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Someone enlighten me!!!

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    AnonymousPoster's Avatar Full Member
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    Someone enlighten me!!!

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    I have desperately been searching for an answer to this question and can’t find anything that makes it clear. Islam q&a. askimam, I’ve searched the lot but nothing gives me a straight answer, they just go into this long story instead of getting to the point.

    All I want to know is, when people say, ‘Dua can change qadar’ to what extent is that? I know some things can’t be changed, like the day we will die can’t change. But, things like who we’re supposed to marry? If we ever meant to get married or not? If you want a certain thing which your not supposed to get, but by making dua you get it? Even if it wasn’t written for you?

    How exactly does it work? I am extremely confused and frustrated at the moment. Please don’t post any links, if you know the answer, just post your thoughts. Thanks in advance.
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    Re: Someone enlighten me!!!

    Can you not ask a knowledgeable person about this? Perhaps a scholar or an Imam. Us laymen have no knowledge this deep.
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  4. #3
    mathematician's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Someone enlighten me!!!

    salamu 'alaykum,
    I will answer your question but please remember that you can search for it also in google. Lots of fatwas on it.
    Here is how it works. Before you are created Allah knows whether or not you will make du'a for example to get married. If Allah knows before He creates you that you will make du'a to get married then Allah will decree that you will be married in this world. Get it?
    Your statement "But, things like who we’re supposed to marry? If we ever meant to get married or not? If you want a certain thing which your not supposed to get, but by making dua you get it? Even if it wasn’t written for you?"

    Again before Allah creates you He will look at will this person make du'a for it or not. If you for example make du'a that Allah makes you rich then when Allah creates you He will decree that you become rich. So this way the "not supposed to get but get it through du'a" doesn't have much ground. Rather, if you are not supposed to have it then Allah will not answer your du'a and perhaps use it to reward you in the hereafter.

    Du'a and qadar work together. Du'a is part of qadar. Qadar is made based on du'a. If Allah wills that you be single all your life, but yet you still make du'a to get married then He will insha'Allah reward you for the du'a in the hereafter as it is worship. However, if He chose to answer your du'a then He will decree that you get married and that way the "not supposed to get" has no basis since the decree was that you will be married.

    I hope this helps.
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  5. #4
    Woodrow's Avatar Jewel of IB
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    Re: Someone enlighten me!!!

    This is very complex. I will just give my own opinion and keep in mind this is my opinion astagfirullah.

    To use an analogy qadr is like a DVD. Allaah(swt) alone has seen the entire DVD although the DVD does not yet exist and to us we are still in the process of making it.

    We do determine the outcome of our fate by our choices. Dua is a very large part of making our future. In that sense Dua can change qadr. Although Allaah(swt) already knows what we will do and to him it has already happened. It is still our choice as we are living the DVD.
    Someone enlighten me!!!

    Herman 1 - Someone enlighten me!!!

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    Beardo's Avatar Jewel of IB
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    Re: Someone enlighten me!!!

    Determinism: The way of cause and effect
    Free Will: The action we are able to commit from our own choices.
    Compatibilism Theory: Free will and Determinism correlate.
    Incompatibilism: If determinism is true, free will does not exist.

    Incompatibilism is FALSE.

    Our lives are deterministic, and we do have free will. Determinism and free will do not affect each other negatively. Our lives are pre-written, which is different from pre-determination. Some scholars say Dua changes fate, others say if anything were to change fate, it would be dua.

    As far as Islam is concerned, we do have free will. We have the able to choose whether we wish to believe or not, we are able to choose whatever we do in life. Being held on gun point is a different story, but what free will REALLY is, is the ability to believe in your heart.

    This is all from taking Philosophy this semester. :X
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    alcurad's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Someone enlighten me!!!

    you pray to focus on a goal, then you work to achieve it.

    as the prophet said to the man who once came in and told him: I've left my camel outside without tying it to anything, and I depend on Allah to keep it there, the prophet aid: Depend on Allah then tie your camel.
    Someone enlighten me!!!

    ” إن الأمة التي تحسن صناعة الموت توهب لها الحياة”

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  9. #7
    'Abd-al Latif's Avatar Super Moderator
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    Re: Someone enlighten me!!!

    I don't know if you want to watch a small video but I thought I'd link you to Salim Al Amri who very nicely explains Supplication (Dua) and Pre-Destination (Qadr)

    Part 1
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    Someone enlighten me!!!

    And verily for everything that a slave loses there is a substitute, but the one who loses Allah will never find anything to replace Him.”
    [Related by Ibn al-Qayyim in ad-Dâ' wad-Dawâ Fasl 49]

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  10. #8
    thetruth2009's Avatar
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    Re: Someone enlighten me!!!

    Assalam aleykoum,

    As you said Brother, the day you were borne and the day you will die you can not change it even with all the DUA.

    But during your life you have plans, project everything ....

    During your life you have to make decision, but Allah SWT give you choice :

    -To do bad things

    - or good things

    Allah SWT knows evrything before you do it, I give you an example :

    If you have three young brothers in a family, the father give them money :

    1) the fisrt young boy will by candy

    2) the second one a ball

    3) the last one will save money

    The father before he gave them money he knew what the are going to do with but he never force them .

    I give you another example:

    1) if you smoke 1 paquets of cigarettes and you get the cancer

    2) or you drive very fast

    In both situation if you die is it your fault or not ? did you have a choice by no smoking or not ?? did you have a choice by repecting speed limit.

    You right with Dua you can change things in your future by Asking allah SWT to give you a good, job a good wife but the last decision is taken by Allah SWT

    Sourate 76

    30. But ye will not, except as Allah wills; for Allah is full of Knowledge and Wisdom.

    But we are always asking allah to give us easy things to support because we are very weak, about life difficulties, illness .....

    One verse to finish :

    Sourate 17

    7-If ye did well, ye did well for yourselves; if ye did evil, (ye did it) against yourselves......

    I do not know if i replied to your question maybe somebody can give you better explanation.

    I ask god to forgive us and guide us insha'Allah, Amine.

    Assalam aleykoum.
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  11. #9
    AnonymousPoster's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Someone enlighten me!!!

    format_quote Originally Posted by mathematician View Post
    salamu 'alaykum,
    I will answer your question but please remember that you can search for it also in google. Lots of fatwas on it.
    Here is how it works. Before you are created Allah knows whether or not you will make du'a for example to get married. If Allah knows before He creates you that you will make du'a to get married then Allah will decree that you will be married in this world. Get it?
    Your statement "But, things like who we’re supposed to marry? If we ever meant to get married or not? If you want a certain thing which your not supposed to get, but by making dua you get it? Even if it wasn’t written for you?"

    Again before Allah creates you He will look at will this person make du'a for it or not. If you for example make du'a that Allah makes you rich then when Allah creates you He will decree that you become rich. So this way the "not supposed to get but get it through du'a" doesn't have much ground. Rather, if you are not supposed to have it then Allah will not answer your du'a and perhaps use it to reward you in the hereafter.

    Du'a and qadar work together. Du'a is part of qadar. Qadar is made based on du'a. If Allah wills that you be single all your life, but yet you still make du'a to get married then He will insha'Allah reward you for the du'a in the hereafter as it is worship. However, if He chose to answer your du'a then He will decree that you get married and that way the "not supposed to get" has no basis since the decree was that you will be married.

    I hope this helps.

    Is there any point in making dua then? What is the point if Allah has already written our fate? All this time I've been thinking dua can change qadar (literally) that whatever is written for us, Allah swt can change it, if we pray make dua do good deeds etc. I am so so disappointed. I'll be really honest, I have absoultely no hope in making dua now, i feel like crying. All my life has been bad and no matter what dua I made, nothing changed for the better, now I know why. I am so scared that this is what Allah swt has decreed for the rest of my life. Bad luck all the way through, and there is NOTHING absolutely nothing I can do to change that because He has Willed it.

    I have tears in my eyes, what is the point of all this if we just have to except that this is life and we cant do anything? Why can't we pray for things in this life, ok we may get rewarded in the hereafter for the duas we made, but in the mean time, what if we want peace and happiness in this life? What if we want a certain thing so badly but it is not decreed for us?? I can't except this, it is really hurtful (astghfirullah astaghfirullah)

    All our efforts, all our feelings for others, all that effort we put in to loving someone, to getting something we so badly want in life, it all comes to nothing, it doesn't even count for anything, it all comes to zero, to zilch. I feel so so let down.
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  13. #10
    qarasz's Avatar Limited Member
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    Re: Someone enlighten me!!!

    Assalamu allikum

    u should clear this doubt from cleric who can explain.

    i consider..man are like moon & sun both are created by Allah (swt)

    a] moon& sun Are created by Allah(swt)....they are performing their duty
    as it is predetermined, & the hav their fixed term, but

    b] for humanbeing ALlah(swt) has given wisdom & Emotion.& Quran
    so its guidence 4 human kind& we to are fixd with period unchangable.


    there is more to explain to give clear idea about qadar

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  14. #11
    Snowflake's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Someone enlighten me!!!

    format_quote Originally Posted by AnonymousGender View Post
    Is there any point in making dua then? What is the point if Allah has already written our fate? All this time I've been thinking dua can change qadar (literally) that whatever is written for us, Allah swt can change it, if we pray make dua do good deeds etc. I am so so disappointed. I'll be really honest, I have absoultely no hope in making dua now, i feel like crying. All my life has been bad and no matter what dua I made, nothing changed for the better, now I know why. I am so scared that this is what Allah swt has decreed for the rest of my life. Bad luck all the way through, and there is NOTHING absolutely nothing I can do to change that because He has Willed it.

    I have tears in my eyes, what is the point of all this if we just have to except that this is life and we cant do anything? Why can't we pray for things in this life, ok we may get rewarded in the hereafter for the duas we made, but in the mean time, what if we want peace and happiness in this life? What if we want a certain thing so badly but it is not decreed for us?? I can't except this, it is really hurtful (astghfirullah astaghfirullah)

    All our efforts, all our feelings for others, all that effort we put in to loving someone, to getting something we so badly want in life, it all comes to nothing, it doesn't even count for anything, it all comes to zero, to zilch. I feel so so let down.
    Ohhh! I think you misunderstood the previous posts sis/bro.

    InshaAllah these ahadith will help you believe in the power of duaa.

    “Verily your Lord is Generous and Shy. If His servant raises his hands to Him (in supplication) He becomes shy to return them empty (Ahmad, Abu Dawood, Tirmidhi)”

    Abu Hurairah narrates from the Prophet (saw), “In the court of Allah, there is no greater thing than Duaa” (Ibn Majah)

    There are benefits of making Dua including:-

    1. The loss of arrogance - For someone that makes constant Dua, arrogance is something that is not among their characteristics because when one beseeches Allah, he is affirming his own powerlessness.-

    2. The fulfillment of the Dua – Basically, you get what you wanted. For the people that sometimes see that their Duas are not being accepted, there is either the option that the Dua will be accepted later on in this life or in the Hereafter or the option that the Dua will accepted by other means as one Hadith said, Jabir narrates from the Prophet, “Whoever does duaa to Allah, Allah fulfills his seeking or in exchange averts misfortune until the duaa is not related to sin or breaking some relation.” (Tirmidhi)

    Abdullah bin Umar narrated that the Prophet said, “For whoever the door of Dua opened, for him the doors of mercy are opened...” (Tirmidhi)-

    The Prophet once said, “Dua is Ibadah” (Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah, and Abu Dawud). Since it is a type of worship, it is something that we must always do. This is even to the extent that the Prophet said, “Allah is extremely displeased with the person who doesn’t do duaa to Allah” (Tirmidhi).

    Have complete conviction that Allah will accept the Dua, because if you don’t, then there is a high chance it won’t be accepted. The Prophet said, “When anyone of you does Dua then don’t say “Oh Allah! Forgive me if you want“, “Have mercy on me if you want“, “Give me subsistence if you wish” rather believe completely that HE will do whatever HE wishes. Nobody can force Him.” (Bukhari)

    The best times to make Dua is when one is in Sujood, the times between Adhan and Iqamah, as well as at other times as indicated by the following Hadith in which the Prophet said, “Three types of people’s Duas are not rejected: 1) At the time of Iftar the person who has fasted 2) Adil ruler’s Dua

    The Dua of the oppressed. Allah raises the Dua of the oppressed on the clouds and the doors of heaven are opened for it and Allah says, “Oath of MY Majesty and Honor! I will help and aid you. Even though if the help is after few days.” (Tirmidhi) Another Hadith listed another three in which the Prophet said, Three Duas are such in which there is no doubt of their acceptance: 1) Father’s Dua 2) Traveler’s Dua 3) Dua of the oppressed”. (Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah)

    I will try and post more later inshaAllah.
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    AabiruSabeel's Avatar Administrator
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    Re: Someone enlighten me!!!

    Is there any point in making dua then? What is the point if Allah has already written our fate? All this time I've been thinking dua can change qadar (literally) that whatever is written for us, Allah swt can change it, if we pray make dua do good deeds etc. I am so so disappointed... ...
    Hope this will help you, inshaAllah

    In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
    Assalaamu `alaykum waRahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

    Fatwa #16425 specifically mentions that a nazr (vow) does not change taqdeer (pre-destiny). It is necessary to understand the difference between qadaa and qadar. Qadaa is Allah Ta'ala's foreknowledge of events prior to their occurrence, while qadar is His bringing into existence those events in accordance to His knowledge. (Al-Fiqh al-Akbar Explained, P. 109, White Thread Press)
    In the Quran, Allah Ta'ala says:
    وكان أمر الله مفعولا
    "And Allah's decree had to be enforced." (33:37)
    وكان أمر الله قدرا مقدورا
    "And Allah's command is pre-determined by destiny." (33:38)

    Imam Abu Hanifa (Rahmatullah Alayhi) explained qadaa and qadar in Al-Fiqh al-Akbar, his text on aqeedah (Islamic creed). He wrote:
    خلق الله تعالى الأشياء لا من شيء . و كان الله تعالى عالماً في الأزل بالأشياء قبل كونها ، و هو الذي قدر الأشياء و قضاها ، و لا يكون في الدنيا و لا في الآخرة شيء إلا بمشيئته و علمه و قضائه و قدره و كتبه في اللوح المحفوظ ، و لكن كتبه بالوصف لا بالحكم . و القضاء و القدر و المشيئة صفاته في الأزل بلا كيف
    "Allah Most High created all things from no thing. Allah Most High knew in pre-eternity all things prior to their being. It was He who apportioned all things and ordained them. There is in this world nothing, nor in the next, except through His will, knowledge, ordination, decree, and in accordance with His writing it in the Preserved Tablet. Yet His writing entails descriptions, not commands. Ordaining, decreeing, and willing are His attributes in pre-eternity without description."
    The abovementioned is sufficient proof that every single thing that happened, is happening, or will happen has been pre-destined by Allah Ta'ala.
    The following Hadith is referred to in your query:

    قال رسول الله -صلى الله عليه وسلم- لا يرد القضاء إلا الدعاء
    Rasulullah (SallAllahu Alayhi Wa Sallam) said, "Nothing can change the Divine Decree except dua." (Jami' Al-Tirmidhi, Vol. 2, P. 35, HM Saeed)
    In the footnotes of this Hadith, Maulana Ahmed Ali Saharanpuri states that dua can change taqdeer. However, this act of dua which can change taqdeer is also pre-destined in itself, so it will not change what has already been written on the Tablet. For simplicity in understanding, an example is as follows:
    When destiny was written, Allah Ta'ala already destined that at a certain time at such and such place, Zaid will make dua to Allah and his taqdeer will then be changed as a result of his dua.
    So yes, his taqdeer was changed as a result of his dua. However, the act as a whole was already pre-destined to happen.
    Finally, it is true that one should not ponder over the matter of qadar too much, as it is impossible for even the most intelligent of man to comprehend. Allah Ta'ala states in the Holy Quran:
    وما أوتيتم من العلم إلا قليلا
    "And of knowledge you have been given but little" (17:85)
    When Ali ibn Abi Talib (RadiyAllahu Anhu) was caliph, he was asked about a matter while he was standing on the pulpit, to which he responded, "I don't know." It was said to him, "How can you ascend this pulpit and say you do not know?" His reply was, "I ascended it according to my knowledge of things, had I ascended it according to my level of ignorance, I would have reached the heavens." This statement emphasizes that mankind can only reach a certain level of understanding, even at the most advanced level, and that true knowledge is to recognize the limit of one's knowledge, intellect, and understanding.
    Therefore, the matter of taqdeer is one which is impossible to comprehend. In fact, it should not be discussed excessively. Wahb ibn Munabbih (Rahmatullah Alayhi), who was amongst the Tabi'een, said, "I looked into the matter of qadar, and I was bewildered. I looked into it again, and I was still bewildered. I then concluded that the most knowledgeable of people regarding qadar are those who keep the farthest away from it, and the most ignorant of people regarding qadar are those who talk most about it." This is also supported by what Rasulullah (SallAllahu Alayhi Wa Sallam) said: "When destiny is discussed, restrain yourself from it." (Tabarani)
    قال رسول الله كتب الله مقادير الخلائق جمع مقدار وهو الشيء الذي يعرف به قدر الشيء وكميته كالمكيال والميزان وقد يستعمل بمعنى القدر نفسه وهو الكمية والكيفية قبل أن يخلق السموات والأرض ومعنى كتب الله أجرى الله القلم على اللوح المحفوظ بإيجاد ما بينهما من التعلق وأثبت فيه مقادير الخلق ما كان وما هو كائن إلى الأبد على وفق ما تعلقت به إرادته أزلا كإثبات الكاتب ما في ذهنه بقلمه على لوحه وقيل أمر الله القلم أن يثبت في اللوح ما سيوجد من الخلائق ذاتا وصفة وفعلا وخيرا وشرا على ما تعلقت به إرادته
    (Mirqat Al-Mafateeh, Vol. 1, P. 257, Rashidiyya)

    قال في شرح السنة الإيمان بالقدر فرض لازم وهو أن يعتقد أن الله تعالى خالق أعمال العباد خيرها وشرها وكتبها في اللوح المحفوظ قبل أن خلقهم والكل بقضائه وقدره وإرادته ومشيئته غير أنه يرضى الإيمان والطاعة ووعد عليهما الثواب ولا يرضى الكفر والمعصية وأوعد عليهما العقاب والقدر سر من أسرار الله تعالى لم يطلع عليه ملكا مقربا ولا نبيا مرسلا
    (Mirqat Al-Mafateeh, Vol. 1, P. 256, Rashidiyya)

    وقال أبو المظفر ابن السمعاني : سبيل معرفة هذا الباب التوقيف من الكتاب والسنة دون محض القياس والعقل ، فمن عدل عن التوقيف فيه ضل وتاه في بحار الحيرة ولم يبلغ شفاء العين ولا ما يطمئن به القلب ، لأن القدر سر من أسرار الله تعالى اختص العليم الخبير به وضرب دونه الأستار وحجبه عن عقول الخلق ومعارفهم لما علمه من الحكمة ، فلم يعلمه نبي مرسل ولا ملك مقرب
    (Fathul Bari, Vol. 11, P. 584, Dar al-Kutub Ilmiyya)

    (و كان أمر الله مفعولاً) : أى مقضياً ما قضاء كائن..........(و كان أمر الله قدراً مقدوراً) : أى كل شيء بقضاء و قدر
    (Tafseer al-Kabeer al-Mawsum, Vol. 25, P. 212-213, Dar al-Kutub Ilmiyya)
    (Fatawa Mahmudiyya, Vol. 1, P. 219-221, Faruqiyya)
    (Al-Fiqh al-Akbar Explained, P. 105-112, White Thread Press)
    And Allah knows best
    Ml. Asif Umar,
    Student Darul Iftaa

    Checked and Approved by:
    Mufti Ebrahim Desai
    Darul Iftaa, Madrassah In'aamiyyah
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  16. #13
    Snowflake's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Someone enlighten me!!!

    Anonymous: Is there any point in making dua then?
    Yes, Allah is displeased with him who does not make dua.

    What is the point if Allah has already written our fate?
    If I could see into the future and see you sky-diving, I will be able to record that you will sky-dive in 2010. *fast forward to 2010* You are now sky-diving. But I never told you to do it. It was your own choice. I simply saw it happen before it did. OK, so that's just an example obviously. But that is what is meant by 'our destiny has been written'. Allah is the All-Knowing, so He knew which choices you will make according to your own will, and hence it was all written down. If Allah 'made' people do things, then why would He punish them? So you see that doesn't make sense. It is obvious we have a choice in whether we choose the right action or the wrong one. And also, we make dua as part of Sural al Fatiha to Allah to keep us on the right path - meaning we need His help but we have to make the effort to be righteous muslims.

    All this time I've been thinking dua can change qadar (literally) that whatever is written for us, Allah swt can change it, if we pray make dua do good deeds etc.
    And you're right too! Do you know Moses suffered from a stammer and so He used to make dua to Allah so people may understand him? And Allah accepted Moses's dua.

    So he (Musa a.s.) prayed:

    “O my Lord! Open my chest for me and make my task easy for me, and loosen the defect of my tongue. Give me a helper from my family, Aaron my brother,[4] to add to my strength and share my task, so we may glorify you without cease.” (Quran 20:25-35)

    God, reassured him, saying:

    You are granted your request, O Moses.” (Quran 20:36)

    I am so so disappointed. I'll be really honest, I have absoultely no hope in making dua now, i feel like crying. All my life has been bad and no matter what dua I made, nothing changed for the better, now I know why.
    Don't be. Despair and disbelief in Allah's kindness and mercy is a sin. It is denying His names and attributes of which the meaning is Kind and Beneficient. All duaas are answered. Some are brought to fruition in the duniya, others in the here-after. Hence Allah does not turn His slaves away empty-handed.

    “Verily your Lord is Generous and Shy. If His servant raises his hands to Him (in supplication) He becomes shy to return them empty (Ahmad, Abu Dawood, Tirmidhi

    I am so scared that this is what Allah swt has decreed for the rest of my life. Bad luck all the way through, and there is NOTHING absolutely nothing I can do to change that because He has Willed it.
    Honestly, you have just misunderstood. You're life is what you make it. Allah has given you the will to do whatever you wish. Sometimes we mistakenly make the wrong choice and then blame destiny. It is always good to keep good company and consult pious people before making major decisions. Then you realise, it was all down to choices we made that we are where we are today. So the right changes will bring the right results.

    I have tears in my eyes, what is the point of all this if we just have to except that this is life and we cant do anything? Why can't we pray for things in this life, ok we may get rewarded in the hereafter for the duas we made, but in the mean time, what if we want peace and happiness in this life? What if we want a certain thing so badly but it is not decreed for us?? I can't except this, it is really hurtful (astghfirullah astaghfirullah)

    All our efforts, all our feelings for others, all that effort we put in to loving someone, to getting something we so badly want in life, it all comes to nothing, it doesn't even count for anything, it all comes to zero, to zilch. I feel so so let down.
    The Qur'an is a manual - a Book of Guidence, which Allah gave us to help us in our time on earth. The Sunnah is the way/tradition of the Prophet (saw). Allah tells us in the Quran that the Prophet (saw) never spoke from his own desire, hence everything the Prophet said/did was through inspiration from Allah. So ultimately, by following the Quran and Sunnah we are obeying Allah, the Eternal, The Sublime. We sometimes, knowing or unknowingly, neglect the things that contain blessings. We sin and displease Allah in many ways. Every action produces some affect. Allah and His rasul (saw) have shown us countless ways to earn His blessings and hence spiritual peace and contentment. But if we neglect those means, then we invite upon ourselves negativity and loss.

    I assure you, it is not hard to turn your life around. If you are thirsty, you have to raise the glass to mouth to drink. Your thirst won't be quenched because you want it to. Therefore you have to make the effort to achieve what you want. Success in both world's lies with pleasing Allah. The smallest of things can increase Allah's mercy and blessings on us.

    For instance, there are two people, both of whom know the benefits of salah and it's blessings. One person prays hurriedly, knowing full well he/she are rushing. They tell themselves they will take more time next time as their fave program is about to start. The second person takes his/her time and is aware their fave prog is about to start, but their love for Allah and desire to please Him, make him ignore his desire of the dunya. They focus on their recitation, posture and and mostly of the fact that they are standing before Allah. So they are striving to achieve kushu in prayer.

    Both people prayed, but who do you think will get better rewarded? So, intention is important in everything. That includes doing things for others. If we do it for show, then we won't achieve anything but false praise.

    All those blessings add up and naturally, the more of a good thing that comes our way, the more ease and pleasure it will bring for us. So do make dua. It's very important. Read as much islamic literature as you can and keep the company of knowlegable muslims. InshaAllah very soon you will find positive changes happening in your life.
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    Re: Someone enlighten me!!!

    format_quote Originally Posted by AnonymousGender View Post
    Is there any point in making dua then? What is the point if Allah has already written our fate? All this time I've been thinking dua can change qadar (literally) that whatever is written for us, Allah swt can change it, if we pray make dua do good deeds etc. I am so so disappointed. I'll be really honest, I have absoultely no hope in making dua now, i feel like crying. All my life has been bad and no matter what dua I made, nothing changed for the better, now I know why. I am so scared that this is what Allah swt has decreed for the rest of my life. Bad luck all the way through, and there is NOTHING absolutely nothing I can do to change that because He has Willed it.

    I have tears in my eyes, what is the point of all this if we just have to except that this is life and we cant do anything? Why can't we pray for things in this life, ok we may get rewarded in the hereafter for the duas we made, but in the mean time, what if we want peace and happiness in this life? What if we want a certain thing so badly but it is not decreed for us?? I
    can't except this, it is really hurtful (astghfirullah astaghfirullah)

    All our efforts, all our feelings for others, all that effort we put in to loving someone, to getting something we so badly want in life, it all comes to nothing, it doesn't even count for anything, it all comes to zero, to zilch. I feel so so let down.
    Astaghfirullah brother, I really feel bad for you because you don't seem to appreciate and understand how fortunate we are to have du'a as an option.
    The tears you are having are for a wrong reason.
    I don't see what you see brother because this is much simpler than you think.
    Picture this. Allah is there. He creates you and then He chooses what to decree based on what you will do in life. So in this sense you make your own destiny. If you want to have something so badly then if Allah thinks it's good for you He will decree that it happens in this world. However, if you are praying for something that Allah thinks it's bad for you, such as "oh Allah make so-and-so my wife/husband" then that's really a bad du'a you know.

    You have to trust Allah's judgement if you think He is the All-Wise. I think that might be the problem. You seem not to trust Allah's judgement as much as you should.
    What do you think now?
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    Re: Someone enlighten me!!!

    format_quote Originally Posted by Scents of Jannah View Post
    Yes, Allah is displeased with him who does not make dua.

    If I could see into the future and see you sky-diving, I will be able to record that you will sky-dive in 2010. *fast forward to 2010* You are now sky-diving. But I never told you to do it. It was your own choice. I simply saw it happen before it did. OK, so that's just an example obviously. But that is what is meant by 'our destiny has been written'. Allah is the All-Knowing, so He knew which choices you will make according to your own will, and hence it was all written down. If Allah 'made' people do things, then why would He punish them? So you see that doesn't make sense. It is obvious we have a choice in whether we choose the right action or the wrong one. And also, we make dua as part of Sural al Fatiha to Allah to keep us on the right path - meaning we need His help but we have to make the effort to be righteous muslims.

    And you're right too! Do you know Moses suffered from a stammer and so He used to make dua to Allah so people may understand him? And Allah accepted Moses's dua.

    So he (Musa a.s.) prayed:

    “O my Lord! Open my chest for me and make my task easy for me, and loosen the defect of my tongue. Give me a helper from my family, Aaron my brother,[4] to add to my strength and share my task, so we may glorify you without cease.” (Quran 20:25-35)

    God, reassured him, saying:

    You are granted your request, O Moses.” (Quran 20:36)

    Don't be. Despair and disbelief in Allah's kindness and mercy is a sin. It is denying His names and attributes of which the meaning is Kind and Beneficient. All duaas are answered. Some are brought to fruition in the duniya, others in the here-after. Hence Allah does not turn His slaves away empty-handed.

    “Verily your Lord is Generous and Shy. If His servant raises his hands to Him (in supplication) He becomes shy to return them empty (Ahmad, Abu Dawood, Tirmidhi

    Honestly, you have just misunderstood. You're life is what you make it. Allah has given you the will to do whatever you wish. Sometimes we mistakenly make the wrong choice and then blame destiny. It is always good to keep good company and consult pious people before making major decisions. Then you realise, it was all down to choices we made that we are where we are today. So the right changes will bring the right results.

    The Qur'an is a manual - a Book of Guidence, which Allah gave us to help us in our time on earth. The Sunnah is the way/tradition of the Prophet (saw). Allah tells us in the Quran that the Prophet (saw) never spoke from his own desire, hence everything the Prophet said/did was through inspiration from Allah. So ultimately, by following the Quran and Sunnah we are obeying Allah, the Eternal, The Sublime. We sometimes, knowing or unknowingly, neglect the things that contain blessings. We sin and displease Allah in many ways. Every action produces some affect. Allah and His rasul (saw) have shown us countless ways to earn His blessings and hence spiritual peace and contentment. But if we neglect those means, then we invite upon ourselves negativity and loss.

    I assure you, it is not hard to turn your life around. If you are thirsty, you have to raise the glass to mouth to drink. Your thirst won't be quenched because you want it to. Therefore you have to make the effort to achieve what you want. Success in both world's lies with pleasing Allah. The smallest of things can increase Allah's mercy and blessings on us.

    For instance, there are two people, both of whom know the benefits of salah and it's blessings. One person prays hurriedly, knowing full well he/she are rushing. They tell themselves they will take more time next time as their fave program is about to start. The second person takes his/her time and is aware their fave prog is about to start, but their love for Allah and desire to please Him, make him ignore his desire of the dunya. They focus on their recitation, posture and and mostly of the fact that they are standing before Allah. So they are striving to achieve kushu in prayer.

    Both people prayed, but who do you think will get better rewarded? So, intention is important in everything. That includes doing things for others. If we do it for show, then we won't achieve anything but false praise.

    All those blessings add up and naturally, the more of a good thing that comes our way, the more ease and pleasure it will bring for us. So do make dua. It's very important. Read as much islamic literature as you can and keep the company of knowlegable muslims. InshaAllah very soon you will find positive changes happening in your life.
    Sister, thank you so much for explaining all this in great detail. May Allah swt reward you for your efforts and to everyone who replied.

    I have a much better understanding of everything now.
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    Re: Someone enlighten me!!!

    format_quote Originally Posted by mathematician View Post
    Astaghfirullah brother, I really feel bad for you because you don't seem to appreciate and understand how fortunate we are to have du'a as an option.
    The tears you are having are for a wrong reason.
    I don't see what you see brother because this is much simpler than you think.
    Picture this. Allah is there. He creates you and then He chooses what to decree based on what you will do in life. So in this sense you make your own destiny. If you want to have something so badly then if Allah thinks it's good for you He will decree that it happens in this world. However, if you are praying for something that Allah thinks it's bad for you, such as "oh Allah make so-and-so my wife/husband" then that's really a bad du'a you know.

    You have to trust Allah's judgement if you think He is the All-Wise. I think that might be the problem. You seem not to trust Allah's judgement as much as you should.
    What do you think now?

    I am so ashamed of the way I've been thinking. I don't knwo what's happening, I know that the shaitan is taking advantage of me and attacking me and my thoughts. It's crazy.
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  21. #17
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    Re: Someone enlighten me!!!

    format_quote Originally Posted by AnonymousGender View Post
    I have desperately been searching for an answer to this question and can’t find anything that makes it clear. Islam q&a. askimam, I’ve searched the lot but nothing gives me a straight answer, they just go into this long story instead of getting to the point.

    All I want to know is, when people say, ‘Dua can change qadar’ to what extent is that? I know some things can’t be changed, like the day we will die can’t change. But, things like who we’re supposed to marry? If we ever meant to get married or not? If you want a certain thing which your not supposed to get, but by making dua you get it? Even if it wasn’t written for you?

    How exactly does it work? I am extremely confused and frustrated at the moment. Please don’t post any links, if you know the answer, just post your thoughts. Thanks in advance.
    try this:
    Someone enlighten me!!!

    ...desperate for husnul-khitaam...

    please make dua that Allah grants me a good end (to my life). please make dua that Allah guides me.

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    Re: Someone enlighten me!!!

    format_quote Originally Posted by AnonymousGender View Post
    Sister, thank you so much for explaining all this in great detail. May Allah swt reward you for your efforts and to everyone who replied.

    I have a much better understanding of everything now.
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    Re: Someone enlighten me!!!

    format_quote Originally Posted by AnonymousGender View Post
    ... I know some things can’t be changed,
    Leave the matters on Allah . Pray like this : O Allah , if this is good for my this life & hereafter , then grant it for me.

    Detailed dua :

    "O Allah! I seek goodness from Your Knowledge and with Your Power (and Might) I seek strength, and I ask from You Your Great Blessings, because You have the Power and I do not have the power. You Know everything and I do not know, and You have knowledge of the unseen. Oh Allah! If in Your Knowledge this action ------------------------------------------------ (which I intend to do) is better for my religion and faith, for my life and end [death], for here [in this world] and the hereafter then make it destined for me and make it easy for me and then add blessings [baraka'] in it, for me.

    O Allah! In Your Knowledge if this action is bad for me, bad for my religion and faith, for my life and end [death], for here [in this world] and the hereafter then turn it away from me and turn me away from it and whatever is better for me, ordain [destine] that for me and then make me satisfied with it."

    Last edited by Muslim Woman; 07-28-2009 at 09:10 AM.
    Someone enlighten me!!!

    Christ will never be proud to reject to be a slave to God .....holy Quran, chapter Women , 4: 172

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    Re: Someone enlighten me!!!

    9. Abandonment of obligatory deeds

    Just as doing good deeds is a reason for the acceptance of Du'a, similarly, abandoning good deeds is a reason for the rejection of Du'a.

    Hudaifah (radiAllahu anhu), narrated that the Prophet (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) said,
    'By Him, in whose hand is my soul, you should enjoin good and forbid evil or else it is likely that Allah will send a punishment upon you and then you will invoke Him and you will not be answered'

    So, for example, how could those who have constantly neglected and abandoned Fajr prayers in the Masjid expect that their Du'a will be answered?

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