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Married Virgin

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    Married Virgin (OP)


    This is not easy for me. But I know that I can’t keep this secret hidden forever. I am 20 years old and I am married. When I was 16 I fell in love with an amazing Muslim man and we married each other. When I married him, I was so happy. Nothing on earth, could bring me down, with him I had wings. , He would always make me smile, and he was everything a Muslim should be. I know that no one can match up to rasululah (saw) but to me he was so close in character. We were so attracted to one another; he has beauty, an amazing mind, even wealth. He would practice his Islam to the fullest, never compromised his deen for anything. I would always dream of a man like this before I met him. When I finally met him it was like Allah took him out of my dreams and placed him in my reality. In the Muslim community women would envy me (young & old. Asking me, “how did you find a man like this”? I would just say Alhamdulilah.

    I know that all the good I have in my life came from Allah alone, and all credit is due to Allah. When we first got married we lived together for only 2 weeks, after that due to some immigration issues he had to leave the country. But he was to return once things get sorted. During those 2 weeks, one week of it I had my period. So we couldn’t have been intimate fully. The week after when my period finished, nothing happened. Me being a young virgin I wasn’t really thinking of intercourse too much. If anything it was not really on my mind, mainly just freaking out about it. Was kind of happy that he didn’t approach me as soon as my period finished. I knew that it was going to happen, just be looking forward to it too much. I thought when it happens it will happen InshaAllah. While he was gone we always had contact, we were looking forward to the time we could be together again. We loved each other so much and were sad that we couldn’t be together as much as we would have liked.

    At the same time we stayed patient and kept making allot of dua that Allah allows us to be together soon as husband and wife and to never ever be separated again. Well he would return again, this time he stayed 3 months. I was so happy when he returned, my husband whom I have only known as my husband through marriage for 2 weeks. I was over the moon and so was he.

    During his stay, my love for him increased, we were being very affectionate except there was no intercourse. One night he mentioned that whenever he got too close I would freak out, and he would see fear in my eyes. That he didn’t want to hurt me and would wait until I got more comfortable. I thought that was sweet. A month passed and I am still a virgin. I started to actually think about it, but would never try to show it because of how shy I was. He asked me once, why I freak out? I didn’t know how to answer that. I asked him, have I ever stopped you? He said, no. I thought that would get him to think and show him that I of course want to be intimate with my husband regardless of how much I freak out. I thought, what Girl doesn’t freak out? If men all thought, oh my wife looks scared im not going to touch her, everyone would be virgin? One night he asked me, “why I don’t try to touch him”? I didn’t know how to answer it.

    I have never been with a man before how was I suppose to know? He would tell me how it’s a sign that I don’t feel close to him. That he doesn’t
    want to rape his own wife. Why don’t I act like I want it? I was so
    confused, and started to think that there is something wrong with me. Later he confirmed to me that he’s also very shy and he’s a virgin too. I knew that he was a Virgin, so I began to think maybe he’s also freaking out InshaAllah we will get through this. My sisters would get married and all get pregnant, and I am still a virgin. My mother would ask me, “Are you taking the pill”? By the time my mother asked me this I was already married for a complete year and have lived with him that long too. I just said, yes. I had turned 17 then.

    My mother gave me an earful of how bad the pill is for me, how I should stop taking it and that children are a blessing from Allah. I lied to protect his honor. I didn’t want anyone to think that he’s failing as a Man. Well, another year passed, still we’re virgins. When I turned 18, that night he began to kiss me, and he got close to being very intimate with me, then he stopped. He began to cry in my lap, asking me to forgive him. I told him that there is nothing to forgive. He said, I worry that I will lose you. There is no woman on this earth more beautiful then you, here we are I have you all to myself, and and. He didn’t finish it. I didn’t make him finish it. I just told him to sleep and that I wasn’t mad at him.

    The next day, when we were sitting together, I asked him something. He uses to be catholic, although my knowledge was and still is limited in that area, but I use to hear how priests rape the boys in the church. When we met, he did tell me that he use to go to church as a young boy. So that day, I asked him about the time he use to go to church. Were you ever molested as a child, I asked him? He wouldn’t look at me, but he just gave me body language that says, sort of no. I didn’t ask again. I continued cooking, cleaning, doing my wifely duties. My parents visit us and keep asking me why I am not pregnant yet; I have now been married for 4 years. My father occasionally will take me aside, and say things like this to me “don’t worry children are a blessing from Allah, I know that it must have been hard trying for 4 years”. I have always loved my husband; he’s my friend and a very Allah fearing Mu’min. I don’t know how this all happened. I know that he never harmed me; he was always good to me. And although we never had sex, we had so much fun. All these years I have never looked at other men. No living being knows of this life I am living. I have always felt like it would be a betrayal to leave him just because he didn’t do it with me? My parents absolutely adore him and even call him their favourite son in law. I dont know what to do. I know that I have lived such a beautiful life.

    He treats me like I am a princess, he’s so sweet and kind. I don't think that I will ever stop loving him. My mother wants me to get checked and find out why I cant have children. She sees how happy I am with my husband, she once told me in my Dads presence “If me and your father die, We know that we have given you to the best man on this earth”. I dont know what to do.

    I am starting to imagine what a life would be with kids? To be a real wife who experiences every aspect of marriage life? Or will I die as a Virgin? I always get a lot of attention from men, even when we eat out together at restaurants. Whenever men in our Community see me they wonder if I am available for marriage? That's because of my age & my looks "ive been told" and most assume at first hand that I am single. When I have to say I am married, it feels a bit wrong. It’s only at times like that I am reminded of the fact that I am really not married. recently started to cry in my sleep, wondering what I did wrong? I have never hurt people, I have always been the one who everyone came to when they needed anything. Now I am living this life. My husband keeps telling me, that he can’t believe it that I am still married to him. I am now visiting my Family, I’ve been looking at some links and came across this forum while my lil sister was reading here. I have to tell her one day soon...I think she will be so shocked omg, She looks up to me, and looks at me and sees me smile. She has seen so many marriages fall apart, she told me I give her hope. That she wants to have a marriage like mine. I am sorry for the long post.

    If I tell my parents they will make sure that I get divorced I know it in my heart. I need your advice ya muslimeen. I see commercials, talks of intimacy. I can't lie I wonder what thats like. But I am now beginning to accept that it might not happen with my husband, after 4 years of waiting now I think it might never happen. That breaks my heart, but I don't have any control over it...Iwill stop writing, I don't want anyone to come in and see my tears. Pls make dua for me. I don't want to break a heart so beautiful, a heart that would die for me.

    Married Virgin

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  2. #21
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    Re: Married Virgin

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    I'm sorry sister for what you have been through. Reading your post, it seems as if he has some sort of psychological problem or something has occured in his life that is stopping him from being intimate with you. You need to sit down with him, reassure him and talk about what is holding him back.

    You are his wife and he should be able to confide in you if you gain his trust.
    Married Virgin


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    MinAhlilHadeeth's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Married Virgin

    Maasha'Allaah @ going to Morocco. May it be a fresh and blessed start for both of you! As for the evil eye, read adhkaar on your self and trust in Allaah. Inshaa'Allaah all will be well.

    As a married woman, who understands the beauty and worth of love, I advise you to stay with your husband and work things out if you truly love him as you say. Every marriage has its trials. May Allaah bless you both with righteous offspring who will be the coolness to your eyes.

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    Re: Married Virgin

    Your situation reminds me of a sinister hollywood movie i had seen when I was doing much good and pretty good evil. The protagonist was scared of sex and ultimately his wife brings him out of it. Listen, its beautiful to see that you two love each other so much, Mashallah, may Allah bless both of you and this marriage. But sis, seriously, stop hoping and complaining and start doing something about it. I understand that you're a girl and you're very shy about all this but come on a person gives up all his/her shyness in front of only his/her spouse. As partners, you ought to know each other completely and sometimes to save relationships you have to do something which you've never done before. Sometimes its against your happiness but here its "for" your happiness. He might be shy but if it goes on then who knows you might fall into a bigger problem and consequences might be full of regrets. As you are with your mom now so when you go back to your husband, take him in your arms and tell him how much you missed him. I wonder what words to use to maintain the dignity here.

    Hug him, kiss him and increase the intimacy from your side. To put it straight, you'll literally have to seduce him and YOU WILL HAVE TO TAKE CHARGE. All these fears stay only till the first attempt. When a phobic faces his phobia, he gets rid of it. For the sake of at least negating the evil eye, give up that shyness for once and show him the beauty of this natural act which was further beautified by the following Hadeeth.

    It was narrated from Abu Dharr that some people from among the companions of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him): “O Messenger of Allaah, the rich people will get more reward. They pray as we pray, and they fast as we fast, but they give in charity from their excess wealth.” He said, “Has not Allaah given you things with which you can give charity? Every tasbeehah (saying ‘Subhaan Allaah (Glory be to Allaah)’) is a charity. Every Takbeerah (saying ‘Allaahu akbar (Allaah is Most Great)’) is a charity. Every Tahmeedah (saying ‘al-hamdu-Lillaah (praise be to Allaah)’ is a charity. Every Tahleelah (saying ‘Laa ilaaha ill-Allaah (there is no god but Allaah)’) is a charity. Enjoining what is good is a charity. Forbidding what is evil is a charity. Having intercourse (with one’s wife) is a charity.” They said, “O Messenger of Allaah, if one of us fulfils his desire, is there reward in that?” He said, “Do you not see that if he does it in a haraam way he will have the burden of sin? So if he does it in a halaal way, he will have a reward for that.” (Narrated by Muslim, 1674)
    Married Virgin

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  6. #24
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    Re: Married Virgin

    But you are both adults now, so you should both feel comfortable in being intimate- all the way- no?

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    Re: Married Virgin

    Sis, to be honest I really feel sorry for your husband but not you at all, he's a man and he will have needs. You will read alot about younger brothers wanting to get married early, purely for the sake of Allah to protect themselves from sin, this dunya is a huge fitna, and for men - women are one of the greatest trials as the prophet has said. MashAllah its great that your husband is practising deen but even then every man has his needs (how strong - depending on the person) and I'm pretty sure this will have built up over the four years to become a huge trial for him now.

    You two as spouses have a role to protect each other from the sin of illegal sexual acts, he might not be showing it but he probably is struggling badly to keep you comfortable and himself protected.

    So take this advice from another brother and please give the brother his rights. Your intimacy is nothing to be scared about, it is actually a blessing, our prophet has said that because you are doing it the halal way you will recieve good deeds for it. So stop being afraid, think about your husband and it should become something that you'll both enjoy. I think if you carry on like this, you will fall into sin.

  9. #26
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    Re: Married Virgin

    I need to admit this:

    I have been thinking I finally realise that it was me who was the biggest obstacle all along. Glo's post made me realise this. At the very early stages in our marriage I have always been scared of the 'deed' itself. I wouldn't mind kissing/touching but when I could tell that he was getting excited I would get scared. Believe me I know he has feelings, I have felt them.

    I have brought this upon us, I am the one to blame. I made it quite clear to my husband that I am scared. He was being patient all this time, waiting for me to relax. And just when I started wanting it, I had no guts to show it. I am madly attracted to him and do want him.

    I remember when we first got married, When i was on my period he wanted me but I told him 'I have my period' when i said that I felt relief, happiness. He still wanted to play around with me, but I remember being pathetically shy 'making stupid excuses. I even been wearing my hijab for the first two weeks we were together. I didn't want him to see my hair it's rediculous i know. Imagine how I felt when he wanted to undress me.

    Months into our marriage i have even suggested he gets a second wife (because I knew deep down that I was the reason we didn't do it). He was quite angry when I said that.

    I have been the root cause for all this. I realise it now...May Allah show me mercy. amee n.
    Married Virgin

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    Asiyah3's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Married Virgin

    format_quote Originally Posted by AnonymousGender View Post
    Sis, to be honest I really feel sorry for your husband but not you at all, he's a man and he will have needs. You will read alot about younger brothers wanting to get married early, purely for the sake of Allah to protect themselves from sin, this dunya is a huge fitna, and for men - women are one of the greatest trials as the prophet has said. MashAllah its great that your husband is practising deen but even then every man has his needs (how strong - depending on the person) and I'm pretty sure this will have built up over the four years to become a huge trial for him now.

    You two as spouses have a role to protect each other from the sin of illegal sexual acts, he might not be showing it but he probably is struggling badly to keep you comfortable and himself protected.

    So take this advice from another brother and please give the brother his rights. Your intimacy is nothing to be scared about, it is actually a blessing, our prophet has said that because you are doing it the halal way you will recieve good deeds for it. So stop being afraid,
    I agree 100%.

    Your husband told you:

    "One night he mentioned that whenever he got too close I would freak out, and he would see fear in my eyes. That he didn’t want to hurt me and would wait until I got more comfortable."

    "He asked me once, why I freak out?"

    "One night he asked me, “why I don’t try to touch him”?"

    "He would tell me how it’s a sign that I don’t feel close to him. That he doesn’t
    want to rape his own wife. Why don’t I act like I want it? "

    "When I turned 18, that night he began to kiss me, and he got close to being very intimate with me, then he stopped. He began to cry in my lap, asking me to forgive him."

    I think he's already explained to you everything. You HAVE TO do the first move, coz he might think you're frightened like he said.

  11. #28
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    Re: Married Virgin

    No intercourse for 4 years? Did I read that correctly? You 2 most be very brave, and maybe in some ways it's weird. Maybe it has to do with being too young. Who knows.
    While it is true that marriage is more than just sex, everyone knows that marriage was made permissible in Islam mainly for the purpose of allowing intercourse. Yes there are other reasons but that was the main one.
    I have to tell you your situation freaks me out. If for example a sister of mine or a female relative was married to a man and they had not slept together for 4 years I would be concerned for her. Maybe you two should see a professional psychologist to see where the anxiety comes from.
    Finally, sister please don't make the mistake so many women out there make. Try to miniimize that whole "I can't live without him."
    He seems like a nice guy, but suppose that one day he decides that you know what I am out of this marriage, then what? Will your world fall apart?
    That shouldn't happen and so many women make that mistake. It's nice to love someone but you cannot make your happiness dependant on someone else. That should only be reserved for Allah because He is unique.

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    Re: Married Virgin

    Selam aleykum
    I'm not a psychologist, and I don't know your husband, but if indeed your suspicion about him being abused as a child is true, then he could feel guilty about being abused. I know that doesn't appear to make sense, as there obviously is no guilt in being a victim. Yet it is a very common feeling among people who have suffered this. The tricky part is, that usually they don't realise this. Once they realise that they feel guilty about it, they understand how backwards the feeling is. But as long as the feeling remains dormant, they are unaware of even having this feeling, so as far as they know, the "being abused" part isn't even an issue.

    This dormant guilt could very well be the reason why he also feels guilt when approaching you, and you don't respond and freeze up. He is projecting his dormant feelings about his past abuse onto you. and assuming you feel the same.

    Again, I'm not a psychologist, and I could be way off, this is just how the puzzle seems to fit based on the little information you told us. If the subject of abuse ever comes up in conversation, make sure to stress that it is not his fault.

    May Allah subhana wa ta'ala make it easy for you and bless and reward you for your patience with each other. It is truly a remarkable thing.
    Last edited by Abdul Fattah; 07-13-2009 at 08:14 PM.
    Married Virgin

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    Snowflake's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Married Virgin

    Sis, whether or not you can live the rest of your life in this situation is another story, but at least you have to know the truth. Cuz, living with the truth is far easier than living with questions for the rest of your life. I don't think you want to spend years wondering why. And when you mature, you will see things in a different light. What if having kids becomes so important to you that it overrides your love for him. Trust me, we change as we get older. Our priorities change in ways you can never imagine.

    Obviosuly, your husband didn't give you the truth in four years, so you need to find out for yourself. And the fact that he asks you why you are afraid etc etc doesnt mean that he is willing and you are not. Men are so clever. It could be just a cover up. But it's up to you to find out. It's one thing living like thta with a mutual decision but totally another if you are forced to live with it. Under normal circumstances, no normal man will not attempt to consumate his marriage in four years. You have to be brave to find out for for once and for all what is going on exactly.

    You should confront your husband in a casual but firm manner. Ask him why things are the way they are. If he fobs you off, then put your shame/shyness aside and encourage him physically. You will get your answer, or at least a part of it by his response.

    If a husband of mine told me he had some problem, and provided it was incurable I'd happily accept it and love him regardless. But if he jus shut his mouth and expected me to live like a nun, I'd kick him where it hurts. It's just not done. Just do it sis. Be brave and make him face it. Then if he needs help, help him get it. But don't sacrifice your desires for a man who doesn't realise what he is putting his wife through.
    Last edited by Snowflake; 07-13-2009 at 09:21 PM.

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    Re: Married Virgin

    if you know your husband and know that he isn't going to harm you in any way, then just go with the flow.
    Married Virgin

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    AnonymousPoster's Avatar Full Member
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    Thumbs down Re: Married Virgin

    This is a very strange situation and in fact, a very bad and evil situation as well. If intercourse without marriage is a sin then marriage without intercourse is sin in its own way. And its strange to see that you earlier blamed your husband and picturised him as a complete weirdo and then you later take the blame on yourself and you guys have been married for four years. By this time, most couples expect their second child and you guys are literally making fun of each other and also the freedom given by Allah (Subhaanahu Wa Taala). You say that your husband doesn't wanna hurt you and scare you and so he doesn't do it. Thats an absolute mess. Alright. A similar situation happened with Rasoolullah and the first verse of Surah Tahreem (Surah 66) was revealed on that occassion. Here's Abdullah Yusuf Ali's translation and commentary on that verse :

    يَا أَيُّهَا النَّبِيُّ لِمَ تُحَرِّمُ مَا أَحَلَّ اللَّهُ لَكَ ...

    1. O Prophet! why holdest thou to be forbidden that which Allah has made lawful to thee?

    C5529. The Prophet's household was not like other households. The Consorts of Purity were expected to hold a higher standard in behaviour and reticence than ordinary women, as they had higher work to perform. See n. 3706 to 33:28.

    But they were human beings after all, and were subject to the weaknesses of their sex, and they sometimes failed. The commentators usually cite the following incident in connection with the revelation of these verses.

    It is narrated from 'Aisha, the wife of the holy Prophet (peace be on him) by Bukhari, Muslim, Nasai. Abu Dawud and others that the holy Prophet usually visited all his wives daily after 'Asr Prayer. Once it so happened that he stayed longer than usual at the quarters of Zaynab bint Jahsh, for she had received from somewhere some honey which the holy Prophet liked very much. "At this", says 'Aisha, "I felt jealous, and Hafsa, Sawda, Safiya, and I agreed among ourselves that when he visits us each of us would tell him that a peculiar odour came from his mouth as a result of what he had eaten, for we knew that he was particularly sensitive to offensive smells".

    So when his wives hinted at it, he vowed that he would never again use honey. Thereupon these verses were revealed reminding him that he should not declare to himself unlawful that which Allah had made lawful to him.

    The important point to bear in mind is that he was at once rectified by revelation, which reinforces the fact that the prophets are always under divine protection, and even the slightest lapse on their part is never left uncorrected. (R).

    ... تَبْتَغِي مَرْضَاتَ أَزْوَاجِكَ ...

    Thou seekest to please thy consorts.

    C5530. The tender words of admonition addressed to the Consorts in 33:28-34 explain the situation far better than any comments can express. If the holy Prophet had been a mere husband in the ordinary sense of the term, he could not have held the balance even between his private feelings and his public duties. But he was not an ordinary husband, and he abandoned his renunciation on his realisation of the higher duties with which he was charged, and which required conciliation with firmness.

    ... وَاللَّهُ غَفُورٌ رَّحِيمٌ ﴿١﴾

    But Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful
    See, Allah (Subhaanahu Wa Taala) immediately reprimanded Rasoolullah when he forbade something just to please his wife. Is your husband doing any different? The answer is no and he (or both of you) is going against the Qur'an just because you too are "shy":blind:. Wake up.

    Rasoolullah curse is on some people who do wrong and one of those people is a disobedient wife. Rasoolullah once said

    "Allah curses a woman who sleeps the night while her husband is angry with her.”

    The curse is on the wife who sleeps without satisfying the sexual desires of her husband.

    Its good to see that you two are very pious and religious but right here you guys are committing major evil.

    What I strongly recommend to you is that you show this thread to your husband or at least this post. The verse of Surah Tahreem is enough to make you understand that holding something which is halaal as haraam is against the Qur'an. A brother earlier in this thread already quoted the hadeeth of intercourse being an act of sadaqa.

    Alee (radhiAllaahu 'anhu) reports that the Messenger (sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) said:

    'There is no obedience to anyone in disobedience to Allah, verily obedience is in that which is correct .'

    Collected by al-Bukhaaree,Muslim and an-Nasaa'ee 'as- Saheehah of al-Albaanee no.181
    I hope you guys give up this evil haya for the sake of Allah and start increasing the numbers of this Ummah.

    Moreover, you guys are stealing each other's rights of intimacy to each other. Just think, if its because of your hesitation that he's scared then sister we are living in a kingdom of trials. The world is fully loaded with fitnah and what if, someday he finds someone who won't have any hesitation, Allah forbid, or what if, you get involved with someone who won't care about your hesitation and just do it, Allah forbid.

    Being a guy, I can honestly tell you that guys like it when the girl makes the first move, not just in this area but all. Like if there's fight then the man would really like it if the wife turns to reconciliation before him.

    It is possible that its the evil eye or sihr but are you just gonna stay its victim all your life. God helps those who hep themselves.

    I'd be very upfront here, when you return to your husband's home, physically express to him, how much you missed him not just during your stay at your Mom's place but in the last four years.

    Sister, the next post I'd like to see from you is the one in which you'll be giving us (your brothers and sisters on LI) the good news of us becoming Uncles and Aunts . I'll make dua for you InshAllah.

    Married Virgin

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    Re: Married Virgin

    hmm, I'm reminded of an article I read a while ago, about this sister who remained a virgin for 10 years, and when they finally decided to do the thingy she had to do a minor operation since her her body was not ready after so long.

    sister, you probably need to make the first move, don't rush it but wait for too long and this will cause major problems, go to a counselor if you can't work it out yourselves.

    it's a very simple thing, as in letting things take their course, you maybe need to give a little push, otherwise he's your man and you're his wife, so it doesn't take much thought or over deliberation, matters of the flesh are not separate from matters of mind, but inserting one into the other is not constructive.

    not to mention, this is one of your rights as wife, and this sort of self imposed celibacy between husband and wife is clearly forbidden in the first place.
    Married Virgin

    ” إن الأمة التي تحسن صناعة الموت توهب لها الحياة”


  18. #34
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    Re: Married Virgin

    went back and read the replies, this is a fairly good and natural one:

    format_quote Originally Posted by AnonymousGender View Post

    Your situation reminds me of a sinister Hollywood movie i had seen when I was doing much good and pretty good evil. The protagonist was scared of sex and ultimately his wife brings him out of it. Listen, its beautiful to see that you two love each other so much, Mashallah, may Allah bless both of you and this marriage. But sis, seriously, stop hoping and complaining and start doing something about it. I understand that you're a girl and you're very shy about all this but come on a person gives up all his/her shyness in front of only his/her spouse. As partners, you ought to know each other completely and sometimes to save relationships you have to do something which you've never done before. Sometimes its against your happiness but here its "for" your happiness. He might be shy but if it goes on then who knows you might fall into a bigger problem and consequences might be full of regrets. As you are with your mom now so when you go back to your husband, take him in your arms and tell him how much you missed him. I wonder what words to use to maintain the dignity here.

    Hug him, kiss him and increase the intimacy from your side. To put it straight, you'll literally have to seduce him and YOU WILL HAVE TO TAKE CHARGE. All these fears stay only till the first attempt. When a phobic faces his phobia, he gets rid of it. For the sake of at least negating the evil eye, give up that shyness for once and show him the beauty of this natural act which was further beautified by the following Hadeeth.

    It was narrated from Abu Dharr that some people from among the companions of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him): “O Messenger of Allaah, the rich people will get more reward. They pray as we pray, and they fast as we fast, but they give in charity from their excess wealth.” He said, “Has not Allaah given you things with which you can give charity? Every tasbeehah (saying ‘Subhaan Allaah (Glory be to Allaah)’) is a charity. Every Takbeerah (saying ‘Allaahu Akbar (Allaah is Most Great)’) is a charity. Every Tahmeedah (saying ‘al-hamdu-Lillaah (praise be to Allaah)’ is a charity. Every Tahleelah (saying ‘Laa ilaaha ill-Allaah (there is no god but Allaah)’) is a charity. Enjoining what is good is a charity. Forbidding what is evil is a charity. Having intercourse (with one’s wife) is a charity.” They said, “O Messenger of Allaah, if one of us fulfills his desire, is there reward in that?” He said, “Do you not see that if he does it in a haraam way he will have the burden of sin? So if he does it in a halal way, he will have a reward for that.” (Narrated by Muslim, 1674)

    NB: it seems that your relationship is one that's very much anchored in 'feelings', also that probably both of you are quite unprepared for such an act, I'd advise going slowly but firmly about this, what should be an act that strengthens a couple's bond, and fulfill their needs should never turn into a stumbling block, you can do it , just stop procrastinating :/

    sorry if anything offends/comes off as wrong, bestest of luck.
    Last edited by alcurad; 07-15-2009 at 03:22 AM.
    Married Virgin

    ” إن الأمة التي تحسن صناعة الموت توهب لها الحياة”


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    Re: Married Virgin

    i am sorry to say this,but it seems the guy is unable to provide his wife with this.if he were not,then they would surely have done that by now...four years is a long time man.why not ask him straight away,if he is sexually capable or not?please consult a doctor or a therapist asap,dont wait any longer,its already too late.
    i apologize in advance if this sounds rude,i really didnt mean to hurt your feelings dear sister,forgive me please.but to me the naive idea of "talking openly to him,making the first move,and all these innocent solutions sound just ridiculous.its not that simple surely...and what strengthens my argument is that your husband asked you to forgive him,doesnt it give you the clue?
    be strong,its your right...its entirely up to you to accept him after that,this is no one else's business.but you should know the reality anyway.
    Allah barik feek!

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    Re: Married Virgin

    If ever you are asked of the meaning of true love sister, all you need reply is I have found it and my story is proof that it exists. May Allah bless you both with children and reward you both for your patience and gentle care of each other. If it acceptable for me to offer any advice then I would say relax, make it special and take control. If only all of us could experience such a beautifull relationship as yours the world would be in utter peace. May Allah bless your marriage, Ameen
    Married Virgin

    "O ye who belive! Endure, outdo all others in endurance, be ready, and observe your duty to Allah, in order that you may succeed"

  22. #37
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    Re: Married Virgin

    Selam aleykum
    To all those who post advice anonymous,
    Why do you feel the need to post anonymous, is it perhaps because you fear that people will dislike you based on what you said? Perhaps you should consider this urge to post advice anonymously as a sign that your advice isn't really that good, since you don't want the post to be associated with your name?

    The sister came here for advice with a difficult and complex situation, not to hear the anonymous judgement of some people who don't appear to grasp the difficulty of the situation.
    Last edited by Abdul Fattah; 07-15-2009 at 09:07 PM.
    Married Virgin

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    Re: Married Virgin

    format_quote Originally Posted by anonymous View Post
    if you know your husband and know that he isn't going to harm you in any way, then just go with the flow.
    Subhan Allah, is this serious advice?
    I think that if the prophet peace be upon him heard of such a situation he would tell the man to divorce the woman if he cannot fulfill the most important part of marriage.
    This is no joke. So to say "just go with the flow" needs much more thinking.

    (Now moderators, there is nothing wrong in what I just said, so please use common sense when choosing what to delete)

  24. #39
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    Re: Married Virgin

    Selam aleykum
    Alpha dude, I was mostly refreing to the posts under "anounymousgender", not the post of "anonymous LI oldschool"
    Married Virgin

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    Re: Married Virgin

    format_quote Originally Posted by Alpha Dude View Post
    What do you mean? What's wrong with what anon said? Go with the flow to me implies to "just let him do his thing" with her.
    What flow brother? 4 years nothing went on. They need to see a psychologist or counsellor and seek help.

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