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Hamas Full Control Of Gaza!

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    Hamas Full Control Of Gaza! (OP)

    Hamas takes full control of Gaza
    An uneasy calm has returned to the Gaza Strip where Hamas is in full control following a series of attacks on key strongholds of its rival, Fatah.
    On its first day of rule, Hamas said it had released several top Fatah military commanders under a prisoner "amnesty".

    At least 100 people have died during a week of factional fighting.

    Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas has dissolved the Hamas-led unity government and is expected to name a caretaker administration within hours.

    However, Prime Minister Ismail Haniya, of Hamas, said his government would ignore Mr Abbas's "hasty decision" and would press on and impose decisive law and order.

    Relative calm

    On Friday, vehicles returned to the roads and shops were open in Gaza. Few armed men were visible on the streets and there were reports of only sporadic gunfire.

    The relative calm followed scenes of violence on Thursday as Hamas fighters seized remaining Fatah positions including the headquarters of Fatah's Preventative Security force and the presidential compound in Gaza City.

    Hamas said it had captured several top Fatah military leaders, including the commanders of the National Security force and of the Presidential Guard.

    However, the Islamist group later said it would release them unharmed as part of an "amnesty".

    Meanwhile, Egyptian police said that about 100 senior Fatah officials had fled from Gaza into Egypt overnight aboard a fishing boat.

    The Palestinian officials are thought to belong to Fatah's Preventive Security forces. They were transferred to police camps in Egypt where the wounded received treatment.

    About 200 other Fatah security workers have already sought refuge in Egypt, officials said.

    Hamas said it planned to take control of the Gaza-Egypt border crossing, which was patrolled by Fatah's Presidential Guard until the outbreak of violence on Saturday.

    Rule by decree

    President Abbas dismissed the three-month-old unity government on Thursday and declared a state of emergency.

    He is expected to name an interim administration on Friday. He has said he will rule by presidential decree until the conditions are right for early elections.

    Under the Palestinian Basic Law, essentially the Palestinian constitution, the president can rule by decree for 30 days. This can be extended with the approval of the parliament.

    The BBC's Matthew Price in Jerusalem says this may be an irrelevance, as Mr Abbas appears to no longer have any influence in Gaza.

    Our correspondent says the West Bank and Gaza Strip will now effectively be split from one another - Gaza run by Hamas and the West Bank by Fatah.

    There are also fears that violence will spread to the West Bank, where Fatah is dominant. The al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, affiliated to Fatah, has called for "martial law".

    Hamas won a surprise victory in Palestinian elections in early 2006 but has since been engaged in an intermittently violent power struggle with Fatah.

    Hamas, an Islamic organisation, rose to prominence in Gaza during two Palestinian uprisings and refuses to recognise or negotiate with Israel.

    Fatah, a secular political grouping headed by Mr Abbas, ran the Palestinian Authority until 2006 and officially recognises Israel.

    Story from BBC NEWS:

    Published: 2007/06/15 11:01:56 GMT


    Finally something new, its actually no war in Gaza right now!

    I do not understand why they fight eachother. I would be lying if I said it makes me sad, but still.
    All are arabs, all are palestinians, all are muslims et c.
    And they are occupied by Israel.

    Why do they still fight eachother?

  2. #81
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    Re: Hamas Full Control Of Gaza!

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    That land belongs to evereybody, evereyone in history have had that land.

    I hate the holy land it takes up all the news. Its an unimportant desert stripe. The size of a big city, including suburbs. Its nothing.
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    Re: Hamas Full Control Of Gaza!

    format_quote Originally Posted by mariam. View Post
    that belongs (and should be) to Arabs.

    this Land consider as a HOLY LAND to the moslems, Christians and jews .. So, simply you can't said that: Jerusalem belongs to One of them.
    Isn't that what you just said though ? :confused:
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    Lightbulb Re: Hamas Full Control Of Gaza!

    format_quote Originally Posted by Agnostic View Post
    Isn't that what you just said though ? :confused:
    actually I don't understand what you mean
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  6. #84
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    Re: Hamas Full Control Of Gaza!

    Well you said "that belongs (and should be) to Arabs."
    And then said "So, simply you can't said that: Jerusalem belongs to One of them."

    Isn't that a contradiction?
    Perhaps I misunderstood.
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    Lightbulb Re: Hamas Full Control Of Gaza!

    format_quote Originally Posted by Agnostic View Post
    Well you said "that belongs (and should be) to Arabs."
    And then said "So, simply you can't said that: Jerusalem belongs to One of them."

    Isn't that a contradiction?
    Perhaps I misunderstood.
    yea .. I think so

    do you think that All Arabs are moslems?
    do you know that the number of non-Arabic moslems is more than Arabic moslems, you should regard this point.
    there is Arabic Christians and Arabic jews as well as moslems.

    Last edited by mariam.; 06-19-2007 at 12:01 PM.
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    Lightbulb Re: Hamas Full Control Of Gaza!

    format_quote Originally Posted by Cognescenti View Post
    Isn't that already in the Oslo Accord or the Camp David Accord or the blah, blah, blah?
    and blah, blah, blah ... !!

    these accords is of no avail .. only ink onto paper.
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    Re: Hamas Full Control Of Gaza!

    format_quote Originally Posted by Sami Zaatari View Post
    actually there is nothing confusing at all. any muslim who sides and makes alliances with non muslims becomes an apostate, especially when they make an alliance with hostile non muslims. hence there is no confusion, and this is from the highest authority, Allah himself states this in the Quran, he who makes an alliance with the non muslims becomes one of them. and Allah also tells us he who makes an alliance with non muslims to fight Muslims is also an apostate. hence there is nothing confusing at all. and this also happens to be a consencus among the top islamic scholars.
    I still find it confusing though, sorry . So can any individual make his own decision on what a 'hostine non-Muslim' is and when something is an 'alliance'. Is the Saudi government allied with the US? What about Egyptian government? Indonesia? Morocco?

    It sounds like you saying you (any Muslim really) are personally authorized to make this call and start their own jihad? I'm a bit skeptical about that. Surely they need scholars to declare it for them? If so, how many scholars? How do you define 'top scholars' anyway? Is there somekind of formal or informal ranking?

    So many questions .
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  11. #88
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    Re: Hamas Full Control Of Gaza!

    format_quote Originally Posted by muthenna View Post
    Plexus dont try to trick someone that you are a muslim ok, for ex. your stupid assertions give you up
    Pakistani soldiers of Allah, hehehe; you make me laugh man, really. We as muslims have a principle in aqidah that is - to fight against a muslim is kufr- especially kufr (disbelief) when aiding the disbeliever against the muslim.
    So these so called muslims who aid nonmulims against muslims, can go back to Allahs book and the tradition of his prophet for reform
    As far so called Israel is concerned, its there 60 years, remember that crusaders seized Palestine for 100 years and after that we defeated them. Furthermore, there is the prophecy of Muhamed a.s. about the defeat of the jews by the hands of muslims; the problem with fatah and the arabs who fought against so called Israel was that they were nonpractising muslims, secular (democrats and communists) and not moderate. The ones who will liberate Palestine, all of it from coast to coast, are described in the quran by Allah as " our servants" and this tittle is not given, for a so called secular muslim.
    The Most High said : 138. To the hypocrites give the glad tidings that there is for them a grievous penalty;-
    139. Those who take for friends unbelievers rather than believers: is it honor they seek among them? Nay,- All honor is with Allah.
    The Most High Said: 51. O ye who believe! take not the Jews and the Christians for your friends and protectors: They are but friends and protectors to each other. And he amongst you that turns to them (for friendship) is of them. Verily Allah guideth not a people unjust. (Nisa)
    the real friends are our muslim brothers not some pagans or crusaders, The Most High said:
    55. Your (real) friends are (no less than) Allah, His Messenger, and the (fellowship of) believers,- those who establish regular prayers and regular charity, and they bow down humbly (in worship).

    Prophet Muhamed a.s. said:
    “There will never cease to be a group from my Ummah, fighting upon the truth victorious until the Day of Judgement... and then Isa bin Maryam a.s. will come and their amir will say: Come and lead us in the prayer!, he shall say: No, you are amirs over each other as an honor from Allah to this Ummah(nation)"-Muslim
    “There will never cease to be a group from my Ummah fighting upon the command of Allah The Mighty and Sublime, overpowering their enemies. They will not be harmed by those that oppose them until the Hour comesupon them and they are upon that"-Muslim
    and from Salamah ibn Nufail al- who said:
    " I was sitting with the Messenger of Allah a.s. when a man said: "Oh Messenger of Allah! The people have held on to the horses and laid down their weapons and said:'there is no Jihad for the war has laid down its burdens.' So the Messenger of Allah a.s. turned his face away and said:'they have lied. Now the time for fighting has come. There will never cease to be a group from my Ummah that fights upon the truth. Allah will deviate the hearts of some by way of them, and provide for them from them until the establishment of the hour and until the promise of Allah comes. Good shall remain in the manes of horses until the Day of Judgement. It has been revealed to me that I will die and not remain and that you all will follow up after me, aome striking the necks of others, and the base of the abode of the believers is in Sham(Syria, Palestine, Jordan, Lebanon, and part of Iraq)." -Sahih narrated by Nesai
    assalamu alaykum

    I use the Muslin way of greeting and acknowledging Allah and his prophet as a mark of respect. As for me tricking you, what does it matter what or who I am. We are in an internet forum, I could be Donald Duck in a tutu for all you know it matters not. You can only assess the value of what I write.
    My point is that Hamas is a set back to peace. Politically, if it were just people power humanity would prevail and peace is possible. I read that most Palestinians would prefer Israel back because things were better then than now. Hamas are jihadi’s, Allah’s slaves as you put it and they are implacably bent on the extinction of the Israeli’s. No peace.
    [/B]"Oh Messenger of Allah! The people have held on to the horses and laid down their weapons and said:'there is no Jihad for the war has laid down its burdens.' So the Messenger of Allah a.s. turned his face away and said:'they have lied. Now the time for fighting has come. There will never cease to be a group from my Ummah that fights upon the truth."[/B] This is a declaration of ceaseless war on the infidel (non-believers) until the world is for Allah.
    This is how the jihadi's see it.

    Why do you laugh at my examples of Muslims killing Muslims and refute none of them?

    Making alliances with non-muslims is kafr then who are the people in Kosovo the great Satan protected from the Serbs? What about the support the US gave the Taliban in Afghanistan against the Russians? Then the Northern Alliance and US vs. the Taliban. ****te vs. Sunni in Iraq. US arming Sunni’s in Iraq to fight al-Qaeda. Hamas and Fatah are both Sunni! Bin Laden himself was trained by the CIA!
    I’m not confused, I think you are.

    format_quote Originally Posted by Sami Zaatari View Post
    actually there is nothing confusing at all. any muslim who sides and makes alliances with non muslims becomes an apostate, especially when they make an alliance with hostile non muslims. hence there is no confusion, and this is from the highest authority, Allah himself states this in the Quran, he who makes an alliance with the non muslims becomes one of them. and Allah also tells us he who makes an alliance with non muslims to fight Muslims is also an apostate. hence there is nothing confusing at all. and this also happens to be a consencus among the top islamic scholars[/B]
    To take this to it’s logical conclusion then Muslims shouldn’t sell their oil to the Kaffir. What would you do with it, leave it in the ground? You can’t put it in a camel. At least it will stop you buying gun’s to fight in Allah’s cause. The oil money should go to benefit your people.

    I maintain the problem's in Palestine is a religious one that neither begins nor ends there. It's a global jihad. This is the day of the internet, you can't stop it being revealed by killing people anymore!

    The problem lies in Muslims having no tolerance for another’s belief differing from their own even among themselves. You quote Hadith and sura correctly and it’s clear and the terrorists understand it clearly what is not clear is who is a real Muslim.

    Hamas' problems could get much worse and very soon. Dor-Aon, an Israeli petroleum company that has been the main supplier of gasoline and other fuel products to Gaza since soon after the establishment of the authority in the 1990s, is cutting off its fuel supplies because it has not been paid an outstanding $45 million debt. Gaza without fuel would send it back to pre-industrial times. And the Israeli siege of Gaza is almost absolute, except for a few hours a day when trucks carrying 'humanitarian aid' is allowed into the strip. Israel, after all, says it does not want a 'humanitarian crisis' in the territory, where already a third of the population is said to live on less than $2 a day because there's no work, for lack of investment. The PA has not paid March salaries, and with the U.S. cutting off its $300 million in aid a year, and the EU cutting off its $600 million, while Israel withholds the $50 million a month it collects in taxes from Palestinians and is supposed to deliver to the PA every month and Arab states not following through on their promises of aid, the PA government is being reduced to relying on its rhetoric and the high level of social solidarity among Palestinians. Israel basically trying to 'Arafatize' Hamas -- isolate it internationally s that it is rendered 'irrelevant' to justify a new round of unilateral moves meant to define Israel's permanent borders -- and to win international support for those borders.

    I do appreciate you allowing me to comment here. Questioning Islam by you or me, confiding with a kaffir like me is haram isn't it.
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    Re: Hamas Full Control Of Gaza!

    format_quote Originally Posted by Plexus View Post
    The problem lies in Muslims having no tolerance for another’s belief differing from their own even among themselves.
    Sad to say, but true! Some muslims here in the forum could be perfect Bushies ! 'Or you are with me, or you are against me!' There is nothing in between !
    Hamas Full Control Of Gaza!

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    Re: Hamas Full Control Of Gaza!

    /Peace To All

    Palestine Is Not For Sale

    Palestinians Won’t Accept A Vichy Government

    By Khalid Amayreh

    Occupied Jerusalem, 17 June 2007 -- -The vast bulk of Palestinians, at home and in the Diaspora, will not accept a quisling government in Ramallah that might be at Israel’s beck and call. This is precisely what the Bush administration and Israel expect the new government, headed by Salam Fayyad, to be.

    Of course, it is entirely up to Fayyad and his cabinet to prove the falseness of Israeli bedding and American expectations.

    Unfortunately, the new government seems to offer a little promise for a better tomorrow for the thoroughly starved, exhausted and tormented Palestinians.

    Indeed, the deafening silence by Abbas and Fayyad, et al, in the face of widespread thuggish behavior by well-known armed hooligans who have been vandalizing and burning down buildings, institutions and businesses throughout the West Bank, is very telling.

    True, the government is still a few hours’ old. However, the absence of even a verbal condemnation of the orgy of terror and vandalism against suspected Hamas supporters and their families and businesses doesn’t augur well for the future.

    Predictably, the US and Israel have been heaping wholesome praise on the Fayyad government.

    Moreover, the US and Israel have already signaled their enthusiastic willingness to lift all financial sanctions against the occupied West Bank, apparently to strengthen the Dahlan-Abbas camp against other Palestinians who refuse to be bribed or intimidated into giving in to Israeli insolence and arrogance of power.

    The Fayyad Government may be temporarily pleased by the American and Israeli support.

    However, it should understand that American and Israeli backing is like a poisoned chalice.

    Experience proved that in the Middle East any government or faction or organization backed by the US will be reviled by the masses.

    This is especially true in the occupied Palestinian territories where collaboration with Israel, which controls America’s politics and policies, is seen as ultimate treason.

    The Palestinian masses know very well what the US symbolizes for them, their children and their enduring cause.

    It symbolizes oppression in its ugliest forms.

    It symbolizes mass murder, land theft, dispossession, deprivation and ultimate mendacity and hypocrisy.

    America is the enabler, sustainer and justifier of 40 years of Israeli Nazism whose ultimate goal is the obliteration of Palestinians as a nation, by arrogating their homeland for them and making their future as precarious as possible.

    In short, America to the Palestinians is very much like what Nazi Germany was to the Jews.

    Hence, any government agreeing to throw itself into the American lap will lose its legitimacy if not its very existence.

    This is probably the reason why Palestinians in the Gaza Strip didn’t fight for Muhammed Dahlan and his men.

    During the past 18 months, the US, through people like Keith Dayton, gave us a lot of money and weapons to kill each other in the service of Israel, which doesn’t really distinguish between this or that Palestinian group, as long as they reject the occupation and insist on freedom.

    That happened while the US and Israel (and also the hypocritical EU governments) made sure to starve and impoverish ordinary Palestinians in the hope that they would revolt against Hamas and abandon Palestinian aspirations, in return for bread and American money.

    Yes, America gave us weapons to kill each other, while making sure to starve and torment us, as if the Nazis of our time wanted us to kill and be killed hungry.

    These are not allegations or unsubstantiated claims but well-known facts.

    US officials and media have been openly speaking about igniting civil war in Gaza and the West Bank.

    Elliot Abrams, who is answerable to AIPAC, even boasted about his success in setting Palestinians against each other.

    Unfortunately, President Abbas never bothered to tell the Palestinian people why and for what purpose he was amassing all these American-supplied weapons?

    Was it because he wanted to fight the Israeli occupation?

    Or was it to decapitate Hamas in one full swoop when the opportunity arose? And if the latter was the reason, then can we say that Hamas was justified in its preemptive action in Gaza?

    Honest Palestinians knew from the very inception what was going on. The writing was on the wall for a long time, and the national apostasy on the part of certain Palestinian leaders was getting starker and starker.

    There is no doubt that any close identification of the new government with the Israeli occupier will invite its demise, and that could happen sooner rather than later.

    More to the point, it is wrong and misleading to assume that the Fatah movement in its entirety would back a government that says “yes” to Israel and the US.

    A government as such would be a treacherous government, a quisling entity.
    Therefore, the new government should watch its steps very carefully and refrain from reaching any agreement with the Zionist regime that could compromise our national rights.

    This is not a matter of Fatah vs. Hamas.

    This is a matter of Palestine and Palestine is not for sale.

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    Re: Hamas Full Control Of Gaza!

    format_quote Originally Posted by sister harb
    ....I am Hamas supporter.

    Please advise why it is that Hamas does not allow Christians to worship in areas controlled by Hamas?

    Why does Hamas destroy bibles and hurt christians???

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    Re: Hamas Full Control Of Gaza!

    format_quote Originally Posted by sister harb View Post
    ...I am Hamas Supporter
    I would gladly like to know how you're going to explain, that even a lot of muslims ran away from the Hamas???
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    Re: Hamas Full Control Of Gaza!

    Abbas described Hamas as "murderous terrorists" yesterday, which I'm sure is a shared view by many Palestinians after last week.
    Hamas Full Control Of Gaza!

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    Lightbulb Re: Hamas Full Control Of Gaza!

    format_quote Originally Posted by Joe98 View Post
    Please advise why it is that Hamas does not allow Christians to worship in areas controlled by Hamas?

    Why does Hamas destroy bibles and hurt christians???

    are you sure?

    please .. can you post me the source that you bring your info from.
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    Re: Hamas Full Control Of Gaza!

    Insha'llah there will come a time when we unite as a Ummah and see that together we are stronger, and as Muslims we should all work together to assure that our Brothers and Sisters are not sufferring.
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    Lightbulb Re: Hamas Full Control Of Gaza!

    format_quote Originally Posted by Keltoi View Post
    Abbas described Hamas as "murderous terrorists" yesterday, which I'm sure is a shared view by many Palestinians after last week.
    I don't agree with you .. I think that Hamas has more popularity than Fatah In the islamic world .. and palestine as well.

    at least with Hamas we can dream about the Ending of this unjust occupation.

    Last edited by mariam.; 06-21-2007 at 02:51 PM.
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    Re: Hamas Full Control Of Gaza!

    format_quote Originally Posted by Muslimah-Seeker View Post
    Insha'llah there will come a time when we unite as a Ummah and see that together we are stronger, and as Muslims we should all work together to assure that our Brothers and Sisters are not sufferring.
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    Re: Hamas Full Control Of Gaza!

    format_quote Originally Posted by mariam. View Post
    are you sure?

    please .. can you post me the source that you bring your info from.

    Oh, good that you ask. I made a post about this, but I'm pretty sure, it will not be approved, as most of the time:

    But look here by yourself !
    Last edited by guyabano; 06-21-2007 at 02:51 PM.
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  24. #99
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    Lightbulb Re: Hamas Full Control Of Gaza!

    format_quote Originally Posted by guyabano View Post
    Oh, good that you ask. I made a post about this, but I'm pretty sure, it will not be approved, as most of the time:

    But look here by yourself !
    I want to ask you .. is it an Israeli site?
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    Re: Hamas Full Control Of Gaza!

    format_quote Originally Posted by mariam. View Post
    I don't agree with you .. I think that Hamas has more popularity than Fatah In the islamic world .. and palestine as well.

    at least with Hamas we can dream about the Ending of this unjust occupation.

    Hamas will only make it worse and eventually will lose the war and its land to israel. You should know the more they fight the less land they have and no one is going to stop israel when people are anonymously launching rockets at civilian targets
    Hamas Full Control Of Gaza!

    "War does not determine who is right - only who is left."
    - Bertrand Russell

    "He who fears being conquered is sure of defeat." - Napoleon Bonaparte

    "There is nothing so likely to produce peace as to be well prepared to meet the
    enemy." - George Washington
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