Salamu alekum

I just want to mention this important issue about night prayers and tahajjud prayers. Night prayers are prayed normally at night after salat al aishah without the need to sleep. But if you sleep after salat al aishah and then wake up to pray then its tahajjud. Both have great values. On the day of judgement, Allah subhanah wa taalah asks, "Where are those whos sides repelled from their beds at night? Send them to paradise." So the ones who pray at night enter paradise without question if Allah wills. Those who can't sleep at night coz of their fear of Allah and those who sleep and wake up of fear and anxiety to stand in front of Allah and seek his forgiveness and blessings, all fall in this category and Allah knows best.

Night prayers and tahajjud are merely aspects of Paradise on earth. May Allah aid us in praying at night everyday and may Allah send us all to paradise, ameen.

Asalamu alekum