The vast majority of the patients attending the Rostovsk cancer centre are residents of the Chechen Republic. According to a worker from the Republic's Ministry of Health today practically every third patient undergoing treatment in this centre is an inhabitant of Chechnya.

Last year alone, more than 1200 inhabitants from the republic underwent treatment at the Rostovsk cancer centre. And in the first 10 months of this year 1263 patients have already visited the centre.

Chechen doctors have noted, that the number of cancer sufferers in the Republic is rising at a catastrophic rate. Furthermore conditions in Chechnya do not allow for the early detection and subsequent treatment of the disease. Therefore, people who doctors have diagnosed with signs of cancer are usually sent to the Rostov Cancer Centre. A proportion of the patients (those who are allowed the resources) go for treatment in Moscow and other Russian cities.

According to those in the medical profession the increase in the number of people suffering from various types of cancer is directly linked to the military action in the Republic A worker in the Health Ministry confirmed that for every one thousand patients in Chechnya 217 have cancer. This is much higher than in other North Caucasian republics or other regions of Russia.

Oh no this is terrible everyone is being murdered and the ones who aren't killed have some sickness and cancer isn't the only sickness there are so many sicknesses there and many sicknesses that doctors have never seen before. Allah please have this war stop. Our nation is being wiped out.