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Hamas Full Control Of Gaza!

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    Hamas Full Control Of Gaza! (OP)

    Hamas takes full control of Gaza
    An uneasy calm has returned to the Gaza Strip where Hamas is in full control following a series of attacks on key strongholds of its rival, Fatah.
    On its first day of rule, Hamas said it had released several top Fatah military commanders under a prisoner "amnesty".

    At least 100 people have died during a week of factional fighting.

    Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas has dissolved the Hamas-led unity government and is expected to name a caretaker administration within hours.

    However, Prime Minister Ismail Haniya, of Hamas, said his government would ignore Mr Abbas's "hasty decision" and would press on and impose decisive law and order.

    Relative calm

    On Friday, vehicles returned to the roads and shops were open in Gaza. Few armed men were visible on the streets and there were reports of only sporadic gunfire.

    The relative calm followed scenes of violence on Thursday as Hamas fighters seized remaining Fatah positions including the headquarters of Fatah's Preventative Security force and the presidential compound in Gaza City.

    Hamas said it had captured several top Fatah military leaders, including the commanders of the National Security force and of the Presidential Guard.

    However, the Islamist group later said it would release them unharmed as part of an "amnesty".

    Meanwhile, Egyptian police said that about 100 senior Fatah officials had fled from Gaza into Egypt overnight aboard a fishing boat.

    The Palestinian officials are thought to belong to Fatah's Preventive Security forces. They were transferred to police camps in Egypt where the wounded received treatment.

    About 200 other Fatah security workers have already sought refuge in Egypt, officials said.

    Hamas said it planned to take control of the Gaza-Egypt border crossing, which was patrolled by Fatah's Presidential Guard until the outbreak of violence on Saturday.

    Rule by decree

    President Abbas dismissed the three-month-old unity government on Thursday and declared a state of emergency.

    He is expected to name an interim administration on Friday. He has said he will rule by presidential decree until the conditions are right for early elections.

    Under the Palestinian Basic Law, essentially the Palestinian constitution, the president can rule by decree for 30 days. This can be extended with the approval of the parliament.

    The BBC's Matthew Price in Jerusalem says this may be an irrelevance, as Mr Abbas appears to no longer have any influence in Gaza.

    Our correspondent says the West Bank and Gaza Strip will now effectively be split from one another - Gaza run by Hamas and the West Bank by Fatah.

    There are also fears that violence will spread to the West Bank, where Fatah is dominant. The al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, affiliated to Fatah, has called for "martial law".

    Hamas won a surprise victory in Palestinian elections in early 2006 but has since been engaged in an intermittently violent power struggle with Fatah.

    Hamas, an Islamic organisation, rose to prominence in Gaza during two Palestinian uprisings and refuses to recognise or negotiate with Israel.

    Fatah, a secular political grouping headed by Mr Abbas, ran the Palestinian Authority until 2006 and officially recognises Israel.

    Story from BBC NEWS:

    Published: 2007/06/15 11:01:56 GMT


    Finally something new, its actually no war in Gaza right now!

    I do not understand why they fight eachother. I would be lying if I said it makes me sad, but still.
    All are arabs, all are palestinians, all are muslims et c.
    And they are occupied by Israel.

    Why do they still fight eachother?

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    Re: Hamas Full Control Of Gaza!

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    format_quote Originally Posted by Keltoi View Post
    It's pretty sad how many Muslims give lip service to improving the lives of Palestinians, but call those who are attempting to find a peaceful solution to the conflict as "traitors"...

    It's also pretty sad how many non-Muslims give lip service & shed crocodile tears to improving the lives of Palestinians, but call those who are attempting to find acceptable term of subjugation," as peacemakers."

    Your alleged peacemakers that you shed crocidile tears for, were classified as terrorists by us, not too long ago.

    Your alleged peacemakers weren't accepted by the Israeli's and our administration, when they assumed power, but considered Abbas as the lesser of 2 evils (being that Arafat was the bigger evil).

    It's all about our constantly shifting labeling and hypocrisy...
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    Re: Hamas Full Control Of Gaza!

    While I get no pleasure from anyone dying, the fact is that it makes no difference whether it's Hamas or Fatah. Both have no intention of living peacefully with a permanent Jewish State as their neighbor…whatever their assorted whitewashers say. Abbas himself ran on a platform for Israel's destruction. He and his folks are simply willing to sing the right tune to Western ears to gain support so the international squeeze can be put on the Jews. To its credit, Hamas is more honest about its murderous intent.

    Dozens have been killed and wounded as Gaza implodes. If Israel was doing this, imagine the international outcry.

    Arabs can now forget about the Jews handing over the West Bank as they did with Gaza.

    Gaza was a test, and the Arabs flunked it with flying colors.

    Keep in mind that America has been pressing the Jews to arm or allow arms to reach the sweet-talking Arafatians. Latest reports state that Hamas has confiscated much of these arms and equipment already delivered from Fatah (which has also used them themselves against Jews).

    The fight Abbas & Co. have with Hamas is basically over who gets control of the money which is and will be pouring in. Arafat made zillions this way. And it is about, of course, which group will be calling the shots--really and figuratively speaking.

    Let the Arabs fight it out. They had their chance at state building and blew it big time. They chose what the late professor, Richard Cottam (Nationalism In Iran), George Orwell (Notes On Nationalism ), and others have called negative nationalism over the more tedious responsibilities of positive nationalism.

    Israel got nothing in return for its unilateral withdrawal from Gaza--land used repeatedly to launch warfare and terror against it--except what most of us expected…more terror, but this time launched closer to home. As even the alleged "moderate" Arafatians repeatedly said, any dealings with the Jews would just serve as a Trojan Horse, bringing them one step closer each time in their post-'67 destruction in stages plans for the Jews.

    Poll after poll has shown that if Israel withdrew from every inch of disputed territory, most Arabs would still refuse its right to exist.
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    Re: Hamas Full Control Of Gaza!

    European Union has just stopped every helping programs for Gaza and Israel closed Gaza's borders.
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    Re: Hamas Full Control Of Gaza!

    I think that devoted muslims should be very unhappy that Hamas win in Gaza. Why ? Because muslims here say that terrorism and attacking innocent is against islam and Quaran. So Hamas is un islamic movement, that acts against Quaran and islamic teaching.
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    Re: Hamas Full Control Of Gaza!

    /Peace To All

    'Multinational Force Must Fight Hamas'

    Jun. 15, 2007 14:24
    Updated Jun. 15, 2007 15:49
    Jerusalem Post

    A proposed multinational force deployed along the Gaza Strip's border with Egypt must be willing to fight Hamas to stop weapons smuggling in the area, Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni said Friday.

    Livni said Israel was not interested in any proposal involving a monitoring force for the Philadelphi corridor where, she said, Hamas used tunnels to bring in weapons.

    "Those who are talking in terms of international forces have to understand that the meaning is not monitoring forces but forces that are willing to fight, to confront Hamas on the ground," Livni said.

    "The question is the effectiveness of these (multinational) forces. We don't need monitors to come in to tell us about the (smuggling), we need someone to stop it," she told a news conference during an official visit to Portugal.
    Livni rejected the possibility of deploying an international force inside the Gaza Strip.

    "I don't think that this is relevant ... when the situation is that Hamas controls everything," she said.

    UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon discussed the possible deployment of a multinational force in Gaza with the Security Council on Wednesday.

    Prime Minister Ehud Olmert on Tuesday proposed stationing international forces along the Gaza Strip's border with Egypt to prevent arms from reaching Palestinian terrorists.

    Livni said the Gaza Strip fighting was "an internal problem" for Palestinians.

    "Let's wait and see what the Palestinians do," she said. "We are waiting. We are watching the situation very closely."

    She urged the international community to join Israel in strengthening the strategy of isolating extremist movements, such as Hamas, and encouraging moderates, including Fatah.

    On Thursday, US officials expressed doubt that the international community would be willing to risk its troops in the region.

    US State Department spokesman Sean McCormack said that although the US would consider any such proposal, it was unlikely that any country would be ready to volunteer forces.

    "We'll, of course, take a look at whatever the Secretary General has to propose. And I have to confess I haven't seen any details of such a proposal. But I would, just as an initial reaction, put out for you that I think it would be difficult to find forces that would be ready and effective in going into such a clearly non-permissive environment," said McCormack.

    Related Material:

    JPost columnists on the future of the PA
    The fall of Gaza (June 15 editorial)
    Palestinian Affairs: Fatah's death blow
    Hamas victory could be opportunity for Israel
    Egypt's difficult task in Gaza
    Disconnect from Gaza or talk to Hamas?


    My Comment:

    1. Of course Israel wants the "multinational force" to fight it's war on its behalf.

    God only knows that Israel had no success before in stopping the weapons smuggling when it had boots on the ground in Gaza, or defeating nor eradicating Hamas.

    2. Israel's bitter deafeat at the hands of Hizbullah, still resonates loud-and-clear, in its collective psyche.

    3. Livni, stated that the war in Gaza was an "internal problem."

    So, the alleged multinational force would serve better if it was stationed inside Gaza inorder to aid Hamas in keeping the peace, and stopping future clashes between Hamas and the remnants of Fatah.

    Furthermore, basing the "multinational force," along the Egyptian/Gazan border doesn't make sense. Hamas already has sufficient weapons; they can be smuggled in via other routes; and they can develop some types internally.

    4. It would seem that Israel's sinister intention is to:

    a) Collectively punish and starve the ENTIRE Gazan population.

    b) To plug the Egyptian/Gazan hole, inorder for Israel to initiate another act of aggression by invading Gaza and attempting to crush Hamas, once and for all.

    That way Hamas will have an extremely difficult time in re-supplying itself with much needed weapons to protect the Palestinians of Gaza.

    Israel, already controls the Gazan/Israeli border, Gaza's airspace, and it's coast; only the Egyptian side isn't directly under Israeli .

    If it can have an Occupation Force assume control of that area, the envelopment of Gaza would be complete, and mass starvation would ensue.

    5. This dark plan also shows that Israel doesn't trust its peace partner and ally, Egypt.

    6. It also shows how much of an ingrate Israel truly is. After all the help it received from Egypt in stopping many smuggling attempts, and the economic embargo that was instituted on the PA, ever since Hamas was legally & democratically elected by the majority of the Palestinian people.

    7. By stationing this "multinational force," along the Egyptian/Gazan border, Israel would be killing 2 birds with one stone:

    a) the complete envelopment and total Israeli control of Gaza (this proves that Israel never truly withdrew from Gaza, since it still controls the Gazan/Israeli border, Gaza's airspace and coast)

    b) This alleged "multinational force," would be another buffer, defensive line and early warning, of any future Egyptian armed attack on Israel.

    This is Just another example of Israel's dirty tactics.
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    Re: Hamas Full Control Of Gaza!

    format_quote Originally Posted by wilberhum View Post
    Right! Thanks for verifying my thoughts. Now explain why we should help those that concider us the "True Enemy".
    And you want to kill us. Quite lovely.

    If that is help,then i think you cna keep it.

    And dont worry we will help you too soon enough.

    Inshallah,but exceed not in trangression"
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    Re: Hamas Full Control Of Gaza!

    format_quote Originally Posted by Aaron85 View Post
    I think that devoted muslims should be very unhappy that Hamas win in Gaza. Why ? Because muslims here say that terrorism and attacking innocent is against islam and Quaran. So Hamas is un islamic movement, that acts against Quaran and islamic teaching.

    Me for one are happy that Hamas won,and the Hamas fought as they fight you.

    fatah is supported by the western world ,corruption and sadistic,
    that the reason why the Palestinian voted for Hamas,they want to end the occupation and the PLO corruption.
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    Re: Hamas Full Control Of Gaza!

    format_quote Originally Posted by Zman View Post
    /Peace To All

    My Comment:

    1. Of course Israel wants the "multinational force" to fight it's war on its behalf.

    God only knows that Israel had no success before in stopping the weapons smuggling when it had boots on the ground in Gaza, or defeating nor eradicating Hamas.

    2. Israel's bitter deafeat at the hands of Hizbullah, still resonates loud-and-clear, in its collective psyche.

    3. Livni, stated that the war in Gaza was an "internal problem."

    So, the alleged multinational force would serve better if it was stationed inside Gaza inorder to aid Hamas in keeping the peace, and stopping future clashes between Hamas and the remnants of Fatah.

    Furthermore, basing the "multinational force," along the Egyptian/Gazan border doesn't make sense. Hamas already has sufficient weapons; they can be smuggled in via other routes; and they can develop some types internally.

    4. It would seem that Israel's sinister intention is to:

    a) Collectively punish and starve the ENTIRE Gazan population.

    b) To plug the Egyptian/Gazan hole, inorder for Israel to initiate another act of aggression by invading Gaza and attempting to crush Hamas, once and for all.

    That way Hamas will have an extremely difficult time in re-supplying itself with much needed weapons to protect the Palestinians of Gaza.

    Israel, already controls the Gazan/Israeli border, Gaza's airspace, and it's coast; only the Egyptian side isn't directly under Israeli .

    If it can have an Occupation Force assume control of that area, the envelopment of Gaza would be complete, and mass starvation would ensue.

    5. This dark plan also shows that Israel doesn't trust its peace partner and ally, Egypt.

    6. It also shows how much of an ingrate Israel truly is. After all the help it received from Egypt in stopping many smuggling attempts, and the economic embargo that was instituted on the PA, ever since Hamas was legally & democratically elected by the majority of the Palestinian people.

    7. By stationing this "multinational force," along the Egyptian/Gazan border, Israel would be killing 2 birds with one stone:

    a) the complete envelopment and total Israeli control of Gaza (this proves that Israel never truly withdrew from Gaza, since it still controls the Gazan/Israeli border, Gaza's airspace and coast)

    b) This alleged "multinational force," would be another buffer, defensive line and early warning, of any future Egyptian armed attack on Israel.

    This is Just another example of Israel's dirty tactics.

    And Islmaic Egypt will help,,,,pretty sad,they will kill theose of their own faith..

    As i said,the west like to play divide and conquer....but if the mouse takes the bite,,both are in error.
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    Re: Hamas Full Control Of Gaza!

    format_quote Originally Posted by Zulkiflim View Post
    that the reason why the Palestinian voted for Hamas,they want to end the occupation and the PLO corruption.
    Actually a third of Palestinians voted for Hamas (44.45% of a turnout of 75%) - the rest voted for somebody else, or didn't vote at all.
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    Re: Hamas Full Control Of Gaza!

    america is only interested in supporting anyone for its selfish reasons. y on earth are they supporting fatah against hamas, its because they want to use fatah as a tool to fight hamas. when they feel fatah is no longer relevant to their course, theyll label them a terrorist organization and look for another tool to destroy them. its all a game played by the americans.

    let the palestinians choose their own goverment
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    Re: Hamas Full Control Of Gaza!

    format_quote Originally Posted by nevesirth View Post
    america is only interested in supporting anyone for its selfish reasons. y on earth are they supporting fatah against hamas, its because they want to use fatah as a tool to fight hamas. when they feel fatah is no longer relevant to their course, theyll label them a terrorist organization and look for another tool to destroy them. its all a game played by the americans.

    let the palestinians choose their own goverment
    Or maybe we see Fatah as the best chance for peace. I sure do. With Fatah I think there is about a 1% chance, with Hamas, it is zero.
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    Re: Hamas Full Control Of Gaza!

    format_quote Originally Posted by wilberhum View Post
    Or maybe we see Fatah as the best chance for peace. I sure do. With Fatah I think there is about a 1% chance, with Hamas, it is zero.
    la, i dnt think america is supporting fatah with the aim of making peace. they see a group within fatah as corrupt and gullible, so they can lure them into aiding in the destruction of other palestines. theyll get rid of fatah when they no longer require fatahs services. same thing they did with the MUJAHADEEN in the early eighties or so. they supported them i think against the soviet union, but now they label the MUJAHADDEN a terrorist organization. i think they want to save the lives of americans and israelis by using palestines to fight palestines. reduce the casualty on the side of america and israel.!!!!!!!!!!!!
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    Re: Hamas Full Control Of Gaza!

    /Peace To All

    Fatah's Final Death Blow

    Jun. 14, 2007 19:14
    Updated Jun. 15, 2007 19:12
    Jerusalem Post

    Why did the Gaza Strip fall so easily and quickly into the hands of Hamas? How come Fatah, which has more than 40,000 armed men there, was defeated despite the millions of dollars and the large amounts of weapons that it received over the past year and a half?

    These are only some of the questions that decision-makers in Washington and many European capitals have been asking in the wake of the "military coup" staged by Hamas in the Gaza Strip this week.

    While these decision-makers may have been caught by surprise by the Hamas victories, for many Palestinians - particularly those living in the Gaza Strip - the writing has long been on the wall.

    Fatah lost the battle for the Gaza Strip not because it had fewer soldiers and weapons, but because it lost the confidence and support of many Palestinians a long time ago.

    The decline of Fatah actually began with the day Yasser Arafat died in November 2004.
    Since then, Fatah has been dealt one blow after another.

    The biggest disaster occurred in January 2006, when Fatah was defeated by Hamas in the parliamentary elections in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

    Fatah lost the vote mainly because of its leaders' involvement in rampant corruption and abuse of power.

    Mahmoud Abbas, who succeeded Arafat in January 2005, had run on a platform that promised Palestinians an end to corruption, mismanagement and nepotism.

    That's why more than 60 percent of the Palestinians then gave him a mandate.

    But after Abbas came to power, he did almost nothing to fulfill his pledges.

    Instead of fighting corruption, he surrounded himself with symbols of corruption and former Arafat cronies.

    Instead of ending the anarchy and lawlessness, he promoted notorious warlords, and for the first time, the number of Palestinians killed in internal fighting under Abbas was higher than those killed by Israel.

    And instead of dismantling gangs and militias, whose members had long been terrorizing the Palestinian public, Abbas rewarded many of them by granting them "military" ranks and placing them on his payroll.

    Many voters who went to the ballot boxes in January 2006 wanted to punish Abbas and his Fatah faction for having failed to improve their living conditions on all fronts.

    That's why they voted for Hamas.

    Even some Christians are said to have cast their ballots for Hamas.

    The name of the game back then was: Let's punish these Fatah thieves and thugs who have been stealing our money and terrorizing us for so many years.
    ON THE eve of the 2006 election, Hamas knew exactly what the Palestinians wanted:

    An end to financial corruption and good governance.

    That's why Hamas ran under the banner of Change and Reform.

    That's also why Hamas put on its list of candidates doctors, university professors, engineers, pharmacists and lawyers.

    By contrast, the Fatah list did not come up with any new faces.

    Hamas won because its leaders promised the Palestinians good governance and an end to anarchy and lawlessness.

    Hamas also won because there was still a large percentage of Palestinians who believed that "Islam is the solution."

    US-backed efforts to undermine the Hamas-led government over the past 16 months have failed, largely because most Palestinians clearly do not regard Fatah as a better alternative to Hamas.

    In the aftermath of its defeat in the 2006 election, Fatah failed to draw the conclusions and get rid of all the icons of corruption among its top brass. Moreover, Fatah did not engage in any kind of internal reforms, and representatives of the young generation remained marginalized.

    Even if free and democratic elections were held tomorrow in the Palestinian territories, it is highly unlikely that Palestinians would vote for the same people they voted out in 2006.

    Besides, many Palestinians would argue that Hamas did not fail in government; from day one, no one actually gave them a chance to rule.

    BY OPENLY embracing Abbas and Fatah, Washington has caused them grave damage.

    The weapons and funds that were supposed to boost Fatah ahead of a confrontation with Hamas have only increased Hamas's popularity on the streets of the Gaza Strip.

    The public support for Fatah made Abbas and Muhammed Dahlan look, in the eyes of many Palestinians, like Antoine Lahad, the former commander of the pro-Israeli South Lebanon Army.

    And when a Palestinian sees that the Americans are trying to bring down his democratically-elected government, his sympathies go straight to the government and not to those allegedly involved in the conspiracy.

    The writing was on the wall because Hamas had already inflicted heavy casualties on Fatah in previous rounds of fighting over the past year.

    In addition, it was clear that Hamas was eventually going to take over the entire Gaza Strip, because of the anarchy and disunity among the Fatah-controlled Palestinian security forces and their commanders.

    It was obvious that Fatah was going to lose, because the masses were not going to take to the streets to defend leaders living in villas and driving luxury cars.

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    Lightbulb Re: Hamas Full Control Of Gaza!

    format_quote Originally Posted by MTAFFI View Post
    I see a lot of Muslims on here are thinking this is really great, but maybe rather than being happy about this just because a militant group took over gaza you should take a look a little closer. Now Palestine is divided, the people of Gaza are fenced in, it is very likely that the maybe million people there will have a humanitarian crisis because no one is going to bring anything through to them now, with a ruthless group like hamas coming to power there. Also lets take a look at those who are now in power, they have slaughtered over 100 muslims in the area, that is not islamic is it? What is the point of them taking control like this, what will they now achieve? They executed people in front of their families, which is getting any supporters, they looted the place blind and threw people off of roof tops... I do not think any of this is any good. Peace will be the only way for Palestine to get rid of the conflict with Israel, stop the attacks on Israel, negotiate peace and try to get along with their neighbor and they very well may be happy people, but what has transpired over these last couple days is not good and I would bet that Allah is not smiling about it either.
    peace be upon you:

    Actually, I think you are right .. we should take a look a little closer to this affair.

    I live in the Middle East .. and I know exactly what really happen and what the definitive results to it.
    I believe as the majority of moslems that you can't freight Hamas the complete responsibility .. I can't disprove that Hamas makes NOW alot of errors but at the same time they are a militant group and a calling Owner.

    We have NO problems with jews,they can share us with our Land, Homes, money and hearts .. this conflict start whene they violate our our rights, kill us, destroy our home, violate our sacred place and refuse us to pray in farthest mosque.

    do you know how many palestinian emigrants there is?

    they are 7 million .. do you imagine?
    this affair is have into it more and more hedges between us and this peace that you talking about.

    thank you for your positve remedy.
    Last edited by mariam.; 06-17-2007 at 10:10 AM.
    Hamas Full Control Of Gaza!

    O' My God I am so proud that I am your slave
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    Re: Hamas Full Control Of Gaza!

    format_quote Originally Posted by nevesirth View Post
    la, i dnt think america is supporting fatah with the aim of making peace. they see a group within fatah as corrupt and gullible, so they can lure them into aiding in the destruction of other palestines. theyll get rid of fatah when they no longer require fatahs services. same thing they did with the MUJAHADEEN in the early eighties or so. they supported them i think against the soviet union, but now they label the MUJAHADDEN a terrorist organization. i think they want to save the lives of americans and israelis by using palestines to fight palestines. reduce the casualty on the side of america and israel.!!!!!!!!!!!!
    You just can't accept the possibility that the US has any positive intentions.
    Of course if you view the entire world from one window, you limit your view.
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    Re: Hamas Full Control Of Gaza!

    format_quote Originally Posted by wilberhum View Post
    You just can't accept the possibility that the US has any positive intentions.
    Of course if you view the entire world from one window, you limit your view.
    i dnt view the entire world from one window. if the u s really has any positive intentions, they have failed to prove it. not with their use of excessive force at the slightest opportunity!!!!!!!!
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    Lightbulb Re: Hamas Full Control Of Gaza!

    format_quote Originally Posted by wilberhum View Post
    Or maybe we see Fatah as the best chance for peace. I sure do. With Fatah I think there is about a 1% chance, with Hamas, it is zero.
    With Fatah I think there is about a 0% chance for ending Occupation, with Hamas is 0.0000000001% chance.

    So I think Hamas is better
    Last edited by mariam.; 06-16-2007 at 08:05 PM.
    Hamas Full Control Of Gaza!

    O' My God I am so proud that I am your slave
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    Re: Hamas Full Control Of Gaza!

    format_quote Originally Posted by nevesirth View Post
    i dnt view the entire world from one window. if the u s really has any positive intentions, they have failed to prove it. not with their use of excessive force at the slightest opportunity!!!!!!!!
    Thanks for confirming that You just can't accept the possibility that the US has any positive intentions.
    May be I can set up with an appointment with GWB to give you the proof you need.
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    Re: Hamas Full Control Of Gaza!

    format_quote Originally Posted by mariam. View Post
    With Fatah I think there is about a 0% chance for ending Occupation, with Hamas is 0.0000000001%

    So I think Hamas is better
    Well I'm not going to argue that difference.
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    Re: Hamas Full Control Of Gaza!

    are there any palestinians on this forum? would love to hear the views of a true palestinian on this matter.

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