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Hamas Full Control Of Gaza!

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    Hamas Full Control Of Gaza! (OP)

    Hamas takes full control of Gaza
    An uneasy calm has returned to the Gaza Strip where Hamas is in full control following a series of attacks on key strongholds of its rival, Fatah.
    On its first day of rule, Hamas said it had released several top Fatah military commanders under a prisoner "amnesty".

    At least 100 people have died during a week of factional fighting.

    Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas has dissolved the Hamas-led unity government and is expected to name a caretaker administration within hours.

    However, Prime Minister Ismail Haniya, of Hamas, said his government would ignore Mr Abbas's "hasty decision" and would press on and impose decisive law and order.

    Relative calm

    On Friday, vehicles returned to the roads and shops were open in Gaza. Few armed men were visible on the streets and there were reports of only sporadic gunfire.

    The relative calm followed scenes of violence on Thursday as Hamas fighters seized remaining Fatah positions including the headquarters of Fatah's Preventative Security force and the presidential compound in Gaza City.

    Hamas said it had captured several top Fatah military leaders, including the commanders of the National Security force and of the Presidential Guard.

    However, the Islamist group later said it would release them unharmed as part of an "amnesty".

    Meanwhile, Egyptian police said that about 100 senior Fatah officials had fled from Gaza into Egypt overnight aboard a fishing boat.

    The Palestinian officials are thought to belong to Fatah's Preventive Security forces. They were transferred to police camps in Egypt where the wounded received treatment.

    About 200 other Fatah security workers have already sought refuge in Egypt, officials said.

    Hamas said it planned to take control of the Gaza-Egypt border crossing, which was patrolled by Fatah's Presidential Guard until the outbreak of violence on Saturday.

    Rule by decree

    President Abbas dismissed the three-month-old unity government on Thursday and declared a state of emergency.

    He is expected to name an interim administration on Friday. He has said he will rule by presidential decree until the conditions are right for early elections.

    Under the Palestinian Basic Law, essentially the Palestinian constitution, the president can rule by decree for 30 days. This can be extended with the approval of the parliament.

    The BBC's Matthew Price in Jerusalem says this may be an irrelevance, as Mr Abbas appears to no longer have any influence in Gaza.

    Our correspondent says the West Bank and Gaza Strip will now effectively be split from one another - Gaza run by Hamas and the West Bank by Fatah.

    There are also fears that violence will spread to the West Bank, where Fatah is dominant. The al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, affiliated to Fatah, has called for "martial law".

    Hamas won a surprise victory in Palestinian elections in early 2006 but has since been engaged in an intermittently violent power struggle with Fatah.

    Hamas, an Islamic organisation, rose to prominence in Gaza during two Palestinian uprisings and refuses to recognise or negotiate with Israel.

    Fatah, a secular political grouping headed by Mr Abbas, ran the Palestinian Authority until 2006 and officially recognises Israel.

    Story from BBC NEWS:

    Published: 2007/06/15 11:01:56 GMT


    Finally something new, its actually no war in Gaza right now!

    I do not understand why they fight eachother. I would be lying if I said it makes me sad, but still.
    All are arabs, all are palestinians, all are muslims et c.
    And they are occupied by Israel.

    Why do they still fight eachother?

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    Lightbulb Re: Hamas Full Control Of Gaza!

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    format_quote Originally Posted by wilberhum View Post
    Well I'm not going to argue that difference.
    Ok as you want .. LOL

    but I want to know your view about my past reply number 34.
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    Re: Hamas Full Control Of Gaza!

    format_quote Originally Posted by mariam. View Post
    Ok as you want .. LOL

    but I want to know your view about my past reply number 34.
    I'm with you. I always post that there are two sides. No side is all good and the other all bad.
    Some on likened choosing between Fatah & Hamas to choosing between 3 day old cod and 5 day old halibut, or some thing like that.

    It is not a choice for the greater good, it is a choice for the least bad.

    But what ever, no group is above valid criticism.
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  5. #43
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    Re: Hamas Full Control Of Gaza!

    format_quote Originally Posted by Aaron85 View Post
    I think that devoted muslims should be very unhappy that Hamas win in Gaza. Why ? Because muslims here say that terrorism and attacking innocent is against islam and Quaran. So Hamas is un islamic movement, that acts against Quaran and islamic teaching.
    assalamu alaykum
    Always ask for a definition of innocence here.
    Understand peace in the context of Islamic teachings
    When understanding who is the innocent study the Islamic contract very carefully, all the small print. Understand dar-alislam dar-alhab. Especially ask does innocent, charity and peace refer solely to Muslims? Or can the beneficiary be a non-Muslim?
    Mix religion with politics.
    Then you can see the sense in its incomprehensible.
    Have faith in man that one day we can resolve conflit without killing each other
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    Re: Hamas Full Control Of Gaza!

    things may just get even worse than they already are.
    full article
    Israel plans attack on GazaUzi Mahnaimi
    ISRAEL’s new defence minister Ehud Barak is planning an attack on Gaza within weeks to crush the Hamas militants who have seized power there.

    According to senior Israeli military sources, the plan calls for 20,000 troops to destroy much of Hamas’s military capability in days.

    The raid would be triggered by Hamas rocket attacks against Israel or a resumption of suicide bombings.

    Barak, who is expected to become defence minister tomorrow, has already demanded detailed plans to deploy two armoured divisions and an infantry division, accompanied by assault drones and F-16 jets, against Hamas.
    Hamas Full Control Of Gaza!

    each man thinks of his own fleas as gazelles
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    Re: Hamas Full Control Of Gaza!

    /Peace To All

    Gaza Isolation To Backfire: Analysts

    Courtesy Of: IslamOnline
    04:01:05 PM GMT

    WASHINGTON - The US isolation of Gaza after Hamas's takeover of the impoverished strip, home to 1.5 million Palestinians, would have grave security and humanitarian consequences and backfire at the end of the day, American analysts, former and current US administration officials warned Saturday, June 16.

    "We could see Gaza be the font of a much more militant radicalism than we have seen in the Palestinian community so far," Jon Alterman, director of the Middle East program at the Washington-based Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) think tank, told Reuters.

    "We have not seen Al-Qaeda in the Palestinian community so far but a Gaza that has imploded would create the medium where that could really grow."

    ...Israeli newspapers reported Saturday that Israeli authorities said it will cut off electricity in the Gaza Strip in the days to come, holding Hamas responsible for ensuing humanitarian catastrophe.

    Led by the US , the West slapped economic siege on the Palestinians since Hamas was voted to power last year, greatly affecting livelihood in the Palestinian lands.


    Analysts warned that Washington 's "West Bank first" policy would eventually backfire.

    "The options right now are very bad," said Aaron Miller, a former State Department official and Arab-Israeli specialist.

    "Walling Gaza up to bring Hamas to heel is not going to work. That only will increase the desperation and sense of helplessness and open door to groups with more extremist ideologies," he said.

    An Arab diplomat warned that the US isolation of Gaza would breed more disaffection among the Palestinians.

    "What are we going to do with Gaza . Light it up on fire?" the diplomat told Reuters, requesting anonymity.

    A senior US official acknowledged the danger of isolating the impoverished strip.

    "It's tricky, I admit that. There's a fine balance," said the official.

    American analysts agreed Friday, June 15, that the US intervention in the Palestinian affairs and categorization of Palestinian factions into moderates and extremists were partly to blame for the Gaza chaos and the intensifying power struggle between Fatah and Hamas, and left plans for a unified Palestinian state up in the air.

    More Sufferings:

    Aid groups have further expressed deep concerns at isolating the Gaza Strip, which is already hit by the worst humanitarian crisis in decades due to the west's boycott.

    "Internal fighting is partly a reaction to the situation - lack of jobs and few opportunities," Rima Al Rakhawi, a Gaza-based partner of Christian Aid charity, told Reuters.

    ...The UN on Saturday urged Israel to reopen crossings into Gaza to avoid deepening the sufferings of the Palestinians in the tiny territory.

    "The borders need to be open," John Ging, head of the UN agency for Palestinian Refugees (UNRWA), told AFP.

    "We cannot collectively punish 1.5 million people in the Gaza Strip. They are already living in miserable conditions."

    Israel closed all of its border crossing points with Gaza after Hamas seized control of the strip on Thursday.

    The sealed crossings include the Rafah terminal on the border with Egypt -- Gaza 's only window to the outside world, raising alarm about the impact on Gaza , a tiny densely-populated territory that receives the vast majority of its food, and all its fuel and medical supplies via Israel .

    "The crossings remaining closed is not an option," said Ging.

    "The Gaza Strip is entirely dependent of the importation of not just aid, but also commercial trade," he said, adding that 80 percent of Gaza 's population depended on foreign aid.

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    Re: Hamas Full Control Of Gaza!

    format_quote Originally Posted by north_malaysian View Post
    Hamas controls Gaza
    Fatah controls West Bank

    Hamas killed Fatah members in Gaza
    Fatah killed Hamas members in West Bank
    Salaam alaykum

    this is just what zionists enemy wants.

    I wonder if there have even been fighting between Hamas and Fatah but fighting between Hamas and traitors whose make work for Israel. These traitors don´t only want to halt resistance against zionist enemy but also destroy Hamas and Fatah too, even then when some puppet leaders of Fatah are not valuable for they goals anymore.

    But don´t take my words too serious because I am Hamas supporter.
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  10. #47
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    Re: Hamas Full Control Of Gaza!

    /Peace To All

    US Meddling To Blame For Gaza Crisis

    Courtesy Of: IslamOnline
    02:00:54 PM GMT

    CAIRO - The US intervention in the Palestinian affairs and categorization of Palestinian factions into moderates and extremists are partly to blame for the Gaza chaos, the intensifying power struggle between Fatah and Hamas and left plans for a unified Palestinian state up in the air, American analysts said Friday, June 15.

    "The less we try to intervene and shape Palestinian politics, the better off we will be," Robert Malley, an expert on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict with the International Crisis Group, told The Washington Post.

    "Almost every decision the United States has made to interfere with Palestinian politics has boomeranged."
    Almost three years ago following the death of veteran Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat , US President George W. Bush stood in the White House's Rose Garden and laid out his vision for the Palestinians and called for democratic elections for future leadership.

    But democracy brought Hamas to power in a shock win to the US administration, Israel and the West, which all tried their best to marginalize Hamas and slapped a crippling economic boycott of its government.

    Washington organized a financial boycott of the government, in an effort to showcase Abbas as a moderate alternative in his role as president.

    Well-placed sources had further told Reuters that the US and EU backed the training of Fatah's troops in Jordan to reinforce Abbas in any showdown with Hamas.

    "Ever since Hamas won Palestinian legislative elections last January, President Bush and Prime Minister Ehud Olmert of Israel have done everything they could think of to isolate Hamas and far less than they might have to help Fatah's most important remaining leader, the Palestinian president, Mahmoud Abbas," The New York Times said in its editorial on Friday.

    "Seventeen months later, Hamas is that much stronger and Fatah is that much weaker. With the pretense of joint government now shattered, the Palestinian power struggle is certain to continue, even to intensify," it added.

    ...Alvaro de Soto , the outgoing UN Mideast peace envoy, said on Wednesday that the unquestioning subservience of the UN and the international community to the US and Israeli interests had handicapped all efforts for peace in the Middle East and added insult to Palestinian injuries.

    In his 53-page report, the seasoned diplomat regretted that the UN and the rest of the Mideast Quartet, Russia and the EU - have become a "side-show" and "pretty much a group of friends of the US ."

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    Re: Hamas Full Control Of Gaza!

    "This video is the only document that can give us an idea from what happened in Gaza from May 11th to May 18th. It shows us how President Mahmoud Abbas’ armed forces liquidate disarmed, defenceless men for being sympathizers or members of the Hamas democratically elected government.

    The sequence - where can be viewed the execution of a disarmed young Palestinian by these faithless, lawless forces acting under the command of the Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and his henchman Mohamed Dahlan, was filmed from a balcony. It took place in a street close to the headquarters of the security forces acting under Abbas’ command. El Saraya neighbourhood.

    This film does not show us the entirety from what happened. Missing is the scene where the young Palestinian, summoned to leave his car, immediately forced to get on his knees, falls under the shootings. The sequence starts at the moment when the man collapses, soaked in his blood.

    It can be viewed how the ambulance is arriving; it can be viewed how president Abbas’ armed forces, in black gear, masked, prevent the ambulance personnel from helping the young man. It can be heard how one of the armed men shouts at the ambulance personnel: "Let him die". Then, it can be viewed how the man, trying to get up, falls under the shootings, dying.

    The name of this young Palestinian, executed by armed Palestinians ready to kill the Hamas people, is reproduced on the list of the article: Palestine: Summary executions. (1) No media in Palestine spoke about it. Except rare media related to the Hamas movement. The proof that they are under the control of the Fatah party, Abbas’ party; the party related to these forces that are ready to betray their people in order to grab power again with the Israeli and United States’ support, willing to liquidate the people who are supporting the democratically elected Hamas government.

    Where are the so-called representatives of the Palestinian people at the U.N., or the European Union, who enjoy of total freedom to denounce the traitors that are throwing their people down to even more horror and hatred? Why are they not so interested in denouncing what is being organised against their people? Are they waiting for Mr. Abbas (2) to come out victorious of this coup d'etat planned and consented by Condoleezza Rice?"

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    Re: Hamas Full Control Of Gaza!

    Salaam alaykum

    In the Gaza Strip's Jab aliya refugee camp, Aref Suleiman was raised on Palestinian struggle against the Jewish state. Today he lies in an Israeli hospital bed, his body riddled with Palestinian bullets, his wounds tended daily by Israeli nurses.
    For the 22-year-old Mr Suleiman, who was shot five times point blank by Hamas militants last month during a renewed bout of Palestinian infighting, this is not the Arab-Israeli conflict he learnt about as a child growing up in Gaza's desperate, rubbish-strewn alleys.

    "Palestinians shoot me and Jews treat me," he laughs bitterly. "It was supposed to be different."

    The Barzilai Hospital sits on a sandy hilltop above the Mediterranean Sea in the southern Israeli port city of Ashkelon. In recent months, five Palestinian rockets have landed in the grassy dunes that encircle it, just six miles from the Gaza Strip.

    Barzilai, however, has become a rare bastion of civility in an increasingly hate-filled conflict and a unique meeting ground for two peoples who otherwise have little direct contact.

    Wounded Palestinians who get permission from the Palestinian Authority and the Israeli army are allowed into Israel to seek medical treatment that is not available at Gaza's rudimentary clinics. Here, Israelis and Palestinians meet their erstwhile foe, in many cases for the first time in their lives.

    Mr Suleiman, who was only 15 when the second intifada erupted in 2000, had never been to Israel or met an Israeli. Suleiman, a guard in the Palestinian security services who was a devoted follower of the late Palestinian leader, Yasser Arafat.

    As he flirts with the Israeli nurses who bring him lunch, check his wounds and blood pressure and empty his bed pan, Suleiman seems, at least for the time being, to have forgotten historical grievances.

    "The Jews are like honey, like flowers," he says theatrically. "They wash me, clean me, and change my gown every day. Even in my home, my own family wouldn't change me every day."

    "Here, everything is beseder," he adds, using the Hebrew word for "okay".

    For the young Israeli nurses, most from nearby communities that live in constant fear of the Palestinian rocket fire, the cultural exchange flows both ways. The Palestinian patients they treat put a human face on the conflict. Nurse and patient can even find a shred of common cause now that the Islamist Hamas movement, which has killed dozens of Israelis in suicide bombings, is locked in a deadly power struggle with the more moderate Fatah movement.

    Victims on both sides of the war's de facto frontline are treated side by side here. Five doors down from Mr Suleiman, Ludmilla Visiptzky, 60, awaits her third session of surgery to patch up the shrapnel wounds she suffered when a Palestinian Qassam rocket struck her home in mid-May.
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    Lightbulb Re: Hamas Full Control Of Gaza!

    format_quote Originally Posted by sister harb View Post
    Salaam alaykum

    this is just what zionists enemy wants.

    I wonder if there have even been fighting between Hamas and Fatah but fighting between Hamas and traitors whose make work for Israel. These traitors don´t only want to halt resistance against zionist enemy but also destroy Hamas and Fatah too, even then when some puppet leaders of Fatah are not valuable for they goals anymore.

    But don´t take my words too serious because I am Hamas supporter.
    We can't disprove that Hamas makes NOW alot of errors but at the same time they are a militant group and a calling owner ... I am Hamas supporter too.

    at least they are not a traitors.
    Hamas Full Control Of Gaza!

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    Lightbulb Re: Hamas Full Control Of Gaza!

    format_quote Originally Posted by Aaron85 View Post
    I think that devoted muslims should be very unhappy that Hamas win in Gaza. Why ? Because muslims here say that terrorism and attacking innocent is against islam and Quaran. So Hamas is un islamic movement, that acts against Quaran and islamic teaching.
    NO it's not .. Hamas is an islamic movement, do you know why?

    because of this:

    Allah said in the holy quran what can be translated as:
    "To those against whom war is made, permission is given (to fight), because they are wronged;- and verily, Allah is most powerful for their aid;

    (They are) those who have been expelled from their homes in defiance of right,- (for no cause) except that they say, "Our Lord is Allah". Did not Allah check one set of people by means of another, there would surely have been pulled down monasteries, churches, synagogues, and mosques, in which the name of Allah is commemorated in abundant measure. Allah will certainly aid those who aid his (cause);- for verily Allah is full of Strength, Exalted in Might, (able to enforce His Will).

    (They are) those who, if We establish them in the land, establish regular prayer and give Zakat, enjoin the right and forbid wrong: with Allah rests the end (and decision) of (all) affairs"

    and this:

    "If two parties among the Believers fall into a fight, make ye peace between them: but if one of them transgresses beyond bounds against the other then fight ye (all) against the one that transgresses until it complies with the command of Allah; but if it complies then make peace between them with justice and be fair: for Allah loves those who are fair (and just).

    The Believers are but a single Brotherhood: so make peace and reconciliation between your two (contending) brothers; and fear Allah, that ye may receive Mercy."

    at the same time We can't disprove that Hamas makes NOW alot of errors.

    but,at least they are not a traitors .. as I said again and again before.
    Hamas Full Control Of Gaza!

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    Re: Hamas Full Control Of Gaza!

    Is it just me or is this a reason for Palestine to get even smaller? Israel can take over Gaza forever now.
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  17. #53
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    Re: Hamas Full Control Of Gaza!

    The truth is tht no matter how much we try to explain the resons for hamas actions, these pro israeli-americans here will never accept the truth and reality.they have been brainwashed by their government and media, so they see hamas as an enemy, a threat and a 'terrorist' group. so trying to explain to them jst causes unnecessary repitition, its hard to change a fixed prejudiced and biased mind.
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    Lightbulb Re: Hamas Full Control Of Gaza!

    format_quote Originally Posted by Sinbad View Post
    Is it just me or is this a reason for Palestine to get even smaller? Israel can take over Gaza forever now.
    Oh, yea
    Hamas Full Control Of Gaza!

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    Re: Hamas Full Control Of Gaza!

    format_quote Originally Posted by Sinbad View Post
    Is it just me or is this a reason for Palestine to get even smaller? Israel can take over Gaza forever now.
    Other than the most extreme of Zionist nutters the Israelis don't WANT Gaza; they never have. With all due respect to any posters who may live there there is very little for the Israelis to want, and nothing they need. Their interest in Gaza is in its use as a base for what they consider terrorist acts against Israel. Should such acts permanently cease so will any Israeli interest in Gaza, if they don't neither will Israeli 'interest'.

    format_quote Originally Posted by nevesirth View Post
    The truth is tht no matter how much we try to explain the resons for hamas actions, these pro israeli-americans here will never accept the truth and reality.they have been brainwashed by their government and media, so they see hamas as an enemy, a threat and a 'terrorist' group. so trying to explain to them jst causes unnecessary repitition, its hard to change a fixed prejudiced and biased mind.
    Whatever the 'reasons for Hamas actions", the consequences of these particular ones are likely to be disastrous for the people of Gaza. We can already see how the West is falling over itself to give support to the 'new', Hamas-free government, but unless something changes dramatically the considerable financial element of that support will now be seen only in the West Bank. There is a severe danger that, in the eyes of the world, the West Bank will now effectively now become 'Palestine', and Gaza will just be a tiny, desperate, spot on the map nobody cares about as long as Hamas refuse to recognise the obvious and accept the right of Israel to exist, and re-integrate. Assuming that, by that stage, those Palestinians in the West Bank will actually want them to re-integrate. That is the "truth and reality".
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    Re: Hamas Full Control Of Gaza!

    format_quote Originally Posted by Sinbad View Post
    Is it just me or is this a reason for Palestine to get even smaller? Israel can take over Gaza forever now.

    It probably can, but, It can't hold it. That's why Irsael now wants a "multinational force," to step in and help out, since it's many invasions of Gaza were unsuccessful.

    Just like when Israel lost to Hizbullah, they demanded that an international force act as a buffer between them & Hizbullah.

    Gaza's occupation is too costly for Israel:

    1. Too much money spent on it.
    2. Israeli soldiers die their.
    3. Israel's military is now configuered for a policing action and not conventional warfare, (the last conventional war Israel participated in, was the 1973 war. All wars after that were counter-guerrilla and policing the Palestinian territories).

    Yitzhak Rabin once said that he wished that the sea would swallow up, Gaza.

    It's too much of a headache for them.

    Israel is not good at fighting guerrilla warfare, and the Arabs have now discovered it's Achilles Heel...
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    Lightbulb Re: Hamas Full Control Of Gaza!

    format_quote Originally Posted by Trumble View Post
    accept the right of Israel to exist
    You ask Hamas to accept the right of Israel to exist?

    where? In Palestaine? ..... give me ONE legitimate cause can make me accept this right that you talking about.

    please read my reply number 34 before you answer me.
    Hamas Full Control Of Gaza!

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  23. #58
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    Re: Hamas Full Control Of Gaza!

    Hamas deserves respect and recognition, they have been elected by the palestinian people. Abbas is a puppet for the israel and u.s, he creates phony government that is not elected by the people. I dont recognise israel as statel and abbas phony government.
    Last edited by Hashim_507; 06-17-2007 at 02:46 PM.
    Hamas Full Control Of Gaza!

    True knowledge is not mention in relation to how much you memorise and then nerrate, but rather, true knowledge is an expression of piety ( Protecting oneself from what Allah(awj) prohibited and acting upon what he mandated.)

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    Re: Hamas Full Control Of Gaza!

    format_quote Originally Posted by mariam. View Post
    You ask Hamas to accept the right of Israel to exist?

    where? In Palestaine? ..... give me ONE legitimate cause can make me accept this right that you talking about.

    Because the State of Israel is there, it's people are there, and they now have been there for sixty years. The chance to remove them came and went with successive military defeats. The 'right', as far as there is one, is one of occupation; like it or not every single state on the planet was established by the same 'right'.

    You can argue legal niceties all you like, but the simple fact is that the State of Israel is there to stay. At some point it will be necessary to accept that fact, as both Fatah and most Arab governments have done. Only then can a prosperous future be forged for the Palestinian people; it is possible, but must be based on reality not fantasy.
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    Re: Hamas Full Control Of Gaza!

    format_quote Originally Posted by mariam. View Post
    You ask Hamas to accept the right of Israel to exist?

    Before Hamas can be expected to recognize Irsael's right to exist, Israel must recognize the Palestinian's right to exist.

    It's a 2-way street...
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