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Black Magic, Satanic Possession and Ruqyah

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    Asalamu alaikum

    The cure of people suffering from enchantment or hidden evil

    Similarly to many other diseases this ailment has its own symptoms. But when some pains cannot be treated by modern medicine it is necessary to find out if one is not beaten by shaytaan [ external or internal presence] or struck by evil eye or black magic.

    Indeed, pains, unexplained heat, faintness, some alleged cancers [considered in hospitals as real cancers], etc. are sometimes indicators of the presence of weird evil or black magic in the body.
    This evil affects the brain, body and heart of the enchanted. This type of enchantment consists of spells, incantations, intrigues and devil talisman. It is a contract and agreement between the demons from mankind and the devils of the Jenni.

    We beg Allaah the Almighty the All Wise who is the only requested to protect the Muslims against any bad and keep their religion on them and provide them with knowledge and health and protection against any contradictor to the doctrine of Allaah.

    From the above it is clear the danger of this matter, moreover, whoever comes to know anything from this science he has to explain it to the people , the duty of the working scholar in this field is bigger, when God the Almighty adorned them with the knowledge of religion, so their responsibility is more important. We request him God the Almighty to defend us against the intrigues of the vice enchanters and turn their enchantment upside down to afflict them and to suffice Moslems, males and females, from their vices . We request that the content of this leaflet is complying with his acceptance and be of benefit for every body who reviews and reads, Ameen.

    Table of symptoms of Evil Eye
    Table 1 : E.E yes no

    The effects of E.E can affect someone’s wealth, their body, and their family. As a result, a physical disease cannot be healed by traditional medicine. Below are some effects of E.E: Joint problems; laziness; spots; anti-social behaviour against their own relatives; turning away with aversion against anybody; forgetfulness; anxiety; heavy shoulders; contrast of one’s body temperature; etc. Assuredly the worst of E.E is when it is associated with devil’s touch, then it can be as nasty as the black magic associated with devil’s touch because patients become more vulnerable.

    Symptoms during Ruqiah (Recitation)

    1. Yawning associated with tears. Yawning at other times is not proof.
    2. They can fall unconscious (sleep) little while
    3. The patient might start to sweat, particularly the head
    4. They might feel sick or experience vomiting after a meal
    5. They might wish to cry
    6. Their limbs get colder than usual
    7. Their hearts might beat harder than usual
    8. Their body might experience a strange heat (God the All Mighty the All Wise knows best.
    Table of symptoms of black magic

    Table 2 : Black Magic

    1.Most cases of black magic are associated with the symptoms of devil’s touch [see table 3]
    2.Sudden attitude change i.e. from love to hatred, from being healthy to illness, from joy to sadness, etc. 3. Very bad tempered and quick to react
    4. Their state worsens or their symptoms change when the Qur’aan is recited upon them or after that
    5. Those suffering from magic feel like being urged to say something or to do an action without their will and most of the time they regret their behaviour
    6. Pain in the stomach 7. Pain in the low back
    8. Their eyes appear to be remarkably shining and they look up and down. In most cases not only does it suggest that they might have eaten or drunk B.M that had reached their eyes but also it could signify the presence of something
    9. A very putrid smell comes from their mouth or their skin or their stomach even if they wash themselves they cannot get rid of it

    Symptoms during ruqyah [recitation upon the patient]
    1. Crying when hearing the verses wherein magic is mentioned
    2. To fall asleep 3. Painful stomach
    4. The patient looks at the raqui “ The one who recites” ironically
    5. The patient might laugh without his will
    Symptoms of specific B.M:
    Magic of separation
    1 – An upheaval of the behaviour and feelings in an abrupt way. One passes from a major love to a visceral hatred
    2 – Suspicion as for the actions of the other 3 – Refusal of excuses
    4 – Reasons of dissensions keep worsening even for trivial issues
    5 – Disliking the other as soon as they see them
    6 – Getting bored with the actions of the other and hating anything done by the other
    Magic of passion

    1 – Passion and violent love
    2 – A strong desire to make love with his wife several times a day
    3 – Impatience and incapacity to keep away from her or vice-verse
    4 – Total obedience and docility to one’s partner

    Magic to prevent marriage

    1 – Migraine now and again 2 – A tightening of the heart (anxiety)
    3 – The man or the woman appears to be ugly to the other fiancée
    4 – Lack of mental concentration: impossibility to hold a discussion
    5 – Insomnia and anguish at night 6 – Malaise and agitation of one’s mind
    7 – Agitated sleep 8 – Frequent stomachache and painful backbone

    Tying magic (To prevent someone from having sexual intercourse with their spouse or husband despite not being impotent)

    1 - A Jin is appointed to prevent the flowing of man’s blood so he becomes abnormally impotent
    2 - As for women there are many ways with which a Jin ties them, that is:
    Sticking of the legs; completely insensitive and indifferent; excessive menstruations (that last); hymen depression; and obstruction.

    Magic of sterility

    Sterility of a man can be cured by means of ruqiah if it is associated with
    the following symptoms: Anxiety and tightening of the heart; mental distraction; backaches; insomnia; nightmares.
    As for women not only can a Jin prevent fertility but also they can cause a child premature (abortion) with the will of Allaah subhanah wa ta’aala.

    Enchantment (sihru attakhyeel consists of bewitching one’s eyes)

    1 – Motionless things seem to move 2 – See a tiny thing too big and vice versa 3 – One could see hallucinations that does not exist

    Magic of madness

    Mental distraction; excessive forgetfulness; stammer; staring; impossibility of preserving the same situation i.e. work; accommodation; one might wander and sleep in desert places; they can hardly do any work.

    Magic of indolence (loss of mind)

    Fond of loneliness and complete seclusion; Continuous silence and mental distraction; unsociable; permanent headache; habitual slowness and laziness.
    Magic of disease (tamreedh)

    Painful limb or epileptic fit or a whole body’s member paralysed or total paralysis

    Symptoms of the B.M that was eaten or drunk

    1. The patient feels a permanent pain in their stomach when the B.M is recent
    2. This pain increases during ruqiah as long as the B.M is not old and has not yet spread all over the body 3. Too much gases
    3. They feel some unusual heat of their body and especially during ruqiah
    4. Some patients lose their appetite 5. Constipation in some cases
    6. Very strong pain for women who are menstruating
    7. When hands or feet have swollen or some spots appear it might suggest that B.M has accumulated in that area and God The All Mighty The All Wise knows best.
    Table (3) of Jin’s touch (mess) symptoms

    While sleeping

    Anguish and sleeplessness (insomnia)
    Disturbed sleep (broken)
    Frequent nightmares
    Visions of animals (often black) i.e. dogs, snakes, etc.
    Squeezing teeth in dream
    Sleep walking without realizing
    To see oneself falling from a very high place
    To see oneself in a cemetery or a dump or a frightening way
    To often have erotic dreams
    To see strange persons e.g. too tall or too short
    To see always the same person or the same animal in one’s dream
    To see oneself among the dead people (silhouettes)
    While awake (conscientious)
    Headaches most of the time without any reason (tablets useless)
    Turning away from remembering Allaah e.g. salaat, invocations, etc.
    Mental distraction (mind always absent)
    The patient is tired and lazy: no motivation whatsoever
    They speak alone or they do not speak at all
    Anxiety increases at nightfall or at dawn
    Sight affected e.g. flashes, strange staring,etc.
    Sometimes a touched person is unable to move one part of his body
    They might appear like epileptic. They can pass out (consciousness loss) and fall anywhere)
    The patient complexion might change and their look is strange
    It should be noted that if a person experiences some of the above mentioned symptoms this does not necessarily mean that he is either possessed or beaten by a Jin or struck by black magic. It might be simply due (if few) to physiological or psychological reasons. As for some cases such as sterility, cancer and others they must be treated by traditional medicine in the first place.
    Also we should not confirm straight away that a given case is suffering from evil eye or magic since any one of them could be nasty on its own especially if they are associated with a Jin.
    The following steps are recommended: 1 – Putting one’s trust in Allaah and believing that He is the only One who can cure 2 – Reading the Qur’aan and specific invocations (evening and morning) 3 – Listening to ruqiah tape and Surah Baqarah at least once a day 4 – Following ruqiah course prescribed by the raaqi 5 – Try to find the magic and remove it e.g. amulets, talassim, doubtful things, etc.
    Please visit the following websites for information: www.alroqia.com www.khayma.com/roqia www.ruqya.net www.alruqia.com www.alriyadh.com.sa www.roqia.assabyle.com

    Allaah knows best
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    ABDULLAH SAOOD's Avatar Full Member
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    A Special Curing Prayer..........

    We are told in the Qur'an that Prophet Ibraheem, alayhis salam, said, "And when I am ill, it is He Who cures me." [26:80]

    The Prophet, sallallahu alayhe wasallam, said: "There is a remedy for every malady, and when the remedy is applied to the disease it cures it with the permission of Allah, the Exalted and Glorious." (Muslim) Also, the Prophet, sallallahu alayhe wa sallam, said, "Make use of the two remedies: honey and the Qur'an." (Tirmithi)

    The use of spiritual forms of healing, such as payers and meditation have become quite popular. This is in part a result of a resurgence in religion and so-called "New Age" beliefs. Major medical centers and health care institutions are even studying the effects of salah on healing. For Islamic purposes, the use of specialized prayers (duaa) or Qur'anic verses are known as ruqyah. The Prophet, sallallahu alayhe wa sallam, and his companions used this method of healing, as evidenced by many ahadeeth in Bukhari, Muslim, Abu Dawud, Tirmithi and others. Muslims are advised to provide ruqiyah for Muslims and even non-Muslims that are sick. The sick are also able to provide ruqiyah for themselves. Ruqyah is a valuable tool for treating a variety of disorders and diseases. This may include snake or scorpion bite, the evil eye (or envy), and psychological problems that Jinn may cause.

    Aisha (Radhiallaahu Anha) narrated that the Prophet, sallallahu alayhe wasallam, used the following duaa when family members were sick, "Allahumma Rabban-nas, adh-hibil-ba's, washfi, Antash-Shafee, la shifa'a, ilia shifa'uk, shifa'an la yughadiru saqaman. (O Allah, Lord of mankind! Remove this disease and cure him. You are the Great Curer, there is no cure but through You that leaves behind no disease.)" (Bukhari and Muslim)

    The Prophet, sallallahu alayhe wasallam, told Amr ibnul Aas, "Place your hand where you feel pain and say 'Bismillah' three times, and then repeat seven times A'oudho bi'izzatil-lahi wa qudratihi min sharri ma ajidu wa 'uhadhir. (I seek refuge with Allah and with His Power from the evil that afflicts me and that which I apprehend.)" (Muslim)

    Suratul-Fatihah, the opening surah of the Qur'an, is also recommended as a cure for sicknesses and diseases. Allah's Messenger said, "Fatihatul Kitab contains healing for every disease." (Tirmithi)

    Bukhari has reported that several of the Prophet's companions used Suratul-Fatihah as a treatment for a snake or scorpion bite. They returned to the Prophet and asked the permissibility of receiving a sheep in payment for providing the ruqiyah. The Prophet then asked how they knew that Suratul-Fatihah was a ruqiyah. He added that they had done the right thing. Bukhari has also reported that Suratul Falaq and Suratun Nas (surahs 113 and 114) are also protections against illness and evil. One hadeeth has reported that the Prophet would recite mu'awwidhat (Suratul Falaq and Suratun Nas). He would then blow his breath into his hands and rub his hands over his body, hoping for its blessings. Tirmithi has reported that the Prophet used to seek protection against jinn and the evil eye until Suratul Falaq and Suratun Nas were revealed. After they were revealed, he held to them and discarded everything beside them.

    There are those who believe wearing charms with certain surahs or verses on them are a protection. Others believe that placing these charms on infants will protect them from Jinn and the evil eye or believe that having decorative wall-hangings with Qur'an is a protection. Some may write these verses or surahs on a piece of paper. They then dip the paper into a glass of water and drink the water. These actions are not the prescribed actions by the Prophet, sallallahu alayhe wasallam, and may come close to shirk. Allah and His Messenger have given us directions for using prayer 'whether duaa or ruqyah' and the Qur'an for healing. We must accept these directions and use them accurately while trusting in Allah's Will and Might.
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    Re: A Special Curing Prayer..........

    Jazakallah khair brother! Excellent post.
    Black Magic, Satanic Possession and Ruqyah

    "...You are my Walî in this world and in the Hereafter. Cause me to die as a Muslim, and join me with the righteous." [Surah Yusuf 101]
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    Re: A Special Curing Prayer..........

    Excellent post indeed! JazakAllah Khair!

    Black Magic, Satanic Possession and Ruqyah

    "I spent thirty years learning manners, and I spent twenty years learning knowledge."

    ~ 'Abdullāh bin al-Mubārak (rahimahullah)
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    Re: A Special Curing Prayer..........

    Wr Wb

    MashaAllah!!! An excellent sharing, jazak ALLAH khair. :rose:

    Wr Wb
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  8. #6
    Ummu Amatullah's Avatar Full Member
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    Black Magic and Satanic Possession

    Black Magic and Satanic Possession


    My brother after returning from a trip starting acting very strange. He would say weird things and now doesn't talk to anyone at all. He has been sitting outside for 2 months now. He has even spit on our mother. At first we thought there was something psychologically wrong with him. However when we took him to a mental doctor he talks as if he is fine. We think he is either possessed by a Jinn or some magic was done to him.

    How can you tell if someone is possessed or if magic was done to them?

    How do you remove it? My mother is getting very sick over this.


    Praise be to Allaah

    People who have had experience with such situations have related that the following are among the signs of a person who is possessed by jinn (or Satan):

    Strong repulsion when hearing Qur'aan or Aathaan (call for prayers).

    Episodes of losing consciousness and/or epileptic attacks, especially when Qur'aan is recited for the possessed person.

    Frequent nightmares during sleep.

    Tendency to avoid people accompanied by out-of-the-norm behavior.

    The jinn who possesses him might speak when Qur'aan is recited for the possessed person.

    Madness, as stated in the Qur'aan (interpretation of the meaning): "Those who devour usury will not stand except as stands one whom Satan by his touch hath driven to [epileptic] madness…"2:275

    As for a person struck by magic he might experience the following:

    Dislike of one's spouse, as indicated in the Qur'aan by the following verse (interpretation of the meaning): "And from these (angels) people learn that by which they cause separation between a man and his wife..."

    (Al-Baqarah, 2:102).

    Different attitude in the house from that which is outside the house. For example, a person will feel that he is missing his family when is outside the house but when he goes home, love changes quickly to extreme hatred.

    Inability to have sexual intercourse with one's spouse.

    Frequent miscarriage for pregnant women.

    Sudden change in behavior without obvious reason.

    Complete loss of appetite for food.

    Thinking or imagining one has done something when in reality one has not.

    Sudden obedience and/or love for a particular person.

    It should be noted that if a person experiences some of the above symptoms this does not necessarily mean that he is either possessed by a jinn or struck by black magic. It might be due to physiological or psychological reasons.

    As for curing this condition the following steps are recommended:

    Putting one's trust in Allah with sincere belief that He is the only cure for everything.

    Reading Qur'aan and known supplications expressing seeking refuge, the most important and effective of which is sura 113 and 114, Al-Falaq and Al-Naas, which were used to cure the Prophet himself. Surah 112, Al-Ikhlaas, is recommended along with them, as well as the opening chapter of the Qur'aan, Al-Fatihah. To cure black magic some have successfully used seven lotus-tree leaves. The leaves should be crushed, then mixed them with water enough for taking a bath. The following verses from the Qur'aan are then recited: verse Al-Kursi (2:255), surah Al-Kafiroon (109), surah 112, 113, 114; the verses which mention magic, which are: in surah Al-Baqarah (2:102), Al-A'raaf (3:117-119), Yunus (10:79-82), and Taha (20:65-69). The possessed person drinks some of the water, and the rest is used to give him a bath.

    Removing the elements of magic as was done by the Prophet when he was struck by black magic by a Jewish man called Lubaid Ben Al-`Aasim.

    Eating seven Aa'liya Al-Barniy dates (among the dates of Al-Madinah) first thing in the morning; if not possible, any dates will suffice, by the will of Allaah.

    Cupping—removing excess blood.


    And we ask Allaah to cure your brother and ease your hardship and his, as He is the One who cures and there is no one else who can cure.
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    Re: Black Magic and Satanic Possession

    We will all pray for your Brother, and Inshallah make him back to his normal state of mind Ameen
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  10. #8
    Ummu Amatullah's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Black Magic and Satanic Possession

    Salams sister it's not my brother I got this as an e-mail.
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  11. #9
    mary's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Black Magic and Satanic Possession

    I pray everyone is protected from such evil practices, as it simply destroys peoples lives, and it is the most upsetting occurences. To protect oneself one should read the 4 last surahs in the quran, and blow over themselves after reciting them as our prophet used to. Also one should do so before going to bed and read their kalima. The sadest occurence is when our own ummah is practising such things on one another. :'(
    May Allah protect us all inshallah Ameen
    Last edited by mary; 09-15-2005 at 12:02 PM.
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    Ameeratul Layl's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: A Special Curing Prayer..........

    JazakAllah for the post.
    Guees what I heard; When you hurt urself....let me give u a few examples:

    Fall down the stairs
    Bang ur head on the door
    Trip over and hurt urself

    In other words.....u feel pain in any way......

    Allah removes a number (not sure how many) of your sins off.

    I've got a cold at the moment and I have a very bad headache.....InshAllah, Allah is wiping a few of my sins right now.

    P.s: It doesnt mean that if Allah wipes ur sins when u are in pain-that u must go and throw urself down the stairs.....

    Allah ma3akum
    Black Magic, Satanic Possession and Ruqyah

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  14. #11
    Umm Safiya's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: A Special Curing Prayer..........

    format_quote Originally Posted by Ameeratul Layl
    P.s: It doesnt mean that if Allah wipes ur sins when u are in pain-that u must go and throw urself down the stairs.....


    Wow is that true.. Cool.. You got a hadeeth on that sis?
    Barak Allâhu fiiki..

    Black Magic, Satanic Possession and Ruqyah

    أم ذي عينين كبيرين

    صفية و عمر
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  15. #12
    Desai's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Black Magic and Satanic Possession

    There are many bogus ameels (the people who take out jinns and all sorts)out there who claim they can remove such and such and in all fairness make em believe its lawful. :confused: I personally would NEVER advice anyone to visit these individuals they get up to all sorts . Prophet (saw) had black magic done on him for a reason, and the reason is for his ummah to use the same method he used as a cure i.e the 4 quls. Cure for this is to ask allah directly and not through some ameels (there may be some good one's out there but not very apealing)
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  16. #13
    - Qatada -'s Avatar
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    Re: A Special Curing Prayer..........

    format_quote Originally Posted by Ms. Amira View Post

    Wow is that true.. Cool.. You got a hadeeth on that sis?
    Barak Allâhu fiiki..

    asalam o 'alykum warahmatulahi wabarakatuh.

    “Whenever a Muslim is afflicted by harm from sickness or other matters, Allah will drop his sins because of that, like a tree drops its leaves” (Al-Bukhari and Muslim).

    “A Muslim is not afflicted by hardship, sickness, sadness, worry, harm, or depression—even if pricked by a thorn—but Allah expiates his sins because of that”
    (Al-Bukhari and Muslim).

    “An ailment is intensified for the righteous. Whenever a believer is afflicted by a hardship, whether it is a thorn or more, a sin is taken off from him because of it, and he is elevated by one rank (in Paradise).” (Ahmad)

    wasalam o 'alykum warahmatulahi wabarakatuh.
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    Re: A Special Curing Prayer..........

    JazakAllah bro akhee, for finding this..:happy1:

    Black Magic, Satanic Possession and Ruqyah

    “The best type of jihaad is the jihaad of the one who strives against his own self (jihaad al-nafs) for the sake of Allaah.”
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    DaSangarTalib's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: A Special Curing Prayer..........

    Great post, excellent read jazakallah 4 sharin bro
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  20. #16
    Protected_Diamond's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: A Special Curing Prayer..........

    warhamtulahi wabarakthu

    alhamdulilah! that's the great advantage of being ill your previous sin's are forgiven insha Allah

    btw jazahka Allah khair

    warhamtulahi wabarakthu
    Black Magic, Satanic Possession and Ruqyah

    “Whoever puts his trust in Allah, sufficient is Allah for him.”
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  21. #17
    nafy's Avatar Full Member
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    Smile Black Magic

    salaamz Sis's n Bro's...
    hope u am all doin gud inshallah...
    jus thought i'd share dis wid u lot....

    The Prophet (Sal-allahu-aleihi-wasallam) said, "Avoid the seven great destructive sins." The people enquire, "O Allah's Apostle! What are they? " He said:

    "To join others in worship along with Allah,
    to practice sorcery,
    to kill the life which Allah has forbidden except for a just cause (according to Islamic law),
    to eat up riba (usury),
    to eat up an orphan's wealth,
    to give back to the enemy and fleeing from the battlefield at the time of fighting,
    and to accuse chaste women, who never even think of anything touching chastity and are good believers."
    Narrated by Abu Hurairah (Radi Allah Ta'lah Anhu); Sahih Bukhari transmitted it. Vol 4:#28 of Sahih Bukhari.


    The Prophet (Sal-allahu-aleihi-wasallam) said, "There are three who will not enter paradise: one who is addicted to wine, one who breaks ties of relationship, and one who believes in magic (means using it)."

    Narrated by Abu Musa al-Ash'ari (Radi Allah Ta'lah Anhu); Ahmad transmitted it. 3656 of Mishkat al-Masabih.


    The Prophet (Sal-allahu-aleihi-wasallam) said, "Avoid the Mubiqat, i.e., shirk and witchcraft."

    Narrated by Abu Hurairah (Radi Allah Ta'lah Anhu); Sahih Bukhari transmitted it. Vol 7:#659 of Sahih Bukhari.


    Some people asked Allah's Apostle (Sal-allahu-aleihi-wasallam) about the foretellers. He said. -They are nothing." They said, O Allah's Apostle (Sal-allahu-alleihi-wasallam)! Sometimes they tell us of a thing which turns out to be true." Allah's Apostle (Sal-allahu-alleihi-wasallam) said, "A Jinn snatches that true word and pours it into the ear of his friend (the foreteller) (as one puts something into a bottle). The foreteller then mixes with that word one hundred lies."

    Narrated by Ayesha (Radi Allah Ta'lah Anha); Sahih Bukhari transmitted it. Vol 7:#657 of Sahih Bukhari.


    Allah's Apostle (Sal-allahu-aleihi-wasallam) said, "Whoever comes to fortune-tellers, and ask him about something, his prayer is not accepted for forty nights."

    Narrated by Hafsah (Radi Allah Ta'lah Anha); Muslim transmitted it. 4595 of Mishkat al-Masabih.


    Allah's Apostle (Sal-allahu-aleihi-wasallam) said, "Whoever learns astrology learns a branch of sorcery. He adds what he likes.

    Narrated by Ibn Abbas (Radi Allah Ta'lah Anhu); Ahmad, Abu Dawud, Ibn Majah transmitted it. 4598 of Mishkat al-Masabih.


    Allah's Apostle (Sal-allahu-aleihi-wasallam) said, "He who eats seven 'Ajwa dates every morning, will not be affected by poison or magic on the day he eats them."

    Narrated by Saad (Radi Allah Ta'lah Anhu); Sahih Bukhari transmitted it. Vol 7:#356 of Sahih Bukhari.

    May Allah swt guide each and every1 of us and keep us away from doing evil.....Ameen :loving:

    take care
    Black Magic, Satanic Possession and Ruqyah

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    Re: Black Magic

    Jazakallah Khair for sharing this...
    Black Magic, Satanic Possession and Ruqyah

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  23. #19
    Dhahabi's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Black Magic and Satanic Possession

    Assalamu alaikum

    format_quote Originally Posted by Desai View Post
    There are many bogus ameels (the people who take out jinns and all sorts)out there who claim they can remove such and such and in all fairness make em believe its lawful. :confused:
    According to you how can we distinguish between bogus raqui and genuine ones?
    I personally would NEVER advice anyone to visit these individuals they get up to all sorts . Prophet (saw) had black magic done on him for a reason, and the reason is for his ummah to use the same method he used as a cure i.e the 4 quls.
    Who told that ruqiah resides solely in the quls? What about fatihah and the rset of the quran? isn't thewhole of it a cure?
    Cure for this is to ask allah directly and not through some ameels (there may be some good one's out there but not very apealing)
    What about those whose direct invocations have remained unanswered for a reason or another?

    Allaah knows best
    Black Magic, Satanic Possession and Ruqyah

    "What can my enemies do to me? I have my paradise and garden in my heart, wherever I journey, it is there with me, never departs from me. My imprisonment is seclusion, my murder is martyrdom, and expulsion from my homeland is tourism."
    The one in need of Allaah
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  25. #20
    montoyauk's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Black Magic and Satanic Possession

    somebody has done black magic on my poor mother who is 67 :mad: she has had in in her for the past 5 or 6 years.the ameels cannot do anything as there say my mother is old and weak.and that she is not strong enough for them to take it out on her as she already has athritis,diabetes.
    the doctors now say she is in early stages of parkinson disease.
    please brothers and sisters make dua for her to get better and the black magic who ever is doing it to her to stop it.as i have seen my mother when the person does it.it is very scary.which u do not want to see.
    i always make dua to allah(swt)for whoever is doing it to her to stop it.
    she is going abroad in january insallah as there is ameel there that we have been recommended,that he is good.

    anybody know if that the person that does black magic dies does it stop.
    or does it still carry on.
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