NASA Gunman Kills Himself And Hostage

Updated: 23:48, Friday April 20, 2007
A gunman who barricaded himself into NASA's Johnson Space Centre in Houston has killed himself and a male hostage, local police have confirmed.

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A female hostage was found unharmed, though tape had been stuck on her.

Police had been called to Building 44 at the Texas complex, which houses communications and a tracking development laboratory, and employees had been evacuated.

Police said that an employee had seen the gunman, describing him as a white male aged between 50 and 60.

Initial reports said that two shots had been fired.

The gunman barricaded himself into a room and police were trying to establish communication with him when they heard another shot.

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Police said that the final shot was the gunman killing himself.

It has been claimed that the gunman was a NASA contract worker, meaning he would have had security clearance.

The Texas complex is the home of Mission Control and the training centre for NASA's astronaut corps.

The news comes just a few days after 32 students were killed by Cho Seung-Hui at Virginia Tech.,00.html