorry to say, but AGAIN, I'll say it:

    The only way to peace is for Hezbollah and Hamas to completely disarm.

    I'm not suggesting for the total eradication of the guerilla groups, but Israel has a stronger foothold in the region, and its likely to stay that way.

    Hezbollah and Hamas can be infiltrated and destroyed, and their destruction will be a new sign of peace in Gaza and Southern Lebanon.


    as always the hyrpcrites would say,ask the freedom fighters to put their arms down.

    When ressitance is not there then the lebanese will be like the palestinains...

    Powerless and weak theya re dependant on power that are benificient to Israel...and not for muslim..

    the only reason the jews left lebanon then was not because of kindness but becasue they are losing the war.

    and so the Isrealis are doing the same thing they are doing in Paelsitne,torture the people so much that they betray those who fight for their freedom.

    And when these snithcers have given the position of the freedom fighter,all are murdered and there is no more protection for them.And till now the Palestinian are suffering under the Isrealis.

    all thank to the hyprocrites and the back biters.

    All those who seek peace by betraying their fellow.

    May Allah punish them ..
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    Re: Answering the Israeli Debate

    C E A S E F I R E.
    Answering the Israeli Debate

    Book on sharia law Updated!
    Someone said to the Prophet, "Pray to God against the idolaters and curse them." The Prophet replied, "I have been sent to show mercy and have not been sent to curse." (Muslim)
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    Re: Answering the Israeli Debate

    format_quote Originally Posted by aamirsaab View Post

    C E A S E F I R E.
    That would require people to stop shooting at each other....you're such an idealist. Seriously though, that is the only logical and moral thing to do in this situation, but neither side seems willing to take that step.
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    Re: Answering the Israeli Debate

    format_quote Originally Posted by Keltoi View Post
    That would require people to stop shooting at each other....you're such an idealist.
    I prefer the term, freak. But I can live with idealist too.
    Seriously though, that is the only logical and moral thing to do in this situation, but neither side seems willing to take that step.
    Well, atleast someone agrees (including snakelegs, sirzubair etc) with me. Pity I can't say the same thing about Hizbullah and Israel
    Answering the Israeli Debate

    Book on sharia law Updated!
    Someone said to the Prophet, "Pray to God against the idolaters and curse them." The Prophet replied, "I have been sent to show mercy and have not been sent to curse." (Muslim)
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    Re: Answering the Israeli Debate

    format_quote Originally Posted by Keltoi View Post
    but neither side seems willing to take that step.
    Actually, Nasrallah called for it many times through indirect negociations to have a ceasefire... then he said to at least make an agreement to keep the attack to militia only.

    "We are ready to keep the whole thing restricted to a military fight with the Israeli Army," Nasrallah said, "on the ground, fighters to fighters."

    Nasrallah said the only solution to the crisis "is through a direct cease-fire, an Israeli withdrawal from Lebanese territories and ... a political remedy."


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    Re: Answering the Israeli Debate

    format_quote Originally Posted by Zulkiflim View Post

    as always the hyrpcrites would say,ask the freedom fighters to put their arms down.

    When ressitance is not there then the lebanese will be like the palestinains...

    Powerless and weak theya re dependant on power that are benificient to Israel...and not for muslim..

    the only reason the jews left lebanon then was not because of kindness but becasue they are losing the war.

    and so the Isrealis are doing the same thing they are doing in Paelsitne,torture the people so much that they betray those who fight for their freedom.

    And when these snithcers have given the position of the freedom fighter,all are murdered and there is no more protection for them.And till now the Palestinian are suffering under the Isrealis.

    all thank to the hyprocrites and the back biters.

    All those who seek peace by betraying their fellow.

    May Allah punish them ..
    May Allah punish you.... for your bad mouth!!!
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    Assalamualaykum... I am back!!
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    Re: Answering the Israeli Debate

    format_quote Originally Posted by Zulkiflim View Post

    The hyprocrits and even Lara supposedly form Lebanon,prefer if Hezbollah never exist.

    These hypocrites and snithers DO NOT WANT TO FIGHT but to live well,but they forget their lives are worth less to anyone who know they are TRAITORS.
    why are you casting doubt that lara is in lebanon - because she isn't saying what you want to hear?
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    Re: Answering the Israeli Debate

    format_quote Originally Posted by snakelegs View Post
    why are you casting doubt that lara is in lebanon - because she isn't saying what you want to hear?
    Maybe he should go and live there ... rather than insulting people here...
    Answering the Israeli Debate

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