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16 Things You Can Do On The Night Of Power

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    16 things you can do on the night of power

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    16 things you can do on the night of power Crying in Front of Allah-It's not impossible & 16 things you can do on the night of power
    by Abdul Malik Mujahid

    When was the last time you cried? Not a few drops of salty water from your eyes, or the odd tear that slipped down your face while watching a tragic event.

    I'm talking about warm tears of the heart. Tears that sting your face because they've been there so long, their bitter saltiness hurts your skin.

    When was the last time you cried like a baby?

    Aisha, may Allah be pleased with our mother, relates that: In the last ten of Ramadan, the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, used to tighten his waist belt, pray all night, and wake up his family for the night prayers (Bukhari and Muslim).

    Almost two thirds of Ramadan is gone. We powerless people will soon be looking for the Night of Power (Laylatul Qadr), which we are advised to seek in these last ten nights of Ramadan.

    Aisha related that the Prophet said: Look for Laylatul Qadr on an odd-numbered night during the last ten nights of Ramadan (Bukhari).

    We can't afford not to be crying in front of Allah, the Merciful, All-Aware.

    Tears flow when we remember how much Allah has blessed us with and how much we disobey Him. We can never repay Allah for everything we have, yet we still blatantly commit sins both big and small: whether it's backbiting, hurting other human beings, not standing up for the truth, treating our family badly, lying, doing good deeds to show off, cheating, etc.

    Allah opens ways out of problems for us, easing our burdens. Yet, we still disobey Him and take His Mercy for granted.

    Abdullah ibn Umar, may Allah be pleased with him, said he would rather shed two tears from the fear of Allah than give a thousand dinars in charity.

    And the most telling example of a man who few would think would cry because of Allah is Umar, may Allah be pleased with him. He was known for being strong, fearless, and uncompromising when it came to matters of faith. Yet, Abdullah ibn Isa said that Umar had two black streaks on his face because of constant weeping.

    He feared Allah so much that he once said, "If someone announced from the heavens that everybody will enter Paradise except one person, I would fear that that person would be me."

    Umar was one of the strongest believers. Yet he cried and feared Allah. And Abu Bakr, he was simply known for his crying. These people loved to serve human beings in the day and spent time begging God to save humanity at night. May Allah be pleased with them.

    Let's be more contemplative and pray for an awareness of and forgiveness for our sins, as well as softness in our hearts. If Umar the brave and pious did it, we have even more need and urgency to do it.

    Human beings are in turmoil. Connecting with God with our hearts and begging for His Mercy for His Creation will bring us Closer to Him and human beings.

    16 things you can do on the Night of Power

    Laylatul Qadr (the Night of Power) is described in the Quran as, "better than a thousand months" (97:3). Any action done on this night such as reciting the Quran, remembering Allah, etc. is better than acting for one thousand months which do not contain the night of Qadr.

    Allah's Messenger used to exert himself in devotion during the last ten nights to a greater extent than at any other time." (Muslim). Allah's peace and blessings be upon our beloved Prophet.

    Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her, related that the Prophet said: Look for Laylatul Qadr on an odd-numbered night during the last ten nights of Ramadan (Bukhari).

    The Prophet said: "Whoever prays during the night of Qadr with faith and hoping for its reward will have all of his previous sins forgiven." (Bukhari and Muslim recorded from Abu Huraira).

    Here are some tips of things we can do on the Night of Power and the time before and after it.

    1. Take a vacation for Allah

    We take a break from our jobs for almost everything in life. Why not this time to focus on worshiping and thanking our Creator.

    If this is not possible at least take a few days off if you can. This can make it easier to stay awake at night to do extra Ibadah, not having to worry about getting to work the next day.

    It will also facilitate doing Itikaf.

    2. Do Itikaf
    It was a practice of the Prophet to spend the last ten days and nights of Ramadan in the masjid for Itikaf.

    Those in Itikaf stay in the masjid all this time, performing various forms of zikr (the remembrance of Allah), like doing extra Salat, recitation and study of the Quran. They do not go outside the masjid except in case of emergencies, therefore, they sleep in the masjid. Their families or the masjid administration takes care of their food needs.

    Itikaf of a shorter period of time, like one night, a day or a couple of days is encouraged as well.

    3. Make this special Dua

    Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her, said: I asked the Messenger of Allah: 'O Messenger of Allah, if I know what night is the night of Qadr, what should I say during it?' He said: 'Say: O Allah, You are pardoning and You love to pardon, so pardon me.' "(Ahmad, Ibn Majah, and Tirmidhi).

    The transliteration of this Dua is "Allahumma innaka `afuwwun tuhibbul `afwa fa`fu `annee"

    4. Recite the Quran

    Perhaps you can choose Surahs or passages from the Quran which you have heard in Tarawih this past Ramadan to recite.

    If you attend a class where the recitation of the Quran is taught, this is a great time to put your knowledge into practice.

    5. Reflect on the meaning of the Quran

    Choose the latest Surah or Surahs you've heard in Tarawih and read their translation and Tafseer. Then think deeply about their meaning and how it affects you on a personal level.

    (If you want to study the Quran with more understanding, check out Way to the Quran and Access to Quranic Arabic.

    6. Get your sins wiped out

    Abu Huraira narrated that the Messenger said: Whoever stands (in prayer) in Laylatul Qadr while nourishing his faith with self-evaluation, expecting reward from Allah, will have all of his previous sins forgiven. [Bukhari and Muslim).

    Don't just pray using the shorter Surahs that you know. Try to make your prayers longer, deeper and meaningful. If you are familiar with longer Surahs, read the translation and explanation and then pray reciting these Surahs, carefully reflecting on the meaning while you pray.

    Even if you are only familiar with the shorter Surahs, read the translation and explanation beforehand, and then pray reflecting on the message of the Surahs.

    This is a good way to develop the habit of concentration, even in regular prayers, where many of us tend to be fidgety and/or easily distracted.

    7. Make a personal Dua list.

    Ask yourself what you really want from Allah. Make a list of each and everything, no matter how small or how big it is, whether it deals with this world or not. Allah loves to hear from us. Once this list is ready, you can do three things:

    " Ask Allah to give you those things
    " Think about what actions you have taken to get those things
    " Develop a work plan to get those things in future.

    8. Evaluate yourself.

    Ask yourself those questions that need to be asked. Do an evaluation of where you are and where you are going. Let this evaluation lead you to feel happiness for the good you have done and remorse for the bad you have done. (see a short and a long evaluation guide) This latter feeling should make it easier to seek Allah's sincere forgiveness when making the Dua mentioned in tip number one above.

    9. Make long, sincere and deep Duas

    One of the best times to do this is during the last part of the night.

    Abu Huraira, may Allah be pleased with him, related that the Prophet said: When the last one-third of the night remains, our Lord, the Glorious One descends towards the heaven of the earth and proclaims: Who is that who supplicates for Me, and I grant his supplication? Who is that who begs Me for anything and I grant it to him? And who is that who seeks My forgiveness, and I forgive him? (Bukhari, Muslim).

    That means for instance, waking up one hour before Suhoor time to ask Allah for anything and everything you want that is Halal. This can be done using the Duas of the Sunnah, but also Dua in your own language, with sincerity and conviction.

    For some tips on making Dua please see the article Some personal Duas you can make.

    10. Memorize a different Dua every night

    They don't have to be long. They can be just one line. And be sure to know what they mean generally at least, even if you don't know the exact translation in English.

    You can put them on index cards (or and keep them with you during the day, glancing at them during work, while driving, waiting in line, etc.) Then practice them at night in prayer.

    11. Have Iftar with the family

    If you've spent Iftar time on weekdays in your cubicle at work alone with a couple of dates, now is the last few days you'll have this Ramadan to spend with your family. Use it wisely.

    12. Take the family to Tarawih

    Have your spouse and kids missed Tarawih most of Ramadan because you weren't there to drive them to the Masjid, which is too far away to walk to? If so, do all of yourselves a favor and bring everyone for Tarawih in these last ten nights.

    13. Attend the Dua after the completion of Quran recitation

    Almost all Masjids where the Imam aims to finish an entire reading of the Quran in Tarawih prayers in Ramadan will be completing their recitation in these last ten nights. They may try to end on one of the odd nights and read the Dua at the end of a reading of the Quran. Attend this particular night's Tarawih prayer with your family. See if you can attend different Masjids' Tarawih prayers the night they finish reading the Quran.

    14. Finish reading a book on the Prophet

    Read about the Prophet's life, which can increase your love for him and Islam by seeing how much he struggled for Allah's sake. It may inspire you to push yourself even harder during these last ten nights. This community is built on sacrifice.

    15. Plan for the next year

    Once you've done a self-evaluation, you can plan on where you want to go, at least in the next 12 months. Laylatul Qadr is a great night to be thinking about this (without taking away from your worship), since you'll Insha Allah, be in a more contemplative state. You may choose to dedicate one night of power for evaluation and one night for planning for the next year.

    16. To do list for the Night of Power

    Make a to do checklist for each Night of Power. This should define how you would like your night, the one better than a thousand months, to be used. Pick things from this list and define the sequence you would like to do things in. This will help you avoid wasting your time in unproductive chats which common in the festive atmosphere of Masjids at the Night of Power.
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    aishaazher's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: 16 things you can do on the night of power

    jazakullah!!!!!!!!!!!, where did you get this information from???, any way, its very good
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  4. #3
    Salema's Avatar
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    Re: 16 things you can do on the night of power

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    Umm Safiya's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: 16 things you can do on the night of power

    wa Rahmatullâhi wa Barakâthu..

    BarakAllâhu fiiki ya ukhtii, JazakAllâhu khayr habibti, amiin.. May Allâh reward you with succes in this life and the next inshâ'Allâh.. May Allâh ta'âla forgive us for all our past sins and our future sins, and may He subhânah wa ta'âla let us enter Jannah amiin..

    The article is very very good sister, mashâ'Allâh.. Now I know exactly what I'm gonna do this Ramadhan alhamdulillâh..

    May Allâh ta'âla let us all gave a good Ramadhân with lots of noor inshâ'Allâh..

    16 Things You Can Do On The Night Of Power

    أم ذي عينين كبيرين

    صفية و عمر
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    Ameeratul Layl's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: 16 things you can do on the night of power

    JazakAllah Khiyr Habibati.... I enjoyed reading your little artcle. May Allah reward you for all the time and effort into writing it.Ameen.

    InshAllah, I will be printing your article out and passing it onto my mommy.

    Allah Ma3ik ya habibati
    16 Things You Can Do On The Night Of Power

    [MOUSE]hAvE A nIcE dAy[/MOUSE]
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    Muhammad's Avatar Administrator
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    16 Things You Can Do On The Night Of Power

    16 things you can do on the Night of Power

    Abdul Malik Mujahid

    Laylatul Qadr (the Night of Power) is described in the Quran as, "better than a thousand months" (97:3). Any action done on this night such as reciting the Quran, remembering Allah, etc. is better than acting for one thousand months which do not contain the night of Qadr.

    Allah's Messenger used to exert himself in devotion during the last ten nights to a greater extent than at any other time." (Muslim). Allah's peace and blessings be upon our beloved Prophet.

    Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her, related that the Prophet said: Look for Laylatul Qadr on an odd-numbered night during the last ten nights of Ramadan (Bukhari).

    The Prophet said: "Whoever prays during the night of Qadr with faith and hoping for its reward will have all of his previous sins forgiven." (Bukhari and Muslim recorded from Abu Huraira).

    Here are some tips of things we can do on the Night of Power and the time before and after it.

    1. Take a vacation for Allah

    We take a break from our jobs for almost everything in life. Why not this time to focus on worshiping and thanking our Creator.

    If this is not possible at least take a few days off if you can. This can make it easier to stay awake at night to do extra Ibadah, not having to worry about getting to work the next day.

    It will also facilitate doing Itikaf.

    2. Do Itikaf

    It was a practice of the Prophet to spend the last ten days and nights of Ramadan in the masjid for Itikaf.

    Those in Itikaf stay in the masjid all this time, performing various forms of zikr (the remembrance of Allah), like doing extra Salat, recitation and study of the Quran. They do not go outside the masjid except in case of emergencies, therefore, they sleep in the masjid. Their families or the masjid administration takes care of their food needs.

    Itikaf of a shorter period of time, like one night, a day or a couple of days is encouraged as well.

    3. Make this special Dua

    Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her, said: I asked the Messenger of Allah: 'O Messenger of Allah, if I know what night is the night of Qadr, what should I say during it?' He said: 'Say: O Allah, You are pardoning and You love to pardon, so pardon me.' "(Ahmad, Ibn Majah, and Tirmidhi).

    The transliteration of this Dua is "Allahumma innaka `afuwwun tuhibbul `afwa fa`fu `annee"

    4. Recite the Quran

    Perhaps you can choose Surahs or passages from the Quran which you have heard in Tarawih this past Ramadan to recite.

    If you attend a class where the recitation of the Quran is taught, this is a great time to put your knowledge into practice.

    5. Reflect on the meaning of the Quran

    Choose the latest Surah or Surahs you've heard in Tarawih and read their translation and Tafseer. Then think deeply about their meaning and how it affects you on a personal level.

    (If you want to study the Quran with more understanding, check out Way to the Quran and Access to Quranic Arabic.

    6. Get your sins wiped out

    Abu Huraira narrated that the Messenger said: Whoever stands (in prayer) in Laylatul Qadr while nourishing his faith with self-evaluation, expecting reward from Allah, will have all of his previous sins forgiven. [Bukhari and Muslim).

    Don't just pray using the shorter Surahs that you know. Try to make your prayers longer, deeper and meaningful. If you are familiar with longer Surahs, read the translation and explanation and then pray reciting these Surahs, carefully reflecting on the meaning while you pray.

    Even if you are only familiar with the shorter Surahs, read the translation and explanation beforehand, and then pray reflecting on the message of the Surahs.

    This is a good way to develop the habit of concentration, even in regular prayers, where many of us tend to be fidgety and/or easily distracted.

    7. Make a personal Dua list.

    Ask yourself what you really want from Allah. Make a list of each and everything, no matter how small or how big it is, whether it deals with this world or not. Allah loves to hear from us. Once this list is ready, you can do three things:

    • Ask Allah to give you those things
    • Think about what actions you have taken to get those things
    • Develop a work plan to get those things in future.

    8. Evaluate yourself.

    Ask yourself those questions that need to be asked. Do an evaluation of where you are and where you are going. Let this evaluation lead you to feel happiness for the good you have done and remorse for the bad you have done. (see a short and a long evaluation guide) This latter feeling should make it easier to seek Allah's sincere forgiveness when making the Dua mentioned in tip number one above.

    9. Make long, sincere and deep Duas

    One of the best times to do this is during the last part of the night.

    Abu Huraira, may Allah be pleased with him, related that the Prophet said: When the last one-third of the night remains, our Lord, the Glorious One descends towards the heaven of the earth and proclaims: Who is that who supplicates for Me, and I grant his supplication? Who is that who begs Me for anything and I grant it to him? And who is that who seeks My forgiveness, and I forgive him? (Bukhari, Muslim).

    That means for instance, waking up one hour before Suhoor time to ask Allah for anything and everything you want that is Halal. This can be done using the Duas of the Sunnah, but also Dua in your own language, with sincerity and conviction.

    For some tips on making Dua please see the article Some personal Duas you can make.

    10. Memorize a different Dua every night

    They don't have to be long. They can be just one line. And be sure to know what they mean generally at least, even if you don't know the exact translation in English.

    You can put them on index cards (or and keep them with you during the day, glancing at them during work, while driving, waiting in line, etc.) Then practice them at night in prayer.

    11. Have Iftar with the family

    If you've spent Iftar time on weekdays in your cubicle at work alone with a couple of dates, now is the last few days you'll have this Ramadan to spend with your family. Use it wisely.

    12. Take the family to Tarawih

    Have your spouse and kids missed Tarawih most of Ramadan because you weren't there to drive them to the Masjid, which is too far away to walk to? If so, do all of yourselves a favor and bring everyone for Tarawih in these last ten nights.

    13. Attend the Dua after the completion of Quran recitation

    Almost all Masjids where the Imam aims to finish an entire reading of the Quran in Tarawih prayers in Ramadan will be completing their recitation in these last ten nights. They may try to end on one of the odd nights and read the Dua at the end of a reading of the Quran. Attend this particular night's Tarawih prayer with your family. See if you can attend different Masjids' Tarawih prayers the night they finish reading the Quran.

    14. Finish reading a book on the Prophet

    Read about the Prophet's life, which can increase your love for him and Islam by seeing how much he struggled for Allah's sake. It may inspire you to push yourself even harder during these last ten nights. This community is built on sacrifice.

    15. Plan for the next year

    Once you've done a self-evaluation, you can plan on where you want to go, at least in the next 12 months. Laylatul Qadr is a great night to be thinking about this (without taking away from your worship), since you'll Insha Allah, be in a more contemplative state. You may choose to dedicate one night of power for evaluation and one night for planning for the next year.

    16. To do list for the Night of Power

    Make a to do checklist for each Night of Power. This should define how you would like your night, the one better than a thousand months, to be used. Pick things from this list and define the sequence you would like to do things in. This will help you avoid wasting your time in unproductive chats which common in the festive atmosphere of Masjids at the Night of Power.

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    Re: 16 Things You Can Do On The Night Of Power

    jazakallah 4 shring..
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  10. #8
    sis_in_islam's Avatar Limited Member
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    Re: 16 Things You Can Do On The Night Of Power

    Jazakallah very helpful.
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  11. #9
    Halima's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: 16 Things You Can Do On The Night Of Power

    16 Things You Can Do On The Night Of Power

    Do your charity in the name of Da'wah and help us out

    Insha'Allah Khair.

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    muslimdawah99's Avatar Limited Member
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    Re: 16 Things You Can Do On The Night Of Power

    jazaki Allah Khair
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  14. #11
    Allahu_Akbar's Avatar Limited Member
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    Re: 16 Things You Can Do On The Night Of Power

    thanks for info sis, its great to have people like you who tell us great things.Masha Allah
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  15. #12
    Batoota's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: 16 Things You Can Do On The Night Of Power

    Jazak Allah koli khair! May Allah reward you immensely for that!

    He feared Allah so much that he once said, "If someone announced from the heavens that everybody will enter Paradise except one person, I would fear that that person would be me."
    Subhan Allah!!! And compare that with our Ummah today- so sure of ourselves that we will get jannah, sinning out in the open..istagfir Allah!

    16 Things You Can Do On The Night Of Power

    Inna lilahee wa inna ilayhee rajoun!
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