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Saying "Sadaq Allaahul-'Adtheem"

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    Saying "Sadaq Allaahul-'Adtheem" (OP)

    Question: What is the ruling regarding the saying of "sadaq Allaahul-'Adtheem" after finishing reading of the Qur'ân?

    Response: All Praise is for Allaah, the o*ne, and prayers and salutations upon His Messenger, his family and his companions.

    To proceed:
    The saying of "sadaq Allaahul-'Adtheem" after finishing reading of the Qur'an is an innovation. The Prophet (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa sallam) did not do this and nor did the Rightly Guided Khulafaa, nor any of the (other) Companions (radhi-yallaahu 'anhum) and nor the Imaams of the (Pious) Predecessors (rahima-humullaah). This being with their vast reading and assistance in spreading it's (the Qur'ân's) message and knowing it's rulings. So the saying of this and adhering to it after finishing the reading (of the Qur'ân) is an innovation. It has been confirmed o*n the authority of the Prophet (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa sallam) that he said:

    ((Anyone who introduces something into this matter of ours (i.e. Islaam), that which is not from it, will have it rejected)) - this (narration) is agreed upon (by both Imaam al-Bukhaaree and Imaam Muslim).And in another narration:((Anyone who does an act which is not in agreement with us, then he will have it rejected)) - narrated by Muslim.

    And with Allaah lies all success and may Allaah send prayers and salutations upon our Prophet (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa sallam) and his family and his companions.

    The Permanent Committee for Islaamic Research and FataawaThe current members of the Permanent Committee include:
    Head: Shaykh 'Abdul 'Azeez Aal ash-Shaykh;Deputy Head: Shaykh 'Abdullaah Ibn Ghudayyaan;Member: Shaykh 'Abdullaah Ibn Qu'ood;Member: Shaykh 'Abdullaah Ibn Munay;Member: Shaykh Saalih Ibn Fowzaan;Member: Shaykh Bakar 'Abdullaah Abu Zayd.

    Amongst the members who have passed away include:
    Shaykh Ibraaheem Ibn Muhammad Aal ash-Shaykh;Shaykh 'Abdul 'Azeez Ibn Baaz;Shaykh 'Abdur-Razzaaq Ibn 'Afeefee.al-Bid'u wal-Muhdathaat wa maa laa Asla lahu - Page 571;Fataawa al-Lajnah ad-Daa.imah lil-Buhooth al-'Ilmiyyah wal-Iftaa. - Fatwa No. 3303

    This is the answer Sheikh Bin Baz gave to a question o*n the status of saying "sadaqa allahu al-atheem" after reciting Qur'an according to the way of the Salaf-us-Salih:"Praise be to Allah."I do not know any basis for the people's habit of saying "sadaqa allahu al-atheem" when they finish reading Qur'an, so it should not be taken as a habit. Indeed according to the principles of sharee'ah it is more like bida'a, if any believes it is sunnah. So this should not be done and shouldnot be taken as a habit.

    With regard to the ayat: "Say O Muhammad: Allah has spoken the truth"(Al-Imran 3:95) - this is not speaking about this matter. Rather Allah was commanding him to explain to the people that Allah has spoken the truth in what he has said, in His books, the Tawrat, etc., and that he has spoken the truth in all that He had said to His slaves in the Tawrat the Injeel and all other revealed books.And he was speaking the truth in all that he said his slaves in his book the Qur'an.But this is not evidence that it is mustahabb to say "sadaqa allahu al-atheem" after reading the Qur'an or after reading some ayahs or a surah.This is not reported or known from the Prophet (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa sallam) or his companions (radi allahu anhum).When Ibn Masood recited to the Prophet (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa sallam) from the beginning of surat ul nisa'a until he reached the ayat:"How will it be then, when we bring from each nation a witness and we bring you o muhammad as a witness against these people?"

    The Prophet (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa sallam) said to him "Enough"Ibn Masood said: "I turned and saw that his eyes were filled with tears", i.e. he was weeping of the mention of this great status o*n the Day of Resurrection which is mentioned in this ayat, Where Allah says: "How will it be then, when we bring from each nation a witness and we bring you - O Muhammad - as a witness against these people" (i.e. his ummah)The point here is that there is no basis in sharee'ah for adding these words "sadaqa allahu al-atheem" when finished reading the Qur'an. What is prescribed is not to do this, in accordance with the example of the Prophet (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa sallam) and his companions (radi allahu anhum). But if a person does that sometimes, without intending to, it doesn't matter, for Allah speaks the truth in all matters, may he be glorified and exalted. But making a habit every time o*ne reads the Qur'an, as many people do now adays, has no basis, as stated above.

    "Kitaab Majmoo Fatawaa wa Maqaalat Mutanaawi'ah li Samaahat"
    Ash-Sheikh Al-Ulamaa Abdul Aziz Ibn Abdullah Ibn Baz
    Saying "Sadaq Allaahul-'Adtheem"

    In the Name of Allaah, the Most Merciful, the Bestower of Mercy. By the time! Verily mankind is at loss – except for those who believe and perform righteous deeds, and advise one another towards the truth and advise one another towards patience.

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    Re: Saying "Sadaq Allaahul-'Adtheem"

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    format_quote Originally Posted by amirah_87 View Post
    ass salaamu alaykum

    akhee, Allahul musta3aan , have you not been reading what your brothers and sisters have been teling you all day!!

    sorry but where does it say major sin...or if its a sin at all.??

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    Re: Saying "Sadaq Allaahul-'Adtheem"

    format_quote Originally Posted by Isma'el View Post
    sorry but where does it say major sin...or if its a sin at all.??
    its not a sin, but its somethin thats added in to the religion, so its best to avoid, because many people believe these innovations are actually done by RasoolAllah (saw) nauzbillah, so to let people know the truth you shouldnt do it

    and why say saddaqul allah aluhul ahdeem, after readin the quran, you can say it anytime
    Saying "Sadaq Allaahul-'Adtheem"


    "they ask you when will the help of Allah (swt) come! Certainly Allah (Swt) help is always near"

    Surah al Baqarah v214


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    Re: Saying "Sadaq Allaahul-'Adtheem"

    format_quote Originally Posted by Isma'el View Post
    Did the prophet PBUH prohibited such a act...?

    brother since its bid3a...its something prohibited....

    as you know i'm sure,

    and read all the daleel everyones given you plz,

    Saying "Sadaq Allaahul-'Adtheem"


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    Re: Saying "Sadaq Allaahul-'Adtheem"

    format_quote Originally Posted by Isma'el View Post
    PLease tell who say's it a major sin to say "Sadaq Allaahul-'Adtheem" after reciting the quran..?

    You are repeatedly missing the point and persisting on sticking to your desires even when all of the evidence has been presented to you. Ill restate the point once more.

    Anything added to the religion is rejected. Saying that after the recitation of the Quran is not something the Messenger did. Therefore ask yourself, do you know more than the Prophet to invent something into the religion when he conveyed to us the religion in the first place? What you are saying is, you know better than him to do something as a religious practice that he himself did not do.

    By the One in Whose hand is my soul, either you are following a way that is more guided than that of Muhammad or you have opened the door of misguidance!

    And ofcourse, there is no way that is more guided than the way of Muhammad .

    Saying "Sadaq Allaahul-'Adtheem"

    Do not argue with your Lord on behalf of your soul, rather argue with your soul on behalf of your Lord.” - Dhul-Nun

    "It is the very pursuit of happiness that thwarts happiness." - Victor Frankl

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    Re: Saying "Sadaq Allaahul-'Adtheem"

    [QUOTE=Isma'el;432801]as stated above WHY ON EARTH ARE U SO CONCERNED ABOUT BI'DAH..


    The Messenger said:

    Whoever innovates or accommodates an innovator then upon him is the curse of Allaah, His Angels and the whole of mankind
    bukhari muslim
    Saying "Sadaq Allaahul-'Adtheem"

    Our Lord! Verily, we have heard the call of one calling to Faith: 'Believe in your Lord,' and we have believed.
    Our Lord! Forgive us our sins and expiate from us our evil deeds, and make us die (in the state of righteousness) along with Al-Abrar

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    Re: Saying "Sadaq Allaahul-'Adtheem"

    sorry i was away.. just got back now

    Saying "Sadaq Allaahul-'Adtheem" ..
    why is it a bad thing to say it.?
    Lighting candles and putting perfume on the quran and spraying the carpet with perfume before reading the quran, is there anything bad about doing that?

    Same logic applies there, if the prophet didn't do it, do you think you're better than him, do you think you're smarter than him to do something that he never bothered to do or asked us to do?

    As if you've done every other sunnah in the world and u've ran out of thigns to do...

    one is prasing Allah by saying it,,just because the prophet PBUH ddnt say it dosent mean we cant say it...
    The prophet clearly said that any innovation in the religion is misguidance, if this is not an innovation, what is?

    its a good pratice, its like saying allahu akbar whenever one feels like it.
    That's different to sadaqalhu atheem.. that's called thikr, which is perfectly fine. Sadaqalahul atheem is different because ur restricting it to a particular event and making it a constant action to be associated with end of readinq uran.

    ok if it was a bad meaning then ofcourse one shouldent say it..

    Ther lots of inovation in religion ....its like saying u cant have loud speakers in a masjid...lol..
    not at all, there's innovation in religion, that's a bad thing, and innovation in science, which isn't a bad thing. The prophet allowed innovation in science and technology, example? battle of trench, the trench was an innovation, but a halal one, becasue it has nothing to do with religion.. same with speakers.

    Sadaqallaahul-adheem after recital of the Qur'aan is done as an adab (etiquette) of recital. It is not done as a Sunnah or Mustahabb of Fardh
    Most other things like dancing and chanting and mawlid is all done as adab, very few people will argue that the bidha's they do is a sunnah.. and the prophet didn't make tia condition that the bid'3ah has to be labelled a sunnah...

    Last edited by MinAhlilHadeeth; 08-02-2007 at 01:41 AM. Reason: clean up
    Saying "Sadaq Allaahul-'Adtheem"


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    Re: Saying "Sadaq Allaahul-'Adtheem"

    format_quote Originally Posted by Isma'el View Post
    Dosent that statement in it's self tell us something, may be they are right n the fatwa is wrong..?

    The recitors of Qur'an is not ulama :brother: . But ulama surely theyre the recitors or Quran too, just the different they are so humble with their voice. And akheel kareem its impossible if those recitors are right and the scholars (ulama's) are wrong. Even its should be mention ONE ulama is right althought his oponions different from allllll those recitors did, cause recitors of Quran are not certainly be called Ulama.
    And you should know that it was the recitors of Quran most of them who besieged calyph Uthman bin Affan radhiallahu anhu, and in the end He was killed. So...you may not take the opinion of those recitors or from what those recitors done, but you should listen to what our ulama said, wabillahi taufiq :brother:
    Saying "Sadaq Allaahul-'Adtheem"

    Then which of the favours of your Lord will ye deny? Woe unto the repudiators on that day!

    Wanna know more sunnah: Go to http://www.islamicboard.com/islamic-...do-u-know.html. No muslims can life without sunnah.

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    Re: Saying "Sadaq Allaahul-'Adtheem"

    format_quote Originally Posted by Isma'el View Post
    i know they are big scholars..may alllah be pleased with them.....
    correct me if am wrong but they are all salafi scholars, which then will oviously have the same opinion.?

    Akheel kareem, tell me who else on this earth who are more knowledgable than salafy ulama? Just give me one name :X .
    And is it matter if theyre salafy? Do U know what is salafy?
    Akhee...salafy came from the word "salafus shalih", and shalafus salih are Abu Bakr, Umar bin khattab, Uthman bin Affan, and Ali bin Abu Thalib who represent all the companions of Rasulullah shalallahu alaihi wasallam :brother: . So the word salafy taken from salafus salih, the person called "salafy" and he follow salafiyah teaching. Just like when you follow the teaching of someone, lets say "Abul Hasan Al Asy'ary" then you will be called Asy 'ariyyah, or lets say if you follow one of those tareqat sufiyyah, then you wil be called naqsyabandiyah/naqsyabandy, or Jistiyyah/jisty.
    Why we call our self salafy? Cause -yaa akhee- its not enough just calling our self a 'muslim" these days? Cause there are a lot of different deviate sects in Islam masha Allah. And its also not enought just to call our self a muslim who follow Quran and sunnah, cause those deviate sects also claimed that they follow Quran and sunnah too. Can you tell me one sect that claim that they DONT follow Quran and sunnah? Impossible you can. So then we have to make it more specific by calling our self "a muslim who follow Quran and sunnah with the teaching of the companions, and the companions called salafus shalih which is means the previous people who are salih" and to make it short we call our self "salafy" :brother: , got it?
    Why we make it more specific with following Quran and sunnah with salafus salih teaching?Cause those sects also have proves/daleel/hujjah from Quran and sunnah, but they understand it with their own interpretation :brother: , thats why they became lost. They tafseer Quran along with their desire, and they dont care wether the daleel (from hadith) dhaif (weak), maudhu (fake) or even laa aslalahu (No sanad at all). So their teaching become blur, and theyre lost and far from Islam with or without their realization. But if we follow salafus salih with their understanding in Quran and sunnah, then its impossible we can be lost. Cause like in hadith said that the companions are the best ummah, Rasulullah said:"The best ummah is in my time, and then after that (tabieen) and then after that (tabiut Tabieen)". And the companions were the people who had direct education from Rasulullah. And also they have direct order from Rasulullah -shalallahu alaihi wasallam- to spread Islam. And also theyre who have direct recomendation from Allah, cause in Quran Allah -azza wa jalla- said " Radhiallahu anhu wa rodhu'anh" and also theyre praised in many hadiths and some verses in Quran. So...by following Islam according salafus salih understanding, thats mean we have understood Islam in the right way. And beside this understanding, then be prepared to be deviated.
    So akhee...all we have to do is just following the companions teaching so we can be saved in our understanding of Islam. And if we follow their teaching then automatically we will be called "salafy". And salafy also known as Ahlussunnah wa jamaah, or Thaifah manshurah, or jamaah ahlul hadith. :brother: Wabillahit taufiq
    Saying "Sadaq Allaahul-'Adtheem"

    Then which of the favours of your Lord will ye deny? Woe unto the repudiators on that day!

    Wanna know more sunnah: Go to http://www.islamicboard.com/islamic-...do-u-know.html. No muslims can life without sunnah.

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    Re: Saying "Sadaq Allaahul-'Adtheem"

    format_quote Originally Posted by Isma'el View Post
    i know they are big scholars..may alllah be pleased with them.....
    correct me if am wrong but they are all salafi scholars, which then will oviously have the same opinion.?

    Of course they have the same opinion, Cause they have the same manhaj to understand ISlam and follow one understanding (salafus salih), then certainly they will give the same opinion insha Allah. And another ulama (who is not salafy) then they usually will search daleel from Quran and sunnah AFTER they give fatawa or after they said something, and they will have so many differences in giving fatawa cause ther fatawa go along their own interpretation and according their own nafs and follow their own importancy. But Ulama salafy not like that, they will not give fatawa before they have strong daleel and sahih from Quran and sunnah. So in this kinda time hadith "one mujtahid if he ijtihad right then he will have 2 rewards, and he is wrong then he still have 1 reward" work. But if one person, who claim them self ulama, or theyre being called ulama by awwam people but actuall they havent got enough knowledges, still if theyre right then they are sinners. Thats what our ulama mutaqaddimin said. Allahu a'lam.
    Saying "Sadaq Allaahul-'Adtheem"

    Then which of the favours of your Lord will ye deny? Woe unto the repudiators on that day!

    Wanna know more sunnah: Go to http://www.islamicboard.com/islamic-...do-u-know.html. No muslims can life without sunnah.

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    Re: Saying "Sadaq Allaahul-'Adtheem"

    ok let me ask you all sommit...? how many ppl do u personally know that say
    "Sadaq Allaahul-'Adtheem" after they recite Qur'an..?

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    Re: Saying "Sadaq Allaahul-'Adtheem"

    format_quote Originally Posted by Isma'el View Post
    ok let me ask you all sommit...? how many ppl do u personally know that say
    "Sadaq Allaahul-'Adtheem" after they recite Qur'an..?
    almost everyone.

    and let me ask you something, how many people did Muhammad PBUH personally know that didn't believe in him when he first came with the message?

    Instead of asking baby questions like that... quote me line by line and refute with proof.. not with un-scientific questions like what you just asked..
    Saying "Sadaq Allaahul-'Adtheem"


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    Re: Saying "Sadaq Allaahul-'Adtheem"

    ^^ loool

    and you're method of proving them wrong is by votes and intuition without any proof?

    how about i tell you a story about ibn abbas.. he was advising the tabi'3een and tehy said "but abu bakr said so and so" and ibn '3abbas got upset and sad adn said "WHAT!! i tellyou Allah says and his messenger says, and you tell me Abu Bakr and Umar say!! i fear that rocks will be thrown at you from the heaven!!"
    Saying "Sadaq Allaahul-'Adtheem"


    ليس بعلم ما حواه القمطر، ماالعلم إلا ما وعاه الصدر
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    Re: Saying "Sadaq Allaahul-'Adtheem"

    format_quote Originally Posted by Isma'el View Post
    ok let me ask you all sommit...? how many ppl do u personally know that say
    "Sadaq Allaahul-'Adtheem" after they recite Qur'an..?

    If you ask like that, then we have to ask you back:
    1. Like "lolwhatever" said, isnt it Rasulullah also rejected by most of his people in his time?
    2. And do U see our muslims community is people who CARE for their dien? Let me ask you, how many muslim leave salah? How many muslim doesnt fast Ramadhan? How many muslim drink alcohol? Can you count it your self yaaaaaa akhee, do U think the good muslim is more than the bad one? We have to open our eyes that muslims these days majority dont know how to understand Islam, and they dont have enthusiasm to learn Islam, learn sunnah. And most of them drown in dunya bussiness.
    So if its like that, will you take it by the quantity who "say shadaqallahul adhim"?
    If yes, then you can ask those muslims who say shadaqallahul adhim:
    1. Aina Allah: Where is Allah?
    2. DO they know how to salah according tu sunnah Nabi?
    3. Do they know how to do wudhu according sunnah?
    And also you cant say "whats so wrong to say shadaqallahul adhim after reading Quran?". Its not like that we do our religion yaa akhee. Thats not the right question you have to say, but indeed we have to ask our self "is this amal have example from Rasulullah? or by the companions?", if there are no examples (can be known in hadith) then you should know that Rasulullah said "every amal (in ibadah) that have no example from us, then its rejected".

    So thats why our scholars have TWO condition in order our amal can be accepted by Allah, 1. Ikhlas. 2. MUST BE ever done by Rasulullah or according sunnah.
    Example: If you do salah Subh, then you are ikhlas to do subh 4 rakaah, can it be accepted by Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala? If you say it cant, then I ask you Why? Cause if we just think from the way you understand Islam, then it should be OK cause its good isnt it if we add more rakaah in subh , maybe we can have more reward isnt it? Will you do subh 4 rakaah yaa akhee? SO we may not say something like "but theres nothing wrong if we say "shadaqallahul adhim" after we read Quran".Cause if talking about something concern ibadah then it need to daleel from Quran and sunnah.
    And also if you salah subh perfectly, according sunnah BUT you do it cause something else but Allah, its also cant be accepted. So botk of the conditions must be fullfiled. And akheeeeee its not hard to stop saying "shadaqallahul adhim" after we read Quran right? It will felt strange at first I know, I also felt it but thats the right thing to do wallahi. Why do we defend to say that since we know Rasulullah said that amal which have no prove from him the nit wont be accepted? wabillahi taufiq wa hidayah
    Saying "Sadaq Allaahul-'Adtheem"

    Then which of the favours of your Lord will ye deny? Woe unto the repudiators on that day!

    Wanna know more sunnah: Go to http://www.islamicboard.com/islamic-...do-u-know.html. No muslims can life without sunnah.

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    Re: Saying "Sadaq Allaahul-'Adtheem"

    do u blive that everthing the prophet PBUH said has been recorded..?....ill answer that for you.. NO

    Would you accept sommit that has not been recorded in hadith but has been passed down by the 1st - last generation in a good chain...

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    Re: Saying "Sadaq Allaahul-'Adtheem"

    format_quote Originally Posted by Isma'el View Post
    hey i dunno what place on earth yr frm..?

    but hand on my heart...i have nva heard any1 apart from qari's...saying it.

    That the problem with the new young salaf of the streets, they learn a few hadiths , think they can literley understand it...and go round refuting

    But all we told you is not from our self, but its the explanation of ulama. Ad they explained it from Quran and hadith sahih and believe me they capable to do this masha Allah. And we just read their book and advice eachother so we can go along together to defend sunnah :brother: and detroy bidah. Cause bidah is so so dangerous. And theres ulama said that if we have understand about bidah then tahts mean we have understand half of our dien.
    A little info for you:
    Imam Syafi'i rahimahullah said "whenever one hadithsahih, then THATS my mahdhab"
    And also he said "dont you taqlid (be a blind follower) to me, whenever one hadith is sahih then thats my mahdhab"
    And Imam Malik bin Anas said "If someone said that there is BID'AH HASANAH, then that means they have accused Rasulullah has commited treason in explaining the risalah (Al Islam). Cause Allah said "This day have I perfected your religion for you, completed My favour upon you, and have chosen for you Islam as your religion." (Al Maida:3). So what is not included in Islam in Rasulullahs time, then it will never be included in Islam today (and forever)".
    Last edited by Dhulqarnaeen; 08-04-2006 at 09:07 AM.
    Saying "Sadaq Allaahul-'Adtheem"

    Then which of the favours of your Lord will ye deny? Woe unto the repudiators on that day!

    Wanna know more sunnah: Go to http://www.islamicboard.com/islamic-...do-u-know.html. No muslims can life without sunnah.

  21. #36
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    Re: Saying "Sadaq Allaahul-'Adtheem"

    ^^ ofcourse not everythign was recorded

    oh bro that would be marvellous of you, pleeease i beg you can u tell me about this hadith that you only know of and the rest of the ummah doesnt know about?

    if you can prove its authenticity i'll giv u a rep every day for the rest of my life and make alot of dua, and on top of that ill agree with you

    Saying "Sadaq Allaahul-'Adtheem"


    ليس بعلم ما حواه القمطر، ماالعلم إلا ما وعاه الصدر
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  22. #37
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    Re: Saying "Sadaq Allaahul-'Adtheem"

    format_quote Originally Posted by Isma'el View Post
    do u blive that everthing the prophet PBUH said has been recorded..?....ill answer that for you.. NO

    Would you accept sommit that has not been recorded in hadith but has been passed down by the 1st - last generation in a good chain...

    SUBHANALLAH...ya akhee...see the surah I quoted above, it said "This day have I perfected your religion for you, completed My favour upon you, and have chosen for you Islam as your religion." (Al Maeedah:3). Who give the statement that Islam is PERFECT? You know what is the word perfect means dont you? It means its complete, and doesnt need to addition, inovation and also reducing. And somethings thats included ibadah in ISlam will never change from Rasulullah wafat till yaumul qiyamah. Cause Islam is perfect, perfect and perfect. And once a jew came to Abu dzar and asked him " did your prophet also teach you how to enter the toilet?" and Abu Dzar answered " theres no birds flying in the sky except He has explained it all to us how its happen", means every little things in ibadah has been described, and taught by Rasulullah.
    Do U think theres something that Rasulullah didnt explain? And NOW you or someone claim taht they know something that RAsulullah didnt/forget to teach us? Do U know ISlam better than Rasulullah shalallahu alaihi wasallam? Its so very wrong yaa akhee.
    And Allah said "Say, (O Muhammad, to mankind): If ye love Allah, follow me; Allah will love you and forgive you your sins. Allah is Forgiving, Merciful." (Ali Imran:31) Hasan Al Bashri said about this verse, "some people think that they love Allah and Allah testing them with this verse " Say, (O Muhammad, to mankind): If ye love Allah, follow me; Allah will love you and forgive you your sins. Allah is Forgiving, Merciful." And the words " and forgive you your sins. Allah is Forgiving, Merciful." means their sins forgiven by Allah cause they ITTIBA' to Rasulullah shalallahu alaihi wasallam, so thats why you are forgiven and given rahmah by Allah, because you have obeyed Rasulullah.
    Afraid Allah yaa akhee, wallahu yahdik, your saying is so very dangerous akheel kareem. How can someone who came after Rasulullah know more about Islam then Rasulullah it self? Ask your self and be objectife to your self, is it possible? If your mother told you something, can I claim that I know about what your mother told you?. And what do U think if I can guess that theres something that you miss from your mothers orders to you that you dont know(but I know eventhough I never meet your mother)? Isnt that weird? No clear mind will agree with that Im sure wallah
    Last edited by Dhulqarnaeen; 08-04-2006 at 09:13 AM.
    Saying "Sadaq Allaahul-'Adtheem"

    Then which of the favours of your Lord will ye deny? Woe unto the repudiators on that day!

    Wanna know more sunnah: Go to http://www.islamicboard.com/islamic-...do-u-know.html. No muslims can life without sunnah.

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    Re: Saying "Sadaq Allaahul-'Adtheem"

    its like kissing the quran is bidah, dua in groups is bidah this is bidah that is bidah..lol

    what the prolem ppl...learn to read yr salaat properly 1st b4 u start saying this n that is bidah

  24. #39
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    Re: Saying "Sadaq Allaahul-'Adtheem"

    format_quote Originally Posted by Isma'el View Post
    do u blive that everthing the prophet PBUH said has been recorded..?....ill answer that for you.. NO

    Would you accept sommit that has not been recorded in hadith but has been passed down by the 1st - last generation in a good chain...

    well akhee lets not jump to what hasn't been recorded...and stick with what has....including the evidence thats been given to you...
    and what we DO have, thats more than enough, subhanaAllah..

    ok just tell me this please...so saying sadaqaAllahul adheem, is not in a hadeeth (authentic! thats if its even in a hadeeth) or in an ayah, its not from the sayings of the 3 best generations?

    so where do you get it from,surely you must know?
    Saying "Sadaq Allaahul-'Adtheem"


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    Re: Saying "Sadaq Allaahul-'Adtheem"

    lol bro don't u feel sorry 4urself.. you've opened this topic adn you havn't been able to respond to anything.. and now you're opening on yourself another floodgate of topics

    jazaks 4 advise about salat.. will do..

    but its a simple question, are we right? if not, why? do you have any evidence besides votes to prove us wrong?

    otherwise.. maybe you should yell at the graves of the scholars for not conducting votes and polls to come up with rulings about whether matters are halal or haram..


    ps: don't make your 100th post a misery, for your own sake..
    Saying "Sadaq Allaahul-'Adtheem"


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