The true reasons for the war against Iraq

In an unusual study of an American student of information technology, the author William Clark points out that with regards to the oil imports the war on Iraq has only brought losses. The Americans under the Bush government reacted to an obvious danger that could be deadly for the USA: the planned (and by Iraq already carried out) changeover of the OPEC states from the dollar to the EURO.

By this act the Americans would lose their best source of income, which despite their enormous trade deficit still makes them the richest nation, Clark states in his remarkable study. As anyone who needs oil (so far almost any nation) has to pay it in dollar, the USA is enabled to print dollar notes as much as it wants without running into the danger of an inflation or devaluation of its currency.

However, if the oil producing states would transfer to a payment in EURO - as some already did or are intending to do - this would come to a sudden end. Examples:

Case Study 1: Venezuela.

Head of state Hugo Chavez has already shared the foreign exchange risk and partly transferred to the EURO. The USA reacted immediately as before in the case of Chile and tried to eliminate him with the help of a military putsch that was unsuccessfully initiated and supported by the CIA. However, efforts are still going on.

Case Study 2: Iraq.

In the year 2000 Saddam Hussein converted his currency reserves from the dollar to the EURO. The USA reacted immediately, with the well-known consequences.

Case Study 3: Iran.

Iran also wants to change over to the EURO; it will probably become the next target of the American "Freedom" policy.

Case Study 4: North Korea.

At December 7, 2002 the Government officially decided to the change over to the EURO. The consequences are foreseeable.

A change over to the EURO by all OPEC states would entail a devaluation of the American currency by up to 40%. Foreigners would avoid to invest in American shares, which would lead to a run on the banks by the American citizen the banks and would initiate a giant collapse of the stock exchange. In order to prevent this a few "co-lateral damages" are just peanuts.

Translated from German:

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