I want to know why people keep on putting things up like this. if its to encourage fighting for the cause of islam, by showing us the barbarianism of the George bush, no probs. if its to to get people upset, then why do it.
I want to know why people keep on putting things up like this. if its to encourage fighting for the cause of islam, by showing us the barbarianism of the George bush, no probs. if its to to get people upset, then why do it.
no directing it at anyone inparticular
It has nothing to do with Islam, but humanity. Those victims of war are humans first.
Its upto ur reasoning capability how u take the things. Ofcourse images like this upset us. But it may be helpful in finding a way out, for potential victims, which works.
U can fight might only with non-violence, violence will only bring more misiries.
I looked at the slide show as being a statement of the foolishness and futility of warfare in today's world. The only winners are the morticians and the arms manufacturers. Each death pitured in that slide show was a needless death that served no purpose.
I aint seen the slide thing, im assuming it has wounded people and so on, if so please put a 'warning' thingy on it.
It does not show any bloody messy scenes, mostly a listing of the names of Iraqis and Americans killed. It is a plea by the wagepeaceorganisation for us to sign the petiton to congress to stop alloting money for war.
Last edited by Woodrow; 10-31-2006 at 02:04 PM.
Reason: Corrected spelling error pointed out by IsaAbdullah
the soldiers who died chose to join up, they had that choise. those they fight choose to fight even if it is against terrible odds.
it saddens me that such scenes mean that people have died in a state of kuffar, having wasted their lives but it help me that each one of those pairs of boots means the muslims are one step closer to victory in iraq and afghanistan.
may Allah hasten their victory and therefore end such scenes.
the soldiers who died chose to join up, they had that choise. those they fight choose to fight even if it is against terrible odds.
it saddens me that such scenes mean that people have died in a state of kuffar, having wasted their lives but it help me that each one of those pairs of boots means the muslims are one step closer to victory in iraq and afghanistan.
may Allah hasten their victory and therefore end such scenes.
assalaamu alaykum,
Abu Abdullah
How can you say "the Muslims" are on their way to "victory" in Iraq when Muslims are killing many thousands more Muslims than Americans or Brits. Stop holding on to this fantasy that the "resistance" in Iraq is made up of one united "Muslim" front against anything. It is a terrible mixture of criminals, terrorists, Ba'athists, and sectarian death squads. The only people winning in Iraq are the people who manage to stay alive.
How can you say "the Muslims" are on their way to "victory" in Iraq when Muslims are killing many thousands more Muslims than Americans or Brits. Stop holding on to this fantasy that the "resistance" in Iraq is made up of one united "Muslim" front against anything. It is a terrible mixture of criminals, terrorists, Ba'athists, and sectarian death squads. The only people winning in Iraq are the people who manage to stay alive.
Where did he say that there is only one "united Muslim front" ?
Where did he say that there is only one "united Muslim front" ?
Please stay on topic.
Perhaps because he stated "the Muslims are on their way to victory in Iraq and Afghanistan"...that seems to point to some united cause in Iraq and Afghanistan, and my comment was hardly off topic. Or is it that it doesn't matter that the "Muslims" are killing each other if it means the Americans and Brits ring their hands at the whole ordeal?
Victory can be gained by defeating the enemy, whether the enemy is X or Y. No matter how much people you're fighting, if you're winning one of them - then that is also classed as "getting closer to victory."
Anyway, this topics supposed to be focused on peace so no more offtopics insha'Allah.
Each empty pair of Boots or Sandals at one time held a living breathing person. A person such as your self. Somebody with a sense of right and wrong and desired to fight for peace and end aggression.
Until we all come to the realization that most of the people who die in wars are not evil, they are standing up for what they believe will bring peace. Sadly, it is the words, of those who prosper from war, that cause each of us to view the other as evil.
We is all nobody worth nothing without certain belief:
we can not exist if we doubt that it will stop
How else to we breath but by faith in Allah that the atrocity of war will stop.
Within the Realm of King Solomon
Who could have known I was home grown
An accuser's false allegation
Did warrant only my Nation in apology for inconveniences
its shaytan leeches
who accuse
my unconscious sleep
of accusing you too cheep
I will be selling for five times three
War won't stop until human beings are extinct. You'd think with all our history of bloodshed we'd have got over it by now. Alas, we're really bloody stupid.
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