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Some Characteristics To Recognise In A Magician

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    Some Characteristics To Recognise In A Magician (OP)

    Some Characteristics To Recognise In A Magician

    Author: Shaykh Waheed Abdus-Salaam Baalee
    Source: The Clear Path Translator: Abu Hibbaan and Abu Khuzaimah Ansaari

    Published: Saturday 29th October, 2005

    If the characteristics mentioned below are recognised in a person who attempts to heal someone, and if he possesses them then one should be certain that such a person is a magician.
    1. The magician asks the name of the ill person and the name of the mother.
    2. The magician requests some form of clothes of the ill person for example, shirt, hat or handkerchief.
    3. Sometimes the magician requests an animal that he sacrifices without reciting "Bismillah (Begining in the name of Allaah)." then he rubs the blood of the animal on the person's body and he throws the rest on uninhabited land.
    4. The magician writes spells and talismans (ta'weez).
    5. The magician recites the spells and talisman that cannot be understood by normal people.
    6. The magician gives the patient a veil that has boxes and the boxes contain numbers or letters.
    7. The magician orders the patient to seclude himself from the people for a specific period and to lock himself in a room where sunlight cannot reach him.
    8. The magician sometimes asks the patient not to touch water for a specific period which is normally forty (40) days. And this sign is clear evidence that the Jinn the magician uses are Christian.
    9. The magician gives the patient some things that he needs to bury in the ground.
    10. He gives the patient some papers that he needs to burn and inhale the smoke from the burning paper.
    11. He may chant or murmur in a tongue or language that nobody understands.
    12. The magician sometimes tells the patient his name, the name of his city and the reason for his visit, all as soon as he sees him.
    13. The magician gives the patient a piece of paper or a plate with some letters inscribed on it, and the patient has to mix it with water and drink it.
    If you see a single sign from these signs in a person and you become certain he is a magician then do not go to him otherwise the statement of the Messenger of Allaah (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) will apply to you:
    "Whoever visited a fortune teller and believed in what was said to him then he has disbelieved in the religion revealed to Muhammad (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam)." [This hadeeth with its supports is Hasan, and Bazzaar, Ahmad and Haakim have narrated it. See also Saheeh al-Jaami (no.5939)]
    Some Characteristics To Recognise In A Magician

    Do not argue with your Lord on behalf of your soul, rather argue with your soul on behalf of your Lord.” - Dhul-Nun

    "It is the very pursuit of happiness that thwarts happiness." - Victor Frankl

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    Re: Some Characteristics To Recognise In A Magician

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    format_quote Originally Posted by Malaikah View Post

    That sounds very suspicious... You're only meant to use religious things like verses from the Quran aren't you?
    Well yes. Since I've read threads of this sort, I've been unable to offer any help to sick people. Which is a great shame really as there's no majic/jinn involved, so I don't understand on what basis spiritual healing is deemed haram by some.

    However, since I posted, I did manage to ring a member of the foundation and ask for an explanation of why the taweez contain numbers and diagrams.

    He told me that the numbers represent isms. And as isms are too long to write in a taweez, they are represented numerically. For the diagrams he said that each disease has an unseen shape/form which is what the diagrams represent. He also said that I shouldn't let misinformed people stop me from helping Allah's creation. I can't help but agree.

    Note: The diagrams/numbers in taweez for healing must not be confused with those used in black majic. It's what they represent that is important.
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    Re: Some Characteristics To Recognise In A Magician

    What is an ism?
    Some Characteristics To Recognise In A Magician

    wwwislamicboardcom - Some Characteristics To Recognise In A Magician
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  5. #23
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    Re: Some Characteristics To Recognise In A Magician

    format_quote Originally Posted by Muslimah_Sis View Post
    I used to practice spiritual healing, mainly for Cancer. The taweez I wrote did contain some numbers and diagrams which I didn't understand. I never did ask my teacher what they meant and now she's passed away. But there was no jinns involved so how can it be considered majic?

    Also we (the Azeemi Foundation) did not charge for the treatments. They were only done fi sabilillah. And we were never allowed to do anything that was harmful. Our books simply didn't contain malicious stuff only healing. Why is it so wrong then?

    Please, please listen to this lecture, you'll find that it answers alot of your questions.

    And this one:
    Some Characteristics To Recognise In A Magician

    Do not argue with your Lord on behalf of your soul, rather argue with your soul on behalf of your Lord.” - Dhul-Nun

    "It is the very pursuit of happiness that thwarts happiness." - Victor Frankl
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  6. #24
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    Re: Some Characteristics To Recognise In A Magician

    Sis Muslimah_Sis, i know the topics really controversial and since its quite widespread among asians to use the taweez and number coding - we find it confusing to why it shouldn't be used.

    I think the main principle is that the Messenger of Allaah said that the best generation is my generation [i.e. the sahabah], then the one after, then the one after them. The hadith is in Bukhari and Muslim. So the best 3 generations of Islaam are the most rightly guided. We know that after these best 3 generations, bid'a [innovation] became widespread in the ummah.

    Now i also know that christians use numbers alot and find it a really important matter in their religios texts. For instance the number 6/6/6 represents Al-Dajaal for them since that is the verse number where the anti-christ is mentioned in their scripture, as they claim. So on my personal opinion, i think we got this number idea 'representing verses' to be an adopted idea off the christians since we know that the Messenger of Allaah did say that we would follow the ways of the nations before us, step by step, cubit by cubit etc. in other ahadith. And Allaah knows best.

    Why do i say this? I say this because when performing any action of ibaadah [worship] - we need to see how the Messenger of Allaah performed it. Or even how his companions since they followed his way the best. We can also see the example of those who followed the companions' teachings from the 3 best generations.

    So we have to ask ourselves, how did these pious people truelly cure the ill? Was it through reciting Qur'an on the ill people? I.e. surah fatiha, the 2 kul's of Surah Al-Falaq, and Al-Naas? Was it through reciting surah Al Baqarah? The answer is that yes - they did that since it is the sunnah.

    Did they write numbers on paper to represent Qur'an? If they never, then is that truelly the way of the most rightly guided people? Since they were the foremost in rushing to do good deeds, and if they knew this was the correct way - then wouldn't they be doing it also? If you say yes they may have, then one has to bring evidence from authentic sources for that claim in order to take the steps forward. However, if they never did that act - then we shouldn't either since every innovation is a misguidance and every misguidance is in the hellfire as the Messenger of Allaah said, recorded in Sahih Muslim.

    Do you see where we're coming from? This religion depends upon evidences, otherwise we may just go astray like the christians did, think about it - when they stopped their priests from getting married - they probably thought it was an advantage for them since they don't have to give inheritance to the children. But look at the evil that came out of it - some of these people started harming young boys. Or how about the Sh'ia who simply had excess love for 'Ali ibn Abi Talib - yet this lead to some believing that Ali was god himself?

    We may not know of the evil behind the bid'a, but many generations after us there may be many evils which come out of it. So we stick to the Qur'an and Sunnah according to the way of Allaah's Messenger and the best 3 generations. We do what they did, and we leave out what they never. Since that is the true guidance, and following the true guidance without additions leads to Jannah.
    Last edited by - Qatada -; 04-28-2007 at 02:50 PM.
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    Re: Some Characteristics To Recognise In A Magician

    So according to ahlus wal sunnah jamaat, I'm a majician?

    In Samir Abu Hamza's lecture, he mentioned that the Quran is the cure for everything. The Prophet also used Quranic verses to cure. He also said that black seed is the cure for everything except death. Then why do muslims go to doctors and not do what the Prophet said?

    Also did the Prophet (PBUH) forbid writing taweez for healing, even though he did not do it himself? I'm inclined to agree with Righteous sis that it's forbidden to do harmful taweez. Otherwise as far as spiritual healing goes, the argument that the Prophet didn't do it so it's forbidden is doubtful.

    Whatsmore is that if it was forbidden why would people get healed by it? Surely if Allah disliked it, it would be void of His blessings.

    P.S. Malaikah sis, isms are the names/attributes of Allah subhana wa ta'ala.
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    Re: Some Characteristics To Recognise In A Magician

    It doesn't mean your a magician sis, it's just that what the Messenger of Allaah and the sahabah did in regard to matters of ibaadah [worship] - we do what they do, and we stop at what they did not do. And curing someone using Qur'an etc is a form of ibaadah since you're trying to draw closer to Allaah.

    In regard to going to the doctors, one isn't really using Qur'an or anything since it's a worldly innovation, and worldly innovations aren't forbidden so long as they don't transgress the boundaries of Islaam.

    In regard to people being cured, i think it was Ibn Taymiyya who said that he would sometimes see people praying at graves, and Allaah would respond to the persons dua', even though what that person was doing is something dangerous. He said the reason for that may have been because Allaah knew the desperation of that person and therefore He responded to them and cured them.

    For instance i heard a story of some women going to a grave in Pakistan, they prayed to the grave and said that if i get a son - i wont shave the center of his head for a certain amount of time. Subhaan Allaah, it turns out this woman got a son and she did exactly that. Yet what she did was still forbidden, but it was a trial from Allaah upon them.

    And Allaah knows best.
    Last edited by - Qatada -; 04-28-2007 at 07:56 PM.
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    Re: Some Characteristics To Recognise In A Magician

    We don't mean that you are a magician Sister, please check this post for a clarification of what we are stating:

    Secondly, numerical codes, unknown symbols, strange words etc are known to be used by magicians. There is no guarentee that it is not magic or that they are not seeking help from the jinn. We need proof from the Salaf whether they did such a thing to do it as well.

    Otherwise as far as spiritual healing goes, the argument that the Prophet didn't do it so it's forbidden is doubtful.
    This is a very heavy matter sister. These kind of things need explicit proof from the Messenger to be done, in what they contain, in the way they are done etc. Whatever we do in regards to the religion HAS to conform with the Sunnah. As Ibn Mas'ud said: "Realize that, either you are more knowledgeable than Muhammad and his Companions, or else you are holding on to the tail of misguidance." And the reason for being this strict is so that the people do not do something against what the Messenger has brought.

    If you are referring to Ruqyah then that also has to conform with the Sunnah, i.e. it has some conditions. See link above.

    Please listen to these lectures from the second link I gave you:
    Last edited by Ibn Abi Ahmed; 04-28-2007 at 08:01 PM.
    Some Characteristics To Recognise In A Magician

    Do not argue with your Lord on behalf of your soul, rather argue with your soul on behalf of your Lord.” - Dhul-Nun

    "It is the very pursuit of happiness that thwarts happiness." - Victor Frankl
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  11. #28
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    Re: Some Characteristics To Recognise In A Magician

    only authentic cures from hadiths should be used all these numbers and things are dodgy

    i think the 40 day thing and christian jinn thing has something to do with lent, because aint that 40 days
    Some Characteristics To Recognise In A Magician


    "they ask you when will the help of Allah (swt) come! Certainly Allah (Swt) help is always near"

    Surah al Baqarah v214

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  12. #29
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    Re: Some Characteristics To Recognise In A Magician

    Is that when they fast?

    Yeah i thought for that it was as many days as you could..

    Anyways nice thread,

    I think dese dodgy things should be avoided, better safe then sorry

    And erm theres a cure for everything except death, so we don't need the jinns, go drink some honey or something

    Some Characteristics To Recognise In A Magician

    "Whoever lives amongst you will see much differing, so adhere to my Sunnah" Muhammad
    (صلّى الله عليه و سلم)

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    Re: Some Characteristics To Recognise In A Magician

    being asian yeh, your brought up hearing bout all these things and you think they are true, but then when you do your own research you realise "man we are dumb"

    numbers cannot substitute the Quran, trapping a jinn doesnt make you a holy man, saying things in some next lingo and blowing them on a cloth or something, doesnt make you a healer!!

    we should all jus try to do our own ruqyah, like in riyad us saliheen theirs a whole chapter with ruqyah duas and go to any islamic book shops you can buy this little greeny book called "aunthentic Ruqyah" and it has all duas listed for everything and provides sources where the dua is from. if you ask these so called "healers" where do you get your duas from " o my uncle told me" and your like "erm ok weirdo" its best not to rely on others and to do things yourselfs, get moi
    Some Characteristics To Recognise In A Magician


    "they ask you when will the help of Allah (swt) come! Certainly Allah (Swt) help is always near"

    Surah al Baqarah v214

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  15. #31
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    Re: Some Characteristics To Recognise In A Magician


    All duaz' from Sunnah ^
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    Cool Re: Some Characteristics To Recognise In A Magician

    AsalamuALaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh,

    jazakAllah bro cha cha that is true you know,

    jazakAllah fro link @ br Fi sabz

    I take refuge (to seek protection from the evil threatening me) with the might of Allah, the power of Allah, the strength of Allah, the greatness of Allah, the demonstration of Allah, the sovereignty of Allah, the assistance of Allah, the security of Allah, the amnesty of Allah, the shield of Allah, the kindness of Allah, the pride of Allah, the attention of Allah, the beauty of Allah, the grandeur of Allah, the perfection of Allah-there is no god save Allah and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah, I put myself, my children, my family, my property under (Allah's protection ) in the name of Allah's perfected words, from all devils, poisonous animals, and from every evil eye.Ameen (Say Ameen)
    Some Characteristics To Recognise In A Magician

    "Whoever lives amongst you will see much differing, so adhere to my Sunnah" Muhammad
    (صلّى الله عليه و سلم)

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  17. #33
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    Re: Some Characteristics To Recognise In A Magician

    Ok, thanks you guys don't think I'm a magician lol.

    Fi_Sabilillah: In regard to going to the doctors, one isn't really using Qur'an or anything since it's a worldly innovation, and worldly innovations aren't forbidden so long as they don't transgress the boundaries of Islaam.
    That's a better explanation, but my mind is still questioning certain things. For instance, spiritual healing is not ibadah itself but rather like any other good deed for the sake of Allah is also a form of ibadah. So how could it be classed as innovation in deen? It's not changing the way we should worship Allah.

    For instance i heard a story of some women going to a grave in Pakistan, they prayed to the grave and said that if i get a son - i wont shave the center of his head for a certain amount of time. Subhaan Allaah, it turns out this woman got a son and she did exactly that. Yet what she did was still forbidden, but it was a trial from Allaah upon them.
    I've seen such things myself and they disgust me. But she might not have known she was commiting shirk. She might've prayed to a grave and thought that whover was in the grave would ask Allah on her behalf, yet it was her faith in Allah for which He bestowed her with a son? Only Allah knows if it was a test. Not saying what she did was right though. Also, I was 17 when I started practicing S.H. and I had no knowledge of what shirk is. Then would Allah swt, (sorry Allah ji) test me with something I'm ignorant of? :confused:

    Al Madani: This is a very heavy matter sister. These kind of things need explicit proof from the Messenger to be done, in what they contain, in the way they are done etc. Whatever we do in regards to the religion HAS to conform with the Sunnah.
    Astaghfirullah if I said anything that displeased Allah. May Allah put the Truth in my brain. Ameen. I understand underlined part. But what if I say to myself that I will recite any surah a certain number of times for the pleasure of Allah and ask Him to fulfil my wish. And then Allah grants my wish. Will I have innovated something that doesn't conform to the Sunnah?

    Chacha said: numbers cannot substitute the Quran, trapping a jinn doesnt make you a holy man, saying things in some next lingo and blowing them on a cloth or something, doesnt make you a healer!!
    There is no healer except Allah subhana wa ta'ala. Just as Allah gives us rain through clouds, He can also give shifa through other people.
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  18. #34
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    Re: Some Characteristics To Recognise In A Magician

    ^ agreed sista,but shifa through others,i tink its best to jus do healin yaself,instd of goin to sum1
    i dunno how situation in other countries is. but in pakiland everywer u go der are self pro claimed saints + healers. and they hav a attitude of "we are right no matter what" and thats just childish lol and if you question them they say they busy lol,its good us youth learn and teach real islam. because shirk + bidah hav come so common nowadays, its sad.

    anyway lol, we should use authentic ruqyah
    Last edited by chacha_jalebi; 04-29-2007 at 12:24 AM.
    Some Characteristics To Recognise In A Magician


    "they ask you when will the help of Allah (swt) come! Certainly Allah (Swt) help is always near"

    Surah al Baqarah v214

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  20. #35
    Snowflake's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Some Characteristics To Recognise In A Magician

    Oh that reminds me. I forgot to ask what Ruqyah is?

    As for the things they do in pakiland, the weirdest one has got to be when they go and put 'chaadars' on graves of pious men. Why??? I mean what do they think - the man is cold? And then like Fi bro mentioned they do this mannat thing where they shave a boys head and leave a bit growing on the top of his bonce. It looks so rediculous.

    There's also this darbaar of Shah Dola. Women go there and ask him for a baby. But here's the freaky bit. This peer looked like a mouse. I don't mean he was furry with goofy teeth. But he had this tiny head and was nicknamed 'chuaa' (mouse) cuz of it. So anyway, they pray to him for a kid, but the condition is that the first-born is given to the darbaar. The first-born always looks like a 'chuaa' with the same tiny head - and I mean tiny. I've seen them with my own eyes. If the woman doesn't give her first-born away then the rest of her children will be born 'chuaas' too. OMG! It's so freaky.

    There's also a man still alive, who can be in one town one minute and another the next. He's been nicknamed Sain Jahaz (aeroplane). My friend has seen him with her own eyes. He doesn't wear a stitch but is said to be Holy and has special powers. SubhanAllah, these are the unseen things which only Allah has ilm of.

    P.S JazakAllah for the links Al Madani br. I'll listen tomorrow inshaAllah.
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  21. #36
    Ibn Abi Ahmed's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Some Characteristics To Recognise In A Magician

    format_quote Originally Posted by Muslimah_Sis View Post
    Astaghfirullah if I said anything that displeased Allah. May Allah put the Truth in my brain. Ameen. I understand underlined part. But what if I say to myself that I will recite any surah a certain number of times for the pleasure of Allah and ask Him to fulfil my wish. And then Allah grants my wish. Will I have innovated something that doesn't conform to the Sunnah?
    I don't want to give any sorta pronouncement on that scenario. However I will say that reciting Qur'an is not a 'pre-requisite' for your Du'a to be accepted. Allaah will accept your Du'a as long as you ask sincerly turning to Him Alone and having certainty that He will reply to you. You know, here's an excellent (the best I have heard) series of lectures on Du'a. Make sure you listen to them Insha'Allaah.

    Du'a - Weapon of the Believer 1
    Du'a - Weapon of the Believer 2
    Du'a - Weapon of the Believer 3
    Du'a - Weapon of the Believer 4
    Du'a - Weapon of the Believer 5
    Du'a - Weapon of the Believer 6
    Du'a - Weapon of the Believer 7
    Du'a - Weapon of the Believer 8
    Du'a - Weapon of the Believer 9

    I know it's quite a bit to listen to, but trust me, it's alot better that you spare some time and sit and listen to these lectures since the person speaking is a Scholar, Shaykh Yasir Qadhi, and he brings all the evidences and his lectures are just flowing with knowledge.

    format_quote Originally Posted by Muslimah_Sis View Post
    Oh that reminds me. I forgot to ask what Ruqyah is?

    As for the things they do in pakiland, the weirdest one has got to be when they go and put 'chaadars' on graves of pious men. Why??? I mean what do they think - the man is cold? And then like Fi bro mentioned they do this mannat thing where they shave a boys head and leave a bit growing on the top of his bonce. It looks so rediculous.
    That's just the start of it. You'll find these people doing Tawaf around the graves, putting their head on it, kissing it, prostrating to it etc etc. Needless to say all this is blatant shirk, and if not shirk, a despicable innovation that is a stepping stone to shirk. I urge you to listen to lectures I gave before (in previous posts), the entire series which is an explanation of a book called Kitab At-Tawheed. Please listen to it.

    And when you have the time, go through this thread:

    There's also this darbaar of Shah Dola. Women go there and ask him for a baby. But here's the freaky bit. This peer looked like a mouse. I don't mean he was furry with goofy teeth. But he had this tiny head and was nicknamed 'chuaa' (mouse) cuz of it. So anyway, they pray to him for a kid, but the condition is that the first-born is given to the darbaar. The first-born always looks like a 'chuaa' with the same tiny head - and I mean tiny. I've seen them with my own eyes. If the woman doesn't give her first-born away then the rest of her children will be born 'chuaas' too. OMG! It's so freaky.
    He's most probably a black magician. Leave him and seek refuge in Allaah from him. Recite surah Al Baqarah (preferably memorize it) as the Messenger said the magicians cannot face it.
    There's also a man still alive, who can be in one town one minute and another the next. He's been nicknamed Sain Jahaz (aeroplane). My friend has seen him with her own eyes. He doesn't wear a stitch but is said to be Holy and has special powers. SubhanAllah, these are the unseen things which only Allah has ilm of.
    This man definetly is not holy. This action is known amongst the black magicians that jinns carry them around, they walk on water and all other sorts of deceptions. Sister, please take the time out, ASAP, and read this entire thread, start to end:

    Be wary of these people, seek refuge in Allaah from them and always recite Qur'an and remain in Dhikr. May Allaah protect us from the evil of the allies of Shaitan.

    22:38 - Truly, Allah defends those who believe...

    Last edited by Ibn Abi Ahmed; 04-29-2007 at 02:40 AM.
    Some Characteristics To Recognise In A Magician

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    Re: Some Characteristics To Recognise In A Magician

    format_quote Originally Posted by Muslimah_Sis View Post
    So according to ahlus wal sunnah jamaat, I'm a majician?
    hha, no of course not sis!! Magicians are mushriks.

    In Samir Abu Hamza's lecture, he mentioned that the Quran is the cure for everything. The Prophet also used Quranic verses to cure. He also said that black seed is the cure for everything except death. Then why do muslims go to doctors and not do what the Prophet said?
    But the prophet never said we aren't allowed to use medicine...

    Whats more is that if it was forbidden why would people get healed by it? Surely if Allah disliked it, it would be void of His blessings.
    do you mean healed by the black magic? It is an illusion... for example there was a story where the wife of one of the men from the early generations of Islam was using one of those amulet things to cure her twitching eye. That is haram, of course, (it was a non-religious, non-sunnah one), but it worked, and she told her husband if it was haram why does it work (or something like that...). He replied to her that there was probably a devil who used to poke her eye or something and cause it to twitch, and when she got the amulet he stopped doing it to trick her into committing shirk.

    P.S. Malaikah sis, isms are the names/attributes of Allah subhana wa ta'ala.
    Malaikah sis? Are we sisters now? hehe kidding.
    Some Characteristics To Recognise In A Magician

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  23. #38
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    Re: Some Characteristics To Recognise In A Magician

    format_quote Originally Posted by Muslimah_Sis View Post
    Ok, thanks you guys don't think I'm a magician lol.
    I think the bro just meant that its a sign of a magician to use talismans etc.

    That's a better explanation, but my mind is still questioning certain things. For instance, spiritual healing is not ibadah itself but rather like any other good deed for the sake of Allah is also a form of ibadah. So how could it be classed as innovation in deen? It's not changing the way we should worship Allah.

    I think the difference is that you're using Qur'an as a form of medicine, therefore it has to reflect the Sunnah. Whereas the other aspects are to do with medicine and worldly innovations. I'll give you an example:

    I know of someone who met another man in the Masjid, he asked him some questions and that guy in the Masjid said that 'i give you ijaaza (permission) to do so and so.' The ijaaza was that if someone has a tooth ache, they should get a wooden plank and hammer in 3 nails. Then he recites some Qur'an or Allaah's names, he writes the name of the person with the toothache on the plank of wood, while the person with the tooth ache touches their tooth.

    Now this depends on the intention, if its a scientific cure that you hammer some nails in a plank of wood to get rid of the toothache. Then that may be okay.

    However, if the person is saying that hammering the plank of wood with nails is part of the ruqya, spiritual healing - then that is dangerous since that isn't in accordance with the Sunnah (unless proved otherwise.)

    Again, in reality - the Ahlus Sunnah [people of the Sunnah] find evidence from Allaah's Messenger or his companions to do acts of worship, whereas the people of bid'a usually make something up, and try to find proof to backup their claim.

    I've seen such things myself and they disgust me. But she might not have known she was commiting shirk. She might've prayed to a grave and thought that whover was in the grave would ask Allah on her behalf, yet it was her faith in Allah for which He bestowed her with a son? Only Allah knows if it was a test. Not saying what she did was right though. Also, I was 17 when I started practicing S.H. and I had no knowledge of what shirk is. Then would Allah swt, (sorry Allah ji) test me with something I'm ignorant of? :confused:

    The people who do it in ignorance, Allaah may not punish them for that. However, when the clear evidences come to them - then they have to obey, otherwise they would be going against Qur'an & Sunnah and depending on what they're doing - they could either be doing a major sin, a bid'a or even worse than that.

    You probably might hesitate before clicking on this link, but i think it's extremely important. The majority of us have been through it, and you will get attacked and be called by the 'W' title. But in the end, you will be proud of being called that since anything they say - you will have strong daleel/evidence from Allaah and His Messenger to counter act their argument inshaa Allaah.

    So i urge you to check this link, it will have many answers to all of your questions inshaa Allaah:


    There is no healer except Allah subhana wa ta'ala. Just as Allah gives us rain through clouds, He can also give shifa through other people.

    When the Messengers' of Allaah came to their people, their people believed that Allaah existed, they believed that Allaah created them, sustains them and everything. However they felt that they weren't pious enough, and praying to these intermediarries would raise their duas' [supplications] to Allaah. This is what the christians do to Jesus son of Mary, Mary, their saints etc. And alot of muslims have fallen into the exact same trap.

    Again, i'll let you check the link out inshaa Allaah and you'll see that the author himself hardly writes anything, he just quotes Allaah and His Messenger with authentic sources throughout. I hope you benefit from it inshaa Allaah, and know that you will become a stranger once you call people away from the way of their 'forefathers.'

    When it is said to them: "Follow what Allah hath revealed:" They say: "Nay! we shall follow the ways of our fathers." What! even though their fathers Were void of wisdom and guidance?

    The parable of those who reject Faith is as if one were to shout Like a goat-herd, to things that listen to nothing but calls and cries: Deaf, dumb, and blind, they are void of wisdom.

    [Qur'an Al-Baqara 2: 170-1]
    Last edited by - Qatada -; 04-29-2007 at 10:16 AM.
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    Re: Some Characteristics To Recognise In A Magician

    Al Madani: Make sure you listen to them Insha'Allaah.
    That sounds like an order. Loq, mashaAllah! I will listen to them bro. Perhaps a day at a time, since they are extremely long.

    This man definetly is not holy. This action is known amongst the black magicians that jinns carry them around, they walk on water and all other sorts of deceptions. Sister, please take the time out, ASAP, and read this entire thread, start to end:
    SubhanAllah, it never occured to me that jinns can carry people like that. But alhumdulillah, I have been avoiding the spiritual healing and I can assure you, there is absolutely no danger of me falling into something that's forbidden. Hence all the questioning.

    do you mean healed by the black magic? It is an illusion... for example there was a story where the wife of one of the men from the early generations of Islam was using one of those amulet things to cure her twitching eye. That is haram, of course, (it was a non-religious, non-sunnah one), but it worked, and she told her husband if it was haram why does it work (or something like that...). He replied to her that there was probably a devil who used to poke her eye or something and cause it to twitch, and when she got the amulet he stopped doing it to trick her into committing shirk.
    Now that is a real eye-opener. JazakAllah.

    Malaikah sis? Are we sisters now? hehe kidding.
    lolololol, did I ever say you were a brother?
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    Re: Some Characteristics To Recognise In A Magician

    you know when someone vanishes or does whatever, you should know that RasoolAllah (sal allah hu aleyhi wasalam) didnt suddenly vanish and start flying and neither did any sahaba (ra), many of these stories Allah hu alim lol, because they do sound strange, but some people have actually seen them so they have to be black magic

    also when someone flies or does whatever, you should just say so what? because its defo gona be a magic trick done with jinns or something, the religion of islam is complete as it says in surah al maidah! so by someone flying or doin a magic trick thats not gona make a difference to islam,because islam dont need someone to fly to show its beauty, RasoolAllah (sal allah hualey hi wasalam) alredy showed the beauty of islam and the religion has been completed, it doesnt need anyone else or any other practices to be added in!! in pakistan people havent been educated thats the thing, and most people that visit these darbars and all these graves, are the poor people, they go their for food and stuff, and its sad because unfortunately they end up committin shirk and its because of lack of education of islam!
    Some Characteristics To Recognise In A Magician


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